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Washington Buddhist Vihara
Address: 5017 16th Street, N.W., Washington DC
Tradition: Theravada, American
Phone: (202) 723-0773
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Founder: Ven. Madihe Pannasiha Mahanayaka Thera
Notes and Events:
Endeavoring to share the knowledge of the Dhamma of the Buddha, the Washington Buddhist Vihara, from it is very inception, has supported a policy that goes beyond ethnic and cultural boundaries. Though people of many nationalities frequent the Vihara, all regular services are conducted in the English language. This policy has greatly aided the introduction of Buddhism to the USA. In fact, almost one half of the Washington Buddhist Vihara Societys membership is made up of local Americans. As there are no language barriers, visitors and devotees who speak different languages feel quite at home at the Vihara. There is always some one to talk to.
Wat Mongkhool-Khunaram
Address: 697 St Anthony Avenue, St Paul, MN 55104 MN
Tradition: Theravada, Thai and Hmong
Phone: 952-594-9582.
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Teacher: Ajan Kosam, resident monk
Notes and Events:
The temple operates out of a two story grey house surrounded by a grey cyclone fence. But when you leave your shoes at the door, step inside and you find a small prayer hall with statues and pictures of Buddha on the wall and a low dais where Ajan Phra Khrupras- itthamrha Kosam, the resident Thai Buddhist monk sits during services. The lay people coming there are not Lao or Thai. They are Hmong.
Wat opened in October of 2012 . Visitors are welcome and visits can be arranged by calling Mr. Yang at 952-594-9582.
Wat Abhidhamma Buddhavihara
Address: Russia, Saint Petersburg, Gorelovo, Dachnaya sSreet., 182
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 8-812-421-07-24
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Spiritual Director: Phra Ajahn Chatree Hemapandha Email
Teacher: Sayadaw Ashin Veluriya
Main Contact: Anton Andreev Email
Notes and Events:
Wat Adhidhamma Buddhavihara is a theravada monastery, which was founded by Phra Ajahn Chatree Hemapandha and the Sangha of Thailand.
We have a ceremony every Sunday:
13.00 - chanting Buddhist mantra
14.00 - ceremony of Sangha dana
14.30 - Dhamma talk by monks of Buddhavihara
15.00 - sitting and walking meditation
16.00 - mantra of blessings
17.00 - lesson of thai or burmanese language
Every first weekend of every months we offer to participate in retreat.
Wat Amphawan of America Buddhist Temple
Address: 4880 Barfield-Crescent Road Murfreesboro TE
Tradition: Theravada, Thai , all welcome
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Teacher: Abbot Preeda Momuntkon
Notes and Events:
All welcome! Americans, Indians, Laotians and Thais worship at the temples. Christians, Muslims and Jews are invited to meditate at the temple.
Wat Ananda Metyarama
Address: 50-B Jalan Bukit Merah, Singapore 169545
Tradition: Theravada, Thai
Phone: 62769646
Fax: 62755893
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Spiritual Director: Venerable Luang Phor Hong Dhammaratano (Phra Dhammaratano Bandit).
Notes and Events:
Wat Ananda Metyarama is the oldest Theravada Buddhist tradition Temple in Singapore. It was completed in 1925 with a land area of 18,317sq. feet. Formerly located at 83 Silat Road, Singapore, the new address is 50-B Jalan Bukit Merah, Singapore 169545.
The founder of Wat Ananda Metyarama is Venerable Luang Phor Hong Dhammaratano (Phra Dhammaratano Bandit). He came to Singapore in 1920 with his disciple, Samanera Boonler. Upon noticing that there is no Theravada temple in Singapore at that time, they aspired to build one. Venerable Luang Phor Hong Dhammaratano passed away on 10th November 1952 and was cremated on 16th November 1952 by Thai Consul’s General PhrayaSrisayamcit with Thai Groups.
Venerable Phra Rajayankavee took over as his successor and revonated the temple in 1953. He served as the Chief Abbott twice; in between which Venerable Phra Maha Amnad Ithiyano took over.
Venerable Phraku Bisaldhammanides succeeded him and started the Youth Circle in 1966 (which is the first registered Buddhist Youth Circle in Singapore). Venerable Phraku Bisaldhammanides left for Bangkok in 1974.
Taking over his position is our current Chief Abbott, Venerable Chao Khun Phra Tepsiddhivides. Greatly revered for his ceaseless efforts to promote Buddhism, to teach the Dhamma and to give counsel and comfort to devotees and others, Venerable Chao Khun Phra Tepsiddhivides is also representing as one of the Buddhist religious leaders involved in the Inter-Religious Organisation (IRO), an organisation that promotes religious understanding and harmony in Singapore.
Wat Ananda Youth (Formerly Ananda Metyarama Buddhist Youth Circle)
Address: 50B Jalan Bukit Merah 169454
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 6272 4240
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Notes and Events:
Sunday morning service (9.00 am to 10.30 am)
This group has a regular program of Meditation (group sittings); Morning Chanting; Dharma Talks (English or Mandarin); Adult Dharma Courses and Devotional Hymn Singing).
Wat Bhaddanta Asabha Theravada
Address: 118/1 Moo 1 , Baan Nong Pru, Nong Pai, Kaiw Baan Bung Chon Buri 20220
Tradition: Theravada, Intensive Insight Meditation (Mahasi Sayadaw)
Phone: 038 292- 361
Fax: 038-292-361
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Teacher: Ajahn Somsak Sorado
Spiritual Director: Ajahn Dr. Bhaddanta Asabha
Notes and Events:
Ajahn Somsak Sorado, a disciple of Ajahn Dr Bhaddanta Asabha, has been teaching vipassana meditation at Vivek Asom Meditation Center for over 5 years. He was in the
United States on Buddhist missionary duties for 2 years and has been teaching meditation at Wat Bhaddanta Asabha Theravada for 5 years now.
The retreat is widely open for both beginner and experienced meditators. On the retreat, all meditators are expected to keep silence at all times except when
giving meditation reports. All meditators must keep the eight training precepts.
Meditators need only bring conservative clothing (preferably white colored clothing), personal hygiene accessories and essential medication.
Wat Botworadit (Home for the underprivileged)
Address: 210, Pamok District, Ang Thong Province 14130, Thailand. Pamok District Ang Thong 14130
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 035 - 661134
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Spiritual Director: Phra Khru Whutthithammathon (Phone: 035 - 661134)
Notes and Events:
Wat Botworadit is a typical Thai Buddhist temple in Ang Thong province, home and boarding school for nearly 450 unfortunate and orphans children from northern part of Thailand. It was during the civil war in neighboring countries, where the first batches of underprivileged and orphans children was settle and accommodated in the temple
Being a voluntary and non-profit organization and in the spirit of compassion and kindness to both serve and provide shelter, education and care to the underprivileged members of the community. Wat Botworadit depends of the continuous generosity and kind contributions of volunteers and donors to sustain the operation of our various activities and programs.
Wat Buddha Oregon
Address: 8360 David Ln Turner OR 97372
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 503-391-9866
Fax: 503-391-9807
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Subin Singthong (Phone: 503-391-9866)
Notes and Events:
Vipassana Meditation Instruction Mondays 7PM - 9PM
Wat Buddha Pavana Inc.
Address: 6189 Summerland Way Camira NSW 2469
Tradition: Theravada, Thai Mahasi Vipassana tradition
Affiliation: Northern Rivers Thai Community Association Inc.
Phone: 02 66251887
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Teacher: Ven. Phra Maha Weraphong Ritchumnong
Notes and Events:
Established in 2016
We provided meditation to all people who are interesting in develop the mind for better life, as the same time, we educated people about Buddhism. * We supported people by support counselling to understand the real life.
Wat Buddha Piyawararam Meditation Center
Address: Frankfurt
Tradition: Theravada, Mahasi Sayadaw
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Teacher: Ajaan Chanestr, Ajaan Ofer, Ajaan Sakkarin
Notes and Events:
Wat Buddha Piyawararam Meditation Center
Address: (Thailandische Buddhisten e.v. Meditationszentrurm) Dietzenbacher strasse 6 Dreieich-Gotzenhain Frankfurt 63303 Germany Frankfurt
Tradition: Satipatthana Vipassana
Affiliation: Mahasi Sayadaw Lineage
Phone: 49 61 038 33253
Spiritual Director: Ven. PhraThepsitthajaan (Thong Sirimangalo)
Teachers: Ajaan Chanestr, Ajaan Ofer,Ajaan Sakkarin
Wat Buddhabharami TDKV e. V.
Address: Wöschenhof 11
Hamburg - Tonndorf Hamburg 22045
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Dhammadhutas Mönchgemeinschaft Europa
Phone: 040 / 793 00 232
Fax: 040 / 793 00 234
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Spiritual Director: Phrakhru Khunasarasophon Gunasampanno Email (Phone: 040/79300235)
Notes and Events:
Thailändisch - Deutscher Kulturverein, zum Erhalt und Ausbau eines buddhistichen Tempel in Hamburg, als Halt und Zufluchtsort für alle Menschen die das innere Glück suchen. Es werden regelmäßig traditionelle buddhistische und thailändische Zeremonien und Feste durchgeführt. Gäste sind herzlich willkommen.
Wat Buddhadhammadharo
Address: 1217 Babel Lane Concord CA 94518
Tradition: Theravada, Forest tradition
Affiliation: Theravada
Phone: 9258251645
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Main Contact: Ven Roemchai Chinwangso Email (Phone: 9258251645)
Spiritual Director: Ven Roemchai Chinwangso Email (Phone: 9258251645)
Notes and Events:
Wat Buddhadhammadharo (or a.k.a Wat Concord) is a Theravada Buddhist monastery with a forest tradition monastery and a branch monastery of Asokaram temple of Thailand.
The monastery has monks and missionary monks to conduct the teaching of lord Buddha, by abiding by Vinaya Pitaka (Precepts) and rules of Dhammayut Sangha of USA as its management philosophy. The abbot would be the lead in supervising and manage the development of all activities of the monastery. Other monks would assist and support to improve the organization efficiency. The main religious practice duty is as follows
06:00AM-7:30 AM Morning service and meditation (Not open to public)
10:00AM Offsite alms round
10:30AM Food offering to monastic members
06:30 PM-8:30 PM Evening service and meditation (Open to public, daily)
09:00 PM-12:00 AM Extended meditation session.
Wat Buddhanusorn
Address: 36054 Niles Blvd Fremont CA 94536
Tradition: Theravada, Thai
Phone: (510) 790-2294, 790-2296, Fax. (510) 796-9043
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Notes and Events:
Wat Buddhanusorn, “temple for the dedication of the Buddha”, was founded in 1983 and in keeping with Thai Theravadan Buddhist traditional has always relied on donations and volunteer work for its support. The main objectives behind the founding of the temple community are for propagating the Buddha’s teachings and practice, to teach and promote Thai arts, language, and culture to all those who are interested, and to serve as a pillar of the Thai community.
Wat Buddharangasi of Miami
Address: 15200 SW 240 Street,Homestead, Miami, FL 33032 FL 33032
Tradition: Theravada, Thai (Maha Nikaya)
Affiliation: Thai Bhikkhus Council of USA
Phone: 305) 245-2702
Fax: (305) 247-3092
Website: http://www,
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Abbot: P.S. Boonnom
Notes and Events:
We are a Theravada Buddhism temple built in 1982 and we are at the service of the community. Come and visit with the monks, attend our special events or just spent a quite moment in front of our Buddha Statue you are going to experience an internal moment of peace and joy.
Wat Buddhasamkidam
Address: 3296 Watkins Road. Columbus OH 43207
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 614-754-7768
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Spiritual Director: Ajahn Suriyan
Notes and Events:
Wat Dhammadharo (Thai Temple)
Address: 80 Archibald Street, Lyneham ACT 2602
Tradition: Theravada, Thai Forest Thammayut Sect
Phone: (02) 6249 8594
Fax: (02) 6249 8594
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Abbot: Ven. Phra Maha Suphachai
Notes and Events:
Internet hijacking causes the old "" address to malfunction permanently. Update your browser.
Regular Program:
Every Monday Evening: Open Meditation Group - all welcome!
6.30 pm to 7.30 pm. Often followed by a Dhamma Talk in English.
Daily morning and chanting and meditation: 8 am - 9 am and
Evening chanting and meditation: 8 pm - 9 pm.
Wat Dhammapateep
Address: Kouterdreef 37 Mechelen Antwerpen B-2800
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +32 15 290099
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President: Waldimar Van der Elst Email
Main Contact: President Email (Phone: Waldimar Van der Elst)
Spiritual Director: Phra Khruvinaithorn Email (Phone: Somsak Subhalert)
Notes and Events:
Thai Theravada Buddhist Temple and Socio-Cultural Association.
Activities: Meditation, Dhamma Retreat, Novice Training, Language School (Thai, Dutch), Thai Traditional Dance School, Thai Vegetal Sculpture, Thai Theravada and Culture Info session.
Wat Dhammayanaram
Address: 56 Scott Road, Kelmscott, WA 6111 WA
Tradition: Theravada, Cambodian
Affiliation: Cambodian Buddhist Society of W.A. Inc.
Phone: (08) 9390 5638
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Main Contact: President: Mr. Thoeun Moung
Notes and Events:
We are a group of Cambodian Buddhists living in Perth, Western Australia, who ESTABlished a Forest monastery, wat dhammayanaram, located at 56 scott rd, kelmscott, wa 6111.
Our Monastery serves as a place where Buddhist traditions and practice are shared with other Buddhist groups and the general public at large, holding various significant ceremonies throughout the year. Main functions for the Cambodians are the Cambodian New Year’s Celebrations in April and the Ancestors’s Commemoration in September or October, according to the Lunar Calendar. Other important religious ceremonies/activities are the Buddha’s Birthday in May, and the Kathina Celebration (Robes' offering to the monks), usually towards the end of September or early October (it takes place during the 29 days after the end of the Rains Retreat, the Vassa).
You are invited to come in and have a look to see if there is anything of value to add to your list of happiness.
Wat Khemarab Dhammikaram ( Angkor Hall )
376 Salisbury Highway
Parafield Gardens
Parafield Gardens SA
Tradition: Theravada, Cambodian
Affiliation: Khmer Buddhist Association of South Australia Inc.
Phone: 0402 917 450 0439 303 308 0413128482
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Saroen Ban (Ven. Sophann)
Main Contact: President Anh Oan
Notes and Events:
Khmer Buddhist Assocation of SA Inc.
Angkor Hall
For all hall hire enquries please email or call 0432 107 532
Wat Khmer Santipheap
Tradition: Theravada, Cambodian
Affiliation: Cambodian Association of South Australia
Phone: (08) 8281 2793
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Main Contact: Mr. Savonn LY (President) Email (Phone: 0422314855)
Teacher: Abbot: Venerable Sorng NOU
Notes and Events:
We are a small Khmer Theravada Buddhist community who regularly celebrate Buddhist ceremonies and festivals . Our main festivals and ceremonies include Meagha Boja, Vishakha Boja, Cambodian New Year, Vasssa ceremonies, Bon Kan Ben and Pchum Ben (ancestor days), Bon Ak Ambuk, Kathina ceremony and International New Year celebration.
Wat Koh
Address: Monivong Blvd.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tradition: Theravada
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Notes and Events:
It is in the centre of Phnom Penh, near all the hotels, so it is not hard to find. As well as having English speaking monks, its courtyard is used as an English Conversation Practise area by students from all over the city.
Wat Kow Tahm International Meditation Center
Address: Koh Pah-ngan Surat Thani 84280
Tradition: Theravada
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Assistant: Mike or Helge Email
Spiritual Director: Mae Chee Ahmon
Notes and Events:
Mailing: P.O. Box 18
Regular retreats are held so please email:
Wat Lao Buddhavong
Address: 3043 Catlett Road Catlett 20119
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 561-227-1519
Fax: 540-301-5776
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officer: ilene tognini Email (Phone: 540-272-2844)
officer: sisomphone sanginthirath Email (Phone: (703) 505-3414)
Main Contact: The Venerable Achan Dr. Phonexay Mingsisouphanh Email
Teacher: The Venerable Achan Dr. Phonexay Mingsisouphanh
Spiritual Director: The Venerable Achan Bounmy Kittiphanh Email
Wat Lao Vimuttaram and Meditation Temple
Address: 1034 Kompackdee Lane Saint Martinville LA 70582-7935
Tradition: Theravada, shan burmese /laotian
Phone: (337) 394-8856
Fax: (337) 394-8858
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Notes and Events:
Monday 7pm Abhidhamma class
Wednesday 7pm Meditation class
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