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Sri Ratana International Buddhist Meditation Center.
Address: 806 N Normandie Avenue Los Angeles CA 90029
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 323 6630282
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Teacher: Venerable B.Sumana
Main Contact: Venerable B.Sumana
Spiritual Director: Venerable P.Chandavimala
Notes and Events:
Sri Ratana international Buddhist center is non secretarian open for any Buddhists in Los Angeles area,We serve for manyfield, Meditation,Sunday school for children,housewarming,funeral service,chanting,and counselling,
Meditation on Sunday,3-5 pm,
everything is free of charge donations are well come
All service are done by Sinhalese and English.
All beings be well happy and peaceful.
Sri Saddhatissa International Buddhist Centre
Address: SSIBC
309-311, Kingsbury Road
Kingsbury London NW9 9PE
Tradition: Theravada,
Phone: +44 20 8204 3301
Fax: +44 20 8933 9395
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Main Contact: Ven. Galayaye Piyadassi MBE Email (Phone: +44 20 8204 3301)
Teacher: Ven. N Sumana
Spiritual Director: Ven. Galayaye Piyadassi MBE Email (Phone: +44 20 8204 3301)
Notes and Events:
Sri Saddhatissa International Buddhist Centre has two principal aims: to promote the understanding of Buddhism in the West, and to preserve the Buddhist culture among its supporters.
At the Sri Saddhatissa International Buddhist Centre you might find:
Sri Subodharama International Buddhist Center
Address: Eriyagama, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Peradeniya Central 20400
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +94 81 2 388080
Fax: +94 81 2 387568
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Wattegama Dhammawasa Nayaka Thero Email (Phone: +94 81 2 388080)
Notes and Events:
Sri Vijayananada Royal temple
Address: Habarakada, Tawalama, Galle Tawalama, Galle Southern
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Malwatte chapter, Kandy Srilanka
Phone: 0094718411701
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Secretory: Mr.U Wijewardhana
President: Mr I. Wijewantha (Phone: 00 94 913 783 180)
Main Contact: Ven Eppala soratha thero Email (Phone: 00 94 71 841 1701)
Teacher: Ven.Eppala Soratha thero
Spiritual Director: Most Ven. Habarakada Indarathana nahimi Email (Phone: 00 94 718174170)
Notes and Events:
One of the oldest Temples in Southern province belong to the Kings time. Now for more than 50 years it is became best known Buddhist monastic institute where many learned monks produced for Theravada tradition.
Conducting annual educational, social and spiritual programmes for the benefits of all the devotees and for the public for many years.This center has sponsored a Professional educational & technical training Institute.
Apart from the monastic school there is one of the biggest Sunday Dhamma school in the area.
Sri Vijayananda Dhamma Institute
Address: Sinhapura, Hokandara South Hokandara,Colombo Western
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Malwatte chapter , Kandy Srilanka
Phone: 00 94 112 563 985
Fax: same
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Asiistant: Ven Saranankara thero Email (Phone: 00 94 718174250)
Deputy monk: Ven. Udugama Sudassi thero Email (Phone: 00 94 714487670)
Main Contact: Ven Lelwala Ariyadhamma Email (Phone: 00 94 71827 80 20)
Teacher: Bhante H. Indarathana naahimi
Spiritual Director: Ve, Habarakada Indarathana nayayak thero Email (Phone: 00 94 112 563 985)
Notes and Events:
One of the leading temples in the area. Started by Ven Tawalama Dhammika, actually the Head of the Geneva International Buddhist Center, developed as one of the fully completed temples with all facilities in the area.
Sunday Dhamma school, various annual activities, counselling and many other educational, social and humanitarians activities are undertaking each year for the benefits of many in the area.
Srikanth Vasireddy
Address: 801 SW Thorncroft Ave Bentonville AS 72713
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 4792508087
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Spiritual Director: Venerable Bhante Mahindasiri Thero
Notes and Events:
Meditation, Self Development, Buddhist teachings
Address: No:10, Grampian Court, Grampian Road,L7 0JX, Liverpool Liverpool Edge Lane Liverpool L70JX
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 0044-1513529504
E-mail: -
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Main Contact: Rev. B. Piyarathana Thero Email (Phone: 0044-7952933308)
Spiritual Director: Rev. K. Gunawansa Thero
Notes and Events:
Meditation & Relaxing Yoga
Meditation sessions are held on Sundays at 5. p.m. You can get allocate convenient time for you to meditate by calling us.
St Petersburg Kadampa Buddhist Center
Address: c/o Living Room Yoga, 1608 29th Ave North St Petersburg FL 33713
Tradition: Vajrayana, New Kadampa Tradition Tibetan
Affiliation: New Kadampa Tradition
Phone: (727) 797-9770
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Teachers: Angus Berry
Teacher: Gen Kelsang Demo
Spiritual Director: Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
Notes and Events:
Starkville Zen Dojo
Address: 231 Santa Anita Drive, Starkville, MS 39759 MS
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto, Sawaki-Deshimaru
Phone: (662) 263-4754
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Main Contact: Tony Bland (Phone: 662-263-4754)
Notes and Events:
Zazen 3x a week; periodic sesshin; opportunities for individual instruction from teacher.
Starry Sky Zen Center
Address: 3225 N 91st Street Milwaukee WI 53222
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Rinzai Zen
Phone: 4148030561
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Spiritual Director: Erik Richardson (Phone: 4148030561)
Notes and Events:
We come together each week for meditation and discussion of practices in the Zen tradition. Visitors always welcome; please contact if interested in dropping in.
Stevens Point Area Buddhist Congregation
Address: Frame Memorial Presbyterian Church
1300 Main Street.
Stevens Point, WI WI 56681
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: (715) 366-2444
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Main Contact: Steve Bartelt Email (Phone: (715) 366-2444)
Notes and Events:
While we are ostensibly a Buddhist Sangha, we are more interested in exploring the Dharma, and, most importantly, practicing meditation, primarily according to the teachings of the Buddha, than we are in identifying ourselves as Buddhists, or affiliating with any Buddhist institution. Our format is simple: We gather once a week (Sunday, 5:00 PM, in Frame Memorial Presbyterian Church, at 1300 Main St. Stevens Point) for a half-hour of silent meditation, followed, usually, by a reading someone has brought in, or some impromptu discussion. We find that being part of a Sangha helps keep our practice fresh and vital.
Stichting Buddho
Address: Engweg 53 Driebergen 3972JD
Tradition: Theravada, Samatha
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Main Contact: Wouter Doorn
Teacher: Herman Schreuder
Notes and Events:
Onze missie is mensen in staat te stellen moreel, aandachtig en betekenisvol te leven, in de geest van het Theravāda boeddhisme.
De stichting is van mening dat de methode van samatha-meditatie (concentratie-meditatie) op buddho hier een waardevolle en essentiële bijdrage aan kan leveren.
Stichting Dhammadipa Vipassana Meditation Center
Address: St. Pieterspoortsteeg 29-1 Amsterdam Noord-Holland 1012 HM
Tradition: Theravada, Mahasi Sayadaw - Satipathana
Affiliation: Wat Buddhavihara, Purmerend, the Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)20 6264984
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Main Contact: Peter Lange Email
Teacher: Dhammuttamo (Adi Ichsan)
Spiritual Director: Aad Verboom Email
Notes and Events:
Dhammadipa Vipassana Meditation Center Amsterdam (perviously known as Sangha Metta or Buddhavihara Meditation Center Amsterdam) provides meditation evenings, weekends and courses for beginners and experienced meditators; courses in Abhidhamma and Sasana Theravada Buddhism.
Stichting Sangha Metta
Address: Doomhoeve 4 Maastricht 6225 DG
Tradition: Theravada, Vipassana Bhavana
Affiliation: Wat Buddhavihara, Purmerend, Netherlands
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Notes and Events:
Sangha Metta provides retreats primarely Vipassana meditation.
Also Brahmavihara retreats and retreats tailored for specific groups like elderly people or LHBTQ groups. And Insight Dialogue retreats.
There are 6 local Vipassana teachers but we invite international teachers. Bhante Sujiva, Shaila Catherine, sister Viranyani and Pascal Auclair.
The retreats are mostly held at the International Theosophical Center in Naarden, Netherlands.
Stichting White Jade River
Address: Boszicht 57 Goes Zeeland 4462BJ
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: (+31) 0681155764
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Ratana
Notes and Events:
Online publication centre on contemporry Buddhism and Mahayana doctrine.
Stiftung Felsentor
Address: Romiti - Rigi Vitznau Luzern 6354
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Zen
Phone: +41 (0) 41 397 17 76
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Notes and Events:
Zen Meditationshaus. Buddhistisch-christlicher Dialog. Seminare, Workshops und Kurse.
Still Point Zen Center
Address: N1811 Knorr Road Random Lake WI 53075
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Hollow Bones Rinzai Zen Shu
Phone: 920-994-8650
Fax: 920-994-8650
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Main Contact: Khyati Penney Johns Email (Phone: 920-994-8650)
Teacher: Rev Meru Danda
Spiritual Director: Rev Meru Danda Email (Phone: 920-994-8650)
Notes and Events:
Weekly Meditation services: 7:00pm-8:30pm Tuesday and 7:00am-8:30am Saturday.
StoneWater Zen Derbyshire
Address: Bolsover Assembly Hall, Hill Top
Chesterfield S44 6NG
bolsover Derbyshire S44 6NG
Tradition: Mahayana, Taizan Maezumi
Affiliation: stonewater zen
Phone: 07412563924
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Main Contact: mark shawcroft (Phone: 07412563924)
Spiritual Director: Keizan Scott Sensei
Teacher: Keizan Scott Sensei
Notes and Events:
We generally sit Zazen for 2 periods then have tea and a study period.
Beginners are most welcome
For more info please see
Bolsover Assembly Hall, Hill To Chesterfield S44 6NG
THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:30 until 9:90.
StoneWater Zen Liverpool
Address: (Previously Liverpool Zen Group)
The Dojo, Top Floor
13 Hope Street Liverpool Liverpool L1 9BH
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto / Rinzai Zen (Maezumi Roshi)
Affiliation: White Plum Asangha
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Teacher: David Shoji Scott
Spiritual Director: Tenshin Fletcher Roshi
Notes and Events:
Sitting Monday & Wednesday evenings at 7.00pm - arrive 6.45 or earlier please. Beginners please see our website for details of introductory sessions.
We also hold regular monthly zazen days, occasional beginners courses, several weekend retreats in the Lake District and two annual week-long sesshins.
Subang Jaya Buddhist Association (Vihara Buddha)
Address: 12593, Jalan Kewajipan, SS13 Subang Jaya Selangor 47500
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +603-56348181
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Vice President: Ng Swee Aun Email
President: Chim Siew Choon Email
Notes and Events:
Sunday: 9.30am Puja Service and Announcements 10.00 - 11.00am Dhamma Talks (in English and Mandarin) 10.00 -12.00pm Teen Quest Gathering 9.00 -11.15am Sunday Dhamma School for children 2.00 - 6.00pm Meditation (self-practice) • Monday 8.30pm Metta Bhavana (loving-kindness meditation) • Wednesday 8.30pm Satipatthana Vipassana Bhavana (insight meditation) • Friday 8.00pm Youth Section Gathering.
Subang Jaya Buddhist Association (Youth Section)
Address: Lot PT 12593, Jalan Kewajipan, SS13 Subang Jaya Selangor 47500
Tradition: Theravada
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Main Contact: Lee Jin Hwa Email (Phone: +60126410996)
Notes and Events:
In November 1992, a young man attended the Sunday morning Puja at the Subang Jaya Buddhist Association made an interesting observation. He noticed that there were many adults and children, but hardly any teenagers. This sparked a thought: what SJBA really needed was a section catering for youths to gather and interact while learning the Dhamma. Inspired by this idea, he gathered a group of teenagers and established the SJBA Youth Section. The year was 1993. Over the years, this section grew leaps and bounds under the guidance of that very young man, our dynamic founder and first chairperson, Bro. Ong Beng Chung, and subsequently, his successors who followed. In 1997, we decided to expand our gatherings into two separate sessions in order to fulfill and cater to the needs of two different age groups.
The Young Seekers Gathering, held on Friday night, caters primarily to college or university students and young working adults. Dhamma programs and activities are planned by a committee focusing on members spiritual development. The younger members, however, were given a different approach. Based on the concept of "by the members for the members", our Sundays Teen Quest Gathering sees a vibrant committee running the show with close guidance from their older brothers and sisters in the Youth Section itself. Having a younger committee often translates to having more creative and interesting Dhamma-based programs.
Besides our weekly gatherings that gives the much needed emphasis on Dhamma, our members also take up various projects such as camps, exhibitions, fellowship outings, and welfare activities. Having to take up the responsibility of planning and organizing these projects, our members embark on the practical approach to learning important living-skills such as peers-interaction, social and communication as well as leadership skills.
Through encouraging active participation and continual trainings, we hope to mold our members into responsible and capable Buddhist leaders of tomorrow. Ultimately, when they participate, we also hope that they will come to love and have faith in the Triple Gem and learn how to apply the Dhamma in their daily lives.
Towards a strong and committed youth group to cater for an integrated enhancement of an individuals overall quality with the Triple Gem as the members Supreme Guide.
Living with the Buddha-Dhamma
Sudarshanaloka Retreat Center
Address: Victoria Road
Tararu Valley
Thames Coromandel 3500
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: mixed
Phone: 07 8685340
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Main Contact: Satyananda Email (Phone: 078685341)
Teacher: Sangharakshita
Notes and Events:
Our Retreat Center hosts many varied retreats, workshops and courses with a Buddhist focus and is available for hire by like minded groups.
We also have beautiful self contact retreat cabins available for long or short stays.
Please see our website for up in coming events.
Sugata Buddhist College
Address: Rajashree Mahavihara, Tangal, Lalitpur Lalitpur Bagmati
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Lumbini Buddhist University
Phone: 977-1-5528795
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Teacher: Shanta Harsa Bajracharya
Asst. Professor: Tirtha Ratna Shakya (Phone: 9803034474)
Asst. Professor: Mahendra Shakya (Phone: 9841174720)
Spiritual Director: Mahiswar Raj Bajracharya Email (Phone: 9841881870)
Notes and Events:
NEPAL is well known in the world because of its two prominent locations. The first one is Mount Everest, the highest summit of the world while the second one is Lumbini, the holy spot sanctified by the birth of Lord Buddha. Nepal being the birth land of Lord Buddha, the greatest apostle of world peace, foreigners visiting this country feel themselves glorified and when they step into this land, they expect to learn something solid on Buddhist religion and philosophy.
In 1997 AD when Nepal Buddhist Council was established, there were no suitable environment existed in this Buddhist land for disseminating knowledge on Buddhism. Whereas, in many other countries of the world, like Japan, China, Sri-Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar etc., there are numerous schools, colleges and universities which are being set up for disseminating Buddhist education from different aspects. The World Buddhist Conference organized in New South Wales, Australia from 29th October to 2nd November in the year 1998 has also decided to set up a world Buddhist University and has passed a charter to establish its head office in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. It is a fact known to all.
When the trans-oceanic countries are taking keen interest in Buddhism and setting up educational institutions for spreading its knowledge in a massive scale, it is but an irony of fact that no suitable institutions exist in this Buddhist land for undertaking such a laudable venture. Taking note of all these facts, the Nepal Buddhist Council did venture to operate a free class on Buddhism. In this connection it started a foundation course on Buddhism from Theravada to Bajrayana since 2003 AD. To our pride, the classes were regarded as very successful and has completed its ninth batch till date. Within this time more than 300 participants have successfully completed the course. It has operated many symposiums, talk programmes, seminars, and also had published 13 books and 9 souvenirs with scholarly articles on Buddhism, which have been popular among the readers.
We feel proud to announce that Nepal Buddhist Council is now opening a Buddhist collage in Lalitpur, with the name of Sugata Buddhist College under the affiliation of Lumbini Buddhist University. The objective of this college is to provide education on Master level in Buddhism. We believe the Buddhist education in the college will quench the thrust of the students willing to accomplish their Master Degree in Buddhism in Nepal.
Sugatha Sasana Meditation Center
Address: (The Buddhist Practical Organization)
1294/6A,Parliment Road
Kotte Western
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +94 11 2863635
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Spiritual Director: Most Ven. Erepola Vipassi Thero (Phone: +94 11 2863635)
Contact: Tissa Dissanayake Email (Phone: +960 7834723)
Notes and Events:
Weekly Dhamma Classes
Sunday 9 am - 11 am Nawala YMBA
Sugatha Sasana Meditation Center - Kotte
Tuesday 3 pm - 5 pm
Sugatha Sasana Meditation Center - Kotte
Wednesday 3 pm - 5 pm
Isigiri Silmaw Arane - Malambe
Thursday 3 pm - 5 pm
Sugatha Sasana Meditation Center - Kotte
Saturday 9 am - 11 am (English Dhamma Class)
Sugatha Sasana Meditation Center - Kotte
3 pm - 5 pm
Gothatuwa Maha Vidyalaya -Gothatuwa ,Kolonnawa
Devotional Songs, Virtues of Buddaha, Sathi Pattana,
Dhammapadaya, Abhidhamma ,
Books will be provided free
No classes in April, August & December
10 Day Residential Meditation Classes
Held during April, August and December
Participants must apply one month in advance.
Sukhi Hotu (Buddhist Bookstore & Publisher)
Address: D9-6-1 Block D9 Jalan PJU 1A/46, Dana 1 Commercial Centre Petaling Jaya Selangor 47301
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Buddhist Bookstore and Publisher
Phone: +6 03 7842 6828
Fax: +6 03 7842 6828
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Main Contact: Aaron Lee Email (Phone: +6 03 7842 6828)
Notes and Events:
Sukhi Hotu is a bookshop and retail outlet that specializes in Buddhist and Spiritual products. We have two outlets in Malaysia. We carry a wide range of products ranging from Buddhist Music Cds, Meditative chants, Meditation cushions and Monks requisites and much more. We are also a publisher of Spiritual books. We look forward to your visit and enquiry.
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