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D.I. Yogyakarta


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Kabupaten Rembang

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Kabupaten Semarang

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Kabupaten Sukabumi

Kabupaten Tabanan

Kabupaten Tanah Laut.

Kabupaten Tangerang

Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

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Kota Administratif Tarakan

Kota Administratip Singkawang

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Kotamadya Banjarmasin

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Kotamadya Jakarta Pusat

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Kotamadya Jakarta Timur

Kotamadya Jakarta Utara

Kotamadya Manado

Kotamadya Palu

Kotamadya Pontianak

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Nusa Tenggara Barat



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Sumatra Selatan

Sumatra Utara


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Diamondway Buddhist Center Houston

Address: 954 W. 42nd St.   Houston 77018
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu Tibetan
Affiliation: Diamondway
Phone: 713 686-5409
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Spiritual Director: H. H. 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, Trinlay Thaye Dorje  
Main Contact: Lama Ole Nydahl  
Notes and Events:

Please come to our weekly public meeting on Wednesday nights at 7:30.  Diamond Way Buddhist Center Houston is part of an international network of over 520 meditation centers in the Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. The centers were founded and are directed by Lama Ole Nydahl according to the wishes of H. H. 16th Karmapa. They are now under the spiritual guidance of H. H. 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, Trinlay Thaye Dorje. Our Center has a democratic structure and function through unpaid, voluntary work on the basis of idealism and friendship. Our Center is a friendly place where all interested in Buddhism can meet to learn and meditate, share experience and development, actively participate in the work which makes all this possible.  Our members share the responsibility for guiding meditations, answering questions and giving teachings. Often we host traveling teachers renowned in the Karma Kagyu Lineage.

Diamondway Buddhist Group Arnhem of the Karma Kagyu lineage

Address: Grevestraat 2  Enschede Overijssel 7521BR
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Karma Kagyu, Diamondway
Phone: +31 642907797
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Spiritual Director: 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Thaye Dorje  
Teacher: Lama Ole Nydahl  
Notes and Events:

Meditation: Thursday 20:00 PM - Karmapa Meditation.

Diamondway Buddhist Group Sweetlake City (Zoetermeer) of the Karma Kagyu lineage

Address: Renzo Pianolijn 9   Zoetermeer Zuid-Holland 2728 AD
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Karma Kagyu, Diamond Way
Phone: +31(6)55720050
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Main Contact: Sjoerd Pijpers  Email  (Phone: +31(6)55720050)
Teacher: Lama Ole Nydahl  
Notes and Events:

The group in Zoetermeer is in existence since 2015. We are a small and diverse group that comes together weekly to meditate together and share a good time. Our group has an open structure and functions thanks to volunteering based on friendship and idealism.
We apply the individual practice of meditation in daily life, go to the weekly meditation evening, read books, watch videos and streaming, join the courses of Lama Ole, lectures of Diamond Way teachers and engage in other activities. From time to time we meet our fellow practitioners from other cities.
We want to allow everyone to get acquainted with the meditations that are used within the Diamond Way. Every Wednesday night at 20:00 there is a guided meditation in Dutch. Meditation on the 16th Karmapa, which was given by the 16th Karmapa specifically for the centers in the West. Meditation is free of charge and freely accessible. Anyone interested in meditation is welcome to come along, ask questions and participate with us. For more information, see the website.

Dieu Phap Temple

Address: 311 E. Mission Road.   San Gabriel CA 91776
Tradition: Mahayana, Vietnamese
Affiliation: Vietnamese American Unified Buddhist Congress (USA)
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Teacher: Ven. Thich Vien Chanh  
Spiritual Director: Most Venerable Thich Vien Ly, Abbott  Email  
Teacher: Most Ven. Thich Vien Tanh  
Notes and Events:

Services in Vietnamese held M-F 7:30 ~ 8:45 p.m and Sundays from 11:45 ~ 12:30 p.m. with memorial chanting until 1:00 p.m.  Special holidays include Lunar New Year, Buddha\\\'s Birthday in May and Vu Lan in August, a holiday to honor one\\\'s parents and ancestors.  There is also a Buddhist youth program on Sundays.

For English language services, there is the Buddhism 101 program run in 10-week blocks.  This program consists of chanting in English, a short Dharma talk and Q&A session and meditation.  It is on Sundays from 3:00 ~ 4:30 p.m.  Please check the English language link on the website for details.  Video of the English chanting and Dharma talks can be found via the English language page on the website.

Dikshadam Gujarat

Address: DIXADHAM, Village: Malvan(Chokdi), Ta: Patdi, Dist: Surendranagar.   Gujarat 382745
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 09426218205
Website: http://www,
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Senior Order Member: Dhammaachari Mitrasen  Email  (Phone: 09558049517)
Main Contact: Dhammachari Anand Shakya  Email  (Phone: 09426218205)
Senior Order Member: Dhammachari Ratnakar  Email  (Phone: 09428120414)
Spiritual Director: Urgyen Sangharakshita  
Notes and Events:

Aims & Objectives:

 1) To build Stupa on Holy Ashes of Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar  as traditional way of Buddhism.

 2) To establish meditation centre for spreading Buddha’s welfare teaching and Dr. Ambedkar’s Social vision.

 3) To run social activities to help needy people of rural areas.

 •Dikshadham Project

•Dikshadham Gujarat is a new project of Bahujan Hitay Gujarat (Reg. Trust). The center is working for social awareness base on life and mission of Dr. Ambedkar and committed to spread teachings of The Lord Buddha around the Gujarat.
•Dikshadham Gujarat is situated at Village: Malvan, Tal: Patdi, District: Surendranagar. The location of centre is 90 km away from Ahmedabad and geographically central place in the Gujarat.

The project has been started by arranging opening gathering on 20.02.2011. This is the first phase work. We invite many people and shown details of this project on that occasion.

Ding Hui Dharma Centre

Address: 3 Shelley Street   Campsie NSW 2194
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Chinese Buddhist Association of NSW
Phone: 02) 9718 1611
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Main Contact: Ven.Zheng Yun  
Teacher: Ven. Shi Zheng Yun  
Notes and Events:

Saturday: Evening Chanting at 7:00pm (Conducted in Mandarin) Sunday: Morning Chanting at 9:00pm (Conducted in Mandarin)

Meditation Class at 7:00pm (Conducted in English)

Dinh Quang Buddhist Temple

Address: 2901 West High Street   Springfield 65803
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 417-866-1095
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Spiritual Director: Venerable Thich Thong Chanh  Email  (Phone: 417-866-1095)
Notes and Events:

Ozark Dharma Community meets here each Saturday from 9-10:30 AM. There is a 25 minute mediation followed by discussion about the Pali Canon texts. The Vietnamese community will begin meeting for Dharma talks in the near future. The temple is undergoing temporary changes and Ven. Thay is giving talks out of the state.

Dipkar Vajrayana Institute

Address: 13116 Louberg Valley   San Antonio TX 78253
Tradition: Vajrayana
Phone: 646-389-6735
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Notes and Events:

The Dipkar Vajrayana Institute, led by our Spiritual Leader H.E. Khangser Rinpoche, offers free workshops, seminars, and meditation classes focusing on Vajrayana forms of Indian and Tibetan Buddhism. Additionally, we provide an exchange program that allows American college students and Buddhist practitioners to deeply engage in the study of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism and the Tibetan language. We currently have an ongoing Lamrim course taught every Sunday via zoom at 10am CST, please email us directly to register. All of our courses are free of charge.

Dizang-Qi Buddhism Club

Address: Iowa State University, Ames, IA   Ames IA 50010
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 515-450-8493
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Notes and Events:

Dizang-Qi Buddhism Club is for those who are interested in Buddhism cultivation. Our cultivation is based on the basic theories of Dharma and Buddhism. Key concepts include "the law of cause and effect", the "five precepts" and "ten good conducts". The teachings come from the Pure Land school of Buddhism and utilizes six steps of cultivation which are tools that enable meditation and peace of mind:1. Being Vegetarian 2. Chanting the Sutra of the Past Vows of the Earth Store Bodhisattva 3. Prostrating in accordance with the "Eighty-Eight Repentance Ceremony" 4. Releasing and feeding animals 5. Conducting one good deed a day 6. Reciting the name of the Amitabha Buddha. As we cultivate together, participants will have a good basic understanding of Buddhism and have the tools necessary to embark on becoming a buddhist practitioner if they decide to pursue this path. At the least, participants will have experience a nice break from daily life and a relaxing day getaway a peaceful environment.

Do Nga Shedrub Ling

Address: 65199 Wiesbaden, Zwinglistr.10   Mainz/Wiesbaden
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan Buddhismus (Tantra)
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Spiritual Director: Ato Rinpoche, Sogyal Rinpoche, Ringu Tulku Rimpoche  
Main Contact: Gerald Heger  
Notes and Events:

Inneren Frieden, Stille und Ruhe finden durch Heimkommen zu sich selbst. Ein wöchentlicher Treff, der sich mit angeleiteter Meditation, dem Studium meditativer Texte und leichten Körperübungen, wie z.B. stillem Sitzen beschäftigt. Außerdem vertiefen wir unsere Praxis mit gemeinsamen Tee trinken und Gespräch. Tibetisch - Buddhistisch orientiert!

Der Meditationskreis besteht jetzt im achten Jahr in meiner Obhut und ist ursprünglich von Lama Ato Rinpoche ins Leben gerufen worden. Lama Ato ist ein alter Meister der Kagyu- und Nyingmatradition und supervidiert die Aktivitäten des Kreises. Er gab dem Kreis den Tibetischen Namen Do Nga Shedrub Ling, was soviel heißt wie Sutra-, Tantra- und Dharmastudien an diesem Ort. So beschäftigen wir uns momentan im Studium mit der Herzsutra und der Möglichkeit des buddhistischen Rituals in Deutscher Sprache. Weitere Schwerpunkte ist das Guru Yoga und die Medizin-Buddha (Sangye Menla) Praxis.

Wegen der engen, spirituellen Verbindung zu Sogyal Rinpoche, Meister der Nyingmatradition, besteht die Möglichkeit für Anfänger je nach Neigung nach einiger Zeit ihre Praxis entweder in der Nyingma- oder Kagyutradition zu vertiefen.

Da einige von uns in sozialarbeiterisch-therapeutischen Zusammenhängen arbeiten, haben wir längerfristig außerdem ein Interesse am Aufbau sozialer Projekte in der Region (z.B. therapeutische Praxis, Hospiz, psychiatrische Projekte...), bzw. eines LEBENS-, ARBEITS- und DHARMAPROJEKTES im südlichen TAUNUS!

In der PRAXIS für SYSTEMISCHE PSYCHOTHERAPIE und SUPERVISION (Idstein/Ts und Wiesbaden) besteht das Projekt "Zwei Räume ein Haus", in dem auf sinnvolle Weise der Zusammenhang zwischen psychotherapeutischer Praxis und Buddhistischer Lehre erforscht und genutzt werden soll.

Do Ngak Kunphen Ling (DNKL)

Address: 30 Putnam Park Road.   Redding CN 06896
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gelug
Affiliation: Sera Mey Monastery
Phone: (203) 664-1574
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Spiritual Director: Gyumed Khensur Rinpoche Lobsang Jampa  
Teacher: Geshe Lobsang Dhargey  
Notes and Events:

Tuesday 7PM: Buddhist Philosophy

Wednesday 7PM: Guided Meditation

Sunday 10AM: Mind Training

Dogen Sangha Buddhist Group

Address: 21 Melbourne Road  Bishopston Bristol BS7 8LA
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
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Main Contact: Mike Eido Luetchford  Email  (Phone: 0117-924-3828)
Teacher: Mike Eido Luetchford  
Spiritual Director: Nishijima Roshi  
Contact: Eido Michael and Yoko Luetchford  
Notes and Events:

Dogen Sangha Buddhist Group follow the practice and teachings of Zen Master Dogen, the 13th Century Japanese monk and philosopher. We hold regular zazen practice in Bristol. London, Bridlington, and Glasgow, and monthly one-day sesshin (intensive practice) in Bristol and London. Open to all. We also hold longer sesshin 3 to 4 times a year. See our website for details.

Dogen Sangha Los Angeles- Hill Street Center

Address: 237 Hill Street   Santa Monica CA 90405
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Affiliation: Dogen Sangha International
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Notes and Events:

Dogen Sangha Los Angeles is a Soto Zen Buddhist group that meets every Saturday morning at Hill Street Center in Santa Monica, CA.  Our group was started by Brad Warner.  We are affiliated with Dogen Sangha International, founded by Brad’s teacher, Gudo Nishijima.

9:50 AM - Noon Saturdays

Dharma talks on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays

Shinji Shobogenzo - koan and commentary book study on the 4th Saturday 

9:50 AM - 3:30 PM on the 2nd Saturday of the month.

Dogwood Dharma Fellowship

Address: 9888 Pensacola Blvd.   Pensacola FL 32514
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Unitarian Universalist Church of Pensacola
Phone: 850-418-2679
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Main Contact: Chris Yow  Email  (Phone: 850-418-2679)
Notes and Events:

Dogwood Dharma Fellowship is an ecumenical, secular Buddhist meditation and study group associated with the Unitarian Universalist Church of Pensacola.  We are not aligned with any particular Buddhist tradition, lineage, or teacher, though we learn from many. Rather, we are a community of learners who share a common interest in how the wisdom teachings of the Buddha can be integrated into our modern lives.

Together, we learn and share mindfulness and meditative techniques that help us generate awareness, presence, and compassion. We also support and encourage one another as we encounter challenges to our peace of mind. Our sessions emphasize practical application and integration of Buddhist principals into our daily routines.

Meetings are freely offered.  There are no dues or fees; however, donations for supplies and expenses are graciously accepted, though never expected.

Currently, we meet every Thursday night from 7-8:30.

Dojo Seine Zen

Address: 5 rue Broussais  Paris Paris 75014
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Soto
Affiliation: Taisen Deshimaru, Kodo Sawaki, Dogen
Phone: 0622884996
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Teacher: Coupey  
Notes and Events:

Deux séances de zazen par semaine.

Le vendredi de 7h à  8h 15  
et le dimanche de 18h 30  à 19h 15 

Initiation dimanche à 18h.

Les débutants sont les bienvenus.

Dojo Zen Barcelona Kannon

Address: Ronda Universitat, 14, 2-1A  Barcelona Barcelona 08007
Tradition: Mahayana, Taisen Deshimaru
Affiliation: Association Bouddhiste Zen D Europe
Phone: +34649649759
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Main Contact: Lluis Salas  Email  (Phone: 649649759)
Teacher: Lluis Salas  
Spiritual Director: Roland Yuno Rech  
Notes and Events:

Dojo Zen of Barcelona belonging to Association Buddhiste Zen d Europe adhered also to Association Zen Internacionale fundateur Taisen Deshimaru. Center of teaching and practising zen Buddhism in cotidian life.

Dojo zen d alés

Address: 1 rue du dr mercier   Alés Gard 30100
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Assiciation Zen Internationale
Phone: 06 77 18 34 50
Website: Http://
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Notes and Events:

Venez pratiquer le zen authentique dans la tradition japonaise solo.

Dojo Zen D'Anduze

Address: 8 rue Haute 30140 ANDUZE   ANDUZE 30140
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Phone: 06 77 18 34 50
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Notes and Events:

Le dojo est né de l’alliance – fruit d’une quinzaine d’année d’entraide et de proximité – entre le Dojo d’Alès fondé en 1987 par Alain Jacquemart, disciple de Maître Roland Rech et le groupe Zen de Ganges fondé en 1999, par Béatrice Roca Robert, à la demande du moine André Soulès, disciple de Maître Deshimaru.

Dojo Zen de Saint etienne

Address: 9 rue Montaigne  Saint-etienne Loire 42000
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: master taisen deshimaru
Phone: 04/77/38/52/08
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Teacher: Master Kosen  
Spiritual Director: Taisen Deshimaru  
Notes and Events:

In our little dojo, we practise zazen, the zen meditation from Master Deshimaru.

Beginners can come and practise also.

Dojo Zen de Tenerife (Zanmai San)

Address: C/PORLIER 20, ENTRESUELO - Santa Cruz de Tenerife 38004  Santa Cruz de Tenerife Santa Cruz de Tenerife 38004
Tradition: Mahayana, Mahâyâna, centro cultural sin animo de lucro para la difusión y enseñaza del Budismo Zen en Tenerife, Islas Canarias, España.
Affiliation: Templo Zen
Phone: 679. 829. 847
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Spiritual Director: Denkô Mesa sensei  Email  (Phone: 649.800.962)
Notes and Events:

Notes and Events:

  • CENTRO ZEN DE TENERIFE (Zanmai Zan Dojo)
  • Retiros de Meditación
  • Jornadas de Iniciación al Zen
  • Ciclo de Enseñanzas
  • Programa de Estudios Budistas
  • Meditación grupo RIGPA
  • Yoga

Dolpo Tulku

Address: Rigpa Zentrum Fürth   Turnstraße 7, Fürth Bayern 90763
Tradition: Vajrayana
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Spiritual Director: Dolpo Tulku Rinpoche  Email  
Notes and Events:

Friday, 07 January 2011 · 17:00 - 21:00

Einfuehrung in die Meditation / Introduction into Meditation

Meditationsanweisung fuer derzeitige und zukuenftige Schueler von Dolpo Tulku Rinpoche mit der Moeglichkeit Fragen zu stellen

Meditationinstructions for current and new studetns of Dolpo Tulku Rinpoche with time for questions and clarifications

Kontakt und weitere Informationen unter:

Doncaster Zen Group

Address:   Doncaster Yorkshire
Tradition: Mahayana, Taizan Maezumi
Affiliation: Dana Sangha - White Plum Asangha
Phone: 07789 501928
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Group Leader: Scott Williams  Email  (Phone: 07789501928)
Notes and Events:

Practice of Zen meditation with group discussion and the opportunity for private discussion of practice.

All are welcome and beginners will be given full instruction. 

Dorje Chang Institute

Address: 56 Powell Street   Avondale, Auckland Auckland 1026
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gelugpa Tibetan Buddhist
Affiliation: FPMT
Phone: (09) 828 3333
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Main Contact: Spiritual Program Coordinator  
Teacher: Geshe Thubten Wangchen (Resident Tibetan Teacher)  
Spiritual Director: Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

We offer a variety of Meditation, Introductory and Intermediate Buddhist Classes taught by Geshe Thubten Wangchen as well as Buddhist pujas (prayer services) on select Weekday Evenings 7.30 - 9pm and Sundays 10am-12pm. For the current program schedule visit:

Dorje Ling Retreat Centre

Address: 1078 Lorinna Road, Lorinna 7306, Tasmania. PO Box 593, North Hobart 7002,   TAS
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gelug (Tibetan)
Affiliation: Tashi Choling Dharma Foundation Inc.and Gaden for the west
Phone: 03 6363 5178
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Main Contact: Sue Willey (President)  Email  
Spiritual Director: Zasep Tulku Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

The Tashi Choling Dharma Foundation (TCDF) Inc is a not-for-profit organisation incorporated since 1994.  The organisation provides facilities and activities which benefit both the increasing numbers of people in the community who identify as Buddhist and those people, from all backgrounds and beliefs, who wish to have access to quality instruction in meditation and mindfulness to enhance health and well-being.


The aims of the organisation are (1) to provide teachers and formal courses of education in meditation and Buddhist philosophy conducive to the development of wisdom, compassion, inner peace, stability and good citizenship; (2) to foster open communication amongst spiritual traditions to promote religious and social harmony; and (3) to contribute to the welfare of the Australian community by undertaking and providing activities and amenities which facilitate the above.


The programs and activities of the TCDF are open to all, and regularly attract participants from across Tasmania, from other states of Australia and occasionally internationally.

The organisation undertakes a number of activities in support of its aims and objectives.  These include:

  • Ownership, management and operation of Dorje Ling meditation retreat and education centre in Lorinna on Lake Cethana in remote north-west Tasmania.  Dorje Ling is the second oldest Buddhist retreat Centre in Australia, hosting its first meditation retreat in 1977.  It is situated on 48 acres of native forest and parklands, and includes a hexagonal log meditation hall, a kitchen/dining room/dormitory, a fully renovated caretakers/managers house, a self-contained long-term retreat house/teachers residence and seven retreat huts.  A solar electric system serves the property, which also has ample space for camping.  The centre is used regularly for group meditation and yoga retreats, is used weekly by the local Lorinna community for activities focused on yoga and health, and is also used by many individuals seeking opportunity for quiet contemplation and rejuvenation.  The centre was built, purchased and is maintained by volunteer labour and contribution.
  • Provision of weekly classes in meditation and Buddhist philosophy, and access to a library, open to all, at Tashi Choling Buddhist Centre in central Hobart;
  • Organising and hosting visits by international teachers of Buddhist meditation to Tasmania, including facilitating programs of public talks, weekend workshops and more lengthy meditation retreats for the Tasmanian public;



    PO Box 593, North Hobart, TAS 7002.

    Contacts: Maria Grist – (03) 62 349404 or Kate MacNicol – 0432 630796

    Web site < > Email:

    Our regular meditation meetings are held at 7.30 – 9.00 pm every Tuesday above Gould’s Naturopathica.

    Floor 2, 71 Liverpool St, Hobart. All welcome. See Page 3 for further details.

Dorjechang Buddhist Centre

Address: 2673 Trinity Street   Abbotsford BC BC V2S 3S3
Tradition: Vajrayana, Kadampa Buddhism Tibetan
Affiliation: New Kadampa Tradition
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Main Contact: Kelsang Chenma  Email  (Phone: 604 853 3738)
Teacher: Kelsang Sanden  
Spiritual Director: Kelsang Gyatso  
Notes and Events:

Dorjechang Buddhist Centre is a registered charity, part of the NKT-IKBU, an international union of Buddhist Centres dedicated to teaching practical meditation classes and Buddhist study programs. Our purpose is to provide places where people can learn to meditate and develop positive, peaceful states of mind. Our drop-in weekly meditation classes and most of our daycourses and many retreats are sutable for both beginners and experienced meditators. Everyone is welcome. Weekly we offer evening drop-in meditation classes in Abbotsford, Langley, Chilliwack, Coquitlam, Maple Ridge and Mission

We also hold regular sessions of chanted prayers, or pujas, which are often combined with meditation, visualization, and mantra recitation. Usual weekly practices offered include:

Heart Jewel Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays 7:30-8:30 am; and on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 5 pm;
Wishfulfilling Jewel with Tsog Saturdays at 6:30pm.
Liberation from Sorrow, prayers to the female wisdom Buddha Tara, Sundays at 8:30 am and
Quick Path to Great Bliss Mondays and Fridays at 9:00 am (this requires appropriate empowerments)

As well, we offer more in-depth study programs for those who are interested in deeply exploring the Buddhist spiritual path.

Foundation Program

The Foundation Program is a structured study and meditation program that enables us to gain deeper understanding and experience of Buddha’s teachings, to develop a regular meditation practice, and to become part of a warm and supportive spiritual community.

Teacher Training Program

The Teacher training program is for those who wish to become qualified teachers of Kadampa Buddhism and also for those who wish to gain clear insight into Buddha’s teachings and deep experience of their practice. It involves the study of twelve of Geshe Kelsang’s books, covering both Sutra and Tantra teachings.

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