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D.I. Yogyakarta


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Zhaozhou Chan

Address: Case Postale 135 Geneva GE 1211 Switzerland  
Tradition: Mahayana, Chan Zhaozhou Lineage, Xu Yun tradition
Affiliation: Bailin Temple China
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Contact: Daniel Odier (Ming Qing Sifu)  
Spiritual director: Master Jing Hui  
Teacher: Ming Qing Sifu  

Zhong Hua Buddhist Monastery

Address: Tel: (71) 580264 or 580266 Lumbini Gardens, Nepal  Lumbini
Tradition: Mahayana  
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Contact: Master Rev. Shi Xuan Zhong  

Zhulin Jingshe - Hermitage in Bamboo Grove

Address: Ringstrasse 48b Lößnitz, Sachsen D-08294  
Tradition: Mahayana, Chan, Caodong and Linji
Phone: +49 (0) 171 84 74 411
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Contact: Curtis Clavin Dittrich  
Founder: Dao Jun Zhi Ming  
Teacher: Xuefeng Shi-fu  


Address: Hanbrucher Str. 40  Aachen Nordrhein-Westfalen 52064
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen in the Maezumi/Glassman-Lineage
Affiliation: Zen Peacemakers - Glassman Roshi
Phone: 0049-241-55967659
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Spiritual Director: Paul Shoju Schwerdt  Email  (Phone: 0049-241-55967659)
Teacher: Paul Shoju Schwerdt  

Zhyisil Chokyi Ghatsal Trust

Address: 23 Sturdee Road Manurewa Auckland NZ   Auckland
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Karma Kagyu
Affiliation: official branch of Palpung Sherab Ling Monastery of Tai Situ Rinpoche
Phone: Ph/Fax: +64 9 268 0786
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Contact: Sonam Rinchen  Email  (Phone: 09 268 0786)
Teachers: Ven. Lama Karma Shedrup and Lama Sotten  
Spiritual Director: His Eminence Tai Situ Rinpoche  
Teacher: Ven. Choje Lama Shedrup  

Zlin Zen Group

Address: Ales Janoch Dlouha 4215, Zlin  
Tradition: Mahayana, Kwan Um School of Zen (Korean)
Phone: +420 737 784 955
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Founding Teacher: Zen Master Seung Sah  
Teacher: Chong An Sunim JDPS  

Zu-Lin Temple Association

Address: 817 Bukit Batok West Ave 5 Singapore 659086  
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 65 66657566
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Zuni Mountain Stupa (temple)

Address: 2062 Zuni Canyon Rd.   Grants NM 87020
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma tradition but includes other Tibetan traditions
Affiliation: Vairotsana Foundation NM,
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Spiritual Director: Bhakha Tulku Rinpoche,  

Zurich Buddhist Vihara

Address: Im Trichtisal 11, 8053 Zurich. Switzerland   Im trichtisal 11, Zurich 8053 Zurich
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan
Phone: 0041. 43 534 51 01
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Teacher: Ven. Karuwalagaswewa Anuruddha  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Walpola Kalyanathissa Mahatera.  Email  (Phone: 0041 43 534 51 01)

Zurich Shambhala Meditation Group

Address: c/o Elisabeth Merkli, Obsthaldenstrasse 189 Zurich, 8046 Switzerland  
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Kagyu
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Spiritual Director: Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche  

Zurich Zen Group

Address: (Head Temple, Switzerland) 8008 Zurich,Forchstrasse 72  
Tradition: Mahayana, Kwan Um School of Zen
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Guiding Teacher: Zen Master Wu Bong  
Contact: René Bucher  

Zurmang Kagyud Buddhist Centre

Address: 301 Guillemard Road, Singapore 399740  
Tradition: Vajrayana, Zurmang Kagyu
Phone: 65-67440198
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Spiritual Director: Ven Zurmang Garwang Rinpoche  

Zurmang Kagyud Buddhist Foundation

Address: Gangtok, Lingdum, East Sikkim, India  
Tradition: Tibetan, Kagyu
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Contact: Karma Yuddon  

Zurmang Kagyud Buddhist Society

Address: 5A, Jalan 17/1,   Petaling Jaya Selangor 46400
Tradition: Vajrayana, Zurmang Kagyu
Phone: 019-2918881( Tashi)
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Spiritual Director: Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche  

Zuru Ling Tibetan Buddhist Society

Address: 318-336 East 1st Avenue   Vancouver BC V6T 1A9
Tradition: Vajrayana
Phone: (604) 874-7655
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Spiritual Director: Venerable Zasep Tulku Rinpoche  

Zvcnoord Zen Center

Address: Bosschawei 2   Boornbergum Friesland
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen, Mikyo , Chan, Kuroi Ryu Ninjutsu
Affiliation: Mikyo Zen Yamabushi Ryu
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Spiritual Director: Sensei Arie Van Den Akker  Email  (Phone: +31651664766)
Teacher: Roshi Arie Van Den Akker  

Związek Buddystów Czan (Chan Buddhist Union)

Address: ul. Promienna  Zalesie Górne k. Warszawy 05-540
Tradition: Mahayana, Sheng Yen
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Spiritual Director: Dr. John Crook  

Zwiazek Buddyjski Khordong

Address: Stoklosy 7/85, 02-787 Warszawa  
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Nyingmapa
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Founder: Chime Rigdzin Lama  

Zwirneli - Ji Shu An Zendo

Address: 9428 Lachen AR  
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
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Contact: Choshin Capocasa Graubünden  

Address: Founded Since 1895 123, Jalan Berhala, Brickfields 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.   Kuala Lumpur
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan
Phone: 603-22741141
Fax: 603-22732570
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Contact: Administrator, Buddhist Maha Vihara:  
Notes and Events:

Regular programme:

Tuesday 7.30pm Chanting Class
Friday 1pm-2pm Friday Afternoon Service & Talk
Friday 7.30pm Chanting Friday 8pm Dhamma Talk
Sunday 9am Buddha Puja & Blessing follow by Dhamma Talk
Sunday 9am Dhamma Classes for children & Dhamma discussion for adults. Information provided by Ven. K. Dhammadinna Thera

Centre Silwa Tsel -Centre Culturel Bouddhique

Address: 15 chemin dupuis vert   Cergy Val-d'Oise 95000
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan
Phone: 0622254944
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Spiritual Director: Ven Mogchok Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Le CCB organise des méditations tous les mardis et mercredis de 19h30 à 20h30, des enseignements du Ven Mogchok Rinpoche une fois par mois.


An Lac Hanh Temple

Address: 80 Cyprus Street   Lalor Vic 3075
Tradition: Mahayana, Vietnamese Zen /Pureland
Affiliation: Quang Duc Monastery Melbourne
Phone: (03) 9402 6274 0422.610554
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Main Contact: English Language Secretary; Chris Dunk  Email  (Phone: (03) 9478 9769 )
Spiritual Director: Abbess; Thanh Nguyen  
Notes and Events:

An Lac Hahn Temple  serves primarily serves the Vietnamese community but  all are welcome to visit and participate in its practices of the Pureland Mahayana Vietnamese Buddhist tradition. The temple has a meditation/chanting teaching program, and provides a week-end  childrens group that  focusing on Buddhist moral teachings,  maintaining Vietnamese language and traditions and  family values for a more harmonious life experience.

Spiritual/community events are pinned to the Vietnamese Buddhist ceremonial calender. We also  run Vietnamese vegeterian cooking courses periodically. We raise money from such events for charitable works here and overseas including assistance to a school in Vietnam assisting the disabled and provide support to others experiencing life difficulties in our local community and elsewhere.

Appalachian Dharma & Meditation Center

Address: 108 W. 10th Avenue   Johnson City TE 37604
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Notes and Events:

The vision of the Appalachian Dharma & Meditation Center is to facilitate a community of Buddhist practice that fosters the integration of wisdom and compassion. Our aim, as individuals and as a community, is to cultivate insight into the nature of mind and reality and overcome ego-orientated ways of being. We are a nonsectarian Buddhist center that offers weekly programs in Vipassana, Zen, Tibetan, and Western Buddhism.

Buddha Bodhivana Monastery

Address: 780 Woods Point Road   East Warburton Vic 3799
Tradition: Theravada, Western based on Thai Forest tradition
Affiliation: Ajahn Chah lineage
Phone: 03 59 665 999
Fax: 03 59 665 998
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Spiritual Director: Ajahn Kalyano  
Notes and Events:

Buddha Bodhivana Monastery is primarily a training monastery for Buddhist monks (bhikkhus), novices (samaneras) and postulants (anagarikas), but it also provides a supportive environment in which individuals, families, visitors and residents are given the opportunity to be in contact with the principles of the Buddha’s teachings and to cultivate those same qualities in their own lives. The monastery is a place to study, practice and cultivate the central elements of the Buddha’s Path: generosity, virtue, mental cultivation, wisdom, and compassion.

As our principal function as a monastery is to train monastics we wish to minimize time attending to administrative duties. Email is therefore reserved solely for making requests to stay at the monastery. We are unable to respond to general questions about Buddhism whether these concern school projects, college research or are of general interest. 

Buddhabhoomi Dhammadoot Sangha

Address: 168,Buddhabhoomi,Maitriya Buddha Mahavihar, golden buddha statue, Chunabhatti, Kolar Road Road, Bhopal M.P.   Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 462016
Tradition: Theravada, Social Welfare Organization
Affiliation: Government of Madhya pradesh
Phone: +919926220408
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Main Contact: Bhante Rahulputra  
Chairman: Bhante shakyaputra sagar  
Tresarar : Bhante rahulputra  
Teacher: Bhante Shakyaputra Sagar  
Spiritual Director: Ven.Bhadant Gyanjyoti Mahasthvir  
Notes and Events:



Organization Vision & Mission:-

"THE BUDDHABHOOMI DHAMMADOOT SANGHA was founded as all social service society with the cooperation of a few individuals who are genuinely interested in social welfare and value based activities. It was constituted under the societies registrar act, 1973. It was duly registered by the registrar societies, Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal INDIA. Its registration number is 01/01/01/17275/07 Dated 03/01/2007. The institute is thus, duly registered and is at present functioning on the basis of its own private resources and income. Its preview is entire Madhya Pradesh"


 Madhya Pradesh traces its history since the times of the Mauryan Emperor Asoka, the one who renounced violence and took upon himself to spread the principles and philosophies of Buddhism. Emperor Asoka started his career from Ujjain as a viceroy of the western province of the Mauryan Empire. At that point in time, Ujjain was known as Ujjaini. Asoka, after he adopted Buddhism, constructed many stupas throughout his kingdom. Because of the keen interest shown by Asoka himself, Buddhism flourished in the state, however, after his death, his empire disintegrated and Buddhism too, took a plunge downwards, yet the legacy of past stands to remind people of the glorious age when Buddhism was at its peak.

The Buddhist community in Madhya Pradesh is linked with two important monuments of Buddhism. The first among them is the Sanchi Stupa, it is significant for Buddhist around the world despite the fact that Lord Buddha himself never paid a visit to it. Sanchi's significance lies in it being home to all kind of Buddhist architecture - stupas, chaityas, temples and monasteries. All the monuments date back from 3rd century BC to 12th century AD. The other is the Barhut Stupa located in the Satna district of Madhya Pradesh, Barhut is a famous Buddhist destination. The reason for this is the presence of a stupa constructed by Emperor Asoka in the 3rd century BC. Renovation work was carried out by later Sunga ruler in the 2nd century BC. The stupa to depicts Buddha in form of symbols - Bodhi tree, footprints, empty seat and wheel of dharma.

Madhya Pradesh has a strong history of Buddhism. The Buddhist community in Madhya Pradesh is a silent community. The Bhudhbhumi Dhammadoot Sangha (Reg.) is a registered society under the Government of Madhya Pradesh, India. This society is working in Madhya Pradesh from 2003 is working with a single aim to unite the community and spread Buddhism in India.   These efforts will be made more effective through the formation of New Monks in the teachings of Lord Buddha and equipped with knowledge of the present times.


The population of Buddhists is considered to be around 1% in M.P and in Bhopal, it must be around one lakhs.  The project is aimed at starting a Buddhist monastery in Bhopal. There are many parents in Madhya Pradesh and other parts of India willing to dedicate their children to the service of Lord Buddha and community by becoming monks. This project provides an opportunity for such boys to become monks. We will provide them with religious and school education to make them well-trained monks fit for modern times. The monastery will have young monks trained in teachings of Lord Buddha and its traditions. We propose that the students be provided with a library equipped with books on Buddhism. This project will concentrate on making Bhopal the centre of propagating Buddhism and its rich spiritual culture. Geographically Bhopal is the centre of India and very close to Sanchi. The condition of the Buddhist community in Madhya Pradesh is improving even though there are a good number of people living under the Below Poverty Line. On the other side in many slums and villages, the condition of the community has not grown up to the mark of development.  The community is also facing problems related to family, issues related to youths, strong political leadership and exploitations of various kinds. The community is trying to overcome these problems from different quarters. The image of the community has improved a lot in the present times. The community is becoming influential and changing to adapt to the rising situations of society. On the other side, a good number of people from the community are still divided on various issues. The process of community formation can be accelerated if a strong religious leadership comes into existence to guide them in many issues related to daily life.


 There are many social organizations working in Madhya Pradesh with the aim of socio-economic improvement of the community. These societies are working independently without relation to each other. If these societies come together then the socio-economic condition of the community can be improved faster. Bringing together these societies is to be willfully initiated. It can be done through strong social leadership.  

2.2.RELIGION-CULTURAL SITUATION:-                  

Madhya Pradesh is India’s largest state and the geographical heartland of the country.  This state has the glorious past of Buddhist culture and religion. Even today the followers of Buddhism are very active in practising the teachings of Lord Buddha. The cultural elements are lived very special in namkaran, marriage, funeral and through other paritran path and other dressings habits.                                                            


This project will create well-trained monks to work for Lord Buddha. The people will get trained monks for religious requirements. We do not have such training centres in Madhya Pradesh. This will also create certain standard practices among the Buddhists. It will also unite the community members for the community building and generously become a party to the development works done in the society. It will also create an identity of Buddhists in Madhya Pradesh. The contributions that we receive will be used for the future generation and spread of teachings of Lord Buddha.


The community is facing numerous problems to practice religion due to lack of trained monks and training centre.

• People, in general, do not visit Vihar for prayer. 

• Buddhists are divided on various issues related to religion.

• The prayers are written in Pali language which needs to be explained but even

many of the monks do not know the language.

•A large number of the Buddhists in general (common people) are not well educated in the teachings and tradition Buddhism, therefore, they do not teach children about religion. 

• A large number of Buddhists in general (common people) along with Lord Buddha worship other Gods and Goddesses.

• A large number of Buddhists practice rituals of other religions along with Buddhism. 

• A large number of Buddhists practice festivals of other religions more than Buddhists festivals.

• A large number of Buddhists make more visits to the holy places of other religions rather than the holy places of Buddhism.

• A large number of Buddhists even today follow the traditions of other religions such as shaving off the hair on the death of closest relatives, fasting on the days designated to Gods and Goddesses of other religions etc.

• The social activists of the community are working from different platforms for the same cause of the community but not united to work together.

• The community does not have a well-equipped training centre to form future monks for the community.


·        To assess the need of Buddha community and draw a comprehensive implementation plan to unite the Buddhists community.

·        To provide a better education to children's, belonging to economically poor families.

·        To aware them about the Bodh eminent person contributions in world history and introduce with Buddhism culture and values.

·        To strengthening capacities of the Buddha women's and youths to get better employment/self-employment for a sustainable lifestyle.

·        To unite different Vihars and Monks (Bhante) working in different parts of Madhya Pradesh in one platform.

·        To establish a complete rehabilitation centre with modern amenities in two districts of MP.


 This project will be implemented in Bhopal and rural Raisen districts Madhya Pradesh, covering 7 urban ward and 81 villages along with 1.50 lkh Buddha community.


    The activities under taken in the projects are involvement of various       welfare and religious activities, The main activities to be covered, under the project, are as under:

1.     Purchasing the land for Buddhist Monk, Meditation Center and pagoda, Educational & Health Rehabilitation Center.

2.     Construction of Buildings.

3.     Construction of Hospital, Schools, Dharmashala, Shramner (nobies monk) School & Training centre, Auditorium, Statue of Legends.

4.     Construction of Skill Development Center.

5.     Entire campus with the Solar Energy system.

6.     Buddhist Research centre


 Establishing and running the Educational Institutions and Research Centers on professional studies in the prescribed place as already mentioned in the sub heading that target area of the project has been the first plan.

Then fore most priority has to be given to all those who are hailing from low caste community and oppressed and depressed community for admission in any one of professional courses on the basis of marks obtained in the higher secondary course.

The spirit of integrity, fraternity, solidarity and communal harmony will be pursued along with discipline and decorum in all circumstances. 


All those who have come out with flying colors from Professional Educational Institution after completing their respective course, will be directed to serve the society in rural areas only as per the agreement executed between this Institution with intention of developing the rural and remote areas like town and people also living there be uplifted and benefited in all aspects thereof. Whereby rural development is imparted and is a great phenomenon and characteristic nature in the social aspect.


In our target area, almost People in both sex including children who have the age group between 8-12 years, are forced to be involved or are involved to be survived for their livelihood into matches, crackers manufacturing and printing works. There is no other employment opportunity in a remote village for them other than this one.

There is 25 per cent of people only have been Literates and have had the employment opportunities both in government and private sector and are separated from the weaker sectional society, that need to come mainstream of the society.

Illiterates including child labourers who are unminded for getting good quality of education is subjected everywhere in to coolly works through small cottage industries.

The other source for earning money has been the crackers and printing works in the pursuit of promoting women, especially disadvantaged women who are captivated, neglected and ill- treated by the dilapidated society.

Through women empowerment programs, their sufferings occur in their day to day life are mitigated. Sexual vulnerability and harassment against them are also being eliminated.

Dominating these women by an elite group who are having a brutal attitude, is intolerable and unbearable. Besides, there is no identity for them in all manners.

In addition to this, their exertion is exploited in all circumstances and so they are found deplorably as their low economical condition prevents their social status. Because Social status of a human being is generally determined to base on the economic development by society.

Consequently, they are politically threatened to franchise their votes. All those who are leading their social life in remote villagers are generally discriminated and are called morally good but culturally as Uncivilized.

As far as women are concerned, they have never lost their chastity with others wantonly. Perhaps, they may be threatened for sexual harassment, for which they won’t yield to fulfil the desires of the elite group.

Due to the scarcity of drinking water and much availability of muddy and contaminated water, people are suffered very much from contagious disease consuming it. Some of them are likely to lose their breath due to un preventive measure.




For establishing educational institute, School, Health rehabilitation and research centre institution with the apex of the hospital, about 100 acres of waste lands at Bhopal & Raisen district are to be purchased and arrangement of 100 acres land 99 years on lease basis for the herbal garden, dairy farm and Research Center for students.


To both Educational and Health Rehabilitation Center with apex of research center stabilized buildings is needed, to which it is expected that expense for constructing required the concreted buildings as per the estimation is given by the civil engineer who is to be appointed on behalf of the organization, for which open tender system from reputed construction contractors will be followed. Construction for the following buildings will be made, each block will be founded and so will have the tiled floors and Air- conditioned as well as lift facilities.



The aforesaid latest equipment relating to all colleges and to hospitals will be installed on open tender basis importing from abroad with help of experts concerned.


Purchase of wood and steel furniture in all kinds required to colleges and hospitals including administrative blocks, libraries, labs, student hostels and staff quarters etc. will also be made on open tender basis but on the lowest quotation.


Entire Buddhism culture will have libraries and reading rooms with Air-conditioned facilities. There will be all kinds of books required for the subject and general wide knowledge of students available. These will be used as an encyclopedia. 


Students hostel in each college for men and women will be constructed separately. Wooden and steel furniture required to students for a comfortable study and accommodation along with a very good bed and carpets. Delicious food in a separate dining hall and pure drinking water facility will be provided. To take care of them, deputy wardens according to gender will be appointed. Because the Principal concerned will be the warden in charge.


For extracurricular activities, students shall be motivated on various levels to involve in sports and games so as to enable them to have their health constructively and hygienically. Sports and games materials according to the interest of the students will be supplied. Even in professional colleges, the concept that there is” study while study and play while play” will be pursued.


Frequent Transport Facility on behalf of the organization is to be made for students in both sex but separately and conveniently. On the other hand, the organization will request the competent authority concerned of respective transport corporation to arrange for having frequent transport service to the proposed colleges for the students. Here though, an evil spirit that molestation and eve-teasing occurring among the gender base students will be avoided.


With a view to exalt the students in the highly professional education with enrichment of wide knowledge and to develop their potentiality in the respective medical and technical education, the proposed institution is to have a tie-up with foreign university colleges. Here though, the special offer will be given for students to go abroad for project works and special training at the time of completing their courses just before six months’ time. Besides, the proposed foreign tour for each student will be an opportunity for seeking related jobs easily and have an interrelationship with foreigners for the development of our national economic growth.

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