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Fo Kuang Shan Tsung-Lin University

Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 07-6561921
Fax: 07-6561593
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Main Contact: Short-term Monastic Organizing Committee  Email  (Phone: 07-6561921)
Notes and Events:

An Extraordinary Invitation for you!
An extraordinary vacation.  A transcendental trip.
Fo Guang Shan Short Term Monastic Retreat
                        – your top choice for a winter vacation
Enter into the monastic life and experience a taste of freedom!
Explore your inner world, and focus your mind.
This trip will energize your life, pave the future with confidence, and let you make the most of your life.
This retreat will be held from Jan 27th ~ Feb 2nd, 2008.  This program is especially for young single adult between the ages of 18 and 35, either studying for, or completed a college degree or higher.
Let yourself experience the pure mind and get ready to meet the challenges ahead in the coming New Year with greater physical, emotional, and mental endurance and ability.
Life is a process of experience – what we think will shape our lives.  Take the first step and join us through filling in the application form on our Fo Guang Shan Web page and email the completed form to or contact us through: Attn: Short Term Monastic Retreat, Fo Guang Shan, 840 Kaohsiung Ta Shu, Taiwan. Tel: 886-76561921 ext 2011/2022, Fax: 886-76561593
Leaving the home, freedom of body and mind,
Let yourself keep up with flow of the spiritual life!

Foerderverein Theravada-Buddhismus

Address: Dr. Marianne Wachs Bismarckstrasse 86   Berlin Berlin 10627
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: (0049-) 030-3137740
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Notes and Events:

Der Foerderverein wurde 1999 von einer Gruppe engagierter Buddhisten gegruendet, die durch eigene Konzeptionen, Projekte und Aktivitäten zur Entwicklung eines den sozialen und kulturellen Bedingungen des Westens angepassten Theravada-Buddhismus beitragen moechten. Siehe auch:

Forest Way Zen ( Forest Empty Mountain Zen Hermitage 0

Address: P.O. Box 631 Cooroy, 4563 QLD   Doonan Sunshine Coast Qld
Tradition: Mahayana, Diamond Sangha Zen
Affiliation: Sydney Zen Centre.
Phone: (07) 5471 1332 mobile 0407114761
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Main Contact: Barry Farrin  Email  (Phone: 0754711332)
Teacher: Sensei Barry Farrin  
Spiritual Director: Subhana Barzaghi  
Notes and Events:

 We are a very active group, with 5 regular sittings a week  we run a Sesshin (retreat ) 5 days at Christmas and a 3 Day Sesshin about July. We also run  some 1 day Zazenkai and about 3 or  4 Zen introductory days.

We sit at Doonan in the Noosa hinterland.

Forres Dhamma Friends

Address: 1 Leask Road   Forres Scotland Iv36 1SW
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Theravada Forest Sangha
Phone: 07921211434
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Main Contact: Claralynn nunamaker  Email  (Phone: 07921211434)
Notes and Events:

 Please join us for Sunday mornings for chanting (Pali and English), meditation, and discussion. 10-11 am, 1 Leask Road in Forres. 

Fort Myers Zen Group

Address:   FL
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 2392691632
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Notes and Events:

Zazen on Wednesday evenings and Zazen and chanting on Saturday mornings.

Please call David for information and location.

Fort Worth Meditation Center

Address: 312 W. Leuda Street.   Ft. Worth TX 76104
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 817-290-2117
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Main Contact: Buddy Fichera  Email  (Phone: 817-290-2117)
Notes and Events:

Fort Worth Meditations curriculum is inspired by Ajahn Geoff (Thanissaro Bhikkhu) and Ajahn Sumedho. Both are senior monks in the Thai Forest Tradition of Theravada Buddhism.

All the material at our center is offered freely with no strings attached. The best way to repay the teacher is to earnestly put the teachings into practice - to see for yourself, for your own benefit, and for the benefit of the world.

FPMT Australia Ltd

Address: PO Box 135,   Erskineville NSW 2043
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelug
Affiliation: FPMT
Phone: 0408 428 545
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Main Contact: Peter Stickels  Email  (Phone: 0408 428 545)
Spiritual Director: Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

FPMT Australia Ltd is affiliated with the FPMT, an international Tibetan Buddhist organisation, which actively upholds the Buddhist principles taught by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.

The FPMT Australian national office supports all FPMT centres, projects, services and activities in Australia by organising bi-annual national meetings, coordinating Buddhist teaching tours and other national activities, as well as maintains harmonious communication between the centres and other parts of the organisation.

The FPMTA website contains the complete list of contact details of all the FPMT centres, study groups and projects in Australia, and news and information about Tibetan Buddhist retreats and Buddhist teaching tours in Australia.

Freely Given Retreats

Address:   Devon
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Insight Meditation
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Main Contact: Stewart Moir  Email  
Notes and Events:

Freely Given Retreats is a charity committed to making Insight Meditation retreats available to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. 

We run a small number of retreats each year in different venues in rural Devon mainly with Gaia House teachers, but also in association with other groups such as Rebel Dharma and Ecodharma.

The generosity of previous retreatants and others allows our retreats to be offered freely. Donations are invited at the end of each retreat and these are the main source of future funding. 

Friends of the Heart

Address: 2510 Yonge Street Suite 324  Toronto Ontario M4P 2H7
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 416 486 5105
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Main Contact: General Inquiry  (Phone: 416 486 5105)
Teacher: Richard Johnson  
Spiritual Director: Catherine Jetsun Yeshe  (Phone: 416 486 5105)
Notes and Events:

Friends of the Heart is a group of lay people who actively pursue the deep philosophic and ethical teachings of East and West while maintaining an active, ordinary life within the community. From the Buddhist path, we take teachings and meditation practice from the Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana streams.

We offer meditation instruction and classes in Toronto. By emphasizing individual attention, discussion and dialogue in small classes, you will learn how to live in the world with a compassionate heart and a clear mind. Find peace, calm and joy in your life.

Newcomers are always welcome, whether new to meditation or long time practitioners. Details on courses and events are at

Friendship Sangha of the Heart- Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura

Address: 5654 Ralston Street   Ventura CA 93003
Tradition: Mahayana, Thich Nhat Hanh
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Main Contact: Neal Ortenberg  Email  (Phone: 805-368-9835)
Notes and Events:

Evening Meditation Every Monday 7:00 - 8:45 pm

The Friendship Sangha of the Heart began practicing in 1997 and is inspired by the contemporaryand timeless teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh with emphasis on mindfulness practice.

Each evening includes sitting meditation, walking meditation, dharma readings, and dharma sharing with the following special activities each month.

  • First Monday of the Month: Recitation and meditation on the Five Mindfulness Trainings (FIve Precepts).
  • Second Monday of the Month: Introduction to Meditation at 6:30 before the 7pm meditation practice.
  • Fifth Monday of the Month (once each season): Silent vegitarian potluck meal at 6:00 before the 7pm meditation practice.

Ft. Lauderdale Zen Group

Address: 800 SW 36th Avenue   Pompano Beach FL 33069
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto/Rinzai Zen
Affiliation: Lost Coin, White Plum
Phone: 954-987-3642
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Main Contact: Carole Walsh  Email  (Phone: 954-987-3642)
Teacher: Roshi Daniel Doen Silberberg  
Notes and Events:

Discussion and Zen meditation. A progressive Zen group composed of people who share a common longing to realize that indescribable “something” we intuitively feel, just beyond the comprehension of our thinking minds. Open to all who are compelled to seek, or just want the company of others also traveling the path, whether you are an advanced student or just beginning the journey.

Full Moon Sangha

Address: 309 Wilton Road   Farmington 04938
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Thich Nhat Hanh
Phone: 2074911731
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Main Contact: Mary Rankin  Email  (Phone: 2074911731)
Notes and Events:

Meditation, walking meditation, readings, Dharma discussion.  

 Weekly meetings on Mondays from 6:30 to 8 pm.


Address: Av. Patria 539 Zapopan, Jalisco México.   Jalisco 45038
Tradition: Mahayana, Vajrayana, Mindroling tradition from Nyingma school. Chan (Zen) Buddhism, Directly from the Shaolin Monastery.
Phone: +52 (33)35872609
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Main Contact: Miguel A. Cervantes  Email  (Phone: (33)35872609)
Teacher: Loben Raphel Dorjee - Shi Guo Long  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Lachen Gomchen Rimpoche  
Notes and Events:

Vajrayana Buddhism from the Nyingma Mindroling tradition directly on the linage of the Venerable Lachen Gomchen Rimpoche .

Chan (Zen) Buddhism directly from Shaolin Temple in the linage of
the Venerable Shi Sheng He resident monk of the Shaolin Monastery,Henan, China.

Fundacja Theravada

Address:   Warszawa
Tradition: Theravada
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Notes and Events:

Buddyzm Theravāda od wielu lat ma w Polsce wielu sympatyków, osób zainteresowanych i praktykujących. Dotychczas jednak nie powstała żadna organizacja, centrum, czy ośrodek który wspierałby polskich Theravādinów w zdobywaniu wiedzy o naukach Buddhy, bazujących na kanonie palijskim oraz praktykowaniu tychże.

Postanowiliśmy to zmienić i założyć Fundację Theravāda. Liczymy na Wasze zainteresowanie i współpracę. Fundacja nie jest związana z konkretnym nauczycielem ani tradycją czy odłamem buddyzmu. Jesteśmy otwarci na wszystkie osoby autentycznie zainteresowane naukami buddyjskimi na podstawie kanonu palijskiego.

GA Lotus Sutra Group

Address:   Lilburn GA
Tradition: Mahayana, Nichiren Daishonin
Affiliation: Hokkekyo
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Main Contact: Momo Honda  Email  
Notes and Events:

Wish to learn about the chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo? And the recitation of the Lotus Sutra? Please send email for more information. Thank you and have a peaceful day!

Gaden Choeling Cadiz

Address: GENERAL VALDÉS, Nº 11, BAJO  SAN FERNANDO Cádiz 11100
Tradition: Mahayana, Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gulugpa
Affiliation: Lama Gueshe Tenzing Tamding
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Teacher: Tritul Rimpoche  
Spiritual Director: Lama Gueshe Tenzing Tamding  
Notes and Events:



Gaden Shartse Thubten Dhargye Ling (Land of Flourishing Dharma)

Address: 3500 E 4th Street   Long Beach CA 90814
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa
Affiliation: Gaden Shartse Monastery
Phone: (562) 621 9865
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Teacher: Khensur Rinpoche Dakpa Tenzin  
Main Contact: Pam Adams  Email  (Phone: (562) 621 9865)
Spiritual Director: Geshe Tenzin Tsether  (Phone: (562) 621 9865)
Notes and Events:

Classes are held on Sunday mornings from 10:30 am until noon with a question and answer time following the teaching. These classes are currently being taught by Ven. Khensur Rinpoche Dakpa Tenzin

At times other events, rituals, and talks take place at the center and those will be listed in the calendar on our website.

Gaia House

Address: West Ogwell  Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 6EW
Tradition: Theravada, Mahayana, Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Insight Meditation / Vipassana / Zen
Phone: +44 (0)1626 333613
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Teacher: Christina Feldman  
Spiritual Director: Yanai Postelnik  Email  (Phone: +44 (0)1626 333613)
Notes and Events:

Gaia House is an old Georgian country house set in its own mature parkland gardens amongst the rolling hills of Devon, deep in the English countryside.

We provide a year-round timetable of Group Retreats, mainly in the Insight Meditation tradition but with many Zen retreats.  Additionally, we also provide an extensive facility for Personal Retreats, where individuals can conduct solitary retreats within the house and grounds for up to 3 months.

Gainesville Kadampa Group

Address: The Sacred Earth Center 3131 NW 13th Street, #41   Gainesville FL 32609
Tradition: Vajrayana, New Kadampa Tradition
Affiliation: Parbawatiya Kadampa Buddhist Center
Phone: 727-797-9770
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Teacher: Kelsang Chokyan  
Spiritual Director: Ven Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
Notes and Events:

Meditation classes in Gainesville teach basic meditation and the practice of Kadampa Buddhism. The purpose of these classes is to help people to gain personal experience of inner peace, to overcome their daily problems, and to find real happiness in their hearts.

Our Gainesville classes consist of guided meditations, a talk and discussion. The classes are suitable for everyone from beginners to experienced meditators. Each class is self contained, though you are welcome to attend the whole course. They provide an ideal introduction to meditation and Buddhism, teaching effective and practical methods for overcoming problems and increasing happiness in daily life.

Gainesville Karma Thegsum Choling

Address: 1204 NW 10 Ave.   Gainesville 32601
Tradition: Vajrayana, Lama David Bole, Resident Teacher Tibetan
Affiliation: Karma Kagyu Tibetan Buddhism
Phone: 352.335.1975
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Main Contact: Suzanne Kragiel  Email  (Phone: 352.378.0521)
Spiritual Director: Lama David Bole (Lodro Sangpo)  Email  (Phone: 352.335.1975)
Teacher: Lama David  
Notes and Events:

We meet every Sunday from 11 - 12:30 pm at Sanctuary Yoga Center. Introductory classes are offerred regularly for instruction in meditation, Buddhist Philosophy, and Vajrayana practice. All are welcome. No previous experience is required. There is no fee for classes, however, donations are gratefully accepted. Come join us.

Ganden Kadampa Buddhist Centre (Gold Coast)

Address: shop 8 / 30 Commerce Dr   Robina Qld 4226
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan
Affiliation: KMCA - Melbourne, Dharmapala Centre - Perth, Mahasiddha Centre - Sydney, Losang Dragpa - Newcastle
Phone: (07) 5535 1140 0403 269 103
Fax: (07) 5535 1140
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Teacher: Kelsang Tsalden  
Spiritual Director: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
Notes and Events:

Ganden Kadampa Buddhist Centre holds weekly drop-in meditation classes, day courses, study programs, retreats and special events.

Our drop in classes are held in Nerang, Palm Beach, Murwillumbah and Brisbane.  Please see for more details on these classes and all our centre events.  Everyone is welcome.

Ganden Ling Buddhist Center

Address: 4813 North MacArthur Boulevard  Oklahoma City OK 73122
Tradition: Vajrayana, New Kadampa Tradition (NKT-IKBU) Tibetan
Affiliation: Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Center, Ulverston, England
Phone: 405-470-5543
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Spiritual Director: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
Main Contact: Kelsang Namdrol  Email  (Phone: 405-470-5543)
Teacher: Kelsang Namdrol  
Notes and Events:

Ganden Ling Buddhist Center is an American Buddhist Meditation Center in Oklahoma City. The Center provides meditation classes and teachings in Oklahoma. Taught by Americans, the meditation classes are very easy to understand and apply in our daily lives. The classes are suitable for both beginners and more advanced meditation practitioners. Do not hesitate to check out a meditation class and see for yourself!

Gar Trinley Yongkhyab Ling

Address:   Edinburgh Scotland
Tradition: Vajrayana, Drikung Kagyu
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H.E.: Garchen Triptrul Rinpoche  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Dorzin Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

We currently meet twice a month for meditation, puja and Dharma discussions. We are a small charity aiming to grow the Drikung Kagyu tradition in Scotland and welcome everyone from all backgrounds.

Garchen Chöding Zentrum

Address: Sturzg. 44   Vienna Wien 1150
Tradition: Vajrayana, Drikung Kagyü
Affiliation: Garchen Centres International
Phone: +4368181842139
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Teacher: Drubpön Tsering Rinpoche  
Spiritual Director: H.E. Garchen Triptrül Rinpoche  
Main Contact: Helena Krivan  Email  
Notes and Events:

Laufende Praxis:

Unsere Lehrer:

Über uns:


Garden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling

Address: 12 Guillemard Lane Singapore 399878  
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gelugpa
Phone: 65 6344 9521
Fax: 65 6345 260
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Spiritual Director: HE Lati Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:


Our Mission

Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling (GSDPL) was established in the aim of propagating the pure teachings of Lord Buddha Shakyamuni, as well as promoting Tibetan Buddhism, especially the Gelug lineage of Lama Tsong Khapa, in Singapore. We hope to provide a conducive environment for one’s dharma study and meditation and be a place for dharma friends to gather and practise together.

Our Roots

Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling is a direct collegiate affiliate of Gaden Shartse Norling College. Gaden Shartse Monastery is a distinguished monastic institution originating from Tibet, which later reestablished in Mundgod, South India.

The first part of our name “Gaden Shartse” symbolize that our roots hail from Gaden Shartse Monastery. The second part of our name “Dro-Phen Ling” was auspiciously conferred upon by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in Gaden Monastery in the December of 2001.

We managed to find an appropriate premise for the location of the centre, and officially started in July 2002. Gaden Shartse Dro-Phen Ling continues to grow from strength to strength with a current base of 3,000 members.

What we offer

Other than regular teachings and large-scale pujas held for the public, GSDPL also conduct pujas on a personal basis upon request. Pujas help one increase merits, invokes ripening of positive potential, and pacifies the negative conditions, ultimately helping to clear one’s obstacles. We have resident elderly Old Geshes who are very experienced in the art of divination; upon request, they can help determine various pujas that will be beneficial to each individual.

Kindly visit the centre personally should you visit to request for a divination to be done. Thank you.

Join us at no membership fee

Membership is free in GSDPL. Joining us as a member enables you to receive first-hand news of our events or upcoming visits of great Masters. Members can also enjoy discounts on selected items at GSDPL. We are passionate about dharma, and hope that dharma can be shared with as many people, as far as wide as possible. Click here to join as member, or you may sign up directly at our centre. Feel free to contact us at 63449521 / 63420806 for any further information. Thank you.

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