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Centro Budista Vajrayana

Address: c/ Fabrica 8  Mahadahonda Madrid 28220
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nueva Tradición Kadampa
Affiliation: Nueva Tradición Kadampa
Phone: 00 (34) 699 11 08 39
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Cordinador Programas Espirituales: Kelsang Yhamyang  
Teacher: Kelsang Chokga  
Spiritual Director: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
Notes and Events:

Las meditaciones y prácticas budistas que se enseñan en el Centro Budista Vajrayana son apropiadas para todo tipo de personas, cualquiera que sea su nivel de interés, desde aquellos que desean tan sólo relajarse, hasta aquellos que desean encontrar paz interior y felicidad duradera a través de seguir un camino espiritual. El Centro Vajrayana pertenece a la Nueva Tradición Kadampa, Unión Internacional de Budismo Kadampa, y es un proyecto único que funciona gracias al esfuerzo y la colaboración altruista de muchas personas. De este modo, el budismo abre sus puertas al mundo occidental adaptandosa a nuestro modo de vida y costumbres.

Centro de Estudos Budistas Bodisatva - CEBB Joinville

Address: Rua Lages, 375, sala 3 - Centro (em frente ao estacionamento do Habibs, na mesma sala do Grupo de Estudos Kalachakra) Joinville - SC - Brasil Telefone: [47] 9627.5885 Email:  Joinville
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: CEBB - Lama Padma Samten
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Notes and Events:

O Grupo de Estudos Budistas Bodisatva, é um grupo de práticas ligado ao CEBB, que tem a direção do Lama Padma Samten. O Lama Samten foi ordenado por  Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche em 1996, é brasileiro e foi professor de física na UFRGS, por 25 anos. Lama Samten conduz diversos grupos de prática por todo Brasil.

Centro de Meditación Budista Drikung Kagyu

Address: Mayflower 2429, Providencia. (a pasos del Metro Estación Bilbao)  Santiago
Tradition: Mahayana, Vajrayana, Drikung Kagyu
Phone: (056-02) 417-90-18
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Spiritual Director: Khenpo Phuntzok Tenzin Rinpoche  Email  (Phone: (056-02) 417-90-18)
Main Contact: Secretary  (Phone: (056-02) 417-90-18)
Notes and Events:

El Centro de Meditación Budista Drikung Kagyu, con sede en Santiago de Chile, es el representante en nuestro país de este Linaje desde el año 1987.

En Chile este Centro está estructurado como una Corporación sin fines de lucro con personalidad jurídica desde el año 1990, siendo fiscalizada por el Ministerio de Justicia. Su financiamiento proviene fundamentalmente de aportes socios y colaboradores, y de lo recaudado en diversas actividades.

Centro De Meditacion Budista K.T.C.

Address: Dalle 63 no. 3-04 Bogota, Cundinamarca 57 Colombia   Bogotá
Tradition: Vajrayana, Kagyu - Tibetan
Phone: (571) 249 7813
Fax: (571) 249 8915
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Main Contact: Fernando Salazar  Email  
Spiritual Director: Lama Robert Tsultrim Tarchin  
Notes and Events:

Our activities include mainly: Teachings on Kagyu Buddhist tradition, Meditation (Shamatha-Shine, Mahamudra) Empowerments, Ngondro (preliminary), Practices in Tibetan, Holiday Celebrations, including New and Full Moon.

We also organize special events & activitities for the Sangha such as: Learnig to do Tormas and Shrine settings, Mandalas, Tangka paintings, Yoga, Tai Chi and Chi Gongs.

Every year we are blessed by having High Lamas visit us from abroad for special teachings and empowerments, as well as short term retreats (daily or week ends).

Centro de Meditación Budista Yamantaka

Address: Carrera 27 # 61 D - 27   Bogotá 11001000
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gelugpa
Affiliation: FPMT Inc.
Phone: 5478603
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Main Contact: Olga Lucia Sierra  (Phone: 3112510993 )
Teacher: Geshe Lobsang Kunchen  
Spiritual Director: Lama Zopa Rimpoche  
Notes and Events:

Somos un centro Budista dedicado a la meditación y el estudio del Budismo Tibetano. Desde la fundación del centro nuestro propósito principal ha sido el de ayudar al mayor número de personas por medio de las prácticas Budistas para transformar la mente.

Lama Zopa Rimpoché, nuestro director espiritual, nació en 1946 en Solu Khumbu (Nepal) y fue reconocido a la edad de 3 años como la encarnación del lama de Lawudo, un gran meditador de su región. Nuestro guía espiritual es Su Santidad el Dalai Lama.

Gracias a la amabilidad de Lama Zopa Rimpoche, nos fue asignado un maestro residente para Colombia. Se trata del maestro tibetano Geshe Lobsang Kunchen, quien actualmente reside en el Centro Yamantaka.

Centro de Retiros Karuna

Address: Apartado 1, 8550 Monchique - Algarve, Portugal Organização de ensinamentos, seminários e retiros.  
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +351969301486
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Founder: Balkrishna Maganlal  
Teacher: Balkrishna Maganlal  
Notes and Events:

Karuna Retreat Center was inspired by the teachings of HH Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, HH Dudjom Rinpoche, Kangyur Rinpoche and Tulku Pema Wangyal Rinpoche and conceived by Dr. Balkrishna Maganlal after he completed a 3 years meditation retreat

Following a visit to Portugal in the early 90s, Tulku Pema Wangyal Rinpoche suggested the creation of a retreat/mediation center in Monchique,   Construction work started in 1992 and by 1997 many renowned teachers started coming to Karuna. Karuna was built thanks to the generosity, love, effort and hard work of many friends from different backgrounds and nationalities.

Throughout the years, and for the benefit of all sentient beings, many teachers have visited and shared their wisdom at this place. Amongst those  teachers we'd like to mention: Tulku Pema Wangyal Rinpoche, Trulshik Rinpoche, Jigme Kyentse Rinpoche, Norbu Rinpoche, Mingyur Rinpoche, Swami Ajay, amongst others.

Karuna hosts, on a regular basis, meditation, yoga and other retreats.

Centro de Retiros Thubten Phuntsog Gephel Ling

Address: Estrada Nacional 253 (km. 45.8), Herdade Corte Pereiro, Santa Susana Centro de Retiros   Santa Susana 7580
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma School: Longchen Nyingthik & Chokling Tersar
Phone: 265102162
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Spiritual Director: Lama Gyurme  Email  
Notes and Events:

Secret Mantra, Sang Ngak in Tibetan or Guhya Mantra in Sanskrit, is a synonym of Vajrayana or Tantric Teachings.

And the Community, or Sangha, refers to the set of practitioners of the Secret Mantra, or Mantrikas, also known in Tibetan as Ngakpas, those who use the mantra and belong to the non-monastic Lineage tradition of Tantric Buddhism.

These Teachings and approach to practice are particularly significant for people looking to integrateVajrayana Buddhism with a "normal" family life in the modern world.

The Ngakpa Tradition although not very known in the West has within it some of the greatest and well-known Masters of Tibetan Buddhism including Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Kyabje Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche and His Holiness Orgyen Kusum Lingpa.

Thus, the Guhya Mantrika Community is an international community of Tibetan Buddhist practitioners of the Old Nyingma and Kagyu Schools, founded by Lama Urgyen Chökyi Dorje andLama Gyurme. 

Our centers, retreat places and groups or study centers and practice aim to preserve and disseminate the ancient traditions of the Lineage of Practice of Dzogchen, Mahamudra and Chöd; offering a rare opportunity to access a deeper education focused on the Tibetan Buddhist Yogic Tradition.

Centro Ganden Choeling Menorca

Address: C/ Santandria, km. 1   Ciutadella 07660
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gelugpa, Tibetan
Phone: 971 480 223
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Spiritual Director: Geshe Tenzing Tamding  
Notes and Events:

Teachings and meditation Mondays and Tuesdays from 20-22p.m., Saturdays from 18-20p.m.

Special event: 10 years course, starting 9-15 of April in Menorca

Centro Sati

Address:   Latina Lazio 04100
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Santacittarama Buddhist Monastery
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Teacher: John Angelori  
Notes and Events:

Centro Sati is a small meeting place for people interested in Theravada Buddhism, vipassana meditation and yoga. Meetings are generally conducted in Italian but the main teacher John Angelori is a native English speaker.

Centro Sati è uno spazio dedicato alla pratica nel quale possono incontrarsi persone interessate al buddhismo Theravada, alla meditazione vipassana, e allo yoga. Gli incontri sono tenuti in italiano ma l\\\'insegnante principale John Angelori parla inglese.

Centro Studi Maitri Buddha

Address: Via Guglielminetti 9   Torino Piemonte 10100
Tradition: Mahayana, HH Dalai Lama
Affiliation: Gelupa
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Spiritual Director: Lobsang Sanghye  
Notes and Events:

Il Centro fu fondato da Ghesce RABTEN Rinpoce (C.Maitri)
Padre Spirituale Ven Geshe Sonam JANGCHUB - Università monastica di GADEN (India)

Responsabile degli insegnamenti :

Il Centro si propone di diffondere gli insegnamenti ed i valori del Buddismo antico e del Buddismo dell\'India del Nord (Mahayana) così come furono trasmessi al Tibet negli anni 1000 secondo latradizione di S . S . il DALAI LAMA.
I corsi riguardano studi prolungati di testi sulla saggezza, logica e linguaggio, sulla mente e le sue funzioni. I seminari riguardano investigazioni specifiche, utili per sradicare i caratteri egoici della mente.

Hanno insegnato in questo centro grandi Maestri, tra cui

Ghesce Rabten Rinpoche, l\'Abate Ghedun Sangpo, Ghesce Tobten, L\'Abate J.Tegchock Rinpoche, Ghesce Jampa Ghiatzo, Ghesce Jampa Lodro, Ghesce T.Gompo, Lama Gonsar Rimpoce, Ghesce Sonam Jang Chub, Ghesce Tashi Bum, Ghesce Namgyel, Lama Jang Chub, Lama Choden Rinpoche.

Centro SYZ

Address:   Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires 1096
Tradition: Mahayana, (Lin Ji) Budismo Chan
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Main Contact: Centro SYZ  Email  
Spiritual Director: Fa Chao Shakya  Email  
Notes and Events:

Centro SYZ es un sitio dedicado a la diseminación / enseñanza del Budismo Chan (Zen).

Centro Zen Anshin

Address: via Ettore Rolli 49   Rome Lazio 00153
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Affiliation: Sanshin Zen Community
Phone: 0039.065811678
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Spiritual Director: Shohaku Okumura Roshi  
Teacher: Guglielmo Doryu Cappelli  
Co-teacher: Annamaria Gyoetsu Epifanìa  
Notes and Events:

Anshin Zen Center is a Zen Soto Buddhism practice center.
Heads and Teachers of the Centre are Annamaria Gyoetsu Epifania and Guglielmo Doryu Cappelli, Soto Zen monks, disciples of Shohaku Okumura Roshi.
The centre’s activities are:

Zazen practice ( Meditation)

Zazen instruction for beginners

Sutra ceremonies and recitation of sacred texts

Group studies on Buddhist doctrine and topics

Intensive daily practice: zazen, samu (manual labour), formal meals, study

Futher activities include: lecture and film shows, fund raising initiatives, meetings with schools, interreligious dialogue.

Centro Zen Buddhista Argentino

Tradition: Mahayana, Non-Sectarian, South American Zen, Tierra Pura, Jogye, Chan.
Phone: 54-11-1532344921
Contact: (Kumgang Poep Sa Nim)  
Main Contact: Office  Email  
Teacher: (Kumgang Poep Sa Nim)  
Spiritual Director: Kumgang Poep Sa Nim  Email  
Notes and Events:

Bienvenidos al CZBA. Cualquier persona puede iniciarse en la práctica del Buddhismo Zen, rogamos enviar un email para solicitar entrevista y poder darles los horarios actualizados y la dirección completa. Gracias

Join us. Sitting Zen, Walking Zen and Chanting Zen.

Dharma Talks in English available.

Centro Zen de México A.R.

Address: Calle G, Manzana XII, No. 18 Col. Educación, Coyoacán  México D.F Distrito Federal 04400
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto/Rinzai. Maezumi Roshi
Affiliation: Soto Japan
Phone: 56-89-71-53
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Teacher: Tesshin Sanderson  
Spiritual Director: Tesshin Sanderson  
Notes and Events:
DE 7:00 A 9:00 P.M.


DE 5:20 A 7:00 A.M.

DE 7:00 A 9:00 A.M.
DE 9:00 A 9:20


Centro Zen Dominicano

Address: Ave. Teodoro Chasseriau (La Privada) No. 21, El Millon   Distrito Nacional 14149
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Buddhism
Affiliation: White Plum Lineage
Phone: (809) 473-7434
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Teacher: Grover Genro Gauntt Roshi  
Spiritual Director: Joaquin Ryusho Salazar  Email  (Phone: (809) 399-8690)
Notes and Events:

We are members of the Zen Peacemaker Order whose teacher is Bernie Tetsugen Glassman, disciple of Maezumi Roshi.

Our Head Teacher was given Denkai ordination at the Hudson River Peacemaker Center by Paco Lugoviña and Roshi Genro Gauntt.

We are members of the White Plum order and have weekly zazen meetings.

Centro Zen L'Arco - Zenmonji

Address: Piazza Dante 15   Rome 00185
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen - Shunryu Suzuki Lineage
Affiliation: San Francisco Zen Center
Phone: +390670497919
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Spiritual Director: Dario Doshin Girolami  
Notes and Events:

The Centro Zen L'Arco - Zenmon Ji (Zen gate Temple) - is a Religious Association affiliated with the San Francisco founded by Shunryu Suzuki Roshi (author of the famous book Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind), and associated with the European Buddhist Union and Italian Buddhist Union. The core of our activity is sitting meditation or zazen. Besides zazen, we also practise walking meditation or kinhin and the chanting of traditional text or sutras. We also study the doctrine itself as well as Buddhist philosophy in general and several practices traditionally related to Zen, such as the Tea Ceremony, the Meal Ceremony and the sewing of the Buddha's Robe. We also organize retreats or sesshin, of one or more days, both in town and in the countryside.The Centro Zen L'Arco is open to people of every age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality and physical ability.

Cetiya Dipa Sarana

Address: Jl. Otto Iskandardinata No. 80 Kota Tangerang  Province Banten 15000
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +622155776783
Fax: +622155767066
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Notes and Events:

Buddhist Teacher Member of Cetiya Dipa Sarana 2010

  1. Kurniawan
  2. Wiria Kalyana, BBA
  3. Rohedi, SAB
  4. Waliyanto, S.Ag.
  5. Subagyo, S.Ag.
  6. Christian Chandra
  7. Warsito, A.Ma.Pd.
  8. Aji Nugroho, S.Ag.
  9. Jusup Tjarmedi
  10. Shadagunawi
  11. Ria Anis Purwaningrum, S.Ag.
  12. Sri Multianingsih, S.Ag.
  13. Sumantoro, S.Ag.
  14. Mulyani, S.Pd.
  15. Juanti, S.Ag.
  16. Sobiyanto, SE

Cetiya Dipa Sarana Dharma Putra

Address: Jl. Otto Iskandardinata No. 80   Tangerang City Jakarta 15113
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Kanwil Depag Propinsi Banten
Phone: +62215525277
Fax: +6255767066
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Notes and Events:

Cetiya Dipa Sarana Dharma Putra adalah Cetiya yang digunakan oleh para siswa-siswi di Sekolah Dharma Putra untuk melakukan kegiatan praktik ibadah dengan tata cara dan tradisi Theravada dibawah pembinaan Yang Mulia Bhikkhu Sukhemo Mahathera yang lebih sering berdomisili di Vihara Jakarta Dhammacakka Jaya, Sunter, Jakarta Utara.

Chag-tong Chen-tong Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Centre

Address:   Snug TAS 7054
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gelugpa FPMT
Affiliation: FPMT Inc.
Phone: +61484381713 or +61410569909
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Main Contact: Lindy Mailhot  Email  
Notes and Events:

Guided meditation : Discussion : Methods to transform the mind : Develop a good heart 

 We provide: 

  • Weekly study group meetings in central Hobart with Dr Sonam Takchoe
  • Also regular visiting teachers
  • Retreat Opportuinities
  • Buddhist library borrowing facilities
  • Gift and Book Shop
  • Volunteering Opportunities
  • access to an international community network of support and facilities.
Postal address: PO Box 195 Snug 7054 TAS

Chagdud Gonpa Amrita - Edmonds WA

Address: 9653 Firdale Avenue   Edmonds WA 98020
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Nyingma
Affiliation: Chagdud Gonpa Foundation.
Phone: (206) 546-8095
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Notes and Events:

Chagdud Gonpa Foundation was established in 1983 by Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche to preserve Nyingma teachings and to provide instruction in the traditions of Vajrayana Buddhism, especially the arts, philosophy, and meditation practices.

Chagdud Gonpa Amrita is the Seattle branch of Chagdud Gonpa Foundation.  Since 1983, it has provided a place for beginning students and long-time practitioners to gather for teachings and practice in the Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.

Chagdud Gonpa Uruguay Sengue Dzong

Address: Ruta 81 - 2da seccion judicial de Lavalleja   Lavalleja - Aguas Blancas
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma - Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche
Affiliation: Chagdud Gonpa Hispanoamerica
Phone: 59899700135
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Main Contact: Ana Carla Vergara  Email  (Phone: 59899700135)
Teacher: Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche  
Spiritual Director: Chagdud Khadro  
Notes and Events:

Chagdud Gonpa Hispanoamerica was founded to fulfill H. E. Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche´s aspiration to establish the Buddha dharma—particularly the Nyingmapa lineages of Tibetan Vajrayana—in the Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America. Since Rinpoches Parinirvana in 2002, the organization is under the spiritual direction of Rinpoches wife and student, Chagdud Khadro.

Chagdud Gonpa Uruguay belong to an international network of Spanish speaking centers at South America where its headquarter is Chagdud Gonpa at Tibet and Sengue Dzong (Lion Fortress) is its temple placed at Lavalleja - Uruguay. At Uruguay, about an hour and a half from Montevideo amid beautiful hills, Sengue Dzong has been built of stone in the style of Eastern Tibet and Bhutan and its interior is now being ornamented. We are doing daily practices as Red Tara and monthly trainings about Four Reflections that Change the Mind are offered at Sengue Dzong.

Cham Shan Temple of Australia

Address: 85 Freemans Drive   Morisset NSW 2264
Tradition: Mahayana, Pure Land, Chinese Tiantai
Phone: 4973-2618
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Teacher: Venerable Wai Yim  
Notes and Events:

International Buddhist Cham Shan Temple of Australia is a Buddhist Temple of Tiantai School situated in Morisset, located in the Central Coast of NSW.

The temple was founded in 1995 with the goal to serve the Australian community through Dharma teachings (teachings of the Buddha) and spiritual guidance.

To build the temple a piece of farm land was purchased in 1996, and through many hardships, it has developed into what it is today.

A building to the left of the grounds was completed in 2008, comprising of a chanting hall, library, etc. The chanting hall houses the statues of Amitabha Buddha, Kwan Yin (Avalokitesvara) Bodhisattva and Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva of Pureland.

Library service with a collection of Buddhist materials is also available for the public to borrow   ENGLISH VERSION OF WEBSITE.

Cham Tse Ling

Address: University of Central Lancashire  Preston PR1
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nalanda Tradition
Affiliation: Patron: H.H. Dalai Lama
Phone: 01772726481
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Main Contact: Eileen Maher  Email  (Phone: 01772 726481)
Notes and Events:

Cham Tse Ling meets weekly, in room 308 Harrington building, University of Central Lancashire, at 7.00 for 7.30 start.
Teachings are arranged throughout the year, conntact by phone or email for further information.

Friendly group, all welcome!

Chan Community Canada

Address: 45-7540 Abercrombie dr   Richmond BC v6Y 3Y8
Tradition: Mahayana, Master Sheng Yen : Caodong (Soto) and Linji ( Rinzai)
Affiliation: Chinese Zen
Phone: 778-996-1731
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Main Contact: Diane Kennedy  Email  (Phone: 778-989-9858)
Teacher: William Tsao  
Spiritual Director: Chan Master Guo Jun  
Notes and Events:

We are a nonprofit organization committed to providing authentic Chan teachings and retreats with a Canadian flavour. Our primary teacher Chan Master Guo Jun, a Dharma heir of Chan Master Sheng Yen, carries transmission in both the Linji and Caodong tradition. William Tsao is our local Senior teacher. Our aim is to reduce personal suffering through the development of a way of life that encourages fresh awareness of being and new orientation to ones place in the cosmos. Training emphasizes calming the mind, gaining insight into the functioning of the self and mindful conscientious living for the benefit of all. We support communities by organizing local meditation sessions, Dharma talks and retreats.

Chan Meditation Center

Address: 90-56 Corona Ave.  Elmhurst NY 11373
Tradition: Mahayana, Chan/Zen
Affiliation: Dharma Drum Mountain
Phone: 718-592-6593
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Dharma Teacher: Guo Gu  Email  
Teacher: Ven. Guo Ming  
Main Contact: Ven. Chang Wu  Email  
Spiritual Director: Master Sheng Yen  
Dharma Teacher: Ven. Guo Chian  Email  
Notes and Events:

Welcome to the website of the Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association, the Chan Meditation Center (CMC). Our prime teacher is Ven. Master Sheng Yen (Shifu), who has taught Buddhism in the West since 1976. We offer ongoing programs (which include retreats at the Dharma Drum Retreat Center, located south of the Catskills, NY), publications (which include teachings of Master Sheng Yen in text and multimedia formats for free distribution), as well as other original material that you will find useful in your practice.

Our mission is to bring about the caring of life as a whole through cultural and educational activities, as well as the practice of meditation. We promote four environmental goals -- spiritual, social, living, and natural -- to help practitioners achieve peace and harmony of the body, the mind, the family and their careers. it is hoped that upon participating in our activities, practitioners from all over the world will be able to enjoy tranquility and peace, and live a life full of respect and security.

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