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D.I. Yogyakarta


Kab. Badung

Kab. Jayapura

Kab. Manokwari

Kab. Semarang-Jawa Tengah

Kab. Teluk Cendrawasih

Kabupaten Ambarawa

Kabupaten Bandung

Kabupaten Banggai

Kabupaten Banjar Negara

Kabupaten Banyumas

Kabupaten Bekasi

Kabupaten Bogor

Kabupaten Boyolali

Kabupaten Brebes

Kabupaten Buleleng

Kabupaten Cianjur

Kabupaten Cilacap

Kabupaten Cirebon

Kabupaten Demak

Kabupaten Dili

Kabupaten Donggala

Kabupaten Garut

Kabupaten Gorontalo

Kabupaten Grobogan

Kabupaten Gunung Kidul

Kabupaten Karang Anyar

Kabupaten Karawang

Kabupaten Kebumen

Kabupaten Kendal

Kabupaten Kendari

Kabupaten Kota Baru

Kabupaten Kotawaringing Timur

Kabupaten Kudus

Kabupaten Lasem

Kabupaten Magelang

Kabupaten Majalengka

Kabupaten Minahasa

Kabupaten Mojokerto

Kabupaten Muna

Kabupaten Pati

Kabupaten Pekalongan

Kabupaten Pemalang

Kabupaten Pontianak

Kabupaten Purwakarta

Kabupaten Purwokerto

Kabupaten Rangkas Bitung

Kabupaten Rembang

Kabupaten Salatiga

Kabupaten Semarang

Kabupaten Sorong.d

Kabupaten Sukabumi

Kabupaten Tabanan

Kabupaten Tanah Laut.

Kabupaten Tangerang

Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

Kabupaten Tegal

Kabupaten Temanggung

Kabupaten Wonogiri

Kabupaten Wonosobo

Kota Administratif Tarakan

Kota Administratip Singkawang

Kotamadya Ambon

Kotamadya Balikpapan

Kotamadya Banjarmasin

Kotamadya Jakarta Barat

Kotamadya Jakarta Pusat

Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan

Kotamadya Jakarta Timur

Kotamadya Jakarta Utara

Kotamadya Manado

Kotamadya Palu

Kotamadya Pontianak

Kotamadya Samarinda

Kotamadya Sambas


Nusa Tenggara Barat



Sulawesi Selatan

Sumatra Barat

Sumatra Selatan

Sumatra Utara


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The Dharma House

Address: Route de St. Sauveur de Cruzières, Mallemontade, 30500 St. Brès, France.  Saint-Brès Gard 30500
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 0033 (0)8 77 98 28 99
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Notes and Events:

We are the Dharmahouse community project - a small community, drawing inspiration from the teachings of the Buddha and the ideal of living and connecting with others close to nature. It is our aim to explore a way of life centred around ecological and sustainable ethics, placing an emphasis on integrating mindful awareness into daily activities.

The Dharmahouse is based in the foothills of the Cévennes mountain range overlooking the Cèze River in the south of France, surrounded by national park and majestic views. The property is located on a hilltop in eight acres of farm land encompassing a variety of plants, herbs and trees, such as olive, almond, plum, mimosa, fig and apricot trees. The community is active in growing food in our gardens and structuring the land with permacultural ideas and designs.

The Dharmahouse takes its name from the Sanskrit term \'Dharma\' from a teaching laid down by the historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, over 2,500 years ago. It is a revolutionary teaching that points to \'the truth of reality\'. We are a peer-led lay community encouraging spiritual friendship, what the Buddha referred to as ‘the whole of the spiritual life’. At various times throughout the year we hold meditation and yoga retreats, led by monastic and lay teachers. We also run courses exploring a wide range of topics, including ecological building, permaculture and therapeutic process.

The Easier Softer Way

Address: 11417 Washington Place   Los Angeles CA 90066
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 4158585586
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Spiritual Director: Matthew Sockolov  Email  (Phone: (415) 858-5586)
Notes and Events:

The Easier Softer Way is a Buddhist community of recovering alcoholics and addicts.

We use the Buddhas teachings and the power of meditation and compassion to enhance our lives.

The European Bodhicitta Society (EBS) France

Tradition: Mahayana, Tibetan tradition, Nyingmapa school
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Main Contact: Yuan Li  Email  (Phone: +33 672067350)
Notes and Events:

Introducing the European Bodhicitta Society (EBS)
 The European Bodhicitta Society has been established under the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye from Serthar Buddhist Institute (Larung Gar) of Serthar district situated in the province of Sichuan. With the purpose of promoting the spirit of Mahayana Buddhism to benefit everyone in Europe, the European Bodhicitta Society was founded on the first of August in 2009. After two years of development, the number of members has increased from three to over 40 people living in different European countries.

The EBS promotes the Mahayana Buddhist teachings by integrating theories with practices. It plays a proactive role in advocating charity, such as environmental and animal conservation, popularising vegetarianism and in encouraging social cohesion and development.

Under the teachings of Buddha and the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye, the EBS, as well as all its members, strive to promote the theories and practices of Buddhism to everyone in Europe and to let everyone find true happiness.

Our study approaches

Based on Khenpo SoDargyes requirements, the European Bodhicitta Society has set up three study groups, namely: Preliminary practice of Great Perfection (Dzogchen) Study Group, Study Group B, which mainly study Shantidevas Bodhisattva way of life (Bodhicaryavatara) and a new class introduced in 2012. Beside this, each year, the European Bodhicitta Society will commence new study groups, these include the Preliminary practice of Great Perfection, Pure Land class, and Bodhicaryavatara study group. We also aim to initiate a study group focusing on Vajrayana practice such as Dzogchen, and other classes such as Madhyamika (Middleway) and Pramana (Buddhist Logic).

Our main study approach is by mean of online discussions, which takes place every week. In addition, occasionally, our UK Bodhicitta Socieity also holds some seminars physically. All our studies are managed by Serthar Buddhist Institute. Serthar Buddhist Institute provides learning materials, records our study performance and statistics, arranges lesson plans, organises exams and awards, evaluates the teaching achievements after the end of each semester and issues related certificates and prizes. Moreover, the European Bodhicitta Society is supervised by a specially appointed monastic from the Institute.

The reasons for creating the Bodhicitta Society

The European Bodhicitta Society was founded during the financial crisis. In the era of materialism and when our life highly depends on money, an economic downturn has been particularly detrimental to many people. This is also the proof that money cannot bring sustainable happiness and does not solve the spiritual emptiness within us. Money cannot help us in finding the true purpose of life but rather deviates us from doing so. Many people spend a large proportion of their time on things and activities, which become meaningless when facing the pain, anxiety and fear. That is why we believe that the way of Dharma is the only way to real happiness and fulfilment. In light of this need, Khenpo SoDargye has called for the establishment of Bodhicitta society of which the EBS is also part of it.

Joining us

Dear friends, if you understand Chinese, if you have a loving heart, and if you wish to understand more about life and Buddhism, the European Bodhicitta Society is the right place for you. We welcome anyone regardless of race, name, age, nationality, education or religion. We provide free opportunities to study Buddhism, and work together to promote philanthropy, and social harmony. Please join us in exploring the potentials of compassion, and bring enlightenment to all living beings.

The European Bodhicitta Society (EBS) Germany

Tradition: Mahayana, Tibetan tradition, Nyingmapa school
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Main Contact: Yuan Hui  Email  (Phone: +49 1622825477)
Notes and Events:

Introducing the European Bodhicitta Society (EBS)
 The European Bodhicitta Society has been established under the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye from Serthar Buddhist Institute (Larung Gar) of Serthar district situated in the province of Sichuan. With the purpose of promoting the spirit of Mahayana Buddhism to benefit everyone in Europe, the European Bodhicitta Society was founded on the first of August in 2009. After two years of development, the number of members has increased from three to over 40 people living in different European countries.

The EBS promotes the Mahayana Buddhist teachings by integrating theories with practices. It plays a proactive role in advocating charity, such as environmental and animal conservation, popularising vegetarianism and in encouraging social cohesion and development.

Under the teachings of Buddha and the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye, the EBS, as well as all its members, strive to promote the theories and practices of Buddhism to everyone in Europe and to let everyone find true happiness.

Our study approaches

Based on Khenpo SoDargye\\\\\\\'s requirements, the European Bodhicitta Society has set up three study groups, namely: Preliminary practice of Great Perfection (Dzogchen) Study Group, Study Group B, which mainly study Shantideva\\\\\\\'s Bodhisattva way of life (Bodhicaryavatara) and a new class introduced in 2012. Beside this, each year, the European Bodhicitta Society will commence new study groups, these include the Preliminary practice of Great Perfection, Pure Land class, and Bodhicaryavatara study group. We also aim to initiate a study group focusing on Vajrayana practice such as Dzogchen, and other classes such as Madhyamika (Middleway) and Pramana (Buddhist Logic).

Our main study approach is by mean of online discussions, which takes place every week. In addition, occasionally, our UK Bodhicitta Socieity also holds some seminars physically. All our studies are managed by Serthar Buddhist Institute. Serthar Buddhist Institute provides learning materials, records our study performance and statistics, arranges lesson plans, organises exams and awards, evaluates the teaching achievements after the end of each semester and issues related certificates and prizes. Moreover, the European Bodhicitta Society is supervised by a specially appointed monastic from the Institute.

The reasons for creating the Bodhicitta Society

The European Bodhicitta Society was founded during the financial crisis. In the era of materialism and when our life highly depends on money, an economic downturn has been particularly detrimental to many people. This is also the proof that money cannot bring sustainable happiness and does not solve the spiritual emptiness within us. Money cannot help us in finding the true purpose of life but rather deviates us from doing so. Many people spend a large proportion of their time on things and activities, which become meaningless when facing the pain, anxiety and fear. That is why we believe that the way of Dharma is the only way to real happiness and fulfilment. In light of this need, Khenpo SoDargye has called for the establishment of Bodhicitta society of which the EBS is also part of it.

Joining us

Dear friends, if you understand Chinese, if you have a loving heart, and if you wish to understand more about life and Buddhism, the European Bodhicitta Society is the right place for you. We welcome anyone regardless of race, name, age, nationality, education or religion. We provide free opportunities to study Buddhism, and work together to promote philanthropy, and social harmony. Please join us in exploring the potentials of compassion, and bring enlightenment to all living beings.

The European Bodhicitta Society (EBS) Netherlands

Tradition: Mahayana, Tibetan tradition, Nyingmapa school
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Main Contact: Yuan Ren  Email  (Phone: 0031(0)685592405)
Notes and Events:

Introducing the European Bodhicitta Society (EBS)
 The European Bodhicitta Society has been established under the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye from Serthar Buddhist Institute (Larung Gar) of Serthar district situated in the province of Sichuan. With the purpose of promoting the spirit of Mahayana Buddhism to benefit everyone in Europe, the European Bodhicitta Society was founded on the first of August in 2009. After two years of development, the number of members has increased from three to over 40 people living in different European countries.

The EBS promotes the Mahayana Buddhist teachings by integrating theories with practices. It plays a proactive role in advocating charity, such as environmental and animal conservation, popularising vegetarianism and in encouraging social cohesion and development.

Under the teachings of Buddha and the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye, the EBS, as well as all its members, strive to promote the theories and practices of Buddhism to everyone in Europe and to let everyone find true happiness.

Our study approaches

Based on Khenpo SoDargye\\\\\\\'s requirements, the European Bodhicitta Society has set up three study groups, namely: Preliminary practice of Great Perfection (Dzogchen) Study Group, Study Group B, which mainly study Shantideva\\\\\\\'s Bodhisattva way of life (Bodhicaryavatara) and a new class introduced in 2012. Beside this, each year, the European Bodhicitta Society will commence new study groups, these include the Preliminary practice of Great Perfection, Pure Land class, and Bodhicaryavatara study group. We also aim to initiate a study group focusing on Vajrayana practice such as Dzogchen, and other classes such as Madhyamika (Middleway) and Pramana (Buddhist Logic).

Our main study approach is by mean of online discussions, which takes place every week. In addition, occasionally, our UK Bodhicitta Socieity also holds some seminars physically. All our studies are managed by Serthar Buddhist Institute. Serthar Buddhist Institute provides learning materials, records our study performance and statistics, arranges lesson plans, organises exams and awards, evaluates the teaching achievements after the end of each semester and issues related certificates and prizes. Moreover, the European Bodhicitta Society is supervised by a specially appointed monastic from the Institute.

The reasons for creating the Bodhicitta Society

The European Bodhicitta Society was founded during the financial crisis. In the era of materialism and when our life highly depends on money, an economic downturn has been particularly detrimental to many people. This is also the proof that money cannot bring sustainable happiness and does not solve the spiritual emptiness within us. Money cannot help us in finding the true purpose of life but rather deviates us from doing so. Many people spend a large proportion of their time on things and activities, which become meaningless when facing the pain, anxiety and fear. That is why we believe that the way of Dharma is the only way to real happiness and fulfilment. In light of this need, Khenpo SoDargye has called for the establishment of Bodhicitta society of which the EBS is also part of it.

Joining us

Dear friends, if you understand Chinese, if you have a loving heart, and if you wish to understand more about life and Buddhism, the European Bodhicitta Society is the right place for you. We welcome anyone regardless of race, name, age, nationality, education or religion. We provide free opportunities to study Buddhism, and work together to promote philanthropy, and social harmony. Please join us in exploring the potentials of compassion, and bring enlightenment to all living beings.

The European Bodhicitta Society (EBS) Norway

Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan tradition, Nyingmapa school
Phone: +4795149116
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Main Contact: Yuan Ying  Email  (Phone: +47 95149116)
Spiritual Director: Khenpo SoDargye,  
Notes and Events:

Introducing the European Bodhicitta Society (EBS)
 The European Bodhicitta Society has been established under the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye from Serthar Buddhist Institute (Larung Gar) of Serthar district situated in the province of Sichuan. With the purpose of promoting the spirit of Mahayana Buddhism to benefit everyone in Europe, the European Bodhicitta Society was founded on the first of August in 2009. After two years of development, the number of members has increased from three to over 40 people living in different European countries.

The EBS promotes the Mahayana Buddhist teachings by integrating theories with practices. It plays a proactive role in advocating charity, such as environmental and animal conservation, popularising vegetarianism and in encouraging social cohesion and development.

Under the teachings of Buddha and the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye, the EBS, as well as all its members, strive to promote the theories and practices of Buddhism to everyone in Europe and to let everyone find true happiness.

Our study approaches

Based on Khenpo SoDargyes requirements, the European Bodhicitta Society has set up three study groups, namely: Preliminary practice of Great Perfection (Dzogchen) Study Group, Study Group B, which mainly study Shantidevas Bodhisattva way of life (Bodhicaryavatara) and a new class introduced in 2012. Beside this, each year, the European Bodhicitta Society will commence new study groups, these include the Preliminary practice of Great Perfection, Pure Land class, and Bodhicaryavatara study group. We also aim to initiate a study group focusing on Vajrayana practice such as Dzogchen, and other classes such as Madhyamika (Middleway) and Pramana (Buddhist Logic).

Our main study approach is by mean of online discussions, which takes place every week. In addition, occasionally, our UK Bodhicitta Socieity also holds some seminars physically. All our studies are managed by Serthar Buddhist Institute. Serthar Buddhist Institute provides learning materials, records our study performance and statistics, arranges lesson plans, organises exams and awards, evaluates the teaching achievements after the end of each semester and issues related certificates and prizes. Moreover, the European Bodhicitta Society is supervised by a specially appointed monastic from the Institute.

The reasons for creating the Bodhicitta Society

The European Bodhicitta Society was founded during the financial crisis. In the era of materialism and when our life highly depends on money, an economic downturn has been particularly detrimental to many people. This is also the proof that money cannot bring sustainable happiness and does not solve the spiritual emptiness within us. Money cannot help us in finding the true purpose of life but rather deviates us from doing so. Many people spend a large proportion of their time on things and activities, which become meaningless when facing the pain, anxiety and fear. That is why we believe that the way of Dharma is the only way to real happiness and fulfilment. In light of this need, Khenpo SoDargye has called for the establishment of Bodhicitta society of which the EBS is also part of it.

Joining us

Dear friends, if you understand Chinese, if you have a loving heart, and if you wish to understand more about life and Buddhism, the European Bodhicitta Society is the right place for you. We welcome anyone regardless of race, name, age, nationality, education or religion. We provide free opportunities to study Buddhism, and work together to promote philanthropy, and social harmony. Please join us in exploring the potentials of compassion, and bring enlightenment to all living beings.

The European Bodhicitta Society (EBS) Sweden

Tradition: Mahayana, Tibetan tradition, Nyingmapa school
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Main Contact: Jing Li  Email  (Phone: +46 703680549)
Notes and Events:

Introducing the European Bodhicitta Society (EBS)
 The European Bodhicitta Society has been established under the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye from Serthar Buddhist Institute (Larung Gar) of Serthar district situated in the province of Sichuan. With the purpose of promoting the spirit of Mahayana Buddhism to benefit everyone in Europe, the European Bodhicitta Society was founded on the first of August in 2009. After two years of development, the number of members has increased from three to over 40 people living in different European countries.

The EBS promotes the Mahayana Buddhist teachings by integrating theories with practices. It plays a proactive role in advocating charity, such as environmental and animal conservation, popularising vegetarianism and in encouraging social cohesion and development.

Under the teachings of Buddha and the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye, the EBS, as well as all its members, strive to promote the theories and practices of Buddhism to everyone in Europe and to let everyone find true happiness.

Our study approaches

Based on Khenpo SoDargyes requirements, the European Bodhicitta Society has set up three study groups, namely: Preliminary practice of Great Perfection (Dzogchen) Study Group, Study Group B, which mainly study Shantidevas Bodhisattva way of life (Bodhicaryavatara) and a new class introduced in 2012. Beside this, each year, the European Bodhicitta Society will commence new study groups, these include the Preliminary practice of Great Perfection, Pure Land class, and Bodhicaryavatara study group. We also aim to initiate a study group focusing on Vajrayana practice such as Dzogchen, and other classes such as Madhyamika (Middleway) and Pramana (Buddhist Logic).

Our main study approach is by mean of online discussions, which takes place every week. In addition, occasionally, our UK Bodhicitta Socieity also holds some seminars physically. All our studies are managed by Serthar Buddhist Institute. Serthar Buddhist Institute provides learning materials, records our study performance and statistics, arranges lesson plans, organises exams and awards, evaluates the teaching achievements after the end of each semester and issues related certificates and prizes. Moreover, the European Bodhicitta Society is supervised by a specially appointed monastic from the Institute.

The reasons for creating the Bodhicitta Society

The European Bodhicitta Society was founded during the financial crisis. In the era of materialism and when our life highly depends on money, an economic downturn has been particularly detrimental to many people. This is also the proof that money cannot bring sustainable happiness and does not solve the spiritual emptiness within us. Money cannot help us in finding the true purpose of life but rather deviates us from doing so. Many people spend a large proportion of their time on things and activities, which become meaningless when facing the pain, anxiety and fear. That is why we believe that the way of Dharma is the only way to real happiness and fulfilment. In light of this need, Khenpo SoDargye has called for the establishment of Bodhicitta society of which the EBS is also part of it.

Joining us

Dear friends, if you understand Chinese, if you have a loving heart, and if you wish to understand more about life and Buddhism, the European Bodhicitta Society is the right place for you. We welcome anyone regardless of race, name, age, nationality, education or religion. We provide free opportunities to study Buddhism, and work together to promote philanthropy, and social harmony. Please join us in exploring the potentials of compassion, and bring enlightenment to all living beings.

The European Bodhicitta Society (EBS) Switzerland

Tradition: Mahayana, Tibetan tradition, Nyingmapa school
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Main Contact: Zhang Hui  Email  (Phone: 0041(0)774959978)
Notes and Events:

Introducing the European Bodhicitta Society (EBS)
 The European Bodhicitta Society has been established under the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye from Serthar Buddhist Institute (Larung Gar) of Serthar district situated in the province of Sichuan. With the purpose of promoting the spirit of Mahayana Buddhism to benefit everyone in Europe, the European Bodhicitta Society was founded on the first of August in 2009. After two years of development, the number of members has increased from three to over 40 people living in different European countries.

The EBS promotes the Mahayana Buddhist teachings by integrating theories with practices. It plays a proactive role in advocating charity, such as environmental and animal conservation, popularising vegetarianism and in encouraging social cohesion and development.

Under the teachings of Buddha and the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye, the EBS, as well as all its members, strive to promote the theories and practices of Buddhism to everyone in Europe and to let everyone find true happiness.

Our study approaches

Based on Khenpo SoDargyes requirements, the European Bodhicitta Society has set up three study groups, namely: Preliminary practice of Great Perfection (Dzogchen) Study Group, Study Group B, which mainly study Shantidevas Bodhisattva way of life (Bodhicaryavatara) and a new class introduced in 2012. Beside this, each year, the European Bodhicitta Society will commence new study groups, these include the Preliminary practice of Great Perfection, Pure Land class, and Bodhicaryavatara study group. We also aim to initiate a study group focusing on Vajrayana practice such as Dzogchen, and other classes such as Madhyamika (Middleway) and Pramana (Buddhist Logic).

Our main study approach is by mean of online discussions, which takes place every week. In addition, occasionally, our UK Bodhicitta Socieity also holds some seminars physically. All our studies are managed by Serthar Buddhist Institute. Serthar Buddhist Institute provides learning materials, records our study performance and statistics, arranges lesson plans, organises exams and awards, evaluates the teaching achievements after the end of each semester and issues related certificates and prizes. Moreover, the European Bodhicitta Society is supervised by a specially appointed monastic from the Institute.

The reasons for creating the Bodhicitta Society

The European Bodhicitta Society was founded during the financial crisis. In the era of materialism and when our life highly depends on money, an economic downturn has been particularly detrimental to many people. This is also the proof that money cannot bring sustainable happiness and does not solve the spiritual emptiness within us. Money cannot help us in finding the true purpose of life but rather deviates us from doing so. Many people spend a large proportion of their time on things and activities, which become meaningless when facing the pain, anxiety and fear. That is why we believe that the way of Dharma is the only way to real happiness and fulfilment. In light of this need, Khenpo SoDargye has called for the establishment of Bodhicitta society of which the EBS is also part of it.

Joining us

Dear friends, if you understand Chinese, if you have a loving heart, and if you wish to understand more about life and Buddhism, the European Bodhicitta Society is the right place for you. We welcome anyone regardless of race, name, age, nationality, education or religion. We provide free opportunities to study Buddhism, and work together to promote philanthropy, and social harmony. Please join us in exploring the potentials of compassion, and bring enlightenment to all living beings.

The Infinite Ammiratus Way of Buddhism

Address: "Dhyāna Zen Temple"   London/Southall UB2 5LF
Tradition: Dhyāna Buddhism
Phone: +44 7405 735212
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Teacher: Shifu Meilin / Master Merlin  
Main Contact: Shifu Meilin / Master Merlin  Email  (Phone: +44 7405 735212)
Spiritual Director: Shifu Meilin / Master Merlin  Email  (Phone: +44 7405 735212)
Notes and Events:

The Infinite Ammiratus Way is a progressive school of thought within Buddhism, blending Zen principles with a rejection of dogma and hierarchy akin to Protestant ideals. Focused on love and compassion, it seeks to harmonize simplicity and non-attachment, addressing potential pitfalls in traditional Zen. Emphasizing love in all interactions, adherents strive for emotional and spiritual growth, with Bodhisattvas exemplifying this path in the Dhyāna Zen Temple. Departing from rigid structures, the approach fosters adaptability and openness. In a world marked by division, the Infinite Ammiratus Way offers a contemporary bridge between Zen teachings and the universal human desire for connection and spiritual fulfillment.

The Insight Center

Address: 1404 Greenfield Avenue   Los Angeles 90025
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 3102615618
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Main Contact: Michael Shiffman  Email  (Phone: 310-445-2160)
Teacher: Dr. Michael Shiffman  
Spiritual Director: Rev. Hye Wol Sunim  Email  (Phone: 818-768-4031)
Notes and Events:

The Insight Center brings together traditional Buddhist teachings, mindfulness meditation and somatic therapy.   We teach traditional mindfulness meditation and body psychotherapy workshops.   Our trainings are for the general public and  psychotherapists.  We provide psychotherapy to individuals, couples and families.  Our goal is to help our students and clients to lead fulfilling lives.

The International Meditation Centre

Address: P.O. Bodh-Gaya 824231 Dist, Gaya, Bihar, India 
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Mahasi Sayadaw Meditation Centre, Burma.
Phone: 200707
Fax: 200707
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Abbot: Ven. Dr. Rastrapal, Mahathera  
Notes and Events:

Meditation System: Mahasi Sayadaw Satipatthana Vipassana

The International Meditation Centre hosts ten-day beginners' courses in Vipassana, and thirty-day courses for the more experienced. Donations are accepted, as there are no fixed fees. Their new and underdeveloped site, 5km away near the university, the Dhamma Bodhi International Meditation Centre, also organises ten-day courses and offers a motley collection of basic bungalows and tents. Several other courses take place throughout the winter.

The Invisible Zen Library

Address:   Cluj-Napoca, Kolozsvár, Klausenburg
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +40751455145
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Notes and Events:

The Invisible Zen Library is a project about sharing books on Buddhism, meditation, Dharma with those who wish to connect this way and/or join the sitting meditation (zazen) practice in Cluj-Napoca (Romania). We approach the journey without any spiritual or religious credentials thus we are non-sectarian and ecumenical with an integral-holistic spirit.

Location: Eastern Europe > Romania > Transylvania > Cluj Napoca.

The Irish Sangha Trust

Address: The Irish Sangha Trust, c/o Appletree Health and Wellness, No 126, Ranelagh   Dublin 6 Dublin
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +35387 2877837
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Rev: Rathmale Punnaratana  
Sr: Ajahn Metta  
Main Contact: Maeve  Email  (Phone: +35387 2877837)
Notes and Events:

The Irish Sangha Trust was established in 2011 to support and foster the teaching and meditation in the Theravadan Buddhist tradition in Ireland.The Irish Sangha Trust is non-profit Buddhist organization, entirely dependent on the generosity of the public for voluntary donations. 

The Irish Sangha Trust is entirely dependent on the generosity of the public for voluntary donations to continue our work. We host regular meditation workshops and retreats led by renowned Buddhist teachers from different parts of the world. We also hold regular meditation sittings where you can practice with like-minded spiritual friends and share your meditation and Dhamma practice experience within our community. 

Support can be vital in establishing an effective and consistent practice, especially in the early stages. Meditating on a regular basis can help you to lead a more productive, meaningful and satisfying life. The wisdom and peace of mind that develops through practice can bring happiness that eclipses all others.

For more information, please contact us at

The Laughing Buddha Sangha

Address: 2046 Fourteenth Street   Santa Monica CA 90405
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lanka Amarapura Nikaya
Affiliation: Dharma Vijaya Vihara Los Angeles
Phone: 310-450-2268
Website: http;//
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Spiritual Director: Akasa Levi  Email  (Phone: 310-450-2268)
Notes and Events:

The LAUGHING BUDDHA SANGHA offers a very eclectic - Inquiry into Self practice - combining the calm observation approach of traditional Vipassana Mindfulness with the crazy wisdom irrationality of Zen Non-Duality which short-circuits the obsessive self-absorbed, self-identified mind.

Newcomers: Beginners very welcome! You will be very patiently guided. Newcomers are asked to please inquire first by phone to see if this group is possibly even for you. This sitting group encourages highly inquisitive, unflappable people with a natural, deep love of learning – who relish the abstract, and even the absurd - with a genuine taste for the indefinable existential stuff.

Experienced Meditators who are seeking a much deeper questioning into Self - and a de-mystifying, open-minded, caring conversation into Wisdom, Empathy and Spiritual Reality in our Western life-style + some poetry and laughing! Our practice is informed by traditional Theravada Buddha Dharma for clarity of view.

"BUDDHA: The JOYOUS ICONOCLAST" Study Series – offers a much more outside-the-box-Buddhism! Heart-filled heresy for a more maverick spirited inner-quest – for nourishing an iconoclast intelligence and compassionate critical thinking with a caring heart – thru some refreshing, risky, even radical spiritual considerations of Reality by developing a Dharma informed mind.

The Open Meditation Class is 7:30 - 9:30 PM, Monday Evenings and Includes: Guided Instruction - a 35 minute Silent Meditation - Dharma text study with Q&A dialogue - Metta-style Loving-Kindness Meditation with sacred poetry to conclude. The Core Study Group meets with Akasa on Tuesday evening, The Zen-Men Group on Thursdays. Sangha Shabat one Friday evening a month. Please Phone for Details. 

Akasa Levi was one of the few Americans of the counter-culture generation that lived a decade in Asia during the 70s, to be directly with the last living spiritual teachers of the pre-global era. He was a Buddhist forest monk for six years - trained and ordained into the Theravada monastic lineage by the revered Maha Nayake Ananda Maitreya of Sri Lanka. Originally a Vajrayana initiate of Lama Thubten Yeshe and Zopa Rinpoche at Kopan, Nepal - and later, a Vipassana student of S.N. Goenka and Anagarika Munindra in Bodhgaya, India - and practicing Non-Duality Advaita in satsang with Nisargadatta Maharaj in Bombay. Akasa is a Bodhi-Acharya lineage-holder of the Theravada teaching-transmission. He is known for his spontaneity and wry unpredictable humor.

For more information email Akasa at, call 310-450-2268.

You can also visit his webpage at

The Middle Path Group of Tulsa

Address: 5840 S. Memorial Dr., Suite 305   Tulsa OK 74145-9082
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: St. Johns Center for Spiritual Formation
Phone: 918-833-2881
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Main Contact: David Beach  Email  (Phone: 918-833-2881)
Spiritual Director: David Beach  Email  (Phone: 918-833-2881)
Notes and Events:

The Middle Path Group of Tulsa meets weekly for the benefit of meditation and inspiration.

Exploration of non-sectarian, Buddhist teachings and philosophy serve as our guideline for developing a personal practice of meditation and mindfulness.

Middle Path is an open group and welcomes people from all racial, ethnic, economic, sexual, social, political, religious and non-religious backgrounds and preferences. There is never a "conversion" agenda.

Who you are is up to you. We offer a Path for being it fully.

The Middle Way

Address: Dimitrija Avramovića 4   Novi Sad 21000
Tradition: Theravada, Thai Forest Tradition
Affiliation: Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, UK
Website: http://www.yu-budizam/srednjiput
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Main Contact: Branko Kovacevic  Email  
Notes and Events:

The aim of Society is to make Theravada teachings easily available in Serbia and other countries of fromer Yugoslavia. It regularly organizes Dhamma talks, as well as meditation retreats led by senior monks from the Thai Forest tradition of Ajahn Chah. 

The Mindfulness Center

Address: 212 N. Chestnut Street.   Chaska MN 55318
Tradition: Theravada,
Affiliation: TripleGem Of The North
Phone: 6122164854
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Member: Ray  (Phone: 612 760 3996)
Main Contact: Bhante Sathi  (Phone: 6122164854)
Notes and Events:

The Mindfulness Center serves the communities of the Southwest Metro Area of Minneapolis. Open to all who seek to live in deeper harmony with life through mindful living, the Center is dedicated to serving all who seek to improve their health and well-being -- physical, mental, and spiritual -- through the practice of meditation and mindfulness practices, well being classes, mindfulness retreats, classes in Buddhist philosophy, and Buddhist counseling. The Center serves as an oasis of quiet peace and loving kindness in the heart of the community, a place where anyone can come to meditate and rest in a refuge of peace and compassion amidst the hectic pace of our lives.

The Center also serves as a monks‘ residence, facilitating the daily availability of monks offering classes, retreats, teachings, meditations and counseling.

*Open Meditation Sessions
*Weekly Group Meditation
*Personalized Meditation Instruction
*Mindfulness Workshops
*Yoga Classes
*Meditation Retreats
*Buddhist Courses and Talks
*Book Discussions
*Guest Teacher Visits and Retreat.

The Mindfulness Meditation Institute

Address:   Raleigh NC 27605
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: (919) 803-3517
Find on:
Main Contact: Charles A. Francis  Email  (Phone: (919) 803-3517)
Spiritual Director: Charles A. Francis  Email  (Phone: (919) 803-3517)
Notes and Events:

Mindfulness Meditation Meeting

Find out how to get the most from your meditation practice at our new meditation meeting every Monday evening. There will be basic and intermediate level instruction, discussion, and meditation. You will learn how to:
  • Heal and transform the wounds from your past
  • Enhance your spiritual development
  • Realize true inner peace and serenity

It is ideal for both beginners and experienced meditators. The group is non-faith based, and no meditation experience is necessary. There is no admission charge. Everyone is welcome!


The Healing Place of Wake County
1251 Goode Street Raleigh, NC 27603


Every Monday from 8:00pm to 9:15pm. For more information, visit:

The Mindfulness Tree

Address: Charleston WV   Charleston 25304
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 904-580-1950
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Teacher: Christine Blice-Baum  
Notes and Events:

The Mindfulness Tree meditation community is mainly an online meditation group that meets weekly to practice meditation.

The Minding Centre

Address: Blk 644 #01-68 2nd floor Bukit Batok Ctrl   650644
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 82110879
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Teacher: Mr Piya Tan  
Notes and Events:

A still centre in lifes storm

Stress Management & Meditation 

Counselling & therapy  Psychology in Singapore

Please visit our new webpage: 
Research & papers on meditation: proven benefits, etc. 

Our objective: 

To teach self-help and people-helping techniques so that you can help yourself and others. A healthy mind (calm and clear) in a healthy body.

The Nebraska Buddhist Association, Inc

Address: 724 W. 12th Street   Grand Island, Nebraska NE 68801
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 619 985-6784
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Main Contact: Ajahn Khyo  (Phone: 619 985-6784)
Spiritual Director: Ajahn Khyo  (Phone: 619 985-6784)
Notes and Events:

We are a fairly small, but thriving Laotian Buddhist community.  We celebrate both Buddhist and Laotian holidays with chanting (Pali and Laotian), meditation, and activities such as Dak Baht.  From time to time we sponsor day-long meditation retreats.

We have a growing number of practitioners of European ethnicities, as well as some Thai folks.

All are welcome at Wat Buddha Metta Phaaphayaram, our temple at 724 W. 12th Street, in Grand Island, Nebraska.

The Open Circle

Address: Windsong Dojo Innerspace 2201 W I-44 Service Rd.   Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 405-478-8407
Fax: 405-478-8407
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Teacher: Arpita Brown  
Notes and Events:

Meets each Tuesday evening at 7:15, The Open Circle includes sitting and walking meditation and an informal discussion on Dharma. A study group is held once per month focusing on an aspect of Buddhadharma.

Arpita Brown has been  practicing Vipassana meditation since 1983 and has completed the Community Dharma leaders program at Spirit Rock in 2003. She is currently  Vice president of The Saranaloka Foundation. an organization working for the establishment of a female monastic training center in America and facilitating the teaching in America  of the nuns from Amaravati Monastery in England.  

The Organ for the Universal Buddhist League

Address: 2905 SW 16th Street.  Ocala, Florida 34474
Tradition: Mahayana, Japanese Pure Land and Esoteric Buddhism
Phone: 1-352-237-0793
Find on:
Main Contact: Stuart Smith  Email  (Phone: 1-352-237-0793)
Teacher: Toshiyori  
Spiritual Director: Tyuzi Hasimoto (deceased)  
Notes and Events:

The Organ for the Universal Buddhist League is a contiinuation of Rev. Tyuzi Hasimoto\'s free publication in blog form.  It aims at dissemination of Mahayana Dharma teachings, especially those of Rev. Hasimotos sect (Jodo Shinshu), and of my own (Shingon Shu).  The instruction is mostly of an introductory nature, but questions from interested readers are welcomed.  Effort is made to show the relevance of the Buddhadharma in contemporary affairs.  Finally, the author practices Kaji-Reki healing and offers his help without charge.  Any free-will offerings will be donated to the forthcoming Shingonji Temple of Alhambra, CA.  

The Place of Peace Dharma House

Address:   ABERYSTWYTH Wales
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen, Order of Buddhist Contemplatives
Affiliation: Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey
Phone: 01970 625402
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Founder: Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett  
Contact: Rev. Master Myoho Harris  
Notes and Events:

We offer Meditation meetings, Dharma talks, retreats, services, spiritual counselling. We follow the Serene Reflection practice as passed on by Reverend Master Jiyu-Kennett.

Reverend Master Myoho was ordained by her in 1977 and is a Dharma Heir. 

Visits are by arrangement (a telephone call) rather than on a 'drop in' basis.

More information is on our website. Thank you.

The Pointing Out Style of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Meditation

Address: Studio 5/Suite 1 722 Bourke Street   Redfern NSW 2010
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma, Kagyu, and Bon
Affiliation: Rahob Rinpoche, H.H. Menri Trizin, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Phone: +61 4 1868 7313
Fax: +1 514 669 3465
Find on:
Main Contact: Harvey Feldstein  Email  (Phone: +61 4 1868 7313)
Teacher: Dan Brown, PhD  
Spiritual Director: Dan Brown, PhD.  Email  (Phone: +1 (617) 244-1099)
Notes and Events:

Unique Opportunity to attend Dan Browns "The Pointing Out Style of Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, Level 1" in Sydney,  14-21 April 2013

For additional information on Dan Brown, the Pointing Out Style Course Descriptions, and worldwide schedule see:

The pointing-out style is an ancient method of teaching meditation, grounded in the wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism and the dynamic relationship between student and teacher. Structured methodology leads the meditator through increasing levels of concentration and insight, to profound “crossing over” instructions, the very gateway to awakening. With roots in Mahamudra and Dzogchen lineages, this 7-day retreat with Dan Brown has been created to give participants both the understanding and the skills required to practice and master these precious teachings. 

For more information and to register for the Sydney Level 1 Retreat, go to:

What: Level 1 Pointing Out Way Retreat 

Where: Chevalier Center, 1 Roma Ave, Kensington NSW 2033 Australia 

When: Sunday 14th April—Sunday 21st April, 2013 

Harvey Feldstein— 

Linda Feldstein— 

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