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D.I. Yogyakarta


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Kab. Jayapura

Kab. Manokwari

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Kabupaten Gunung Kidul

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Kabupaten Kendari

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Kabupaten Rembang

Kabupaten Salatiga

Kabupaten Semarang

Kabupaten Sorong.d

Kabupaten Sukabumi

Kabupaten Tabanan

Kabupaten Tanah Laut.

Kabupaten Tangerang

Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

Kabupaten Tegal

Kabupaten Temanggung

Kabupaten Wonogiri

Kabupaten Wonosobo

Kota Administratif Tarakan

Kota Administratip Singkawang

Kotamadya Ambon

Kotamadya Balikpapan

Kotamadya Banjarmasin

Kotamadya Jakarta Barat

Kotamadya Jakarta Pusat

Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan

Kotamadya Jakarta Timur

Kotamadya Jakarta Utara

Kotamadya Manado

Kotamadya Palu

Kotamadya Pontianak

Kotamadya Samarinda

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Nusa Tenggara Barat



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Sumatra Selatan

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Kadampa Meditation Center Texas

Address: 609 Truman Street.   Arlington TX 76011
Tradition: Vajrayana, New Kadampa Tradition/International Kadampa Buddhist Union
Phone: (817) 303-2700
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Education Program Coordinator: Eve Miller  Email  (Phone: 817-303-2700)
Main Contact: Kelsang Chogo  Email  (Phone: 817-303-2700)
Teacher: Gen Kelsang Jampa  
Spiritual Director: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
Notes and Events:

The Texas Kadampa World Peace Temple at KMC Texas has arisen from the pure intention and vision of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Founder of the New Kadampa Tradition – International Kadampa Buddhist Union.  The Temple is dedicated to the happiness and freedom from suffering of every living being. It is one of many temples built around the world as part of the International Temples Project.

The current building in Arlington has been renovated under Geshe Kelsang’s guidance into a modern Kadampa Buddhist Temple.

“We hope and pray that in the future similar temples will develop throughout the world, in every major city of every country and dedicate the creation of these temples to world peace and for the happiness of all living beings.”  – Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

Deep spiritual meaning

The symbolic architecture of the Temple and its original art endow it with a tranquil beauty that soothes the mind and has deep spiritual meaning. The Temple is treasured by Kadampa practitioners as a holy object that inspires us to attain inner and outer peace.

“Just looking at the Temple with a happy mind brings inner peace.”  - Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

Visiting the Temple

The Temple is open for tours on Sundays from 12:00 to 1:00 pm. KMC Texas offers a full schedule of Buddhist classes, group meditation and chanted prayers, retreats, special events and day courses.  Everyone welcome!

Kadampa Meditation Centre Manchester

Address: 76 High Lane, Chorlton, Manchester M21 9XF   Manchester Manchester M21 9XF
Tradition: Vajrayana, New Kadampa Tradition
Phone: (0161) 861-7012
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Spiritual Director: Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
Teacher: Gen Kelsang Lhachog  
Main Contact: Kelsang Phachog  Email  (Phone: 0161 861 7012)
Notes and Events:

Kadampa Meditation Centre Manchester (KMC Manchester) is a modern Buddhist meditation centre serving Manchester and the surrounding region.  We offer meditations and talks that everyone is welcome to attend and that provide lasting solutions to our daily problems through integrating Buddha's teachings into our daily lives.  

Mondays 8 - 9pm, Tuesday or Thursday 7.30 - 9pm, Friday 11am - 12pm

We also run day time classes, classes for children, weekend workshops and have a vegetarian / vegan World Peace Cafe open Thursday - Sunday each week.  

For more details see

Kadampa Meditation Centre Winnipeg

Address: 839 Ellice Ave   Winnipeg Manitoba R3G 0C3
Tradition: Mahayana, New Kadampa Tradition
Affiliation: Kadampa Meditation Centre Canada
Phone: 204-691-3323
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Teacher: Kelsang Rigden  
Main Contact: Kelsang Gyalchog  Email  (Phone: 204-691-3323)
Spiritual Director: Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche  Email  (Phone: +441229584029)
Notes and Events:

We offer meditation & modern Buddhism classes and retreats.

such as:

half hour Lunchtime meditations

weekly evening classes 

weekend courses and retreats

in depth study programs

and we have open hours a few times a week to drop in and visit our modern Buddhist Centre.





Kadampa Meditation Centre, Australia

Address: 25 McCarthy Road   Monbulk Vic 3793
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan
Affiliation: NKT-IKBU
Phone: 397567203
Fax: 397520077
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Main Contact: Kelsang Pagma  Email  (Phone: 397567203)
Teacher: Kelsang Dornying  
Spiritual Director: Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
Notes and Events:

Kadampa Meditation Centre Australia offers a wide range of classes, courses and retreats that are open to the general public. We aim to provide something for everyone: from relaxing breaks in the Dandenongs to in-depth Buddhist teacher training programme.

So whether you just want to unwind and de-stress or are looking for a new way to apporach the challenges life presents, we hope you will find something for you here.

As well as the perfect retreat setting of our beautiful temple in the idyllic Dandenong ranges, we organise weekly classes in areas throughout Melbourneurban sprawl from the inner city to the rural fringes.

Meditation and Buddhism in Melbourne - classes and courses for all levels of interest.

Kadampa Meditation Centre Australia (KMCA) is the mother centre of the New Kadampa Tradition - International Kadampa Buddhist Union in Australia. Perched on a mountainside, located an hour outside of Melbourne in the lush forest of the Dandenong Ranges, it is the perfect place for enjoying inner peace.

KMCA has a thriving residential community of monks, nuns and lay practitioners, and provides classes and retreats for all levels of interest.

KMCA contains a beautiful World Peace Temple, created through the pure vision of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Founder of the New Kadampa Tradition, and the joyful dedication of many volunteers. The Temple is host to a number of local, national and international events for Kadampa Buddhists, year after year.

Kadampa Meditationszentrum Deutschland

Address: Sommerswalde 8   Oberkrämer Berlin 16727
Tradition: Vajrayana, Neue Kadampa Tradition (NKT)
Phone: 033055-220533
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Spiritual Director: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
Notes and Events:

Das Kadampa Meditationszentrum Deutschland (KMCD) liegt nördlich von Berlin und ist in Schloss Sommerswalde bei Oranienburg zuhause.

Kadampa-Buddhismus ist eine Schule des Buddhismus, die auf die buddhistischen Meister Atisha udn Je Tsongkhapa zurückgeht und die vom Ehrwürdigen Geshe Kelsang Gyatso in den Westen gebracht wurde. 

Die Neue Kadampa-Traidition - International Kadampa Buddhist Union (NKT-IKBU) ist der internationale Verband der Studien- udn Meditationszentren des Kadampa-Buddhismus. Die NKT-IKBU ist eine völlig unabhängige buddhistische Tradition ohne jegliche politische Zugehörigkeit und hat den alleinigen Zweck, den buddhistischen Glauben zu fördern.

Das KMC D bietet verschiedene Studienprogramme, Tageskurse, Retreats und Meditationen an. Jeder ist herzlich willkommen!

Kadampa Meditationszentrum Frankfurt

Address: Adolf-Leweke-Straße 19   Frankfurt am Main Hessen 60435
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: New Kadampa Tradition
Phone: 069 34878268
Website: http://www.meditation-in-frankfurt-de
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Main Contact: Serdar Serin  Email  (Phone: 069 34878268)
Teacher: Gen Kelsang Sangdak  
Notes and Events:

Kadampa Buddhist meditation, teachings, courses, and retreats in and around Frankfurt. Everyone is welcome.

Kadampa Meditationszentrum Schweiz

Address: Mirabellenstrasse 1 8048 Zürich   Zurich Zurich 8048
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: +41 (0) 44 461 33 88
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Main Contact: Education Program Coordinator  Email  (Phone:
Notes and Events:

Das Kadampa Meditationszentrum Schweiz bietet in einer einladenden und entspannten Atmosphäre ein vielseitiges Angebot an Meditationen, Vorträgen und Studienprogrammen an. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch.

Kadampa Meditationszentrum Schweiz

Address: 8048 Zürich, Mirabellenstrasse 1   Zürich Zurich 8048
Tradition: Mahayana, Kadampa
Affiliation: Neue Kadampa Tradition
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Main Contact: Philip Odermatt  Email  (Phone: 0041774834238)
Teacher: Gen Losang Kelsang  
Spiritual Director: Gen Kelsang Dekyong  
Notes and Events:

Das Kadampa Meditationszentrum Schweiz ist ein buddhistisches Meditationszentrum in Zürich Altstetten und bietet in einer einladenden und entspannten Atmosphäre ein vielseitiges Angebot an Meditationen, Vorträgen und Studienprogramme an.

Kadhampa Buddhist Society of Australia Inc.

Address: 614 Highbury Road  Glen Waverley Vic 3150
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa
Phone: (03) 8822 3308
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Spiritual Director: H.E. Gontug Rinpoche  Email  (Phone: (03) 8822 3308)
Notes and Events:

The Kadhampa Buddhist Society of Australia is a part of a worldwide network of more than 20 centres. We are a charitable organisation focused on propagating Buddhist culture, heritage and teachings of love, compassion and wisdom.

We offer a wide range of activities and events for people at different levels of practice and interest. Events vary from teachings, chantings, meditation, guru puja, candle offerings, qigong and more.

Kagyu Choeyang Ling

Address: Plunket Street Spreydon New Zealand   Christchurch Christchurch 8140
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan - Karma Kagyu
Affiliation: Karma Kagyu
Phone: +64 3 327 9559
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Spiritual Director: Venerable Lama Assi  
Notes and Events:

Based in the South Island of New Zealand, Kagyu Choeyang Ling has been created to provide a strong foundation for current and future generations to practice authentic Buddhist Dharma in the Karma Kagyu tradition. The intention is to develop strong centres with a dedicated and pure focus, that help people to meet the teachings of this lineage and practice the Dharma to attain genuine realisation.

You are welcome to attend our weekly meditation session on Sundays at 10:00 am.

Kagyu Chögyi Gyaltsen

Address: 2 Roxbury Court   Voorheesville NY 12186
Tradition: Vajrayana, Kagyu
Affiliation: Kagyu Thubten Chöling
Phone: 518-439-2974
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Main Contact: Dean Hill  Email  (Phone: 518-439-2974)
Spiritual Director: Lama Norlha Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Kagyu Chögyi Gyaltsen (KCG) is a Tibetan Buddhist meditation and study center located just outside of Albany, New York. KCG is an affiliate of Kagyu Thubten Chöling monastery, and is under the spiritual direction of Lama Norlha Rinpoche

We engage in Tibetan Buddhist practice and study with a special emphasis on the Karma Kagyu and Shangpa lineages of Buddhism. Practices include silent sitting meditation and sadhana practice. Basic Buddhist meditation instruction is offered free of charge. 

In addition to meditation and study, KCG also supports the practice of participants by offering childcare on a monthly basis. Please check the schedule for applicable dates.

Kagyu Dag Shang Kunchab

Address: Centro de Estudios de Budismo Tibetano. c/ Gascón de Gotor, 27, 2º izda.   Zaragoza 50006
Tradition: Vajrayana, Kagyu
Affiliation: Kagyu
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Spiritual Director: Lama Drubgyu  
Notes and Events:

Centro Budista Vajrayana, bajo la autoridad espiritual del Muy Venerable Kalu Rinpoche.

Kagyu Droden Kunchab, St. Louis

Address: 10073 Manchester Road. #100 (Healing Arts Center)   St. Louis MO 63122
Tradition: Vajrayana, Shangpa/Karma Kagyu
Affiliation: Kagyu Droden Kunchab, San Francisco
Phone: 314-809-2441
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Main Contact: Kati Guerra  Email  (Phone: 314-809-2441)
Spiritual Director: Ven. Lama Lodu Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

We meet every Sunday morning:

10AM Ngondro Practice

11AM Chenrezig/Medicine Buddha (alternating)

 All are warmly welcomed!

Kagyu Rime Darjay Choeling

Address: 48 Makene Road RD2 Okaihau   Okaihau Northland 0476
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Kama Kagyu , Rime
Phone: 0210335227
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Teacher: His Eminence Beru Khyentse Rinpoche  
Main Contact: terran  (Phone: 0210335227)
Notes and Events:

The centre is setup to teach meditation and the Buddha's teachings , the centre is in the foot hills of the Mangamuka ranges 6 km's from the township and is open to any body who is interested in meditation or and buddhist practice.

Kagyu Samdrup Chödzong

Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu Lineage
Affiliation: Kagyu Thubten Chöling Monastery
Spiritual Director: Puntsok Gyaltsen  Email  
Teacher: Puntsok Gyaltsen  
Main Contact: Puntsok Gyaltsen  
Notes and Events:

Kagyu Samdrup Chödzong is the Greensboro, North Carolina Dharma center in the tradition of the Karma Kagyu lineage and an affiliate of Kagyu Thubten Chöling Monastery in New York State. 
Kagyu Thubten Chöling Monastery was founded in 1978 by Lama Norlha Rinpoche after he arrived in New York City as Kyabje Dorje Chang Kalu Rinpoches representative and director of his centers in the eastern United States.

The intention of our Dharma Center here in Greensboro, North Carolina is to encourage the practice of teachings and practices of the Kagyu Lineage in creative ways. 

We strive to provide opportunities for students at all levels to accumulate merit and practice mindfulness.  We encourage our students to nourish each other’s practice, and to find new ways to benefit every one.

Kagyu Samye Dechi Ling

Address: Can Toni Mola Castanyet   Santa Coloma de Farners Girona 17430
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Karma Kagyu
Affiliation: Fundación Rokpa
Phone: Teléfono: 872 012 171 (fijo) - 681 168 203 (móvil)
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Teachers: Lama Tsondru  
Teachers: Lama Jinpa Gyamtso  
Main Contact: Ani Tenzing  Email  
Teacher: Akong Rinpoché  
Spiritual Director: S.S.XVII Karmapa, Ogyen Trinle Dorje  
Notes and Events:

Kagyu Samye Dechi Ling consta de un monasterio y dos casas de retiros en la montaña.

Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin

Address: Kilmainham Well House, 56 Inchicore Road, Kilmainham   Dublin Dublin Dublin 8
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu
Affiliation: Kagyu Samye Ling, Scotland
Phone: 00 353 1 4537427
Website: http://www,
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Teacher: Lama Yeshe Losal Rinpoche  
Spiritual Director: His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa  
Founder : Dr Akong Tulku Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

At Kagyu Samye Dzong Dublin, Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Centre for World Peace and Health, we provide a regular programme of sadhana practice and meditation in the Kagyu Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. We host regular visits from internationally known Tibetan Lamas, monks, nuns and lay teachers. Mindfulness and Compassion Training courses also available. All are welcome to benefit from what the Centre has to offer.

Kagyu Samye Dzong Glasgow

Address: 7 Ashley Street   Glasgow G3 6DR
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: Vajryana, Kagyu, Tibetan Buddhism
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Main Contact: Larry Blance  Email  (Phone: 07979721940)
Notes and Events:

A branch of Kagyu Samye Ling Monastery, we freely offer meditation instructions on a weekly basis, as well as a regular program of Buddhist Teachings and talks

Kagyu Samye Dzong London

Address: 15 Spa Road   London London SE16 3SA
Tradition: Vajrayana, Kagyu Lineage
Phone: +44 (0)20 3327 1650
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Spiritual Director: Lama Zangmo  
Notes and Events:

Our centre in Spa Road opened in 2010 and we offer teachings and courses on meditation and Tibetan Buddhism. Visitors are encouraged to join in the regular meditation practices, there is a Tibetan tearoom and yoga, martial arts and alternative medicine consultations are also being offered. Please see our website for more information.

Kagyu Samye Dzong Moscow

Address: Pravdy Street, 6/34  Moscow
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Karma Kagyu
Affiliation: Kagyu Samye Ling
Phone: +7910 477 2138
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Notes and Events:

Moscow Samye Dzong is a satellite centre of the Samye Ling Tibetan Centre and Monastery situated in Scotland, UK, headed by Akong Tulku Rinpoche and Lama Yeshe Losal Rinpoche. It is run in association with the charitable organization, Rokpa International. Samye Ling and all of its centres worldwide follow in the tradition and practices of the Karma Kagyu Lineage - the head of which is His Holiness, Orgyen TrinlEy Dorje, the 17th Karmapa.


Address: C/Lucas Fernández Navarro, 37 bajo  Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Las Palmas 35007
Tradition: Vajrayana, Shangpa Kagyu
Affiliation: Dag Shang Kagyu
Phone: 0034 928 22 09 54
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Main Contact: Cesar Agut  
Spiritual Director: Lama Drubyu Tempa  
Notes and Events:

LUNES......................................Iniciación a la MEDITACIÓN SHINÉ (Calma Mental)
                                                           (Con explicación básica para principiantes)  

MARTES......................................Ngondro o Estudio (Según solicitud)

MIÉRCOLES............................Práctica para el desarrollo del Amor y la Compasión: MAHAKALA Y CHENRESIKG 

JUEVES....................................Práctica de MEDITACIÓN SHINÉ (Calma Mental)  (Visión Profunda o Vipásana).

VIERNES....................................Práctica de Amitabha o Sangye Menla   (Según Calendario)

( SABADO  (2 y 4 de Mes)....................................Práctica de TARA VERDE        (08:00 am))

                                                          Horario de apertura : 20:00 h
                                                          Inicio de la práctica : 20:30 h 

Kaillash Himalayan Buddhist Temple

Address: off Arroyo-Seco Rim Road, Arroyo Seco   Arroyo Seco NM
Tradition: Vajrayana, Non-Sectarian
Phone: (575) 776-3202
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Teacher: visiting teachers  
Main Contact: Ruedi Husler  
Notes and Events:

A place where individuals and small groups will come for spiritual pilgrimage and sanctuary.

Kalpa Bhadra Buddhist Center

Address: 1419 North Second Street   Harrisburg 17112
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan
Affiliation: Kadampa Buddhism
Phone: 717 232-2700
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Teacher: Kelsang Atisha  
Notes and Events:

Introductory Meditation Classes Weekly in various locations - see for details.

The Meditation Center offers a full spectrum of meditation classes, daycourses on buddhist wisdom and offers a bookstore with buddhist books and handcrafted items.

Open Wednesday and Friday 6:00pm - 9:00 pm, Sundays 1-4pm.

Kamalashila Institute for Buddhist Studies

Address: Kirchstrasse 22a   Langenfeld/ Eifel 56729
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu
Phone: 0049 2655 9390 40
Fax: 0049 2655 9390 41
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Teacher: Lama Kelzang Wangdi  
Spiritual Director: Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Kamalashila Institute is the european seat of H.H. 17th Karmapa Urgyen Trinley Dorje, head of the Karma Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism. Our main emphasis lies on the teachings and practices of the Kagyu tradition, as they are transmitted by the Kagyu lineage masters since the 10th century. The Institute was founded 1983 and is situated in the landscape, near Cologne, Bonn and Koblenz.

We offer courses in meditation and Buddhist philosophy as well as the possibility for single retreat. Our residentlamas can give you spiritual advice and are wellknown for their philosophical knowledge. To the Institute belong as well a library, a shop with dharma books, thangkas, statues and articles for shrine and meditation. On the weekends we are glad to welcome you in our coffee bar.

Kamas Mindfulness Meditation

Address: 568 S Foothill Dr #5   Kamas UT 84036
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 8017356485
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Teacher: Noah Rasheta  
Notes and Events:

Kamas Mindfulness Meditation Group offers classes, practice sessions, teachings, and retreats on Buddhism, Eastern Philosophy, and Meditation. The main focus is to increase wisdom and compassion in everyday life. Meditation reduces worry and stress, promotes health, increases joy and happiness, and creates positive conditions, like compassion, that benefit others. 

We’re not a community of “believers”, but rather a community of people trying to become aware of our inter-connectedness.

Everyone is welcome.

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