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D.I. Yogyakarta


Kab. Badung

Kab. Jayapura

Kab. Manokwari

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Kab. Teluk Cendrawasih

Kabupaten Ambarawa

Kabupaten Bandung

Kabupaten Banggai

Kabupaten Banjar Negara

Kabupaten Banyumas

Kabupaten Bekasi

Kabupaten Bogor

Kabupaten Boyolali

Kabupaten Brebes

Kabupaten Buleleng

Kabupaten Cianjur

Kabupaten Cilacap

Kabupaten Cirebon

Kabupaten Demak

Kabupaten Dili

Kabupaten Donggala

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Kabupaten Gorontalo

Kabupaten Grobogan

Kabupaten Gunung Kidul

Kabupaten Karang Anyar

Kabupaten Karawang

Kabupaten Kebumen

Kabupaten Kendal

Kabupaten Kendari

Kabupaten Kota Baru

Kabupaten Kotawaringing Timur

Kabupaten Kudus

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Kabupaten Mojokerto

Kabupaten Muna

Kabupaten Pati

Kabupaten Pekalongan

Kabupaten Pemalang

Kabupaten Pontianak

Kabupaten Purwakarta

Kabupaten Purwokerto

Kabupaten Rangkas Bitung

Kabupaten Rembang

Kabupaten Salatiga

Kabupaten Semarang

Kabupaten Sorong.d

Kabupaten Sukabumi

Kabupaten Tabanan

Kabupaten Tanah Laut.

Kabupaten Tangerang

Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

Kabupaten Tegal

Kabupaten Temanggung

Kabupaten Wonogiri

Kabupaten Wonosobo

Kota Administratif Tarakan

Kota Administratip Singkawang

Kotamadya Ambon

Kotamadya Balikpapan

Kotamadya Banjarmasin

Kotamadya Jakarta Barat

Kotamadya Jakarta Pusat

Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan

Kotamadya Jakarta Timur

Kotamadya Jakarta Utara

Kotamadya Manado

Kotamadya Palu

Kotamadya Pontianak

Kotamadya Samarinda

Kotamadya Sambas


Nusa Tenggara Barat



Sulawesi Selatan

Sumatra Barat

Sumatra Selatan

Sumatra Utara


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Buddha-Haus Meditationsgruppe - Langenselbold

Address: Klosterbergstr. 7, 63505 Langenselbold  
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: German Buddhist Union - DBU
Phone: 06184/62 377
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Contact: Karen Kold-Wagner  
Founder: Ayya Khema  
Main Contact: Karen Wagner Kold  
Notes and Events:

We meditate every Monday evening 20.00 -21.30 clock in Langenselbold
UND jeden Mittwoch 17.00 -18.00 Uhr in Frankfurt , Wiesenhüttenstr. AND every Wednesday 17.00 -18.00 clock in Frankfurt, Wiesenhüttenstr. 17,(Klingel Yogasaram) 17 (bell Yogasaram)
In den hessischen Schul-Ferien finden die Veranstaltungen nicht statt. In the Hessian school holiday events will not take place.
Die Abende wird von Karen Kold Wagenr (Langenselbold) und Joachim Schumann (Frankfurt) geleitet. The evenings will be led by Karen Kold Wagenr (Langenselbold) and Joachim Schumann (Frankfurt).

Inhalte der Abend sind einen Kurzvortrag, Ruhemeditation oder Vipassana und Liebende Güte Meditation. Contents of the evening are a short lecture, tranquility meditation or Vipassana and loving kindness meditation.

Buddha-Heart Fellowship of Tasmania

Address:   Ulverstone TAS 7315
Tradition: Mahayana, Chan and Pure Land
Affiliation: CloudWater Zendo, the Zen Centre of Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
Phone: +61 417 595 600 +61 3 6437 2645
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Teacher: Venerable Shih Jingang  
Main Contact: Venerable Shih Jingang  Email  (Phone: 0417 595 600)
Notes and Events:

FACEBOOK: Buddhaheart Fellowship.  

We are dedicated to Nien-Fo Ch’an (the unified practice of Ch’an “Zen” and Pure Land Buddhism), and the ideals of community service, and non-sectarianism

Please check our website for regular activities and special events.

Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives (Suan Mokkh Bangkok)

Address: Vachirabenjatas Park (Rot Fai Park) Chatuchak   Bangkok Bangkok 10900
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +66 2936 2800
Fax: +66 2936 2900
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Notes and Events:

Established in 2010, the Buddhadāsa Indapañño Archives collect, maintain, and present the original works of Buddhadāsa Bhikkhu. Also known as Suan Mokkh Bangkok, it is an innovative place for fostering mutual understanding between traditions, studying and practicing Dhamma.

BuddhaDhamma Viharaya Piemonte - Centro Buddhista e Meditazione a Torino

Address: via Chambery 119   Torino Piemonte 10142
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Anandaramaya Viharaya Sri Lanka - Centro Buddhista Theravada Messina e Verona
Phone: +393477384565
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Main Contact: Lilliana  Email  (Phone: +39)
Spiritual Director: Bhante Upali  Email  (Phone: +393477384565)
Notes and Events:

a)- Insegnamenti secondo il Canone Buddhista 

La Meditazione sarà la base principale dei nostri insegnamenti.

Il Buddha ha usato frequentemente un metodo di insegnamento graduale per guidare i nuovi discepoli, dai principi base, attraverso insegnamenti sempre più avanzati, fino al raggiungimento delle Quattro Nobili Verità e alla piena realizzazione del Nirvana.

L insegnamento inizia con la pratica della generosità, che aiuta a cominciare il lungo processo di indebolimento delle tendenze abituali del neofita, fatte di attaccamento alle opinioni, ai desideri ed a modi di pensare.

La pace mentale che sorge da questo livello di auto-stima, fornisce le fondamenta per gli ulteriori progressi lungo il Sentiero. 

Vengono proposte attività quali la meditazione sia guidata sia di Vipassana, come quella sull attenzione della respirazione ed altre. Lo scopo principale è abbassare le tensioni mentali ed emotive, e creare nuove energie fresce e rilassanti a beneficio di un maggiore benessere mente e corpo.

b)- Insegnamenti di altre discipline

Nella coerenza di contribuire allo studio, ricerca e sviluppo del Benessere mente&corpo, verranno effettuati seminari ed incontri di varie discipline complementari al sentiero spirituale del Centro.


Address: Buddhadhamma-foreningen Sandviksveien 84 A 1363 Høvik  Oslo
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Theravada Buddhism
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Buddhadharma International Foundation Inc.

Address: P.O. Box 8975, EPC-735 Kathmandu, Nepal Thaina Tole - 189, Lalitpur - 12 Patan, Nepal  
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 977-1-546705
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Main Contact: Resident monk: Bhikkhu Dhammapiyo  Email  


Address: 1184 Zen Forest Road Turners Stations, Kentucky 40075   CARROL 40075
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 5026482050
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Spiritual Director: Nam Do  Email  (Phone: 5026482050)
Notes and Events:

 The BuddhaLand offers free land with the gravel road access, city water and electric to American – Individual, groups or families – to build their own cabin, cottage or building to stay for their retirement or a short period of time with the purpose of practicing Meditations such as: Mindfulness Meditation, Zen Meditation, Vipassana meditation…to release the stresses of their daily living life or to enhance the quality of their spiritual mind.

The 200 acre land offers isolated, peaceful and quiet environment and has several rolling hills (with up to 900 feet elevation). You will find several clear water lakes, green pastures, mature trees and wild animals such as deer and wild turkey.

See more on our website:

Buddhaloka - Thames Buddhist Center

Address: Above the Post Office Pollen Street   Thames Coromandel 3500
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Main Contact: Guy Parsens  
Notes and Events:

Buddhaloka has an open meditation or Sangha night

Mondays 7 - 9pm

We also host regular yoga, pilates, and meditation courses

Please email us for details or to be listed on our data base for further information.

Buddhapia (Korean Buddhism)

Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Notes and Events:

Hyundae Bulgyo Buddhist Newspaper (weekly) is the representative Buddhist medium in Korea with the highest circulation rate. It also operate a comprehensive information centre called Buddhapia\' as a homepage on the Internet. Buddhapia is a comprehensive site on Korean Buddhism: Dharma Talks of Korean Zen (Seon) Masters; Books on Korean Buddhism; Korean Buddhism Terminology with English Translation and "Dharma Times" - an online magazine of Buddhist news from Korea.

Buddharatana Monastery of Australia

Address: 12 Menindee Avenue   Leumeah NSW 2560
Tradition: Theravada, Thai Dhammayut tradition
Affiliation: The Chinese Theravada Buddhist Alliance, Kuala Kangsar Guan Yin Temple in Malaysia
Phone: 0466096466
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Teacher: Bhikkhu Dhammavaro  
Spiritual Director: Bhikkhu Dhammavaro  Email  (Phone: 0466096466)
Notes and Events:

In 2016 at the request of his Chinese students in Sydney, Bhante Dhammavaro decided to move to Sydney, so the property in 572, Beaury Creek Road, Urbenville, NSW 2475 is sold and a house in 12, Menindee Avenue, Leumeah, is bought as the new site of the Buddharatana Monastery of Australia Inc. to serve the need of the Chinese Theravada buddhists in NSW.

Long live the Buddha Sasana.

Address: 501-10838 Pape Ave  Toronto M4K 3W2
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Contemporary
Phone: +1 (647) 520 5534
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Main Contact: Eddie T  Email  (Phone: +1 (647) 520 5534)
Spiritual Director: Anna G  Email  (Phone: +1 (647) 520 5534)
Notes and Events: provides Buddhist & Spiritual News, Blogs, Tweets, Video updated on 24/7/365 basis, as well as other media including  Pics, Music, Chanting  and applicable programs for Spirituality, Wellness and Divination etc.

Buddhas Liberty Bell Sangha

Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Buddhas Wisdom Association
Phone: 215-837-3543
Spiritual Director: Ven. Thich Thien Son  
Notes and Events:

Our primary goal is to share the understanding of the Buddha’s teachings. It is also our aim to make the true essence of the teachings accessible to all, regardless of religious or cultural background. Through understanding, mindfulness, and the practice of overcoming personal limitations, individuals on this path have the chance to experience the full potential of their being.

Buddhas Liberty Bell Sangha welcomes like-minded women and men of all ages to join us at our quarterly dharma teachings, at our Zen workshops, and at our monthly meditation gatherings.  We regularly practice sitting, walking and lying down meditation.  We offer friendship, support for spiritual practice, and encouragement as we quest for our right path. 

Buddhas Practice Inc.

Address: 110/12 Salonika Street   Parap NT 0820
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 0406003709
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Notes and Events:

 As a Not-for-Profit charity, we Undertake activities that are consistent with promoting and practising the Buddhist religion in the name of BPI’s Constitution, taking into account all the precepts, all the Meditations and all the Wisdoms

 Monday to Sunday

8:00am - 5:00pm


Buddhayana Forest Retreat Centre

Address: RR# 1   Scotsburn Nova Scotia B0K 1R0
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Notes and Events:

Buddhayana Forest Retreat is a Buddhist meditation retreat center. situated in a 
beautiful mixed hardwood forest of Nova Scotias Cobequid Highlands. 

Buddhayana Forest Retreat  is to offer temporary, monastic style meditation retreats, 
in the Buddhist ascetic forest tradition of Shakyamuni Buddha;   Thai forest monks; 
Tibetan mountain yogis; Zen and Taoist hermits; and others who have retreated to the
quiet and solace of the nature,  to engage in a sincere and disciplined practice of
meditation.Buddhayana Forest Retreat is currently in its final phase of construction.
To date, we have raised sixteen retreat cabins and a meditation hall.
Please join us for the 2nd Annual Buddhayana Painters Meditation Retreat. 
From Aug. 11 - Aug 19th, 2012. Contact

Buddha´s Amigo Chihuahua/ Casa del Dharma Chihuahua

Address: Calle septima numero 2027 colonia Centro Chihuahua Chih   Chihuahua Chihuahua 31160
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 614 4107438
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Main Contact: Guadalupe Alvarez  Email  (Phone: 614 4107438)
Notes and Events:

Somos un grupo de amigos que nos apoyamos en nuestros estudios y prácticas. Además de compartir ideas y proyectos para poder beneficiar a los demás. Nos reunimos semanalmente a estudiar y practicar el Budadharma – las enseñanzas del Buda. !Puedes integrarte si lo deseas! También ofrecemos material para profundizar en tu práctica, consejos y proyectos en los que puedes ayudar directa o indirectamente.

Seguimos la guía y ejemplo de SS. El XIV Dalai Lama y de Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rimpoché, quienes se han caracterizado por una visión no sectaria dentro del budismo tibetano, también conocida como “Rimé”, que no nada más incluye el respeto y aprecio por todas las órdenes del budismo tibetano, sino también por las demás escuelas budistas no-tibetanas.

Buddhism & Australia

Address: 645 Wambyn Road   Inkpen WA 6302
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma
Affiliation: Buddhism & Australia Inc
Phone: 0405549923
E-mail: :
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Spiritual Director: Vello Vaartnou  
Main Contact: Marju Broder  Email  
Notes and Events:

Buddhism and Australia is a non-for-profit organisation, whose main

activities are annual international academic conferences on Buddhism.

Since 2012, international conferences Buddhism and Australia bring

together scholars and Buddhists all over the world to reveal their

latest research about Buddhism. The idea of international conference

Buddhism and Australia originates from  Buddhist scholar-monk Vello

Vaartnou, the author and organiser of similar conferences Buddhism and

Nordland in Europe. Papers from both conferences are available on the

websites for free to everybody.

Buddhism For Development

Address: Wat Anlongvil Sangker District  Battambang
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Notes and Events:

Buddhism For Development is a national Cambodian NGO since 1 May 1990. Founded at Site 2 Refugee Camp, Cambodian - Thai border by Indapañño Bhikkhu and a group of monks who see the value of Buddhism as a tool for : Peace restoration and national reintegration Economic development Social development Mental development Wisdom development Sustaining the balance of individual, society, and the nature

Buddhism in Mongolia Programme Tibet Foundation

Address: Programme Manager Buddhism in Mongolia Programme Tibet Foundation 1 St James Market, London, SW1Y 4SB UK Please note addresses and telephone numbers change.  
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: Tibet Foundation ( London)
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Main Contact: Sue Byrne Programme Manager  
Notes and Events:

Tibet Foundations Buddhism in Mongolia programme was established in 1993 with the aim to assist Mongolians in their revival of Buddhism.

The Buddhism in Mongolia programme is currently managing a host of educational and publishing projects that attempt to address some of these issues. Projects are implemented to reflect conditions across the spectrum of the Buddhist and lay community in Mongolia. Our operating principal is to respond to requests from Mongolian Buddhists both monastic and lay rather than impose projects on them. We work with the main monastic and academic institutions in Mongolia to develop and then to implement projects. The programme reflects the Foundation aim to further the understanding of Tibetan Buddhism and culture and to work towards their continuity and preservation.

Buddhism Port Elizabeth

Address:   Port Elizabeth 6070
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 27781677271
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Main Contact: Neil Smith  Email  (Phone: 27781677271)
Teacher: ven. Nima Taylor  
Notes and Events:

1st Sunday of each month

9am local time (07:00 GMT)

These are non-sectarian meetings which include meditations, possible scripture readings and discussions. The purpose is to provide a Sangha for Buddhists in Port Elizabeth, a town that currently has no temples.  

Buddhism Theravada în limba română

Address: Romania  
Tradition: Theravada
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Contact: Dan Ignat  
Notes and Events:

Theravada Buddhism in Romanian language: Buddhist courses, various translated texts, Dhammapada translations, Pali courses, Tipitaka translations.

BuddhismInfo (A.M.M., Theravada)

Address: Kantatgatan 54   Malmoe 215 10
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: A.M.M.-Arya Maitreya Mandala Germany
Phone: +46 (0)40-220967
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Spiritual Director: Dietmar Dh. Kröhnert  Email  (Phone: +46 (0)40-220967)
Teacher: Dietmar Dh. Kröhnert  
Notes and Events:

Dietmar (Karunavajra, Dhammamitra) Kröhnert has his 12 year long training from the Vayrajna tradition (AMM).

However since 2005 Dietmar is a passive member of the AMM organisation and is currently holding classes in Theravada-Buddhism for the study organisation SENSUS. For the last five years Dietmars teacher has been Rev. DhammaThero in the temple Wat Pan On in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

 For more information on Buddhist meditation sessions go to

Buddhismo Ariya

Address: Calle Honduras 358 Colonia 5 de Diciembre   Puerto Vallarta Jalisco 48350
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Early / Orthodox
Phone: +52 1 322 2004465
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Main Contact: Tomas Morales  Email  (Phone: +52 1 3222004465)
Notes and Events:

Buddhismo Ariya se basa en la estudio, práctica, verificación y aplicación ortodoxa del Dhamma del Buddha, expuesto en los Agamas y Nikayas, siendo éste el vehículo para la Iluminación siendo este su único objetivo. Se trata de agrupar a seguidores-por-la-verdad para que intercambien experiencias y se apoyen en el Noble Camino. Sólo se admite al Buddha como maestro.

Ariya Buddhism is based on the study, practice, verification and orthodox application of the Buddha Dhamma, exposed in the Agamas and Nikayas, being the vehicle for enlightenment and this is their only goal. This is to group followers-by-the-truth to exchange experiences and support in the Noble Way. Only the Buddha is admitted as a teacher.

Buddhist Books at The Inner Bookshop

Address: 111 Magdalen Road  Oxford OX4 1RQ
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: independent
Phone: +44 (0)1865 245301
Fax: +44 (0)1865 245521
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Main Contact: Ruth Ashcroft  Email  (Phone: 01865 245301)
Notes and Events:

Over 2,500 titles on Buddhism available online. Including secondhand book and hard to get titles from India. Worldwide mail order and secure onlinee orderring facilities. Sub categories include General Buddhism, Dhammapada,   Tibetan, Shin or Pure Land and other Buddhist traditions.

Buddhist Center - Rissho Kosei-kai International of North America

Address: 4522 Campus Dr, Suite A245  Irvine CA 92612
Tradition: Mahayana,
Affiliation: Rissho Kosei-kai
Phone: 949-336-4430
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Spiritual Director: Shoko Mizutani  Email  (Phone: 949-336-4430)
Notes and Events:

Our Buddhist Center - RKINA in Irvine, Orange County is the Rissho Kosei-kais regional center for North America, established for sharing the Buddha Dharma with a special focus on the Lotus Sutra (Ekayana Buddhism) for all practitioners living in the United States and Canada.

We offer a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere with a library of books from all Buddhist traditions that are available for check-out.  We also offer Dharma study session on every Tuesday evening and Dharma service on every Sunday morning.

Buddhist Center Bern

Address: Gerberngasse 14   Bern Bern CH-3007
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu
Phone: +41 31 311 14 51
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Spiritual Director: H.H. Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje  
Teacher: Lama Ole Nydahl  
Notes and Events:

Regular events:

- every Friday, 8pm: Lecture and Meditation on the 16th Karmapa (guided in German)

- every Tuesday, 6.30pm: Meditation on the 16th Karmapa.


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