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Dharmakaya Study Group
Address: 6490 S.McCarran blvd. suite 24
Reno NV 89509
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gelug
Affiliation: FPMT
Phone: 775-232-8067
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Main Contact: Trey Ligon Email (Phone: 775-232-8067)
Spiritual Director: Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
His Holiness Dalai Lama is the spiritual inspiration for our organization and Lama Zopa Rinpoche is our spiritual director.
Dharmakaya Study Groups mission is to preserve and promote the Buddhist tradition in Reno, Nevada through education, practice and service.
Dharmakaya conducts drop in meditation and classes in Buddhist philosophy and practice. We also host special events with authentic teachers in our tradition, including Tibetan Lamas, qualified international monks and nuns, and experienced Western Dharma teachers.
Dharmakaya-Teaching the skills of awareness
Address: 191 Cragsmoor Road Cragsmoor NY 12566
Tradition: Vajrayana, Kagyu, Trungram Tradition
Phone: 845.640.4593
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Teacher: Trungram Gyalwa Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
Dharmakaya was established to preserve and promote the Buddhist philosophy, practice, arts and culture both in the United States and around the world, in accordance with both the theory and practice of Vajrayana Buddhism, under the spiritual authority and leadership of His Eminence Trungram Gyalwa Rinpoche.
We hold free teachings and group practice every Sunday morning, Tuesday evening and at other select times.
Dharmakirti International peace and progress society
Address: Damdama-Nababpur Dharmakirti Buddhist Monastery. Dhamdama, Nababpur
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 0094 713546555 / 0088 1819626842
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Spiritual Director: World Citizen, Prof. Dr. Ven Dharmakiriti Mahathera Email (Phone: 0094 713546555)
Notes and Events:
The founder of our society most respectable world citizen,Prof. Dr. Dharmakirti Mahathera locally established many social, religious and cultural developmental associations. The local people of our society are greatly benefited to this association. For long time his contribution is unique and unparalleled in our local area (Especially in Mirsarai and Sitakunda Upazilla). If he is still working with many others national and international organization and there also he has contribution, but for long time he is thinking to establish an organization to extend his own work range Nationally and Internationally. So this society is the fruit of his dream.
He had a plan to declared about this society in the year 2010, in his Mahathera Abhidha conferring ceremony, which was observed Nationally and Internationally. At that time if he could not declared but this society is working from that time. So it was established in a historical and memorial day the 21 January 2010.
Dharmakirti International peace and progress society (abbreviation for DIPPS) begin to consist a DIPPS Central Trust Fund for future all developmental work, except special projects all of DIPPS money will fixed deposit in bank for trust fund. We don’t spend capital money of trust fund. we only use yearly interest of fixed deposit for social development work of DIPPS and its Co-organization.
The first work of this society is to start Friday weekly monastic religious schools or Friday Dhamma schools for children. We already start it in Damdhama- Nababpur Dharmakirti Buddhist Monastery. When our fund will increase, gradually we will extend this program all the temples of Mirsarai and Sitakunda Upazilla. After that all the temples of Bangladesh. Because without ethical guidance or religious teachings we can’t build a good society as well as a good Nation.
According to our founder’s observation, now there have not much financial poverty in the Buddhist community of Bangladesh, but in the field of Buddhist studies of youth there have much poverty. For a lack of moral religious knowledge now many Buddhist youth of Bangladesh are misguide and degenerate to the way of real life. So their families as well as the society are suffering a lot. We think that the Buddha’s teaching is the best way to escape to this situation.
The second priority of our society (DIPPS) is to establish Dhamma Duta residential school and college for monks and novices. Because our founder think that except good and skillful religious teacher society cannot be good. Now days there have shortage skillful religious teachers or monks in Bangladesh. So DIPPS will whole heartedly try to fulfill this shortage. You will be happy and glad to hear that by the graces of Triple Gems our founder already get a big land as a donation for this purpose. And building construction also going on at that place. We have a master plan, where we have need near about 250, 00000/- (Two core and fifty lac) approximately USD 320512$ to complete this construction work. within six months we already spent near about 300, 000/- (Thirty Lac). Now its foundation work is completed. Our well wishers from land and abroad are extend their generous helping hand.
After complete this construction work we will start education courses on Tripitaka (Sutta, Binoyand Abhidhamma including Pali and English) to the grass label. This Dhammaduta School and college not only teach them canonical teachings (pariyatti Dhamma) but also emphasis to teach them the strong code of discipline, Sila and Samadhi (Patipatti Dhamma). After finishing their course they will go for preach the Dhamma for the good of many, for the happiness of many, as a Dhammaduta (The messenger of Dhamma).
Dharmakirti Vihar
Address: shreega ,Nagal tole Kathmandu Bagmati gpo kathmandu
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +977 1 4259466
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Vice president: Drabyaman singh tuladhar Email (Phone: 9851105959)
Secretary: Meena tuladhar Email (Phone: 9841280673)
Main Contact: do Email (Phone: do)
Teacher: do
Spiritual Director: Bhikkuni Dhamavati Email (Phone: 9774259466)
Notes and Events:
Dharmakirti Vihar is established in 44 years ago in Kathmandu, capital of Nepal.President of this vihar is Most recpected Bhikkuni Dhammavati. She was honored SASANDHAJ DHAMMACHARYA from government of Barma.She ha sgot many awards from diffirent association.This vihar has 8 branches and 8 diffirent wings.This is only leading vihar for Nuns.This vihar is completly running by is just brief information of vihar.
The wings like this
Dharmakirti vihar conservation trust is mean unit. chief of that trust is Bhikkuni Dhamavati and Dhrmanusaak is most respected Bhikku Ashogosh Mahaasthever
1.Dharmakirti Study circle,2Dharmakirti health service.3.Dharmakirti Library.
4.Dharmakirti gyanmala bhajan khala.5Dharmakirti Sisu sadan (Kinder garden)
6.Dharmakirti Magazine and publication and maintinace
8.Traning andn public relation
9.Dharmakirti Health care center is going to establish with 10 beds( the plan is going on)It will take some time.
Address: 4467 W. 11th Avenue, Vancouver BC V6R 2M2 BC
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Ecumenical Buddhist
Phone: (604) 787-7916
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Contact: Mark Schneider
Notes and Events:
Dharmalog is a non-sectarian guide to Buddhist activities in British Columbia. It serves to provide information about events, retreats, and observances.
Address: c/o Sudana
14 Long Ley HARLOW Essex CM20 3NH
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 07754 455 153
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Main Contact: Sudana Email (Phone: 07754 455 153)
Spiritual Director: David Smith Email
Notes and Events:
The Harlow Buddhist Group is a regional branch of the Dharmamind Buddhist Group whose teacher is David Smith. You can check out details of the group and the nature of our practice, which has similarities to Far Eastern Zen, on our site:
We meet in our shrine room every Wednesday between 7.30 and 9.30 pm for meditation and Dharma discussion. Newcomers welcome. Suggested donation £3 and pick up from Harlow station can be arranged.
For further details, please contact Sudana on 07754 455 153 or 01279 434 752 or e-mail at:
Dharmapala Buddhist Centre
Address: 158 Canning Hwy,East
Fremantle WA 6160 WA
Tradition: Vajrayana, New Kadampa Tradition
Phone: (08) 9339 1553
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Main Contact: Education Progrqamme Co-ordinator Email
Teacher: Gen Kelsang Nampur
Spiritual Director: Geshe Kelsay Gyatso
Notes and Events:
Regular Program:
We hold a variety of regular classes for all levels of interest:
• General Programme classes are open to everyone and presnet Buddha\\\'s teachings in practical ways that everyone can apply in their daily lives. These classes are run throughou the Perth Metropolitan area and in Albany and consist of teachings and guided meditations. In addition to weekly drop-in classes we also offer a range of short courses including Learn to Meditate courses and Introduction to Buddhism courses.
• Foundation Programme and Teacher Training Programme -
Foundation Programme is a systematic study programme. In these classes we study in depth the teachings of Buddha and learn how to apply them in our life. The Foundation Programme consists of two study classes each week. In each class there is prayers, meditation, teachings and discussion.
Teacher Training Programme is also a systematic study programme for those who wish to train as qualified teachers iwthin the Kadampa Tradition. It has an additional retreat component.• Home Study Programme - Because Western Australia is so vast we endeavor to provide home study options for those who are unable to access teachings due to either distance/remoteness or due to disability and illness.
Dharmapala Kadampa Buddhist Center
Address: 315 Albemarle Ave. SE Roanoke VI 24013
Tradition: Mahayana, New Kadampa Tradition
Phone: (540) 521.7989
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Resident Teacher: Kadam Deann Bishop
Teacher: Kadam Deann Bishop
Spiritual Director: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
Notes and Events:
We provide a variety of classes suited to different levels of interest and experience. You are welcome to come visit us to learn more about our special tradition or just enjoy a few minutes of rest and refuge in meditation with spiritual friends.
You do not need to be a Buddhist to attend the Center or to benefit from practices such as meditation. Everyone is welcome!
Address: All Souls Church
2952 S Peoria
Tulsa, OK Tulsa 74114
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 918-284-1422
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Teacher: Victor Parachin
Notes and Events:
Sangha Meditation Group meets every Wednesday from 7 - 8:15 pm.
Dharmata Maine
Address: Topsham ME 04086
Tradition: Mahayana, Tibetan Nyingma, Yogi Lama Tsurlo
Affiliation: Dharmata Foundation - Anam Thubten
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Main Contact: Susan Frank Email (Phone: 207-837-8906)
Notes and Events:
We follow the teachings and meditation practice of Anam Thubten Rinpoche. All are welcome to attend our weekly meditation and to hear Rinpoches wonderfully clear, often humorous and always deeply insightful recorded talks.
Dharmata Maine meets in several locations and on Zoom. Please email for more information.
Dharmata ME
Address: 5 Baribeau Dr Brunswick ME 04011
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: The Dharmata Foundation
Phone: 207-729-7115
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Main Contact: Deborah Henderson Email (Phone: 207-729-7115)
Spiritual Director: Anam Thubten Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
Meditation practice and pre-recorded teachings by Anam Thubten Rinpoche every Sunday morning. Rinpoche travels to ME 1 or 2 times a year for retreat.
Address: De Heze 51 Apeldoorn 7335BB
Tradition: Mahayana, OBC / Jiyu Kennett
Affiliation: OBC / Jiyu Kennett
Phone: +31 (0)55 5420038
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Main Contact: rev Baldwin Schreurs
Teacher: rev Baldwin Schreurs
Spiritual Director: rev Baldwin Schreurs Email (Phone: +31 (0)55 5420038)
Notes and Events:
Meditation evenings every day except on Sunday and Monday.
Dharmavajra Kadampa Buddhist Centre
Address: Springfield House, Ffynone Road, Uplands Swansea Wales SA1 6DE
Tradition: Mahayana, New Kadampa Tradition - International Kadampa Buddhist Union
Affiliation: New Kadampa Tradition - International Kadampa Buddhist Union
Phone: 01792 458 245
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Founder: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
Teacher: Kelsang Tumo
Main Contact: EPC or Admin Director
Spiritual Director: Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong
Notes and Events:
Dialogue of Wisdom
Address: A-2/203, PHASE -5 ,
NEW DELHI NDelhi 110047
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +91-981826587 ; +91-9899319360
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Main Contact: KAMAL BARUA Email (Phone: +91-9899319360)
Spiritual Director: SUBROTO BARUA Email (Phone: +91-9818265887)
Notes and Events:
Dialogue of Wisdom, formed in 2011, is an non profit organisation working in the field of promoting understanding between individuals, groups and communities through monthly discussions, seminars, meditation camps, social welfare activities and cultural interactions by following the teachings of The Buddha.
Diamond Angel Study Group
Address: The Garden Gallery, Museum of Farnham, 38 West street.
Farnham Surrey GU97DX
Tradition: Vajrayana, Asian Classic Institute,Tibetan, Gelugpa
Phone: 07748254973
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Main Contact: Ciaran Flanagan
Teacher: Ciaran Flanagan
Spiritual Director: Geshe Michael Roach
Notes and Events:
Currently meeting Tues 8.00 til 9.30. Study courses from Asian Classics Institute.
See website for updates
Diamond Heart Foundation
Address: 17-27 pierce st, macclesfield Cheshire sk11 6er
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan
Phone: 01625 511733
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Spiritual Director: Gordon Ellis (Phone: 01625 511733)
Notes and Events:
Meditation, and Lamas teach each month.
Diamond Light Buddhist Study Group
Address: Glen Iris, Victoria Vic
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan Gelugpa
Phone: 0425 869 223
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Teacher: Pippa Loveday
Spiritual Director: Lama Ben Christian
Notes and Events:
What we offer: Frameworks for living based on classical Buddhist philosophy; formal course study; and meditation. Classes are sequenced, and designed for practitioners engaged in deepening an already existing practice.
Diamond Way Buddhist Group Northern Beaches
Address: Unit 10, 104-106 Old Pittwater Road
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Diamond Way
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Main Contact: Greg 0434 611 481
Teacher: Lama Ole Nydahl
Spiritual Director: Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje
Notes and Events:
Please call Kahla if the gate is locked: Kahla 0414 875 900
We meet every Monday night at 7:30pm for a half hour of meditation, followed by informal teachings or discussions.
Meditation at the new venue commenced in April 2016 at B-side Creative Space Warehouse in Brookvale (Unit 10, 104-106 Old Pittwater Rd, at the very back past the fitness centre).
Patricia 0450 393 440
Greg 0434 611 481
Diamond Way Buddhism Group Cairns
Address: 12 Majestic Street
Kamerunga Qld QLD 4870
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: Diamond way
Phone: 0415 422 321
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Main Contact: Marion Davis (Phone: 07 4039 4550 0415 422 321)
Spiritual Director: Lama Ole Nydahl
Notes and Events:
Diamond Way Buddhism Group Cairns is one of more than 600 international Buddhist centres of the Karma Kagyu Lineage, under the spiritual guidance of the 17th Karmapa Trinlay Thaye Dorje and directed by Lama Ole Nydahl. The centre is run and maintained through the idealism of friends who meditate together in Kamerunga.
We are a friendly and informal group and newcomers are always welcome at any of the regular meditations listed below. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call us on 0415 422 321 below or send an email or visit our webpage
Meditation : Every Wednesday at 7 pm and every Friday at 7 pm
@ address under detail
Diamond Way Buddhism Hong Kong
Address: Unit 3, 2/F,
3-5 Jervois Street Sheung Wan
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu
Phone: 2537 7553
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Main Contact: Anthony Hopson
Teacher: Lama Ole Nydahl
Spiritual Director: HH 17th Karmapa, Trinley Thaye Dorje
Notes and Events:
There are regular introductions and guided meditations every Monday and Wednesday at 8pm. The medtation which is practiced is called the 16th Karmapa Meditation. The methods employed in this meditation have been used in Buddhism since the time of the Buddha 2,500 year ago. Focused on fully developing the human potential, the meditation brings about lasting results for those who not only want to learn about their minds, but have a direct experience of it.
On Wednesdays, new people are invited to come earlier at 7.30pm for a longer explanation about the meditation and Buddhism more generally before we start. If you are new to Buddhism, it is an ideal place to start.
Diamond Way Buddhism Melbourne
Address: 163 Victoria Avenue Albert Park Vic 3206
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu, Diamond Way Buddhism
Phone: Call Kat on 0405 122 386
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Teacher: Lama Ole Nydahl
Main Contact: Lyndon Cookson Email (Phone: 0416 435 480)
Spiritual Director: 17th Karmapa Trinlay Thaye Dorje
Notes and Events:
Please see our website for our weekly meditation program and upcoming weekend courses.
Diamond Way Buddhism Melbourne is one of more than 600 international Buddhist centres of the Karma Kagyu Lineage, under the spiritual guidance of the 17th Karmapa Trinlay Thaye Dorje and founded by Lama Ole Nydahl.
The centre is run and maintained through the idealism of friends who meditate together in Melbourne.
Diamond Way Buddhism NZ - Wellington Meditation Group
Address: Level 1
1 Marion St
Wellington Wellington
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu
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Notes and Events:
We teach meditations we have received from the 16th Karmapa, the Black Hat Lama of Tibet and other lamas of our lineage. We provide basic explanations on every Monday 7:30pm and Wednesday 7:00pm, followed by guided meditation.
For those interested in broader overview, there is an extended introduction every first Monday of the month. Several times a year we are hosting traveling teachers.
Diamond Way Buddhist Center Madison
Address: 104 King St. Suite 302 Madison WI 53703
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Karma Kagyu
Affiliation: Diamond Way Buddhism
Phone: (608) 209-9780
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Contact: John Christopherson
Spiritual Director: Lama Ole Nydahl
Notes and Events:
Diamond Way Buddhist Center Madison belongs to an international non-profit network of over 600 lay Diamond Way Buddhist centers of the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, founded by Lama Ole Nydahl and under the spiritual guidance of H.H. the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, Trinley Thaye Dorje.
Diamond Way Buddhism offers practical and effective methods to realize mind’s inherent richness for the benefit of all. With an accessible and modern style, it works with people’s confidence and desire, using every situation in life to develop fearlessness and joy. We always present a basic introduction for newcomers, and the meditations are guided in English.
Diamond Way Buddhist Center Miami
Address: 205 NE 86th ST El Portal FL 33138
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan
Affiliation: Diamond Way/ Karma Kagyu
Phone: 305-606-7491
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Teacher: Lama Ole Nydahl
Spiritual Director: H.H. the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, Trinlay Thaye Dorje,
Main Contact: Tomas Stavel
Notes and Events:
Diamond Way Buddhist Centers USA consists of 40 Buddhist centers and groups, which are a part of an international non-profit network of more than 500 meditation centers in the Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. These centers were founded and are directed by Lama Ole Nydahl according to the wishes of H.H. the 16th Karmapa, Rangjung Rigpe Dorje. They are currently under the spiritual guidance of H.H. the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, Trinlay Thaye Dorje, who now resides in India.
Diamond Way (Vajrayana - Skt.) is the crown jewel of the Buddhas teachings. Working from the absolute level it employs methods of total identification with enlightenment for the quickest possible results. Since 1972, Lama Ole Nydahl has been been working to develop a modern approach to the Buddhas teachings. Diamond Way Buddhist Centers USA is the culmination of that effort. Modern western education, stressing self-reliance and independent thought, has proven to be an excellent basis for realizing ones mind. Through such capable groups the Buddhas most effective teachings are being passed on to the most idealistic and independent people around the world
Diamond Way Buddhist Center Nerja
Address: Calle Cervantes,20 bajo Nerja Málaga 29780
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Karma Kagyu
Affiliation: Diamond Way
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Spiritual Director: the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje
Teacher: Lama Ole Nydahl
Notes and Events:
Every Monday meditation of XVI Karmapa (free entrance).
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