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Awakened Meditation Centre

Address: 134 Sixth Street   Toronto Ontario M8V 3A5
Tradition: Mahayana, Korean Ganhwsoen (Koan Zen)
Affiliation: Korean Chogye Order
Phone: 647-342-3322
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Main Contact: Greg Samuelson  (Phone: 416-838-4305)
Teacher: Hwasun Yangil Sunim  
Spiritual Director: Hwasun Yangil Sunim  (Phone: 647-342-3322)
Notes and Events:

Zen Meditation instruction offered at Awakened Meditation Centre by Zen Master Hwasun Yangil is intended for both beginners and advanced students alike.

Participants are offered a rare opportunity to enrich their inner life and practice under the guidance of an experienced Zen Master.

Instruction is provided in sitting meditation posture, breathing techniques, walking meditation, and Ko-an meditation, to concentrate and awaken the mind.

According to Zen tradition, at a gathering of his disciples Shakyamuni Buddha probed the understanding of his followers about the ultimate goal of His teaching by holding a flower aloft before the assembly. Among the thousand assembled there, only Mahakasyapa is said to have understood the gesture and acknowledged it with a smile. Thereupon, the Enlightened One acknowledged the transmission of the right Dharma eye, the blissful mind of Nirvana and the ultimate reality to the Venerable Mahakasyapa.

The transmission is outside of the scriptures. It aims at the direct pointing at the mind for the perception of self-nature and attainment of enlightenment.

The Zen teaching traces its origin from this transmission. It remains a living tradition, passed on from master to disciple.

From the great traditions of Asia, Zen has found a new home in the hearts of many in North America and Europe.

Zen opens a whole world of possibilities for improving and appreciating ones day-to-day life through mindfulness and awareness of the moment.

Awakening Heart Sangha

Address:   Bartlett IL
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hahn
Affiliation: Community of Mindful Living
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Notes and Events:

Monday evening meditation and Dharma discussion.

Awakening Vajra International

Address: 3888 Balcom Road   San Jose 95148
Tradition: Vajrayana, Choden Lineage
Affiliation: Gelug
Phone: 414 704 6778
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Teacher: Geshe Kunsang  
Main Contact: Jeff Seipel  Email  
Spiritual Director: Geshe Gyalten Kungka  Email  
Notes and Events:

The main import of AVI is to preserve the integrity and propagate the Buddhadharma in the Tibetan Gelupa tradition. And to preserve the legacy of H.E. Choden Rinpoche. June 4-5 we will offer the Yamantaka Initiation. From June 6-12 there will b the complete teachings on the Six Yogas of Naropa.

Awakening Valley Sangha

Address: 936 E 450 N   Provo UT 84606
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hahn
Affiliation: Unified Buddhist Church
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Notes and Events:

We hold weekly mindfulness meditation meetings every Sunday from 1:30 to 3:00pm. All are welcome.

Awam Tibetan Buddhist Institute

Address: 3400 E Speedway Blvd Tucson AZ 85716   Tucson AZ 85716
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan Buddhism, Rime/Nyingma
Phone: 520-622-8460
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Teacher: Yogi Acharya Lama Gursam  
Main Contact: Jane Stanley  Email  (Phone: 520-622-8460)
Teacher: Khenpo Drimed Dawa  
Spiritual Director: Khenchen Paljea Dorjee Rinpoche  
Teacher: HE Jigme Lodro Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Awam Tibetan Buddhist Institute is a rime/Nyingma oriented center with weekly meditation sessions, online and local classes, Dharma teachings, and special events that coincide with the Tibetan Buddhist calendar. Please visit our website at for additional information. You may sign up for our monthly newsletter and other announcements.

Awareness Place Meditation Centre

Address: Blk 231 Bain Street, Bras Basah Complex #03-39 Singapore 180231  
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery
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Notes and Events:

Regular Programme:

  • Meditation Course with Bro. Richard Chia - Sat 5pm
  • Buddhism Course with Bro. Richard Chia - Sat 7pm
  • Hatha Yoga with Sister Prema Hsu - Wed 6pm

Bali Buddhist Community

Address: VIHARA BUDDHA DHARMA (Buddhayana) Jalan Sunset Road No. 88 Indonesia  Seminyak Legian Bali 80361
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: buddhayana
Phone: 62 361 7440419, 62 8123843221
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Notes and Events:

The Bali Buddhist Community (BBC) is an International  non-denominational Buddhist organization that is governed by the principles of peace, compassion, and tolerance. Our mission is to support those on a journey of awakening and realization of those principles in one’s life through the elements of practice, study and sangha.
We offer weekly morning and evening practice sessions and host occasional Buddhist events.

Arrange dharma talks by inviting or visiting Buddhist Masters, practitioners and scholars; provide Chaplaincy services for Buddhists.
It is our hope that any seeker may find and make a way within the BBC community, and it is our intention that our community benefit not only its members but also Bali other communities as all Indonesian Buddhist communities.

Ballymena Zen Group

Address: @ (St.Johns Ambulance) St John Hall 11a Corlea Gardens  Ballymena Northern Ireland & Channel Islands BT43 7AR
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen, Shunryu Suzuki Lineage
Affiliation: Black Mountain Zen Centre
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Main Contact: Liam Clarke  Email  (Phone: 028 25631701)
Secretary: Patricia O Neill  Email  
Spiritual Director: Ryushin Paul Haller Roshi  
Notes and Events:

A Soto Zen Meditation Group in Ballymena, Northern Ireland. The practice of zazen, or sitting meditation, is available to people of all faiths and backgrounds. "All who come are welcomed - Those who leave are not pursued".

We meet each Sunday in St John Hall, 11a Corlea Gardens, Ballymena and hold occasional longer events. Times may vary throughou the year so consult our blagspot for up to date details.

Bandar Utama Buddhist Society (BUBS) - Uttama Bodhi Vihara

Address: No. 3, Jalan BU 3/1, Bandar Utama, 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia.   Kuala Lumpur
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +603-77106010/ 77106013
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Spiritual Director: Ven Saranankara Mahathero.  
Notes and Events:

Regular Activities: Childrens Sunday Dhamma School; Sunday Puja and Dhamma Dicussion for Adults; Meditation Lessons; Fellowship and welfare activities.

Bangla-America Buddhist Fellowship (Sambodhi Vihara)

Address: 1346 Elm Avenue   Long Beach CA CA 90813
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: World Fellowship of Buddhists (WFB)
Phone: (562) 394-3739
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Main Contact: Ven. Dr. Lokananda C. Bhikkhu  
Teacher: Ven. Dr. Lokananda C. Bhikkhu  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Dr. Lokananda C. Bhikkhu  Email  (Phone: (562) 394-3739)
Notes and Events:


1) Bangla-America Buddhist Fellowship (Sambodhi Vihara)

2) BABF-Sambodhi Vihar

Bangladesh Bouddha Bhikkhu Mahasabha

Address: G.P.Box # 921 Pancharia Gandha Kuti Vihar, Patiya, Chittagong  Chittagong 4000
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 0088-01818-466343, 0088-01819-620522
Fax: 0088-031- 610098
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Main Contact: Ven. Bodhi Mitra Bhikkhu  Email  (Phone: 0088-01818-466343)
Teacher: H.H. Sanghanayaka (Chief Partiach) S. Dhammapal Mahathera  
Spiritual Director: H.H. Sanghanayaka (Chief Partiach) S. Dhammapal Mahathera  (Phone: 0088-01819-806507)
Notes and Events:

Bangladesh Bouddha Bhikkhu Mahasabha, the Supreme Buddhist Sangha Council of Bangladesh, an assembly of Mahasthabir Nikaya, established in 1753.

The main objects of the Organization :

  • A hospital for monks
  • A Bhikkhu Training Center
  • A Meditation Center
  • A Library and Museum
  • A Ti-pitaka Translation and  Publication Center
  • A fund for physically incapable and monks and novices
  • A printing press
  • Arrange Scholarships for training and higher education for monks.
  • Work to establish amity world over  discourage proliferation of nuclear weapons
  • A Buddhist monks welfare trust

Important Executives of Bangladesh Bouddha Bhikkhu Mahasabha
Chief Patriach of Bangladesh: H.H. Sanghanayaka, Sasanajyoti, Sangharatna, Mahasaddharmajyotikadhajja S. Dhamma Pal Mahathera, M. A.
President: Venerable Prof. Banasree Mahathera M. A.
Secretary General: Venerable Bodhi Mitra Bhikkhu  M.A.

Bao Lin Chan Monastery- Zen Centre of Melbourne

Address: 94A High Street   Glen Iris Vic 3146
Tradition: Mahayana, Chinese Chan (Zen)
Affiliation: Chung Tai Chan Monastery (Master Wei Chueh,Taiwan)
Phone: (61)-3-9813 8922
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Notes and Events:

Bao Lin Chan Monastery is the first branch of Chung Tai Chan Monastery established in the southern hemisphere. The monastery offers a number of free classes including meditation, Tai Chi and more.

Cnr High St. & Allison Ave.

Bao Minh Buddhist Centre (Chua Bao Minh)

Address: 321-323 Kingston Road   Clarinda Vic 3169
Tradition: Mahayana, Vietnamese
Affiliation: Bao Minh Buddhist Association Victoria Inc and Quang Duc monastery Melbourne
Phone: (03) 8555 0604
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Teacher: Abbot: Ven. Thich Vien Tinh  
Notes and Events:

Bao Minh Buddhist Centre (Chua Bao Minh) serves primarily serves the Vietnamese community but all are welcome to visit and participate in its practices of the Pureland Mahayana Vietnamese Buddhist tradition.

Spiritual/community events are pinned to the Vietnamese Buddhist ceremonial calender. We also run Vietnamese vegeterian cooking courses periodically. We raise money from such events for charitable works here and overseas including assistance to a school in Vietnam assisting the disabled and provide support to others experiencing life difficulties in our local community and elsewhere.

Regular program:

• Monday to Saturday, 7pm - 8.30pm: Recitation of sutras and sitting meditation. This includes training in meditation, from beginners to advanced level. 

• Sunday: 9 am - 1pm: Many activities, including sitting meditation, sutra recitation, Vietnamese Buddhist youth activities, Buddhist doctrines, teachings and discussion.

BAO- Buddhist Association of Oklahoma

Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Main Contact: Maurice Hoover  Email  
Notes and Events:

The mission of the Buddhist Association of Oklahoma is to support Buddhist teachings and community. We foster a network of friendship and support among individual Buddhist groups and Buddhists from all traditions. We promote communication among Buddhists and with the larger community. We assist members with the sponsoring of activities of interest and benefit to Buddhists within the state of Oklahoma and outlying areas.

Barre Center for Buddhist Studies

Address: 149 Lockwood Road, Barre, MA 01005   MA
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Insight Meditation Society (IMS)
Phone: 978-355-2347
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Contact: Mu Soeng  
Notes and Events:

The Barre Center for Buddhist Studies offers the integration of study and practice in exploring the many streams of teaching and expression that flow from the sources of early Buddhism.

Our onsite and online programs combine contemplative and relational elements supportive of personal transformation. As an inclusive community, we welcome all interested in Buddhist inquiry as a way of developing wisdom and compassion for the benefit of all beings.

Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Main Contact: Teo Kok Eng  
Teacher: Course instructor, Vajiro (Richard) Chia,  
Notes and Events:

Teaches Basic Buddhism Course, Pali Chanting, Meditation, Sutra Discussion and Abhidharma at Phor Kar See Temple every Sarturday and Sunday. This site has direct relation to the following courses conducted at Dharma Hall, Phor Kar See Temple from March to November every year by Vajiro Chia.

Basic Buddhism Course 9 am - 11am Every Sunday Sutra Discussion or Abhidharma 4 pm - 6 pm Every Saturday. Sri Lankaramaya Temple (Every Sunday 4 pm to 6 pm) 30C Saint Michael Road Dharma Hall, Library Phor Kar See Temple 88 Bright Hill Road. (Every Saturday 4 pm to 6 pm) (Every Sunday 9 am to 11am)

Bath Buddhist Group

Address: 7, Grove Street, Bath.  Bath Somerset SN15 5JA
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 01249 720566
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Notes and Events:

The Bath Buddhist Group began in 1977.  All are welcome.  All traditions are represented.

Meetings are each Thursday at 7.30pm at The Scout HQ, Grove Street, Bath (v.close to centre ... see web site for map). 

Those who choose to join the group may borrow books and recordings of teachings. 

The groups programme may beviewed at Each term includes at least one visit by a Theravadan bikkhu.

Bauddh Vidyalay

Address: Himorapark, Fatsar, Wadhwan, Dist-Surendranagar(Gujarat) India.   Wadhwan 363030
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +919924494540; +919904278189
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Main Contact: Chintan Bauddh  Email  (Phone: +919924494540)
Teacher: Varsha Bauddh  
Spiritual Director: Chintan Bauddh  Email  (Phone: 9924494540)
Notes and Events:

The Buddha Institute of development and research centre,  teaches meditation, develops Buddha society, Buddhist culture, Buddhism Study, Spread Scientific thought of Lord Buddha with education.

Bauddh Vidyalay

Address: Himorapark Fatsar Wadhwan   Surendranagar Gujarat 363030
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Gujarat Bauddh Sangh Parivar
Phone: 9924494540 / 9904278189
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Main Contact: Chintan Bauddh  Email  (Phone: 9924494540)
Teacher: Varsha Bauddh  
Mr.: Alok Bauddh  Email  (Phone: 9737123482)
Notes and Events:

The Buddha Institute of development and research center,  teaches meditation, develops Buddha society, Buddhist culture, Buddhism Study, Spread Scientific thought Lord Buddha of with education.

Bauddha Dharmankur Sabha (Bengal Buddhist Association)

Address: Nalanda Square 1, Buddhist Temple Street   Kolkata Bangla 700012
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: World Fellowship of Buddhists
Phone: 0091-33-22117138
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Main Contact: Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhipala  Email  (Phone: 9804938478)
Notes and Events:

Bauddha Dharmankur Sabha or the Bengal Buddhist Association is one of the pioneer organizations that has been keeping alive the Buddhist religious, spiritual and cultural tradition in the Indian sub-continent for more than a century. It owes its origin to Ven. Kripasaran Mahathero who became practically responsible for the regeneration of Buddhism in Indian sub-continent. Kripasaran Mahasthavir established the Bauddha Dharmankur Sabha on 5th October 1892. He was also the pioneer of launching Jagajjyoti in 1908 which is maintaining its glory till date as a bilingual journal of international repute. We celebrated the 125 years of a golden heritage with multiple events like international seminars, exhibitions, interactive sessions, religious discourses and cultural programmes. We have branches like the Bodhisattva Vihara in Lucknow, Gandhamadan Vihara in Darjeeling, Shillong Buddha Vihara in Shillong, Saptaparni Vihara in Rajgir and the Dharmachakra Vihara in Sarnath.

Bay Area Community of Mindful Living

Address: Unity of Bay City Spiritual Center 3736 State Street Road Bay City MI 48706   Bay City MI 48706
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Plum Village - Thich Nhat Hanh
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Main Contact: Brian McLuckie  Email  
Notes and Events:

A lay practice group in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh.

We meet every Wednesday evening. 6:00pm Tea. 7:00pm practice.

We meet at the Unity of Bay City Spiritual Center

 3736 State Street Road Bay City MI 48706

All are welcome. No previous experience or knowledge is necessary.

Beaumaris Buddhist Meditation Centre of Great Joy

Address: address given on appointment   Beaumaris Vic 3193
Tradition: Mahayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa
Phone: 03) 9589 1838
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BBMC Coordinator: Kerrin Hosking  Email  (Phone: (03) 9589 1838)
Teacher: Therese Bottomley  
Spiritual Director: Therese Bottomley  
Notes and Events:

The Beaumaris Buddhist Meditation Centre offers classes at all levels – from beginners, right through to advanced teachings.

Weekly introduction classes focus on fundamental basic Buddhist philosophy together with relevant meditation techniques based on the vast teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha.

Regular attendance to these weekly classes may then create opportunities to other classes that extend to more advanced practices. Some of these advanced practices include the highest yoga tantric class of Vajrayogini and Yamantaka. Following the Tibetan tradition, lively discussions and debates are encouraged – all in good humour !

The Centre is located in a south east suburb of Melbourne and the many enthusiastic and friendly students who attend help to create a unique and personal atmosphere. Please feel free to contact us with any enquiries.

BBMC is located in Melbourne’s Bayside suburbs, in Beaumaris. 

Access to the Centre is by appointment only.   

Beginner's Mind Zen Meditation Ctr.

Address: 590 S. Braddock Ave.   Pittsburgh PA 15221
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 412-527-7100
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Main Contact: Donald Drolet  Email  (Phone: 412-527-7100)
Notes and Events:

We are a Buddhist meditation group that offers a weekly meditation in the Ch'an Buddhist format. Our weekly service begins with a short set of Qigong, a period of sitting, a walking meditation, a 2nd period of sitting, a sutra chanting service and is then followed by a general discussion on Buddhism and meditation. All faiths are welcome. Thought the format is Buddhist in nature, we have many attendees of various other faiths that find benefit from the group meditation experience.

Beginners Mind Zen Center

Address: 9325 Lasaine Avenue   Northridge CA 91325
Tradition: Mahayana, Japanese Soto Zen
Affiliation: San Francisco Zen Center
Phone: (818) 349-7708
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Teacher: Jane Schneider  
Spiritual Director: Peter Schneider  Email  
Notes and Events:

On Saturday mornings, we offer meditation instruction from 9:30am - 10:30am (suggested donation $10).  If you are new to meditation, or to Zen practice, the meditation instruction sessions are a good place to start and a great opportunity to get individualized instruction.  And, after meditation instruction on Saturday morning, you are also welcome to stay for the regular Saturday practice: Saturday, 10:30am – 12pm (two 30-minute periods of meditation with a 10-minute period of walking meditation in between, followed by a short Zen Buddhist service; during the second period of meditation, we usually have a Dharma talk).  Afterward, many of us stay and enjoy a vegetarian lunch together.

Monday – Friday, 6:30am – 7:30am (40-minute meditation, followed by a short Buddhist service). Tuesday & Thursday, 7:30pm – 8:10pm (40-minute meditation). Friday, 7:30pm – 9:00pm (30-minute meditation, followed by a book/reading study group and discussion).

Beginners Mind Zen Center

Address: 9325 Lasaine Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 USA   suburb of Los Angeles 91325
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Soto Zen as transmitted by Sunryu Suzuki
Phone: 818-349-7708
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Ino: David  Email  (Phone: 818-349-7708)
Tenzo: Jon  Email  (Phone: 818-349-7708)
Main Contact: Jane and Peter Schneider  Email  (Phone: 818-349-7708)
Teacher: Yozen Peter Schneider/Myokaku Jane Schneider  
Spiritual Director: Myokaku Jane Schneider and Yozen Peter Schneider  Email  (Phone: 818-349-7708)
Notes and Events:

Our teachers, Peter and Jane, are direct disciples of Sunryu Suzuki, Roshi, and have studied in Japan for twenty-five years.Our zendo reflects that focus.

In addition to our meetings, members and guests communicate online via 

Beginners as well as masters are encouraged to attend. 

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