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D.I. Yogyakarta


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Kabupaten Kendari

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Kabupaten Sukabumi

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Kabupaten Tanah Laut.

Kabupaten Tangerang

Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

Kabupaten Tegal

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Kabupaten Wonosobo

Kota Administratif Tarakan

Kota Administratip Singkawang

Kotamadya Ambon

Kotamadya Balikpapan

Kotamadya Banjarmasin

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Kotamadya Jakarta Pusat

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Kotamadya Jakarta Timur

Kotamadya Jakarta Utara

Kotamadya Manado

Kotamadya Palu

Kotamadya Pontianak

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Lotus Speech Australia

Address: 8 Avis Court   Forest Hill Vic 3131
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma, Northern Treasures
Phone: 03 9459 5400
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Spiritual Director: Changling Rinpoche  
Main Contact: President: John Newnham  Email  
Notes and Events:

Lotus Speech is an entirely volunteer based society formed with the intention of assisting Changling Rinpoche spread the Buddhist Dharma across Australia.
In 2006, Lotus Speech Australia (Vic) Inc was incorporated in the state of Victoria as a not for profit organisation (No. A0049300H), ABN 77 121 520 615, under the spiritual direction of Changling Rinpoche.
Our goals are:
  • To provide an environment conducive for Buddhist philosophical study, meditation practice and contemplation.
  • To provide ongoing opportunity for the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism particularly as taught within Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche’s lineage, the Dzogchen and Northern Treasures lineages of the Nyingma School.
  • To support the development of service, compassion and concern for others in both our own membership, and in the wider society.
  • To collect, preserve, translate and produce Buddhist texts specific to the Nyingma School.

Lotus Speech Australia is a community of Buddhist practitioners who follow and practice the Tibetan Nyingma tradition teachings of HH Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, the NorthernTreasures lineage, and the Rechung Kagyu Lineage.

Lotus Zen Temple

Address:   Lincoln NE 68506
Tradition: Mahayana, Hui Neng
Affiliation: Zen Buddhist Order of Hsy Yun
Phone: (402) 450-4668
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Spiritual Director: Rev. Michael Fa-JIan Shakya, OHY  Email  
Notes and Events:

Lotus Zen Temple is a non-profit organization that offers resources and instruction on Chan (Zen) Buddhism in the Chinese Mahayana lineage tradition of Hui Neng. We welcome people of all backgrounds and religious paths. The Temple also offers opportunities for people to practice Zen through its various activities and outreach in Nebraska and beyond.


5100 Van Dorn Street Unit 6154
Lincoln, NE 68506

Loveland Zen

Address: 932 O'Bannonville Road Loveland, OH 45140-9705   Cincinnati 45140
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen
Affiliation: Bodhi Sangha
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Main Contact: Nicole Westrick  Email  
Teacher: Ama Samy  
Notes and Events:

We practice in the tradition of Zen master Ama Samy, SJ. Our group meets for zazen on Sunday evenings at 7pm in the House of Joy at Grailville, Loveland, OH.

Loveland Zen

Address: 932 O'Bannonville Road Loveland, OH 45140-9705   Cincinnati OH 45140
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen
Affiliation: Bodhi Sangha
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Main Contact: Nicole Westrick  Email  
Teacher: Ama Samy  
Notes and Events:

We practice in the tradition of Zen master Ama Samy, SJ. Our group meets for zazen on Sunday evenings at 7pm in the House of Joy at Grailville, Loveland, OH.

Lumbini Buddha Vihara Trust

Address: Dubba, Nizamabad - 503 002, Telangana.   Nizamabad Andhra Pradesh 503002
Tradition: Theravada, Ambedkarite Buddhism
Phone: 0091-9160164617
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President: P. Babu  (Phone: 0091-9603072666)
Gen. Secretary: B. Ashok  (Phone: 0091-9959206077)
Main Contact: Ranjith Sutari  Email  (Phone: 0091-939106201)
Notes and Events:

SHILA          SAMADHI          PRAJNA
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammasambuddhassa
Lumbini Buddha Vihara Trust is a organization run by Buddhist community of Nizamabad. Dhamma Vandana (Paying homage) will be organised on every Sunday at Vihar. 

Special programs will be conducted on many buddhist occasions.

Lumbini Buddhist Society

Address: BLK-216-#01-63, Boonlay Ave, Singapore-640216   Singapore- 640216
Tradition: Theravada, Myanmar
Affiliation: All Myanmar Buddhist Nun Education Society
Phone: + 65 - 62654001
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Teacher: Ekatheingi  
Spiritual Director: Dr. Kesaracari  Email  (Phone: + 65 - 62654001)
Main Contact: Daw Kesaracari  
Notes and Events:

I am a Myanmar Theravada Buddhist nun who did my Ph.D in India. Now I have opened a Buddhist society - LUMBINI BUDDHIST SOCIETY in Singapore.

I teach the original Theravada Pali text and the traditional Myanmar Buddhist  Culture.

I hope I can do more for the promotion and propagation of peace in every human being by practicing of the Buddha\'s middle way.

Lumbini Foundation

Address: Lumbini, Rupandehi, NEPAL   Lumbini
Phone: +9779801166007
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Doctor: Anoja Guruma  
Professor: Kapil Shrestha  
Main Contact: Siddharth Gautam  Email  
Teacher: Dr. Laxman Shakya  
Notes and Events:

Lumbini Foundation is a Socio-Economic, Cultural Foundation.  Committed to peace, development, human rights, democracy and happiness!. 

Lumbini Vihara [East London Buddhist Cultural Centre]

Address: 33 Maybury Road  Plaistow London E13 8RZ
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 020 7476 0681
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Makure Mangala  
Notes and Events:

Founded in 1999, and established in its current location in 2002, with approx 4/5 resident Bhikkhus, catering primarily for the Theravada Buddhist Community, and though the majority of devotees are of Sri Lankan descent our doors are open to anyone curious to find out more about Buddhism, Buddhist practice and meditation. 

Luminous Mind

Address: 1716A Linden Ave  Nashville TE TN
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 615-463-2374
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Main Contact: Rita Frizzell  Email  (Phone: 615-463-2374)
Notes and Events:

Luminous Mind is a resource for those who would like to learn about Buddhist thought in a way that transcends religious and cultural barriers. We are an educational clearinghouse offering special events with guest teachers and ongoing study using audio, video, and printed resources. 

Lung pa - Buddhist Order and Religious Community

Tradition: Mahayana, Vajrayana, Non-Sectarian, Lung-pa Lineage
Affiliation: Lama Zopa Kundun Chenräzig
Phone: +45 50388794
Teacher: Lama Zopa Kundun Rinpoche  
Spiritual Director: Lama Zopa Kundun Rinpoche  
Main Contact: Lama Zopa Kundun Rinpoche  (Phone: (45) 50388794)
Notes and Events:

Lung pa - Buddhist Order and Religious Community is an Order and lineage with deep roots in both Nyingma, Kagyu and Gelug traditions as well as other schools, and teaches in various traditions while maintaining, building, and perpetuating a genuine European Buddist Tradition with roots in Vajrayana Buddhism

Besides religious services, spiritual teachings and meditation, Lung pa emphazises charitable work such as hospital visits of old or terminal ill, and the entire range of services one is used to in countries where Buddhism is an integral part of the community.

Lungpa has daily and weekly programs with a wide range of activities, open for all, and of course free of charge.


Address: 5 rue des Thermes   Narbonne Aude 11100
Tradition: Mahayana, Yuno Rech, Taisen Deshimaru, Zuigaku Rempo, Keizan Zenji, Dogen Zenji, ... Shakyamuni Bouddha
Affiliation: ABZE, AZI, Sotoshu
Phone: +33 667392062
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Spiritual Director: Pascal-Olivier Kyosei Reynaud  
Notes and Events:

Pratique et enseignement du Bouddha dharma,  la méditation, les préceptes et la sagesse compatissante dans tous et chaque aspects de la vie.

Mabuhay Temple

Address: 656 P. Ocampo Street.  Malate, Manila 1004
Tradition: Mahayana, Humanistic Buddhism
Affiliation: Fo Guang Shan
Phone: 63 (2) 523-4909, 63 (2) 525-3680
Fax: 63 (2) 522-1475, 63 (2) 521-6926
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Head Abbess: Ven. Miao Jing  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Master Hsing Yun  
Notes and Events:

Mabuhay Temple is home to Fo Guang Shan Philippines, also known as the International Buddhist Progress Society-Manila. 

Madhyamaka Buddhist Centre

Address: Kilnwick Percy Hall Pocklington   York Yorkshire YO42 1UF
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 01759 304 832
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Main Contact: Reception  Email  (Phone: 0159 304 832)
Notes and Events:

Enjoy a relaxing break on one of our meditation retreats.  Set in 43 acres of grounds and situated at the foot of the Yorkshire Wolds, Madhyamaka Buddhist Centre is an ideal place for a quiet retreat.  The courses are run by our Buddhist community who are dedicated to serving others while living in harmony with spiritual beliefs and values.
The courses are suited to people learning to meditate and to more experienced meditation practitioners - everybody is welcome!

Learn to meditate through the day then unwind and meet new friends in our peace cafe which is open all day serving yummy vegetarian food & fair trade coffee. Take a walk around the lake, and then discover the woodland walks and gardens found within the estate.

Madison Rinzai Zen Community

Address:   Madison WI
Tradition: Mahayana, Rinzai Zen
Affiliation: Korinji Rinzai Zen Monastery
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Teacher: Meido Moore Roshi  
Notes and Events:

Madision Rinzai Zen Community in Wisconsin is a branch of Korinji monastery (in nearby Reedsburg, Wisconsin). Our group meets three times weekly in Madison for meditation, chanting, and other Zen practice together. We also conduct half-day retreats (zazenkai), and group trips to Korinji for longer retreats. We practice under the guidance of our teacher, Meido Moore Roshi; beginners are welcome!

Magnetic Buddha Dharma

Address: 12 Bottiger St,   Nelly Bay, Magnetic Island Qld 4819
Tradition: Vajrayana, Sakya
Affiliation: Tibetan Buddhist Society of Canberra
Phone: 0429 321 396
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Main Contact: Helene Rankin  (Phone: 0429 321 396)
Spiritual Director: Lama Choedak  
Notes and Events:

  • Weekly meetings for meditation and hosts visiting teachers from all Buddhist traditions
  • Visitors welcome.
  • - SUN 10-12 am chanting in Pali, meditation.

    Maha Bodhi Research Institute of Malaysia

    Address: 161 - 162 Jalan S2-E8 Garden Homes Seremban Two Seremban   Negeri Sembilan 70300
    Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Under the Grand Zen Master Xu Yun Ch\\'an Order House Lineage 虚云老和尚 as the 45th Generation Lineage Dhamma Heir of the Linji Ch\\'an House 臨
    Phone: +60-16-6267726
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    Spiritual Director: Zen Master Hui Xin 大觉慧信  Email  (Phone: +60-16-6267726)
    Notes and Events:

    馬來西亞 摩訶菩提研究所

    Maha Bodhi Research Institute of Malaysia

    Since the opening of Maha Bodhi Vihara Malaysia 马来西亚 芙蓉山 大覺禪寺 in 2008, The Vihara has enthusiastically been sharing and disseminating Buddhism. This is done by reinforcing the teaching, the understanding, and the profound practice of Buddhist ethics, meditation and wisdom in the contemporary world.

    Maha Bodhi Vihara Malaysia’s main objectives and mission motto:

    The Vihara is founded by Zen Master Pannasaddha (大觉慧信) which tonsured & ordained by Grand Master Hsing Yun 星云大师.

    Later Venerable received the Chan House Lineage Transmission under the Grand Zen Master Xu Yun Chan Order House Lineage 虚云老和尚 as the 45th Generation Lineage Dhamma Heir of the Linji Chan House 臨濟宗 第四十五世 Transmitted by 第四十四世 本昭意昭禅师 as 慧信常圓禅师 & The 11th Generation Lineage Dhamma Heir of the Fa Yan Ch\\\'an House 法眼宗 第十一世 Transmitted by 第十世 寂照灵意禅师 as 慧信體泰禅师 & The 11th Generation Lineage Dhamma Heir of the Wei Yang Ch\\\'an House 潙仰宗第十一世 Transmitted by 第十世 衍心一诚禅师 as 慧信道请禅师. Venerable also graduated from Fo Guang Shan Tsung Lin University Taiwan ROC in Mahayana and Monastic Studies and Theravada Buddhist & Monastic Studies in International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University Myanmar and University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka.

    The Maha Bodhi Vihara. The Malaysia Maha Bodhi Research Institute 馬來西亞 摩訶菩提研究所 aims to be a remarkable Buddhist institution of modern learning that combines the best features of Asian cultures in a modern contemporary setting. It is open to students from Malaysia and countries worldwide exclusively free of charge.

    Maha Bodhi Research Institute will be based on a humanistic multi-Buddhist cultural orientation and multi-faceted objectives of education through theory and practice. The Institute will start with a range of philosophical and practical studies. It is designed to achieve an integration of all Buddhist tradition perspectives of humanities in theory and practical approach as an Art of Living.

    Students will be expected not merely to acquire knowledge and skills, but to develop a good personality founded on traditional virtues. The hope is that they can embark on a bright career, and live a spiritually rich and peaceful life. Creativity, adaptability and leadership will be fostered to enable students to become active and useful members of society.

    Maha Bodhi Society (Bangalore)

    Address: 14 Kalidasa Road  Gandhinagar, Bangalore Karnataka 560009
    Tradition: Theravada
    Phone: 91-80-22250684
    Fax: 91-80-22264438
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    Main Contact: Ven.Ananda  Email  
    Teacher: Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita  
    Spiritual Director: Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita  Email  
    Notes and Events:

    The senior Teacher is Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita, assisted by Ven.Ananda, Ven.Vinayarakkhita, Ven.Aggadhamma, Ven.Dhammaloka.

    SANGHARAMA: A Bhikkhu Training Center where motivated young men are given intensive training to qualify as capable and experienced teachers of Dhamma and Meditation.  

    RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL: About 500 boys and girls are being brought up in the residential school which provides free boarding, loading, education and health care. The boys in addition to going through the standard syllabi are given training in moral behavior, fundamentals of Dhamma, chanting and meditation, gardening and cooking etc.

    MEDITATION CENTER: The Society’s shrine room is used as a Meditation Hall. This Meditation Center has given practical training to a large number of people in calmness as well as in insight meditations. Residential meditation courses are conducted for intensive training.

    SUNDAY DISCOURSES: The Teaching of Buddha is explained in its ethical, psychological and philosophical aspects, and stress is laid on its applicability in daily life. Every Sunday from 9:30 to 11: 30 AM. and every third Sunday is meditation retreat. Abhidhamma classes are conducted on Saturdays and Sundays.

    PUBLICATIONS: The Society published a large number of books and tracts in English and Kannada language. A monthly magazine DHAMMA in English and BUDDHA DHARMA in Kannada language (South Indian language of 45 million people of Karnataka state) are also brought out. The MBS also distributes books free of cost all over India.

    LIBRARY: The library has a collection of over two thousand books, adequate for a detailed study of the Dhamma and to enable research in Buddhology. Books on other religious are also available for comparative study. The Tipitaka is available in five different scripts.

    MAHABODHI ACADEMY FOR PALI AND BUDDHIST STUDIES: At present the academy is running 2 years Diploma in Buddhist Studies course over correspondence. The work is going on to start higher programs and to upgrade the Academy to Lord Buddha University of Pali and Theravada Buddhism.

    Maha Karuna Chan (Vlaanderen)

    Address: Sint-Servaasstraat 2   Lubbeek (Pellenberg) 3212
    Tradition: Mahayana, Chinese Lin-chi School
    Affiliation: Japanese F.A.S. Society
    Phone: +32 16 777 353
    E-mail: +32 16 777
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    Vlaanderen: Carine Pulinckx  Email  (Phone: +32 16 777 353)
    Nederland: Louise Kleinherenbrink  Email  (Phone: +31 575 575 390)
    Teacher: Ton Lathouwers  
    Spiritual Director: Founder: Janarakkhita (Teh Cheng)  
    Notes and Events:

    Meditation groups in numerous towns: Achel, Antwerpen, Averbode, Beernem, Brugge, Drongen, Leuven, Lichervelde, Lommel, Lot, Pellenberg, Zonhoven.

    Maha Prajna Paramita

    Tradition: Non-Sectarian, There is a direct line of transmission of the Dharma from ancient and contemporary masters in our community, which belongs to the school of sudden enlightenment: Won Myong Sunim, Karmap
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    Notes and Events:

    The Buddhist Sangha «Maha Prajna Paramita» 
    Officially registered in 2007 and it actively operates for the benefit of increasing spirituality of the whole world, country and every living being. It is, in fact, the only community that represents the national Zen in Ukraine and follows the Buddha’s instructions about adaptation of the teaching (Dharma) for the appropriate conditions and culture.

    Maha Vihara Mojopahit

    Address: Desa Bejijong, Kecamatan Trowulan (site of mojopahit kingdom)   Mojokerto East Java
    Tradition: Non-Sectarian
    Phone: 0321-495533
    Fax: 0321-496075
    Find on:
    Spiritual Director: Bhikkhu Viriyanadi Maha Thera  
    Main Contact: Bhikkhu Vijjananda Thera  
    Notes and Events:

    Maha Vihara Mojopahit in the Bejijong village, Trowulan-Mojokerto, East Java, is a Buddhist Centre which is located above the  Mojopahit Kingdom with images of the past. Stands on an area of ​​20,000 M2 in the neighborhood of craftsmen brass and stone carving artist (sculptor), a Javanese-style buildings, roofed joglo, wall relief stone carving, stone carving statue of the three Altar worship, for schools of Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana (Sakyamuni Buddha, Avalokitesvara Phosat Im SeKwan, Tara) in one Bhaktisala.

    Behind the altar there is also Bhaktisala Maha Brahma / She Mien Fuk, which is held every November Birthday memorial maha Brahma / She Mien Fuk.

    Maha Vihara in the area also stands a monumental statue of the Sleeping Buddha,is the largest in Indonesia and the third largest in the world, after Thailand and Nepal. With a length of 22 m, width 6 m and height 4.5 m, this statue has received an award from MURI (Indonesian Record Museum). Below the statue are reliefs depicting the life of Buddha, the law and legal karmaphala rebirth. A beautiful pool surrounds this magnificent statue.

    There are also building a library with a collection of various books in Sanskrit / India/ Tibet / Pali / Mandarin / English and Indonesia, classrooms, meeting halls, diningand lodging that can accommodate + / - 200 guests.

    This place is perfect for Dharma Retreat, meditation, workshops, etc.


    Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre (MIMC)

    Address: Postal address: Devachan, PO Box 22, Leh, Ladakh - 194101, India and Ven.Kushok Bakula Rinpoche  leh 194101
    Tradition: Theravada
    Affiliation: Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore, South India
    Phone: +91-1982-264372
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    Contact: Bhikkhu Sanghasena and S.Chosphel Sudhamma  
    Teacher: Ven. Bhikkhu Sanghasena  
    Spiritual Director: Ven. Acharya Buddharakkhita Maha Nayaka Thera  
    Notes and Events:

    The Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre (MIMC) was founded by Ven. Sanghasena in the year 1986. The MIMC is a registered, charitable, non sectarian organisation working in the field of education for poor and orphan children, medical care for the needy patients, home for the aged and destitute, interfaith harmony, literacy and empowerment for elderly women and many other socio-charitable activities. The NGO is also affiliated to many leading organisations world wide.

    Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre (MIMC) Main Office, Ladakh

    Address: Devachan, P.O.Box 22, Leh, Ladakh - 194101, India  
    Tradition: Non-Sectarian
    Phone: 91-1982-44025 / 44155
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    Notes and Events:

    MIMC Delhi Office:
    Postal address: A-116, 2nd Floor, Arjun Nagar, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi - 110001, India
    Tel: 91-11-6165017, Fax: 91-11-6162978 / 6164444

    Meditation Courses:

    Ladakh, a land of enchanting beauty and tranquility, is a paradise for meditation and yoga practices. With its established reputation, experience and expertise, MIMC offers numerous residential and non-residential meditation courses.

    A variety of free meditation courses such as Vipassana, Zen and Tibetan are conducted every summer ranging from 2 to 10 days at the main Devachan Centre. Twin shared rooms with modern amenities are available at the Centre for Rs 200 - 500 per night including vegetarian meals. Evening meditation classes are held at the sub-Centre at Changspa in Leh as well as over the weekend at the Devachan Centre. An additional attraction offered by the Centre is the Milarepa Meditation & Trekking Camp, a retreat program in beautiful remote valleys for those seekers who wish to experience the splendor of both inner and outer realms.

    Mahabodhi Monastery

    Address: 20 Jalan Langgar Bedok Singapore 598114 Mailing address: 8 lor kilat Singapore 598114  
    Tradition: Mahayana, Zen
    Phone: 65 64664425
    Fax: 64679135
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    Spiritual Director: Ven. GuoJun  
    Notes and Events:

    Mahabodhi Monastery extends a warm welcome to all those interested in learning Buddhism and the Mahayana Buddhist tradition. The monastery aims to maintain an active Sangha community dedicated to the preservation and practice of Chinese Buddhism.

    The monastery is located at Bukit Timah, twenty minutes drive from the Singapore CBD. People from all different religions and traditions are welcome to our monastery to attend group practices, classes and workshops on Buddhist philosophy, listen to lectures, and, more importantly, to learn and practice Buddhism in daily life.

    Mahabodhi Society of India

    Address: 4A,Bankim Chatterjee Street,Kolkata 700073   Kolkata 700073
    Tradition: Theravada
    Phone: +91-33-22415214,
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    Spiritual Director: Ven.P Seewalee Thero  Email  (Phone: +91-33-22415214)
    Notes and Events:

    The Maha Bodhi Society of India established in 1891 is a charitable, non-profit Buddhist Organisation, dedicated to fulfill the Missions and Visions of its Founder - Bodhisattva Anagarika Dharmapala, and for the propagation of the Message of the Buddha on love, compassion, non-violence and peace towards all beings without any discrimination of caste, creed, religion or nationality.

    Mahabodhi Sunyata Bahia Blanca

    Address: Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, 8000 Argentina  
    Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Chan Ssu Lun Tao
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    Teachers: Shan Chien zi Sherab Chödron  
    Contact Person: Shan Jiēshi  Email  
    Main Contact: Shan Jieshi  Email  (Phone:
    Notes and Events:

    Mahabodhi Sunyata es un espacio real y virtual dedicado a ofrecer recursos para desarrollar tu naturaleza interior, apoyados con meditación básica de Serenidad y Plena Atención, junto con enseñanzas del Dharma de Buda.

    Desde hace años hemos ofrecido una mano amiga para las personas de Bahia Blanca y Argentina

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