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Dhammakaya Foundation

Address: Wat Luang Phor Sodh Dhammakayaram Dammnoen Saduak District, Rajburi Province 70130, Thailand.  
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 66-81-837-8457;
Fax: 66) 32-740-170
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Introduction to Dhammakaya Meditation

About five hundred years after the Great Decease of Lord Buddha, there remained no evidence of the Dhammakaya meditation technique. After devoted practice, the Venerable Chao Khun Phra Mongkol-Thepmuni restored the principles of Dhammakaya meditation and taught them. Today the approach has become well-known once again.

The Venerable Chao Khun Phra Mongkol-Thepmuni once said that Dhammakaya meditation would be known all over the country, primarily because it penetrates right to the heart of the practice of purification. Defilements such as greed, hatred, delusion, conceit, wrongview, doubt, sloth, restlessness, shamelessness, and lack of moral dread are uprooted naturally and effectively. Avijja or ignorance becomes Vijja or knowledge.

Dhammakaya meditation is not a new practice, as many believe. It is the original Buddha-Teaching. Dhammakaya meditation is the exact path that the Buddha practiced. It is cited many times in the Tipitaka (Buddhist Canon), and directly follows the Noble Eightfold Path which is classified into the three categories of Sila or morality, Samatha or Right Concentration, and Vipassana or Right Wisdom. In combination with the four Satipatthana or Foundations of Mindfulness, the Samatha (concentration) and Vipassana (insight) will advance to Right Wisdom pertaining to the Sankhara or compounds and Visankhara or non-compounds. The Right Wisdom of the Four Noble Truths will be unfolded. Nirvana or freedom from all conditioning and suffering will, thus, be attained.

Without Lord Buddha, this teaching would never have been known and practiced. Without the Venerable Phra Mongkol-Thepmuni, Dhammakaya meditation would never have been well known again. Various benefits will be gained even at the beginning of Dhammakaya meditation practice.

This is for all who seek to understand reality or the true meaning of life as well as those who seek inner purification. Wisdom and virtue develop hand-in-hand. As the meditator progresses beyond the distortions of the passions, insight sharpens and understanding deepens.

Dhammakaya Meditation does not require blind faith. You do not have to believe in Buddhism to benefit from it. It is a method for training the mind to become concentrated and keenly aware, focused inward at the center of the body. With practice, you will encounter new experiences for yourself and will develop confidence.

In 1916, Luang Phor Sodh Candasaro (Chao Khun Phra Mongkol-Thepmuni) rediscovered the Dhammakaya approach to meditation which had been lost sometime during the first five hundred years following the passing away of Lord Buddha. The technique leads the meditator directly along the path to enlightenment and emancipation by combining concentration (Samatha) and insight (Vipassana) meditation techniques. It is, thus, extremely focused and effective.

Dhammakaya Meditation practice has become popular and widespread throughout Thailand. This is intended to make the method more widely available to English speakers.

Meditation begins with turning the powers of observation and awareness inward. We are accustomed to perceiving the outside world, but introspection requires special effort. Steeped in science, we have prided ourselves on “objectivity” while remaining largely unaware of inner biases.

Traditional scientific objectivity required isolation from the object observed. Since quantum mechanics was introduced, science has recognized that we are part of the world we perceive and what we see depends on how we look at it. Meditation is like polishing a lens to enable us to see more clearly. Skill in meditation develops the ability to perceive experience directly without the distortions implicit in conceptualization.

Many seekers turn to meditation because of dissatisfaction with life. This is the universally experienced sadness / suffering / tension (Dukkha) on which Lord Buddha based the Four Noble Truths. But, this motivation to ease tensions or cope with anxieties is only a starting point. Many meditation techniques will provide relief on this worldly level, but the beauty of Dhammakaya Meditation is that it leads directly upwards from this plane to more and more refined, purer and purer levels of awareness.

The effectiveness of the Dhammakaya Meditation derives from focusing attention at the center of the body and combining three meditation techniques simultaneously. Meditators often debate the efficacy of concentration (Samatha) versus insight (Vipassana). Dhammakaya Meditation employs elements of both. Higher and higher levels of concentration enable personal insight to progress from a more worldly view to Right Understanding and ultimately to Supra-mundane Right Wisdom.

Dhammakaya International Society of Belgium

Address: Ronkenburgstraat 25   Lede Oost-Vlaanderen B-9340
Tradition: Theravada, Wat Paknam Bhasicharoen, Thailand
Affiliation: Dhammakaya Foundation
Phone: +(32) 5 33 94 909, +(32) 4 88 56 99 03
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We bieden cursussen en andere activiteiten aan, waarbij we niet de nadruk leggen op het werven van leden of het ‘bekeren’ van mensen tot Boeddhist. We proberen, zoals eigen is aan het Boeddhisme, de wijsheden van de Boeddha aan te bieden aan alle geïnteresseerden, aan zowel de allochtone Thai die in België, Nederland en Luxemburg wonen, als de steeds meer geïnteresseerde autochtone Europeaan.

We benadrukken de praktische kant van het Boeddhisme: hoe je Boeddhistische wijsheid op een pragmatische manier in je dagelijks leven kunt integreren, door eenvoudige maar zinvolle dagelijkse activiteiten zoals vrijgevigheid, zelfdiscipline en vooral meditatie.

Daarom organiseren we elke week meditatielessen voor zowel nieuwkomers als meer ervaren beoefenaars.  Daarnaast organiseren we verschillende keren per jaar retraites aan in het Nederlands, Thais en Engels. Nu en dan zijn er vieringen, die worden gehouden in overeenstemming met eeuwenoude Boeddhistische tradities. Deze vieringen bevatten vaak verschillende ceremonies of plechtigheden, die we simultaan vertalen in het Nederlands of Engels naar gelang het publiek dat de viering bijwoont.

Dhammakaya Meditation Center Boston

Address: 65 Roberts Street, Quincy MA 02169   Quincy MA 02169-6466
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 617-479-0674
Fax: 617-479-0674
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Dhammaland The Royal Monastic School

Address: Bir Bira-Siripur, Grampanchaayat- Banskuda, POST jalki, P.S. Tumgon   Mahasamund Chhattisgarh 493445
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: UBNO
Phone: 9340522897
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Spiritual Director: Dr. V. Sheelratna Bodhi  Email  (Phone: 00919340522897)
Notes and Events:

Dhammaland is registered Under Public Trust No.74/2009/Bilaspur India, and Income tax exempt u/s 80G of the IT Act 1961.  Dhammalands purpose is to spread Buddhas Teachings and human kind to come out of suffering. Dhammaland is working for development of Buddhist and poor peoples of India through various Programs, seminars, meditation camps all over India. Dhammamaster (Dr. Venerable Sheelratna Bodhi) is the Founder President of Dhammaland. He is a well known Indian Buddhist monk. He has done Doctorate Degree in Meditation. He had completed his B.A. from Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka and M.A. in Buddhist Psychotherapy from Postgraduage Institute of Kelaniya University, Sri Lanka. He learned Buddhist meditation, Buddhist Philosophy, Pali, Abhidhamma at Buddhist Studies International and got six years special Bhikkhu training under the guidance of late Most Venerable Dr. Havanpola Rathanasara Mahanayakthera, Sangha Nayak of western world. He had been awarded as Dhamma Duta Honor (DDH) Doctor of Dhamma, and (MDH) Master of Dhamma by Buddhist Studies International, Sri Lanka in year 2001. He is currently propagating dhamma in India as well as other countries.

Dhammaloka Buddhist Centre

Address: 18-20 Nanson Way,   Nollamara, Perth WA 6061
Tradition: Theravada, Thai, Forest Tradition
Affiliation: Buddhist Society of Western Australia
Phone: (08) 9345 1711
Fax: (08) 9344 4220
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Ajahn Brahmavamso  
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Program available here:

We are a Buddhist centre serving the global community irrespective of age, colour or creed. We offer numerous resources and support to those interested in practicing the Dhamma.

Dhammapada -Templo Budista

Address: Formosa 182, Ing. Maschwitz. Provincia de Buenos Aires.   Ingeniero Maschwitz 1623
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen
Affiliation: Sangha Dhammapada
Phone: 0348 4627143
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Teacher: Sifu Koio Samadhi  
Spiritual Director: Sifu Koio Samadhi  Email  (Phone: 01167467600)
Notes and Events:

Dhammapada es un Templo dedicado a la transmisión del Budismo Zen.


* Transmisión del Budismo Zen con identidad propia. Budismo Zen del Río de la Plata.

* Fomentar la defensa y desarrollo de los Derechos Humanos a través del desarrollo      espiritual y de actividades sociales y comunitarias.

* Promover el diálogo interreligioso con el anhelo de encontrarnos en lo que nos une como seres humanos sin necesidad de hacer hincapié en las diferencias que siempre pertenecen a la esfera de las formas y no de la esencia.


Address: Kloster am Waldrand Bütschelsstrasse 74   Kandersteg Bern 3718
Tradition: Theravada, Ajahn Chah
Affiliation: Theravada
Phone: +41 (0)33 - 675 21 00
Fax: +41 (0)33 - 675 22 41
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Teacher: Ajahn Khemasiri  
Spiritual Director: Ajahn Khemasiri  
Notes and Events:

Dhammapala  ist ein Ort spiritueller Übung und eine kleine Klostergemeinschaft in der Tradition des frühen Buddhismus (Theravàda)

Unser Haus ist der meditativen Praxis geweiht und seine Gemeinschaft versteht sich in der Linie der thailändischen Waldtradition Ajahn Chahs und deren westlichen Ablegern.

Als buddhistisches Kloster ist Dhammapala in erster Linie Lebensort für Mönche, Novizen und gelegentlich auch Nonnen.

Die Klostergemeinschaft führt Meditations- und Studienkurse durch und nimmt zwischen diesen Veranstaltungen nach Übereinkunft Interessierte als zeitweilige Gäste im Kloster auf, wenn diese bereit sind, für die Dauer ihres Aufenthaltes nach den klösterlichen Regeln zu leben und an den Gemeinschaftsaktivitäten teilzunehmen. Unsere Gemeinschaft besteht meist aus 4 bis 6 Mönchen und einer schwankenden Anzahl von Gästen des Klosters Männern und Frauen, die für kürzere oder längere Zeit mit den ansässigen Ordensmitgliedern ein Leben der Meditation, des Studiums und der Arbeit teilen.


Address: Dr. B.r.Ambedkar Library Rajur  Rajur Maharashtra 445309
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 09420046026
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The Dhammapratishtha has been engaged in its humanitarian work and welfare activities through its branches set up in several parts of India and in other parts of the world. With its faith as the nucleus of universal brotherhood, the society has been working towards spreading the sublime teachings of Lord Buddha and his message of love to all sections of people, irrespective of caste, creed and community. In its efforts at not only preaching, but practically applying the Buddhist values of love, compassion and interdependence, the Dhammapratishtha has been guided by great thinkers and leaders of India.

Dhammasara Nuns Monastery

Address: 203 Reen Road, Gidgegannup, Western Australia, 6083   WA 6083
Tradition: Theravada, Forest Tradition, Thai
Affiliation: Buddhist Society of Western Australia
Phone: 61 8 9574 6583
Fax: 61 8 6210 1131
Website: &
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Main Contact: Venerable Hasapanna  (Phone: 61 8 9574 6583)
Notes and Events:

Gidgegannup is located in the eastern sector of the City of Swan and includes the hills area known as the Darling Scarp. Gidgegannup is a mix of rural and rural residential.

A thirty minute drive north of east of Perth, along Toodyay Road.

For Daily Routine and Visiting information, please see:


Address: No. 50-6 You-Tze-Zhai Tong-Ren Village, Chong-Pu Chaiayi 606, Taiwan R.O.C  60652
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: (886) (05) 253-0029 day
Fax: (886) (05) 203-0813
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Teacher: Bhikkhu Metta  
Contact: Bhikkhu Metta  Email  (Phone: 886)(05)253-0029 day)
Notes and Events:


First sitting 4:30am

Last sitting 6:00~8:300pm.

Dhammavijaya Buddhist Vihara

Address: 15 Fern Tree Close   Hornsby NSW
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan- all are welcome !
Phone: Tel: Mob: (+61) 0411 741 223
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Teacher: Venerable Somaloka Bhanthe  
Notes and Events:

Services are carried out daily 8-9am and 7-8pm – all are welcome. If, however, you need to attend at any other time please ring or email in advance to ensure that you can be accommodated at that time. Almsgivings can also be booked via this number – both for breakfast and lunch.

There are also Satipatthana “the awakening of mindfulness” meditation programmes run by the resident monks. We can accommodate 10 devotees currently for the meditation program so please ring or email in advice to book.

Dhammodaya Meditation Centre

Address: 45/1 Mu 4 Tambol Tanoun-krat Ampur Muang.   Nakhon Pathom 73000
Tradition: Theravada, Vipassana meditation, Mahasi Sayadaw
Phone: (0) 1-810-9632
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Contact: Ms Khun Nay  
Notes and Events:

Dhammodaya is a Mahasi Sayadaw based practise Centre with various English speaking teachers, both Burmese and Western,  trained in Burma under Sayadaw U Janaka.It is located just outside Bangkok and conducts retreats frequently throughout the year as and when the teachers are available. U Janaka was a disciple of Mahasi Sayadaw himself, and has numerous centres around the world. The approach focuses much on Metta meditation as an aid to Insight. Most of the teachers speak fluent English, which is translated for Thais.

Dhammodaya does not have a website of its own, relying instead on phone and email contact, and the extensive network of the YBAT organisation of Bangkok, and other contacts. The retreats are almost always in English, or English + Thai, with experienced teachers under the tutelage of Sayadaw U Janaka.

Dhamsuwa Meditation Centre

Address: 285 Clonbinane Rd   Clonbinane Vic 3658
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan Sri Kalyani Yogashrama Forest Monastic Tradition of Sri Lanka
Affiliation: Bhaddeka Viharee Aranya Senansana and Kalyani Yogashrama Forest Monastery in Sri Lanka
Phone: 61 468 456 451
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Teacher: Ven. I. G. Pasadika Thero  
Notes and Events:

As another significant step of Buddhist meditation Association of Australia efforts to disseminate Dhamma, Dhamsuwa Meditation Centre with the leadership of Ven. I. G. Pasadika Thero established at 285 Clonbinane Rd, Clonbinane, under the patronage of Sri Kalyani Yogashrama Forest Monastic Tradition of Sri Lanka.

For residential meditation practice needs until such time a suitable premise is established, we have got the kind and most respected patronage of Ven. Wegodapola Wimalagnana Maha Thero to utilise facilities of Bhaddeka Viharee Aranya Senansana, at 1855, Westernport Rd, Ripplebrook VIC, 3818 which is another branch of Kalyani Yogashrama Forest Monastery in Sri Lanka.


As the preliminary stage, our centre will be a Monk’s residence and an online broadcasting station for meditation programmes which in the near future will be moved to a suitable location and premises away from existing Buddhist Centres.



Dharma Boat Sangha

Address: Peace Park   Oxford Falls NSW 2100
Tradition: Mahayana, Vietnamese Zen (Thich Nhat Hanh) Western
Phone: 0414 526 503
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Main Contact: Ann Munroe  Email  (Phone: 0414 526 503)
Spiritual Director: Thich Nhat Hanh  

Dharma Brisbane Inc

Tradition: Non-Sectarian,
Phone: +61421513733
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Main Contact: Lynn Kelly  Email  (Phone: 0421 513 733)
Notes and Events:

Dharma Brisbane was founded in 2017 through a collaboration of meditation practitioners from various Buddhist traditions including Theravada, Zen, and Tibetan. Dharma Brisbane is a not for profit association incorporated in Queensland and the current office holders are as follows: Lulu Cook, President (Theravada)Arno Hess, Vice President (Zen)Lynn Kelly, Secretary (Theravada)Andrew Keller, Treasurer (Theravada) 

The mission of Dharma Brisbane is to expand access to multi-sectarian Buddha Dharma teachings and practices in the Brisbane, Australia, area, by:

1. Supporting and/or publicising as appropriate activities that encourage the growth of the Buddha Dharma,
2. Publicising through multiple channels English-language teachings and special events based on the Buddha Dharma,
3. Organising courses and events for all levels of practitioners and students of the Buddha Dharma.

Dharma Brisbane welcomes everyone who has an interest in teachings and practices based on the Buddha’s Eight-Fold Path, including Theravada, Zen, Vajrayana, and other traditions. We aspire to include the wide range of diversity found in our society.

Dharma Buddies

Address: 400 Broadway   Seattle WA 98122
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Main Contact: Brian Smith  Email  (Phone: 206 334 7404)
Notes and Events:

Dharma Buddies is a Buddhist meditation and discussion group for Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender men in the Seattle area. L/B/T Buddhist women may want to check out the Lotus Sisters group.

Dharma Buddies meets Sundays at 11:00 am for a 45-minute silent meditation followed by tea and conversation. Dharma Buddies meets at Cal Anderson House, located at 400 Broadway on the northeast corner of Broadway and Terrace Street, just north of where Broadway and Boren intersect.

We are a diverse group with a wide range of backgrounds and experience with Buddhist teachings. We endeavor to practice deep listening and mindful speech as we share insights and discuss questions relative to our lives as gay Buddhists.


Address: Jörg Karsten, Mombacherstr.55  Mainz Rheinland-Pfalz 55122
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Publisher of Dharma books about Tibetan Buddhismus, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Seminary Transcripts German Translation.

Dharma College

Address: 2222 Harold Way   Berkeley CA
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.
Phone: 510.809.2010, ext. 676 Fax: 510.704.1105
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Teacher: Robin Caton, Co-Director  
Spiritual Director: founder, Tarthang Tulku,  
Notes and Events:

We extend a warm welcome to you from Dharma College, a new school of higher learning open to inquiring adults of all backgrounds. With your participation, we will develop fresh perspectives on the transformative potential of the human mind. Our six-week Fall classes begin on October 3.

In 2012, we are offering three introductory courses in the Revelations of Mind program, based on new teachings by Dharma College founder, Tarthang Tulku, a traditionally trained Tibetan lama in the Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.


Dharma Drum Mountain - Vancouver

Address: 8240 No. 5 Road  Richmond, BC BC V6Y 2V4
Tradition: Mahayana, Chinese Ch'an (Zen)
Affiliation: Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association
Phone: (604) 277-1357
Fax: (604) 277-1352
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Teacher: Venerable Guo Shu  
Spiritual Director: Chan Master Sheng Yen  
Notes and Events:

  • Open every day
  • English and Mandarin teachings
  • Group meditation every Sunday at 9:30am
  • One-day retreat on last Sunday of every month
  • Youth group discussions and meditation twice per month

Dharma Drum Mountain Los Angeles Center

Address: 4530 North Peck Road   El Monte CA 91732
Tradition: Mahayana, Chinese Chan (Zen)
Affiliation: Dharma Drum Mountain, Taiwan
Phone: (626) 350-4388
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Master Sheng Yen  
Notes and Events:

Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association (DDMBA) was founded by the renowned scholar and teacher of Chan Buddhism, Chan Master Sheng Yen. In the Los Angeles chapter, our goal is to share with our friends and neighbours in Southern California the wider mission of DDMBA - which is to educate the greater community about Chan. We offer free programs for beginners, as well as long time practitioners. The organization is made entirely of volunteers who share the same goal.

We welcome you to join in our weekly Chan meditation class. Activities include simple stretching exercise, sitting and walking mediation followed by tea and group discussion based on the readings of the book Zen Wisdom by Chan Master Sheng Yen. Classes will be held on every Saturday.

Dharma Drum Mountain Melbourne

Address: 42 Bridge Street   Bulleen Vic 3105
Tradition: Mahayana, Chan lineage : Linji, Caodong
Affiliation: Dharma Drum Mountain Taiwan
Phone: +61 470 690 911
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Spiritual Director: Venerable Chang Xu  
Main Contact: Paco Chien  Email  (Phone: +61 470 690 911)
Notes and Events:

Dharma Drum Mountain Melbourne is a community learning and living the Buddha's Teachings through the tradition of Chan Buddhism, as established by the late Chan Master, Venerable Sheng Yen.  
Please check the website for details of our Activities.

Dharma Drum Mountain Sydney

Address: Unit 2, 67 Jersey Street Hornsby, Sydney Australia   Horsnby NSW 2077
Tradition: Mahayana, Chan, Master Sheng Yen.
Phone: 0413 185 603
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Vice President: Anders Lindstrom  (Phone: 0414632124)
President: Agnes Chow  (Phone: 0413185603)
Notes and Events:

Our regular activities are temporarily held at Hornsby Youth & Family Community Centre until further notice.

Hornsby Youth & Family Community Centre
17 Muriel Street
Hornsby NSW 2077

0466 597 663 (English, Mandarin and Cantonese) 

Dharma Drum Retreat Center

Address: 184 Quannacut Road   Pine Bush, New York NY 12566
Tradition: Mahayana, Chan/Zen
Affiliation: Dharma Drum Mountain
Phone: (845) 744-8114
Fax: (845) 744-8483
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Spiritual Director: Master Sheng Yen  
Main Contact: Wei Tan  Email  
Teacher: Ven. Guo Jun  
Notes and Events:

Dharma Drum Retreat Center [DDRC] is dedicated to sharing its Buddhist values with the community through good works, teaching, and a spirit of welcoming and openness. At DDRC, people learn and live the Dharma, and are encouraged to reach out and help others understand it. People come from around the world to attend our retreats and teachings in the lineage of Chinese Chan (Zen) Buddhism. We encourage our visitors to learn and grow, and leave rejuvenated.

Since its inception in 1997, Dharma Drum Retreat Center (DDRC) has given spiritual practitioners and searchers an inviting and open place to better understand the Dharma and themselves. We believe that living the Dharma is a sound basis for healthier, more productive and peaceful relationships with others, and with the world. To this, we promote service to others and meditative practices as keys to personal spiritual growth, and the best way to contribute deeply to society.

We are situated on 120 acres of fields and woods at the edge of the Shawangunk Mountain Range in Pine Bush, New York. Only 90 miles from New York City, DDRC’s rural landscape creates an atmosphere of repose that visitors from the city and around the world may enjoy. Rolling hills, a 6-acre lake and running creek surround our buildings with a natural beauty. DDRC is a thoroughly modern facility, with renovated and newly constructed buildings on the grounds of a former summer camp. DDRC is open year round.

Dharma Eye Zendo

Address:   Holland 49423
Tradition: Mahayana, Katagiri lineage
Affiliation: Soto Zen
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Teacher: Shinkyu Brian Cot  
Spiritual Director: Rev. Shuji Mintzmyer  

Dharma Fellowship of His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa

Address: The Hermitage 7131 Denman Road  enman Island BC V0R 1T0
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan
Affiliation: Karma Kagyü
Phone: 250-335-3377
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Ven: Bardok Chusang Rinpoche  Email  
Ven: Ani Tashi Lhamo  Email  (Phone: 415-621-1657)
Teacher: Lama Kunzang Palden  
Spiritual Director: 17th Karmapa Orgyen Trinley Dorje  
Notes and Events:

Meditation in British Columbia

Monday and Wednesday evening meditation is held each week at 7:30pm at the Hermitage on Denman Island, British Columbia, Canada under the guidance of Lama Kunzang. The Hermitage also holds five day, seven day and ten day silent retreats, open to all who are interested in learning and practicing meditation. Each retreat is supported by daily instruction and private interviews with the Lama. Please see the Hermitage retreat schedule for more information.

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