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Temple Buddhist Center

Address: 707 West 47th Street   Kansas City 64112
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Inner Peace Buddhist Centers
Phone: 816-994-8015
Website: httpa;//
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Main Contact: Ronn Pawo McLane  Email  (Phone: 816-994-8015)
Notes and Events:

Temple Buddhist Center is about 21st century American Buddhism.  No Strange robes, living in caves or sitting in pretzel knots for hours (although you can, if you want!).  What the Buddha awakened to 2,500 yeares ago can be integrated into our lives simply and practically:  We are here, in this moment, to increase happiness and relive suffering, regardless of circumstances.

Temple Mountain Buddhist Meditation Center

Address: 729 Wilton Rd   Peterborough. NH 03458-1928
Tradition: Mahayana, Vietnamese teachings of Ven Thien Thanh Tu. - all welcome!
Phone: (603) 784-5244
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Spiritual Director: Founder: Ven Tue Man  
Notes and Events:

Est: 2011

Meditation on Sat from 2PM, but all welcome to come anytime

the center is adjacent to what is now the Temple Mountain State Reservation, opposite Miller State Park and Pack Monadnock, just off Route 101.

Templestay Information Center

Address: 56 Ujeongkuk-ro Jongno-guT   Seoul 03145
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism
Phone: +82-2-2031-2000
Fax: +82-2-732-9928
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Main Contact: Ms. Kim Sungin  Email  (Phone: +82-2-2031-2000)
PR team member: Ms. An Jeongmo  Email  (Phone: +82-2-2031-2043)
PR team member: Ms. Park Soyoung  Email  (Phone: +82-2-2031-2044)
Spiritual Director: Ven. Wonkyung  Email  (Phone: +82-2-2031-2000)
Notes and Events:

The Templestay Information Center is where visitors can get information about Templestay and learn about traditional culture. The conter also provides various traditional products related to Korean Buddhism. 

Open thru Mon~Sat, 09:00~19:00 / Sun, 09:00~18:00 

1st floor, Templestay Integrated Information Center, 56, Ujeongguk-ro Jongno-gu Seoul

The building right across Jogye-sa temple the headquarter temple of Jogye order downtown Seoul.

Ten Ryu Ji/Temple Zen Drac del Cel

Address: Coll Farrer   La Granadella Lleida 25177
Tradition: Mahayana, Taisen Deshimaru lineage
Affiliation: AZI fundator Taisen Deshimaru
Phone: 0034636398810
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Spiritual Director: Taizen Abderrahman Costa  Email  (Phone: 0034636398810)
Notes and Events:

We organize every month two-days sesshin in the Ten Ryu Ji,Temple Drac del Cel, a little zen temple in Catalonia, 30 km from the province town of Lleida. Our activity is based on fuse (Zen becomes expensive and  is a good business in Europe and US!) and we are building a new hondo with earth, and cultivating 50 ha. olive, almond and fig trees.

Cost for staying is only for the food: 5€/day.

Tendai Buddhism UK

Address: Shikan-do Tendai Temple, Hythe, Southampton, Hampshire   Hythe Hampshire
Tradition: Mahayana, Tendai Shu
Affiliation: Senzoji 天台宗泉倉寺
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Notes and Events:

We are small group of priests and lay people practicing Tendai Buddhism in Hampshire, UK.

Tendai Buddhist Institute

Address: 1525 State Route 295  East Chatham NY
Tradition: Mahayana, Tendai-Shu New York Betsu-in
Affiliation: Tendai
Phone: 518-392-7963
E-mail: info [at]
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Notes and Events:

The Tendai Buddhist Institute is home to the Tendai-Shu New York Betsuin, the Karuna Tendai Dharma Center and Juinzan Tendai-ji. The Karuna Tendai Dharma Center has branch sanghas located in:

In 2001, the central authority of Tendai Buddhism in Japan designated Karuna Tendai Dharma Center the Tendai-shu New York Betsuin, a branch of Enryakuji, the head Tendai temple on Mt. Hiei, in Japan. The head priest in Canaan, NY, Monshin Paul Naamon was designated the Jushoku (abbot) of the temple. His wife, Shumon Tamami Naamon, who also received ordination in Japan, was appointed Managing Director. The Betsuin (branch) designation authorizes us to teach and train people for ordination and to represent Tendai Buddhism in the West.

Tendai Buddhist Sangha of Australia

Address:   NSW
Tradition: Mahayana, Disciples of Ara Ryokan Japanese Tendai school
Affiliation: Tendai Shu (Tendai Sect) Hawaii Tendai Institute
Phone: 0405 682 419 email is the preferred contact
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Reverend: Jiryo Moxon  Email  (Phone: 0432 093 167)
Main Contact: Rev. Jikai Dehn  Email  (Phone: 0405 682 419)
Spiritual Director: Ara Ryokan  
Teacher: Rev. Jikai Dehn  
Notes and Events:

The Tendai Sangha of Australia is connected to the Tendai Hawaii Betsuin and Venerable Ara Ryokan. We have a Sangha in Sydney, New South Wales led by Rev. Jikai Dehn. And another in Brisbane, Queensland led by Jiryo Moxon.

Reverend Jikai Dehns Sydney Sangha currently holds Dharma lessons and services on Thursdays and Sundays. Service begins at 11:00 and ends at 12:00. Dharma lessons follow and last between an hour and an hour and a half. We also teach traditional Tendai Shikan meditation. Those wishing to attend are advised to email Reverend Jikai at .Reverend Jikai Dehn is also available for private services and lessons at other times. The following is a link giving a brief description of our Sydney Dojo:

Tendai Jiko-ji Temple

Address: 504 Fayne Lane  Redondo Beach CA 90277
Tradition: Mahayana, Vajrayana, Tendai
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Spiritual Director: Rev. Jion Prosser  Email  
Notes and Events:

Established in the early 1980's as a Tendai Buddhist outreach temple by Archbishop Jiko Kohno, spiritual director of the Osaka Jiko-ji temple and author of the book, Right View, Right Life; Insights of a Woman Buddhist Priest. 

Tendai Lotus Sangha

Address: Gulbjergvej 40 Slagslunde 3600 Stenløse, Denmark  
Tradition: Mahayana, Tendai (japansk Ekayana-skole)
Phone: 48 18 4815
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Main Contact: Shomon Pia Trans  
Teacher: Shomon Pia Trans  
Spiritual Director: Monshin Naamon  
Notes and Events:

Sangha meetings every tuesdays from 19-21 (7-9 pm.). Includes Tendai Buddhist ceremony, meditation and discussions.

Learn more about Buddhism and Tendai on , here you will also find our program for the comming period.

Tennessee Buddhist Vihara

Address: 4901 Ross Road   Memphis TE TN 38141
Tradition: Theravada, Buddhist Tradition from Sri Lanka
Phone: 901-438-0579
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Spiritual Director: Bhante Rahula  Email  (Phone: 901-438-0579)
Main Contact: Bhante Rahula  
Notes and Events:

Tennessee Buddhist Vihara offers Insight (Vipassana) meditation and guidance to the practice of the noble teaching of the Buddha. The Vihara is open to anyone, and those who would like to enjoy the noble teaching of the Buddha.


Address: Mas del Coll Farrer   La Granadella / Catalunya 25177
Tradition: Mahayana, Shakyamuni
Affiliation: AZI/ Antaiji/Hokyoji
Phone: 0034 973130713
Fax: 0034 973130713
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Spiritual Director: Taizen Aberrahman Costa  Email  (Phone: 0034973130713)
Notes and Events:

Zazenkai twice every month. No costs,following the true Buddhist teaching, but 1 day work in the olive fields of the Tenryuji or in the construction of the new center is a necessary condition to participate.

In Europe Zen has become a bussiness! We follow the teaching of Kodo Sawaki.

Tenzin Gyatso Institute

Address: P.O. Box 239   Berne NY 12023
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: Rigpa US, Rigpa International
Phone: (518) 872-1250
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Executive Director: David Rand  (Phone: (518) 872-1250)
Spiritual Director: Sogyal Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

The Tenzin Gyatso Institute, named after His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, has been founded in homage to his vision and achievements. Its aim is to advance, explore, and put into action the values and principles that the Dalai Lama holds closest to his heart.

The founder of the Tenzin Gyatso Institute is Tibetan Buddhist teacher Sogyal Rinpoche, author of the ground-breaking The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. The Tenzin Gyatso Institute is the realization of Sogyal Rinpoches lifelong wish to make a lasting contribution to His Holiness work and to help safeguard it over the years to come, by promoting education, preservation of an endangered culture, and human values.

Tergar Boston

Address: 70 Pacific St.  Cambridge MA 02139
Tradition: Mahayana, Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu
Affiliation: Tergar International
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Spiritual Director: Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Tergar Boston

Under the guidance of Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, Tergar Boston holds a weekly meditation group on the campus of MIT, in addition to periodic retreats, seminars, and classes on meditation and Buddhist practice. We also host occasional visits by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche and other meditation teachers. Please Join Us!

Our weekly meditation group is free and open to all. If you are new to meditation and would like to learn more, or if you are a seasoned practitioner and would like to deepen your practice, please join us as we explore the practice of mindfulness. Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche\\\'s approach to meditation focuses on working with the challenges of day-to-day life to create a peaceful mind and open heart. Our meditation group includes short presentations on the basics of meditation practice, guided meditations, and group discussion. Feel free to drop in anytime!

When: Every Sunday morning, 10-11:30am
Where: Seminar Room, MIT Residence Hall - 70 Pacific St. Cambridge MA, 02139 (enter through the side entrance on the right of the building, seminar room is located immediately to the right upon entrance)
Cost: Free!

Tergar Indonesia - Surabaya

Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: Tergar International
Phone: +628159196868
Fax: +62318420553
Director: Gunawan  Email  (Phone: +628159196868)
Main Contact: Gunawan  Email  (Phone: +628159196868)
Spiritual Director: Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche  Email  (Phone: +628159196868)
Teacher: Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Tergar Meditation Community - Indonesia - Surabaya
Under the guidance of Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, a well-known Tibetan Buddhist meditation master and best-selling author, the Tergar community of meditation centers offers weekly meditation and study groups, as well as regular seminars on meditation and the core principles of the Buddhist path.

Tergar International

Address: Tergar International 810 S. 1st St., Suite 200   Minneapolis 55343
Tradition: Vajrayana
Phone: (952) 232-0633
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Co-Director: Edwin Kelly  Email  (Phone: 952-405-8597)
Main Contact: Cortland Dahl  Email  (Phone: 952-236-7278)
Teacher: Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche  
Instructor: Myonshin Kelly  Email  (Phone: 952-405-8597)
Spiritual Director: Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche  Email  (Phone: (952) 232-0633)
Notes and Events:

Tergar Meditation Community

Under the guidance of Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, a well-known Tibetan Buddhist meditation master and best-selling author, the Tergar community of meditation centers offers weekly meditation and study groups, as well as regular seminars on meditation and the core principles of the Buddhist path.

Tergar Meditation Centre Penang

Address: 33, Lorong Impian Indah 2, Taman Impian Indah,  Bukit Mertajam Pulau Pinang 14000
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: Tergar International
Phone: +604-5889989
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Spiritual Director: Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Under the guidance of Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, a well-known Tibetan Buddhist meditation master and best-selling author, the Tergar community of meditation centers offers weekly meditation and study groups, as well as regular seminars on meditation and the core principles of the Buddhist path.

Tergar Meditation Community

Address: 706 N. 1st St., Suite 112   Minneapolis MN 55401
Tradition: Vajrayana, Kagyu and Nyingma Lineages
Phone: (612) 460-8837
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Main Contact: John Wheeler  Email  (Phone: (612) 460-8837)
Teacher: Edwin and Myoshin Kelley  
Spiritual Director: Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Under the guidance of Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, the Tergar Meditation Center holds a weekly drop-in meditation group, as well as periodic retreats, workshops, and classes on meditation and Tibetan Buddhism.

Tergar Meditation Group of Portland

Address: PO Box 24  Gresham OR 97030
Tradition: Mahayana, Vajrayana, Kagyu
Affiliation: Tergar International
Phone: (503)341-7776
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Spiritual Director: Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche  
Coordinator: Lyle McQueen-Smith  Email  (Phone: (503)936-2049)
Main Contact: Diane McQueen-Smith  Email  (Phone: (503)341-7776)
Notes and Events:

Tergar Meditation Group of Portland 

Under the guidance of Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, the Tergar Meditation Center of Portland holds regular teachings and community events in and around Portland, Oregon. As a community of friends exploring the practice of meditation, we gather regularly to practice and study, and host yearly visits by Mingyur Rinpoche. We also offer retreats and seminars on the practice of meditation and the fundamentals of Buddhist practice. 

Mingyur Rinpoches approach to meditation focuses on the practice of mindfulness, which unlocks the door to a calm mind, compassionate heart and insight into the challenges of day-to-day life. Rinpoche’s teachings emphasize universal principles that are of profound benefit to people of all faiths and belief systems. Whether you are new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner wanting to deepen your practice, please join us.

Meditation Group Details

Our group meets at SomaSpace located at 4050 NE Broadway in the Hollywood District of Portland from 1:00 pm to 3:15 pm on the second and fourth Sundays of each month.  During our time together, we practice silent and guided meditations, watch DVD teachings by Mingyur Rinpoche, and engage in conversation that supports one another in applying the teachings to our lives.  Our bi-monthly group meetings are free and open to everyone. 

Tergar Meditation Group of Tucson

Address: PO Box 292   Sonoita 85637
Tradition: Mahayana, Vajrayana, Non-Sectarian, Kagyu
Affiliation: Tergar International
Phone: 520.455.9222
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Main Contact: Jonelle Kearney  Email  (Phone: 520.455.9222)
Spiritual Director: Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Under the guidance of Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, Tergar Meditation Group of Tucson holds monthly Mindfulness Meditation sessions in downtown Tucsons historic Armory Park neighborhod. In addition, we will host periodic retreats, seminars, and classes on meditation and Buddhist practice. Please feel free to join us!

MINDFULNESS MEDITATION: Our monthly mindfulness meditation sessions are free and open to all. If you are new to meditation and would like to learn more, or if you are a seasoned practitioner and would like to deepen your practice, please join us as we explore the practice of mindfulness. Yongey Mingyur Rinpoches approach to meditation focuses on working with the challenges of day-to-day life to create a peaceful mind and open heart. Our meditation sessions include short presentations on the basics of meditation, guided meditations, and group discussion. Feel free to drop in anytime.

Texarkana Buddhist Alliance

Address: 1002 West lawn Drive   Texarkana TX 75501
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Buddha Joy Meditation School
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Teacher: Patricia Snodgrass  
Spiritual Director: Patricia Snodgrass  Email  
Notes and Events:

We are a NON sectarian fellowship who embrace Buddha’s teachings. Our mission is to build a thriving community of enthusiastic good hearted and sincere Dharma practitioners, as well as seekers who are interested learning more about Buddha and his teachings.

We also welcome those who are interested in learning how to meditate in order to relieve stress, Depression and Anxiety, Post Partum Depression and PTSD.

Thabarwa Centre

Address: ThanLyin Pagoda Hill   Thanlyin Township Yangon
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 95-9-73900629
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Spiritual Director: Sayadaw Ashin Ottamasara  Email  (Phone: 95-9-5085212)
Main Contact: Sayalay Khema  Email  (Phone: 9525047330)
Notes and Events:

At Thabarwa Centre the attention is placed on moment to moment awareness of the right view and the right understanding of the Original Truth which is beyond concepts.

Directions: Thanlyin Thabarwa Centre (Main Center) ThanLyin Pagoda Hill
(Between Kyite Khauk Pagoda and East Yangon University – 1 hour from the Yangon airport or 1 hour south of Sule Pagoda, Downtown Yangon)
Thanlyin Township, Yangon Myanmar.

Thai Buddhist Chetawan Temple (Wat Chetawan)

Address: No. 24, Jalan Pantai, Off Jalan Gasing   Petaling Jaya Selangor 46000
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +603 7955 2443
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Main Contact: Phra Woon  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Phra Sophitchariyaphorn (Pien Saccadhammo)  
Notes and Events:

Temple Services Available
  • Blessing Services / House Blessing / Funeral Prayers by Monks
  • Booking for Dana in Temple
  • Full Moon & New Moon Oil Lamps Lighting
  • Weekly Sunday Morning Service & Blessing
  • Weekly Sunday Dhamma Classes
  • Columbarium Niches to house urns with ashes of the dearly departed  
  • Meditation Hall
  • Annual Trips to other temples for Sangha Kathina Ceremonies
  • Herbal Sauna Treatment Centre (Open daily: Tue-Fri 2:00pm to 8:00pm, Sat, Sun & Public Holidays 10:00am to 8:00pm and closed on Mondays) 
  • Amulet Shops.

Thai-Sri Lanka Buddhist Cultural Center

Address: 191, Mabima, Heiyanthuduwa,   Biyagama Western
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Wat Phra Pathomchedi, Nakorn Pathom 73000, Thailand
Phone: +94 (0)112488196-7
Fax: +94 (0)112914943
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Mr.: A. Jayawardana  Email  (Phone: +94 (0)112912396)
Main Contact: Admiral Daya Sandagiri  Email  (Phone: +94 (0)77762087)
Teacher: -Do-  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Rassagala Seewali Thero  Email  (Phone: +94 (0)11 2488196-7)
Notes and Events:

Our programs:

Sunday: -Sunday Dhamma School In Sinhala

            Buddhist Cultural training, computer training

Wednesday : Buddhist Discussion from 5.00pm-7.30pm

Saturday : Saturday Dhamma School from 8.45am-11.15am

               Buddhist Lecture and Q and A program from 5.00pm-7.00pm

We nominate and invite delegates from Sri Lanka to UN day of Vesak international celebration and conference held in Bangkok

We maintain a Buddhist Bookshop, Thai-Sri Lanka Buddhist Bookshop

at 168, Makola Road, Kiribathgoda

Tel. 011-2910688


Address: 150/195 rama2   bangkok 10150
Tradition: Mahayana
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Notes and Events:

Finding Buddhist meditation classes in Thailand - in local Temples.

Thames Buddhist Vihara meditation group

Address: Memorial Hall, Dulverton Road,   Selsdon Surrey CR2 8PJ
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan
Affiliation: Samatha-Vipassana
Phone: 0208 657 7120
Fax: 0208 651 3776
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Teacher: Matheesha Gunathilake  
Notes and Events:

Sunday: Daham pasal (traditional dhamma teaching for children) & Sinhelese classes + Puja (chanting and traditional buddhist ceremony)

Tuesday 7pm - 9pm Meditation and discussion (English)

Wednesday 7pm- 9pm Meditation and discussion (Sinhalese)

Monthly full moon Sil programme

Monthly day retreat (please contact for more details)

Meditation is Samatha (jhana) and Vipassana, of the Ven Amathagavesi tradition

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