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Buddhist Hermitage Lunas
Address: Lot 297, Kampung Seberang Sungai 09600 Lunas, Kedah Darulaman, Malaysia. Kedah
Tradition: Theravada, Mahasi Sayadaw
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Vipassana Meditation Retreats in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition.
Buddhist Hospice Trust
Address: 31 Weir Gardens Rayleigh SS6 7TQ
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: All Traditions
Phone: 01268 775521
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Kushog: Pema Jigme Choder Email
Main Contact: Peter Goble Email (Phone: 07951 869265)
Notes and Events:
The Buddhist Hospice Trust is an unaffiliated Buddhist organisation and a registered charity. The Trust exists to meet the needs of seriously ill, dying or bereaved Buddhists (and non-Buddhists in sympathy with its aims) for spiritual support and companionship. The Trust operates via a nationwide network of volunteers from all Buddhist schools and traditions, serving all who seek its support and help.
The Buddhist Hospice Trust acts as a bridge to hospices and providers of palliative care services for Buddhist organisations and individuals. It provides an a Buddhist advisory and consultative service on hospice and palliative care issues to the wider community, and on Buddhist perspectives on living and dying.
The Trust offers public meetings, occasional training events, and publications on hospice and related matters.
The Trust is managed by a Board of trustees. The Chairman is Peter Goble. Kushog Pema Jigme Choder is an advisor.
Buddhist Library and Meditation Centre
Address: 90-92 Church Street Camperdown NSW 2050
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 02 9519 6054
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Notes and Events:
Tuesday Evening Meditation or Buddhism Class (7-9pm) is a series of courses that combine theoretical exploration of Buddhist teachings with guided meditation practices.
Wednesday Lotus Buds Sangha Meditation Class (7:30pm) is a Buddhist group led by the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh (a Zen monk) who has lived in the west for the past forty years. Beginners are most welcome.
Thursday Power Yoga and Meditation (6:30pm) is an “hour of power” combines the practices of mindful body movements through yoga and meditation, suitable for intermediate practitioners.
Saturday Yoga and Meditation (10-11:30am) provide a gentle introduction to both physical and mental yoga for those who want to learn how to clam the mind, beginners are welcome.
1st Saturday of the month Practical Buddhism Discussion Group
(5-7pm) exploring how to apply Buddhism in everyday life.
For more information on special courses and updates: Meditation Class
Address: Spiral Tree Yoga Studio
570 Brighton Ave
Portland ME 04103
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Zen & Tibetan
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Daniel describes Buddhist mindfulness meditation as a saving grace in his life, and he is delighted to share the profound practices that he has learned from his teachers in order to promote greater peace, love, and well-being in the world. Please note that Daniel’s classes are meant to only teach meditation, and that he is not offering mental health counseling at Spiral Tree Yoga and Wellness Studio.
Buddhist Meditation Coaching
Address: 12217 Pacific Avenue
#7 Los Angeles CA 90066
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: (323) 790-6252
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Teacher: Matthew Sockolov
Notes and Events:
We offer donation-based one-on-one meditation coaching. Through working with a meditation teacher, we help people develop a daily practice, learn about the Pali Canon, and grow in their personal meditation practice.
Buddhist Meditation Group
Address: Chaplaincy Centre
Lancaster University
Lancaster Lancashire LA1 4YW
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 07963 369076
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Main Contact: Paul Taylor
Notes and Events:
Buddhist Meditation Group at UUCR
Address: Unitarian Universalist Church of Reading
239 Woburn Street Reading MA 01867
Tradition: Mahayana
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Teacher: Andrew Furst
Main Contact: Andrew Furst Email
Spiritual Director: Master Rich Sittinger
Notes and Events:
Our Sangha is part of Buddha Heart USA. We’d like to extend a heartfelt and open invitation to any and all who would like to experience and learn more about Buddhism and meditation.
Communities Served
We serve the communities of Reading, North Reading, Lynnfield, Wilmington, Stoneham, Woburn, and Wakefield.
Weekly Meetings
We meet weekly (monthly July – August) in Reading Massachusetts at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Reading. You’ll find information about our Sangha, location, meeting times, and more on this website. Please see our schedule for more details.
What We Do
It is our intention to provide practices that are simple. They are meant to offer peace and other benefits to our Sangha members and guests. We hope that you might find peace in the Dharma though these efforts.
All are welcome. There is no experience necessary. A typical meeting includes the following activities:
Buddhist Monastery Tashi Rabten
Address: Letzehof
6800 Feldkirch
Austria Feldkirch Vorarlberg 6800
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: Rabten Buddhist Monasteries in Europe
Phone: +43 5522 706111
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Spiritual Director: Gonsar Tulku Rinpoche Email
Notes and Events:
Buddhist monastery with regular Vinaya-activities. Weekend seminars, meditation courses, regular evening Dharma sessions. All the teachings are given by the abbot or experienced Buddhist monks and cover the wide range of the Buddha\'s teachings as found in the Theravada and Mahayana traditions.
Buddhist Movement Centre
Address: Sanaswadi,Taluka Shirur,Dist Pune
Maharashtra Sanaswadi 412208
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 9270141780
Website: http://www.buddhistmovementcentre
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Ayu.: Nitin sudamrao Pawa Email (Phone: 9819617577)
Ayu.: Sunil Sudamrao Pawar Email (Phone: 9270141780)
Teacher: Ayu.Nitin sudamrao Pawar
Main Contact: Ayu.Rajendra Sudamrao Pawar Email (Phone: 9819617577)
Spiritual Director: Ayu,Sunil Sudamrao Pawar Email (Phone: 9270141780)
Notes and Events:
Our Trust's Main Vision is Nationalisation of Education and Health For All in a grass root. In India Having a Poor Hygienes That Results Human Being suffered From Many Diseases.This Problem solve to give a Proper Health Education.Our Trust Work For Communities Health.We only Not Give a Health Education But also we Changed people's Knowledge,Attitudes and their Practises.In India having Not a so far good education system.we want to change this education system.we want Nationalisation of Education.It means Prime Minister ,Chief Ministers And Farmer,Workers Child Get a Free Education in Same school and one Bench.
Buddhist Network of Greater Baltimore
Address: Greater Baltimore Greater Baltimore MD
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: (410) 467-1817
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Contact: Jeff Covey
Notes and Events:
The Buddhist Network of Greater Baltimore is a loose affiliation of Buddhist centers and practice communities in the Greater Baltimore area.
Buddhist Pali Education and Research Trust ( R)
Address: Iramma-Nivasa SRNagar Dharwad Dharwad Karnataka 580002
Tradition: Theravada, Trust teaches Ariano pali language, which was the language of Lord Buddha
Affiliation: BDEAINC Austrilia & UBNO Argentina
Phone: 0836 222145
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Ariano pali Reader: Pabbajjoravitipalivijjamuniyo Email (Phone: +911 944 822 4836)
Spiritual Director: Pabbajjo Email (Phone: +911 944 822 4836)
Dr. Ambedkar bhodisatva: Laxmana Bakkayi Email (Phone: +911 9481125386)
Teacher: Pabbajjopalivijjamuniyo
Main Contact: Ravitipalivjjamuniyo Email (Phone: +911 944 822 4836)
Notes and Events:
1) Trust will teach Ariano pali Language which was the language of Lord Buddha.
2) Trust will teach Ariano pali grammar in pali English and Kannada Languages.
3) Trust will teach meditation to all laymen monks and non-sectorials.
4) Trust will teach Suttas of Lord Buddha and Buddha Jatakakathas as morals.
5) Trust will do small workshop about seminar of Ariano pali for monks desiples.
6) Trust has been doing translating works since 2007 and published four books of Arianopali.
7) Literacy to children and elders who are interested this Ariano pali language to learn.
8) Buddha Dramas will play in every villages and towns to create awareness about Buddha.
9) Many Seminars are conducted since 2011 to 2017 where only subjected about History of Lord Buddha.
10) Drawings and paints of Lord Buddha Dhamma Sakka Paduma stupa,chaitya and Viharas.
11) Every year Lord Buddha Birth Anniversary will be celebrated by the Trust along with local people of buddhist and non Buddhists.
12) Ariano pali research staff will work continuously in translating the works of English pali into Ariano pali.
13) Shortly, regular school will start for UkG and LKG and primary and secondary along with local language.
Buddhist Pali Education And Research Trust (R)
Address: Iramma-Nivasa Sangollirayanna Nagar Dharwad Karnataka India Dharwad 580002
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Buddhist pali university Srilanka;BDEF Austrilia;UBNO Canada
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Asokamaharajo & Ariano pali reader: Pabbajjoravitipalivijjamuniyo Email (Phone: +91 9481125386)
Spiritual Director: Pabbajjoravitipalivijjamuniyo Email (Phone: Girlish kamble)
Buddhism & Mariano pali script writer: Ravi.Bevinagidad Email (Phone: +91 9448224936)
Teacher: Pabbajjoraviti
Main Contact: Ravitipalivijjamuniyo Email (Phone: Pabbajjoravitipalivijjamuniyo)
Notes and Events:
Please add these for new steps taken by trust since 2016:
Buddhist Place
Address: 588 Stewart Street
Peterborough, Ontario
Peterborough Ontario K9H 4C1
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 705 775-4567 7O5-760-9157
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Notes and Events:
Buddhist Place
Address: 588 Stewart Street
Peterborough Ontario K9H 4C1
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 705-760-9157
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Notes and Events:
Wednesday and Saturday meditation meetings. Special events with visiting monastics. See events page for details.
Buddhist Social Action Project
Address: Middletown CN 06457
Tradition: Mahayana, Buddhist Faith Fellowship
Affiliation: North American Shin Buddhist Association (NASBA)
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Notes and Events:
The Social Action Project, the socially engaged arm of our spiritual community, the Buddhist Faith Fellowship, which is completely non-ideological and non-political and seeks practical engagement and solutions to the difficult local social and environment problems of the 21st century by using Buddhist principles as our guide for action.
Our members and friends are drawn into active engagement with the social and environmental issues of our times. We believe that humane and compassionate social action naturally unfolds as a response to the incessant suffering and folly in the world. Inspired by the Buddha’s teachings of the Bodhisattva way and the teachings of Shinran Shonin, we are compelled to work together in order to alleviate and transform this dukkha (suffering) into the substance of love, wisdom and peace. As our teaching expresses, "let’s transform bits of rubble into gold."
Buddhist Society
Address: 58 Eccleston Square London London SW1V 1PH
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 020 7834 5858
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Notes and Events:
Founded in 1924 by Christmas Humphreys, is one of the oldest Buddhist societies in Europe.
The Object of the Society is to publish and make known the principles of Buddhism and to encourage the study and practice of those principles.
The Buddhist Society is open to members and non-members from 2pm to 6pm Monday to Friday with classes in the evening and from 2pm to 5pm on Saturdays.
The Society holds lectures, classes and activities in the teachings of the Theravada, Mahayana, Zen, Pure Land and Tibetan Schools. Some are open to the public, including the ‘Introducing Buddhism’ class, which offers the newcomer an introduction to the whole field of Buddhism. There are also classes and lectures for members only; these include ‘The Fundamentals of Buddhism’; an Intermediate course and ‘Themes of the Great Way’, a course on Indian Mahayana. The annual one-week residential Summer School is available to members and non-members.
Buddhist Student Society, University Science Malaysia USM
Address: University Science Malaysia - Office of Student Representative Council,
University Scence Malaysia Buddhist Society,
Building E42, Mahasiswa Centre,
University Science Malaysia
Minden of Penang 11800
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: University Buddhist Student Group
Phone: +6-04-6533888 ext 3497 / 99
Fax: +6-04-6581745
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Notes and Events:
Chinese Buddhist program will be typically presented among university college Buddhist students. This will be part of the effort to establish standard Buddhist studies as a part of elective college subject in future. More mature young students will lead the members helping and servicing for those in need to the society as a part of leadership training program.
Buddhist Student Society, University Technology Malaysia (PMBUTM)
Address: University Technology Malaysia, HEP, UTM Skudai
Johore Johor 81310
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: University Buddhist Group
Phone: +6-07-5530262 (HEP)
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Notes and Events:
Chinese Buddhist program will be typically presented among university college Buddhist students. This will be part of the effort to establish standard Buddhist studies as a part of elective college subject in future. More mature young students will lead the members helping and servicing for those in need to the society as a part of leadership training program.
Note : Swinburne Buddhist Society (SBS) Australia presented voluntary directory input for selected Buddhist societies in Malaysian universities – from Reverent Kang Chuen Tat ( ]
Buddhist Study Center-Philippines
Address: #Block 6 Lot 1,Sta. Rosa Homes, Bgry. Dita, Sta. Rosa City, Laguna, Philippines.
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Notes and Events:
The Buddhist Study Center-Philippines (BSC-Phils) is an non-sectarian institute committed to promulgate Buddhist studies in the Philippines. The Center provides a venue for people interested in learning more about Buddhism. A library is available. The Center offers practitioner, academicians, students and layman a wide range of books on Buddhism.
Buddhist Study Group of Rocky Hill
Address: CN
Tradition: Independent American Shin Buddhism
Affiliation: Buddhist Faith Fellowship of Connecticut
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Notes and Events:
This group has now integrated with the new England Institute of Buddhist Studies in Middletown.
Buddhist Temple of Chicago
Address: 1151 W. Leland Chicago IL 60640
Tradition: Mahayana, Jodo Shinshu (Akegarasu, Kiyozawa)
Affiliation: Administratively Independent Jodo Shinshu (Otani-ha lineage)
Phone: (773) 334-4661
Fax: (773) 334-4726
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Founder: Gyomay Kubose
Teachers: Yukei Ashikaga, Patti Nakai, Fred Babbin Email
Spiritual Director: Yukei Ashikaga (Phone: (773) 334-4661)
Notes and Events:
Buddhist Temple of Toledo
Address: 6537 Angola Road Holland OH 43528
Tradition: Mahayana, zen
Phone: 567-297-0108
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Main Contact: Revs. Jay Rinsen & Karen Do'on Weik Email (Phone: 419-861-1163)
Spiritual Director: Jay Rinsen Weik (Abbot) Email (Phone: 419-861-1163)
Notes and Events:
The Buddhist Temple of Toledo is a beacon to waking up to one's true nature, nestled in Northwest Ohio, at the crossroads of America. BTT is an independent Sangha that provides support for anyone interested in Zen Buddhist practice in the greater Toledo area with weekly services, a children's Dharma school, zazen, zen talks, practice discussions, monthly workshops and retreats. Dharma talks are free online as podcasts at
Buddhist Temple Trisikkha Inc
Address: 7 Mount Kulburn Drive (PO Box 589, Derragun Townsville) Jensen Qld 4818
Tradition: Theravada, Thai
Phone: (07) 4751 6038 (07) 4751 6258
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Main Contact: Mrs. Nippa Brown Email (Phone: 0432 387 909)
Teacher: Phra Kanokphan Sukkhum
Notes and Events:
Opens the temple from 09.00 AM - 19.00 PM from Monday - Friday and 09.00 AM - 20.00 PM from Saturday - Sunday.
Buddhist Text Translation Society
Address: 4951 Bodhi Way Ukiah CA 95482
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Dharma Realm Buddhist Association
Phone: (707) 462-0939
Fax: (707) 462-0949
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Spiritual Director: Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua
Notes and Events:
Buddhist Canon
In order to establish Buddhism firmly in China, scriptures were translated from Sanskrit into Chinese.
Countless people were involved in this task. National Master Kumarajiva (5th century) headed a team of over 800 in a decade-long translation project of the Tripitaka (Buddhist Canon). Because of this work, nearly the entire Buddhist Canon of over a thousand texts exists today in Chinese.
Now as Buddhism is being planted in Western soil, the same translation work is being done form Chinese into English. The Buddhist Text Translation Society (BTTS) founded by Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua in 1970, is working toward this goal with committees headed by Bhikshus (monks) and Bhikshunis (nuns) devoted to translation, revision, editing and certification of the entire Tripitaka.
Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua (1918 – 1995)
At first glance, he looked and sounded like any other Chinese immigrant in San Francisco in the 1960s. His humble manner belied his position as the 45th Buddhist patriarch in direct lineage from Shakyamuni Buddha.
Master Hua was born in 1918 near Manchuria, China into a family of frugal farmers. He learned to read at 15, and after his mother’s death at 19, he became a monk. He meditated by his mother’s grave for three years and practiced other austerities before receiving full ordination.
At Nan Hua Monastery in Canton, Master Hua received the mind-to-mind transmission of the Patriarchs Master Hsu Yun, making him a Patriarch in direct lineage with Bodhidharma, the last patriarch of India, and Hui Neng, the first patriarch of Zen. With the arrival of the communists on the Chinese mainland, the Master went to Hong Kong to promote orthodox Buddhism. In 1962, he brought monastic, Mahayana Buddhism to America. He founded the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, the International Translation Institute, and over 20 other monasteries and temples all over the globe, with the goal of spreading Buddhism worldwide.
Buddhist Theravada Centre
Address: Bishopsford Road, Hout Bay, Cape Town 7806
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Sassanaraka, Malaysia & World Fellowship of Buddhist
Phone: (021) 790 3478 or 797 8972
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Teachers: Several including visiting teachers
Contact: Lionel Theron or Siggy Franz
Main Contact: Lionel Theron Email (Phone: 082 056 0968 )
Notes and Events:
The Hout Bay Theravada Centre is located at the traffic circle where Victoria Avenue meets Hout Bay Main Road, near the entrance to Imizamo Yethu and diagonally across from the police station (see map). Note that Victoria Road is the coast road, and Victoria Avenue is the road across Hout Bay, between Victoria Road and Main Road. The Centre is on Victoria Avenue just before the traffic circle, and diagonally opposite the SA Police Station.
It is on the same grounds as the Bishopsford Bonsai Nursery.
The gate to the Buddhist centre is to the right of the Bishopsford entrance.
From 17 January, the Hout Bay Buddhist Centre will host a second group which will meet regularly on Tuesday evenings. The Bodhicitta Group, started under the guidance of the Venerable Chamtrul Rinpoche, will be holding weekly Tuesday meetings starting on the 17th Jan 2012 at the Theravada Buddhist Centre. Times are 7pm -8.30pm.
The Theravada Group will continue the regular Wednesday evening dhamma and meditation sessions at 7.30 - 9.00pm weekly.
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