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Buddhist Compassion Relief Tze Chi Foundation (Singapore Branch)

Address: 9 Elias Road Singapore 519937  
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: (65) 65829958
Fax: (65) 65829952
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Cheng Yen  
Notes and Events:

The seedling of Tzu Chi compassionate mission, with its origin from Taiwan quietly sprouted in Singapore in year 1987. In the early days of Tzu Chi Singapore, we had Sister Liu Jing Lian from Taiwan and along with a few volunteers, they began to visit the needy and poor in the local community. Along the way, many individuals were inspired to join in the compassionate work of Tzu Chi.

On 15 August 1991, 40 volunteers from Singapore went on a root-searching trip to Tzu Chi Headquarter in Hualien, Taiwan for the first time. This has brought about the official registration of the Buddhist Tzu Chi Merits Society (Singapore Branch) two years later in September 1993. After which, the branch office put in much effort to develop the missions of helping the poor and inspiring the rich in Singapore.

Many thanks to Dharma Master Hui Qi for sparing a space for Tzu Chi brothers and sisters for meetings and activities at the Bao Guang Temple (Poh Kwan Foh Tang) in the early days.

In August 1998, the Singapore branch was officially renamed Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation. In December the same year, the branch office was relocated to Trengganu Street in Chinatown. The new office had thus become the spiritual home for local Tzu Chi people. In early 1999, Master Cheng Yen sent one of her disciples, Sister Zhang Hong Lin from Taiwan to help in the development of the Singapore branch. Tzu Chi Cultural Centre was then renamed as Still Thoughts Cultural Services (Singapore). In 2004, Jingsi Books & Café was set up adjacent to the Chinatown office as a retail outlet to continue promoting the various publications of Tzu Chi.

In early 2003, Mr David Liu, the CEO of Tzu Chi Malacca branch was appointed by Master Cheng Yen to hold a concurrent post in Singapore branch.

Abiding the Buddha’s spirit of “Great Mercy even to Strangers, Great Compassion for All”, and following the principle of “Respecting life”, Tzu Chi people in Singapore strive to carry out the “Four Missions” and “Eight Footsteps” of Tzu Chi in the local community. Besides giving financial assistance and spiritual care to the needy, in 1999, the branch office also reach out to HIV patients and their families by providing them with support and concern. The Tzu Chi Free Clinic was then set up in August 2004 to serve the senior citizens and Tzu Chi’s aid recipients in Singapore.

Since early 2000, the Singapore Branch had extended its Medical mission by holding free clinic service twice a year for the sick and poor in neighbouring Indonesian islands such as Batam, Bintan, Karimun etc. To date, more than 20,000 locals have benefited from the service. The free clinic has also inspired many local Chinese to join in as Tzu Chi volunteers, which led to the establishment of a liaison office in Batam in year 2005.

The Singapore branch office was officially relocated to its new premise at Pasir Ris in October 2005. The Tzu Chi Continuing Education Centre was launched two months later in December 2005. It was launched with the objective of having another avenue to facilitate the spreading of Tzu Chi culture and humanities via classes such as Flower Arrangement, Chinese Calligraphy, Tea Arts and Sign Language to the general public.

At the same time, activities such as inspirational talks and beach cleaning exercises were held. On top of that, there is the ongoing monthly sharing session and recycling activities with recycling points set up in different parts of the island. All of which was aimed to encourage community participation and to enhance the sense of neighborhood cohesion.

All these years, Tzu Chi Foundation helps to bridge many caring people that have hectic work schedule to render their services to the needy. In their blue and white uniforms, the Tzu Chi volunteers reach out to the darker corners of the community, bringing love and hope to the sufferings. With a vision of “purifying minds, harmonious society and a world free of disaster and suffering”, these volunteers had left beautiful footprints on their lives as well as many others that they’ve touched.

Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu'Chi Foundation

Address: 17 Ellingworth Parade, Box Hill, VIC 3128   Vic
Tradition: Mahayana, Chinese
Phone: 03 9897 1668
Fax: 03 9897 4288
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Contact: Ms Christina Lee  
Spiritual Director: Dharma Master Cheng Yen  
Notes and Events:

Organisation description: It is a non-profit organisation funded solely by the public. It is involved in all areas of charity, environmental protection, community services, education, cultural promotion, bone marrow donation, medicine and international aid and relief.
Activities / Functions: The main aim of the foundation is to educate the rich and help the poor and needy. Our members and volunteers do not preach buddhism but carry out charitable work based on buddhist teachings on compassion and tolerance.
Opening Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-4pm. Closed on Sun and public holidays.
Meeting times / frequency: Once a week or when required.

Buddhist Compssion Relief Tzuchi Foundation Philippines

Address: 1000 Cordillera cor. Lubiran St., Bacood, Sta. Mesa., Manila 1016   Manila 1016
Tradition: Mahayana, Tzuchi
Phone: (632) 8714 - 1188
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Notes and Events:

In 1991, Tzu Chi Foundation founder Master Cheng Yen received The Magsaysay Community Leadership Award from the Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation, the equivalent of the Nobel Prize in Asia. The award included a a cash prize of US $30,000 (worth approximately PhP 825,000 then) which the Master distributed to two beneficiaries - the victims of the China flooding and of the Mt. Pinatubo eruption that took place that same year. The award paved way to the exposure of the Master’s compassion to the Filipino-Chinese community in the Philippines.

Years later, a group of local Filipino-Chinese led by volunteer Linda Chua (Tzu Chi Philippines CEO from 1994 to 2001), was inspired by their experiences with Tzu Chi in Taiwan and promised Master Cheng Yen that they would to spread their mission of love to the Philippines.

Chua’s group recruited some 200 donors, which provided the seed money for projects in the Philippines. Tzu Chi Foundation Philippines was inaugurated on November 8, 1994.

Buddhist Council of New South Wales

Address: PO Box 593   Crows Nest NSW NSW 1585
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, BCNSW is the peak body for Buddhism in NSW
Affiliation: Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils
Phone: (02) 9966 8893
Fax: (02) 9966 8897
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President: Gawaine Powell Davie  Email  (Phone: 02 9966-8893)
Main Contact: Ms Sujata Lim  Email  (Phone: 02 9966-8893)
Notes and Events:


(1) The first part of our Mission is to serve its member organisations, which include Buddhist temples, Buddhist societies and other Buddhist organisations.  If a member organisation needs assistance or advice, the Buddhist Council will try to assist. For example, a member organisation may require help to improve its governance, financial management, administration, or they may need preliminary advice in dealing with government agencies.

(2) The second part of our Mission is to represent the Buddhist community to inter-faith groups, media, government and the NSW public, in accordance with the Dharma.

(3) The third part of our Mission is to promote the understanding and practice of the Dharma, which is an objective we share with our members.

Buddhist Council of South Australia

Address:   Kent Town SA 5067
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, BCSA is the peak body for Buddhism in SA
Affiliation: Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils
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The Buddhist Council of South Australia promotes the teachings of the Buddha in South Australia and serves as the representative organisation for Buddhist temples, groups and organisations in South Australia.

Buddhist Council of the Midwest

Address: 1812 Washington   Evanston IL 60201
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Association of Buddhists
Phone: (847) 869-5806
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Main Contact: Asayo Horibe  Email  (Phone: (847) 869-5806)
Notes and Events:

Umbrella organization for Buddhist Temples, Meditation Centers and other groups in the Lower Great Lakes region. Meets monthly. Major events are the Buddhist Womens Conference in Feburary and the International Visakha Festival in June.

Buddhist Council of Victoria

Address: 36 McDowall Street   Mitcham Vic 3132
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils
Phone: 0448469135
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Secretary: Michael Wells  Email  (Phone: 0419 199 269)
Chair: Venerable Phuoc Tan  Email  (Phone: 0414264194)
Main Contact: Admin Officer: Kim See  Email  (Phone: 0448469135)
Notes and Events:

The Buddhist Council of Victoria is a representative body that acts on behalf of Buddhists in the Australian state of Victoria. It is actively engaged in representing the needs of Buddhists to all levels of government, provides speakers for interfaith dialogue and works widely with the community.

It has approximately 40 member temples and has been in operation since 1995. The Committee is elected annually from delegates from the member temples. Principal activities including the introduction of Buddhist education into primary schools and chaplaincy for Buddhist prisoners. We also produced a booklet on palliative care, Buddhist Care for the Dying.

Buddhist Council of Wales

Address: c/o Aro Ling Buddhist Centre, 35 Merthyr Road, Whitchurch   Cardiff Wales CF14 1DB
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: All Buddhist traditions
Phone: 07875 716644
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Main Contact: Nor'dzin Pamo  Email  (Phone: 07875 716644)
Notes and Events:

The Buddhist Council of Wales was established to bring together in harmony the various Buddhist traditions practising in Wales. It endeavours to ensure that Buddhism, as one of the recognised faiths in Britain, is represented at government, civic and faith occasions in Wales. Representatives from the Council attend meetings of the Interfaith Council for Wales and the National Assembly for Wales Faith Communities Forum.

Representatives of member organisations meet twice a year in March and September. Organisations who send representatives to meetings are Full Members and have voting rights. Other organisations are welcome to be part of the Council as Associate Members without needing to send a representative to meetings.

Buddhist Council of Western Australia

Address: Room 2, Australian Asian Building 275 Stirling Street   East Perth WA 6004
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, BCWA is the peak body for Buddhism in WA
Affiliation: Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils
Phone: +61 0409 686878
Fax: +61 8 9312 3553
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Main Contact: BCWA President  Email  (Phone: +61 0409686878)
Notes and Events:

The Buddhist Council of Western Australia was formed in 1995 to serve as a peak body to represent the Buddhist community at government level and national levels. The Buddhist Council of Western Australia is a member of the Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils. We are made up of all three of the major denominations of Buddhism. 

Buddhist Counselling

Address:   Bondi 2026
Tradition: Vajrayana, Sakya
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Based in Bondi, Australia, chaplain Daniel Troyak integrates traditional mindfulness meditation and contemplative skills in a therapeutic context that can be applied by anyone, Buddhist or otherwise.

Mindfulness-based Therapy



Pastoral Psychotherapy

Buddhist Cultural Forum

Address: `Shradha` West Palace Road, North Bus Stand, Thrissur-680020, Kerala, INDIA   THRISSUR Kerala 680020
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 9446458276,9037271464,9037272003
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MODERATOR: Tito thomas  Email  (Phone: 9037271464)
Main Contact: Surendran.v.p  (Phone: 9446458276)
Teacher: V.G. Thambi  
Notes and Events:





We also research in to history of Buddhism and travel to Buddhist sites.

We share the bliss of Silence.

Buddhist Dharma Center of Cincinnati

Address: P.O. Box 23307 15 Moline Street   Cincinnati OH 45220
Tradition: Mahayana, Non-Sectarian, Zen / Vipassana
Phone: (513) 541-1650
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Webmaster: Randall Reese  Email  
Notes and Events:

We practice silent meditation. Our members give talks and lead discussions on topics related to the practice of the Dharma. There are regular classes and beginners instruction.

Buddhist Discussion Centre Australia

Address: 33 Brooking Street   Upwey Vic 3158
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, (Chan Academy Australia)
Affiliation: World Fellowship of Buddhists Regional Centre and an Associated Institution of the World Buddhist University
Phone: (03) 9754 3334
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Director: Frank Carter  Email  (Phone: (03) 9754 3334)
Teacher: Anita Carter  
Main Contact: Frank Carter  Email  (Phone: (03) 9754 3334)
Spiritual Director: Anita Carter  Email  (Phone: (03) 9754 3334)
Notes and Events:

The Buddhist Discussion Centre Australia is one of over 140 worldwide Regional Centres of The World Fellowship of Buddhists.

Founded in 1978 the organisations key objectives include encouraging the study, practice and realisation of Buddha Dhamma.

The main activities of the organisation include:

Regular "Introduction to Buddhism" courses online and in person

Buddhist Meditation and Teachings on Saturday evenings from 8.00 pm

Online evening 30 minute meditation sessions via Zoom

Occasional weekend Chan and Sum-ie painting classes

Regular 4 day Bhavana mind and path development courses.

A weekly radio program entitled "The Buddhist Hour" broadcast in Melbourne on 3MDR 97.1FM radio each Sunday afternoon from 4.00pm to 5.00pm

An Internet radio station named World Buddhist Radio broadcasting 24 hours per day from

Publication of Dhamma articles and information via website

Associated Institution of the World Buddhist University with an extensive multilingual Buddhist reference library housed onsite. (update)

Buddhist Education Services for Schools Inc.

Address: Brisbane   Qld 4122
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
E-mail:; ‎
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Main Contact: : Venerable Tseten  Email  (Phone: )
Teacher: : Venerable Tseten  
Notes and Events:


Buddhist Education Services for Schools Inc. (BESS) is a not for profit association that recruits, trains and supports Buddhist teachers to share the wisdom of the Buddha with children in years 3-6 in the Religious Instruction program in Queensland government schools. 

 We have recently developed a four year cycle of lessons that are shared with the children in years 3-6.

 The objectives of our curriculum are to teach students about the values and attitudes consistent with the Buddha's teachings, and to enable the children to learn life skills based on those teachings. We include gentle meditation techniques in a safe environment that are built upon an understanding of why meditation is axial to Buddhist practice.  If you are interested in joining us, please email us and we will reply as quickly as possible.

 Contact by email only





Buddhist Europe Center

Address: Hochreute 1 87509 Immenstadt Germany   Immenstadt 87509
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu
Phone: 0049 8323 9868740
Fax: 0049 8323 968387
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Spiritual Director: Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Karmapa  
Notes and Events:

The Europe Center at Gut Hochreute is a meditation and seminar centre, where Buddhists from all over the world meet, deepen their knowledge about Buddhism and meditate together. Regular program: A meditation open evening every Thursday at 19:00h, those interested can meditate and receive basic teachings on Buddhism. It is also possible for groups and school classes to visit the center by appointment, guided tours can be provided.

Buddhist Faith Fellowship of Connecticut

Address: College for East Asian Studies, Wesleyan University Middletown, CT   Middletown CN 06457
Tradition: Mahayana, Shin Buddhism
Affiliation: North American Shin Buddhist Association (NASBA)
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Notes and Events:

A PLACE FOR FELLOWSHIP We offer a caring, spiritual and open environment that naturally creates healthy relationships between the members of our spiritual family. With our regular gatherings, practice groups, social events, etc.

Come and practice with us on most Sunday mornings, overlooking a Zen garden at the inspirational Mansfield Freeman Center for East Asian Studies, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, between 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Buddhist Fellowship

Address: No 2 Telok Blangah Street 31, Singapore 108942 (Yeo\'s Building, 2nd Floor)   108942
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +65 6278 0900
Fax: +65 6278 0102
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Spiritual Patron: Ven. Ajahn Brahmavamso  
Notes and Events:

Buddhist Fellowship (BF) is a non-sectarian Buddhist organisation whose aim is to serve all. Its membership consists of like minded Buddhist practitioners from various traditions who share the vision of propagating the Dharma in new and creative ways whilst promoting fellowship amongst Buddhist. Buddhist Fellowship is also seen as a catalyst of positive change in the Buddhist Community. Recognising how the world has changed and yet the Dharma remains relevant, Buddhist Fellowship strives to ensure that the Dharma is propagated in contemporary language and form. Buddhist Fellowship prides itself in being an organisation that dares to be different... embarking on new, revolutionary projects and activities that benefit the community and constantly striving to meet the needs of its members.

Buddhist Fellowship of UU Clearwater

Address: 2470 Nursery Road   Clearwater FL 33764
Tradition: Mahayana, Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Associated with the National UU Buddhist Fellowship
Phone: 727-391-1152
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Teacher: Rev. Dr. Frank Tedesco  
Notes and Events:

Meditation- sitting and walking every Tuesday night 7-10 pm.

We have sponsored teachings from representatives of many traditions including Korean and Japanese Zen, Tibetan Kagyu and Gelug and others.

Active participation in interfaith gatherings.

We sponsored a visit of the Maitreya Project Heart Shrine Relic Tour in November, 2008.

Volunteerism in hospice care and animal refuge work encouraged.

Buddhist Gem Fellowship (BGF)

Address: D-G-2, Block D Jalan PJU 1A/3K Taipan 1, Ara Damansara   Petaling Jaya Selangor 47301
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +603-7734-7960
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Main Contact: Dolly Teoh (Publications)  Email  (Phone: +603-7734-7960)
Spiritual Director: The Late Ven Dr K Sri Dhammananda  Email  
Teacher: Ooi Cheng Im (Secretary  Email  
Notes and Events:


Buddhist Gem Fellowship or commonly known as BGF started in 1980’s to promote the growth of Buddhism and create a better world for all beings. We started as a “Graduate Fellowship” but change the name to “Gem” to look into growing needs of our community.


Every year thousands of young Buddhists graduate from universities and colleges, but their talents go untapped. This was a big loss to the Buddhist community. Without new ideas and involvement from graduates, Buddhist societies could only run routine activities that attract a small crowd.

BGF was formed to redress this problem back then. Its purpose was to gather young graduates as well as working professionals for spiritual friendship and enhance their knowledge and skills for Dhamma work. Since then, BGF has grown from strength to strength and embraces all various groups. Our roots are in the Pali Tradition and we are non-sectarian in our approach.


We started in a single storey house in Damansara Utama, Petaling Jaya and moved 6 times. Our former location for 14 years was in Section 17, Petaling Jaya (bordering SS2). We have moved for the 7th time to our new permanent home, BGF @ Ara Damansara since Wesak 2014. Come visit us!


BGF plays a pivotal role to bring about the "Transformation of the Malaysian Buddhist community". Our motto is “Growing People, Inspiring the Future”. For over a quarter century, BGF has been nurturing Buddhist leaders. It organizes many programs with impact on Buddhist communities within the country as well as internationally. BGF also organizes camps for undergraduates, trains leaders to speak effectively in public, runs courses on counselling skills, and conducts training courses for Dhamma speakers. It runs weekly meditation sessions and organizes talks and public forums by local and international Dhamma speakers. Its innovative programs and approaches are adopted by other groups within as well as outside the country. Many of its early members had pioneered the formation of other Buddhist societies in the country.


We plan to transform the Malaysian Buddhist community through our "Eight Areas of Focus".


We focus on eight core areas of activities that will paved the way for the transformation of the Malaysian Buddhist community. They are:

i) Buddhist Education

ii) Counselling Services

iii) Creative & Performing Arts

iv) Dhamma Propagation

v) Research and Publication

vi) Spiritual Development

vii) Training & Leadership

viii) Youth Development

Buddhist Global Relief

Address:   PO Box 1611, Sparta NJ 07871
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Humanitarian Organization
Phone: 888.852.7579
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Chairperson, Founder: Bhikkhu Bodhi  
Executive Director: Kim Behan  Email  (Phone: 888.852.7579)
Notes and Events:

The mission of Buddhist Global Relief (BGR) is to combat chronic hunger and malnutrition. We sponsor projects that promote hunger relief for poor communities around the world. We pursue our mission by: • providing direct food aid to people afflicted by hunger and malnutrition • helping develop better long-term methods of sustainable food production and management appropriate to the cultures and traditions of the beneficiaries • promoting the education of girls and women, so essential in the struggle against poverty and malnutrition • giving women an opportunity to start right livelihood projects to support their families. We also seek to raise awareness of global hunger and advocate for an international food system that exemplifies social justice and conduces to ecological sustainability.



Buddhist Group Jerusalem

Address: c/o Anya Kirzner Hahistadrut 20/7 Jerusalem, 94230  
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Karma Kagyu, Diamond Way
Phone: +972 (0) 544766872, +972 (0) 527220364
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Spiritual Director: the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje  
Notes and Events:

 Meditation: Tuesday, Thursday at 20:30, Friday at 13:00

Buddhist Group Newcastle upon Tyne

Address: Newcastle Diamond Way Buddhism 1a/b Bolingbrocke street (above sewing shop), Heaton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE6 2TT 7ET   Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Tyne and Wear Newcastle NE6 5PH
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan - Karma Kagyu
Affiliation: Diamond way
Phone: 07752475473
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Our group was established in 2002 and is one of over 500 centres and groups of the Karma Kagyu Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism that were established by Lama Ole Nydahl and his wife Hannah throughout the world.

Buddhist Group of Kendal

Address: 40 Low Fellside   Kendal Cumbria LA9
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Theravada
Phone: 01539-729793
E-mail: see website
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Spiritual Adviser: Ven. Henepola Gunaratana Maha Thera  
Teacher: Venerable Pidiville Piyatissa Maha Thera  
Notes and Events:

BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) was founded in 1991 and celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2016.

BGKT holds an open meeting on the 3rd Sunday of the month (except December), from 2.00 - 4.30pm.

Venue: Castle Street Community Centre, Castle Street, Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 7AD. Detached Room - entrance on the side of the building.

Open meetings are led by lay teachers authorized by the Theravada Buddhist Sangha [Community of Theravada Buddhist Monks].


25th Anniversary Celebrations

Buddhist Group Tel Aviv

Address: c/o Alex Yurovsky & Shay Lavi 71/8 ISR-64382 Tel Aviv National  Tel Aviv
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Karma Kagyu, Diamond Way
Phone: +972 (52) 7467763,
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Teacher: Lama Ole Nidal  
Main Contact: Alex  Email  (Phone: +972-527467763)
Spiritual Director: the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje  
Notes and Events:

Our centers all around the world  presents Tibetan Diamond Way buddhism and about the activities of the lay meditation groups and centers located in Israel, under the spiritual guidance of the 17th Karmapa, Thaye Dorje, and directed by Lama Ole Nydahl. You can receive here links to information about the roots of buddhism and its terminology, about its philosophy and history, workshops, books, videos and articles; as well as access to the practice of Buddhist meditations – methods for realizing the potential of body, speech and mind.

Buddhist Hermitage Lunas

Address: Lot 297, Kampung Seberang Sungai 09600 Lunas, Kedah Darulaman, Malaysia.  Kedah
Tradition: Theravada, Mahasi Sayadaw
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Vipassana Meditation Retreats in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition.

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