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Groupe de méditation Shambhala de Lyon

Address: Espace Benoist Mary 25, rue des Fossés de Trion   LYON Rhône 69005
Tradition: Vajrayana, Kagyü and Nyingma Lineage
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Founder: Vidyadhara Chogyam Trungpa Rinpotche  
Main Contact: Colette LENOIR  Email  (Phone: 04 78 25 18 67 )
Spiritual Director: Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Le Groupe Shambhala de Lyon propose une soirée hebdomadaire de pratique et d\\\'enseignements, ainsi qu\\\'une journée de pratique (nyinthün) une fois par mois. L\\\'ensemble de ces activités sont ouvertes à tous, débutants y compris.

Groupe de Méditation Zen De Marseille

Address: Résidence Château Sec. Club la Passerelle -10 Traverse de La Gaye - 13009   MARSEILLE 13009
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Zen Sôtô Uchiyama Lineage
Phone: 336 71 74 91 86
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Notes and Events:

Schedule : Every Monday : 6:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

spirit of the teaching :

Zen Meditation or Zazen consists in the practice of a quiet sitting. Thanks to an every-moment-let-go, the mental images which veil the true nature of ones inner being, fade and make way for the very essence of Reality. Stemming from Chinese, then Japanese Buddhism, Zazen does not purport to a philosophical, religious, mystical or ethical system. It is a path for awakening oneself to ones core-reality. The method transmitted here belongs to the Sôtô, which is one of the two main branches of Zen, as taught by Master Kôsho Uchiyama who wanted to cleanse the practice from all ritualistic or religious superfluity. He emphasised the fundamental importance and correctness of the meditative posture.

Grupo Budista de Benito Juarez

Tradition: Mahayana, Budismo Shin de las Americas
Affiliation: North American Shin Association (NASBA)
Main Contact: Sebastián Calo  
Notes and Events:

Nos dedicamos a las enseñanzas del Buda histórico y del reformador religioso del siglo 13, Shinran Shonin, el fundador de budismo Shin o Jodo Shinshu. Además, la tradición iconoclasta y meditativa de Soto Zen nos inspiramos, como un medio eficaz de cultivar mejor un corazón tranquilo y lúcido para oír la luz espiritual dentro de nosotros. También estamos abiertos a todas las tradiciones budistas y a la totalidad de la espiritualidad y de la sabiduría del mundo.

Grupo Budista de Cordoba

Address: Gral. Paz 120 P.10 H Informes: Tienda Esotérica Verde Mente Galería Rex – Loc. 15   Cordoba
Tradition: Mahayana, Shin Buddhism
Affiliation: North American Shin Association (NASBA)
Phone: 0351 – 4113452
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Main Contact: Rodrigo Pedraza Cécere  
Notes and Events:

Esperamos que usted se sienta en casa cuando practicamos juntos. Nuestra comunidad espiritual le ofrece la amistad, aprendizaje, enriquecimiento, servicio y práctica.

Grupo Budista Shin de Sevilla

Tradition: Mahayana, Budismo Shin
Affiliation: North American Shin Association (NASBA)
Phone: 693461730
Main Contact: Victor G.  
Notes and Events:

Nos dedicamos a las enseñanzas del Buda histórico y del reformador religioso del siglo 13, Shinran Shonin, el fundador de budismo Shin o Jodo Shinshu. Además, la tradición iconoclasta y meditativa de Soto Zen nos inspiramos, como un medio eficaz de cultivar mejor un corazón tranquilo y lúcido para oír la luz espiritual dentro de nosotros. También estamos abiertos a todas las tradiciones budistas y a la totalidad de la espiritualidad y de la sabiduría del mundo.

Grupo Vipassana

Address: La Peña / Los Majales   Tarifa Cádiz 11380
Tradition: Theravada, Thai Forest, Goenka, Joseph Goldstein
Phone: +34625662375
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Main Contact: José Manuel Pérez  Email  (Phone: +34625662375)
Notes and Events:

Somos un grupo muy reciente de meditación Vipassana. Nos encontramos todos los jueves a las 20:00 horas en una casa particular a unos 8 kms de Tarifa, para practicar Metta, meditación Vipassana y escuchar charlas mp3 de diferentes profesores/maestros/lamas budistas.

Grupul Budist Calea de Diamant București

Address: Str. Dinicu Golescu 17 bl. F   Bucharest
Tradition: Vajrayana, 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje
Affiliation: Diamond Way Buddhism
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Spiritual Director: Lama Ole Nydahl  
Notes and Events:

Organize weekly (Thursday at 19.00 hour) guided group meditation open to anyone who is genuinely interested in Buddhist meditation. 

Guang Jue Temple

Address: Zaoxi Town, Tian Mu Shan, Zhejiang.  
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 86 57163891830
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Main Contact: Zhi Sheng Shifu  Email  (Phone: 15057128334)
Spiritual Director: Venerable Zheng Rong  (Phone: 86 57163891830)
Notes and Events:

Guang Jue Temple is a temple in the Chinese Pure Land Tradition and is situated in the tranquil mountain surrounds of Tian Mu Shan under the direction of the Venerable Zheng Rong.

Regular retreats are held in English in Meditation, Mindfulness Skills, Naikan and Pure Land Chanting.

Short Course Buddhist Learning Program.

Personal Healing Retreats.

Guests are welcome to stay short or longer term.  There are no fees and only a donation from your heart.

Our full course and retreat program are available at

Inquiries are welcome to the Retreat and Education Director

Guhyasamaja Buddhist Center

Address: 10875 Main St. Unit 108 Fairfax, VA 22030   Centreville, VA VI 20122
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa (FPMT)
Affiliation: FPMT
Phone: 703-774-9692
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Main Contact: Lorne Ladner  Email  (Phone: 703-774-9692)
Teacher: Gyumed Khensur Rinpoche Losang Jampa  
Spiritual Director: Gabe Mata  Email  (Phone: 703-774-9692)
Notes and Events:

The Guhyasamaja Center for Tibetan Buddhist meditation is a community of spiritual friends in the Washington DC area dedicated to the practice of Mahayana Buddhism. Our resident teacher, Gyumed Khensur Rinpoche Lobsang Jampa (Geshe Thinley Topgyal), is a retired abbot of Gyumed Tantric College. We follow the Gelugpa tradition, the same lineage as His Holiness The Dalai Lama. Visiting teachers who have graced the Center in the past include Ven. Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Ven. Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche, and Yangsi Rinpoche.

Our Spiritual Director, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, founded the center in 1994 as part of the worldwide Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition. FPMT is an international family of city and retreat centers, monasteries, publishing houses, hospices, and healing centers established by Lama Yeshe.

Guhyasamaja Buddhist Center

Address: 10875 Main Street. Unit. #108   Fairfax VI 22030
Tradition: Mahayana, Gelug
Affiliation: Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition
Phone: (703) 774-9692
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Spiritual Director: Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

The Guhyasamaja Center is committed to helping all beings fulfill their highest potential — boundless wisdom and compassion inspired by an attitude of universal responsibility. Our primary focus is the exploration of the mind — how to understand and work with our mind to overcome inner causes of suffering and dissatisfaction (such as hatred, greed, and ignorance) while cultivating inner causes of happiness (such as love, compassion, patience, and wisdom).

Whether you are new to Buddhism or a long-time practitioner, the center provides classes from FPMT's carefully designed curriculum and other opportunities to learn and practice, suitable for all levels of interest and experience. Please visit our Classes & Events page for details.

Gulf Coast Dharma

Address:   Pensacola 32504
Tradition: Theravada, Justin Otto
Affiliation: Insight/Vipassana
Phone: 5046717735
Fax: Justin Otto
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Main Contact: Justin Otto  Email  (Phone: 5046717735)
Notes and Events:

Our Sangha meets in person every Monday at 7pm Central time.  Information can be found on our website.

Gyobutsuji Zen Monastery

Address: Co Rd 9   Kingston AS AR 72742
Tradition: Mahayana, Uchiyama Roshi, Okumura Roshi
Affiliation: Japanese Soto School, Sanshin Zen Community
Phone: (479) 800-5391
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Spiritual Director: Shoryu Bradley  Email  (Phone: (479) 800-5391)
Notes and Events:

Gyobutsuji (Practice Buddha Monastery) is a small mountain monastery devoted to the practice of zazen.  Located in the Ozark mountains of Northwestern Arkansas, practice at Gyobutsuji aims to realize the spirit of the ancient teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha and Eihei Dogen Zenji through the contemporary Soto Zen practice styles of Kosho Uchiyama Roshi and his Dharma heir, Shohaku Okumura Roshi.

     The inspiration for Gyobutsuji's name is found in Eihei Dogen Zenji's Shobogenzo Gyobutsu Igi (True Dharma Eye Treasury: Dignified Behavior of Practice Buddha):

     All buddhas without exception fully practice dignified conduct: this [practice] is Practice Buddha.  [...] Sharing one corner of the Buddha's dignified conduct is done together with the entire universe, the great earth, and with the entire coming-and-going of life-and-death.  [...] This is nothing other than the dignified conduct of the oneness of Practice and Buddha.

     Rather than a means for individual spiritual attainment, practice at Gyobutsuji is approached as the actualization of boundless "truth", done together with "all things".  It is in this actualization, this sincere practice of the present moment, that we are released from suffering.  Dogen Zenji expressed this attitude in Gyobutsu Igi by presenting genuine practice as the universal buddha he called "Practice Buddha"(Gyobutsu).  At Gyobutsuji we aspire to honor our practice as Practice Buddha, the boundless "reality" beyond concepts of self and other, existence and nonexistence, and time and space. Practice at Gyobutsuji is the actualization of our trust that genuine practice is the greatest offering we can make to ourselves and to the whole of life.

     At this time, earth, grasses and trees, fences and walls, tiles and pebbles, all things in the dharma realm in ten directions, carry out buddha work. Therefore, everyone receives the benefit of wind and water movement caused by this functioning, and all are imperceptibly helped by the wondrous and incomprehensible influence of Buddha to actualize the enlightenment at hand.  — Dogen Zenji in Bendowa (Wholehearted Practice of the Way)

     It is through this practice of universal offering that we find our individual paths.  Personal development through study, work practice, interpersonal interactions and meditation, allows us to nurture our vow to awaken to universal life as we allow it to blossom through our individual activities.

Habitat of Buddha Yoga Inc

Address: 5908 67th Ave. N.   Pinellas Park FL 33781
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: None
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Main Contact: Reverend Upananda T Dedunupitiye  
Spiritual Director: Reverend Upananda T Dedunupitiye  Email  
Notes and Events:

The Habitat of Buddha Yoga, Inc (HBY) adheres to the Buddha’s teaching that one does not have to be initiated or baptized as a Buddhist in order to be a Buddhist. While one adheres to one’s religious/spiritual upbringing one has acquired since birth, one must be able to respect all the religions; one can be a Buddhist, as one embark upon and continue a life-long process of self-transformation through Buddha Yoga (=mental cultivation) which is specifically known as “Vipassana” (Insight) meditation only found in the Buddha’s Teaching. Just as different rivers flowing from different directions become one on emptying themselves into the ocean, people from different religio-cultural backgrounds become one, as they “sit together” for self-transformation, whose ultimate step is “Absolute Awakening” (Nirvana). Unless Awakening of the moment is achieved in daily life, Nirvana will only be a dream or fantasy. The HBY welcomes people from all walks of life and different religio-cultural backgrounds to congregate together and journey into the mind wherein lays the potential of Nirvana, or Buddha Nature. The Buddha Nature remains hindered by fermentations gradually built up, as life is lived in a stressful and disharmonious way. Buddha’s Teaching is not only for Buddhists but also for all beings. The HBY wishes you a life full of wellness, happiness and peace. 

Halifax Nalandabodhi Study Group

Address: 6156 Quinpool Road, Halifax NS B3L 1A3 Contact Mike Munro  Nova Scotia
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Kagyu /Nyingma
Affiliation: Nalandabodhi
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Notes and Events:

The Halifax Nalandabodhi Study Group is dedicated to the study and practice of Buddhism, a science of mind, under the direction of The Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche.

Halifax Vipassana Circle

Address:   Halifax Nova Scotia
Tradition: Theravada
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Main Contact: Zoey Roy  Email  
Notes and Events:

An egalitarian group of lay practitioners coming together to meditate and study in the Theravadan Buddhist tradition.

Hamburg Zen Group

Address: TYIAO-Zentrum Hamburg, Arnoldstrasse 77, 22763 Hamburg-Ottensee   Hamburg
Tradition: Mahayana, Kwan Um School of Zen (Korean)
Phone: (0) 40-72545986
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Founding Teacher: Zen Master Seung Sah  
Guiding Teacher: Roland Wöhrle-Chon JDPSN (Mukyong JDPSN)  
Notes and Events:

TYIAO-Zentrum Hamburg, Arnoldstrasse 77, 22763 Hamburg-Ottensee

new practice location as of 2012

Hampshire Buddhist Society

Address:   Hampshire
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Notes and Events:

The Hampshire Buddhist Society was founded in 1966 as a local affiliate of the Buddhist Society, founded in 1924. It now consists of two groups that meet in Southampton, offering two of the traditional forms of Buddhism, both rooted in the Buddha’s ancient teachings.

Harrogate Zen Group

Address: 46 St Clements Road  Harrogate HG2 8LX
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Zen River Buddhist Training Temple, Uithuizen, NL
Phone: 01423884000
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Notes and Events:

Weekly meditation group within the Soto Zen tradition open to people of all faiths or none.

Harrow Zazenkai

Address: Sittings are at Flat 3, 4 Stuart Avenue, South Harrow, Middlesex UK HA2 9BB   Middlesex
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: White Wind Zen community
Phone: 020 8422 9757
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Contact: Frank Tettsu Woods  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Anzan Hoshin roshi  
Notes and Events:

The main activity at Harrow Zazenkai is sitting - zazen. And in this context we unfold the forms of chanting, listening to teisho tapes by Anzan Hoshin roshi, Daruma-kata Aiki - a movement practice - and oryoki. Practice interviews are regularly available with practice advisors at Dainen-ji by telephone and email. We also have the opportunity for face to face interviews with visiting practice advisors when we hold Introduction to Zen Workshops. Formal students travel regularly to Dainen-ji and this helps keep the practice environment fresh.

In addition to our daily schedule, one-day sittings are held monthly. Other sitting times and instruction in sitting posture are available by appointment.

Haus Tao Meditation Center

Address: Temple of the Sati-Zen-Sangha   Wolfhalden AR 9427
Tradition: Mahayana, Sati-Zen-Sangha
Affiliation: Rinzai-Zen
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Dharma teacher: Beatrice Knechtle  Email  
Main Contact: Dagmar Jauernig  Email  
Teacher: Ven. Marcel Geisser  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Marcel Geisser  Email  
Notes and Events:

Since 1983, Marcel Geisser has led Zen and vipashyana courses in Switzerland, Germany, Austria and India and gives international lectures and seminars. In 1986 he founded the meditation center House Tao, which he continues to head today. In 1994 he was designated as Dharmachãrya  by Thich Nhât Hanh.

Marcel Geisser is actively involved in Interreligious und Inter-Buddhist dialogue, e.g. within the framework of  the European Buddhist Union (EBU), as a leading member of the Swiss Buddhist Union (SBU), at international Buddhist conferences and at interreligious events.


Hay House India

Address: Hay House Publishers (India) Pvt. Ltd., Muskaan Complex, Plot No. 3, B-2, Vasant Kunj   New Delhi NDelhi 110070
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Buddhism
Phone: 011-41761620
Fax: 011-41761630
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Spiritual Director: His Holiness the 12th Kenting Tai Situpa  Email  
Notes and Events:

Hay House India is pleased to announce its annual Buddhist retreat at the renowned Palpung Sherabling Monastery near Dharamshala – the seat of one of the most celebrated spiritual leaders of our time, His Holiness the 12th Kenting Tai Situpa. This exclusive six-day retreat from 21st to 27th October 2012 would offer delegates (strictly on a first-come, first-served basis) a unique opportunity to switch to a more spiritual way of being through Tibetan Buddhism and meditation.  His Holiness would personally conduct all the teaching sessions and would talk about THE FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS – the very first teaching Buddha gave after he attained enlightenment.

Hayagriva Buddhist Centre

Address: 64 Banksia Terrace, Kensington, WA 6151   WA
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa
Affiliation: FPMT and Wheel of Life - Hospice Service 858144
Phone: (08) 9367 4817
Fax: (08) 9367 4817
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Teacher: Ven. Thubten Dondrub  
Notes and Events:

How to get to the centre

Wheel of Life - Hospice Service

Help for the Dying and Their Carers

Birth and death, sickness and health, are part of the reality of human existence. In particular, our attitude towards dying and death makes a great deal of difference to the way in which we experience them. Wheel of Life - Hospice Service offers training so that each of us can prepare for our own death.

Helping others wherever one can, according to their needs, is the true expression of compassion. Wheel of Life – Hospice Service aims to offer this gift of affection and love, companionship and emotional and spiritual support to those individuals and their families who are facing life-threatening illness, to the dying, to those who have died and to those who are left grieving.

The Coordinator of the Wheel of Life-Hospice Service is Venerable  Losang Chodron.

Wheel of Life is a community service of the Hayagriva Buddhist Centre.
64 Banksia Terrace, Kensington,  WA 6151.
Phone: (08) 9367 4817 

Hayward Kadampa Buddhist Meditation

Address: 22248 Main Street   Hayward CA 94541
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: New Kadampa Tradition
Phone: 415-503-1187
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Teacher: Michele Katrina Thorsen  
Main Contact: Michele Katrina Thorsen  Email  (Phone: (415) 377-1906)
Notes and Events:

These drop-in classes explore meditation and modern Buddhist practices for improving our happiness, relationships, and ability to transform problems into opportunities. The classes are suitable for everyone and consist of guided meditations, teaching and discussion. Each class is self-contained, so drop in anytime. There is no need to pre-register or bring anything. Everyone is welcome!


We are a non-profit organization funded by class fees and donations. Any profits go towards supporting the International Temples Project for World Peace.

Hazrat Buddha Sahib Anjuman/ Muslim-Buddhist Dialogue Circle

Address: Social Sciences Division, University of the Philippines Campus U.P.Lahug Street, Gorordo Avenue, Cebu City, Cebu 6000  
Tradition: Theravada, Study circle with Strong Sufi-Muslim synthesis/emphasis
Affiliation: Phu Sian Buddhist Temple, Cebu City
Phone: 032-2334708 / 032-2338202
Fax: 032-2328104
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Contact: Prof. Henry Francis Bibera Espiritu, M.A.Philo  
Spiritual Director: Hazrat Baba Khizr Dhul Qifl  
Notes and Events:

Teachers: 1.Master Oi Tse 2.Prof.Henry Francis B.Espiritu 3.Master Ching Yuen 4.Hazrat Ilyas Suhrawardi

Description: This is an ecumenical organization that is primarily a dialogue study circle for a cooperative and integrative study of Buddhist and Islamic traditions. All are welcome to participate in the weekly study circles.The organizations mini-library is likewise is open for everybody.

Hazy Moon Sangha

Address:   Doncaser
Tradition: Mahayana, White Plum Lineage
Affiliation: White Plum Asangha
Phone: 07789501928
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Teacher: Scott Williams Sensei  
Notes and Events:

Zen Buddhist Meditation community based in Doncaster led by Scott Sensei. We offer morning Zazen (Sitting Meditation) and hold a weekly meeting on Tuesday evenings that includes a dharma talk or opportunity for private interview.

Hazy Moon Sangha also holds a regular schedule of retreats and Days of Zen, sometimes hosting teachers from across Europe and our partner sangrias in the White Plum Lineage.

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