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Alexandria Open Meditation Group

Address: Alexandria   LA
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen
Phone: Margaret Waring 318-792-5061.
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Main Contact: Larry White  Email  
Notes and Events:

The Alexandria Open Meditation Group was created in the spring of 2014 to offer the essence of Zen Buddhism to the Alexandria community without Asian rituals and hierarchies traditionally associated with Zen. The group meets at the Yoga Practice Studio, 1205 Texas Ave, Alexandria, Louisiana on Wednesday evenings at 5:15.

Zazen is an ancient meditation which was developed and taught by the person known as the Buddha around 2500 B.C.E. Zazen is the heart of the practice known as Chan in China and refined as Zen in Japan. The word “zazen” is Japanese and means to sit and give one’s entire body and mind to the present moment; to practice being here and now. Erect posture, regular breathing, and softly open eyes are hallmarks of this meditation. It is a universally available practice which does not require any belief or commitment to a teacher or organization. It is single minded sitting in silence without expectation or goal.

Through daily practice of this meditation we can learn to drop the desires and attachments which cause suffering in our lives.  People with deep religious beliefs or none whatsoever can practice this meditation. Sitting in stillness together underscores our common humanity and equality.

Alexandria Open Meditation Group enables interested persons to experience this meditation practice which many of us find to be beneficial in our daily lives.  The Group meets on Wednesday evenings to sit together for thirty minutes.  Discussions or social outings often flow from our group practice which fosters friendships naturally.

Cushions, benches, and chairs are available but please bring your own if you have them.  A contribution of five dollars each

Alliance of Buddhists in Belarus

Address: Zhilyaka str. 3   Rechitsa 247500
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +375292356289
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Main Contact: Maxim Pozharitsky  Email  (Phone: +375292356289)
Notes and Events:

This resource brings together a group of people interested in Buddhist teachings. Formation of the Alliance of the Buddhists began in 2002. By this time in our city Rechica, Belarus, has resided several people from the regions of Russia traditionally practicing Buddhism (Buryats, Kalmyks). Another part of the group formed Belarusians practicing Buddhism individually.

Our position - practicing Buddhism and send in a form that corresponds to modern thinking. Some forms that reflect the core experience of Buddhism, need to adapt to our new environment. Essence of Buddhism, however, is universal and unchanging. We, as the Buddhists living in a European country, draw inspiration from all Buddhist traditions. Therefore, we are not only followers of Theravada (southern tradition) and Mahayana (the northern tradition), we study and practice everything that we consider useful in any of the Buddhist tradition. Buddhists respect the citizens who do not believe in religion, and to the believers of other faiths.


Address: Bieberer Strasse 78  Offenbach am Main Hessen 63065
Tradition: Mahayana, Rinzai Zen, Hoko Ji Tradition
Phone: +49- (0)69-888506
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Teacher: Willy Kerntopp  
Spiritual Director: Saidan Oi Roshi  
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Alltagsgeist-Zendo provides weekly zen evenings with meditation, chanting and ceremonies. Everybody is welcome, be it beginners or advanced meditators. Usually, the group meets on thursdays, 8 pm. From time to time, there are one day sesshins.

Aloha Sangha

Address: 3241 Alani Drive   Honolulu ID 96822
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 808.393.6342
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Teacher: Tom Davidson-Marx  
Main Contact: Tom Davidson-Marx  Email  (Phone: 808.393.6342)
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We meet weekly to practice breath awareness meditation, as was taught to me while I was ordained in a forest tradition in Sri Lanka in the 1980s. This website strives to offer an alternative to many retreat-focused approaches to Buddhist meditation, as it recognizes that a large portion of our society simply cannot afford the expense nor the time involved in undertaking retreats. It presents the point of view that spiritual development is at times more thorough-going when undertaken in our daily lives as they are, and for many of us that means living paycheck to paycheck, or raising kids, or taking care of our aging parents. The general approach we take is that at it's core, Buddhism presents a clear, simple and commonsense spirituality for our challenging times.

Alokabodhi Buddhist Group

Address:   Maidstone Kent
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Thai Forest Tradition
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Notes and Events:

Alokabodhi Buddhist Group is the new name of the Maidstone Buddhist Group that has been meeting regularly for about 30 years.

The Alokabodhi Buddhist Group, (previously known as the Mid-Kent and Medway Buddhist Group), has been meeting regularly for nearly 40 years. It has evolved into a gathering of spiritual practitioners, committed not only to the study and practice of the Buddha-Dhamma, but also to developing spiritual friendship, something the Buddha said was of crucial importance on the spiritual Path.  We believe that spiritual friendship is a very important quality to cultivate, because it inspires, guides and supports us in our practice.

We meet every Tuesday evening from 7.30pm 10.00pm, in the quiet space of the  Garden room, The Blackthorn Medical Centre, St Andrew’s Road, Barming, Maidstone.  Meetings usually include group meditation with readings or a talk followed by discussion.  We provide a forum for learning and sharing our experiences of integrating the Buddha’s teachings into our everyday life.  If you are interested in joining us or would like to know more please use the Contact Form on our website:

The Alokabodhi sangha also meets in Ashford on the first Tuesday of each month.  Please contact Bernie Oxland for details.
We also support each other’s practice by organising events outside our weekly meetings.  These include our regular Sangha Sundays when our activities include gathering together for a mindful walk in the country (yatra), days of practice which include periods of noble silence, Days of Practice which include periods of Noble Silence, meditation, Dhamma teachings and discussions; family Sangha days, and the opportunity to visit monasteries or other Buddhist centres.

Apart from our residential retreats all our activities are on a dana basis  i.e. they are offered free of charge out of a spirit of generosity, another key aspect of the Buddhas teaching.

Amawatura Buddhist Centre Inc.

Address: 27 Macquarie Road   Pymble NSW 2073
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan
Phone: 0451 499 524 0417 435 300
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Public Officer: Maya Nanayakkara  (Phone: +61 410 680 526)
Main Contact: Dr Gamani Goonetilleka  Email  
Teacher: Ven Sugathawansa  
Notes and Events:


Amawatura Buddhist Centre was set up in 2015 by Dr Gamani Goonetilleka, Ven Ratmalane’ Sirisumana Nayake’ Thero, Ven Hapugoda Buddhadatta Nayake’ Thero with overseeing advice from Ven Dr Ratmalane’ Somaloka Thero, in Sydney Australia. We were Incorporated in March 2016 and subsequently registered as a ‘not for profit’ charity in Australia.

Australia is a very successful multicultural nation and we are proud to be a part of it. Access to Sri Lankan Buddhist monks in the Sydney region is limited as the small numbers of monks present at the Sri Lankan Buddhist temples in Sydney region are extremely hard pressed to find the time to engage in various Buddhist cultural aspects to help the Sri Lankan Buddhists and other interested persons in the diverse community. Amawatura Buddhist Centre (Inc) is proceeding to develop a ‘Sri Lankan Buddhist Cultural Centre’ involving establishment of a Buddhist monks’ residence, a ’place of Buddhist worship’, and a Buddhist Library. We hope to have a complete Buddhist cultural programme, much more than we offer now. Till we secure a permanent ‘Place of Worship’, all our functions such as ‘Poya’ Full moon day ‘Sil’ programs, Vesak and Katina celebrations, other significant events in the Buddhist Calendar which attract a reasonable number of devotees are held in Halls hired for the purpose. As of now our resident monks are available to visit households for Almsgivings, Buddhist blessing ceremonies, accept invitations for Buddhist sermons, Pirith Chanting and other necessary Buddhist Cultural activities to help the Sinhala speaking Buddhists and others in the Australian, Chinese, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Burmese, Indian and other communities. The idea is to offer spiritually essential Buddhist cultural support, teach Mindfulness, Insight Meditation, and interact with devotees in brotherhood. Our Committee has Sinhalese, Tamil, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Indian persons, all working together with the wider Buddhist community to enrich each other’s lives in a manner of ‘UNITY IN DIVERSITY’.

We are a small but Incorporated and registered charity in Australia and actively seek donations to complete this project towards establishment of a permanent ‘Place of worship’ to better serve the Buddhist public and others in necessitous circumstances in Sydney NSW Australia. 

American Bodhi Center

Address: 29123 Mellman RD USA   Waller TX 77445
Tradition: Mahayana, Japanese, Zen
Affiliation: Jade Buddha Temple (Houston)
Phone: 281-498-1616
Fax: 281-498-8133
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Teacher: Rev. Hung I  
Notes and Events:

The American Bodhi Center will include- the Grand Buddha Hall, Meditation Hall, Meditation Retreat Forest, Buddhist Live-in Community Quarters, Administration Building, Buddhist College, Community Activities Building, Outdoor Activity and Camping Areas, Multimedia Publishing House, Zen Garden, Memorial Park and Organic Garden.  Rev. Hung I, Abbott of Jade Buddha Temple in Houston and vice president of the Texas Buddhist Association, said that TBA strives to adapt Buddhism to modern American life while maintaining respect for traditional Buddhist practice. We are creating a new Texas traditions for Texas Buddhists".

American Buddhist Fellowship - Mei Fo Temple (美佛寺)

Address: 1032 South 1st Street   Alhambra CA 91801
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: (626) 213-4563
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Spiritual Director: Venerable Xing Ren  
Notes and Events:

The American Buddhist Fellowship is a non-profit Buddhist organization, and its mission is to provide fellowship for monastics, Dharma talks and meditation retreats for the public, as well as hospice and spiritual emergency care. The temple was founded in 2009 by Venerable Dr. Xing Ren, an ordained Buddhist monk from Wenzhou, China.

American Buddhist Sangha

Address: 4040 SW 76 Ave   DAVIE FL 33328
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Zen Do USA
Phone: 9543385480
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Main Contact: Alyson Kashuk  Email  (Phone: 9543385480)
Spiritual Director: Michael Nolan  Email  (Phone: 9543385480)
Notes and Events:

Our Drive is to promote the understanding of human potential in a safe environment while enhancing one’s body, spirit, and life which are portrayed through daily life choices. We invite you to explore our services: Tai Chi, Qigong, and meditation.  

Amida Birmingham Meditation Group

Address: Marjorie Allen Room, All Saints Community Centre 2 Vicarage Road, Kings Heath  Kings Birmingham
Tradition: Mahayana, Pureland
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Notes and Events:

When you come to one of our Saturday morning meetings, we will begin with a walking practice. Then we will sit down and meditate. After a break for tea and biscuits, we will take the time to discuss and explore one aspect of Buddhism in detail. 

If this sounds like something that might be for you, we would love to see you. Our meetings are suitable for complete beginners and all are welcome.  There is no charge, but we do ask for donations to cover the cost of the room. I would suggest around £5 or whatever you can afford.

Amida Boots

Address:   Altoona PA 16601
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Bright Dawn
Phone: 347-919-6453
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Main Contact: David Ernest Wachter  Email  (Phone: 347-919-6453)
Notes and Events:

Amida Boots is a trans-sectarian sangha which draws wisdom from all Buddhist schools. We meet in various locations in and around Altoona & State College PA USA. We are affiliated with the Bright Dawn Center of Oneness Buddhism:

Amida Counselling & Coaching

Address: Koenraadlaan 102A   Eindhoven Limburg 5651 EZ
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +31-6-44997771
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Main Contact: Gerald Beeck  Email  (Phone: +31-6-44997771)
Notes and Events:

Amida Counselling & Coaching offers psychotherapy from a Buddhist perspective for individuals, couples and groups.
Working with Other Centred Apporoaches to healing such as Naikan, Morita, Other Centered Therapy and ecotherapy.
Weekend and week Nakian retreat for English and Dutch speaking Naikansha.
for private or work related issues
for relationships
for personal growth
to quit your mind and open your heart
to be who your are
to find a constructive way of living.

Amida Malvern Sangha

Address: 111 Belmont Road, Malvern Link   Malvern Worcestershire WR14 1PN
Tradition: Mahayana, Pureland
Affiliation: Amida Trust and Order of Amida Buddha
Phone: 01684 572 444
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Teacher: Rev. Kaspalita  
Notes and Events:

The Malvern Sangha group is part of Amida-shu. The type of Buddhism Amida-shu practices is Pureland Buddhism in the Japanese tradition. Japense Pureland follows the teachings of  Honen and Shinran Buddhists priests of medieval Japan. Pureland Buddhism traces its roots back to the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha who lived in Northern India and Nepal 2500 years ago.

We are at 111 Belmont Road, Malvern Link, Worcestershire, WR14 1PN – just to the north of the Malvern hills. 

Do get in touch with us the first time you’re planning to come along.

From March 2011 we will be meeting on Wednesdays  at 7:30pm - 8:30pm

Weekly Services at The Wheel of Life Centre, 6 North Malvern Road, WR14 4LT

Amida Scotland

Address: Taigh an t-Solais, 19 Fairmount Terrace, Barnhill   PERTH PH2 7AS
Tradition: Mahayana, Amida-shu Pureland Buddhism
Affiliation: Amida Trust
Phone: 01738 622745
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Main Contact: Acharya Sujatin Johnson  Email  (Phone: 01738 622745)
Teacher: Dharmavidya David Brazier  
Notes and Events:

We offer Pureland Buddhist teaching and practice.

Sign up for our newsletter here:

Friends of the Amida Order Network:

Amitabha Buddhist Association of NSW Inc

Address: 82-84 Restwell Street   Bankstown NSW 2200
Tradition: Mahayana, Chinese, Pure Land
Phone: +61297083555
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Teacher: President: Ven Wu Shin  
Main Contact: Vice-President, James Cheng,  Email  (Phone: +61297083555)
Mr : Peter Choi  Email  (Phone: 0297083555)
Notes and Events:

Established in Feb, 1999, the Amitabha Buddhist Association of New South Wales Inc (“The Association”) is located at 82-84 Restwell Street, Bankstown (opposite Bankstown Public School). The Association is affiliated with the Pure Land Learning College Association Inc (“PLLC”) and Pure Land Centres/the Amitabha Buddhist Associations throughout the world. The association’s normal hours of operation is Monday to Friday 9:30am to 3:30pm, Saturday and Sunday 9:00am to 4:30pm.

Amitabha Buddhist Centre Childrens Place

Address: Blk 878 Tampines Ave 8 #01-308 Singapore 520878  
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gelug
Affiliation: Amitabha Buddhist Centre
Phone: 67858586
Fax: 67855085
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The United Trungram Buddhist Fellowship was founded on the belief that the traditional teachings of the Buddha can bring genuine awareness, happiness and benefit to our modern day lives. The Fellowship offers Buddhist teachings and practices preserved under the Trungram tradition through discourses, meditation and community services. UTBF is committed to creating harmonious environments and helping all beings develop their full potential of boundless wisdom and compassion.

Inspired by an attitude of universal responsibility, the Fellowship offers integrated education and spiritual guidance through which peoples minds can be transformed to their highest potential for the benefit of others.

UTBF is based on the tradition of Milarepa who is considered to be Tibets greatest poet saint and one of its most beloved yogis. Milarepas biography and spiritual songs are some of the most loved works in Tibetan Buddhist traditions.

Amitabha Buddhist Society

Address: At post Achler, Block Lohara, Dist. Osmanabad.413602.   Achler. Maharashtra 413602
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Maitriyana Buddhist University
Phone: +91 9527725596
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Main Contact: Mallikarjun Mane  Email  (Phone: +91 9975865809)
Teacher: Amitabhasekkha  
Spiritual Director: Master Maitreya  
Notes and Events:

Amitabha Buddhist Society is a non-profit making, non-government organization registered under Bombay Public Act dated 27/10/2010 (Reg. No. E-5597 Pune). It is also registered u/s 80G of income tax act 1961 (Reg. No. PN/CIT-I/80G/359/2010-11).

Amitabha Buddhist Society is the Headquarters of the World Association Of Buddhism; 7th, No, 1595, Templo Budista, Costa Bonita, Necochea CP 7631, Buenos Aires, Argentina, since 2013 for India – Asia area. It is a official Representative of the Maitriyana Buddhist University, has the office in Pune area, to organize varied kind of study, practice, and meditation courses in Buddhism. It is a institutional member and insistently working for the Maitriyana Spiritual Movement. ABS is also a jury member in International Buddhist Ethics Committee & Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights, UBNO (United Nations Buddhist Organizations).

We provide all the required assistance, guidance, direction, co-operation, motivation, and everything required for the development of Education, Ecology, Humanity and world Peace. In addition, we also organize regular programs for the spiritual development by the way of Buddhism. We guide our students and seekers in concepts of ultimate truth, happiness, satisfaction, inner contentment etc., for this we are taking massive efforts. We are trying to propagate the Buddhist vision to the masses by organizing and coordinating programs from time to time.

Buddhism is a science of Living, propounding the values of Humanity, showing importance of the basic principles of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity for the humankind.

Amitabha Foundation Australia

Address: 79 Edgeworth David Ave (the former Uniting Church at the cornerof Edgeworth David Ave and Palmerston Rd   Waitara NSW 2077
Tradition: Vajrayana, Drikung Kagyu
Affiliation: Amitabha Foundation (International)
Phone: 02 8250 5213
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Main Contact: Jane Crancher  Email  (Phone: 02 8250 5213)
Spiritual Director: H.E. Ayang Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Regular teaching visits by His Eminence Ayang Rinpoche, Driking Kagyu Phowa master.

Besides Phowa, Rinpoche also teaches Amitabha Buddha, Vajrasattva, Wrathful Guru Rinpoche, Achi Chokyi Drolma and other traditional Tibetan Buddhist practices. He also bestows the pointing out instructions on qualified students.

Regular weekly year-round meditation sessions and courses in Buddhism - all welcome.

Courses and teachings in English. 

All activities free or by donation.

Amitabha Hospice Service

Address: 44 Powell Street   Avondale Auckland 1026
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Gelugpa
Affiliation: FPMT
Phone: 9-8283321
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Spiritual Director: Lama Zopa Rinpoche  
Main Contact: Christine Murphy  Email  (Phone: 9-8283321)
Managing Director: Ecie Hursthouse  Email  (Phone: 64211212481)
Notes and Events:

A free weekly service for elderly or terminally ill, non-Buddhists and Buddhists all over Auckland, providing practical support and compassionate companionship. Counselling for patients and families /carers also provided.

An Duong Voung Temple

Address: Thon Thai Thong Xa Vinh Thai T.P.Nha Trang Tinh Khanh Hoa  
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 058.890228
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Notes and Events:

An Duong Vuong Temple is located in Co Loa village, Đong Anh district, Hanoi. It is on the way to Phuc Yên and about 17 km from the center of Hanoi. It associated with the story of An Duong Vuong, Au Lac and last State of Hung Vuong.

Anand Shakya Dhammachari

Address: KARUNA VIHAR, Ward:5/A, Plot:523-526, N/R. Rambag Hospital, ADIPUR, Kutch.   ADIPUR Gujarat 370205
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +91 9426218205
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Dhammachari: Anandsakya  Email  (Phone: +91 9426218205)
Main Contact: Anand Shakya  Email  (Phone: +91 9426218205)
Spiritual Director: Urgyen Sangharakshita  
Notes and Events:

Buddhist activities in Gujarat started by Bhante Sangharakshita in 1947, he came to join ‘Sarva Dharm Sabha’ in Ahmedabad. Bhante inspired people; few their friends to celebrate Buddha Purnima who were living in Ahmedabad. That was the first celebration of the Buddha Jayanti in the Mordern Gujarat. The movement of Mass conversion taken place in India by Bodhisatva Baba Saheb Ambedkar in 1956, very few people went to Nagpur to embraced Buddhism from the Gujarat.

Bhante Sangharakshita had first time given Dhamma Diksha at Ahmedabad as significance of Mass Conversion in 1960. Bhante has very close relation with the Gujarati Buddhist from very beginning.  As a result of Bhante’s Kalyanmitrata Dhammachari Lokmitra was able to start TRIRATNA BUDDHIST ORDER movement in Gujarat since their arrival in India -1978. Bhante had given first initiation as Order Member in India in 1979. There were two persons; more than twenty people Ordained as Dhammachari from the Gujarat. Out of these few are working out side the Gujarat. Dhammachari Anand Shakya (Ordained in 1991) the senior order member of the Triratna Buddhist Order who is witness of whole order movement of the Gujarat. He practicing the Buddhist principles and working/ contributing in the Indian Movement since his contact of the TBM movement.

Ananda Buddha Vihara Trust

Address: Mahendra Hills   Secunderbad Andhra Pradesh 500 026
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Formerly Ananda Buddha Vihara Samiti, Estd 1974
Phone: 0091-40-27733161/ 27733461, 0091-9441038801
Fax: 0091-40-27733161
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Secretary: Mr Amal Kanti Barua  Email  (Phone: 0091-9490776565)
Chairman: Ven.K Sangharakshita Mahathera  Email  (Phone: 0091-9441038801)
Teacher: Ven.K Sangharakshita Mahathera  
Main Contact: Ven.K Sangharakshita Mahathera  Email  (Phone: 0091-9441038801)
Notes and Events:

Ananda Buddha Vihara Trust is committed to the cause of reviving, preserving and propagating Buddhist tradition and culture. Regular Buddhist practices, Chanting, Meditation, Periodical Celebrations are conducted in the vihara complex. Group of resident monks are available for Dhamma discourse and monastic training. Buddhist literatures in English and other local languages are available for interested readers. Free medical dispensary for poor people every week. Ananda Buddha Vihara Trust is registered under Public Charitable Trust Act having Income Tax exemption vide 80G and FCRA certified.

Ananda Buddhist Centre

Address: Cnr Hinchliff & Munro Streets North Rockhampton   Qld
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan Sakya and other Buddhist Traditions
Affiliation: Sakya Losal Choe Dzong (Canberra)
Phone: 0429 940 472 0448005807
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Main Contact: Dan Waterhouse  (Phone: 0409 631124)
Spiritual Director: Lama Choedak  
Notes and Events:

The Ananda Buddhist Centre has secured a suitable, permanent location from where we can conduct our activities from. The new Dharma centre is situated upstairs from the MOUNT ARCHER  LION\'S CLUB HALL on the corner of Hinchliff and Munro Streets (Farm Street end of Alexandra Street), North Rockhampton.

From The beginning of September, 2011, all of our Sunday meditation sessions, 8 week CAM classes and non-residential retreats will be held here. The new centre will also house our library of books, CD’s, DVD’s and magazines.

Ananda Buddhist Monastery and College

Address: 200 Greenwood Avenue   Yeagertown PA 17099
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Meditation (Thiền) and Pure Land (Tịnh Độ Tông)
Phone: 717-248-4050
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Spiritual Director: Most Reverend Thich Van Dam  Email  (Phone: 571-643-5700)
Notes and Events:

Ananda Buddhist Monastery and College is a central Pennsylvania Buddhist congregation in the Vietnamese tradition combining meditation (Thiền) and Pure Land (Tịnh Độ Tông) practices under the direction of the Most Reverend Thich Van Dam.

Our temple offers monthly retreats, celebration of important Buddhist festivals, meditation instruction, and fellowship with Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike.  Please visit our website for more information, including archived Dharma talks:

Ananda Dharma Center

Address: 3888 Balcom Road   San Jose CA 95148
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan Gelug
Affiliation: Tibetan Gelug
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Spiritual Director: Geshe Gyalten Kungka  
Executive Director: Geshe Thupten Kunsang  Email  
Notes and Events:

Ananda Dharma Center is a Tibetan Buddhist Center, teaching and practicing the Buddha Dharma.  Our programs explore how the universal wisdom and compassion of the ancient Buddhist tradition can transform our own lives, as well as bring practical benefit to the world.  Our events range from the devotional to those suited for everyone, regardless of background or belief, seeking to uncover the truth within themselves, develop peace of mind, and find the happiness and meaning we all long for.  The center is located in the beautiful San Jose hills, in the San Francisco Bay Area near Silicon Valley.  We invite all spiritual seekers to join us.

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