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D.I. Yogyakarta


Kab. Badung

Kab. Jayapura

Kab. Manokwari

Kab. Semarang-Jawa Tengah

Kab. Teluk Cendrawasih

Kabupaten Ambarawa

Kabupaten Bandung

Kabupaten Banggai

Kabupaten Banjar Negara

Kabupaten Banyumas

Kabupaten Bekasi

Kabupaten Bogor

Kabupaten Boyolali

Kabupaten Brebes

Kabupaten Buleleng

Kabupaten Cianjur

Kabupaten Cilacap

Kabupaten Cirebon

Kabupaten Demak

Kabupaten Dili

Kabupaten Donggala

Kabupaten Garut

Kabupaten Gorontalo

Kabupaten Grobogan

Kabupaten Gunung Kidul

Kabupaten Karang Anyar

Kabupaten Karawang

Kabupaten Kebumen

Kabupaten Kendal

Kabupaten Kendari

Kabupaten Kota Baru

Kabupaten Kotawaringing Timur

Kabupaten Kudus

Kabupaten Lasem

Kabupaten Magelang

Kabupaten Majalengka

Kabupaten Minahasa

Kabupaten Mojokerto

Kabupaten Muna

Kabupaten Pati

Kabupaten Pekalongan

Kabupaten Pemalang

Kabupaten Pontianak

Kabupaten Purwakarta

Kabupaten Purwokerto

Kabupaten Rangkas Bitung

Kabupaten Rembang

Kabupaten Salatiga

Kabupaten Semarang

Kabupaten Sorong.d

Kabupaten Sukabumi

Kabupaten Tabanan

Kabupaten Tanah Laut.

Kabupaten Tangerang

Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

Kabupaten Tegal

Kabupaten Temanggung

Kabupaten Wonogiri

Kabupaten Wonosobo

Kota Administratif Tarakan

Kota Administratip Singkawang

Kotamadya Ambon

Kotamadya Balikpapan

Kotamadya Banjarmasin

Kotamadya Jakarta Barat

Kotamadya Jakarta Pusat

Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan

Kotamadya Jakarta Timur

Kotamadya Jakarta Utara

Kotamadya Manado

Kotamadya Palu

Kotamadya Pontianak

Kotamadya Samarinda

Kotamadya Sambas


Nusa Tenggara Barat



Sulawesi Selatan

Sumatra Barat

Sumatra Selatan

Sumatra Utara


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Than Hsiang Temple

Address: 132, Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia.   Pulau Pinang
Tradition: Mahayana, Pure Land
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Wei Wu  
Notes and Events:

Educational Activities:
• Courses of the Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka Diploma, Degree and Post Graduate Diploma Courses are conducted for systematic study of Buddhism. The degrees are recognized by universities of Commonwealth Countries.
• Kindergarten - We adopt the best of traditional and western teaching methods. In addition to preparing students for primary school education, we also emphasize instilling ethical values as well as developing good character in the children.
• Sunday School - Dharma Classes and recreational activities are organized to instill good values and develop good character in youth.
• Adult Buddhist Classes - English and Mandarin Dharma courses are organized to enhance proper knowledge of Buddhism.
• A.V. Library - Besides a good collection of English and Chinese books, audio and video tapes are available on loan.
• Talks - Talks on marriage, family health care and counseling are regularly conducted.
• Training camps are organized for children and youths to promote healthy educational and recreational activities. 
• Welfare Activities: Home for Senior Citizens We provide a comfortable and caring living enviroment for senior citizens and instill hope for their future with religious faith. The Home is also a place for cultivation of the workers and the volunteers.  • Mitra Line - We provide telephone and face to face counseling in Penang and Kuala Lumpur. People can also seek help through mail or e-mail.
• Metta Free Clinic - Medical services are provided by doctors and Chinese physicians. A group of volunteers also donate blood for emergency cases.
• Welfare Group - We provide financial and psychological support to people who need help in Penang and Kuala Lumpur. 

* Religious Activities: Religious services and lectures are conducted every Friday evening in both Penang and Kuala Lumpur. Eight precept sessions are regularly conducted and special religious ceremonies.

Thanyapura Mind Centre

Address: Thanyapura Mind Centre 120 Moo 7 Thepkasattri Road, Thepkasattri,   Thalang Phuket 83110
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +66 (0)76 336 000
Fax: +66 (0)76 336 069
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Notes and Events:

Offering daily meditation instruction and ongoing Shamatha and Vipassana retreats.

Tharlam Ling Buddhist Centre Inc.

Address: 13 Gill St Kirwan 4817   Townsville 4817
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: Phil Heang
Phone: +61070499026184
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Main Contact: Phil Heang  Email  (Phone: +61070499026184)
Teacher: Phil Heang  
Spiritual Director: Lama Choedak  
Notes and Events:

Tharlam Ling Buddhist Centre Inc conducts 8 week Calm Abiding Meditation Classes at Jame Cook University Chaplaincy, Townsville.

The Centre has retreats with lama Choedak. Presently there is a non residental retreat held over a weekend in May and a three day residential retreat.

The three day residential retreat held at Mt Spec, north of Townsville for 2012 will be  from 14 - 17 September 2012.

One day retreats are also planned for James Cook University Chaplaincy, approximately every three months.

Tharlam Ling also hosts visits from school children who ask questions about Buddhist Beliefs and Practices.

Chaplaincy service is provided to James Cook University and The Townsville Hospital and to anyone who phones the Centre.

Tharpa Choeling Australia - Wellington Buddhist Centre

Address: 166 Arthur Street   Wellington NSW 2820
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Tibetan - Gelug
Affiliation: Tharpa Choeling Abbey
Phone: 02 68454661
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Main Contact: The Sangha  Email  (Phone: 0268454661)
Teacher: Gen Thubten Tenzin  
Notes and Events:

Buddhism for a kinder world. Tharpa Choeling Australia is a Buddhist organisation situated in Central West/Western Plains NSW. We offer meditation, workshops and many other Buddhist activities from our beautiful Garden Dharma centre in Wellington NSW. We run meditation classes in Dubbo and Bathurst and we also aim to provide access to Buddhism for those who have trouble doing so, through our website and various outreach programs. We are a member of the Buddhist Council of NSW and take His Holiness the Dalai Lama as the head of our lineage.

Tharpaling Buddhist Centre

Address: PO Box 553   Corfu 49100
Tradition: Mahayana, New Kadampa Tradition
Affiliation: NKT
Phone: 0030 26610 41303
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Main Contact: Kelsang Gendun  Email  (Phone: 0030 26610 41303)
Teacher: Kelsang Gendun  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
Notes and Events:

The Centre offers weekly teachings and meditations in Greek about all aspects of Buddhism and meditation.  Please contact the Centre for details.

The Blue Dragonfly Zen Center

Address: 7502 Dixie Hwy. Florence KY. 41042   Florence KY 41042
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Master Dae Gak
Affiliation: Furnace Mountain Zen Temple.
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Teacher: Shifu Tiger Bodhisattva  
Notes and Events:

At "Furnace Mountain" & "The Blue Dragonfly Zen Center". 
Zazen is the practice of attending to experience as it presents itself, with and as the whole Mind, Body, Sprit. While the mind may wander off into thoughts of the past, interpretations of the present, and speculations concerning the future, the body is always right here and right now. Thus, Zazen begins with the body practicing an upright and attentive posture.
 The main point of Zazen posture is to attend, and not to merely take on or force the body into a particular position in order to look or feel "holy" or "like a Buddha". Dogen Zenji says in the Fukanzazengi: How Everyone Can Sit, "You cannot fabricate Buddha through sitting or lying down". You take a strong, stable, and open posture to practice, to open to your actual experience, to understand yourself, to enter and manifest your true nature, and realize yourself as Buddha. Making a "big deal" out of it by taking a difficult posture or romanticizing or dreaming it is all unnecessary.
 The bodily posture should be balanced, grounded, and open. The full lotus (kekka-fuza), or half lotus (hanka-fuza) are optimal for this posture of an aware bodymindspirt and so you could experiment with those first but sitting in a char is no big deal.

 Sit on the front edge of a zafu (round meditation cushion) or any thick and firm cushion that you might have at hand; if you sit too far back you will put too much pressure on the back of the thighs and cut off circulation. Rest the knees on a zabuton (flat padded mat) or blanket so that the knees and buttocks form a tripod of support for the upper body. Lift up one ankle with the hands and pull it up onto the thigh of the opposite leg; the line of the toes should align with the outside line of the thigh. It really doesn\\\'t matter very much which leg is uppermost. Allow the foot to rest in the hollow of the thigh and then try to bring the other foot up to the same position on the other thigh. Bring the feet in as close as is possible. This is the full lotus posture or padma asana. If this is uncomfortable, then bring up only one foot and tuck the other underneath the leg. This is the half lotus.

 You will probably experience some discomfort after holding this posture for a while. Stop "holding it" and just sit with it. The idea of the discomfort is much worse than the actual sensations. As you continue to practice, the body will settle into the posture, ligaments will become more flexible, tension held in the hips, thighs and calves will release, and the posture will become not only comfortable but will have a steady, joyous quality. Basic stretching exercises will be helpful in alleviating undue stress on the muscles and increasing flexibility. Sit in the posture at any opportunity: to read, listen to music, and so on.

 If neither the full or half-lotus postures are not suitable as yet, you can simply take the "Burmese" or agura posture in which the knees contact the zabuton and one ankle is placed in front of the other. If this is not suitable, sit in seiza (a formal kneeling posture) on the zafu with the knees spread and the big toes of each foot in contact, left over right, behind the zafu. Again, keep the knees about four fists apart so that there is a grounded quality to the posture.

 If you have severe back or knee problems you may certainly also use a chair or stool; in this case sit well away from the back of the chair with the feet flat on the ground. If you are very ill, you may practice by lying on your back with your hands over the hara in the shashu mudra, the right hand folded to form a fist with the left hand placed over the right, the left thumb tucked into the fist.

 The hands can also help us to practice zazen. Put the right hand palm up so that the wrist is resting on the right thigh, and, if you are in the full-lotus posture, the backs of the knuckles are on the upturned heel of the foot. In Burmese or agura posture the backs of the wrists should rest on the upper inner thighs. Place the left hand so that the knuckles fit behind the knuckles of the right. Bring the blades of the hands in against the tanden (the area of the lower belly four finger widths below the navel) and allow the thumbs to touch lightly in a natural arch above the palms.

 This is the hokkai-join, or dharmadhatu-mudra which means the "gesture of reality". The mudra will help you to notice how you are. We should be aware of whatever mental state arises as it arises; however, if we were able to do this completely, we wouldn\\\'t need to start with feeling the breath. Mental states and bodily states arise together as bodymind is not separate. Therefore, bodily states can remind us to recognize our mental state. If mindfulness dulls, the hands will slide forward and the thumbs will drop. If your practice is judgmental and goal-oriented, the thumbs will press against each other tensely. A stable and open bodily posture is a manifestation of a stable and open mental posture.

 Now open the shoulder blades and any tension being held in the shoulders. Straighten the head and draw the chin back slightly. Exhale and bow forward from the hips toward the wall, keeping the body aligned. Slowly straighten again while inhaling. You should find that the pelvic area has thrust forward slightly and that there is a very slight concave to the lower back. This will support your back. You do not need to tense your shoulders or try to somehow hold yourself straight with your chest. When your posture is aligned correctly in this way, the upper part of the body should feel almost weightless and the lower part extremely grounded and settled.

 Exhale deeply through the mouth and place the tongue against the palate, with the lips and teeth now closed. This will create a slight vacuum in the mouth and so the gathering of saliva in the mouth will be decreased.

 Place the eye gaze about one-third up from the bottom of the wall to your own height and allow a soft gaze; that is to say, do not stare or focus on the wall, but let the gaze fall "through" the wall and be open to peripheral vision. Do not keep the eyes wide open, or you will be easily distracted. Do not close the eyes or you will be scattered in the random hypnogogic colours and images that arise, or you will become dull and sleepy.

 The body is the mirror of the present moment.
In this posture, just sit.

 The purpose of the breath, Like thoughts, the breath comes and goes. If anger arises, the breath becomes angry. If sadness arises, the breath sighs. If your practice is tense, the breath is tense. Attend to the rising and falling movements of the lower belly as the breath fills and releases. Each breath is fresh, new - you have never breathed this breath before. The breath is a touchstone through which you can bring body and mind together in the same time: here, now.

 Just feeling the breath itself, abandon notions of the breath. Don\\\'t even "watch" or "follow" the breathing. Just feel this breath. When you wander into discursiveness and get lost in thoughts, return to just this breath. When mindfulness darkens or sinks, return to just this breath. Practice free from struggle. Don\\\'t tense the belly around the breath to make sure you are watching it and thus take on the stance of a "watcher". Don\\\'t try to manufacture deep, calm breaths. Just breathe as you breathe. With this breath, you enter into your life.

 The breath is a mirror of the mind. In this posture of breath, just sit.

 The Propose of the mind.
As you sit, the mind takes on various postures or stances. It crosses its arms and tries to just wait things out. It twiddles its thumbs. It fidgets and scratches and wriggles. It flails its arms, shakes its fists, and screams. It crouches and slumps among its old memories, its favorite old movies and songs, as random chattering. It bloats with pride at having been "watching the breath" so clearly. On and on and on.

 The mind defines itself as "this" as opposed to "that". It agrees or disagrees. It tells itself stories about itself over and over to try to prove to itself that it is real. It takes a point of view and then confuses that viewpoint with what is seen and so blinds itself to seeing clearly. And on and on and on.

 The mind is the mirror in which experiences arise and present themselves within Awareness.

 Breathing in, breathing out, just breath natural settle in & sit.
Sit on a zafu or cushion facing each other, If you use a timer or a clock, place it out of sight and forget about it until thirty minutes are up.

 Straighten and align your posture: ears over the shoulders, nose over the navel. Release the shoulders. Knees should be flat on the mat or floor so that together with the buttocks a firm base of support is formed. Place the hands left over right in the lap with the inner edges of the hands against the belly. Rest the wrists and allow the thumbs to touch lightly.

 Exhale and bow forward from the hips, keeping the back straight. Pause.

 Inhale and straighten. Rest back from the hips lightly and exhale, placing the tongue against the hard palate. Keep the chin tucked in slightly. Eye gaze is soft, half-open, and directed downwards slightly.

 Sit. Feel the movement of the breath together with the tanden (lower belly). Don\\\'t arrange the breath. Just breathe the breath.

 When you become lost in thinking, sleeping, hearing, seeing, itching, or anything at all, just notice that and bring yourself back to present experience through feeling this breath.

 Practice yourself and others as you actually are, right now.
May you be Peaceful, Well & Content.
Amitaba x108
– Abbot, Tiger Bodhisattva.

The Buddhist Community LK

Address: Ambagamuwa, Sri Lanka  Nawalapitiya 0094
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, This is a Buddhist Community Forum!
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Notes and Events:

The Buddhist Community LK is a Buddhist Discussion board FOR sharing Buddhism & clear doubts via discussing!

Come & be a totally free member & Learn or share Buddhism to the world!

The Buddhist Society of India - Vissannapeta

Address: D.No 9/209-1, Reddy Gudem Road, vissannapeta, Krishna dt, Andhrapradesh 521215.   Andhra Pradesh 521215
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 9985468449
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Meditation Teacher: A. Prasad  (Phone: 9705621162)
Spiritual Director: Vijayaraju Kalathoti  Email  (Phone: 9985468449)
Notes and Events:

Distribution of Buddhist literature – Celebration of Buddhist festivals.

Training classes on Buddhism, Ambedkarism and Human rights.

Facilitating conversions to Buddhism.

Conducting training classes for meditation, cultural programs, human rights awareness programs.

Construction of Buddhist temple & meditation centre.

The Buddhist Society of India

Address: Flat 604,Purti Vihar,Shahtri Nagar,Goregaon,Mumbai   Goregaon 400104
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: The Buddhist Society of India
Phone: 9425025569
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Spiritual Director: Chandrabodhi Patil  Email  (Phone: 9425025569)
Teacher: Sanjay Sakpal  
Main Contact: Chandrabodhi Patil  Email  (Phone: 9425025569)
Mr: Chandrabodhi Patil  Email  (Phone: 7507666486)
Mr: Satveer Baudh  Email  (Phone: 7027343577)
Notes and Events:

 Dr. Ambedkar asks which religion fulfills these requirements today, reminding that the days of the Mahatmas are gone and the world cannot have a new Religion. It will have to make its choice from existing religions. Some of the religions might satisfy one or two tests but Buddhism is the only religion satisfying all tests. He observes: “So far as I know the only religion which satisfies all these tests is Buddhism. In other words Buddhism is the only religion which the world can have. If the new world – which be it realized is very different from the old – must have a religion – and the new world needs religion for more than the old world did – then it can only be religion of the Buddha.”

Having discovered the only suitable religion for the modern world he embraced Buddhism. He led an unprecedented mass conversion and initiated bloodless social revolution not only for the people in India but also for the world.

Unparallel qualities and values he lived with, his work, his views on Dhamma and its social application to the complexities of modern world hails him the status of no less than a MODERN BUDDHA.

For the welfare of entire mankind, Bharath must stand before the world as a self-confident, resurgent and mighty nation. Even at the inception, the Sangh was viewed by its founder not as a sectoral activity, but as a dynamic power-house energizing every field of national activity. Expressed in the simplest terms, the ideal of the Sangh is to carry the nation to the pinnacle of glory through organizing the entire society. Verily this is the one real national as well as global mission. If ever there was one.

The Buddhist Society of India - Indore

Address: Anand Bouddha Vihar c/o DINKER RAO AMBORE 216, Siddhartha Nagar, Marimata ka bageecha, Juni Indore, Indore Madhya Pradesh 452007   Indore Madhya Pradesh 452007
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +917909343034
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Teacher: Dinker rao Ambore  (Phone: 9827009583)
Main Contact: Raju Ambore  Email  (Phone: +917909343034)
Spiritual Director: Bhante bBuddhakirti  
Notes and Events:

We are providing education to children's and the other disciples of buddhism.

From time to time we organize a get-together for equality, humanity. We also communicate with society for making our environment neat and clean. With our volunteers we conceive many type of surveys to arise the people living below standards.


The Buddho Foundation

Address: Engweg 53   Driebergen-Rijsenburg 3972 JD
Tradition: Theravada, samatha
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Teacher: Ahba  
Main Contact: Wouter Doorn  
Notes and Events:

Our mission is to enable people to live a moral, mindful and meaningful life, in the spirit of Theravāda Buddhism.

The foundation believes that the method of samatha meditation (concentration meditation) on buddho can make a valuable and essential contribution to this goal.

The Burmese Vihara - Bodhgaya

Address: Gaya Road, Bodhgaya Dist, Gaya, Bihar, India  
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 2400 721
Fax: 200848
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Notes and Events:

Location: In Bihar Sate. Bodhgaya is 13km from Gaya and auto-rickshaws shuttle back and forth. They start from the Kacheri in the city centre at Gaya. Buses depart less frequently.

The Burmese monastery is particularly popular because of its study courses. There are often western visitors here although most of the rooms are very basic. The monastery has a garden and a library with English books. If you stay remember that dignified conduct is expected of the guests. There is no charge for staying here but you should, of course, make a donation.

The Chenrezig Project

Address: 21616 Yeager Road   Monroe WA 98272
Tradition: Mahayana, Rime (With Gelugpa roots)
Phone: 206 707-9944
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Main Contact: Mark Winwood  Email  (Phone: 206 707-9944)
Notes and Events:

The Chenrezig Project is a Buddhist study/practice group in Snohomish County, WA, with a national online teaching presence, under the guidance of Buddhist teacher Mark Winwood.

We take our name in recognition of Chenrezig, the Tibetan Buddhist representation (and emanation) of perfect compassion. We are committed to using the aspects of householder life — home, workplace, the intimacy of committed relationship, the challenges of health and aging — as our areas of work. Our teachings and practices follow the Tibetan tradition and are illuminated by the American experience, respectful of all the teachings and schools of Buddhism.

We are dedicated to developing the good heart by cultivating wisdom and compassion through our studies and practices. At the core of our work is the cultivation of the wise and spacious quality known as “bodhicitta” — the deep, altruistic intention to realize genuine wisdom and compassion in ourselves in order to best help beings everywhere do the same.

We study teachings and practices both directly and indirectly sourced from Lama Tsongkhapa’s Lam-rim Chen-mo, the foundational 15th century text of teachings and practices of the path to enlightenment.

We gather regularly for teachings and/or meditations on Thursday evenings in Monroe (WA), as well as on our online (Skype) “Dharma Bridge” on Wednesdays.

All are welcome to come and benefit from exposure to this wonderful curriculum, regardless of experience or familiarity with Buddhism. Our gatherings are informative, friendly, supportive and practical. All are invited.

The College of Religious Studies, Mahidol University

Address: Salaya, Phutthamonthol 4, Nakhorn Prathom,73170 , Thailand Tel. (662) 800 - 2630 - 39 Fax. (662) 800 - 2659   Nakhorn Prathom Nakhon Pathom 73170
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 02-8002630
Fax: 02-8002659
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Teacher: Dr.Pinit Ratanakul  
Main Contact: Phramaha Boonmee Poungpet  Email  (Phone: 02-8002630 ex 216)
Spiritual Director: Dr.Pinit Ratanakul  Email  (Phone: 02-8002630)
Notes and Events:

The College of Religious Studies, Mahidol University, was founded in 1999 and is located at the Namthong Building, just opposite the Faculty of Veterinary Science at Salaya, Nakhorn Prathom, Thailand.

The College is dedicated to the study and research in the field of religious studies
and fosters mutual understanding, cooperation, and respect among people of different religious traditions both in Thailand and throughout the world, so that common concerns might be creatively addressed. In teaching and research, the College also strives to nurture global ethical values and promote peace and human well-being.

The 21st Century has come with all its promise and potential.
Southeast Asia and the rest of the world are entering a new and challenging historical stage. Accordingly the College has designed its program to meet these challenges.

Continuing in its mission,
the College advances the academic study of religion among members of the monastic and lay communities with special emphasis on Buddhism. Its academic programs address emerging issues that are new challenges to religion such as those which concern globalization, women’s rights, new scientific discoveries, and the use of modern technology in medicine. Other dimensions of the programs include training students in modern languages, computer, and critical thinking, along with religious studies, to enable them to live meaningfully in the globalized world.

The College of Religious Studies is currently offering Bachelor\\\'s and post graduate degrees
to produce competent teachers and scholars of religion as well as chaplains/ counselors to serve modern needs of Thailand and the wider global community.

Job Opportunities
In a globalized world the broad inter-cultural studies of our students prepares them for careers in multicultural settings such as government and multinational corporations.  Many of our graduates go on to study in such areas as law, education, management, psychology, political science etc, and then move on to careers in academics, law, counseling, media, banking, teaching, the airline industry etc.

For the graduate monks, they often go on to hold high positions within the Thai sangha serving as abbots, temple administrators, heads of meditation centers and as missionaries in many parts of the world.

The Community of Mindfulness in Israel (CMI)

Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh
Affiliation: Community of Mindful Living
Notes and Events:

The Community of Mindfulness in Israel practices the mindfulness tradition of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh and the Plum Village community.  We meet weekly for meditation in both Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, hold national days of mindfulness every six weeks and organize larger retreats and other events throughout the year.

קהילת תשומת הלב בישראל מתרגלת את מסורת תשומת הלב של מורה הזן תיק נהאט האן וקהילת כפר-שזיף. אנו נפגשים באופן שבועי בירושלים ובתל אביב, מקיימים ימי מודעות כל שישה שבועות ומארגנים סדנאות (ריטריט) ואירועים אחרים במשך השנה.

The Compassion Network

Address:   Seattle WA 98178
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 253-886-6251
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Notes and Events:

The Compassion Network is a small Buddhist nonprofit with a big wish to benefit all beings. We cultivate Buddhist initiatives in the West that include: translating Mahayana Buddhist canonical texts from Chinese to English, collaborating in intrafaith and interfaith endeavours, and sharing the teachings of the Buddha through its websites.

The Dharma Centre of Canada

Address: 1886 Galway Road.   Kinmount Ontario K0M 2A0
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: (866) 266-0966
Fax: (715) 488-2215
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MS: Mala Sikka  Email  
Teacher: Terry Hagan  
Spiritual Director: Namgyal Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Founded by the Venerable Namgyal Rinpoche in 1966, the Dharma Centre of Canada is an extended community Which maintains a study and meditation facility north of Toronto.

By deeply engaging diverse spiritual traditions We offer teachings and experiences pointing towards transcendence. With contemplation as our ground We explore the arts, sciences and everyday life as integral to unfoldment. In the spirit of generosity our members share their unique gifts and the fruits of meditation in service to others. We endeavour to create opportunities to express the clarity, humour, and dignity Which arise from a calm and alert state of mind.

From renowned spiritual leaders to eminent scientists, the Dharma Centre hosts inspiring teachers from a broad spectrum of religious and secular paths. In this Wholesome environment one can receive meditation instruction, participate in programs, or craft one’s own journey.

Our forested property invites the visitor to appreciate the uplifting beauty and Wildness of the natural World. Here there are manifold opportunities for persons Who Wish to contribute their talents and skills towards creating a future of sustainable interdependence. The Dharma Centre is a Welcoming setting for refuge and realization.

Upcoming programs include:

The Dharma House

Address: Route de St. Sauveur de Cruzières, Mallemontade, 30500 St. Brès, France.  Saint-Brès Gard 30500
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 0033 (0)8 77 98 28 99
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Notes and Events:

We are the Dharmahouse community project - a small community, drawing inspiration from the teachings of the Buddha and the ideal of living and connecting with others close to nature. It is our aim to explore a way of life centred around ecological and sustainable ethics, placing an emphasis on integrating mindful awareness into daily activities.

The Dharmahouse is based in the foothills of the Cévennes mountain range overlooking the Cèze River in the south of France, surrounded by national park and majestic views. The property is located on a hilltop in eight acres of farm land encompassing a variety of plants, herbs and trees, such as olive, almond, plum, mimosa, fig and apricot trees. The community is active in growing food in our gardens and structuring the land with permacultural ideas and designs.

The Dharmahouse takes its name from the Sanskrit term \'Dharma\' from a teaching laid down by the historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, over 2,500 years ago. It is a revolutionary teaching that points to \'the truth of reality\'. We are a peer-led lay community encouraging spiritual friendship, what the Buddha referred to as ‘the whole of the spiritual life’. At various times throughout the year we hold meditation and yoga retreats, led by monastic and lay teachers. We also run courses exploring a wide range of topics, including ecological building, permaculture and therapeutic process.

The Easier Softer Way

Address: 11417 Washington Place   Los Angeles CA 90066
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 4158585586
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Spiritual Director: Matthew Sockolov  Email  (Phone: (415) 858-5586)
Notes and Events:

The Easier Softer Way is a Buddhist community of recovering alcoholics and addicts.

We use the Buddhas teachings and the power of meditation and compassion to enhance our lives.

The European Bodhicitta Society (EBS) France

Tradition: Mahayana, Tibetan tradition, Nyingmapa school
Find on:
Main Contact: Yuan Li  Email  (Phone: +33 672067350)
Notes and Events:

Introducing the European Bodhicitta Society (EBS)
 The European Bodhicitta Society has been established under the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye from Serthar Buddhist Institute (Larung Gar) of Serthar district situated in the province of Sichuan. With the purpose of promoting the spirit of Mahayana Buddhism to benefit everyone in Europe, the European Bodhicitta Society was founded on the first of August in 2009. After two years of development, the number of members has increased from three to over 40 people living in different European countries.

The EBS promotes the Mahayana Buddhist teachings by integrating theories with practices. It plays a proactive role in advocating charity, such as environmental and animal conservation, popularising vegetarianism and in encouraging social cohesion and development.

Under the teachings of Buddha and the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye, the EBS, as well as all its members, strive to promote the theories and practices of Buddhism to everyone in Europe and to let everyone find true happiness.

Our study approaches

Based on Khenpo SoDargyes requirements, the European Bodhicitta Society has set up three study groups, namely: Preliminary practice of Great Perfection (Dzogchen) Study Group, Study Group B, which mainly study Shantidevas Bodhisattva way of life (Bodhicaryavatara) and a new class introduced in 2012. Beside this, each year, the European Bodhicitta Society will commence new study groups, these include the Preliminary practice of Great Perfection, Pure Land class, and Bodhicaryavatara study group. We also aim to initiate a study group focusing on Vajrayana practice such as Dzogchen, and other classes such as Madhyamika (Middleway) and Pramana (Buddhist Logic).

Our main study approach is by mean of online discussions, which takes place every week. In addition, occasionally, our UK Bodhicitta Socieity also holds some seminars physically. All our studies are managed by Serthar Buddhist Institute. Serthar Buddhist Institute provides learning materials, records our study performance and statistics, arranges lesson plans, organises exams and awards, evaluates the teaching achievements after the end of each semester and issues related certificates and prizes. Moreover, the European Bodhicitta Society is supervised by a specially appointed monastic from the Institute.

The reasons for creating the Bodhicitta Society

The European Bodhicitta Society was founded during the financial crisis. In the era of materialism and when our life highly depends on money, an economic downturn has been particularly detrimental to many people. This is also the proof that money cannot bring sustainable happiness and does not solve the spiritual emptiness within us. Money cannot help us in finding the true purpose of life but rather deviates us from doing so. Many people spend a large proportion of their time on things and activities, which become meaningless when facing the pain, anxiety and fear. That is why we believe that the way of Dharma is the only way to real happiness and fulfilment. In light of this need, Khenpo SoDargye has called for the establishment of Bodhicitta society of which the EBS is also part of it.

Joining us

Dear friends, if you understand Chinese, if you have a loving heart, and if you wish to understand more about life and Buddhism, the European Bodhicitta Society is the right place for you. We welcome anyone regardless of race, name, age, nationality, education or religion. We provide free opportunities to study Buddhism, and work together to promote philanthropy, and social harmony. Please join us in exploring the potentials of compassion, and bring enlightenment to all living beings.

The European Bodhicitta Society (EBS) Germany

Tradition: Mahayana, Tibetan tradition, Nyingmapa school
Find on:
Main Contact: Yuan Hui  Email  (Phone: +49 1622825477)
Notes and Events:

Introducing the European Bodhicitta Society (EBS)
 The European Bodhicitta Society has been established under the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye from Serthar Buddhist Institute (Larung Gar) of Serthar district situated in the province of Sichuan. With the purpose of promoting the spirit of Mahayana Buddhism to benefit everyone in Europe, the European Bodhicitta Society was founded on the first of August in 2009. After two years of development, the number of members has increased from three to over 40 people living in different European countries.

The EBS promotes the Mahayana Buddhist teachings by integrating theories with practices. It plays a proactive role in advocating charity, such as environmental and animal conservation, popularising vegetarianism and in encouraging social cohesion and development.

Under the teachings of Buddha and the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye, the EBS, as well as all its members, strive to promote the theories and practices of Buddhism to everyone in Europe and to let everyone find true happiness.

Our study approaches

Based on Khenpo SoDargye\\\\\\\'s requirements, the European Bodhicitta Society has set up three study groups, namely: Preliminary practice of Great Perfection (Dzogchen) Study Group, Study Group B, which mainly study Shantideva\\\\\\\'s Bodhisattva way of life (Bodhicaryavatara) and a new class introduced in 2012. Beside this, each year, the European Bodhicitta Society will commence new study groups, these include the Preliminary practice of Great Perfection, Pure Land class, and Bodhicaryavatara study group. We also aim to initiate a study group focusing on Vajrayana practice such as Dzogchen, and other classes such as Madhyamika (Middleway) and Pramana (Buddhist Logic).

Our main study approach is by mean of online discussions, which takes place every week. In addition, occasionally, our UK Bodhicitta Socieity also holds some seminars physically. All our studies are managed by Serthar Buddhist Institute. Serthar Buddhist Institute provides learning materials, records our study performance and statistics, arranges lesson plans, organises exams and awards, evaluates the teaching achievements after the end of each semester and issues related certificates and prizes. Moreover, the European Bodhicitta Society is supervised by a specially appointed monastic from the Institute.

The reasons for creating the Bodhicitta Society

The European Bodhicitta Society was founded during the financial crisis. In the era of materialism and when our life highly depends on money, an economic downturn has been particularly detrimental to many people. This is also the proof that money cannot bring sustainable happiness and does not solve the spiritual emptiness within us. Money cannot help us in finding the true purpose of life but rather deviates us from doing so. Many people spend a large proportion of their time on things and activities, which become meaningless when facing the pain, anxiety and fear. That is why we believe that the way of Dharma is the only way to real happiness and fulfilment. In light of this need, Khenpo SoDargye has called for the establishment of Bodhicitta society of which the EBS is also part of it.

Joining us

Dear friends, if you understand Chinese, if you have a loving heart, and if you wish to understand more about life and Buddhism, the European Bodhicitta Society is the right place for you. We welcome anyone regardless of race, name, age, nationality, education or religion. We provide free opportunities to study Buddhism, and work together to promote philanthropy, and social harmony. Please join us in exploring the potentials of compassion, and bring enlightenment to all living beings.

The European Bodhicitta Society (EBS) Netherlands

Tradition: Mahayana, Tibetan tradition, Nyingmapa school
Find on:
Main Contact: Yuan Ren  Email  (Phone: 0031(0)685592405)
Notes and Events:

Introducing the European Bodhicitta Society (EBS)
 The European Bodhicitta Society has been established under the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye from Serthar Buddhist Institute (Larung Gar) of Serthar district situated in the province of Sichuan. With the purpose of promoting the spirit of Mahayana Buddhism to benefit everyone in Europe, the European Bodhicitta Society was founded on the first of August in 2009. After two years of development, the number of members has increased from three to over 40 people living in different European countries.

The EBS promotes the Mahayana Buddhist teachings by integrating theories with practices. It plays a proactive role in advocating charity, such as environmental and animal conservation, popularising vegetarianism and in encouraging social cohesion and development.

Under the teachings of Buddha and the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye, the EBS, as well as all its members, strive to promote the theories and practices of Buddhism to everyone in Europe and to let everyone find true happiness.

Our study approaches

Based on Khenpo SoDargye\\\\\\\'s requirements, the European Bodhicitta Society has set up three study groups, namely: Preliminary practice of Great Perfection (Dzogchen) Study Group, Study Group B, which mainly study Shantideva\\\\\\\'s Bodhisattva way of life (Bodhicaryavatara) and a new class introduced in 2012. Beside this, each year, the European Bodhicitta Society will commence new study groups, these include the Preliminary practice of Great Perfection, Pure Land class, and Bodhicaryavatara study group. We also aim to initiate a study group focusing on Vajrayana practice such as Dzogchen, and other classes such as Madhyamika (Middleway) and Pramana (Buddhist Logic).

Our main study approach is by mean of online discussions, which takes place every week. In addition, occasionally, our UK Bodhicitta Socieity also holds some seminars physically. All our studies are managed by Serthar Buddhist Institute. Serthar Buddhist Institute provides learning materials, records our study performance and statistics, arranges lesson plans, organises exams and awards, evaluates the teaching achievements after the end of each semester and issues related certificates and prizes. Moreover, the European Bodhicitta Society is supervised by a specially appointed monastic from the Institute.

The reasons for creating the Bodhicitta Society

The European Bodhicitta Society was founded during the financial crisis. In the era of materialism and when our life highly depends on money, an economic downturn has been particularly detrimental to many people. This is also the proof that money cannot bring sustainable happiness and does not solve the spiritual emptiness within us. Money cannot help us in finding the true purpose of life but rather deviates us from doing so. Many people spend a large proportion of their time on things and activities, which become meaningless when facing the pain, anxiety and fear. That is why we believe that the way of Dharma is the only way to real happiness and fulfilment. In light of this need, Khenpo SoDargye has called for the establishment of Bodhicitta society of which the EBS is also part of it.

Joining us

Dear friends, if you understand Chinese, if you have a loving heart, and if you wish to understand more about life and Buddhism, the European Bodhicitta Society is the right place for you. We welcome anyone regardless of race, name, age, nationality, education or religion. We provide free opportunities to study Buddhism, and work together to promote philanthropy, and social harmony. Please join us in exploring the potentials of compassion, and bring enlightenment to all living beings.

The European Bodhicitta Society (EBS) Norway

Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan tradition, Nyingmapa school
Phone: +4795149116
Find on:
Main Contact: Yuan Ying  Email  (Phone: +47 95149116)
Spiritual Director: Khenpo SoDargye,  
Notes and Events:

Introducing the European Bodhicitta Society (EBS)
 The European Bodhicitta Society has been established under the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye from Serthar Buddhist Institute (Larung Gar) of Serthar district situated in the province of Sichuan. With the purpose of promoting the spirit of Mahayana Buddhism to benefit everyone in Europe, the European Bodhicitta Society was founded on the first of August in 2009. After two years of development, the number of members has increased from three to over 40 people living in different European countries.

The EBS promotes the Mahayana Buddhist teachings by integrating theories with practices. It plays a proactive role in advocating charity, such as environmental and animal conservation, popularising vegetarianism and in encouraging social cohesion and development.

Under the teachings of Buddha and the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye, the EBS, as well as all its members, strive to promote the theories and practices of Buddhism to everyone in Europe and to let everyone find true happiness.

Our study approaches

Based on Khenpo SoDargyes requirements, the European Bodhicitta Society has set up three study groups, namely: Preliminary practice of Great Perfection (Dzogchen) Study Group, Study Group B, which mainly study Shantidevas Bodhisattva way of life (Bodhicaryavatara) and a new class introduced in 2012. Beside this, each year, the European Bodhicitta Society will commence new study groups, these include the Preliminary practice of Great Perfection, Pure Land class, and Bodhicaryavatara study group. We also aim to initiate a study group focusing on Vajrayana practice such as Dzogchen, and other classes such as Madhyamika (Middleway) and Pramana (Buddhist Logic).

Our main study approach is by mean of online discussions, which takes place every week. In addition, occasionally, our UK Bodhicitta Socieity also holds some seminars physically. All our studies are managed by Serthar Buddhist Institute. Serthar Buddhist Institute provides learning materials, records our study performance and statistics, arranges lesson plans, organises exams and awards, evaluates the teaching achievements after the end of each semester and issues related certificates and prizes. Moreover, the European Bodhicitta Society is supervised by a specially appointed monastic from the Institute.

The reasons for creating the Bodhicitta Society

The European Bodhicitta Society was founded during the financial crisis. In the era of materialism and when our life highly depends on money, an economic downturn has been particularly detrimental to many people. This is also the proof that money cannot bring sustainable happiness and does not solve the spiritual emptiness within us. Money cannot help us in finding the true purpose of life but rather deviates us from doing so. Many people spend a large proportion of their time on things and activities, which become meaningless when facing the pain, anxiety and fear. That is why we believe that the way of Dharma is the only way to real happiness and fulfilment. In light of this need, Khenpo SoDargye has called for the establishment of Bodhicitta society of which the EBS is also part of it.

Joining us

Dear friends, if you understand Chinese, if you have a loving heart, and if you wish to understand more about life and Buddhism, the European Bodhicitta Society is the right place for you. We welcome anyone regardless of race, name, age, nationality, education or religion. We provide free opportunities to study Buddhism, and work together to promote philanthropy, and social harmony. Please join us in exploring the potentials of compassion, and bring enlightenment to all living beings.

The European Bodhicitta Society (EBS) Sweden

Tradition: Mahayana, Tibetan tradition, Nyingmapa school
Find on:
Main Contact: Jing Li  Email  (Phone: +46 703680549)
Notes and Events:

Introducing the European Bodhicitta Society (EBS)
 The European Bodhicitta Society has been established under the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye from Serthar Buddhist Institute (Larung Gar) of Serthar district situated in the province of Sichuan. With the purpose of promoting the spirit of Mahayana Buddhism to benefit everyone in Europe, the European Bodhicitta Society was founded on the first of August in 2009. After two years of development, the number of members has increased from three to over 40 people living in different European countries.

The EBS promotes the Mahayana Buddhist teachings by integrating theories with practices. It plays a proactive role in advocating charity, such as environmental and animal conservation, popularising vegetarianism and in encouraging social cohesion and development.

Under the teachings of Buddha and the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye, the EBS, as well as all its members, strive to promote the theories and practices of Buddhism to everyone in Europe and to let everyone find true happiness.

Our study approaches

Based on Khenpo SoDargyes requirements, the European Bodhicitta Society has set up three study groups, namely: Preliminary practice of Great Perfection (Dzogchen) Study Group, Study Group B, which mainly study Shantidevas Bodhisattva way of life (Bodhicaryavatara) and a new class introduced in 2012. Beside this, each year, the European Bodhicitta Society will commence new study groups, these include the Preliminary practice of Great Perfection, Pure Land class, and Bodhicaryavatara study group. We also aim to initiate a study group focusing on Vajrayana practice such as Dzogchen, and other classes such as Madhyamika (Middleway) and Pramana (Buddhist Logic).

Our main study approach is by mean of online discussions, which takes place every week. In addition, occasionally, our UK Bodhicitta Socieity also holds some seminars physically. All our studies are managed by Serthar Buddhist Institute. Serthar Buddhist Institute provides learning materials, records our study performance and statistics, arranges lesson plans, organises exams and awards, evaluates the teaching achievements after the end of each semester and issues related certificates and prizes. Moreover, the European Bodhicitta Society is supervised by a specially appointed monastic from the Institute.

The reasons for creating the Bodhicitta Society

The European Bodhicitta Society was founded during the financial crisis. In the era of materialism and when our life highly depends on money, an economic downturn has been particularly detrimental to many people. This is also the proof that money cannot bring sustainable happiness and does not solve the spiritual emptiness within us. Money cannot help us in finding the true purpose of life but rather deviates us from doing so. Many people spend a large proportion of their time on things and activities, which become meaningless when facing the pain, anxiety and fear. That is why we believe that the way of Dharma is the only way to real happiness and fulfilment. In light of this need, Khenpo SoDargye has called for the establishment of Bodhicitta society of which the EBS is also part of it.

Joining us

Dear friends, if you understand Chinese, if you have a loving heart, and if you wish to understand more about life and Buddhism, the European Bodhicitta Society is the right place for you. We welcome anyone regardless of race, name, age, nationality, education or religion. We provide free opportunities to study Buddhism, and work together to promote philanthropy, and social harmony. Please join us in exploring the potentials of compassion, and bring enlightenment to all living beings.

The European Bodhicitta Society (EBS) Switzerland

Tradition: Mahayana, Tibetan tradition, Nyingmapa school
Find on:
Main Contact: Zhang Hui  Email  (Phone: 0041(0)774959978)
Notes and Events:

Introducing the European Bodhicitta Society (EBS)
 The European Bodhicitta Society has been established under the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye from Serthar Buddhist Institute (Larung Gar) of Serthar district situated in the province of Sichuan. With the purpose of promoting the spirit of Mahayana Buddhism to benefit everyone in Europe, the European Bodhicitta Society was founded on the first of August in 2009. After two years of development, the number of members has increased from three to over 40 people living in different European countries.

The EBS promotes the Mahayana Buddhist teachings by integrating theories with practices. It plays a proactive role in advocating charity, such as environmental and animal conservation, popularising vegetarianism and in encouraging social cohesion and development.

Under the teachings of Buddha and the guidance of Khenpo SoDargye, the EBS, as well as all its members, strive to promote the theories and practices of Buddhism to everyone in Europe and to let everyone find true happiness.

Our study approaches

Based on Khenpo SoDargyes requirements, the European Bodhicitta Society has set up three study groups, namely: Preliminary practice of Great Perfection (Dzogchen) Study Group, Study Group B, which mainly study Shantidevas Bodhisattva way of life (Bodhicaryavatara) and a new class introduced in 2012. Beside this, each year, the European Bodhicitta Society will commence new study groups, these include the Preliminary practice of Great Perfection, Pure Land class, and Bodhicaryavatara study group. We also aim to initiate a study group focusing on Vajrayana practice such as Dzogchen, and other classes such as Madhyamika (Middleway) and Pramana (Buddhist Logic).

Our main study approach is by mean of online discussions, which takes place every week. In addition, occasionally, our UK Bodhicitta Socieity also holds some seminars physically. All our studies are managed by Serthar Buddhist Institute. Serthar Buddhist Institute provides learning materials, records our study performance and statistics, arranges lesson plans, organises exams and awards, evaluates the teaching achievements after the end of each semester and issues related certificates and prizes. Moreover, the European Bodhicitta Society is supervised by a specially appointed monastic from the Institute.

The reasons for creating the Bodhicitta Society

The European Bodhicitta Society was founded during the financial crisis. In the era of materialism and when our life highly depends on money, an economic downturn has been particularly detrimental to many people. This is also the proof that money cannot bring sustainable happiness and does not solve the spiritual emptiness within us. Money cannot help us in finding the true purpose of life but rather deviates us from doing so. Many people spend a large proportion of their time on things and activities, which become meaningless when facing the pain, anxiety and fear. That is why we believe that the way of Dharma is the only way to real happiness and fulfilment. In light of this need, Khenpo SoDargye has called for the establishment of Bodhicitta society of which the EBS is also part of it.

Joining us

Dear friends, if you understand Chinese, if you have a loving heart, and if you wish to understand more about life and Buddhism, the European Bodhicitta Society is the right place for you. We welcome anyone regardless of race, name, age, nationality, education or religion. We provide free opportunities to study Buddhism, and work together to promote philanthropy, and social harmony. Please join us in exploring the potentials of compassion, and bring enlightenment to all living beings.

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