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Pali Path Sanstha Mumbai
Address: 92/24, B.D.D. Chawl, Worli, Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra 400018
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 022 24980070
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Gen. Secretary: Arvind Bhandare Email (Phone: 9821544380)
Teacher: P B Pisal
Main Contact: Arvind Bhandare Email (Phone: 9821544380)
Spiritual Director: P B Pisal Email (Phone: 9323650024)
Notes and Events:
Pali Path Sanstha, Mumbai is the only Institute in Maharashtra who is devoted to the Pali language.
Palpung Changchub Dargye Ling
Address: 96 King Street Brynmawr Wales NP23 4SY
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu 17th Karmapa Urgyen Trinley Dorje
Affiliation: Karma Kagyu
Phone: 01495313395
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Main Contact: Office Email (Phone: 01495313395)
Teacher: Choje Lama Rabsang
Spiritual Director: HE Tai Situ Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
The centre offers weekly meditation classes, pujas, weekend courses and both group and solitary retreats. Library is open Mon-Fri 1-6pm.
Fridays 7-8pm Chenrezig Puja
Sundays 5-6pm Compassion and Calm Abiding Meditation
Tuesdays 7-8pm Meditation class
Warmly Welcome!
Palpung Ireland Buddhist Centre
Address: Railway View Banteer, Co. Cork P51 NP64
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu
Phone: +353 29 56862
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Main Contact: Ani Chodron Email (Phone: +353 29 56862)
Teacher: Ani Chodron
Spiritual Director: 12th Kenting Tai Situpa
Notes and Events:
Palpung Ireland Buddhist Centres follow the Tibetan (Vajryana) tradition of Buddhism. We are of the Karma Kagyu Lineage. We are under the direction of the 12th Chamgon Kenting Tai Situ Pa Rinpoche, who is the abbot of Palpung Sherabling India and all Palpung monasteries and centres worldwide.
Our resident teacher is Ani Chudron Lhamo, who is an Irish Buddhist nun.
Palyul Changchub Dargyeling D.C. Area
Address: 211 King Street
Alexandria VI 22314
Tradition: Vajrayana, Palyul Nyingma Tibetan
Affiliation: Palyul Nyingma Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism
Phone: 703-370-9363
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Head of Palyul Lineage of Nyingma: Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche
Main Contact: Janet Borges Email (Phone: 703-370-9363)
Teacher: Khenpo Tenzin Norgey
Spiritual Director: Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
Our Mission
Our mission is to offer authentic teachings and practices in the Tantric Buddhist traditions of the Nyingmapa, the ancient school of Tibet; and to create a gathering place and support structure for the D.C. area community for regular practice, instruction and study; and to preserve the teachings of Lord Buddha and of our lineage masters for future generations.
By following the authentic teachings transmitted to us through our spiritual teachers, our goals are to establish the Dharma in the world and to benefit all sentient beings. To do this, we offer a place for the community and for ourselves to practice the two accumulations — understanding through study, and realization through practice — to discover the living Dharma within ourselves, and to support each other in our practice and our lives.
Our Values
We present these principals to guide our actions: We strive to emulate the values personified by our teachers, including compassion for all beings, equanimity, patience, openness, ethical behavior, non-grasping, generosity, humility and simplicity. We strive to hold respect for each member of the Sangha (community) as a practitioner on the path of enlightenment, with no bias toward anyone who comes seeking Dharma instruction and community. We are committed to a democratic spirit among our members, with oversight and guidance from our spiritual teachers. Decisions are made in an open, honest and cooperative manner with organizational processes as transparent as possible. We conduct the affairs of the organization in compliance with all local, state, and national laws.
211 King Street, 3rd floor Old Town Alexandria, VA -Washington DC
Pancharia Gandha Kuti Vihara
Address: Vill:-Pancharia,P.O:-Hulline
BANGLADESH Chittagong 4367
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Bangladesh Bouddha Bhikkhu Mahasabha
Phone: 0088- 01818466343,01819620522
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Deputy Director: Ven.Sanghamitra Thero Email (Phone: 01819-620522)
Main Contact: Ven.Bodhi Mitra Mahathero Email (Phone: 0088-01818466343)
Spiritual Director: Most Ven. Bodhimitra Mahathero Email (Phone: 01818466343)
Notes and Events:
it is call Sila Buddha and Twenty-two Buddha Temple of Bangladesh. One of the Ancient Buddhist Pilgrim Centers in Bangladesh. To uphold the sancity of our religion and in order to flourish our age old heritage and culture thereby propagating our Dhamma we have undertaken vigorous plan to renovate, reconstruct our temple and to construct a Pagoda,Bhikkhu Tranning Centre, Meditation Centre, Prayer Hall, Library, Clinic, and a standing Buddha statue for the upliftment of religious values among our devotees.
Parami Dhamma Centre
Address: 18 Hillwa St Villawood NSW 2163
Tradition: Theravada, Burmese, all are welcome
Phone: 02-9726 4126
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Notes and Events:
Used for Lay meetings/ Dhamma talks by visiting Lay and Sangha teachers / special events.
Paramita Bonn
Address: Clemens-August-Str. 17
53115 Bonn Bonn Nordrhein-Westfalen 53115
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 022896913571
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Teacher: Yesche U. Regel
Main Contact: Yesche U. Regel
Paramitha Foundation
Address: 510A, Old Kottawa Road,
Udhamulla, Nugegoda Western 10250
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 94 11 4973492
Fax: 94 11 4308276
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Main Contact: Lakshman Attygalle Email (Phone: 94 727750790)
Notes and Events:
This 2600 Sambudhatva Jayanthi year we have got the Sinhal/Pali and English/Pali versions of the smallest book of protection for nominal fee to sustain our on going Buddhist development projects. Not sold in shops in Sri Lanka. Only at our office and at the Temple of Tooth in Kandy.
Worlds smallest Dhama book place inside a brass pagoda
(Piruwana pothwahanse as the symbol of Dhamma )
Parappaduwa Hermitage
Address: Dodanduwa, Galle District
Tradition: Theravada
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Teacher: Resident monk: Ven. Nagata (an Australian monk)
Notes and Events:
Parappuduwa Hermitage is a Theravada Buddhist Meditation Centre in the Forest Monks tradition. The island is situated in beautiful Rathgama Lake 5 kms south of Hikkaduwa and 104 kms south of Colombo. It is possible for sincere meditators (males only) to stay on the island to study and practice traditional Theravada meditation. To maintain the quiet of the hermitage it is necessary to write in advance and receive a written invitation. To receive an invitation, please write in English: To the Monk-in-Charge Parappuduwa Hermitage Katudampe Dodanudwa 80250
Parbawatiya Kadampa Buddhist Center
201 6th Avenue South Safety Harbor FL 34695
Tradition: Vajrayana, New Kadampa Tradition Tibetan
Phone: (727) 797-9770
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Spiritual Director: Ven Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
Notes and Events:
Tese classes consist of guided meditations, a talk and discussion. The classes are suitable for everyone. Each class is self contained, though you are welcome to attend the whole series. They provide an ideal introduction to meditation and Buddhism, teaching effective and practical methods for overcoming problems and increasing happiness in daily life.
Parikaruna Literature and Education Centre
Address: 3188 Wombeyan Caves Road Bullio NSW 2575
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Yinshun Foundation Taiwan
Phone: +61 2 4888 9163
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Main Contact: Bhiksuni Yan Rong Email
Notes and Events:
Parikaruna Literature and Education Centre Ltd is a registered charity in Australia. Our aim is to translate the Chinese scriptures and teachings into English and publish these texts for distribution to the public.
The Chinese Buddhist scriptures are a treasure trove of wisdom and compassion that can inspire and guide us in our busy and chaotic modern lives. We hope that our translations can help the English speaking audience to access and benefit from this eternal wisdom.
Address: 867 Larmon Road Onalaska 98570
Tradition: Theravada, U Ba Khin, S.N. Goenka
Phone: 360 978-4998
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Notes and Events:
Pariyatti is a nonprofit educational organization that seeks out, publishes and makes available Dhamma materials. We also offer many free resources (see Resources or click on an icon). Our intention is to inspire, to educate and to illuminate the seekers path.
Path Press
Tradition: Theravada, Buddhist Publisher
Affiliation: Path Press Publications
Main Contact: Bhikkhu H, Ñāṇasuvi Email
Notes and Events:
Path Press is a non-profit entity, which handles legal matters and holds the copyrights of all Ven. Ñāṇavīra Thera’s writings together with writings of Ven. Bodhesako and Sister Vajirā. It was founded in Sri Lanka in 1987 by Ven. Bodhesako. It is an entity with a small group of 4 bhikkhus and 3 layman (upāsakas) who are aspiring to make the late Ven. Ñāṇavīra Thera’s teachings more available for those who are interested.
‘Path Press’ was a name of convenience, originally intended to include those who, through the years, have contributed their various talents to bring Clearing the Path to realization. Path Press was not planned to be an ongoing publishing house. However, it now turns out that there remains sufficient worthwhile material from the writings of the Venerable Ñāṇavīra Thera to issue other volumes to the present work; and there are a few other writings, unpublished or now out of print, which, like Clearing the Path, are of high quality, worthy of publication or reprinting. Therefore it was established a publishing house, called ‘Path Press Publications’ (
Path to Awareness Meditation Retreat
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 802-989-8363
Spiritual Director: Kathleen Walls Email (Phone: 802-989-8363)
Notes and Events:
The Path to Awareness Yoga and Meditation Retreat is an ongoing retreat located in Tuscany. Please visit our web page for more information.
Paths of Growth - Arizona sitting groups
Address: Phoenix AZ 85254
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Main Contact: Steve Henes Email (Phone: 6029574496)
Notes and Events:
This is the most complete, most thorough, and most up-to-date listing of Buddhist centers, retreats, and other resources in the greater Phoenix area.
Pathway Zen
Address: Brisbane & Darwin
Tradition: Mahayana, Sanbo Zen
Phone: 0429 600 308
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Teacher: Arno Hess
Notes and Events:
All welcome, please view our website for more details.
Peaceful Abiding Meditation Group
Address: 501 N. Broadway
Shawnee OK 74801
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Main Contact: Jeff Green Email (Phone: 405-473-4701)
Notes and Events:
St. Augustine Room, Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Every Saturday from 11 to 12:30 p.m.
This is a drop-in meditation group open to people of all backgrounds. No prior experience in meditation is necessary. We focus on basic breathing meditation, walking meditation, and Loving-Kindness meditation.
If you will call or email us prior to your first visit, we will send you some basic instruction guides to help with your learning. Otherwise just come as you are and wear comfortable clothing.
Peaceful Garden Meditation Group
Address: Westport Library,
3 Spring Street Westport Ontario K0G 1X0
Tradition: Vajrayana, Student of Geshe Khenrab Gajam Tibetan
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Spiritual Director: Larry Reside Email
Notes and Events:
Teachings in Stages of the Path (LAM RIM), Calm-Awareness Meditation, Death, Dying and the 5 Buddha Wisdoms in a relaxed and inter-active atmosphere.
Peaceful Heart Sangha
Address: Fort Collins CO 80526
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Community of Mindful Living,
Phone: ( 970) 222-5590
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Contact: Viviane Ephraimson-Abt
Notes and Events:
Sangha meets for sitting and walking meditation and dharma teaching and discussion on Sundays from 4pm-6pm
Peaceful Heart Sangha
Address: Unitarian Universalist Community Church
69 Winthrop St., PO Box 8 Augusta ME 04332-0008
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Thich Nhat Hahn - Order of Interbeing - Community of Mindfulness
Phone: 207-622-3232
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Main Contact: Marty Soule
Notes and Events:
Every Mon & Wed 6:30 - 8 PM at UUCC
Sitting & Walking Meditation
readings/recitation 5 Mindfulness Trainings
Dharma Sharing
Pebbles Sangha (Brighton)
Address: 66 Richmond Road Brighton Sussex BN2 3RN
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hahn
Affiliation: Community of Interbeing
Phone: 0870 7773348
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Main Contact: Barry & Vivien Eliades Email (Phone: 0870 7773348)
Notes and Events:
The Pebbles Sangha meets in Brighton, on the south coast of England. We would like to invite you to join us on one of our meditation mornings.
Our practice is based on the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Zen Master and we are part of the UK Community of Interbeing.
We meet every first and third Saturday of the month. Please see our website for all the dates.
Pema Ling México
Address: Mariscal #30 Col. San Angel Inn Distrito Federal 01000
Tradition: Vajrayana, Budismo Tibetano . Linajes Nyingmapa: Palyul, Dudjom Tersar y Domang Tersar. Rime-No-Sectario.
Affiliation: Monasterio Domang, Tibet; Monasterio Namdroling, India; Tashi Choling, USA.
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Teacher: Lama Yeshe Nyima
Main Contact: Max von Lasse Email (Phone:
Spiritual Director: Su Santidad Penor Rinpoche, Su Santidad Domang Yangthang Rinpoche, el Venerable Domang Gyatrul Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
Meditación:Tara Blanca, todos lo Miércoles 7:30 pm.
Para más información visite nuestra página Web.
Pema Osal Ling NM Dharma Center
Address: Albuquerque NM 87108
Tradition: Vajrayana, Longchen Nyingthig
Affiliation: Gonjang Monastery,Sikkim, India
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Teacher: Ngakpa Yeshe Dorje
Spiritual Director: Thubten Lungtok Tenzin Dorje
Notes and Events:
Pembrokeshire Buddhists
Tradition: Mahayana, Nichiren Buddhsim SGI
Affiliation: SGI-UK
Notes and Events: is the on-line home of Nichiren Buddhists, part of SGI-UK, practising in North South Pembrokeshire and Cardigan area. Here you will find information about our practice with information links. Most of our meetings take place in practitioners homes and are informal and friendly, guests are most welcome. The website will act as a means to find out more about us and enable you to contact us should you wish to for further information or address of next meeting scheduled. We are always ready to answer questions and welcome guests.
Pemuda Vihara Vimala Dharma
Address: Jl Ir H Juanda 5
Bandung - 40132 Indonesia
Tradition: Mahayana
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Notes and Events:
Monthly News from Vihara Vimala Dharma.
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