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D.I. Yogyakarta


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Kabupaten Sukabumi

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Kabupaten Tanah Laut.

Kabupaten Tangerang

Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

Kabupaten Tegal

Kabupaten Temanggung

Kabupaten Wonogiri

Kabupaten Wonosobo

Kota Administratif Tarakan

Kota Administratip Singkawang

Kotamadya Ambon

Kotamadya Balikpapan

Kotamadya Banjarmasin

Kotamadya Jakarta Barat

Kotamadya Jakarta Pusat

Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan

Kotamadya Jakarta Timur

Kotamadya Jakarta Utara

Kotamadya Manado

Kotamadya Palu

Kotamadya Pontianak

Kotamadya Samarinda

Kotamadya Sambas


Nusa Tenggara Barat



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Sumatra Selatan

Sumatra Utara


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Centro Zen de México A.R.

Address: Calle G, Manzana XII, No. 18 Col. Educación, Coyoacán  México D.F Distrito Federal 04400
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto/Rinzai. Maezumi Roshi
Affiliation: Soto Japan
Phone: 56-89-71-53
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Teacher: Tesshin Sanderson  
Spiritual Director: Tesshin Sanderson  
Notes and Events:
DE 7:00 A 9:00 P.M.


DE 5:20 A 7:00 A.M.

DE 7:00 A 9:00 A.M.
DE 9:00 A 9:20


Centro Zen Dominicano

Address: Ave. Teodoro Chasseriau (La Privada) No. 21, El Millon   Distrito Nacional 14149
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Buddhism
Affiliation: White Plum Lineage
Phone: (809) 473-7434
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Teacher: Grover Genro Gauntt Roshi  
Spiritual Director: Joaquin Ryusho Salazar  Email  (Phone: (809) 399-8690)
Notes and Events:

We are members of the Zen Peacemaker Order whose teacher is Bernie Tetsugen Glassman, disciple of Maezumi Roshi.

Our Head Teacher was given Denkai ordination at the Hudson River Peacemaker Center by Paco Lugoviña and Roshi Genro Gauntt.

We are members of the White Plum order and have weekly zazen meetings.

Centro Zen L'Arco - Zenmonji

Address: Piazza Dante 15   Rome 00185
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen - Shunryu Suzuki Lineage
Affiliation: San Francisco Zen Center
Phone: +390670497919
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Spiritual Director: Dario Doshin Girolami  
Notes and Events:

The Centro Zen L'Arco - Zenmon Ji (Zen gate Temple) - is a Religious Association affiliated with the San Francisco founded by Shunryu Suzuki Roshi (author of the famous book Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind), and associated with the European Buddhist Union and Italian Buddhist Union. The core of our activity is sitting meditation or zazen. Besides zazen, we also practise walking meditation or kinhin and the chanting of traditional text or sutras. We also study the doctrine itself as well as Buddhist philosophy in general and several practices traditionally related to Zen, such as the Tea Ceremony, the Meal Ceremony and the sewing of the Buddha's Robe. We also organize retreats or sesshin, of one or more days, both in town and in the countryside.The Centro Zen L'Arco is open to people of every age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality and physical ability.

Cetiya Dipa Sarana

Address: Jl. Otto Iskandardinata No. 80 Kota Tangerang  Province Banten 15000
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +622155776783
Fax: +622155767066
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Notes and Events:

Buddhist Teacher Member of Cetiya Dipa Sarana 2010

  1. Kurniawan
  2. Wiria Kalyana, BBA
  3. Rohedi, SAB
  4. Waliyanto, S.Ag.
  5. Subagyo, S.Ag.
  6. Christian Chandra
  7. Warsito, A.Ma.Pd.
  8. Aji Nugroho, S.Ag.
  9. Jusup Tjarmedi
  10. Shadagunawi
  11. Ria Anis Purwaningrum, S.Ag.
  12. Sri Multianingsih, S.Ag.
  13. Sumantoro, S.Ag.
  14. Mulyani, S.Pd.
  15. Juanti, S.Ag.
  16. Sobiyanto, SE

Cetiya Dipa Sarana Dharma Putra

Address: Jl. Otto Iskandardinata No. 80   Tangerang City Jakarta 15113
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Kanwil Depag Propinsi Banten
Phone: +62215525277
Fax: +6255767066
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Notes and Events:

Cetiya Dipa Sarana Dharma Putra adalah Cetiya yang digunakan oleh para siswa-siswi di Sekolah Dharma Putra untuk melakukan kegiatan praktik ibadah dengan tata cara dan tradisi Theravada dibawah pembinaan Yang Mulia Bhikkhu Sukhemo Mahathera yang lebih sering berdomisili di Vihara Jakarta Dhammacakka Jaya, Sunter, Jakarta Utara.

Chag-tong Chen-tong Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Centre

Address:   Snug TAS 7054
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gelugpa FPMT
Affiliation: FPMT Inc.
Phone: +61484381713 or +61410569909
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Main Contact: Lindy Mailhot  Email  
Notes and Events:

Guided meditation : Discussion : Methods to transform the mind : Develop a good heart 

 We provide: 

  • Weekly study group meetings in central Hobart with Dr Sonam Takchoe
  • Also regular visiting teachers
  • Retreat Opportuinities
  • Buddhist library borrowing facilities
  • Gift and Book Shop
  • Volunteering Opportunities
  • access to an international community network of support and facilities.
Postal address: PO Box 195 Snug 7054 TAS

Chagdud Gonpa Amrita - Edmonds WA

Address: 9653 Firdale Avenue   Edmonds WA 98020
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Nyingma
Affiliation: Chagdud Gonpa Foundation.
Phone: (206) 546-8095
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Notes and Events:

Chagdud Gonpa Foundation was established in 1983 by Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche to preserve Nyingma teachings and to provide instruction in the traditions of Vajrayana Buddhism, especially the arts, philosophy, and meditation practices.

Chagdud Gonpa Amrita is the Seattle branch of Chagdud Gonpa Foundation.  Since 1983, it has provided a place for beginning students and long-time practitioners to gather for teachings and practice in the Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.

Chagdud Gonpa Uruguay Sengue Dzong

Address: Ruta 81 - 2da seccion judicial de Lavalleja   Lavalleja - Aguas Blancas
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma - Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche
Affiliation: Chagdud Gonpa Hispanoamerica
Phone: 59899700135
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Main Contact: Ana Carla Vergara  Email  (Phone: 59899700135)
Teacher: Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche  
Spiritual Director: Chagdud Khadro  
Notes and Events:

Chagdud Gonpa Hispanoamerica was founded to fulfill H. E. Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche´s aspiration to establish the Buddha dharma—particularly the Nyingmapa lineages of Tibetan Vajrayana—in the Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America. Since Rinpoches Parinirvana in 2002, the organization is under the spiritual direction of Rinpoches wife and student, Chagdud Khadro.

Chagdud Gonpa Uruguay belong to an international network of Spanish speaking centers at South America where its headquarter is Chagdud Gonpa at Tibet and Sengue Dzong (Lion Fortress) is its temple placed at Lavalleja - Uruguay. At Uruguay, about an hour and a half from Montevideo amid beautiful hills, Sengue Dzong has been built of stone in the style of Eastern Tibet and Bhutan and its interior is now being ornamented. We are doing daily practices as Red Tara and monthly trainings about Four Reflections that Change the Mind are offered at Sengue Dzong.

Cham Shan Temple of Australia

Address: 85 Freemans Drive   Morisset NSW 2264
Tradition: Mahayana, Pure Land, Chinese Tiantai
Phone: 4973-2618
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Teacher: Venerable Wai Yim  
Notes and Events:

International Buddhist Cham Shan Temple of Australia is a Buddhist Temple of Tiantai School situated in Morisset, located in the Central Coast of NSW.

The temple was founded in 1995 with the goal to serve the Australian community through Dharma teachings (teachings of the Buddha) and spiritual guidance.

To build the temple a piece of farm land was purchased in 1996, and through many hardships, it has developed into what it is today.

A building to the left of the grounds was completed in 2008, comprising of a chanting hall, library, etc. The chanting hall houses the statues of Amitabha Buddha, Kwan Yin (Avalokitesvara) Bodhisattva and Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva of Pureland.

Library service with a collection of Buddhist materials is also available for the public to borrow   ENGLISH VERSION OF WEBSITE.

Cham Tse Ling

Address: University of Central Lancashire  Preston PR1
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nalanda Tradition
Affiliation: Patron: H.H. Dalai Lama
Phone: 01772726481
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Main Contact: Eileen Maher  Email  (Phone: 01772 726481)
Notes and Events:

Cham Tse Ling meets weekly, in room 308 Harrington building, University of Central Lancashire, at 7.00 for 7.30 start.
Teachings are arranged throughout the year, conntact by phone or email for further information.

Friendly group, all welcome!

Chan Community Canada

Address: 45-7540 Abercrombie dr   Richmond BC v6Y 3Y8
Tradition: Mahayana, Master Sheng Yen : Caodong (Soto) and Linji ( Rinzai)
Affiliation: Chinese Zen
Phone: 778-996-1731
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Main Contact: Diane Kennedy  Email  (Phone: 778-989-9858)
Teacher: William Tsao  
Spiritual Director: Chan Master Guo Jun  
Notes and Events:

We are a nonprofit organization committed to providing authentic Chan teachings and retreats with a Canadian flavour. Our primary teacher Chan Master Guo Jun, a Dharma heir of Chan Master Sheng Yen, carries transmission in both the Linji and Caodong tradition. William Tsao is our local Senior teacher. Our aim is to reduce personal suffering through the development of a way of life that encourages fresh awareness of being and new orientation to ones place in the cosmos. Training emphasizes calming the mind, gaining insight into the functioning of the self and mindful conscientious living for the benefit of all. We support communities by organizing local meditation sessions, Dharma talks and retreats.

Chan Meditation Center

Address: 90-56 Corona Ave.  Elmhurst NY 11373
Tradition: Mahayana, Chan/Zen
Affiliation: Dharma Drum Mountain
Phone: 718-592-6593
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Dharma Teacher: Guo Gu  Email  
Teacher: Ven. Guo Ming  
Main Contact: Ven. Chang Wu  Email  
Spiritual Director: Master Sheng Yen  
Dharma Teacher: Ven. Guo Chian  Email  
Notes and Events:

Welcome to the website of the Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association, the Chan Meditation Center (CMC). Our prime teacher is Ven. Master Sheng Yen (Shifu), who has taught Buddhism in the West since 1976. We offer ongoing programs (which include retreats at the Dharma Drum Retreat Center, located south of the Catskills, NY), publications (which include teachings of Master Sheng Yen in text and multimedia formats for free distribution), as well as other original material that you will find useful in your practice.

Our mission is to bring about the caring of life as a whole through cultural and educational activities, as well as the practice of meditation. We promote four environmental goals -- spiritual, social, living, and natural -- to help practitioners achieve peace and harmony of the body, the mind, the family and their careers. it is hoped that upon participating in our activities, practitioners from all over the world will be able to enjoy tranquility and peace, and live a life full of respect and security.

Chan Meditation Centre

Address: 36 McDowall McDowall Street, Mitcham 3132, Vic.   Mitcham Vic 3132
Tradition: Mahayana, Chinese Chan Buddhism
Phone: +61-3-8822 3187 +61-407338369 (Laura)
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Main Contact: Laura Chan  Email  (Phone: 0402041997)
Spiritual Director: Ven. Guo Jun  
Notes and Events:

The Chan Meditation Centre extends a warm welcome to all those interested in learning about Chan Buddhism and the Mahayana Buddhist tradition. The centre aims to maintain an active Sangha community dedicated to the preservation and practice of Chinese Buddhism.

The Centre is situated in Mitcham, twenty minutes drive from Melbourne’s CBD. People from all different religions and traditions are welcome to our centre to attend classes and workshops on Buddhist philosophy, listen to lectures, participate in retreats, and, more importantly, to learn and practice Buddhist meditation.

People come from near and far to study and practise Chan, receive support from the community, deepen their understanding of themselves, and learn to live more harmoniously with others. They leave rejuvenated, equipped with the methods and concepts to bring the practice back home.

Chan Nguyen Buddhist Monastery

Address: 1220-200 Street   Langley BC V2Z 1W5
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Vietnamese Zen & Pureland
Phone: (604) 533-8915
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Main Contact: Venerable Vien Dinh  Email  (Phone: (604) 533-8915)
Spiritual Director: Venerable Vien Giac  
Notes and Events:

Chan  Nguyen Buddhist Monastery is a monastery in the Vietnamese Zen and Pureland tradition.   There are about 18 monastics currently residing at the monastery.

Services are offered in Vietnamese at 9:30AM on Sunday.  For services and classes in English, please contact the monastery for details.

You are welcome to drop by and experience what it is like to live in a monastic setting.   We receive everyone on a Dana (generous donation) basis and will not turn anyone away.

The monastery is also pet friendly as we have dogs on the premises.

Chandrakirti Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Centre

Address: 289 Sunrise Valley Road Upper Moutere Nelson   Nelson
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa Lineage, FPMT
Affiliation: FPMT
Phone: (03) 543 2015 or +64 3 5432021
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Spiritual Director: Lama Zopa Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Nelson Chandrakirti Meditation Centre is situated in rural Upper Moutere, 35 minutes drive from Nelson City and airport, and 3 minutes drive (30 minutes walk) to the local shop and village

Address: 183 15th Street  Brooklyn 11215
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Karma Kagyu
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Spiritual Director: Justin von Bujdoss  Email  
Notes and Events: is a web-based service providing a wide variety of Buddhist prayer and ritual for those who are facing obstacles, ill, dying, or have passed away.  We pride ourselves with providing nuturing support in faciliating the appropriate spiritual care.

Chanh-Giac Temple

Address: 45 Money Street, Northbridge   Perth WA 6000
Tradition: Mahayana, Pure Land
Affiliation: Vietnamese Buddhist Association of W.A.
Phone: (08) 9342 0609
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Contact:  (Phone: (08) 9227 9331)
Notes and Events:

The Vietnamese Buddhist Temple is the headquarters of the Vietnamese Buddhist Association in Perth. It is well attended throughout the day and in the evenings. Situated in busy Northbridge (an area which is home to many Vietnamese restaurants, shops, and other businesses) the temple provides a refuge from work for many members of the Vietnamese community. It also acts as a focal point for social and cultural activities during holidays and weekends. The temple plays an important role as a centre for Buddhist religious teaching in the city.

Chapel Hill Zen Center

Address: 5322 NC Highway 86, Chapel Hill, NC 27514   NC
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Affiliation: San Francisco Zen Center
Phone: (919) 967-0861
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Teacher: Josho Pat Phelan  
Notes and Events:

The Chapel Hill Zen Center offer meditation eight times throughout the week. Meditation instruction is given on Sunday mornings at 9:00 and on Tuesday nights at 7:00. Please plan to arrive about 10 minutes before the instruction begins.

Guest Teachers visit several times a year, leading weekend retreats. The Chapel Hill Zen Center also offers a 5-day and a 7-day sesshin or meditation intensive each year.

Charlottesville Buddhist Association

Address: Charlottesville, Virginia   Charlottesville VI
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Notes and Events:

Members of the Charlottesville Buddhist Association meet on an irregular basis to meditate and discuss how to further the common goals of the diverse Buddhist traditions in Charlottesville, Va. To learn about any upcoming meetings or other Buddhist-related activities/teachings in the Charlottesville area, join the CBA\'s "BuddhaNews" email announcements list by sending a blank email to

Chenrezig Institute

Address: 33 Johnsons Road, Eudlo, QLD 4554   Qld
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa (FPMT)
Affiliation: FPMT
Phone: (07) 5453 2108
Fax: (07) 5453 2188
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Main Contact: Director: Maureen Walshe  Email  
Spiritual Director: Lama Zopa Rinpoche  
Contact: Manager-JJ Cantor  Email  
Notes and Events:

Chenrezig Institute is a centre for Buddhist study, meditation, retreat, and practice nestled in the foothills of the Sunshine Coast Hinterland in Queensland, Australia.

Established in 1974 Chenrezig Institute was the first Tibetan Buddhist centre in the Western World and remains one of the largest.

Today, the Institute is home to a Tibetan Geshe (Lama), a large community of ordained Sangha (nuns and monks), students, residents, volunteers, retreatants, and guests. 

Apart from the formal study programmes, Chenrezig Institute is a peaceful, calm and relaxing place to spend a few hours, days or weeks. Stroll along the bush paths, wander in the formal garden, sip espresso in the café, have a vegetarian meal, drop in for a meditation class or teaching, or just sit and listen to life.

Full details of the current programme available on in the newsletter section.

Sangha Communities at Chenrezig Institute:

Chenrezig Nuns Community

Manager Ven Lozang Lhagsam
Losang Dragpa Monastery 

Ven Lozang Jhampa

Cherry Tree Sangha of East Tennessee

Address: Oak Ridge UU 1500 Oak Ridge Turnpike  Oak Ridge TE 37830
Tradition: Mahayana, Chan / Zen
Affiliation: Zen Buddhist Order of Hsu Yun
Phone: (865) 435-4135
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Main Contact: Rev. Fa Liang Shakya, OHY  Email  
Notes and Events:

The Cherry Tree Sangha meets in Oak Ridge for meditation and Dharma talks.  Everyone is invited to join us for meditation and open discussions.  Wear comfortable clothing and bring a cushion if you would like to sit on the floor.

Beginners and seekers are especially welcome!  No prior meditation experience required.

Currently meeting on Wednesday evenings from 7-8 p.m.  If you would like to join us or have questions about our group, please send an e-mail to Rev. Fa. 

Cheyenne Kadampa Meditation Group

Address: 113 E. 17th Street. (RubyJuice)   Cheyenne WY 82001
Tradition: Vajrayana, New Kadampa Tradition
Phone: (970) 482 7613
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Teacher: Gen Kelsang Rinzin  
Main Contact: Kelsang Thaye  Email  (Phone: 970-482-7613)
Spiritual Director: Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
Notes and Events:

Weekly Drop-in Meditation Classes at 7:15 pm Wednesdays

Chiang Rai Buddhist Group

Address: Chiang Rai Sangha College, Rittiprasath Road,   T.Wiang A.Muang, Chiang Rai 57000
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Chiang Rai Sangha College
Phone: +6653021421
Website: https://chiangraibuddhistgroup.wordpress
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Spiritual Director: Phrakhru Suthee  Email  (Phone: +6653601070)
Main Contact: Tony Macgregor  Email  (Phone: +6653021421)
Notes and Events:

Chiang Rai Buddhist Group is an English-language largely expat group that meets regularly for meditation and Buddhist study. We organize meditation retreat and hold Dhamma discussion.

Chicago Ratna Shri Sangha

Address: 5337 W. Cullom Ave  Chicago IL 60641
Tradition: Vajrayana, Drikung Kagyu Tibetan
Affiliation: Drikung Kagyu
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Main Contact: Bill Pope  Email  
Teacher: Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche  
Spiritual Director: Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

The Chicago Ratna Shri Sangha is a non-profit organization dedicated to the practice of Tibetan Buddhism as passed down in the Drikung Kagyu Lineage founded by Lord Jigten Sumgon in the 12th Century. Born in Tibet Lord Jigten Sumgon (Rinchen Phel or Ratna Shri in Sanskrit) was an emanation of Buddha Shakyamuni and was considered to be one of the greatest disciples of Phagmo Drupa, who named him as his successor.

Founded in 1994 by the Venerable Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche, Chicago Ratna Shri Sangha has sustained itself with regular practice in the homes of local practitioners and teachings given by the precious lamas of the Drikung Kagyu lineage, who have been invited several times yearly.

Under the guidance of our spiritual director, Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche, we are striving to establish a strong center dedicated to serving the Chicago area as a place for teachings, practice, contemplation, and meditation. Under the guidance of Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche, our goal is to sponsor regular retreats, teachings, and to maintain our regular weekly practice. In the future we hope to establish a broader spectrum of activities to benefit both the local community and other communities worldwide.

Chicago Zen Center

Address: 2029 Ridge Ave.   Evanston IL 60201
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Soto/Rinzai, Kapleau Line
Affiliation: Rochester Zen Center
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Teacher: Ven. Shodhin Geiman  
Main Contact: Ven. Shodhin Geiman  Email  
Notes and Events:

Full weekly schedule of zazen and dokusan. Teisho on Sunday. Sesshin 4+ times a year. 

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