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Buddhistische Gemeinschaft Chöling eV.
Address: at Pagode Vien Giac
Karlsruher Straße 6 Hannover Niedersachsen 30519
Tradition: Vajrayana
Phone: +49 511 8790210
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Main Contact: Dr. J. Dienemann Email
Spiritual Director: S.E. Loden Sherab Dagyab Kyabgön Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
Buddhist Community Chöling e.V.
Chöling was founded in 1994 as a community of Buddhists, as non-ordained within the meaning of Theravada, Mahayana, Vajrayana practice. In Chöling have followers of different Tibetan traditions together to a common basis for daily practice.
Buddhistisches Kloster Projekt Berlin - Wat Sacca
Address: Manteuffelstr. 47 Berlin Berlin 12103
Tradition: Theravada, Thai-Ajahn Chah teachings..everyone welcome!
Phone: 030-75708446 / 01578-7276279
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Spiritual Director: Ajahn Piyadhammo
Notes and Events:
Über das Buddhistische Kloster Projekt Berlin
Der Ehrwürdige Piyadhammo ist buddhistischer Mönch. Anfang Januar ist er nach Berlin zurückgekehrt. Nach vielen Lehrjahren in den Klöstern Asiens und Amerikas hat er sich entschlossen, nun endlich auch die Lehren des Buddha in seiner Heimatstadt zu lehren. Der Ehrwürdige steht in der Theravada Tradition Thailands und hat im Waldkloster Wat Pahnanachat von Ajahn Chah sein Mönchsleben begonnen. Er vermittelt die ursprüngliche Form des Buddhismus. Alle an der Buddhalehre interessierten Menschen unterrichtet er qualifiziert und kompetent über die Schriften des Pali-Kanon, also den aufgezeichneten Lehrreden des Buddha und in Meditation wie es sonst kaum jemand in Deutschland vermag. Er ist ein großer Schatz für Berlin und für Deutschland. Alle sind herzlich eingeladen!
Buddhistisches Zentrum Bochum
Address: Dorstener Str. 102 Bochum Nordrhein-Westfalen 44809
Tradition: Vajrayana
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Teacher: Lama Ole Nydahl
Spiritual Director: S.H. 17. Karmapa Thaye Dorje
Buddhistisches Zentrum Gießen
Address: Alicen Str. 20
35390 Gießen Giessen Hessen 35392
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu, Diamondway, Diamantweg
Affiliation: Buddhistische Zentren Mittelrhein der Karma-Kagyü-Linie e.V., Buddhistischen Dachverband Diamantweg (BDD) e.V.
Phone: +49 (641) 13299228
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Teacher: Lama Ole Nydahl
Spiritual Director: 17. Karmapa Trinlay Thaye Dorje
Notes and Events:
Das Buddhistische Zentrum Gießen besteht seit 1998 und befindet sich seit dem im stetigen Wachstum. Unser Zentrum basiert auf Freundschaft, Vertrauen und Offenheit.
Wir sind in einem gemeinnützigen Verein organisiert und finanzieren uns durch Mitgliedsbeiträge und Spenden. Alle Aktivitäten unseres Zentrums werden ehrenamtlich durchgeführt.
An unseren regelmäßigen Terminen halten wir gemeinsam die 16.Karmapa-Meditation. Die Meditation ist auf deutsch angeleitet und keinerlei Vorerfahrungen sind notwendig. Alle an Buddhismus und Meditation Interessierten sind hierzu willkommen.
Neue Besucher bekommen vor der Meditation eine kurze Einführung in den Buddhismus sowie Erklärungen zur Meditation. Alle regelmäßigen Termine und Meditationen sind kostenlos. Schaut einfach mal vorbei...
Buddhistisches Zentrum Kiel
Address: Jungmannstr. 55 - 57 Kiel Schleswig-Holstein 24105
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma - Kagyü
Phone: 0431- 935 33
Fax: 0431 - 936 33
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Teacher: Lama Ole Nydahl
Spiritual Director: 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje
Buddhistisches Zentrum Regensburg der Karma Kagyu Linie
Address: Am Brixener Hof 6
Regensburg Bayern 93047
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu
Phone: 00499415998173
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Main Contact: Gabriel Scholz Email (Phone: 00499415998173)
Teacher: Lama Ole Nydahl
Spiritual Director: 17. Karmapa Thaye Dorje
Notes and Events:
Meditation auf den 16. Karmapa
Jeden Montag und Freitag, 20:30 Uhr
Jeden Mittwoch um 20:00 Uhr
Der 16. Gyalwa Karmapa hat diese grundlegende Meditation speziell für den Westen gegeben. Sie ist sehr gut geeignet, um die Diamantweg-Praxis kennen zu lernen. Man sieht in der Meditation Karmapa nicht als ein äußeres körperliches Wesen, sondern als Spiegel für die eigene, jedem Wesen innewohnenden Buddha-Natur. Durch die Vergegenwärtigung identifiziert man sich mit seinen Qualitäten.
Jeden 1. Sonntag um 15:00 Uhr
Einführung für Interessente
Bei uns finden auch etwa monatlich Vortraege zu verschiedenen Themen wie Karma, Uebertragung oder Buddhanatur usw. statt, Auf Wunsch werden Meditationen wie die vier grundlegenden Uebungen (Ngoendro) oder die Vorbereitung auf die Praxis des Phowa (Bewusstes Sterben) erklaert. Es gibt Fahrgemeinschaften zu ueberregionalen Kursen, wo qualifizierte Lamas auch die Buddhistische Zuflucht geben.
Buddhistiska Samfundet Malmo Chan Buddhist Temple
Address: Hillerodsvagen 6C nb
Malmö 217 47
Tradition: Mahayana, Linji-Chan
Affiliation: Bailin Chan Sí
Phone: +46(0)70-4154642
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abott: Ming Hai Email (Phone: +8613930431991)
Teacher: Ming Bao
Main Contact: Yao Chi/Julian Jacobs Email (Phone: +46(0)73-7088605)
Spiritual Director: Jing Hui DaShifu
Notes and Events:
We teach and offer practice in the traditional Chinese Chan Buddhism, affiliated with the great monasteries Balin Chan Sí in Hebei and the Temple of the 4th Patriarch in Hubei, China.
Malmo Chan Buddhist Temple is a warm and wellcoming meetingplace and a place for practice and worship in the Chan Tradition of China.
It is affiliated with two monasteries in mainland China: Bailin Chan Sí in Hebei and The 4:th Patriarchs monastery in Hubei.
It\'s head is Venerable Grand Master Jing Hui, abott is Venerable Master Ming Hai and monitor is the Swedish Dharma Teacher Ming Bao.
We offer three meditation occasions a week, Dharma teachings and Buddhist ritual and social community.
Buddhists for Environmental Action (BEAC)
Address: 17 Newmarket Road (c/- Dharmachari Punyaketu) Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB5 8EG
Tradition: Non-Sectarian,
Affiliation: Friends of the Western Buddhist Order (FWBO)
Phone: (01223) 329 756 - Punyaketu
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Notes and Events:
End of last year we founded a core group here in Cambridge that meets regularly at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre. After showing Al Gores film The Inconvinient Truth to 60 people within our own FWBO sangha we are now planning further events. The aim is in future to address as many Buddhists as possible in the Cambridge area. We want especially to emphasize the connection between our spiritual practise as Buddhists and our common concern for the environment, climate change and related pressing issues.
We are also networking and communicating with other groups and organisations in the Cambridge area who are active in the same areas (e.g. Cambridge Open Forum, and interfaith groups).
For more information, to put you on our mailing list, etc., please contact us via our email address. Also if you are interested to become one of our guest speakers or know somebody who you think might be suitable, please let us know as well.
Budhgaya Pragga Vihar Meditation Centre
Address: 63 Avenue Stalingrad
Stains, Saint Denis Seine-Saint-Denis 93240
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 0033695572926
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Prajanbansha mahathero Email (Phone: 0033695572926)
Budismo Pragmatico Argentina
Address: Ecuador 561 General Roca 8332
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Centro de Estudios de Psicologia Budista
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Teacher: Esteban Gudi
Notes and Events:
Meditacion samatha, vipassana, Pragmatica . Estudios de Budismo temprano y filosofias comparadas. Psicología Budista y Oriental.
Budismo Valencia
Address: general urrutia 43 - 2 valencia Valencia 46006
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gueluppa
Phone: 963951008
Fax: 963951008
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Spiritual Director: gueshe lamsang Email (Phone: 96395 1008)
Notes and Events:
El Centro de Budismo Tibetano Nagarjuna de Valencia inicia una nueva etapa en su larga trayectoria comenzada hace ya veinticinco años. dedicado al estudio y practca del budismo tibetano en valencia.
Buffalo Zen Dharma Community
Address: Westminster Presbyterian Church
724 Delaware Avenue Buffalo NY 14209
Tradition: Mahayana, Mountains and Rivers Order
Affiliation: Society of Mountains and Rivers
Phone: (716) 655-1856
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Main Contact: Ray Ball, MRO Email (Phone: (716) 655-1856)
Notes and Events:
Zen Buddhist practice group meets weekly at 7PM on Tuesday evenings for liturgy, zazen, and recorded Dharma talks by the teachers of Zen Mountain Monastery. Orientation and introductory instruction given on the first Tuesday of every month at 6:45PM. Annual visit by an MRO teacher every spring.
Bul-ll Dendo International Meditation Centre
Address: Kwang Sa Monastery
Seung Ju Kun, 543-43
Cholla Namdo
Tradition: Mahayana, Korean Son Zen
Phone: 130 131 132
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Notes and Events:
Facilities: available only for monks and nuns.
Bulkwang International Zen Center
Address: 642-1, bulkwangdong eunpyung-ku Seoul Korea Bulkwangdong Seoul 122-847
Tradition: Mahayana, Korean traditional zen
Affiliation: Ilbung order
Phone: 02-355-7430
Fax: 02-353-8558
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Teacher: okho
Main Contact: jihoo Email (Phone: 02-355-7430)
Spiritual Director: Kyungheo Email (Phone: 02-355-8775)
Buppo Dojo
Address: Via di Villa Lauricella, 12
Roma 00176
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Soto
Phone: 34 79 93 88 90
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Main Contact: Sengyo Van Leuven
Teacher: Sengyo Van Leuven
Notes and Events:
Burmese Buddhist Society, BC
Address: 6700 NO 4 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2S9
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 604- 207- 0068
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Main Contact: Ashin Ghosaka Email (Phone: 604 207- 006)
Spiritual Director: Ashin Ghosaka Email (Phone: 604 207 0068)
Notes and Events:
Burmese Buddhist Society, BC conducts a Sunday Meditation Group. The method is Satipatthana Vipasana Meditation guided by a Theravada Buddhist Monk. Fee free.
Welcome to Everyone.
Burning House Zendo
Address: 3504 Harford Road Baltimore MD 21218
Tradition: Mahayana, Rinzai Zen
Affiliation: Dai Bosatsu Zendo
Phone: (410) 698-4648
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Teachers: Eido Shimano Roshi, Jiro Osho Fernando Afable
Spiritual Director: Mutei Doug Murphy
Contact: Renshin Jeff Covey
Notes and Events:
We are a lay Zen community which meeting for meditation several times a week and for weekend and week-long retreats several times a year.
Buu Mon Buddhist Temple
Address: 2701 Procter Street Port Arthur TX 77640
Tradition: Theravada, Vietnamese
Phone: (713) 376-4207
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Abbot Assistant: Charles Troung (Phone: (409) 673-6625)
Teacher: Venerable Abbot Tri Quang
Spiritual Director: Most Venerable Huyen Viet (Phone: 409-960-1462)
Notes and Events:
Vipassana Meditation in English on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
Weekly Services on Sundays in Vietnamese at 11 am, English at 2:00 pm,
Pali Class from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm,
Vietnamese Meditation Instruction from 8 pm to 9 pm.
Caboolture Mindfulness Practice Meditation Group
Address: South East Queensland Caboolture Qld 4510
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Thich Nhat Hanh - Community of Mindful Living
Affiliation: Mindfulness Practice Group, Brisbane, Queensland
Phone: 07 3888 1171, 0409401894
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Main Contact: Joyce and Rhys Email (Phone: 07 38881171)
Notes and Events:
Currently meet weekly on Tuesday nights from 6.30pm to 8:30
Hold every 2nd month Mindfulness days usually on a Sunday from 9am to 3:30
Usually at least one weekend/3day retreat each year
Calgary Buddhist Meditation Centre
Address: #110, 138 18th Ave SE Calgary Alberta T2G 5P9
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 403-554-4350
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Spiritual Director: Shirfu Samanta Email
Notes and Events:
Meditation class: Tuesdays 7:30pm Meditation and Dharma talk: Sundays 10:00am
Calgary MaChik Chöling
Address: 6319 Thorncliffe Dr NW Calgary Alberta T2K3A8
Tradition: Vajrayana, Kagyu/Nyingma (Chöd)
Affiliation: MaChik Chöling
Phone: 403-283-8744
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Teacher: Lama Jigmé Jinpa
Main Contact: Dechen Namdrol (Phone: 403-283-8744)
Notes and Events:
Weekly group meditation on Sundays at 1100HRS
Please contact Dechen Namdrol by phone prior to first visit. The center is in a home and is not a stand alone facility.
Calgary Shambhala Meditation Group
Address: Calgary Alberta
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: Shambhala
Phone: 403-809-1655
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Notes and Events:
Meditation every second Sunday open to the public at the auditorium of Brentwood Co-op. From 9:30 to 1:30 (come and leave at any time). If this is your first time joining us for meditation, please use the contact information below for a brief orientation. The general schedule for these sessions is
9:15 to 9:30, set up
9:30 to 10, conversation
10 to 12:30, sitting meditation, walking meditation, exercise, readings, spontaeous talks or discussions from the cushion
12:30 to 1:00, concluding conversations
1:00, take down.
Calgary Soto Zen
Address: c/o Murray McGillivray
602-15 St. N.W. Calgary Alberta T2N 2A9
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Phone: 403-220-4678
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Main Contact: Tim Sampson Email
Notes and Events:
Meditation (zazen) Monday and Wednesday a.m. at 8:00 during University of Calgary Fall and Winter terms (i.e. September through April) in room 317a MacEwan Hall, University of Calgary; Meditation Monday evening at 7:00 year round in the same room. See our Web site for further detail and any changes.
California Tendai Learning Center & Tendai USA
Address: Sacramento 95662
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: Tendai Denomination, Overseas missionary, Hieizan Enryakuji
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Spiritual Director: Rev. Dr. Ryoei Tyler Email
Notes and Events:
To promote an enhanced understanding of Buddhism in order to help all sentient beings, and to transmit the light of the Dharma - the teachings of Dengyo Daishi Saicho (767-822 CE)to encourage interfaith dialogue; to foster a compassionate awareness of the need to protect the Earth's fragile environment.
California Tendai Monastery
Address: Cobb CA 95426
Tradition: Mahayana, Japanese Tendai
Affiliation: Tendai Buddhist Institute & Enryaku-ji
Phone: (707)355-4477
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Main Contact: VK Leary Keisho (Deceased) Email
Spiritual Director: Rev. Junshin Nettles Email (Phone: (707)355-4477)
Notes and Events:
California Tendai Monastery is a branch of the Tendai Buddhist Institute. We serve the diverse community of Lake County in Northern California.
We offer opportunities for laypeople to integrate the Tendai Buddhist tenets of wisdom, compassion, and skillful conduct into householder life through group practice and activities.
We promote peace, well-being, and spiritual awakening by promoting the cultivation of the innate Buddha-qualities in all who join in. To do this, we hold regularly-scheduled meditation and chanting services, and occasional retreats and social gatherings to encourage sangha collaboration and cohesion.
We welcome all members of the local community with an open-door policy and a spirit of inclusion. We recognize and affirm the capacity for awakening that is latent in all without exception and without discrimination.
We provide pastoral services to a growing Buddhist and interfaith fellowship with a non-consumerist, family oriented emphasis.
We operate democratically and in a socially- and environmentally-responsible manner to the best of our ability.
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