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D.I. Yogyakarta


Kab. Badung

Kab. Jayapura

Kab. Manokwari

Kab. Semarang-Jawa Tengah

Kab. Teluk Cendrawasih

Kabupaten Ambarawa

Kabupaten Bandung

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Kabupaten Bekasi

Kabupaten Bogor

Kabupaten Boyolali

Kabupaten Brebes

Kabupaten Buleleng

Kabupaten Cianjur

Kabupaten Cilacap

Kabupaten Cirebon

Kabupaten Demak

Kabupaten Dili

Kabupaten Donggala

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Kabupaten Gorontalo

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Kabupaten Gunung Kidul

Kabupaten Karang Anyar

Kabupaten Karawang

Kabupaten Kebumen

Kabupaten Kendal

Kabupaten Kendari

Kabupaten Kota Baru

Kabupaten Kotawaringing Timur

Kabupaten Kudus

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Kabupaten Magelang

Kabupaten Majalengka

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Kabupaten Mojokerto

Kabupaten Muna

Kabupaten Pati

Kabupaten Pekalongan

Kabupaten Pemalang

Kabupaten Pontianak

Kabupaten Purwakarta

Kabupaten Purwokerto

Kabupaten Rangkas Bitung

Kabupaten Rembang

Kabupaten Salatiga

Kabupaten Semarang

Kabupaten Sorong.d

Kabupaten Sukabumi

Kabupaten Tabanan

Kabupaten Tanah Laut.

Kabupaten Tangerang

Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

Kabupaten Tegal

Kabupaten Temanggung

Kabupaten Wonogiri

Kabupaten Wonosobo

Kota Administratif Tarakan

Kota Administratip Singkawang

Kotamadya Ambon

Kotamadya Balikpapan

Kotamadya Banjarmasin

Kotamadya Jakarta Barat

Kotamadya Jakarta Pusat

Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan

Kotamadya Jakarta Timur

Kotamadya Jakarta Utara

Kotamadya Manado

Kotamadya Palu

Kotamadya Pontianak

Kotamadya Samarinda

Kotamadya Sambas


Nusa Tenggara Barat



Sulawesi Selatan

Sumatra Barat

Sumatra Selatan

Sumatra Utara


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Shen Phen Ling Study Group

Address: PO Box 178, Wodonga, VIC 3690 ,   Vic
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa FPMT
Affiliation: FPMT
Phone: (02) 6059 8104 AH
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Main Contact: Coordinator Gary Townsend  
Spiritual Director: Lama Zopa Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Our group meet at the Border College of Natural Therapies, 24 Brockley Street, Wodonga, on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m

Shenandoah Zen

Address:   Waynesboro VI 22980
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen
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Notes and Events:

Weekly Zen Meditation in the Shenandoah Valley. Convenient to Waynesboro VA, Staunton VA, Crozet VA

Shenpen Australia

Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma Tibetan
Affiliation: Dzogchen Monastery, South India
Phone: 0416 404 826
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Spiritual Director: H.E. the 7th Dzogchen Rinpoche, Jigme Losel Wangpo  
Notes and Events:

Shenpen is a world-wide network of volunteer organisations that support the work of Dzogchen Shri Senha Charitable Society (DSSCS), an Indian registered charity. DSSCS specialises in healthcare, educational and social welfare projects for the Dhondenling Tibetan settlement and the local Indian community in Karnataka state, South India. Guided by Dzogchen Rinpoche, the internationalsangha have established Shenpen in America, Australia, France, Germany, Holland, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Shenpen also helps preserve the unique cultural and spiritual heritage of Tibet and hosts Dzogchen Rinpoches international teaching tours every year.

The word shenpen comes from the Tibetan shen la phenpa, which literally means to bring benefit to others. Dzogchen Rinpoche has dedicated his life to charitable service and works tirelessly to improve the quality of life of so many people. As an example of wisdom in action, Dzogchen Rinpoche guides his students so that their lives can make a positive difference and bring lasting benefit to all.

Shenpen Australia

Address: PO BOX 263   Seacliff Park SA , 5049
Tradition: Vajrayana, Dzogchen
Phone: 61 (0) 416 404 826
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Spiritual Director: His Eminence the 7th Dzogchen Rinpoche, Jigme Losel Wangpo  
Notes and Events:

Study & Practice

  • Phone:+61 (0) 402 087 032
  • Phone:+61 (0) 416 404 826
  • Shenpen is a world-wide network of volunteer organisations that support the work of Dzogchen Shri Senha Charitable Society (DSSCS), an Indian registered charity. DSSCS specialises in healthcare, educational and social welfare projects for the Dhondenling Tibetan settlement and the local Indian community in Karnataka state, South India. Guided by Dzogchen Rinpoche, the international sangha have established Shenpen in America, Australia, France, Germany, Holland, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

    Shenpen also helps preserve the unique cultural and spiritual heritage of Tibet and hosts Dzogchen Rinpoche's international teaching tours every year.

    The word shenpen comes from the Tibetan shen la phenpa, which literally means to bring benefit to others. Dzogchen Rinpoche has dedicated his life to charitable service and works tirelessly to improve the quality of life of so many people. As an example of wisdom in action, Dzogchen Rinpoche guides his students so that their lives can make a positive difference and bring lasting benefit to all.

    Shenpen Australia is a not for profit organisation. It was registered in 2006 in Australia (Shenpen Incorporated, Incorporation No A39025). ABN: 26 260 371 498

Sheychen-ling monastery

Address: 67, Telmana str., Olginka vil., Volnovaha distr., Donetsk reg.,  
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: Ningma
Phone: +3050 5124816
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Teacher: Dorje Jambo  
Notes and Events:

Buddhist monastery Sheychen-ling was consecrated in 1993, and it was officially registered as the first Buddhist monastery in Ukraine (certificate of state registration 18 dated March 19, 2003) in 2003. The monastery is situated in 50 km to the south of Donetsk, in p. Olginka of Volnovakha district, covers an area of 1 hectare.

Regular meditation, retreats have been being held since first year of the monastery existing. All comers may participate to them. Sheychen-ling monastery is also a permanent center of traditional medicine, where Tibetan and Chinese medicine drugs are made. Thousands of patients were healed with the help of these drugs since its inception. Sheychen-ling monastery should be a centre of Holy Dharma spreading in Ukraine in the future.

Shield Sangha

Address:   North Bay Ontario P1B 5G3
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Main Contact: Tim Robertson  Email  (Phone: 705-497-1227)
Notes and Events:

Shield Sangha has been described as the one room schoolhouse of Buddhism because the group includes both people new to Buddhism and longtime meditators. To be notified of our activities, join the Sangha List on our home page.

Shimmering Void Zen Center

Address: 3312 Century Drive   Bakersfield CA 93306
Tradition: Mahayana, Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: None
Phone: 661-330-9332
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Main Contact: Julie Cartwright  
Teacher: Rafael Espericueta  
Spiritual Director: Rafael Espericueta  
Notes and Events:

We offer a daily sitting schedule, and occasionally day long sitting retreats.

 See our website for further details.

Shin Buddhist Fellowship of Toledo

Address: 2080 Brookdale Avenue  Toledo OH 43613
Tradition: Mahayana, Pure Land Amitabha
Affiliation: Buddhist Faith Fellowship of Connecticut
Phone: 419530-4516
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Main Contact: Susan Purviance  Email  (Phone: 419- 530-4516)
Teacher: Susan Purviance  
Notes and Events:

Simple shin practice involving the Three Refuges, homage to Shakyamuni and to Amitabha Buddha and the Great Vow as recorded in the Longer Amitabha Sutra.  Short meditation, with emphasis on chant and the three classic Pure Land Sutras, sharing of the merit.  All practice materials are distributed free to all visitors who may take them home with them.

Dharma talk or most often, questions and answers after practice.  We also honor all texts and a person\'s direct insight into the Buddhadharma.  Everyone is encouraged to deepen their meditation practice.  Beginners and more advanced practitioners welcome at all times.  Occasional outings and sharing of the merit through engaged Buddhism.  Please visit us and our website, and please do not omit sending us a brief message of fellowship and encouragment on the Guest Book page, thank you.

Samadhi of Liberation (Susan Purviance)

First Practice Leader

Shin Buddhist Fellowship of West Hartford

Address: Elmwood Community Center New Britain Avenue, West Hartford CT 06110   CN
Tradition: Mahayana, American Shin Buddhism
Affiliation: North American Shin Buddhist Association
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Teachers: Lay sangha with various teachers  
Notes and Events:

This group no longer meets in West Hartford but in Middletown. Visit

Shingonji Temple

Address: 2013 250th Street   Lomita CA 90717
Tradition: Mahayana, Shingon Buddhism
Affiliation: Koyasan Shingon-shu, Japan
Phone: (323) 500-6031
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Spiritual Director: Reverend Seicho Asahi  Email  
Notes and Events:

Shingonji Temple is a religious center located in the heart of Southern California, dedicated for people seeking Buddhist teaching and spiritual healing.

Alongside meditation and the study of core principles taught in general Buddhism, the purpose of Shingonji is to provide guidance and instruction in the Dharmic path of Esoteric Buddhism, as preserved for nearly 1,200 years by our founder Kobo Daishi (Kukai), as well as to provide a place where people can form a community and strive to achieve Buddhahood in this lifetime for not just oneself, but for all sentient beings.

Shingonji is committed to creating an atmosphere that is open and freely accessible while maintaining a well-balanced spiritual practice for students.

Shiwa Center for Peace

Address: 1023 Loyalist Ct   Mt. Pleasant 29464
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan
Phone: 843-971-6095
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Teacher: Bhkang Tulku Rinpoche  
Spiritual Director: Bhkang Tulku Rinpoche  Email  (Phone: 843-971-6095)
Notes and Events:

The key to true peace and happiness in the world lies no further than in our own hearts and minds.

Shiwa, named after the Tibetan word for “peace,” is a non-profit charitable organization, whose purpose is to assist in the development of genuine compassion and wisdom in the world. Shiwa will help to nurture the natural inborn potential for peace and happiness which is present in all of us.

Shiwa provides a non-denominational facility where participants may attend teachings, classes and seminars on a variety of topics related to personal and community development. The facility provides a location for spiritual growth through teachings, meditation and quiet reflection away from the distractions of the everyday world. At Shiwa, our wish is to help all people in realizing and following a path towards unlimited compassion, deep understanding and true happiness.

Most people face a common situation, where there is some level of discontent and a sense of confusion regarding how to find the source of true happiness within the complexity of living in a modern world. The common response is to try to overcome unhappiness by seeking material solutions outside of ourselves. In reality, the key to true peace and happiness for our inner selves, as well as in the world, lies within our own hearts and minds. All human beings contain the potential to generate compassion and gain wisdom, uncovering the true peace and wisdom that lies within. It is simply a matter of cultivating that potential – nurturing it, developing it, and implementing it in our daily lives.

Shiwa offers the opportunity to do focused retreat and receive instruction in spiritual and meditation practices. Spiritual counseling will also be available. The Shiwa Center welcomes all, as we gather to gain access to the great wisdom traditions of the world as well as modern psychology and science.

Shiwa’s founder, Bhakhang Tulku Rinpoche, has been teaching at the Center for Inner Knowing in Atlanta and has also taught in North Carolina and Virginia. He is a Tibetan Lama from Drepung Monastery in India, and is uniquely qualified to provide leadership and advice in the areas of human development and meditation. He also provides a unique perspective on bringing the timeless wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism into the modern world in a manner open and accessible to all, regardless of their religious or personal beliefs. Through participation in the Shiwa Center, people will learn to become their own teachers, and in turn, living examples of peace and compassion.

The core essence of all wisdom traditions is love and compassion. Shiwa opens its doors to teachers from diverse backgrounds and traditions to present their insights and perspectives on development of inner and outer peace. By focusing on the unity and oneness that underlies surface differences, Rinpoche hopes to dissolve divisions and narrow outlooks that often stand in the way of our fullest potential as individuals, as communities, and across the globe.

We live in a time of great opportunity: it is up to us to choose how we wish to spend our lives on this wondrous earth. May Shiwa play its part in infusing us all with peace, compassion, and love for all beings.

Shobo An Zendo

Address: Av. San Martin esq. Pje. Antartida Argentina La Quebrada, Cordoba 5111 Argentina  
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Tsao Tung Chin Lien Tao
Affiliation: Chin Lien Chia Taoist School
Phone: 54 3543 452717
Fax: same
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Main Contact: Augusto Al Q\'adi Alcalde  Email  (Phone: 54 3543 452717)
Teacher: Augusto Al Q\'adi Alcalde  
Spiritual Director: Augusto Al Q\'adi Alcalde  
Notes and Events:

NIGHT BROTHER’s Zen (Ch’an) Way

Augusto Alcalde was a student of the late Shifu Yuan Chueh from Canton, China, with whom he trained from 1968 until he was fully certified by his teacher, ten years after, being him the most influential relationship in the Way.

He started sharing and conveying the practice of Ch\'an (Chinese Zen) in 1974.
The Tradition in which his teacher Yuan Chueh was rooted was the "Chin Lien Chia" (Golden Lotus), a tradition that embraces the arts of meditation as the play and actualization of full attention (T\'so Ch\'an), with the play of the Internal Martial Arts of china (the Nei Chia Ch\'uan), including T\'ai Chi (Chen Style) and Pa Kua of the Huang Pei Family, together with the short arts of Chi Kung (vital energy practice) and Chinese Yoga, as well as the Healing Arts of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The Chin Lien Chia is a school that conveys Ch\'an practice in the context of stillness, movement, healing, and everyday life and activities, deeply rooted in the primal Taoism of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu.

Yuan Chueh\'s focus was, as is Augusto\'s, that true Ch\'an practice has to be rooted in the traditions of Primal Taoism, early Budhism or Theravada (The Way of the Ancients), as well as in the Mahayana (The Great Way), together with the study and involvement with the traditions, myths and cultures that belong to the land and the original dwellers of the land in which the practice and everyday life is happening.
Augusto has been a social activist since the 60\'s in Argentina. He has been also working with engaged buddhists associations as a social activist, for many years, and focuses on social issues from a Latino and Ch\'an vision. He networks with indigenous peoples and groups from Latin America and the world that are engaged in actively resisting the deadly works of ignorance, greed and hate.

He conceives group practice as one of healing and walking together, with no hierarchies, rituals, fixed forms, roles or structures, and open to all traditions.
The focus is on a truly lay, working person\'s practice and play, away from monastic archetypes, multicultural, and willing to contain and be contained by all beings.
It is emphasized the importance of social involvement as an outcome of living, understanding and seeing, given the crucial point in which the Blue Planet and the many beings that inhabit her are, in accordance of the words of Gautama: "only one thing i convey, the understanding of the causes, and the stopping of suffering", or to say it in another way, the arising of true joy, dance and dignity, and the full acceptance and realization of humanity as our nature.

He does not, thus, consider himself a teacher in the traditional sense of the word, with some special or unique realizations or qualities, but a "Kalyanamitra" an ancient dharma term that means something like "spiritual friend", or, as he likes to translate it, "compañero of the way", or "soul mate" (with no capital letters), or, as a musician and poet friend said, "Night Brother".

The focus then is on joy and learning, mutually, in any occasional changing role that one has in life, and the practice and application as work and everyday life and relationships.

He offers as a means of continuity of the relationship, the practice and the play, e-mail correspondence as needed, and phone contact once a month, for all the people that have participated in any of the activities, and are interested in sharing about their practice, play and application.

Show Me Dharma

Address: 1600 West Broadway   Columbia, MO 65203
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 573-355-5303
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Notes and Events:

Meditation sessions open to all on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM and Tuesday evenings at 7:30 PM. Offered on a dana (voluntary donation) basis. All are welcome.

Shuuriya Zen Sitting Group

Address: Grove Road,Rayleigh, Essex. SS6 8YF.  Rayleigh Essex SS68YF
Tradition: Mahayana, all are welcome
Affiliation: Zen
Phone: 07527 656792
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Main Contact: Daniel Croucher  Email  (Phone: 07527 656792)
Notes and Events:

A small zen sitting group for absolute begginers and experienced sitters. Please contact me directly or visit the website for up to date information.

Shyamnagar Bodhi Natya Kala Kendra

Address: 327/2/1, Athpur Nutan Pally, Barua Para, P.O: Shyamnagar, Dist : 24 Pgs (N), Pin : 743127.   Barrackpore Sub Division Bihar 743127
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: M : 9230506150
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Main Contact: Sri Sumit Barua  Email  (Phone: M : 9230506150)
Notes and Events:

Bodhi Natya Kala Kendra is a cultural unit of Bodhi Sabha. We are producing various drama, dance drama relating to Goutam Buddha. This year we produce Sibali Kumar, we are keen interest to perform our programme to the various places and abroad also, if possible, to spread our culture, our religion. We have a temple is called Bodhi Vihar, Bodhi Vihar is running by the committee is called Bodhi Sabha. The interested organisations are requested to share with us, to distribute your opinion with Mr. Sumit Barua through e-mail or phone.

SIBA - Sakya International Buddhist Academy

Address: 2592 Gelantipy Road, W Tree (near Buchan Caves ) East Gippsland, Victoria   W-Tree Vic 3885
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Sakya,Tsarpa Lineage
Affiliation: Tibetan Buddhist Society of Canberra
Phone: 03 5155 0329
Fax: (03) 5155 0359
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Main Contact: Jampal or Pam Gray  (Phone: 03 5155 0329)
Teacher: Lama Choedak Rinpoche  
Spiritual Director: Lama Choedak Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:


This centre also called Tsarchen Choeling

Tel - (03) 5155 0329

Variety of retreats . . .  some are weekends, some are long weekends, some are 5 or 10 days long, some are Calm Abiding meditation, some are specifically Buddhist eg Medicine Buddha, White Tara, Ngung-Nye, Hevajra, Ngondro.

Then theres Easter Health & Wellness Retreat, Tai Chi & Meditation (April), Essential Recipes for a Great Life (with Gabriel Gate in Nov 09), Family Retreat (Dec/Jan) and Yoga Retreats (see website for details).

Accommodation is in motel-styled rooms with ensuites - 4 beds in a room, singles, twins & doubles are available. Organic food garden, abundant wild-life; "beautiful & serene - ideal for contemplation."

Beautiful rural setting in Snowy River High Country in East Gippsland Victoria, the Centre was formally known as ONTOS; 1 hour from Bairnsdale, Lakes Entrance, 5 hrs from Melb or Canberra; public transport available. (see details on website).

Buddhist nuns & monks & celebrant to officiate at weddings, funerals.

Siddhartha Circle

Address:   Boston MA
Tradition: Vajrayana
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Notes and Events:

Siddhartha Circle is for meditators and Dharma practitioners interested in gathering weekly as a sangha for meditation practice, study, and discussion of video teachings by Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche and others. All are welcome. Those living at some distance from their root teacher may be especially interested, as will those seeking community for in-depth exploration and support on the Buddhist path.

Wednesday evening meetings in Sherborn, Massachusetts, begin with meditation practice. Video teachings are followed by discussion, questions, and sharing, as members endeavor to help each other live the teachings into their lives between meetings. Meetings close with a shorter meditation to dedicate the merit of our practice.

Our facilitator is a meditation instructor and mindfulness teacher who has been a student of Buddhism for over 35 years and whose teachers include Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Pema Chodron, Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche,Lama Willa Miller, and others.

Siddhartha Circle also offers a Buddhist film series on the second Friday of each month.

Silent Thunder Temple

Address: 136 Jackson NE   Albuquerque NM 87108
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: independent
Phone: 505 265 3112
Website: www.
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Spiritual Director: Master Mokurai  Email  (Phone: 505 265 3112)
Notes and Events:

Silent Thunder Temple is a Buddhist monastery, a center for various Asian disciplines, including several styles of meditation, Tai Chi, martial arts and Qigong.
More information at: www.

Silent Shin Zendo

Address: 1548 Beverly Place   Berkeley CA 94706
Tradition: Rinzai Zen
Affiliation: Rinzai-ji, Sangha of Kyozan Joshu, Roshi
Phone: 646-591-9874
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Spiritual Director: Tokuju Genshu, Osho  Email  (Phone: 646-591-9874)
Notes and Events:

Rinzai Zen practice in Berkeley California.  Zen instruction is available by house calls or through Skype.

Silicon Valley Shambhala Meditation Center

Address: 2483 Old Middlefield Way suite 110   Mountain View CA 94043
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Shambhala Buddhist
Affiliation: Shambhala International
Phone: (650) 292-4607
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Main Contact: Amy Dyer  Email  
Spiritual Director: Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Sunday Open House Meditation 

10:00am Tea

10:30-11:30am Meditation 

11:30am. Talk or Reading with discussion

Free meditation instruction

Wednesday Night

7:15pm-8:15 Meditation

 All Day Meditation

 Second Saturday of each month


Simply Meditate Nondual Meditation Group

Address: 15/13 Reut Street  Hod Hasharon 45296
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Phone: +972 (52) 342-3825
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Teacher: Jonathan Harrison  
Notes and Events:

Buddhist nondual psychology and meditation activities

Nondual wisdom, Buddhist psychology and meditation taught by Jonathan Harrison. Inspired by masters of nondual traditions including Dzogchen, Mahamudra, Zen, Madhyamaka, Advaita and Tao.

Buddhist Meditation for Beginners

8 week courses several times a year combining Buddhist psychology and philosophy with practical meditative practices

Practice groups for experienced meditators

Weekly meetings for meditation, study and discussion

Individual study

By coordination with Jonathan Harrison

Click here for more details


Singapore Buddhist Federation

Address: 59 Lorong 24A Geylang, Singapore 398583  
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 6744 4635
Fax: 6747 3618
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Notes and Events:

Singapore Buddhist Federation (SBF)  

1. Background 

Year of establishment : 1949
ROS Registration : ROS 0211/1949 REL     20.05.1964
ROS’s UEN          : S64 SS 0008 K   wef 1 Jan 2009
Charity Registration : 00727                         02.04.1990
Registered Address : 59, Lorong 24A Geylang, Singapore 398583
Membership : Individual Member : 141 , Institutional Member : 134

Objectives :
• to unify all Buddhist institutions and Buddhists in Singapore
• to observe Buddhist precepts, to practise Buddhism and to propagate Dharma. 
• To promote culture, education and social welfare. 

2. Affilates of SBF 

(1) Maha Bodhi School   UEN T 07 GS 5601 JA Government – aided primary school founded by SBF in 1949. Accorded SAP School status in 1990, current pupil population is more than 2200. Awarded “Programme for School-Based Excellence Award” in 2006. 

The School was selected for PRIME Project with construction period from Dec 2006 to June 2009. The $ 24M project was completed in June 2009 and the School has since then operated in this upgraded campus. 

(2) Manjusri Secondary School   UEN T 07 GS 7307 EA government-aided secondary school founded by SBF in 1982, it has more than 1000 students at the moment. 

The school underwent a massive $ 24 M upgrading project under the MOE’s PRIME initiative and relocated to Ubi Avenue 1 upon completion of project in Jan 2009. It is now adjacent to Maha Bodhi School.  The School has moved into this $24M new campus since Jan 2009. 

PRIME: Programme for Rebuilding and Improving Existing Schools. 

(3) Prince Siddattha Child Care CentreThe Centre is located in Bukit Batok, established since Mar 1995 and has an enrolment of about 90 children. 

(4) Marine Parade Maha Bodhi Student Care Centre A joint project launched in 1999 between SBF and Southeast CDC with an enrolment of about 100.                (5) SBF Youth GroupFormed in 1991 for the promotion solidarity among Buddhist Youths and to promote Buddhism. It has more than 120 members. 

(6) SBF Dharma Class Students’ SocietyFormed in 1994 by alumnus and students of SBF Dharma Classes. It aims to enhance the learning of Dharma and to support SBF. It has more than 300 members. 

(7) SBF ScoutLauched in 2007, the SBF Scout movement aims to build up leadership and team spirit among the young Buddhists. 

3. Religious Activities 

(1) Annual Vesak Day Celebration
(2) Dharma Classes
(3) Series of Dharma Talks
(4) Precept Assembly
(5) Various Dharma Assemblies
(6) International Buddhist Conference 

4. Cultural and Educational Activities 

(1) Publish quarterly journal Nanyang Buddhist. 
(2) Series of talks on Buddhist Culture and Literature.  
(3) Co-organise educational seminar on Buddhism with local and overseas institutions. 
(4) Accredited training provider for “Board Governance Training for Charities (Mandarin)” by NCSS with 80% VCF Grant. 
(5) Promoter of a 8-month pilot project on “Governance Consultancy Service for Buddhist Charities.”  
(6) Conduct a series of talk on legal and societies. 

5. Charities and Welfare Works 

(1) Participate in relief works, eg: South Asia Tidal Waves, Taiwan earthquake, Indonesia earthquake, Lebanon War, Turkey earthquake and etc. 
(2) Counselling, Dharma lessons and Refuge-taking ceremony for inmates of prisons, drug rehabilitation centres and SAF Detention Barracks. 
(3) Conduct vegetarian culinary lessons for inmates of various penal institutions. 

6. Promote National Cohesion  

SBF participates actively in the following organisations:  

(1) Presidential Council for Religious Harmony.
(2) National Steering Committee on Racial and Religious Harmony.
(3) National Steering Committee on Racial and Religious Harmony Working Committee. 
(4) Inter- Religious Organisation of Singapore.
(5) Inter- Religious Harmony Circle.
(6) Dialogue with Chinese Community Outreach Group.
(7) Dialogue sessions organised by REACH.
(8) National Day Blessing Ceremony. 

7. Feedback 

SBF presented its views on the following issues: 

(1) Human Organ Transplantation.
(2) Integrated Resort.
(3) Biomedical Research.
(4) Problem Gambling. 

8. International Network               
SBF sent delegations to India, Sri Lanka, China, Thailand, Indonesia and etc to attend Sangha Convention, Buddhist Forum as well as goodwill visit. 


新加坡佛教总会 Singapore Buddhist Federation

及其附属机构 -菩提学校董事会/文殊中学董事会:

59 Lorong 24A Geylang, Singapore 398583
Tel: 6744 4635 Fax: 6747 3618


Public Transport : Aljunied MRT
巴士 Bus (Geylang) : 2,13, 21,26,40,51,67,853 (Guillemard Rd) 7, 70, 197

Singapore Buddhist Free Clinic

Address: 48 Lor 23 Geylang Singapore 388376  
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 6748 7292
Fax: 6748 7239
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Siong Khye  
Notes and Events:

Singapore Buddhist Free Clinic is a charitable organisation set up by local Buddhists. Based on the Buddhist teachings of loving kindness and compassion, its objective is to provide free medical services to the sick and needy, so as to relieve their suffering on illness and to help them leading a healthier and happier life.

Currently, Singapore Buddhist Free Clinicis operating at six branches.They are situated at densely populated areas across the Island in Geylang West, Tanjong Pagar, Redhill, Delta, Ang Mo Kio and Jurong East, to provide caring medical and rehabilitative services to patients. With the generous support from fellow Buddhists and the general public, the Free Clinic will always strive to provide quality charitable medical services and medicines to the lower and middle echelons of our people.

Singapore Buddhist Meditation Centre

Address: 1, Jalan Mas Puteh, Singapore 128607  
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 6 7783330,
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero  Email  (Phone: +6567783330)
Notes and Events:

Meditation & Dhamma Discussion - Ven. Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero Every Sunday 10.30 a.m. and Every Sunday 2.30 p.m. Maha Satipatthana Sutta

Singapore Buddhist Mission

Address: 9 Ruby Land Singapore 328284  
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan
Phone: 65 62997216
Fax: 65 62942701
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Dhammika  
Notes and Events:

(A) Weekly Sharing Sessions
Weekly Dhamma discussions led by youths leaders. Topics on the Buddhas teachings that can be put into good use in our modern life as a young Buddhist. Each session is also guided by our youth group spiritual advisor, Venerable Dr. Bodhi.

Day: Saturday
Time: 2pm to 5pm
Location: Singapore Buddhist Mission

2:00pm - Puja & Meditation
3:00pm - Topic of the Week
5:00pm - Snacks and Dinner
6:00pm - Recreational Activities (Movies, boardgames, Nerf, etc)

(B) Guitar Classes
Lessons conducted by Brother Kwek Zeming. As long as you have an interest for music and would like to pick up a musical skill, do not be shy and feel free to come down. Lessons are free-of-charge.

Day: Saturday
Time: 12pm to 2pm
Location: Singapore Buddhist Mission

(C) Camp Ehi-Passiko
SBM Youths flagship project. First organized in 1997 under the leadership of the revived First Generation. We have just completed our 20th Camp in 13th year held from 17 to 20 December 2010. Stay tune for more information on Camp Ehi-Passiko 2011.

(D) Camp Lions - Leading & Inspiring Young Buddhists in Singapore
Camp Lions is a leadership camp that hopes to create a platform for youth leaders of various Buddhist groups to come together and share ideas and skills to inspire the next generation of Buddhist youths. Organized with youth leaders from Bee Low See Temple, Buddhist Fellowship, Dharma-in-Action, Mangala Vihara Youth Circle, NUS Buddhist Society Alumni and Young Buddhist Chapter.

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