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There were 18 results matching your query.

Associação Internacional Buddhas Light de Lisboa

Address: Rua Centieira, nº35 Lisboa 1800-056 Portugal  
Tradition: Mahayana, Chan and Pure Land
Affiliation: Fo Guan Shan
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Master Hsin Yun  
Contact: Elisa Chuang  

Budismo Theravada da Floresta - Comunidade Religioosa

Address: Quinta do Pinhal EN116-Cabeca Alta Pinhal de Frades 2655-420 Ericeira Portugal  
Tradition: Theravada, Thai Forest Tradition
Phone: +351 261863787
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Main Contact: Head monk  Email  (Phone: +351 261863787)

Centro Budista Deuachen – Meditação e Budismo Kadampa

Address: Rua do Crucifixo 86, 2ºDto  Lisbon 1100-184
Tradition: Vajrayana, Kadampa Buddhism
Affiliation: New Kadampa Tradition – International Kadampa Buddhist Union, NKT-IKBU
Phone: +351 213423286
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Spiritual Director: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
Teacher: Kelsang Drímê  

Centro de Estudos Tibetanos Pende Ling

Address: Rua Fernando Assis Pacheco, 120  São João do Estoril 2765-316
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma School: Longchen Nyingthik & Chokling Tersar
Affiliation: Budismo Tibetano
Phone: +(351) 912139353
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Centro Tibetano

Address: R. Antero de Quental, 117 c/v 8000 Faro, Portugal  
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan Buddhist
Phone: 289 82 78 22
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Delegação UBP do Funchal - Madeira

Address: R. das Mercês 26, Sala G 9000-244 Funchal, Portugal  
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: União Budista Portuguesa
Phone: 964352338 ou 968158500
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Delegação UBP do Porto

Address: R. Anibal Cunha, 39-2 sala 3 4050-048 Porto, Portugal  
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: União Budista Portuguesa
Phone: 917 088 371
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Dharma Ling de Lisboa

Address: R. João Deus Ramos, nº3 r/c dto 1700-246 Lisboa, Portugal  
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Karma Kagyu
Phone: 21 84 92 292
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Dojo Zen de Lisboa

Address: Rua Luciano Cordeiro 49 Cv 1150 – 212 Lisboa, Portugal  
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Affiliation: AZI - Association Zen Internationale, France
Phone: 214 377 545, 218 141 312, 913 682 700
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Founder: Master Taisen Deshimaru  

Núcleo de Estudo do Dharma de Angra do Heroísmo

Address: Portugal 
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 967 309 321 ou 918303163
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Ogyen Kunzang Choling (Nymapa)

Address: 1250 - 198 Lisboa, Portugal Algarve ;Malhão 8100 - 535 Loulé  
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Nyingmapa
Phone: 289 46 20 67
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Vipassana Meditation Group

Address: Estrada da Baia; Maria Vinagre 8670-412 Rogil, Portugal  
Tradition: Theravada, Vipassana meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka
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Contact: Eric and Xana Balans  

Alentejozen - Monte avo Maria

Address: Rua da Igreja 1A -G, antigo Bairro Oper   Terrugem 7350-491
Tradition: Soto Zen
Phone: 924161106
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Main Contact: Silvia Oliveira  Email  (Phone: 924161106)
Notes and Events:

At Monte da Avó Maria you can participate in a spiritual and very deap experience that helps you to find your inner peace. These meditation sessions at Monte da Avó Maria are open to everyone. This experience allows participants to experience a practice that has been transmitted through the centuries which affects all aspects of daily life. A place that facilitates and enables the experience of transformation and living with contioussness fully in the present. The Alentejo allows you to live slowly. Authenticity, peace and creativity await you.

 The sessions and retreats at Monte da Avó Maria are held by Silvia Oliveira, which is an experienced person who is “Bodhisattva” following Sōtō Zen meditation and rituals from the French Ryumon Ji monastery founded in 1999 by Zen master Olivier Reigen Wang-Genh.

Kids are also welcome at this place. Specific sessions for them will be organized.

Centro de Retiros Karuna

Address: Apartado 1, 8550 Monchique - Algarve, Portugal Organização de ensinamentos, seminários e retiros.  
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +351969301486
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Founder: Balkrishna Maganlal  
Teacher: Balkrishna Maganlal  
Notes and Events:

Karuna Retreat Center was inspired by the teachings of HH Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, HH Dudjom Rinpoche, Kangyur Rinpoche and Tulku Pema Wangyal Rinpoche and conceived by Dr. Balkrishna Maganlal after he completed a 3 years meditation retreat

Following a visit to Portugal in the early 90s, Tulku Pema Wangyal Rinpoche suggested the creation of a retreat/mediation center in Monchique,   Construction work started in 1992 and by 1997 many renowned teachers started coming to Karuna. Karuna was built thanks to the generosity, love, effort and hard work of many friends from different backgrounds and nationalities.

Throughout the years, and for the benefit of all sentient beings, many teachers have visited and shared their wisdom at this place. Amongst those  teachers we'd like to mention: Tulku Pema Wangyal Rinpoche, Trulshik Rinpoche, Jigme Kyentse Rinpoche, Norbu Rinpoche, Mingyur Rinpoche, Swami Ajay, amongst others.

Karuna hosts, on a regular basis, meditation, yoga and other retreats.

Centro de Retiros Thubten Phuntsog Gephel Ling

Address: Estrada Nacional 253 (km. 45.8), Herdade Corte Pereiro, Santa Susana Centro de Retiros   Santa Susana 7580
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma School: Longchen Nyingthik & Chokling Tersar
Phone: 265102162
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Spiritual Director: Lama Gyurme  Email  
Notes and Events:

Secret Mantra, Sang Ngak in Tibetan or Guhya Mantra in Sanskrit, is a synonym of Vajrayana or Tantric Teachings.

And the Community, or Sangha, refers to the set of practitioners of the Secret Mantra, or Mantrikas, also known in Tibetan as Ngakpas, those who use the mantra and belong to the non-monastic Lineage tradition of Tantric Buddhism.

These Teachings and approach to practice are particularly significant for people looking to integrateVajrayana Buddhism with a "normal" family life in the modern world.

The Ngakpa Tradition although not very known in the West has within it some of the greatest and well-known Masters of Tibetan Buddhism including Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Kyabje Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche and His Holiness Orgyen Kusum Lingpa.

Thus, the Guhya Mantrika Community is an international community of Tibetan Buddhist practitioners of the Old Nyingma and Kagyu Schools, founded by Lama Urgyen Chökyi Dorje andLama Gyurme. 

Our centers, retreat places and groups or study centers and practice aim to preserve and disseminate the ancient traditions of the Lineage of Practice of Dzogchen, Mahamudra and Chöd; offering a rare opportunity to access a deeper education focused on the Tibetan Buddhist Yogic Tradition.

Comunidade Guhya Mantrika

Address: Estrada Nacional 253, Centro de Retiros, Santa Susana, Alcácer do Sal   Santa Susana 7580-706
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyigma - Dzogchen Longchen Nyingthig
Affiliation: Ngedon Shedrup Phuntsog Ling Monastery -
Phone: +351 265 102 162 / +351 912 139 353
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Notes and Events:

Guhya Mantrika Community: The Community of Practitioners of the Secret Mantra

Guhya Mantrika Community: A Comunidade de Praticantes do Mantra Secreto

Who we are or what is the Guhya Mantrika Community?

Quem somos ou o que é a Comunidade Guhya Mantrika?

Secret Mantra, Sang Ngak in Tibetan or Guhya Mantra in Sanskrit, is a synonym of Vajrayana or Tantric Teachings.

Mantra Secreto, em Tibetano Sang Ngak ou em Sânscrito Guhya Mantra, é um sinónimo de Vajrayana ou Ensinamentos Tântricos.

And the Community, or Sangha, refers to the set of practitioners of the Secret Mantra, or Mantrikas, also known in Tibetan as Ngakpas, those who use the mantra and belong to the non-monastic Lineage tradition of Tantric Buddhism.

E a Comunidade, ou Sangha, reporta-se ao conjunto de praticantes do Mantra Secreto, ou Mantrikas, também conhecidos em tibetano como Ngakpas, aqueles que usam o mantra, os quais são os praticantes da Linhagem não monástica da Tradição Tântrica Budista.

These Teachings and approach to practice are particularly significant for people looking to integrate Vajrayana Buddhism with a "normal" family life in the modern world.

Estes Ensinamentos e abordagem à prática são particularmente significativos para pessoas que procuram integrar o Budismo Vajrayana com uma vida familiar "normal" no mundo moderno.

The Ngakpa Tradition although not very known in the West has within it some of the greatest and well-known Masters of Tibetan Buddhism including Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Kyabje Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche and His Holiness Orgyen Kusum Lingpa.

A Tradição Ngakpa apesar de não ser muito conhecida no Ocidente tem no seu seio alguns dos Mestres maiores do Budismo Tibetano e conhecidos, incluindo Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Kyabje Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche e Sua Santidade Orgyen Kusum Lingpa.

Thus, the Guhya Mantrika Community is an international community of Tibetan Buddhist practitioners of the Old Nyingma and Kagyu Schools, founded by Lama Urgyen Chökyi Dorje and Lama Gyurme.

Assim, a Guhya Mantrika Community é uma comunidade internacional de praticantes do Budismo Tibetano das Antigas Escolas Nyingma e Kagyu, fundada pelo Lama Urgyen Chökyi Dorje e o Lama Gyurme.

Meditação Zen da Secção Experimental de Yoga da Associação Académica de Coimbra

Address: Secção Experimental de Yoga Associação Académica de Coimbra Rua Padre António Vieira   Coimbra 3000-315
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Phone: +351239410400
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Notes and Events:

Activities: Practice of Zen Meditation / Atividades: Prática de Meditação Zen
Tuesdays: 20:15-20:40 / 3as-feiras: 20:15-20:40
Note: Please confirm the schedules and activities at the webpage or contact us by e-mail. / Nota: Por favor confirme os horários e atividades na nossa página web ou contacte-nos por e-mail.

Comments: Unaffiliated Zen practice. / Comentários: Prática Zen não afiliada.

Zazenkai de Coimbra

Address: C. C. Avenida Rua Antero de Quental 265, sala 901   Coimbra 3004-544
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto and Rinzai Zen
Affiliation: Wild Flower Zen Sangha
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Spiritual Director: Amy Hollowell Sensei  Email  
Notes and Events:

Activities: Practice of Zen Meditation / Atividade: Prática de Meditação Zen
Thursdays: 19:30-20:30 / 5as-feiras: 19:30-20:30
Note: Please confirm the schedules and activities at the webpage and contact us by e-mail. / Nota: Por favor confine o horário e as atividades na página web e contacts-nos por e-mail.