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Sandra Kimball
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 8175-762-6322
Notes and Events:
Sandra Kimball is a meditation mentor who began the study and practice of meditation over 28 years ago and it has been part of her daily life ever since. She has been a student of Vipassana (Insight) and Zen meditation and has been mentored by many excellent teachers. Her meditation experience is also informed by the study in the Way of Tea at the Urasenke Chado Institute, Kyoto Japan, for over six years.
Sang Ngak Chokor Ling
Address: San Rafael, California, 94915
United States San Rafael CA 94915
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma
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Main Contact: Taliesin Lanning Email
Spiritual Director: Tsewong Sitar Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
P.O. Box 150653
San Rafael, California, 94915
Sangdo Palri Temple of Wisdom and Compassion
Address: 1775 Summitview Overlook Crestone CO 81131
Tradition: Vajrayana, Dzogpa Chenpo Longchen Nyingtik
Affiliation: Nyingma Tradition
Phone: 303.817.5529
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Spiritual Director: Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
The Sangdo Palri Temple is being constructed as a focal point for world peace, compassion and awakening. Visitors will come to refresh their spiritual practice, make prayers and aspirations, enjoy the natural environment, and deepen their connection to the Longchen Nyingtik tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. The Temple will be consecrated in 2017 and then have specific visiting days for the general public.
Sangha bilong Groim Klia Save
Address: Kali Island Buddhist Centre,
Western Manus,Manus Province,
Papua New Guinea Western Manus Papua New Guinea
Tradition: Mahayana, Non-Sectarian, Zen - Soto lineage
Affiliation: Open Way Zen, Brisbane Australia
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Spiritual Director: Quentin Genshu Email
Notes and Events:
Regular meditation meetings of Sangha at Kalis Island and Lessau village.
Retreat Centres at Herma, near Kali Island and at Karanas near Lessau.
Retreats held six monthly at both centres. Introductory retreats based on the four foundations of Mindfulness.
Sangha Maastricht (zengroep Dogen)
Address: Graafstraat Schin op Geul Limburg 6302 BD
Tradition: Mahayana, Dogen Zenji, Kodo Sawaki, Muho Nolke
Phone: +31-6-30.779.148
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Main Contact: E. Bosch
Teacher: Zenmaster Muho
Spiritual Director: Dogen Zenji
Notes and Events:
Sangha Maastricht is a zengroup in the south of the Netherlands. The teacher is zenmaster Muho, abbot of the zenmonastery Antaiji in Japan.
Sangha Retreat
Address: St. Pierre Belle Vue
France Creuse
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Main Contact: Steve Email (Phone: 07914312336)
Notes and Events:
In true Buddhist tradition we wish to welcome all comers; of any or no faith at all.
Sangha Vipassana Cholula
Address: Salón de Eventos San Pablo en la calle 19 Oriente, entre la 2 y 4 Sur.
Barrio San Pablo Tecama
San Pedro Cholula Puebla Puebla
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Main Contact: Marina o Iliana Email
Notes and Events:
Nos reunimos los lunes de 7 a 8:30 p.m.
15 minutos de Qi Gong, 30 minutos meditación Vipassana y 15 minutos de meditación Metta
Al final hay una plática opcional de 30 min
Donativo de $10 para pagar la renta del salón.
Sangha Virtual de Ouro Preto
Address: Ouro Preto 35400-000
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Main Contact: Daniel Email (Phone: 31984995086)
Notes and Events:
O que é uma Sangha? Uma Sangha é uma comunidade de amigos praticando o Dharma juntos de forma a fazer acontecer e manter a consciência. A essência da Sangha é consciência, entendimento, aceitação, harmonia e amor. Quando você não vê isto em uma comunidade, não é uma verdadeira Sangha e você deveria ter a coragem de dizer. Mas quando você encontra esses elementos presentes em uma comunidade, sabe que tem a felicidade e a sorte de estar em uma Sangha real.
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Dhamma - Vinaya
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Adimistartion : Johann Brucker Email
Notes and Events:
Dear Dhamma - Vinaya friend, "Virtual Dhamma - Vinaya Vihara" is a laity project and a try to erect a virtual Vihara (a monastery which is useable to set out Vinaya procedures) and should be offered to the monastic Sangha later on.
Next to this maybe particular intention this board should be an unforced place to discover Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha and a place to practice, exchange knowledge and experience as well as to study the teachings. After all the main focus is lesser to create something special outwardly but to support each other in regard of the training.
In regard of the general idea on virtuall Vihara, you may find a "general concept" as attached file, which is open to use how ever one wishes to do (the english translation is not very well yet!)
Please in no way hesitate to participate, criticize and contribute!
May all this work here always be free of strong defilement.
Much mudita
I thought it would be good to mention general attributes to characterise the objectives of this community and the project as objectively as possible. Those collection might be generally useful for everything in relation with all work here:
I try to offer the opposite (what is should not have as objective) as well, as this might be useful to transport the meaning better.
Please feel invited to develop the objectives further as well as to talk about it. Please add if a significant objective is missing. It would be great if we could develop a short introduction for the objectives of "" and the virtual Vihara here or support the frame for it.
Objectives (most in relation with the first):
Nibbana - not the world
open - not excluded
independent - not depended
discovering - not covering
exposing - not hiding
accessible - not nonaccessible
supportive - not obstructive
exemplary - not imitative
concomitantly - not authoritarian
circulating - not pocketing
welcoming - not exclusive
uniting - not separative
simple - not luxurious
maybe inspiring in addition:
Recollecting the Sangha
"At any time when a disciple of the noble ones is recollecting the Sangha, his mind is not overcome with passion, not overcome with aversion, not overcome with delusion. His mind heads straight, based on the Sangha. And when the mind is headed straight, the disciple of the noble ones gains a sense of the goal, gains a sense of the Dhamma, gains joy connected with the Dhamma. In one who is joyful, rapture arises. In one who is rapturous, the body grows calm. One whose body is calmed experiences ease. In one at ease, the mind becomes concentrated."
— AN 11.12
"When you recollect the Sangha, monks, any fear, terror, or horripilation you may have will be abandoned."
— SN 11.3
More and actual Infos you may find in Our monastery here - Unser Kloster hier Forum
Liebe Dhamma - Vinaya Freunde, "Virtual Dhamma Vinaya Vihara" ist derzeit ein Laienprojekt und der Versuch ein virtuelles Vihara (ein Kloster, das zur Abhaltung von Vinayaverfahren geeignet ist) zu errichten und in späterer Folge der klösterlichen Sangha zur Verfügung zu stellen.
Neben dieser vielleicht spezielleren Absicht, dient das Forum allen an Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha interessierten als eine ungezwungener Platz zu praktizieren, sich austauschen und die Lehren zu studieren. Bei alle dem liegt er Fokus aber weniger darin etwas großartiges äusserliches zu gestalten, sondern in der Unterstützung in der Praxis.
Zur generellen Idee des virtuellen Viharas, finden Sie als Anlage ein "generelles Konzept", welches wie alles hier zur freien Verfügung und Weiterverwednung zur Verfügung steht. (die englische enthaltene Übersetzung ist noch sehr mangelhaft)
Bitte in keiner Art und Weise das Einbringen, Kritisieren und Mitarbeiten scheuen!
Mögen diese Arbeiten hier immer stets frei von starken Veruntrübungen sein.
Viel mudita
Sich die Sangha in den Gedanken rufen
Zu einer Zeit aber, wenn der Schüler der Noblen der Sangha gedenkt, da ist sein Geist weder von Gier umsponnen, noch von Haß und Verblendung umsponnen; und angesichts der Sangha ist sein Geist zu solcher Zeit recht gerichtet. Recht gerichteten Geistes aber, gewinnt der Schüler der Noblen Begeisterung für das Ziel, Begeisterung für die Lehre, gewinnt er Freude an der Lehre. Im Freudigen aber erhebt sich Verzückung; verzückten Geistes beruhigt sich das Innere; im Inneren beruhigt, empfindet er Glück, und des Glücklichen Geist sammelt sich.
— AN 11.12
Denn wenn ihr an die Gemeinde denkt, ihr Bhikkhus, wird Angst oder Zittern oder Hautschaudern, das euch befällt, schwinden.
— SN 11.3
Sangye Cho Ling Buddhist Community
Address: Russia Yaroslavl, Newton-str., 61, 34 Yaroslavl 150035
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gelug, Jonang
Phone: 0079023309198
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Notes and Events:
The Sangye Cho Ling Buddhist community in Yaroslavl, Russia, exists since 2005. It is affiliated with Ven. Geshe Jampa Trinle, Ven. Lama Yonten Gyatso, and Ven. Lama Jampa Donyed (Buda Badmayev).
Santa Monica Karma Kagyu Study Group
Address: 1245 10th St Santa Monica CA 90401
Tradition: Tibetan, Karma Kagyu Lineage
Affiliation: KTD (Woodstock, NY)
Phone: (310) 451-4368
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Contact: Daniel Kane
Notes and Events:
Mail to : #4 1245 10th St. (mail only) Santa Monica CA 90401
Meets at the Clubhouse at Douglas Park.
Santa Monica Karma Thegsum Choling
Address: 1008 11th Street Room Santa Monica CA 90401
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu Tibetan
Phone: 310-451-4368
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Main Contact: Daniel (Phone: (310) 593-3609 )
Teacher: Venerable Bardor Tulku Rinpoche
Spiritual Director: 17th Karmapa
Notes and Events:
We are under the guidance of Karma Triyana Dharmachakra (
We are near church at corner of Washington Ave and California Ave in Santa Monica.
Santa Monica Zen Center
Address: 1453 W 14th Street Unit C Santa Monica CA 90404
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen: Three Treasures Tradition of Taizan Maezumi Roshi
Affiliation: White Plum Asangha founded by Taizan Maezumi Roshi
Phone: (310) 572-9070
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Main Contact:
Abbot & Head Teacher: William Yoshin Jordan Email
Teacher: William Yoshin Jordan, Sensei
Spiritual Director: William Yoshin Jordan, Sensei
Notes and Events:
The Santa Monica Zen Center is an urban, non-profit organization that operates on a Membership/Volunteer model.
We invite Guests and practitioners new to SMZC to participate one time in an initial 40-minute Zazen Instruction and Orientation, after which we support their practice for a trial period of 2 months at no charge.
Newcomers are asked to consider Membership at the end of the trial period. Members pay monthly dues and enjoy the privilege of ‘just sitting’ on a self-styled schedule or engaging whole-heartedly in our training and development programs.
SMZC would be very pleased to have you visit and ‘test drive’ us for our 2-month trial period! Please contact us at, or in person during our scheduled open hours, with your questions about Zazen Instruction, trial practice, or Membership.
Santa Rosa Shambhala Center
Address: 855 7th Street (Masonic Lodge, corner of Beaver & 7th Street) Santa Rosa CA 95404
Tradition: Mahayana, Vajrayana, Non-Sectarian, Tibetan, Shambhala Buddhist
Affiliation: Shambhala International
Phone: 707 545-4907
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Spiritual Director: Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche
Founder: Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
Main Contact: Joanne Henn (Center Director) Email (Phone: 707 545-4907)
Notes and Events:
Santi Forest Monastery
Address: 100 Coalmines Road, Bundanoon, NSW 2578 Bundanoon NSW 2578
Tradition: Theravada, Bhikkhuni
Affiliation: Australian Sangha Association
Phone: +612 4883 6331
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Spiritual Director: Ajahn Brahm
Founding Abbot (Now Retired): Bhante Sujato
Notes and Events:
Telephone +612 4883 6331
Santisukharama Meditation Centre
Address: c/o Kota Tinggi Buddhist Society,
6, Jalan Delima 2,
Taman Kota Jaya, Kota Tinggi Johor 81900
Tradition: Theravada, Mahasi Vipassana Tradition
Affiliation: Mahasi Vipassana Tradition
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Notes and Events:
The method of meditation taught here is vipassana meditation which is in line with the method taught by the late Ven. Mahasi Sayadaw of Burma.
Foreign meditators are welcome to practice at Santisukharama.
The founding teacher was Venerable Sujiva, a Malaysian monk and a disciple of Sayadaw U Pandita.
Saraha Nyingma Buddhist Institute
Address: 477 E. 40th Ave.
Eugene OR 97405
Tradition: Vajrayana, Dudjom Lineage of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism
Phone: +1(541)359-3588
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Main Contact: office (Phone: +1(541)359-3588)
Teacher: Lama Sonam Tsering
Spiritual Director: Lama Tharchin Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
Located in Eugene, Oregon, USA. Saraha Nyingma Buddhist Institute is a Buddhist Temple and educational facility dedicated to the study and practice of the Dudjom Lineage of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism.
Please visit our website at: for more information on our background, vision and intention, as well as our current schedule and calendar of events, and Dharma Education opportunities. This site is also a source for Buddhist learning resources, including photo, audio, video and structured study materials.
Saraha Nyingma Buddhist Institute
Address: 477 E. 40th Ave. Eugene OR 97405
Tradition: Vajrayana, Dudjom Lineage
Affiliation: Tibetan/Nyingma
Phone: (541)359-3588
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Main Contact: Lama Tsering Gyaltsen
Teacher: Lama Sonam Tsering
Spiritual Director: Lama Tharchin Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
The Saraha Nyingma Buddhist Institute, or "Saraha" for short, is a registered 501(c)(3) status non-profit religious organization based in Eugene, Oregon, USA. Following the Buddha's teachings of Enlightenment, and practicing according to the Dudjom Lineage of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism, Saraha offers a full schedule of regular temple meditation and educational events, special teachings events, and educational courses.
The Institute is also the home of Saraha Children's School, a full academic, grades K-8 school which integrates the study and practice of Buddhist philosophy with standard academic subjects.
Through its adult and child programs, Saraha intends to offer a community-based, family friendly atmosphere where students young and old can visit and grow in age and wisdom together.
Sarana International Buddhist Center
Address: 15241 51st Avenue South Tukwila WA 98188
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: (206) 277-8399
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Main Contact: Polwatte Pagnananda Email (Phone: (206) 277-8399)
Teacher: Polwatte Pagnananda
Spiritual Director: Polwatte Pagnananda
Notes and Events:
Sarana International Buddhist Center (SIBC), In Tukwila, Washington is truly international. Its altar includes Buddha statues and paintings from Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, China, Burma, and India. One of the resident monks, Venerable Pra Mahamuni Lim Sovann, and many of those who attend the large gatherings at the temple near Sea-Tac airport are Cambodian. But, the abbot, Bhante Polwatte Pagnananda hails from Sri Lanka. SIBC, which was established in 1998, is open to anyone who wants to learn about Buddhism or practice Buddhist meditation. Regular religious services are held every Sunday morning starting at 9 a.m.
There are meditation and Yoga classes every Wednesday 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. A new vipassana hall was opened in March of 2005, and the Northwest Vipassana Society conducts all-day workshops from 8:00 a.m to 4:30 p.m. on the last Saturday of every month. The annual vassa (rainy season retreat) for monks lasts for three months, beginning on July 24 and continuing through October.
The retreat period ends on October 30, 2005 with the colorful Kathina ceremony during which lay supporters offer new robes, flowers, food, and other donations to the monks. All are welcome to take part in these ceremonies.
Sarana\\\'s Abbot, Bhante Polwatte Pagnananda, entered the order of bhikkus in 1965 in Sri Lanka under the patronage of Venerable Mullegama Seelananda and Labugama Lankananda Maha Thero, and received his higher ordination in 1974 from Akurana Pannaransi Maha Thero, the Sanghanayake (leader) of the Raigama Korale (Siamese sect-Kotte chapter). He received his early education from Paravahera Pagnnananda Maha Thero at Dharmaduta Buddhist Seminary in Colombo, and later studied at Vidyaratana Affiliated University Parivena. In 1977 he completed the GCE Advanced Level Examination, in 1981 the First Examination of the Pracina Panditha degree, and in 1983 received a Bachelor of Arts degree from The University of Kelaniya. He was active in various religious and social activities in the Horana area from 1986 to 1994, and was eventually appointment as the chief incumbent of the Boddalgoda Sri Devarakshita Temple.
In 1996 Bhante Pagnananda was invited to come to the United States on a Dhammaduta (missionary) mission by a devoted Sri Lankan physician in New York. He stayed at the Maitri Viharan in Los Angeles and the came to Seattle in 1977. He was determined to establish a Theravada Buddhist center, and the next year founded the Sarana International Buddhist Center in Tukwila with the generous support of Buddhist devotees from different ethnic groups. The Sarana International Buddhist Center is located at 15241 . 51st Ave South in Tukwila, just northeast of Sea-Tac Airport. Further information about the Center and its activities can be obtained from Bhante Polwatte Pagnananda at 206-277-8399.
Sarasota Forest Monastery
Address: 520 Lewis Street
Englewood FL 34223
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 941 587-8601
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Main Contact: Chailai Brune Email (Phone: 941-914-7504)
Notes and Events:
Sarasota Forest Monastery (SFM) was established in 2005 with the goals in mind to raise enough support to build a Buddhist Monastery in the Thai Forest tradition. Fundraising efforts continue on a regular basis and constructions to begin as soon as the funds are ready. Members are meeting every Saturday for a meditation session. We have visiting monks from time to time to give Dhamma discussion at the location.
Sarasota Zen Center- Buddhist Temple
Address: 3947 Clark Road. Ste. B Sarasota FL 34233
Tradition: Mahayana, Rev. Dr. Soyu Matsuoka, roshi
Affiliation: Soto Zen
Phone: 941-451-6988
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Main Contact: Rev. Daito Thompson- Osho Email (Phone: 941-451-6988)
Spiritual Director: Rev. Daito Thompson- Osho Email (Phone: 941-451-6988)
Notes and Events:
The Sarasota Zen Center, a Soto Zen Buddhist Temple, is a Florida registered non-profit organization created to support the dissemination and growth of Buddhist Teachings within our communities and to help empower its members through direct participation in its programs. The Sarasota Zen Center community offers a haven of peace and harmony in which to engage in the arduous task of self-discovery through Zen practice. Welcoming diversity, the practice of Zen is available to people of every race, religion, nationality, class, gender, sexual orientation, age, and physical ability.
Zen Wisdom is thought to be the most refined spiritual possession of Asia, with its origin in India, its development in China, and its practical application in Japan. Wherever there is poetic action, a religious aspiration, a heroic thought, there is Zen. Zen is direct- goes straight to the point- requires no mediator. It is the greatest gift the Orient can make to the Occident.
ZAZEN: Formal Zen meditation.
Meditation has been said to occupy in Buddhism the place of prayer in other religious. In a sense this is true- except that Zen meditation is not prayer, makes no assumptions at all about God, and has been practiced by adherents of many major religions.
Zen meditation is not a dreamy reverie. Nor does it seek to apply the mind to any formulated problems of philosophy, ethics, or theology. Rather, the object of meditation is to force the participant beyond the sphere where words can be used, into the realm of immediacy where Ultimate Truth can be realized.
To put it simply, Zen meditation is to be approached as an end in itself. Greater Wisdom is not its aim but is an incidental results. It is extremely practical and penetrates all phases of daily life.
Who can participate?
Anyone who desires to progress in mind, body, and spirit may benefit by attending the Zen center. Among attendants have been practitioners of Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, and secular ethical philosophies, as well as other Buddhists. The only requirements are a sincere purpose and a clean body.
Application to life.
The late Reverend Dr. Soyu Matsuoka-roshi said: "Many people have inquired about the life that a Zen person should lead. As you grow in Zen, you will find that you no longer have to think about how to act, or how to live, because the life of Zen will have matured in you, and your actions will be in complete harmony with your inner spirit."
Where to Begin?
1. Study.
2. Reflection.
3. Meditation.
4. Finding spiritual friends.
Gassho, _/\_
Venerable Reverend Daito Thompson- Osho, spiritual director
Saskatoon Community of Mindful Living
Address: 213 Second Street East
c/o Unitarian Congregation of Saskatoon Saskatoon Saskatchewan S7H 1N5
Tradition: Mahayana, Thich Nhat Hanh
Affiliation: Following the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh
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Main Contact: Ken Sailor, secretary Email
Notes and Events:
The Saskatoon Community of Mindful Living is a group practicing in the tradition of Vietnamese Zen Buddhist teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh.
We are a supportive group that aims to nurture each other\\\'s practice to further awaken our awareness of the miracle of this life.
When Do You Meet?
We meet every Monday evening from 7-9 pm for meditation and discussion at the Unitarian Centre, 213 2nd Street East in Saskatoon, between MacPherson and Melrose avenues.
For more information, email
Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community
Address: Saskatoon Saskatchewan
Tradition: Theravada
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Teacher: Jeanne Corrigal
Notes and Events:
All are welcome to our sitting group of beginning and experienced meditators on Wednesday evenings, 7:00 to 8:00 PM CST, currently on Zoom. The cost is by donation/dana.
Our sitting group is led by our guiding teacher, Jeanne Corrigal, and occasionally by other experienced practitioners.
In addition to our sitting group, our community hosts sangha walks and weekend and longer retreats. Jeanne offers classes. Our core activities are offered freely, through the dana (generosity) tradition.
Sat Chit Anand
Address: 16 Great Basses Road Plettenberg Bay Western Cape 6600
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +27 (0)44 533 0453
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Notes and Events:
SAT CHIT ANAND is a Sanskrit expression, which means truth – consciousness – bliss. Get in touch with the truth of your being. Live consciously and mindfully. Let go of all worldly cares and concerns and experience the bliss of being here and now.
Situated in Plettenberg Bay, jewel of the Garden Route, 200 metres from the sea, SCA is located in an ideal place to relax, reflect on life and get in touch with your true nature. Enjoy privacy, peace and tranquility. Indulge your soul with a healthy holiday. Make space in your life for spirit.
HEALING CENTRE has a holistic nature. It offers various treatments and therapies to restore and enhance health and healing of body and mind.
BUDDHIST CENTRE was established in 2000. It offers teachings and retreats on different aspects of Buddhist philosophy, psychology and practice.
INTERFAITH SCA has grown into an Interfaith Spiritual Retreat Centre. Yoga, meditation and teachings on self-knowledge help those of all faiths.
Satipanya Buddhist Retreat
Address: White Grit, Minsterley, Shropshire SY5 0JN Shropshire
Tradition: Theravada, Mahasi Sayadaw lineage
Phone: 0044 (0) 1588 650752
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Teacher: Bhante Bodhidhamma Email
Teacher: Noirin Sheahan Email
Notes and Events:
Satipanya Buddhist Retreat
The centre is devoted to the practice of Vipassana, Insight Meditation, as taught by the Mahasi Sayadaw of Burma and the development of Right Lifestyle. The centre offers the opportunity to stay up to eleven weeks, though weeklong is also possible. There are Forums for Right Lifestyle.
Resident Teachers: Bhante Bodhidhamma and Noirin Sheahan.
Satipanya is situated in the UK on the Welsh border in the Shropshire Hills.
All are Welcome!
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