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Maplegrass Dharma Circle

Address:   Orange MA 01364
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Richard Rose / Alfred Pulyan / Douglas Harding/ HH Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje
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Rev.: Elizabeth I. Quirk  Email  
Spiritual Director: James D. Quirk  Email  
Main Contact: James D. Quirk  Email  
Notes and Events:

Satsang daily online and in-person. No fees or charges. Donations accepted.

Marco Island Community of Mindfulness

Address: 2 Marco Lake Drive #5, Marco Island, FL 34145  Marco Island FL 34145
Tradition: Mahayana, Tradition: Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hahn
Affiliation: Community of Mindful Living
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Main Contact: Martina McNaboe  Email  (Phone: 239-272-1349)

Mariposa Sangha

Address: 4001 Speedway   Austin TX 78751
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Spirit Rock, Insight Meditation Society, Seattle Insight Meditation Society
Phone: 512-371-3406
E-mail: kferland (at) onr (dot) com
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Notes and Events:

Mariposa Sangha welcomes people of all backgrounds and with any level of meditation experience. Our group is peer-led and egalitarian.  Experienced meditators are available for instruction and guidance for beginners. Our sangha operates with dana from members, all regular activities are offered freely.

Meeting times:
Thursday Evenings   7-8:30 (instruction for beginners 6:30pm the first Thursday of each month.
Friday Mornings    8-8:45
First Sunday of each month  9am-12:30pm

Mariposa Sangha organizes residential an/or non-residential retreats several times each year.  See our website ( for details.  Retreats charge for room and food only. Teachers are supported with dana.

Marpa Buddhist Centre - Damchoe Dogo Ling

Address: PO Box 335 218 The Lakes Way NSW 2428   TUNCURRY NSW
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Sakya,Tsharpa Lineage, but open to all tratditions
Affiliation: Sakya Losal Choe Dzong (Canberra)
Phone: (02) 6555 7167 0409 9286 58
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Main Contact: Peter Morgan  
Spiritual Director: Lama Choedak  
Notes and Events:

Notes and Events:

Meditation and Buddhist study at 218 The Lakes Way Tuncurry. It’s across the road from the TAFE/high school, In the shed to the left and behind the house.

Co-ordinator Scott Probst is a practising psychologist.
Regular Meditation/Dharma Meetings:

Practice Sessions:
First Saturdy of month:  Ngondro
Second Sunday: White Tara  10.00am-12.00pm             
Third Sunday: Chenrezig 10.00am-12.00pm 
Third Saturday: Calm Abiding 10.00am-1.00pm

These sessions are held at our gonpa in the home of Maureen Hayes at Rainbow Flat. An Introduction to Calm Abiding Meditation course is held at least once a year.Marpa Buddhist Centre is  open to all Buddhist traditions We organize regular meditation and discussion evenings in the local area, and public events such as talks and weekend workshops or retreats.

Maryland Buddhist Vihara

Address: 2600 Elmont Street   Silver Spring 20902
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 301 946 9437
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Spiritual Director: Bhante Uparatana  
Notes and Events:

The Maryland Buddhist Vihara stands as a monument to the noble vision as a true messenger of the Dhamma. We share the message of Buddha to realize self actualization which leads to the end of suffering and freedom.

We invite you to participate in our various programs and community centered events. On Wednesday evenings, our doors are open to the public for community meditation. On Sunday evenings we offer chanting and devotional services.

If you are interested in growing your understanding of the history, languages and cultures associated with Buddhism, we offer Pali language classes, along with Sinhala language and cultural classes.

For the youth, we provide Dhamma classes twice a month in both English and Sinhala. These take place on Sunday from 3-5pm.

Check back regularly to receive up to date information about Vihara activities.

For large groups and individual/one-one services, please call ahead so we can schedule and accommodate.

Massachusetts Budhi Siksa Society - Thousand Buddha Temple

Address: 53 Massachusetts Ave, Quincy, MA 02169   Quincy 02169
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: (617) 773-1688
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Massey University Buddhist Community

Address: Massey University  Palmerston North Manawatu-Wanganui 4410
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Non-sectarian
Phone: 64 6 (0) 210 44 2922
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Main Contact: Doug Osto  
Notes and Events:

The Massey University Buddhist Community meets every Wednesday at the International Student Centre, Palmerston North Campus, from 12pm-1pm, for a mindfulness meditation. For more details, contact Doug Osto (

Mawilmada Meditation Cottage

Address: Vidyala Mawatha   Kandy, Mawilmada Central
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +94779231254
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Spiritual Director: Venerable Bhante Sobhana  Email  (Phone: +94779231254 )
Notes and Events:

Small meditation refuge with a Theravadin monk of the forest tradition having 40 years of in-depth meditation practice. Up to three resident yogis at a time. Advanced guidance in insight meditation (vipassana) and concentration (jhana).

May Ngoc Buddhist Temple

Address: 12289 Green Gulf Blvd   Punta Gorda FL 33955
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Mendicant Sect
Phone: (727) 504-9286
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Most Venerable: Giac Ngo  
Teacher: Rev. Minh Nam  
Spiritual Director: Rev. Minh Nam  (Phone: (727) 504-9286)
Ven: Minh Hoa  Email  (Phone: 9163852231)
Notes and Events:


Every Sunday Services: 

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM: Chanting

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM: Dhamma Talks

12:00 PM - 13:00 PM: Free Lunch

Temple Open: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM Daily.

Mayum Mountain Foundation

Address: Ngakchang Gatshal, 2346 Mitchell Street, Oakland, CA 94601   Oakland 94601
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma
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Teacher: Loppon Yudron Wangmo  
Spiritual Director: Loppon Yudron Wangmo  Email  
Notes and Events:

We help people learn and practice Nyingma Vajrayana Buddhism through combined in-person and online programs. Loppon Yudron leads Vajrayana practice and mentorship programs in the Dudjom Tersar tradition. The scholars Aaron Weiss and Collin Eyre offer textual as enrichment for practitioners and seminars in Buddhist studies for deep inquiry. 

MCU, Chiang Rai Centre, Thailand

Address: Mahachulalongkorn Buddhist University, Chiang Rai Centre, Ritthiprasath Road, T.Wiang A.Muang Chiang Rai, North Thailand.   Chaing Rai 57000
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +66 53 717055
Fax: +66 53 715876
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Spiritual Director: P.Suthee  Email  (Phone: 053-717034)
Notes and Events:

We are a branch of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, situated at the heart of Chiang Rai City, Northern Thailand. We have 200 monk students studying in Buddhism, Political Science and education. Monk Chat is one of the programme to enhance the monk students to speak English. Anyone visiting Chiang Rai is most welcome.

Medicine Buddha Bahuddeshiya Sanstha

Address: Aurangabad   Aurangabad 431001
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: NGO
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Teacher: deepak ghaytilak  
Spiritual Director: deepak ghaytilak  
Main Contact: Prashant Sarkate  (Phone: 9822399423)
Notes and Events:

We spread the Buddhist medicine as like vipassana, Reiki, Tibetan Medicine, Chinese ,Japanese medicine at grassroots level slum in villages in Marathwada.

MAY all being happy and healthy.

Medicine Buddha Foundation

Address: 166 High Street, The Royal Mile, Edinburgh, EH1 1QS   Edinburgh EH1
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Spiritual Director: Ralph Quinlan Forde  Email  
Notes and Events:

The Medicine Buddha Foundation has been founded by Ralph Quinlan Forde. The aims of this foundation are fundamentally the alleviation of suffering using healing medicines such as Tibetan Medicine.

Medicine Buddha Sangha

Address: Susquehanna Yoga & Meditation Center 12-A Aylesbury Road   Timonium 21093
Tradition: Vajrayana, Drikung Kagyu
Affiliation: Bodhicitta Foundation, Tibetan Meditation Center
Phone: 410.653.6638
Website: http:/www./
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Spiritual Director: Yogi Lama Gursam  
Associate Teacher: Bernie Simon  Email  
Main Contact: Lance David Bergerson  Email  (Phone: 4106536638)
Teacher: Lance David Bergerson  
Notes and Events:

Every Sunday at 9 to 11 AM the Medicine Buddha Sangha meets at Susquehanna Yoga and Meditation Center, 12-A Aylesbury Road, Timonium 21093, to teach the fundamentals of Tibetan Buddhist meditation. The weekly sessions are led by our senior practitioners, both lay and monastic. We receive the teachings of our Tibetan teacher, Lama Gursam of the Bodhicitta Foundation, and other Tibetan lamas who visit the Baltimore area.

Buddhism 101 classes are available on Wednesday evenings 7~9 PM. Call Lance David Bergerson at 410.653.6638 for details.


Meditação Zen da Secção Experimental de Yoga da Associação Académica de Coimbra

Address: Secção Experimental de Yoga Associação Académica de Coimbra Rua Padre António Vieira   Coimbra 3000-315
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Phone: +351239410400
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Notes and Events:

Activities: Practice of Zen Meditation / Atividades: Prática de Meditação Zen
Tuesdays: 20:15-20:40 / 3as-feiras: 20:15-20:40
Note: Please confirm the schedules and activities at the webpage or contact us by e-mail. / Nota: Por favor confirme os horários e atividades na nossa página web ou contacte-nos por e-mail.

Comments: Unaffiliated Zen practice. / Comentários: Prática Zen não afiliada.

Meditación Alicante

Address: Calle Medita, 28   Alacant Alicante 03010
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 966105877
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Notes and Events:

Clases de meditación para fortalecer el espíritu y alcanzar el equilibrio. Gracias a nuestros talleres podrás afrontar la vida desde una nueva perspectiva y serás más feliz.

Meditacion Introspectiva Uruguay

Address: Rizal 3646   Montevideo 11300
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: (598)94472928
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Main Contact: Ricardo Antunez  Email  (Phone: (598)94472928)
Notes and Events:

Grupos de practicantes y seguidores de las enseñanzas del Dharma, de la Tradición del Bosque, Budismo Theravada.


Nos reunimos semanalmente en

Meditation en Chautagne

Address:   Conjux Savoie 73310
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +33 768446304
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Teacher: Denis Wallez  
Notes and Events:

Big plans for a different form in 2024 in Aix-les-Bains (in Savoie). However, currently (2022 onward), there's a meditation group running in the church of Conjux (Savoie), on Tuesday evenings (7pm).


Projet ambitieux dans une forme différente en 2024 à Aix-les-Bains (en Savoie). Cependant,
actuellement (à compter de 2022) il y a un groupe de méditation qui tourne à l'église de Conjux (Savoie), les mardis soir (19h).

Meditation in Recovery

Address: 2800 West 15th Street   Edmond OK 731013
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Main Contact: Jeff Green  Email  (Phone: 405-473-4701)
Notes and Events:

Location: Channing Unitarian Universalist Church

Regular meetings of this group have been suspended until further notice.  For more information, please contact Jeff Green at 405-473-4701.

Meditationcenter Lyts Veldlyst

Address: Rijksstraatweg 62-B 9257DV Noardburgum The Netherlands   Noardburgum Friesland 9257DV
Tradition: Theravada
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An occasion to meditate and chant together in the Frisian countryside.

Address:   Bangkok
Tradition: Theravada
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Guide to the Meditation Places around the World.

Meetirigala Nissarana Vanaye

Address: Meetirigala 11742, Sri Lanka. 
Tradition: Theravada, Mahasi Sawadaw
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Notes and Events:

Meetirigala Nissarana Vanaye is a monastery in the strict forest tradition in Sri Lanka. It is one of Sri Lanka\\\'s most respected meditation monasteries. It was founded in 1968 by Asoka Weeraratna (the founder of the German Dharmaduta Society and the Berlin Buddhist Vihara in Germany). He equipped the monastery with all the facilities conducive to the meditative life, found an accomplished meditation master, Ven. Matara Sri Gnanarama Mahathera (author of \\\'Seven stages of Purifications\\\' and \\\'Seven Contemplations\\\', both published by the BPS), to direct the meditation training, and then, his mission accomplished, he himself entered the Buddhist order under the name Ven. Mitirigala Dhammanisanthi Thera. Meditators and monks go pindapada in the traditional style, male meditators are allowed to stay for up to 2 weeks, but only after receiving prior invitation. The meditation teacher is Ven. U Dhammajiva, a student of Ven. Sayadaw U Pandita.

Meh Liew Buddhist Temple

Address: 29 Kampong Siam off Jalan Pahang  Pahang
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Main Contact: Mr. Maurice A. de Alwis  
Notes and Events:

The temple offers meditation classes during weekends.

Melbourne Buddhist Centre, Brunswick

Address: 23 David Street, Brunswick, VIC 3056   Brunswick Vic PO Box 157, Brunswic
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Triratna
Affiliation: Triratna Buddhist Order
Phone: (03) 9380 4303
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Notes and Events:

The Melbourne Buddhist Centre is run by the Triratna Buddhist Community, an international network dedicated to practising and teaching Buddhist ethics, meditation and wisdom in the contemporary world. Regular meditation courses and Buddhism courses are held at the Centre as well as introductory drop-in meditation classes.

Melbourne Buddhist Meditation Classes

Address: 2 Minona Street   Hawthorn, Melbourne Vic 3122
Tradition: Vajrayana
Phone: 0419702455
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Teacher: Venerable Toby Gillies  
Notes and Events:

Melbourne Buddhist Meditation Classes give access to the teachings of Venerable Toby Gillies, a Buddhist Monk ordained in the Tibetan tradition for some thirty years.

Toby gives meditation classes in Melbourne with an introduction to Buddhism each Tuesday evening. All are welcome.

He also gives more advanced Buddhist meditation sessions, retreat days and a regular schedule of seminars. 

Venerable Toby has been teaching Dharma for nearly 40 years and frequently writes for the blog on his website

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