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Vipassana Hawaii

Address: North Kohala, Hawai‘i Island   Kapaau HI 96755
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 808 889-0567
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Teachers: Steven Smith, Michele McDonald-Smith  
Main Contact: Sophia V Schweitzer  Email  (Phone: 808 889-0567)
Teacher: Michele McDonald  
Notes and Events:

Hawai‘i Insight Meditation Center
Retreats in Hawai‘i, the mainland USA, Canada, and Southeast Asia. Land ownership opportunities and monastic community, Hawai‘i Island.
The teachings of classical Buddhism - Relevant to the issues of our day - Roots through the land in our stewardship.

Vipassana in Rosenheim

Address: Max-Josefs-Platz 22   Rosenheim Bayern 83022
Tradition: Theravada
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Main Contact: Gregor Joepgen  Email  (Phone: +49 (0)178 1706517 )

Vipassana International Academy (Dhammagiri)

Address: Dhamma Giri; P.O. Box 6 Igatpuri 422 403 District Nasik; Maharashtra; India. 
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, The tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin as taught by S.N. Goenka
Phone: [91] (025) 538-4076,4086,4302
Fax: [91] (025)538-4176
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Meditation System: As taught by S.N. Goenka. In a ten day retreat, meditators begin by undertaking the Five Precepts of moral conduct as the basis for their practice. They work to concentrate the mind by focusing on the natural breath at the nostril. Once sufficient concentration is established, they proceed to the technique of Vipassana proper: They explore their mental and physical nature by moving attention systematically throughout the body, dispassionately observing the physical sensations that occur. This ever-deepening introspection sets in motion a process by which past conditioning of the mind is eliminated layer by layer. The course concludes with the practice of Metta Bhavana, the mental sharing with others the benefits meditators have gained by their practice.

Intensive silent retreats are open to the general public. The usual course format is ten days. There is no charge for the teaching. Donations are accepted from participants only to cover room, board, and other operating expenses. Most courses are conducted by authorised assistant teachers.

Vipassana Meditation - Dhamma Padipa

Address: 13 Goldsmith Road   Claremont WA 6010
Tradition: Theravada, S. N. Goenka
Phone: (08) 9388 9151
E-mail: Please visit web site for web contact form
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Provides residential 10-day courses to the general public at the Vipassana meditation Centre located in West Brookton. Around six 10-day courses are held each year. During each day of the course, participants observe a basic moral code, refrain from talking with each other, and devote most of the day to practicing meditation. Daily instructions and discourses provide step-by-step guidance. With continued practise the mind calms down, develops concentration, and begins to observe the reality within - this is knowing oneself directly. All courses are funded by donation.

Vipassana Meditation Centre

Address: PO Box 103, Blackheath, NSW 2785   NSW
Tradition: Theravada, U Ba Kin, Vipassana
Affiliation: Northern Rivers Vipassana
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Contact: Centre Managers  
Teacher: S.N. Goenka  
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Northern Rivers Vipassana

Address: Lismore region  NSW
Tradition Affiliation: Vipassana Meditation Centre (Blackheath)
Phone: (02) 6685 6616 or (02) 6684 1843
Contact: The Manager  
Notes and Events:

Information service only

Vipassana Meditation Centre (Singapore)

Address: 251 Lavender Street. Singapore 338789  
Tradition: Theravada, Mahasi Sayadaw
Phone: 6445 3984
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Teacher:: Fridays:  
Teacher: Sayadaw U Pannananda, a disciple of Venerable Sayadaw U Pandita.  
Notes and Events:


7.30 pm - 8.00 pm Meditation Session 8.00 pm - 9.30 pm Dhamma Talk Saturdays: 7.30 pm - 8.00 pm Meditation Session 8.00 pm - 9.30 pm Dhamma Talk Sundays: 9.00 am - 11.00 am Puja and Dhamma Class

Meditators are welcome to the centre anytime to practise, either individually or in groups for retreats.

Transport: The nearest MRT (Boon Keng Station)

Vipassana Meditation Centre Singapore

Address: 469 macpherson road #03-03 s368186  
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 90119432
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Vipassana Singapore

Singapore 368186.

Tel: (+65) 9011 9432




Vipassana Meditation in Kenya

Address: P.O. Box 18583   Nairobi 00500
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Vipassana meditation taught by S.N.Goenka and his assistant teachers in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin
Affiliation: Vipassana Research Institute
Phone: [254](0)722-702 359
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Spiritual Director: S.N.Goenka  
Notes and Events:

The Kenya Vipassana Association is one of numerous centers and non-center sites worldwide offering courses in Vipassana Meditation, taught by S.N.Goenka and his assistant teachers in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin

The courses are held at the Adolph Kolping Centre which is located about 10 km away from the center of Nairobi City and around 40 minutes car-ride from the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.  The center is situated opposite the Nairobi National Park and Bomas of Kenya Cultural Center, in a serene and quiet environment.  It has 28 double rooms with self-contained bathrooms which can comfortably accommodate around a total of 50 students.   

Approximately three 10-day courses are offered in Kenya each year, along with 3-day courses and children and teenagers 1-day course.  The courses are conducted in English and Kiswahili.  Approximately 120  students from around East Africa complete our courses annually. 

There is now a growing community of Vipassana meditators living in Nairobi who have given invaluable Dhamma service to the running of courses as well as establishing outreach activities amongst local communities.  Future plans for the acquisition of land for the construction of a permanent center are underway which would make Kenya the second Dhamma center after Dhamma Pataka in South Africa.

For more information about our courses in Kenya, please visit our website at or email us at

Vipassana Meditation Tasmania (Dhamma Pabha)

Address: GPO Box 6   Hobart TAS 7001
Tradition: Theravada, Western
Phone: (03) 6266 4343 (03) 6228 6535 / 03) 6263 6785 or (03) 6261 1364
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Contact: Martin Rose  
Notes and Events:

Dhamma Pabha (which means "radiance" or "glow of Dhamma") is nestled in a forest in the slopes of Mt Dromedary, forty minutes by road from Hobart. The tall trees and the bushland setting are far from the noises of civilisation, trains or traffic, the only sounds being those of the native wildlife.

After twelve years of holding courses at hired campsites, the first course was held at Dhamma Pabha in December 1994 using temporary facilities. There is now a warm and comfortable meditation hall, kitchen and office. The next project will be to build more permanent accommodation for the students. Despite Tasmania\\\'s isolation and small population, a dedicated group of Vipassana students are building a peaceful sanctuary of Dhamma in the forest there.

Ten-day residential courses in vipassana meditation are held every month. All ten-day courses begin the evening of the first day and end early morning of the last day. Vipassana means to see things as they really are. In a ten-day course students learn to develop heightened awareness and concentration, which is then used to examine their own mental and physical nature. By this practice they gain insight and detachment to free themselves from such mental tensions as anger, greed and fear.

These courses are conducted by Assistant Teachers to S.N.Goenka of the Vipassana International Academy, India.

Course registration & information:
(03)6228-6535 or 6266-4343

Vipassana Moldova

Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: S.N. Goenka
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Notes and Events:

Vipassana meditators are welcome to join daily one-hour sittings in Chisinau everyday from 8:30pm. Preventive announcement required.

Write us on Facebook or email at

May all beings be happy

Vipassana Moldova

Address: Chisinau  
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Goneka Vipassana
Affiliation: S.N.Goenka
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Notes and Events:

Vipassana meditators are welcome to join daily one-hour sittings in Chisinau everyday from 8:30pm. Preventive announcement required. 

Write us on Facebook or email at

May all beings be happy

Vipassana Singapore

Address: Mailing Address: 469, MacPherson Road #03-03 Singapore 368186. Tel: (+65) 9011 9432 E-mail: Info: Web:  
Tradition: Theravada, S N Goenka Tradition
Phone: 65 90119432
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Notes and Events:

Vipassana Singapore

Offering courses in Vipassana Meditation as taught by the late S.N. Goenka in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin.

Introduction to Vipassana Meditation

Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are, is one of the most ancient techniques of meditation. The Buddha taught it in India more than 2500 years ago as a universal remedy for universal ills, an Art of Living. To those who are not familiar with Vipassana Meditation we recommend visiting the International Vipassana Website for an introduction. 

To apply for a course

To learn Vipassana Meditation one needs to develop ones own experience during a residential ten-day course.   Courses are held several times a year in Singapore.

To apply for a course and to understand the requirements, please read the Code of Discipline and find a convenient date in the Course Schedule.

Children and Teenagers Courses

Specially adapted courses give Children (aged 8-12) and Teenagers (aged 13-18) the opportunity to learn Anapana meditation (the first stage in Vipassana) during a one-day course.

Course Checklist

If you will be attending a course, please review the Course Checklist for items to bring with you, general instructions, information on how to get to the course.

Course Fees

There are no charges for the courses, not even to cover the cost of food and accommodation. Courses are run solely on the donation from old students. All the related expenses are fully met by donations from those who have completed a course experienced the benefits of Vipassana, and wish to give others the same opportunity. Neither the teachers nor the course helpers receive remuneration; they and those who organise the courses volunteer their time so that more people can experience the peace and harmony.

About the Course site

Courses are usually held at St Johns Island which is located approximately 6.5km south of Singapore. The course site is located on the north-western part of the island. Accommodation facilities are dormitories with shared common bathrooms and toilets.

Virginia Boudha Vihar

Address: 9108 Backlick Road   Ft. Belvoir, Fairfax VI VA 22060-1303
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Ajahn Cha
Phone: (703) 372-1995
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Main Contact: Paritosh Barua  (Phone: (703) 372-1995)
Spiritual Director: Ven. Gayanosri Bhikkhu  Email  (Phone: (703) 372-1995)
Teacher: Ven. Gayanosri Bhikkhu  
Notes and Events:

The Virginia  Boudha Vihar  newly established  by the group of Bengali Buddhist community  2009 . And  its our main aim is the prompting Buddhas teaching and practice meditation, or carry on our Bengali culture and heritage one to another generation.

The Virginia Boudha Vihar main object to establish Dhamma school and meditation.

ViriyaChan Monastery

Address: No.55, S. Valley, Shuei-lian Village, Shou-fong Township, Hua-lien County 97491, Taiwan (R.O.C.)  
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: (+886) 3860-1177, (+886) 3860-1197
Fax: (+886) 3860-1197
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Hui Men  
Notes and Events:

The center caters for zen meditation techniques with emphasis on the Hua Tou Chan method and Tibetan Great Perfection Meditation.

The Master - Ven. Hui Men has conducted numerous retreat in Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Canada, USA and New Zealand.


Address: Mowbray Villa 16 St Bedes Terrace Sunderland   Sunderland Tyne & Wear SR2 8HS
Tradition: Theravada, Burmese
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Main Contact: Venerable Dr Ashin Nandapala  Email  
Notes and Events:

Our aims: 

  1. To practise, propagate and perpetuate Buddhism and in particular Theravada Buddhism.
  2. To make provision for religious ceremonies for Buddhists.
  3. To provide facilities for training and education in regard to Buddhism.
  4. To provide opportunities and accommodation for fellowship and debate in regard to Buddhism.
  5. To establish or to secure the establishment of a centre for the above activities to be known as the Vivekarama Meditation Centre (hereinafter referred to as “V.M.C.”) and of such centre or centres for the above activities as may from time to time be practicable and desireable.

Why Sunderland? 

Sunderland does need a Buddhist Centre.

There has been no Buddhist monastery in Sunderland and the nearest one is approximately 30 miles away in Hexham. With great help from The Venerable Ashin Nandapala, Vivekarama Charity is established in Sunderland. It is going to be the first Buddhist Monastery founded in the city.

Wa Dok Tea & Sutras

Address: 1971 Bardstown Rd. #5  Louisville 40205
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Zen
Phone: 502-303-1549
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Main Contact: William C. Weaver  
Spiritual Director: William C. Weaver  Email  (Phone: 502-553-2376)
Notes and Events:

We make tea, and discuss sutras every Sunday at 3PM local time.  We only allow eight guests at a maximum, and prefer groups of five, so that everyone may have plenty of time to discuss their point of view.  All guests must call in advance for an available date and reservation.  The number to call for an appointment is 502-303-1549.  We are not always able to answer, so please leave a message.  The tea we serve is a medium grade Sencha.  If this does not suit your needs or wants, please bring your own beverage.  When you call, and we agree on a date, the sutra for discussion will be announced.  We select readings from the Diamond Sutra, The Flower Garland Sutra, The Lotus Sutra, The Blue Cliff Record, The Platform Sutra, and Wind in the Pines.  If you do not possess a reading, one will be e-mailed to you, so that any purchase will not be necessary.  We accept no gifts or donations.  We do appreciate a prepared mind on the assigned sutras, and do not offer personal counseling.  This is a place for exchanging ideas on spiritual matters, and not a place to gain social advice.

William C. Weaver

Waco Zen Meditation Group

Address:   Waco TX 76707
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen
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Main Contact: Jared Shaw  Email  
Notes and Events:

We are a group of lay zazen practitioners living in and around Waco.

Wada Ji Temple - Tao Sangha International

Address: Suite 302 2000 Northcliffe  Montreal Quebec H4A 3K5
Tradition: Mahayana, Pure Land
Phone: 514-447-3202
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All beings are invited to Nembutsu Samadhi chanting that we do on...

Mondays 6:30-7:30 pm

Tuesday 6-7 pm

Wednesdays 6-7 pm

Thursdays 6-7 pm

Fridays 7:30-8:30 AM 

Please see our website,, for an introduction to Nembutsu.

Namu Amida Butsu, and thank you!

Waikato Compassion Meditation Centre

Address: 436 D, Holland Road,   Eureka 3286
Tradition: Theravada, Sinhalese and English
Phone: +64 78592180
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Teacher: Bhante Metteyya/ Ven. Tenzin Chosang  
Spiritual Director: Bhante Metteyya Dunuvila  Email  (Phone: 021 2592747)
Notes and Events:

The Hamilton Buddhist Vihara or Waikato Compassion Buddhist Vihara established in 2001 with the guidance and patronage of most venerable Butavatte Saranankara Nayaka Thero. Malaysian Buddhists living in Malaysia sponsored the establishment. Sri Lankans and Malaysians living in Hamilton and New Zealand on whole supported the Buddhist Vihara.

Afterward the vihara is continuing with the patronage of Bhante Metteyya with the wider supports of Sri Lankan Buddhists living in Hamilton, bay of plenty and Auckland. It is also having help and supports of Venerable Tenzin Chosang with the local Kiwi community and various ethnicity. The vihara is holding the Theravada tradition. Venerable Tenzin Chosang who ordained as a Tibetan Buddhist monk, contribute a lot to the centre. The Buddhist vihara is open for all.

Wake Up Edinburgh

Address: Himalaya Centre, 20 South Clerk Street   Edinburgh Scotland EH8 9PR
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen
Affiliation: Wake Up International; Thich Nhat Hanh
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We are a group of young people, aged 16 - 40, who come together to practise the art of mindfulness in the midst of everyday life.

Mondays 6:30-8:30

Wake Up to Your Life Group of Columbus, Ohio

Address: Buddhist Center of Ohio 1005 King Ave   Columbus OH 43212
Tradition: Non-Sectarian,
Affiliation: Unfettered Mind
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Notes and Events:

"The Wake Up to Your Life" group of Columbus, Ohio is a nonsectarian group of Buddhist practitioners who come together to meditate and study the teachings of Ken McLeod, Stephen Batchelor, and other Western teachers.

Waken Temple

Address: 11657 Lower Azusa Road   El Monte CA 91732
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: +1 626 455 0077
Fax: +1 626 455 0556
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Teacher: Master Allen Hou  
Spiritual Director: Master Allen Hou  Email  (Phone: +1 626 455 0077)
Notes and Events:

Buddhism is the Dharma of Compassion, Wisdom and Enlightenment. May all sentients find their own Sunyata, the true Buddha-nature. Thus, understand the Dharmakaya exists within one\'s own Heart.

Seek the heart and one will find the Truth.

Waken Temple operates daily 9:00AM~4:00PM. Closes on Mondays.

Walking Tree Zen

Address: 146 School Street   Keene NH 03431
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen lineage of Taizan Maezumi Roshi (White Plum Asangha)
Affiliation: Zen
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Main Contact: Todd Watson  
Teacher: Todd Watson  
Notes and Events:

Walking Tree Zen offers Zen practice and training in the Soto tradition. We offer weekly public practice: sitting meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinhin), face-to-face student/teacher inquiry (Daisan), public discourses, weekend and weeklong retreats.

Wangapeka Retreat Centre

Address: RD 2 Wakefield, Nelson, NZ   Nelson
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Buddhist Charitable Trust
Affiliation: Wangapeka Educational Trust we are affiliated worldwide to groups and retreat centres established by Namgyal Rinpoché
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Contact: Michael Elliot  
Notes and Events:

Welcome to the Wangapeka Study and Retreat Centre, owned and operated by the Wangapeka Educational Trust. We are located in the foothills of the Southern Alps overlooking the Wangapeka River, about an hour and a half drive SW of Nelson, New Zealand.

Wangapeka is a place to study and deepen the process of Buddhadharma, the teaching of Compassion and Awareness.

Our Centre is available for individual healing and meditation retreats. Group activities cover topics such as Meditation, Healing, Therapy, Art and Craft work and various types of Body work. Courses range from weekends to courses three months in length.

Warrnambool Buddhist Meditation Goup

Address: c/- Mrs Elaine Leong 2 Sapphire Court, Warrnambool Vic 3280   Vic
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: (03) 5561 1823
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Notes and Events:

We meet on Tuesday evenings
7pm- 9.30
Our Study group is based on Tibetan Buddhist practices in the tradition of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

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