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Conseil Bouddhiste International de France

Address: 6 Rue Julie Victoire Daubie   Bobigny 93000
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Non-profit Buddhist Organisation
Affiliation: Direction de la Police G
Phone: 0033-663966192
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Vice-President: Prof. Laurette Faggianelle-Mattei  Email  (Phone: 0033-645066941)
Vice-President: Venerable Thich Minh Dinh  Email  (Phone: 0033-695013651)
Main Contact: M.Barua Sibali, President  Email  (Phone: 0033-663966192)
Teacher: Ven. Dr.Dharma Rakshit Bhikkhu  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Dr. Saranapala  Email  (Phone: 001-647-624-2694)
Notes and Events:

Purpose/ Aim: To work to promote and present the fundamental principles of Buddha teaching; participate in the practice of dharma (a method to eliminate ignorance, the origin of human suffering) to improve the quality of our existence through, in particular, mediation, to sanctify moral commitment through traditional Buddhist rites and ceremonies; to work in close collaboration with other Buddhist organizations in France and to celebrate Buddhist festivals together, especially the Vesak day to commemorate the birth, awakening and death of Buddha, recognized by the United Nations in 1999 as the International Day of Buddhism Vesak to recognize the contributions of Lord Buddha and Buddhism for more than two thousand five hundred years; organize public events; seminars, symposiums, philosophical meetings; to help spread the culture of brotherhood, tolerance, coexistence and peace.

Contemplative Counselling Services

Address: Near MacDonald and West 8th Ave  Vancouver BC V6K2B8
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Naropa University
Phone: 778-968-6463
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Main Contact: Marlise Meilan, MA, RCC  Email  (Phone: 778-968-6463)
Notes and Events:

Contemplative Counselling Services offers psychotherapy from a Buddhist perspective for individuals, couples and groups.

Therapy can bring deeper personal insight and awareness, better ways of understanding and coping with problems, and improved relationships.

Marlise Meilan is a Registered Clinical Counsellor with a Masters degree in Contemplative Psychotherapy from Naropa University.

Corvin Shaolin Training Hall

Address: 1085 Budapest, Somogyi Bela utca 108 (Blaha Lujza ternel(  Budapest 1085
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Shaolin Buddhism
Phone: +36703635561
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Spiritual Director: Shifu Darrell Lewis  Email  
Main Contact: Daniel Herner  Email  (Phone: +36703635561)
Notes and Events:

We are following the way of Shaolin Buddhism. The students are receiving meditation and zen, and martial arts also.

Crooked River Zen Center

Address: 1813 Wilton Rd., Cleveland Hts., OH 44118, USA   Cleveland Heightrs OH 44118
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Affiliation: Phoenix Cloud (
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Main Contact: Dean Williams Sensei  Email  
Teacher: Dean Williams Sensei  
Spiritual Director: Dean Williams Sensei  Email  
Sensei: Dean Williams  Email  
Notes and Events:

Crooked River Zen Center is a zen sangha located in Cleveland, Ohio, led by Sensei Dean Williams.

Anyone is welcome to join us for meditation at the scheduled times. Click here for details about our different offerings. All practice, unless otherwise noted, takes place at 1813 Wilton Rd., Cleveland Heights, OH 44118.

Most weeks we have two sittings: Thursday at 7:00 pm, and Saturday at 9:30 am. In addition, we offer a full day of practice (zazenkai) once a month and three-day retreats (sesshin) four times a year. There are on-going lay ordination (jukai) classes along with other special events. See our calendar for a complete listing.

CRZC is reopening for in-person practice at 1813 Wilton Rd. beginning May 6, 2021. Initially, in-person will be restricted to sangha members who are fully vaccinated. As infection rates continue to decline, we will open in-person practice to the community at large with vaccination status corresponding to CDC guidelines. All CRZC programs will continue to be available via the Zoom app/website (, meeting code 344 244 317, passcode 301533.

Croydon Buddhist Centre

Address: 98 High Street   Croydon London CR0 1ND
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Triratna Buddhist Order
Affiliation: Triratna Buddhist Community
Phone: 0208 688 8624
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President: Sanghadeva  
Founder: Sangharakshita  
Notes and Events:

Croydon Buddhist Centre is at the heart of a friendly community of Buddhists living throughout south London and surrounding areas, and welcomes newcomers to try out its many activities.  Do check out our website for information on our upcoming activities on Buddhism, meditation and yoga.

Cultura Dhamma

Address: 64 y 68 street M48 S3   Canelones - Pinamar 15102
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 99137880
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Main Contact: Lautaro May  Email  (Phone: 00 598 99 137 880)
Teacher: Instructor : Lautaro May  
Notes and Events:

Asociación dedicada al estudio, práctica y difusión de las enseñanzas del Buddha según el Canon Pali.

Curtin Buddhist Association

Address: Curtin University of Technology -Bentley Campus   WA
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Student society
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Main Contact: Kelsand Nampur  Email  
Notes and Events:

Curtin Buddhist Association holds weekly meditation sessions between
1-2pm on Wednesdays in building 109. To be included on the mailing list
please email

D.I.Y. Dharma

Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Notes and Events:

We are a community of freaks, geeks, queers, rebels and outcasts, who meditate together in the Buddhist tradition.

We sit Sunday nights from 7:00 to 8:00pm (please arrive 15 minutes prior) at Unity Yoga – 1672 E. 10th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Unceded Coast Salish Territory. Tuesday nights we sit from 7:30 to 9pm. The address for our Tuesday sits will be visible to you at the top of the left column of the home page once you create an account and login to our website.

 On our website we maintain an audio archive of several thousand dharma talks,  guided mediations, lectures and interviews.

Dae Do Sah

Address: 14825 Clavel St. Rockville MD   Rockville MD 20853
Tradition: Mahayana, Kwan Um School of Zen
Affiliation: Furnace Mountain
Phone: 240-351-5490
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Main Contact: Curtis Steinmetz  Email  (Phone: 2403515490)
Teacher: Zen Master Dae Gak  
Spiritual Director: Curtis Steinmetz  Email  (Phone: 240-351-5490)
Notes and Events:

Zen practice in the Korean tradition, as brought to the West by Zen Master Seung Sahn. Currently all of our practice is online. We meet for chanting, silent meditation, and discussion on Wednesday evening at 7pm and Saturday mornings at 11am. The full schedule can be found here:

Dae Yen Sa International Buddhist Temple and Meditation Center

Address: 19 Kinsey Road, New Hartford, CT 06057   CN
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 860-489-3254
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Contact: Bo Gak Sunim  Email  
Notes and Events:

Dae Yen Sa International Buddhist Temple and Meditation Center, located in New Hartford, Connecticut, serves the spiritual needs of a diverse community of individuals of all ages and spiritual backgrounds.

For over 30 years Dae Yen Sa has been a place of refuge for those seeking liberation from the bonds of greed, hatred and ignorance. Rooted in the ground of Korean Zen Buddhism, and under the direction of Abbot, Ven. Dae San Dae Sa, we offer instruction and practice in meditation, chanting, and dharma study, as well as yoga and qi gong. We hold traditional ceremonies, and conduct retreat days for individuals and groups throughout the year. We invite you to practice with us.

Dagom Geden Kunkyob Ling

Address: 2123 North Pennsylvania Street  
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gelug
Affiliation: Dagom Ladang, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: +1 (317) 283-6781
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Main Contact: Ven Lobzang Dorje  
Teacher: Ven Lobzang Dorje  
Notes and Events:

For the benefit of all sentient beings, Dagom Geden Kunkyob Ling Buddhist Monastery was established to teach, foster, and practice Buddhism, according to the Geden Ear Whispered Lineage of Lama Je Tsongkhapa who established the Gelug Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.

We offer an ongoing Saturday morning Introduction to Buddhism class at 10:30 am EST both online and in person. 

People of all religious and non-religious backgrounds are welcome at Dagom Geden Kunkyob Ling. We offer teachings without charge; however, offerings for the support of the monastery, its teachers, and its translators are sincerely appreciated. All financial contributions to the monastery are tax deductible.

Daham Niketanaya

Address: 1690 Mickelham Road, Yuroke, VIC 3063   Vic
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan
Affiliation: North Victorian Buddhist Association
Phone: 03 9333 4848
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Main Contact: Bhante Sathindriya Thera.  
Teacher: Ven. Kotte Santhindriya  
Notes and Events:

The Daham Niketanaya was established in 1994 by the North Victorian Buddhist Association Inc. Now located at Yuroke, the temple's main objective is to maintain a centre for education and training in Buddhist culture and Asian languages. The temple also engages in activities to increase the awareness of Budhism and meditation in the community at large. One of temple's main tasks is to promote social fellowship and harmony within the framework of tolerance, participation, loving kindness and compassion in keeping with the Buddhist tradition.

The Centre also caters for the practice of meditation and encourages the practical observance of Theravada Buddhism for Buddhists and non Buddhists among Australians.

Dahamdeepa Foundation

Address:   Hakmana Southern 23700
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +94 412286959
Fax: +94 412286959
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Teacher: bhante suseela  
Notes and Events:

Dahamdeepa foundation is founded in 2005 as a social development organisation. DDF Registered under the Voluntary Social Services Organization bearing Act No:31 of 1980. RG NO: SPC/HK/2012/01.

Daijokyo Japanese Monastery

Address: Bodhgaya, Dist, Gaya, Bihar, India 
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 200747
Fax: 200407
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Notes and Events:

Location: In Bihar Sate. Bodhgaya is 13km. from Gaya and auto-rickshaws shuttle back and forth. They start from the Kacheri in the city centre at Gaya. Buses depart less frequently.

The Japanese Monastery, next to the Karmapa monastery, is clean and comfortable but during the tourist season, November to late January, it can be packed out with Japanese tour groups. Your stay there is limited to three days. It has a very beautiful image of the Buddha brought from Japan.

DaiJus Zen Group

Address: 434 King STREET   Newtown NSW 2042
Tradition: Mahayana, Myoshinji
Affiliation: Rinzai Zen
Phone: 04321 90 771
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Notes and Events:

Classes start by teaching the physical and mental posture necessary for meditative awareness then develop into exploring ways to use this awareness in our day-to-day life.

The Rev. DaiJu has had over 8 years in Japanese Monasteries and over 12 years of experience teaching the young and old of all Faiths.

Regular Beginner and Experienced Groups are available at The Buddha Bar Healing Clinic in Newtown on Monday and Wednesday evenings as well as Saturday mornings
Private classes for individuals or groups can be arranged by contacting DaiJu directly.

Daissen Zendo

Address: Praça Getulio Vargas, 126 - Centro (Esquina com a Rua Hermann Blumenau, a praça tambem é conhecida como Praça dos Bombeiros )   Florianopolis Santa Catarina 88020030
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Affiliation: Sociedad Soto Zen do Brazil
Phone: (55-48) 3225 8896
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Contact: Petrucio Chalegre  
Teacher: Saikawa Roshi  
Notes and Events:

Favor verificar em nosso site os horários das práticas:


Dakkhina Dhammatthala Southern Oasis of Dhamma

Address: 79 Davis Avenu   Christies Beach SA 5165
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Buddhist Society of South Australia
Phone: 0401080953
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Teacher: Ayya Santacari Bhikkhuni  
Spiritual Director: Ajahn Brahm  
Notes and Events:

 Monthly Program

Pindapat in Rundle Mall 3rd Fridays 10.30 am

Weekly Program
Tuesday 1pm: UniSA Learn to Meditate & Guided Meditation
Tuesday 7pm: Sitting Group @ DD, Christies Beach
Tuesday 8.15pm Sutta discussion @ DD, Christies Beach

Saturday 3pm: Learn to Meditate and Guided Meditation @ DD
Saturday 4pm: Dhamma Discussion and cups of tea @ DD
Saturday 5pm: Sitting Group @ DD

Dalai Lama in Australia Ltd

Address:   Paddington NSW 2021
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 02 9575 4888
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Teacher: His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama  
Notes and Events:

Dalai Lama in Australia are the organisers of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama\\\'s visits to Australia.

 PO Box 125Paddington NSW 2021

Dana Citta Buddhist Society

Address: 6 Lorong 35 Geylang #03-01 Singapore 387938 Tel: 65-6746-4243 Email:  
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 65-6746-4243
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Notes and Events:

The mission of Dana Citta Buddhist Society is to promote the practice of selfless giving or "dana" , for the benefit and well-being of all beings.

We aim to achieve our mission through the following objectives:

  • to learn, study, uphold, and propagate the teachings of Buddhism with right understanding through learning and education.
  • to observe the Buddhist precepts and practise the attributes of universal kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity.
  • to cultivate love and compassion for other less-privileged fellow beings by providing facilities, aids and materials for them to receive formal education, basic health care and social services.
  • to promote the practice of making offerings of basic necessities to the community of Buddhist monks and nuns so that they can spend their time cultivating themselves and serving the community; and
  • to organize self-enrichment programmes for members so as to promote a wholesome all-rounded lifestyle for Buddhists in the modern society.

Dana Citta Buddhist Society

Address: 7 lor 35 geylang #02-01 S(387938)  
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 66831597
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Notes and Events:

The mission of Dana Citta Buddhist Society is to promote the practice of selfless giving or "dana" , for the benefit and well-being of all beings.

We aim to achieve our mission through the following objectives:

  • to learn, study, uphold, and propagate the teachings of Buddhism with right understanding through learning and education.
  • to observe the Buddhist precepts and practise the attributes of universal kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity.
  • to cultivate love and compassion for other less-privileged fellow beings by providing facilities, aids and materials for them to receive formal education, basic health care and social services.
  • to promote the practice of making offerings of basic necessities to the community of Buddhist monks and nuns so that they can spend their time cultivating themselves and serving the community; and
  • to organize self-enrichment programmes for members so as to promote a wholesome all-rounded lifestyle for Buddhists in the modern society.

Dana Sangha - Hamburg

Tradition: Mahayana, Taizan Maezumi Roshi
Affiliation: Dana Sangha Paris
Phone: 1022770349
Main Contact: Corinne Frottier  Email  (Phone: 1022770349)
Teacher: Corinne Frottier  
Notes and Events:

Dana Sangha Hamburg was founded in summer 2007 as an affiliated group of Dana Sangha Paris, the main seat of this Soto-Zen-Community. It was founded in the Paris suburb of Montreuil in 1994 by Catherine Genno Pagès Roshi, Dharma successor of Dennis Genpo Merzel Roshi, where it helds a Zen-Center for lay practitioners.

Meditation is practiced in the traditional Japanese form, i.e.:
-       sitting contemplation (Zazen)
-       walking contemplation (Kinhin)
-       interviews with the teacher (Daisan)

The Hamburg Zen-group, which is open to everyone who is interested, is led by Corinne Joie Partagée Frottier Hoshi, Dharma-holder and longterm student of Genno Roshi.

Dari Rulai Fa Yin Temple

Address: High Garrett Mill Lane Little Baddow  Chelmsford Essex CM3 4SB
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Living Buddha Dechan Jueren
Phone: 01245 227982
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Main Contact: Jules Gibson-Cranch- Vice Abbot  Email  (Phone: 01245 227982)
Spiritual Director: Dan Kendall  
Teacher: Paul King - Abbot  
Notes and Events:

Meditations taught from the linage of Hanmi Esoteric Buddhism.  Using the three mysteries of Mudra, Mantra and Visualisation. 

  • Medicine Buddha Healing Dharma
  • Akashagarbha Dharma
  • Four Foundations
  • Healing
  • Chanting and Mantra
  • Retreats
  • For Beginers through to Experienced.

Dari Rulai Temple

Address: 441 E. First Street.   Long Beach CA 90802
Tradition: Mahayana, Hanmi Esoteric Buddhism
Affiliation: Living Buddha Dechan Jueren (Master Yu)
Phone: +1 (562) 544-2101
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Vajracharya: Douglas Sutton  Email  (Phone: +1 (626) 736 5210)
Teacher: Abbot Dan Kendall  
Main Contact: Abbot,Dan Kendall  Email  (Phone: +1 (562) 544-2101 )
Spiritual Director: Living Buddha Dechan Jueren  
Notes and Events:

Dari Rulai Temple offers meditation instruction and prayer services worldwide; a weekly Spiritual-healing service to our local community and a Lunar Prayer service for the benefit of All Sentient Beings accepting online submissions to the Prayer List twice a month. We also offer other types of Rites,  blessings,  and workshops  throughout the year. Hanmi Spiritual-Healing works on a prayer or non-physical level. 

Living Buddha Dechan Jueren (Master Yu). 

The 49th MahaVairocana Dharma King and current lineage bearer of the Hanmi Esoteric School of Buddhism. 

Living Buddha Dechan Jueren’s mission was to spread the teachings of the Hanmi lineage throughout the modern world. He brought the Hanmi lineage teachings to the west and, for the first time, made them accessible to the public when founding Dari Rulai Temple.


Buddhist esoteric practice involves the use of mantras, mudras, and visualizations to go from an ordinary state of mind to a higher state. A daily meditation practice is essential to greatly speed the natural self-healing process of the body.

Foundation Practices:

Treasure Vase
Calming and Relaxing
Diamond Wisdom
Dhyana Yoga
Prajna Akasagarbha

Advanced Practices:

Medicine Buddha Dharma

Buddhist Healing Techniques

Medicine Buddha Dharma

Buddhist Healing Techniques
Black Furious Manjusri Dharma
Ucchusma Vajrapala Sutra
Dharma Instruments
Dharani Cover Mala Dharma

Treasure Vase
This Dharma has been used by many practitioners to keep their bodies warm in the cold Himalayan snows, and cool in the blazing heat of the Gobi desert.

The practitioner develops purity and stillness of being, which brings the body under the complete influence of the mind. When the mind is in complete stillness, the body will not change as the environment changes.

Practice the Outer Qi Generating and Releasing dharma for self-healing and to cultivate the ability to heal others. Learn to adapt to extreme weather with the body warming and cooling meditation techniques.

Calming and Relaxing
The first state of Zen (Chan, or Dhyana) meditation. Learn how to enter into state by eliminating the resisting mind through the practice of Guided Calming, Body Relaxation, Mind Relaxation, and Mind Transcendence.

Diamond Wisdom
The second state of Zen meditation. Learn to firm the seed through the state of motion and stillness, being and non-being, called. Contains the Interflow of the Four Links, the Simultaneous Rotation of the Five Wheels, the Illumination of the Nine Suns, and the Observation of One Unified Body.

Dhyana Yoga
The fourth state of Zen Meditation. Attain direct knowledge and insight into the ineffable using the Eight Word Heart Dharma. Tranquil Contemplation, or Diamond Yoga Method: Calm, Null, Sink, and Fall. Transcendental Meditation, the main content of Dhyana cultivation: Chan, Din, Know, and Wisdom/Insight.

Prajna Akasagarbha
The Prajna Akasagarbha is an esoteric Buddhist healing dharma practice which literally means, wisdom hidden in the womb of space. This ancient dharma practice of Akasagarbha Bodhisattva, which was hidden in China for centuries, is considered a key to enlightenment, valued for its ability to increase physical vitality and energy, and bring forth rapid spiritual progress.

In essence, it is a sequence of movements (mudras) combined with visualizations and a mantra that help to align the individual to the universe and awaken the sleeping seeds of Alaya consciousness in the body.

The 16 basic mudras, when practiced diligently, will help the practitioner experience the gravitational pulls of the heavenly bodies, grasp the rhythm of nature, and attain health, prosperity, and wisdom. It flows like water and moves slowly with great depth. It is fun to do and suitable for all ages and abilities. Wear comfortable clothing.

Medicine Buddha Dharma
The sanskrit name of the Medicine Buddha is Bhaisajyaraja. The Chinese call him Yao Shi Fo, the Tibetans Sangye Menla, and the Japanese Yakushi. He is a great Master who made many vows to alleviate the suffering of all beings. The Medicine Master Lapis Lazuli Light King Buddha Extinguishing Disaster and Prolonging Life Dharma is for healing, protection, and prevention of illness and disease, as well as for extinguishing disaster, extending life, and bringing forth good luck. Includes separate purifying techniques for food, water and air.

Buddhist Healing Techniques
This workshop contains various meditations, applications, and techniques used by Buddhist healers to handle situations ranging from a simple headache to tumors and cancer.

Black Furious Manjusri Bodhisattva Bodyguardian Dharma
This teaching was brought from India to China in 749 AD, and was traditionally taught only to initiated disciples. This dharma is used for spiritual protection from negative forces, and to extinguish accidents, disasters, and bad fortune.

Black Manjusri builds a foundation for advanced Feng Shui, space clearing, and dealing with problems associated with unusual phenomenon.

Darwin Zen Group

Address: International Buddhist Centre, 37 Parkside Crescent, Leanyer   Darwin NT 0812
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen, Diamond Sangha
Affiliation: Sydney Zen Centre
Phone: 08 89853781
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Teacher: Dr Justine Mayer  
Main Contact: Dr Justine Mayer  Email  (Phone: 08 89853781)
Notes and Events:



Davis Buddhist Meditation and Study Group

Address: 27074 Patwin Road  Davis CA 95616
Tradition: Theravada, Peer led Buddhist meditation and study group
Affiliation: Mountain Stream Meditation Center
Phone: (530) 219.7900
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Main Contact: Jack Young  Email  (Phone: (530) 219.7900)
Notes and Events:

Who and what...
We are a lay Buddhist meditation and study group. We have been meeting regularly since 1994. Generally, we follow a Theravadan practice but all are welcome and will find a comfortable environment for following their Buddhist practice. There is a sitting meditation for 30 minutes, 10 minutes of walking meditation a peer led Dharma discussion and tea / conversation time. Meditation instruction available weekly.
Zafus and zabutons are available.

Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis
27074 Patwin Road, Davis, California

Patwin Road is 1.5 miles west of Hwy 113 off Russell Blvd. After turning south on Patwin road, the Church is 100 yards on the right. Our group meets in the main hall (through main entrance, then turn right).

Weekly Meditation - and discussion every Thursday evening: 7:30 to 9:00.
***Beginning March 6, 2008, the time will change to: 7pm to 8:30pm.***
Monthly Potluck - Third Thursday of each month at 6 pm (meet in the kitchen (through main entrance and to the left).
Monthly 'Morning of Mindfulness' (half-day sitting) - Second Saturday of each month from 9:00 AM to 12:30 AM.

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