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Zen Group of Western Australia
Address: Box 442 Fremantle WA 6959
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Affiliation: Diamond Sangha founded by Aitken Roshi
Phone: (08) 9430 9155 (08) 9430 9255
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Contact: Mary Heath
Main Contact: Mary Heath - the contact person can change
Spiritual Director: Ross Bolleter Roshi
Teacher: Ian Sweetman
Notes and Events:
Sits every Thursday night 7-9pm in Fremantle. Regular sesshin and dharma talks.
Venue: St Pauls Church Hall, 162 Hampton Road, Beaconsfield, WA,Sesshin (formal Zen retreat) available to people who attend the weekly meditation
Zen Group \\
Address: Lawendowa 1 Zachelmie 58-562
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Zen Soto
Phone: +48 604 176 487
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Main Contact: Ranryu Jacek Kozlowski Email (Phone: + 48 604 176 487)
Teacher: Ven.Sengan Tesshu Roshi
Spiritual Director: Ranryu Jacek Kozlowski Email (Phone: + 48 604 176 487)
Notes and Events:
Zen Kannon Kudoku Group and Ryuho Renge An temple is affiliated as a branch of Ryusenji Temple in Hamamatsu (Japan). It is a part of Soto shu Zen tradition. The head teacher is abbot of Ryusenji - Ven. Sengan Tesshu Roshi with former abbot Ven. Gyozan Tetsugen Roshi.
Zen group organize regular zazenkai , sesshin and trip to mother temple - Ryusenji in Japan.
Head of Zen Group is Rev. Genshu Ranryu (Jacek Kozlowski) - priest of Soto shu Zen tradition living in Ryuho Renge An ( Zachelmie , Poland).
More information you can find in our web :
Zen Gruppe Salzburg (2)
Address: Lehenerstrasse 15 Salzburg A-5020 Austria Salzburg 5020
Tradition: Mahayana, Rinzai
Affiliation: Buddhistisches Zentrum Salzburg
Phone: (+43) 699-10759774
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Contact: Gakuro Email (Phone: (+43) 699-10759774)
Teacher: Genro Seiun Osho
Spiritual Director: Kyozan Joshu Sasaki Roshi
Notes and Events:
Zazen weekly, Thursday, 7-9 p.m.
Occasional zazenkai on Saturdays.
Zen im täglichen Leben - Zen in daily life
Address: Vienna Wien 1200
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen
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Main Contact: Ananda Email
Spiritual Director: Ananda Email
Notes and Events:
At "zen in daily life" we practice seated meditation (zazen) along with a mixture of techniques to develop Wisdom and Compassion in daily life. Mantra recitation is also practiced. Our physical body is viewed as not different from the enlightenment body. Caring for our fellow-beings is viewed as the main road to relegate our ego to a healthy place in the background.
Zen im Zentrum für Körperarbeit
Address: Marsbruchstraße 8a Dortmund-Aplerbeck Nordrhein-Westfalen 44287
Tradition: Mahayana, Rinzai Zen
Affiliation: Mt. Baldy Zen Center
Phone: +49/231/3984705
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Teacher: Hozan Robert Gantke
Spiritual Director: Joshu Sasaki Roshi
Notes and Events:
Dienstags von 18.50 - 21.00 Uhr Tee, Rezitation, Zazen , Kinhin, Vortrag / Lesung / Austausch. Kostenbeitrag 3,- Euro + Spende
Zen Kenya
Address: visit our website for address Nairobi 00606
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
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Notes and Events:
This is an informal group of practitioners of the Zen meditation.
Visit the website to contact us.
Zen Life & Meditation Center of Chicago
Address: 38 Lake Street, Oak Park, IL 60302 IL
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto and Rinzai Zen
Affiliation: Whilte Plum Lineage
Phone: (708) 689-1220
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Contact: Roshi Robert Joshin Althouse
Spiritual Director: Roshi Robert Joshin Althouse
Notes and Events:
The Zen Life & Meditation Center of Chicago empowers others to live a more effective Zen-inspired life of openness, empathy and clarity in the face of uncertainty and change. It offers a comprehensive core curriculum that grounds students in mindfulness meditation. Drawing on many Western teachings from psychology, science and philosophy. it teaches a practical, down-to-earth, applied Zen practice for daily life. It offers free weekly meditations and its teachings and practices are open to everyone regardless of race, religion or culture.
Zen Meditation - Michael Filzinger
Address: Pfarrgasse 8b Schöneck Hessen 61137
Tradition: Mahayana, ZEN - all Tradions
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Main Contact: Michael Filzinger Email (Phone: 06187 / 9055175)
Spiritual Director: Michael Filzinger Email (Phone: 06187 / 9055175)
Notes and Events:
Beratung und Coaching im Buddhismus und ZEN-Buddhismus, Selbstfindung, Meditation, Koan-Arbeit, Erreichung der grossen Erweckung, psychische Probleme, Lebenskriesen, ...
In Tradition Buddhas, des Chan, Rinzai-ZEN, Graswurzel-ZEN und des White-ZEN
Ich nehme gerne auch Anfragen von Unternehmen und Seminarzentren entgegen.
Zen Meditation Isle of Man
Address: Old Post Office Lane, Ramsey Isle of Man IM8 1DP
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen with the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives
Affiliation: Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey
Phone: 01624 818024
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Main Contact: Mia Email (Phone: 01624 818024)
Notes and Events:
In the tradition of Soto Zen. Free introductory sessions every month, weekly sits on Tuesday evenings in a dedicated meditation hall in central Ramsey, Isle of Man. See and contact us for details.
Zen Mindfulness in Birmingham
Address: Birmingham
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 07908950871
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Teacher: Adam Dacey
Notes and Events:
Each session usually begins with an spoken introduction to the practice.
Zen Open Circle
Address: 90 Church Street (Buddhist Library) Camperdown NSW 2050
Tradition: Mahayana, Diamond Sangha Zen Lineage, authorised by Robert Aitken Roshi
Affiliation: Diamond Sangha and Pacific Zen Institute
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Main Contact: Merran Dawson, Practice Leader Email
Spiritual Director: Susan Murphy Roshi
Notes and Events:
For those who are just starting out in their practice, or who are just curious about Zen, a chance to find out about
* the history of Zen and its connections to China and Japan
* meditation, in easy steps
* background and explanations of chanting and sutras particular to Zen
* information about koans and their role in Zen practice
* exploration of the working of the student-teacher relationship.
Session Dates 2015:
Sunday March 8 1:00 – 3:00pm
Sunday March 29 9:00 – 11:00am
Saturday April 18 1:00 – 3:00pm
Saturday April 26 9:00 – 11:00am
With fortnightly optional support group continuing until the end of July, 2015. As well, there will be the ongoing comradeship of being in a group who are all learning together and able to question and discuss.
The two hour course sessions will run before regular Zen Open Circle fortnightly sitting, at the Buddhist Library 90 Church Street, Camperdown, and comprehensive course notes will be supplied. Fees charged for the course will be used to provide a space for Zen practice, and the continuation of Susan Murphy’s otherwise unpaid work as a teacher of Zen.
Note: A second Beginning Zen Course is planned for August- September, 2015.
Zen River
Address: Oldörpsterweg 1
Uithuizen Groningen 9981NL
Tradition: Mahayana, Japanese Soto/Rinzai Zen Buddhism (Maezumi Roshi)
Affiliation: White Plum Asanga & Soto Zen Buddhism
Phone: +31 (0)595 435039
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Main Contact: Zen River Email (Phone: +31 (0)595 435039)
Spiritual Director: Tenkei Coppens
Notes and Events:
Zen River is an international residential training temple, that offers a year round Buddhist programme under the guidance of Anton Tenkei Coppens. As a successor to Genpo Merzel Roshi and dharma grandson of Taizan Maezumi Roshi, Tenkei Roshi is a member of the White Plum Lineage and works to transmit the teaching of this lineage in Europe.
The temple is located in a beautiful property on the outskirts of Uithuizen, a small village on the northern edge of Holland close to the Waddensea. It enjoys the spaciousness and tranquillity of the country-side and yet it is easily accessible by public transportation.
The programme of Zen River Temple is based on four elements of training, and consists of a daily schedule as well as a calender of retreats and related events. While the continuity of every day practice is being maintained by a core-group of a dozen long-term residents, many Zen River members join regularly to participate in the daily training programme or in retreats. The overnight accommodation has a capacity of thirty five participants. All meals on regular training days are vegetarian.
Zen Sangha Antwerpen
Address: Arthur Sterckstraat 40 Antwerpen-Berchem Antwerpen 3000
Tradition: Mahayana, Taizan Maezumi Roshi, Dennis Genpo Merzel Roshi, Catherine Genno Pagès Roshi
Affiliation: White Plum Asanga
Phone: +32 (0)9 324 63 95
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Teacher: Frank De Waele Sensei
Spiritual Director: Frank De Waele Sensei
Notes and Events:
Zen meditation and instruction every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7:30 - 9:30pm
Monthly Zazenkai on Sundays.
Zen Sitting Group of Pittsburgh
Address: 1406 S. Negley St
Pittsburgh,PA Pittsburgh PA 15217
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen: Mountains and Rivers Order
Affiliation: Mountains and Rivers Order, Zen Mountain Monstery
Phone: 412-421-5176
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Teacher: Shugen Arnold Sensei
Main Contact: Ron Hogen Green Email (Phone: 412-421-5176)
Spiritual Director: JohnDaido Loori, Roshi Email (Phone: 845-688-2228)
Notes and Events:
The Zen Sitting Group of Pittsburgh (ZSGP) is a member of the Society of Mountains and Rivers (SMR), a network of Zen Buddhist sitting groups and affiliates of the Mountains and Rivers Order (MRO). The MRO’s spiritual founder and director is John Daido Loori Roshi, abbot of Zen Mountain Monastery in upstate New York.
We meet on alternating Sundays for zazen and a liturgy service. On the second Sunday of each month there will also be a senior’s talk by the group leader, Hogen Green. These talks will focus primarily on the relationship of Zen practice to daily life.
Zen Study Center
Address: 8811 Katella Ave Anaheim CA 92804
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Master Thich Thanh Tu
Phone: 714-236-0826
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Teacher: Ven Thich Tue Giac
Notes and Events:
Zen Study Center was founded by the Vietnamese Buddhist Meditation Congregation in 2005 to provide a warm and peaceful place to study and practice Zen Buddhism. Its primary activities include sitting in meditation, studying Buddhist teachings, and discovering the meaning of Zen practice in everyday life.
Zen-Centre Tao Chan
Address: Yorckstr. 6 Wiesbaden Hessen 65195
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Chan
Phone: + 49 611 - 940 62 31
Fax: + 49 611 - 940 62 32
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Teacher: Michael Porten
Spiritual Director: Zensho W. Kopp
Notes and Events:
The Zen-Centre Tao Chan is under the personal direction of Zen-Master Zensho W. Kopp.
Zen-Master Zensho teaches a contemporary Zen Way, which is in accordance with the spiritual needs and the lifestyle of the modern Western person.Zen-dojo Oostende
Address: Zwaluwenstraat 21 B 301
Oostende West-Vlaanderen 8400
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen - Mokudo Taisen Deshimaru
Affiliation: Association Bouddhiste Zen d'Europe
Phone: 059/430887
Website: http://www.
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Zenmaster : Roland Yuno Rech
Zenmaster: Patrick Pargnien
Notes and Events:
"Zazen beoefenen is het ego opgeven en onze onderlinge afhankelijkheid en solidariteit met het hele universum verwezenlijken.
Het betekent zijn zuivere en vrije natuur verwezenlijken in harmonie met het hele universum,
zonder de waarheid te zoeken en zonder de illusies te verwerpen.
Het betekent het ontwaken uit de eigen illusies en zichzelf ontdekken en begrijpen."
Roland Yuno Rech
Zazen iedere dinsdagavond van 18.45 uur tot 20.15 uur
Adres: Vrije Multiculturele kleuterschool "Westdiep" - Nijverheidsstraat t.h.v. nr. 30 te 8400 Oostende.
Zen-Übungsgruppe Saarbrücken
Address: Gaußstraße 3 Saarbrücken Saarland 66123
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 06897-7799515
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Main Contact: Alexander Titz Email
Spiritual Director: Jeff Shore
Notes and Events:
Die meisten TeilnehmerInnen praktizieren regelmäßig bei einem anerkannten Zen-Lehrer. Dabei sind sowohl "reine" Traditionslinien (Soto, Rinzai) vertreten, als auch Mischformen, die sich um einen interreligiösen Dialog bemühen (z.B. Pater Lassalle).
Wir praktizieren Donnerstags ab 19h30 in drei Perioden a 25min unterbrochen von jeweils 5min Kinhin.
Wir freuen uns auf interessierte Menschen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns vor Ihrem ersten Besuch. Vielen Dank!
Address: 1 Chapter Cottages Shincliffe-Durham Durham DH1 2NE
Tradition: Mahayana, Rinzai Zen: Rients Ritskes, Rinzai, Rients Ritskes, Sokun Tsushimoto, Seiko Hirata.
Affiliation: Rients Ritskes
Phone: 07917758612
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Teacher: Jan de Ruiter, Osho
Spiritual Director: Rients Ritskes, Dai-Osho Email
Notes and Events:
Beginners courses Zen meditation starting 23 September. No prior knowledge or experience with meditation is required to follow these classes. The classes will provide everything that you will need to start practising meditation. It will also support you in establishing a regular practice. Classes are introduced with a talk providing background to the practice and the application of Zen in your daily life.
Address: Vinkenlaan 40 Malden Gelderland 6581 CL
Tradition: Mahayana, Rinzai
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Spiritual Director: Rients Ritskes Email
Notes and Events:
Offers daily practice, sesshins and courses in different places in the Netherlands.
Zendo Maasduinen
Address: westerweg 5 wellerlooi Limburg 5856 EB
Tradition: Mahayana, Non-Sectarian
Phone: 0478631977
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Notes and Events:
zenmeditatie programma:
iedere donderdagavond open voor beginners en gevorderden van 20.00 tot ca 21.10
enkele keren per jaar organiseren we sesshins
individuele koanbegeleiding mogelijk
Zen meditation programme:
Each thursday evening from 20.00 to 21.10 open to beginners and expierenced zennists.
Zendo Pencohue
Address: Vagues, San Antonio de Areco Buenos Aires 2760
Affiliation: Zendo Betania
Phone: 54 2325 15651145
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Main Contact: Patricio Email (Phone: Dufaur)
Notes and Events:
En Zendo Betania se practica el Zen de la línea HARADA - YASUTANI - YAMADA.
Zendo USA
Address: 5610 SW 37 Street
Davie, Fl 33314 Davie FL 33314
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen
Affiliation: American Buddhist Sangha
Phone: 954 338 5480
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Spiritual Director: Michael Nolan Email
Notes and Events:
Address: Zendouniversitario
Organizaciones Estudiantiles
Universidad de Puerto Rico en Bayamón
Zona industrial Minillas
Carr. 174 Bayamón 00959
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Rinzai
Affiliation: Centro Zen Universitario
Phone: (787) 242-0815
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Teacher: Yoshu Sasaki Roshi
Spiritual Director: Kando Luis Pabón Email (Phone: (787)242-0815)
Notes and Events:
El primer semestre del año académico 2007-2008 comenzamos la práctica de budismo Zen en la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Bayamón. Cada martes a las 11:30 convertimos el salón 304 en un Zendo, lugar donde se practican las meditaciones (zazen).
Zenshin-ji Zen Center
Address: 601 50th Street Charleston WV 25304
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Garland/White Plum Lineage
Affiliation: Zen Garland
Phone: 304-389-7242
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Spiritual Director: Rev. Greg Tensho Noble Email (Phone: 304-389-7242)
Main Contact: Rev. Greg Tensho Noble Email (Phone: 304-389-7242)
Notes and Events:
Offering Introductory classes for Zen Meditation as well as Zazenkai. Weekly Dharma talks. Zen retreats/Sesshin with Rev. Paul Genki Kahn Roshi.
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