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Karma Kagyu Dharma Society

Address: No 2, Loring Jubilee, off Jalan Loke Yew MY-55200   Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Karma Kagu
Affiliation: Karma Kagyu
Phone: +603 9222 1540
Fax: +603 9221 9810
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Teacher: Lama Skarma Zotpa  
Notes and Events:

Weekly Activities
Wednesday8-10pmChenrezig Sadhana and first foundation practice (Refuge and prostrations)
Friday8-10pmFirst (Refuge and prostrations) and second foundation practices (Vajrasattva purification)
Sunday 10-12amGreen Tara puja

Monthly Activities
1st day of lunar month8-10pmAmitabha puja
10th day of lunar month8-10pmGuru Rinpoche puja
15th day of lunar month8-10pmLineage master Milarepa Tsog puja
29th day of lunar month8-10pmDharma Protector Mahakala puja
Every month 3rd Sunday10-12amSodjong - Observing 8 precepts

Karma Kagyu Sangha - Wien

Address: Buddhistisches Zentrum  Wien Wien 1010
Tradition: Mahayana, Vajrayana, Tibetan, Karma Kagyu, lineage of 17th. Gyalwa Karmapa Trinle Thaye Dorje
Phone: +43 / (0)676 / 4857825
Fax: +43 / (0)1 / 5137728
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Teacher: Khenpo Tschödrag Tenpel Rinpoche  
Spiritual Director: 17. Gyalwa Karmapa, Trinle Thaye Dorje  
Notes and Events:

Buddhistische Praxis ist konsequentes Geistestraining im Alltag und in der Meditation, eine Entdeckungsreise in das eigene Potenzial.

Karma Kagyü Sangha bietet die Möglichkeit, authentischen Buddhismus - und hier insbesondere die Lehren der Karma Kagyü Tradition - kennenzulernen und zu praktizieren.

Karma Kagyü Sangha steht unter der spirituellen Leitung des 17. Karmapa, Trinle Thaye Dorje, und des 14. Shamarpa, Mipham Chökyi Lodrö. Leiter des Meditations- und Studienprogramms ist Khenpo Tschödrag Tenpel Rinpoche


Buddhism authentic & timeless

To practice Buddhism practice means consistent training of the mind in both everyday life and meditation. It is a voyage of discovery into one’s own potential.
The main aim of the Karma Kagyü Sangha is to offer an opportunity to come into contact with the teachings of the Buddha and in particular with the Karma Kagyü tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.

Karma Kagyu Sangha operates under the spiritual guidance of the 17th Karmapa Rinpoche, Trinle Thaye Dorje, and the 14th Shamarpa Rinpoche, Mipham Chokyi Lodro. You are very welcome to join our meditation sessions, lectures and courses.

Karma Thegsum Choling (KTC) Wichita

Address: 3425 W Central Ave   Wichita KA 67203
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu
Affiliation: Karma Triyana Dharmachakra (KTD)
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Notes and Events:

InnerWorks Holistic Health Center

Our center offers a variety of programs including:

  • regular meditation practice
  • meditation workshops and individual meditation instruction
  • Buddhism classes and discussions of Buddhist teachings
  • visits from authentic Buddhist teachers

Karma Thegsum Choling Jacksonville

Address: 1258 S. McDuff Avenue   Jacksonville FL 32205
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu
Affiliation: Karma Triyana Dharmachakra
Phone: 904-357-0663
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Teacher: Lama Tsultrim Khandro  
Notes and Events:

 Please join us Saturday mornings for Silent Sitting Meditation from 10am-10:30am and Chenrezig and Amitabha Sadhana practice from 10:30am-12pm.
On Thursday for 7:00-7:15pm is Silent sitting meditation practice. Then at 7:15pm The practice of the Medicine Buddha sadhanas with Lama Tsultrim Khandro.

These sessions on Thursday and Saturday at Karma Thegsum Choling Jacksonville are offered to benefit all beings and devotional offerings are gladly accepted.

Karma Thegsum Choling Slovakia

Address: Marianska 2   Bratislava 81108
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu
Phone: +421902407024
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Teacher: Lama Sangye  
Spiritual Director: 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje  
Notes and Events:

Karma Thegsum Choling Slovakia is a Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Center of Karma Kagyu Tradition founded in 2013. Offers Tibetan Buddhist meditations and teachings. It is an affiliated center of Karma Triyana Dharmachakra, Woodstock, NY, USA. Its head is 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje.

Karma Theksum Chokhorling

Address: Estr. dos Bandeirantes, 25636, Vargem Grande   Rio de Janeiro Rio De Janeiro 22785-092
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu - Karmapa\\'s seat for South America
Phone: 2124286711
Fax: 2124281245
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Spiritual Director: Khenpo Khenrab Wangchuk  Email  (Phone: 55 21 24286711)
Main Contact: Cláudia Carréra  Email  (Phone: 55 21 24286711)
Notes and Events:

Daily practices (from Tuesdays to Sundays):

07:00 - Green Tara
17:00 - Tchenrezig
17:40 - Mahakala

Karma Trinley Ling - Karma Kagyu Meditation

Address: Dedemsvaartweg 967   Den Haag Zuid-Holland
Tradition: Vajrayana, Buddhist study and meditation group of Karma Kagyu lineage.
Affiliation: Karma Kagyu
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Main Contact: N. Harteveld  Email  
Spiritual Director: 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje  
Teacher: Khenpo Ngedon Rigdrol  
Notes and Events:

Activities on Wednesday evenings. For the program of visiting Lamas  see our website.

Karma Triyana Dharmachakra

Address: 352 Meads Mountain Road   Woodstock NY 12498
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Karma Kagyu, The seat of His Holiness the Gyalwang Karmapa in North America
Phone: 845-679-5906 ext 3
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Teacher: Lama Karma Drodhul  
Spiritual Director: Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche/Abbot  Email  
Notes and Events:

KTD offers a daily, weekly, and monthly schedule of spiritual activities. 

Daily activities include:
5 a.m. Green Tara chant
8:30 a.m. Morning chants
5 p.m. Mahakala chants
7 p.m. Chenrezig compassion chants
8 p.m. Evening prayers and silent meditation

Weekly activities
Open Meditation/Free Meditation class: 2 p.m. Saturdays
Introduction to Buddhism Classes, evening sitting: 7 p.m. on Wednesdays 

Monthly activities vary; check our website for details.

Karma Yiwong Samten Ling Tibetan Buddhist Centre

Address: 1064 Sandy Creek Road, Molong NSW 2866 Postal Address 1064 Sandy Creek Rd MOLONG NSW 2866   NSW
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan - Karma Kagyu
Affiliation: Rumtek Monastery Sikkim - North India
Phone: Phone (02) 6366 8376 0434 791 413
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Main Contact: Rosie & Gerry Aguila  
Spiritual Director: Ven Dekhung Gyaltsey Tulku Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Karma Yiwong Samten Ling is a retreat centre in the Karma Kagyu Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism under the direction of Ven. Dekhung Gyaltsey Tulku Rinpoche

Karme Choling

Address: 369 Patneaude Lane   Barnet VT 05821
Tradition: Vajrayana, Shambhala, Tibetan, Kagyu, Nyingma
Affiliation: Shambhala International
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Founder: Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Karme Choling is a residential meditation community that offers Residencies of one month or more, as well meditation programs in person and online.

Karme Tenpe Gyaltsen

Address: Hökarvägen 2  Hägersten/Stockholm 129 41
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu
Affiliation: Karma Kagyu
Phone: +46 (0) 8 - 88 69 50
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Main Contact: Lama Tsultim Gyaltso Rinpoche  
Teacher: Lama Tsultim Gyaltso Rinpoche  
Spiritual Director: Lama Tsultim Gyaltso Rinpoche  Email  
Notes and Events:

The Association was founded in 1976 with the mission to give all interested an opportunity to take part in buddhist teachings and view of life, particularly in the Karma Kagyu tradition - the oral transmission.

The head of this tradition is His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa.

The organization is led by Dharma Master Lama Ngawang and Lama Tsultim Rinpoche together with the board of KTG.

The Association was founded by His Holiness the 16th Karmapa to be the head seat of the Kagyu tradition in Sweden. The mission is to promote knowledge about buddhism and to work for peace and understanding of all peoples.

KTG is a member of Sveriges buddistiska Samarbetsråd (Swedish Buddhists Assoc.)

Karuna Buddhist Vihara

Address: 497 Sierra Vista Ave, Apt 4,   Mountain View CA 94043
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lanka Bhikkhuni lineage
Affiliation: Mahapajapati Monastery and Dharma Vijaya Buddhist Vihara
Phone: (650) 556-6427
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President: Jamila Gunawardena  Email  (Phone: (408) 888-1132)
Main Contact: Ayya Santussika Bhikkhuni  
Notes and Events:

Karuna Buddhist Vihara is a Buddhist monastery offering teachings according to the Theravada Tradition in meditation and Dhamma principles. There are weekly meetings on meditation and teachings, as well as specially scheduled workshops and retreats on various topics. It is also possible for women to stay at the vihara in order to study, practice and support the Bhikkhuni(s) in residence, while learning how to bring Buddhist practice more fully into their daily lives.

Regularly scheduled meetings:

Sutta Study and Meditation - 7-9pm Wednesday evenings

Scheduling may vary. It is best to check the website for the current schedule and program details:

Karuna Dharma Center

Address: 85 Benito Juarez San Cristobal de las Casas   San Cristobal de las Casas Chiapas
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 967-678-6367
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Teacher: Rio Cuellar  
Spiritual Director: Rio Cuellar  Email  (Phone: 967-678-6367)
Notes and Events:

At Karuna Dharma Center we are currently offering seven day retreats focused on silent meditation with Tai Chi Gong.  Our  founder and teacher Rio Cuellar  has studied  Buddhism for  twenty  years  and  has been trained at  Spirit  Rock Meditation Center in California. Buddha Dharma talks are also given during the retreat.

Karuna Foundation

Address: Buddhist Society of NSW) PO Box 89 North Sydney NSW 2059  NSW
Tradition: Mahayana, Tien-tai Hua-yen, Japanese
Phone: (02) 9929 8643
Fax: 9955 6183
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Teacher: Malcolm Pearce  
Main Contact: Nara  
Notes and Events:

The Karuna Foundation has two centres, Katoomba and Sydney. Introductory courses of eight evening sessions are held four times per year. Regular programs for members: Sunday afternoons and Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

Weekend retreats are held at the Katoomba centre

Karuna Hospice Service Ltd

Address: 27 Cartwright Street PO Box 2020   Windsor Qld 4030
Tradition: Vajrayana, Buddhist Hospice Service, Tibetan
Affiliation: FPMT
Phone: (07) 3632 8300
Fax: 07 3857 8040
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Teacher: Director Ven. Yeshe Khadro  
Spiritual Director: Lama Zopa Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Since 1992 Karuna, a Brisbane-based charity, has used its expertise and compassion to help thousands of individuals and families live a meaningful and happy life while embracing uncertainty and change.

We provide in-home palliative care, a grief and bereavement service, a learning and support service and we have a bookshop full of useful resources. We take the time to understand your needs and provide a holistic approach to delivering the best possible support.

We offer in-home palliative care in the Brisbane North, Caboolture and Redcliffe areas. In addition helpful information is available on our website and most of our support sessions and courses are run out of Karuna House at 27 Cartwright St Windsor. 

Karuna Institute

Address: Natsworthy Manor, Widecombe-in-the-Morr Nr. Newton Abbot Devon TQ13 7TR   Devon
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 01647 221457
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Notes and Events:

The integration of mindfulness practices with western psychotherapeutic and Craniosacral Biodynamic practices is entirely unique. The Institute is evolving its own wisdom tradition, which acknowledges its ancient roots in Buddhist psychology, ethics and practice and also its roots in western psychodynamic psychotherapeutic practice. It provides unique contemporary trainings at the forefront of orthodox and complementary healthcare.

There are three complementary streams of activity generated within the Institute:

  • Trainings in Core Process Psychotherapy, a mindfulness-based psychotherapy tradition
  • Trainings in Craniosacral Biodynamic Therapy
  • Retreat giving, including associated trainings

More specifically, the Institute offers the following core Trainings:

  • MA Programme : 4 year Professional Training in Core Process Psychotherapeutic Practice (Validated by Middlesex University)
  • MA Programme : Post-Qualification Training in Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapeutic Practice (validated by Middlesex University)
  • CPD courses in Core Process Psychotherapy and Supervision Training
  • The Primal Sympathy: an Interdisciplinary Post-Graduate Training in Pre- and Perinatal Therapy : 2 Year Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Course
  • Craniosacral Biodynamics : Diploma Course 2 Year Professional Training
  • Advanced Seminars and Diploma in Cranioscaral Biodynamics

As well as

  • retreats
  • training in Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga.

Karuna Lib and Buddhist Center

Address: Taman Lopang Indah FU3 no.1  Serang Jawa Barat 42113
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Notes and Events:

Currently we are trying to establish the most comprehensive library of Buddhism in Serang, Banten Province, Indonesia. This includes the efforts of books/other media collections enhancement. We would greatly appreciate if any of you would like to send us books or any media concerning about Buddhism of any aspects of any languages for our librarys collections.

Please do not feel hesitate to contact us:

When we contemplate and reflect again upon all things...all activities done by the most subtle fact, all are about happiness; ...happiness in its various forms, happiness of the happiness itself...                           (Willy Yanto Wijaya)

Karuna Meditation Center

Address: 82/3 Moo 4  Kamala Phuket 83120
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Summit Dharma Center
Phone: +066-076-278-134
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Teacher: Michael Gregory  
Notes and Events:

Karuna Meditation Center is dedicated to the meditations and teachings of the Buddha, with special emphasis on mindfulness and compassion practices.

The center hosts a full program of practice and Buddhist retreats available to students wanting to learn meditation in Thailand, including residential retreats, intensive retreat sessions, and yoga retreats. We have a wide variety of meditation instructors with backgrounds ranging from the Theravadan Buddhist tradition, Zen Buddhist, and Indo-Tibetan Buddhist lineages. Weekly Dharma talks are given as well as personal meditation instruction and interviews in English by native English speakers.

Katog Choling Tibetan Cultural Center

Address: 901 E. St. Mary Blvd.   Lafayette LA 70506
Tradition: Vajrayana, Katog
Phone: 337 453 4000
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Spiritual Director: Khentrul Lodrö Thayé Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Katog Choling Ratna Ling was founded in 2004 by Khentrul Lodrö Thayé Rinpoche to provide a place for the study of Buddhism and Tibetan culture in Lafayette, Louisiana. Ratna Ling offers workshops, lectures, performances, and facilities for classes and instruction.  Teachings focus on meditation and other practices to tame the mind, with emphasis on how to develop a kind-hearted intention. 

10 am-11:30 am Bodhicitta Practice-meditation on loving kindness and compassion. (Please arrive 10 minutes early so you can settle and be ready to meditate.)


7 pm-8 pm Heart Sutra-meditation on the ultimate nature of phenomenon. (Please arrive 10 minutes early.) 

Second Wednesday of the Month

6 pm-7 pm Tara Dance- an introduction to the dance practice of the female Buddha Tara, the Mother of Wisdom and Compassion.  
7:30 pm Live Webcast with Khentrul Rinpoche

More information can be found on: 

Katog Ewam Ling

Address:   Juneau AK 99801
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma
Affiliation: Katog Choling
Phone: 907-500-9736
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Spiritual Director: Khentrul Lodro Thaye Rinpoche  (Phone: 870-446-2952)
Notes and Events:

Katog Ewam Ling is located in Juneau, Alaska and is a meditation center affiliated with Katog Choling. Katog Ewam Ling is under the guidance of Khentrul Lodrö Thayé Rinpoche, who is also the abbot of Katog Mardo Tashi Choling in Eastern Tibet

Katog Ewam Ling holds weekly group practice sessions, and newcomers are always welcome. Khentrul Lodro Thaye Rinpoche also visits Juneau annually to give teachings. For our current calendar containing information on all upcoming teachings and weekly practices please visit us online at

Katog Jampel Sungling

Address: 2708 N. Fourth Street   Flagstaff AZ 86004
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nygma
Affiliation: Katog Choling and Katog Rithröd
Phone: 928.526.5007
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Spiritual Director: Khentrul Lodrö Thayé Rinpoche  Email  (Phone: 870-446-2952)
Notes and Events:

Venbue: 2708 N. Fourth Street Suite D-4 Flagstaff 86004     
Katog Jampel Sungling is located in Flagstaff, Arizona and is an affiliate meditation center of Katog Rit’hrod. Katog Jampel Sungling is under the guidance of its spiritual director Khentrul Lodrö Thayé Rinpoche abbot of Katog Mardo Tashi Choling in Eastern Tibet Weekly practices, & study groups are maintained around an ongoing teaching schedule offered by Khentrul Lodro Taye Rinpoche. For our current calendar containing information on all upcoming teachings and weekly practices please visit us online at

Katog Janaling

Address: 3540 South 2208 East Keller Lane   Salt Lake City UT
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nygma
Affiliation: katog Rithrod/Katog Choling
Phone: 801-532-1410
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Spiritual Director: khentrul Lodrö Thayé Rinpoche  Email  (Phone: 870-446-2952)
Notes and Events:

Katog Janaling is located in Salt Lake City, Utah and is an affiliate meditation center of Katog Rit’hrod. Katog Janaling is under the guidance of its spiritual director Khentrul Lodrö Thayé Rinpoche abbot of Katog Mardo Tashi Choling in Eastern Tibet Weekly practices, & study groups are maintained around an ongoing teaching schedule offered by Khentrul Lodro Taye Rinpoche. For our current calendar containing information on all upcoming teachings and weekly practices please visit us online at

Katog Karma Ling

Address: 3879 Venture Lane   Fairbanks AK Alaska 99709
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma Tradition
Affiliation: Katog Choling
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Teacher: Khentrul Lodro Thaye Rinpoche  
Main Contact: Poke Haffner  
Spiritual Director: Vicki Stegall  
Notes and Events:

We are a practice group under the guidance of Khentrul Lodro Thaye Rinpoche from the Katog monastery of the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. Information about our teacher can be found at:

Katog Matiling

Address:   Oahu HI 96703
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nygma
Affiliation: Katog Choling and Katog Rit\\\'hröd
Phone: (808) 348-2980
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Spiritual Director: Khentrul Lodrö Thayé Rinpoche  Email  (Phone: 870-446-2952)
Notes and Events:

Katog Matiling is located in Oahu, Hawaii and is an affiliate meditation center of Katog Rit’hrod. Katog Matiling is under the guidance of its spiritual director Khentrul Lodrö Thayé Rinpoche abbot of Katog Mardo Tashi Choling in Eastern Tibet Weekly practices, & study groups are maintained around an ongoing teaching schedule offered by Khentrul Lodro Taye Rinpoche. For our current calendar containing information on all upcoming teachings and weekly practices please visit us online at

Katog Matiling

Address:   Maui HI
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nygma
Affiliation: Katog Choling and Katog Rit\\\'hröd
Phone: (808) 280-1556
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Spiritual Director: Khentrul Lodrö Thayé Rinpoche  Email  (Phone: 870-446-2952)
Notes and Events:

Katog Matiling is located in Maui, Hawaii and is an affiliate meditation center of Katog Rit’hrod. Katog Matiling is under the guidance of its spiritual director Khentrul Lodrö Thayé Rinpoche abbot of Katog Mardo Tashi Choling in Eastern Tibet Weekly practices, & study groups are maintained around an ongoing teaching schedule offered by Khentrul Lodro Taye Rinpoche. For our current calendar containing information on all upcoming teachings and weekly practices please visit us online at

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