There were 8887 results matching your query.
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DeepStreams Institute
Address: 121 Clement Street San Francisco CA 94118
Tradition: Mahayana, Rinzai/Soto Zen
Affiliation: Diamond Sangha lineage
Phone: (415) 487-8742
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Teacher: Joseph Bobrow, Roshi
Deer Park Buddhist Center
Address: 4548 Schneider Drive, Oregon WI 53575 WI
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa
Phone: (608) 835-5572, Fax 835-2964
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Contact: Ven. Geshe Sopa and Ven. Geshe Thabkay
Spiritual Director: Geshe Lhundrup Sopa
Deer Park Monastery
Address: 2499 Melru Lane, 8447 Escondido CA 92026
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hahn
Affiliation: Community of Mindful Living
Phone: (760) 291-1003 ext 100
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Delano Buddhist Church
Address: Delano, California CA
Tradition: Mahayana, Jodo Shinshu Buddhism
Affiliation: Buddhist Churches of America (BCA)
Phone: (805) 725 8135
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Delaplane Zen Group
Address: 11324 Pearlstone Lane, Delaplane VA 20144 VI
Tradition: Mahayana, Rinzai Zen
Phone: (540) 592-3701
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Teachers: Bill Stephens, Murray Kramer, Tom Davenport
Spiritual Director: Tom Davenport
Contact: Tom Davenport
Delegação UBP do Funchal - Madeira
Address: R. das Mercês 26, Sala G 9000-244 Funchal, Portugal
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: União Budista Portuguesa
Phone: 964352338 ou 968158500
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Delegação UBP do Porto
Address: R. Anibal Cunha, 39-2 sala 3 4050-048 Porto, Portugal
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: União Budista Portuguesa
Phone: 917 088 371
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Delhi Vipassana Centre - Dhamma Sota
Address: [Village Raheka (District Gurgaon) Ballabgarh-Sohna Road, 12 kms from Sohna (about 50 kms from Connaught Place, New Delhi) Haryana] Hemkunt Towers, 16th Floor; 98 Nehru Place; New Delhi 110 019; India.
Tradition: Theravada, Vipassana meditation as taught by S.N.Goenka
Phone: (0124) 2260066; 2260077
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Contact: Vipassana Sadhana Sansthan
Delta Insight Group - Memphis
Address: 715 North Auburndale Street, TN 38107-4531 TE
Tradition: Theravada
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Contact: Mark W. Muesse
Demagiri Buddha Vihara
Address: Tlabung, Lunglei, Mizoram, India 796751 Demagiri (Tlabung) Mizoram 796751
Tradition: Theravada
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Chakma: Suman Jyoty Bhante Email (Phone: +918974419262)
Teacher: His Holiness Ven. Suman Jyoty Bhante
Spiritual Director: His Holiness Tejabangsha Thera
Den Norske Sotozen Buddhist Orden
Address: Kristiansand, Norway Kristiansand 4666
Tradition: Mahayana
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Osho: Sozen Larsen Kusano
Main Contact: Sozen Larsen Kusano
Teacher: Sozen Larsen Kusano
Den Vietnamesiske Buddhistiske Forening i Aalborg Templet An Lac
Address: Vietnamesisk Kulturhus Kastelvej 24 9000 Aalborg
Tradition: Mahayana, Vietnamese
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Contact: Nguyen Khoa Lien
Den Vietnamesiske Buddhistiske Forening i Esbjerg
Address: Strandbygade 46A 6700 Esbjerg Ulvevej 30, 1. th. 6715 Esbjerg N
Tradition: Mahayana, Vietnamese
Phone: 75 15 64 62
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Contact: Nguyen Van Chanh
Denshinji - Insitution et Temple de Bouddhisme Zen Soto - Blois - France
Address: 45 Boulevard Daniel Dupuis Blois Loir-et-Cher 41000
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Phone: 02 54 56 18 56
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Founder: Shuyu Narita
Contact: Kengan D. Robert
Spiritual Director: Kengan D. Robert
Notes and Events:
Shôkôzan Denshinji Buddhist Institution is a Buddhist Temple and a religious community in the Soto Zen tradition of Mahayana Buddhism lineage ("Great Vehicle").
The Institution has been founded in Blois - France - in 1992 by Zen-master Kengan D. Robert. Registered as an Association in conformity with the relevant Law of 1901, this Institution is a member of Union Bouddhiste de France — UBF (French Buddhist Federation)
Shôkôzan Denshinji Temple is a member of the Japanese Religious Federation SÔTÔ-SHÛ (Japanese Federation of religious organizations of temples and monasteries as well as zen-masters in the doctrinal lineage of zen-master Dogen) which is the authority of the Soto lineage in Zen Buddhism tradition.
Shôkôzan Denshinji Temple\\\'s spiritual Founder is Venerable Shûyû Narita (1914 - 2004) who consecrated the Temple in 1994. The present Abbot is zen-master Kengan D. Robert who became zen-master Shûyû Narita\\\'s doctrinal heir after the decease of Venerable Taisen Deshimaru who introduced Zen practice in Europe. Kengan D. Robert is a master of the teachings and a Zen Buddhism missionary named by Sôtô-shû.
Shôkôzan Denshinji Institution\\\'s purpose is the study and, above all, the practice of Shakyamuni Buddha\\\'s Teachings within the Soto Zen tradition transmitted in Japan in 1225 by zen-master Dôgen and zen-master Keizan.
The main practice is the "Collecting of one\\\'s mind in sitting position" (jap.: zazen) which zen-master Dôgen named « Just sitting ! » (jap.: shikantaza).
Since March 2006, "Denshinji - Centre Zen Martinique" and "AZI - Centre Zen Guadeloupe" are Denshinji\\\'s branch zen-centers respectively in French Caribbean prefecture-islands Martinique and Guadeloupe.
Denver Buddhist Cultural Society
Address: 2530 West Alameda Avenue, Denver CO 80219
Tradition: Mahayana, Fo Guang Shan, Lin-Chi Chan School
Affiliation: Fo Guang Shan (Buddhas Light Mountain) Buddhist Order.
Phone: (720) 495-4837 - member contact
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Contact: Sue Ong-Moyers or Brian
Spiritual Director: Ven. Master Hsing Yun, founder since 1967
Denver Insight Meditation Sitting Group
Address: 1630 Magnolia Street, Denver CO 80220
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: (303) 399-6769
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Contact: Lloyd Burton
Department for Promotion and Propagation of Sasana
Address: Kaba Aye, Yangon, Myanmar Yangon
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 0095-1-665360 / 665358
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Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies (Prof. Siddharth Singh)
Address: Banaras Hindu University (B.H.U.),Varanasi Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 221005
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +91-542-2317544
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Main Contact: Prof. Siddharth Singh Email (Phone: +91-542-2317544)
Department of Religious Affairs
Address: Director General: Dr. Myo Myint Kaba Aye, Yangon, Myanmar Yangon
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 0095-1-525533 / 09-99-21946
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Derbyshire Buddhist Group
Address: Informal links to Amaravati Buddhist Monastery Derbyshire
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 01335 360405
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Contact: Roger
Derry City Tibetan Group
Address: Alexander House & Cottages, Bishop Street Londonderry Northern Ireland & Channel Islands
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan Gelugpa
Affiliation: Jampa Ling Buddhist Centre
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Rinpoche: Lama Panchen Otrul
Derry Donegal Buddhist Community
Address: L,Derry Northern Ireland & Channel Islands bt48 0se
Tradition: Mahayana, Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Black Mountain Zen Centre
Phone: 02871 377837
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Main Contact: Niall Maxwell Email
Notes and Events:
Out reach project for Belfasts Blackmountain zen centre.
other contact: Paddy (Lobsang Wangchuck) 02871282881
Desert Cactus Sangha
Address: 5437 East Pinchot Avenue Phoenix AZ 85018
Tradition: Mahayana, Vietnamese, Zen
Phone: (602) 952-0915
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Contact: Marcie Colpas
Spiritual Director: Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh
Desert Lotus Zen Sangha
Address: 6400 W Del Rio St Chandler AZ 85226
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto / Rinzai Zen
Affiliation: Pacific Zen Institute
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Venue: Valley Unitarian Universalist Church,
Detchene Tcheuling
Address: 4 Rue Jean Baptiste Pigalle 31000 Toulouse
Tradition: Vajrayana
Phone: 05 61 12 11 83
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