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D.I. Yogyakarta


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Kabupaten Kendari

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Kabupaten Rangkas Bitung

Kabupaten Rembang

Kabupaten Salatiga

Kabupaten Semarang

Kabupaten Sorong.d

Kabupaten Sukabumi

Kabupaten Tabanan

Kabupaten Tanah Laut.

Kabupaten Tangerang

Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

Kabupaten Tegal

Kabupaten Temanggung

Kabupaten Wonogiri

Kabupaten Wonosobo

Kota Administratif Tarakan

Kota Administratip Singkawang

Kotamadya Ambon

Kotamadya Balikpapan

Kotamadya Banjarmasin

Kotamadya Jakarta Barat

Kotamadya Jakarta Pusat

Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan

Kotamadya Jakarta Timur

Kotamadya Jakarta Utara

Kotamadya Manado

Kotamadya Palu

Kotamadya Pontianak

Kotamadya Samarinda

Kotamadya Sambas


Nusa Tenggara Barat



Sulawesi Selatan

Sumatra Barat

Sumatra Selatan

Sumatra Utara


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In The Footsteps Of The Buddha

Address: Triwood Community Centre, 2244 Chicoutimi Dr. NW  Calgary Alberta
Tradition: Theravada, Vipassana: All welcome
Phone: 282-2677
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Main Contact: Triwood office staff  
Teacher: Nayda  
Notes and Events:

Contact Triwood's office staff (they will pass on any
queries to Nayda, the group's facilitator).  Call for times and room location.

This group is starting Tuesday March 21st, 2006, and will be held the 1st and 3rd Tuesday evenings of each month. 

We are planning a half-hour of meditation, and about an hour of study/discussion, with the emphasis on applying the Buddha's teachings to our everyday lives.   No meditation experience necessary.   Everyone welcome!

Indian Buddhist Literary Organisation

Address: nalanda, kharvikeri road, kundapura 576201, india   Kundapura 576201
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +918254232380
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Main Contact: muniyal ganesh  Email  (Phone: 09448869963)
Notes and Events:

We are engaged in publishing and distributing Buddhist literature in Kannada and other Indian languages as well as in English.

Indian Native Buddhism

Address: Aduvassery (aluva),Eranakulam Distict,Kerala   Aluva Kerala 683578
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +91-9745648994
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general secretary: rajeev adimali  (Phone: +91-9745648994)
Main Contact: kishor  Email  (Phone: +91-8714535990)
Notes and Events:

Indian Native Budhism is still unknown to the world. There are obvious reasons for it. Why Bagavan Buddha became a Buddha? Are there true facts about the family of Buddha, its Class and culture, and the descendants of Buddha still existing in India? If so, who are they? How can it be proved? Exposing all these facts, Native Buddhism aims at propagating Buddhism for creating an intellectual world that is based in Buddhist ideals and principles. Indian Native Buddhism Trust or INBT is a legal organization that was established on December 20, 2011 registered under the Indian Trust Act section 20 with the no 272-4/2011 at Paravur in the state of Kerala, India near Musris town that is home to world famous Bhodhi Dhamma known to be the God Of Kung fu and also home to Buddhist Kings Cheraman Perumal, Iyyathy Perumal, and Palli bhana Perumal.

It was formed with the fruitful hardworking of scores of Buddhist Historians who have been doing research in Budhism in India and outside of India for the past 15 years.

Indiana Buddhist Center

Address: 9260 E 10th Street   Indianapolis IN 46229
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: Drepung Gomang Monastery, Mungood, India
Phone: (317) 225-5499
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Translator: Tenzin Namgyal  
Spiritual Director: Geshe Jinpa Sonam  
Notes and Events:

We are a Buddhist Dharma Center offering interested people accurate information on the philosophy and religion of Buddhism. We provide Buddhist services with a particular concentration in Tibetan Buddhism in the lineage of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. We facilitate a meeting place for meditation, prayer, retreats, and religious services for Indiana Buddhists and those sympathetic to Buddhist Dharma. We work to provide weekly instruction on Buddhism from a qualified teacher. In accordance with the wishes of His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama for Western Dharma Centers, we promote interfaith harmony, cooperation and understanding. We encourage our Dharma community practice inner peace according to Buddhist philosophy.

Indiana Buddhist Temple

Address: 7528 Thompson Road, Hoagland, Indiana 46745   Fort Wayne IN 46745
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Sinhalese Buddhist (Sri Lanka)
Phone: (260) 447 5269
Fax: (260) 447 5269
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Main Contact: Ven. Thalangama Devananda Thero,  Email  (Phone: 260-447-5269)
Notes and Events:

The temple conducts free weekly meditation class every Monday at 6:30 pm. The monks could assist Meditation any other day with prior appointment. You may kindly contact temple at 260-447-5269. Everyone is welcome.

Indiana Buddhist Temple is located in Hoagland - a suburb of Fort Wayne Indiana. Take Exit 13 from I-469 onto Marion Center Road and make a left onto Thompson Road. Drive about a mile and you will see the Temple onto your right.

Indonesia Satipattana Meditation Center (City center)

Address: Jalan Nusa Raya, block AA n°1, Citra 1 ext. Jakarta Barat.   Jakarta Jakarta
Tradition: Theravada, Mahasi Sayadaw, Myanmar
Phone: +62 87720021577 - +62 87720021755
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Main Contact: Sayalay Pannacari  Email  (Phone: +62 816706756)
Notes and Events:

ISMC City Center is in Jakarta at about 20 minutes. driving from the International Airport.

Daily meditation session as well as short term retreats are held every week.

For more than 5 days retreat yogis are invited to go to the Forest Center in Bacom.

See our web sites for programs and detailed info.

Indonesia Satipattana Meditation Center (Forest)

Address: Kampung Bacom, Dusun Barulimus, Kelurahan Cikancana, Kecamatan Sukaresmi,Rt 02-RW 10. Kabupaten Dati 2cianjur.   Bacom Jawa Barat 43254
Tradition: Theravada, Mahasi Sayadaw, Myanmar
Phone: +62 87720021577 - +62 87720021755
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Main Contact: Sayalay Pannacari  Email  (Phone: +62 816706756)
Notes and Events:

ISMC is about 100 Km from the capital city Jakarta.

Retreats are given all year long conducted by teacher monks

English speaking from Mahasi tradition, mainly of Burmese nationality.

Translation in Bahasa Indonesia and Chinese

mandarin available;

See our web site for programs and detailed info.

All nationality yogis, beginner and experienced are welcome.

Indonesian Buddhist Club

Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Notes and Events:

A most informative Indonesian Buddhist Web site. It contains Buddhist teachings, news, information and a directory of Buddhist Viharas or Temples.

Indonesian Buddhist Society of NSW - Cetiya Dhammadasa

Address: 37/112-122A McEvoy Street Alexandria NSW 2015   NSW
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 0413 373 440 (Faith) 0421 356 598 (Andy) 0410 888 292
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Notes and Events:

The Indonesian Buddhist Society of NSW Inc. (IBS) is a group of lay Buddhist practitioners who are committed to putting the Dhamma into the daily activities order to be of benefit to oneself and to all.
Established in 1999, the Association runs regular Sunday mornings of service at Cetiya Dhammadasa in Alexandria, as well as kids Sunday school and Buddhist special services.

We welcome all who wish to find out more about a Buddhist way of life or who seek a community within which to practice the Dhamma. Cetiya Dhammadasa is the name of our temple as the meeting place.
We are well-known for providing quality speakers – monks and lay practioners – to give advice and teachings on Buddhist practice and meditation through insightful Dhamma Talks.

IBS aims to teach and practice Buddhist teachings and meditation and also to foster friendship and goodwill among Buddhists residents in New South Wales.

Our aims:

  1. To engage in and encourage education activities that will increase public awareness of Buddhism according to the Pali Texts.
  2. To provide facilities for the teaching and practice of Buddhism according to the Pali Texts.
  3. To provide support for Buddhist monks and nuns.
  4. To provide social welfare services to members of the association and to other people in need.

Infinite Smile Sangha

Address: 584 Glenside Drive  Lafayette CA 94549
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen-inspired
Phone: 415 871 1622
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Contact: Judy Garvens  
Spiritual Director & Teacher: Michael McAlister  
Spiritual Director: Michael McAlister  Email  
Notes and Events:

The Infinite Smile Sangha works to integrate a relevant approach to spirituality for 21st century living.  Michael McAlisters Zen-inspired work is currently reaching a global audience by applying teachings of wisdom, compassion, and laughter to this very life.

Infinite Wisdom International

Address: 79-81 Eley Road, Blackburn South Vic 3130   Vic
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: (03) 9808 5584
Fax: 03) 9808 5584
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Main Contact: Amy Ng  
Teacher: Reverend Mother Mahaviro  
Notes and Events:

Notes and Events:

Regular program of Meditation and Dharma session:

• Sundays, Chanting, meditation and discussion, from 7pm;
• Tuesdays, Chanting, Dharma sessions, 8pm;
• Thursdays, Beginners class

We disseminate the Teachings of the Buddha. We counsel, support and inform those wishing to learn about Buddhism. We publish a newsletter containing articles and stories about Buddhism,, and we attend multifaith meetings and make connections with other religious faiths. 

Inner Peace Buddhist Centers

Address: 707 West 47th Street   Kansas City 64112
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 816-994-8015
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Main Contact: Ronn Pawo McLane  Email  (Phone: 816-994-8015)
Spiritual Director: Nima Janet Taylor  Email  (Phone: 816-994-8015)
Notes and Events:

Bodhisattva Buddhism as practiced by Inner Peace Buddhist Center (IPBC), is based on the teachings of the Buddha who lived approximately 2500 years ago. Our primary goal is to awaken to the present moment and to serve others. We aspire to live by asking the question, “What will create the most good and ease the most suffering?”  We practice meditation and compassionate awareness to become more fully present and to see ourselves and the world around us more clearly.  Our meditation practice includes concentration, natural awareness, and positive imagery and can be practiced while sitting (no special posture required), standing, eating, walking or even sleeping. We also focus on Three Jewels, The Four Noble Truths and the Five Precepts.  Bodhisattva Buddhism is more about transforming our behavior than it is simply believing some set of statements. Through these practices, we have experienced that spontaneous, pro-active Bodhisattva Buddhism will naturally arise.

Insight Meditation

Address: 2881 State Hwy 110 North Lot 55   Tyler TX 75704
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 9039447075
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Main Contact: Supra  
Teacher: Supra  
Spiritual Director: JBKEMP  Email  (Phone: 9039447075)
Notes and Events:

Vipissana Meditation as taught online in ebook at

As compared to one-pointed concentration, Insight Meditation is more open awareness. Attention is directed to whatever arises in the field of experience.


Insight Meditation - Modesto

Address: 2467 Veneman Ave.   Modesto CA 95356
Tradition: Theravada, Vipassana meditation (mindfulness)
Affiliation: Insight Meditation Center of the Mid-Peninsula
Phone: 209-343-2478
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Main Contact: Lori Wong  Email  (Phone: 209-343-2478)
Notes and Events:

Meets on Tuesday evenings 6:30-8:30pm at the Unity Church, 2467 Veneman Ave., Modesto.

Insight Meditation Circle of Cape Cod

Address: Meeting at Harwich Community Center 100 Oak Street Harwich, MA 02645  Harwich 02645
Phone: (508) 432-6655
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Main Contact: Annette Miller  Email  
Teacher: Chas DiCapua  
Notes and Events:

We bring together a community of people on Cape Cod (Massachusetts) who practice insight meditation to support each other in the deepening of Dharma practice in our daily lives.  We hope that our practice will promote peace and compassion in the world around us and believe that through the sharing of the Dharma we can free ourselves and others from suffering.

We are a Buddhist group whose practices originate in the teachings of Theravaden Buddhism.  However, one need not identify as a Buddhist to take part in these practices.  We include people from any (or no) faith tradition.

We offer weekly mindfulness meditations, book discussions and Dharma talks.  Newcomers are welcome.  Open and free to all.

Tuesdays from 7 - 8:30 p.m.   30 minute meditation followed by discussion of Buddhist book or Dharma article.

Once a month, usually on a Friday, our guiding teacher, Chas DiCapua comes from Insight Meditation Society to give a two-hour Dharma talk and meditation.  See the contact person listed above for specific dates.

Insight Meditation Circle of Cape Cod

Address: 55 Birch Drive   Harwich 02645
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 774-722-9067
Website: htt
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Main Contact: Annette Miller  Email  (Phone: 774-722-9067)
Notes and Events:

We bring together a community of people on Cape Cod (Massachusetts) who practice insight meditation to support each other in the deepening of Dharma practice in our daily lives. We hope that our practice will promote peace and compassion in the world around us and believe that through the sharing of the Dharma we can free ourselves and others from suffering.

We are a Buddhist group whose practices originate in the teachings of Theravada Buddhism. However, one need not identify as a Buddhist to take part in these practices. We include people from any (or no) faith tradition.

Insight Meditation Circle is open to all people interested in learning about the teachings of the Buddha on wisdom, compassion and mindfulness.  We strive to reflect the diversity of the Cape in which we live.  Our sangha is a place where everyone of different ages, cultures, ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities, and spiritual and religious backgrounds is welcome to begin or deepen meditation practice based on the teachings of the Buddha.

We offer weekly mindfulness meditations, book discussions, and Dharma talks.    Newcomers are welcome.  

Tuesdays from 7 - 8:30 p.m.  
30 minute meditation.

Insight Meditation Circle of Cape Cod

Address:   Harwich 02645
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: World Wide Sangha
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Main Contact: Admin  Email  
Notes and Events:

Insight Meditation Circle of Cape Cod  open to all people interested in learning about the teachings of the Buddha on wisdom, compassion and mindfulness. We strive to reflect the diversity of the Cape in which we live. Our sangha is a place where everyone of different ages, cultures, ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities, and spiritual backgrounds is welcome to begin or deepen meditation practice based on the teachings of the Buddha. We acknowledge we are occupying land which was originally owned and occupied by the Nauset, Monomoy and Wampanoag indigenous peoples.

Insight Meditation Class

Address: 243 S.W. J Street Grants Pass, OR 97526   OR
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 541-761-7576
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Main Contact: Rhonda Lawrence  Email  (Phone: 818-288-7538)
Teacher: Jane Mara  
Notes and Events:

Join Us for a Buddhist Meditation Class
Every Thursday from 12:45 to 2:45 p.m. 

Class includes Instruction in Vipassana (insight) and Metta (loving kindness) Meditation and a Dharma Talk and Discussion on Buddhist Teachings for Today’s Challenges: Personal and Planetary. 

Beginners and Experienced Meditators Are Welcome

Chairs and Cushions are Available

Classes are Free, but Donations are Appreciated
To register, call Mara at 541-761-7576

Classes held at Merging Rivers Zen Practice Center

243 SW J Street, corner of 4th and J

Insight Meditation Community of Charlottesville

Address:   Charlottesville VI
Tradition: Theravada, Derived from Vipassana
Phone: (434) 962-3498
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Board President: Jeffrey Fracher  Email  
Main Contact: Operations Director  Email  
Teacher: Pat Coffey  
Notes and Events:

Insight Meditation of Charlottesville is located in central VA.  We offer practice opportunities three times per week.  On Tuesdays from 7:00-8:30 pm, meditation is followed by a Dharma talk.  Biannually we teach an Introduction to Mindful Meditation course.  We also offer day, weekend and weeklong retreats locally.  For more information visit our website:

Insight Meditation Community of Columbia

Address: 2701 Heyward Street, Columbia, SC   Columbia 29205
Tradition: Theravada
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Notes and Events:

We meet in The Unitarian Universalist Church Library (octagonal stand alone Building). There will be a blue sign on the door. We offer 30 minute into to meditation at 6:30 for those new to meditation or for those wanting to refresh their understanding of seated meditation.

Insight Meditation Community of Providence

Address: 354 Broadway, 2nd floor   Providence RI 02905
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Insight Meditation Society
Phone: (401) 941-3701
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Main Contact: Benjamin Hall  Email  (Phone: (401) 941-3701)
Notes and Events:

At this time, our Community is a practice group with no affiliated teachers; we draw teachings in through readings and audio recordings, and encourage members to attend retreats and dharma talks at the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, the Cambridge Insight Meditation Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and various other places where teachings are being offered by recognized teachers of the dharma.

At our weekly Tuesday evening sitting meditation practice, both experienced meditators and persons new to meditation are warmly welcome.  We practice sitting meditation for 30 minutes. Depending on the week, we either read aloud for 20 - 25 minutes, or (on the second and fourth weeks), we listen to a recording of a dharma talk (roughly one hour long).   The readings and the recorded dharma talks are by various dharma teachers from the Insight and Theravada traditions, such as Joseph Goldstein, Larry Rosenberg, Ajahn Sumedho, and Sharon Salzberg.  We leave a few minutes after the reading/talk for brief discussion. 

For anyone not familiar with Insight Meditation (Vipassana meditation), optional brief instruction is provided at 7:10 PM before the Tuesday evening sitting. 

On the third Tuesday of each month, an addition 30 minute sitting period follows the dharma reading; participants are welcome to stay for this or leave quietly before it begins.

Please make an effort to arrive on time.  If you do arrive late, please enter quietly, find a seat (a cushion or chair), and join us in practice.

For those who have some meditation experience, possibly including some experience with intensive silent retreats, we also have First Sunday Extended Practice, a monthly half- day of silent sitting and walking meditation.  Please see the event pages for more information.

We look forward, in the future, to welcoming experienced teachers of the dharma to come and offer dharma talks.

Insight Meditation of Cleveland

Address:   Novelty OH 44072
Tradition: Theravada, Vipassana
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Main Contact: John Cunningham  Email  (Phone: 216-407-2809)
Notes and Events:

PO. Box 113, Novelty, OH 44072

Weekly sitting groups around the Cleveland area.  Twice-yearly weekend retreats.

Insight Meditation San Antonio

Address: San Antonio   TX
Tradition: Theravada, Insight Meditation Vipassana practice group.
Phone: (830)964-3684
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Teacher: Randall Gribbin  
Notes and Events:

Insight Meditation San Antonio is a CDL (Community Dharma Leader) led Vipassana Meditation Group. Please visit the web site?

Insight Meditation South Bay

Address:   Mountain View CA 94040
Tradition: Theravada
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Teacher: Shaila Catherine  
Notes and Events:

Insight Meditation South Bay (IMSB) offers mindfulness-based meditation practices to support the development of ethical living (sila), meditation (samadhi), and wisdom (panna). Founded in 2006 by Shaila Catherine, IMSB offers weekly meditation groups, monthly day longs, lecture series, intensive retreats, and sutta study classes to encourage the cultivation of mindfulness, concentration, practical daily life wisdom, loving-kindness and compassion, and the deep meditative absorptions called jhanas. Programs are held at sites in the Silicon Valley and southern area of the San Francisco peninsula, primarily in Mountain View and Los Altos.

Please see website: 

Institut Kadam Tcheuling Royan

Address: 7 rue Robert Chamboulan Résidence Les Brousses – n°101   Royan 17200
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gueloukpa
Phone: 33666555310
E-mail: kadamtcheulingroyan@gmail.cpm
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Teacher: Catherine NEBOUT  
Spiritual Director: Dagpo Rimpoche  
Notes and Events:

Association bouddhiste d obédience guéloukpa, fondée par le Vénérable Dagpo Rimpotché, pour étudier, réfléchir et méditer les Enseignements du Bouddha Shakyamouni, en partenariat avec l association à but humanitaire Entraide Franco Tibétaine qui oeuvre en direction des réfugiés tibétains en Inde (aide aux personnes et sauvegarde de leur culture)

réunions le jeudi, de 18h15 à 20h15

La Maison des Associations
61 bis rue Paul Doumer
17200 Royan

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