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Valdarno International Meditation Group
Address: Piazza G. Pascoli 1 Cancelli Toscana 50066
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Samadhe Viharaya Firenze
Phone: +39 338 3429115
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Teacher: Upasaka Stefano
Notes and Events:
Siamo un gruppo di meditazione e studio del Dhamma. Pratichiamo la meditazione Samatha Vipassana Yuganaddha. Spediamo libri di molte tradizioni Buddhiste in molte lingue gratuitamente previa Dana per coprire le spese di spedizione dei libri e aiutare nel nostro progetto.
Offriamo corsi di meditazione per la tranquillità interiore (Samatha Bhavana) nella vostra associazione o palestra. Per meditare non devi aderire a una specifica tradizione o religione. Solo nelle zone di Firenze/Reggello/Pontassieve.
Il nostro progetto è quello di creare un centro residenziale di studio e meditazione non settario nell'alto Valdarno Toscano. Per coloro che fossero interessati al nostro progetto ci possono contattare per ulteriori informazioni.
Vallecitos Mountain Refuge
Address: 100 South Plaza Taos NM 87571
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Multi traditional
Phone: 505-751-9613
Fax: 505-751-4038
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Teachers: Diana Winston, Marcia Rose, Wendy Johnson, Therese Fitzgerald, Cynthia Jurs
Main Contact: Rose Martinez
Teachers: Joseph Goldstein, Steven Smith, Wes Nisker, Grove Burnett (Founding Teacher).
Notes and Events:
Vallecitos Mountain Refuge is a magnificent wilderness ranch and retreat center located near Taos, New Mexico.
Vallecitos offers meditation and contemplative retreats taught in various traditions in an inspirational mountain setting.
Valley Dragon Zen Sangha
Address: 1301 Rio Grande Blvd. NW Suite #2 Albuquerque 87104
Tradition: Mahayana, Shunryu Suzuki
Affiliation: Soto Zen
Phone: (505) 377-3045
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Guiding Teacher: Rev. Taigen Dan Leighton
Main Contact: Rev. Keizan Titus O'Brien Email
Guiding Teacher: Rev. Zoketsu Norman Fisher
Notes and Events:
A Soto Zen group co-led by fellow priests Taisan joe Galewsky and Keizan Titus O'Brien. We meet weekly on Monday evenings:
6:30-7:10 zazen
7;10-7:20 service
7:20-8:00 Dharma discussion
We also have occasional guest teachers, events, and full day sits.
Vancouver Shambhala Centre
Address: 256 West 7th Avenue, Unit 208 Vancouver BC V5Y 1M1
Tradition: Vajrayana, Shambhala, Kagyu, Tibetan
Affiliation: Shambhala
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Founder: Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
Please join us for our Wednesday Open House every Wednesday evening. Sitting meditation from 7-8 pm in the main meditation hall. First-time meditation instruction at 7pm in the secondary meditation hall. Tea and cookies at 8 pm, followed by a short dharma talk or discussion.
Varapunya Buddhist Society
Address: Easter Mains Cottage, Kingswells Aberdeen Scotland AB15 8RB
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 01224 632557
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Spiritual Director: Ajahn Sujan Email
Notes and Events:
Varapunya meditation centre was set up in September 2012 along with pious devotees as a centre for study and practice of Buddhist meditation in Aberdeen, Scotland. It is a centre for learning and sharing personal direct experiences of practicing meditation for a better understanding of its concept and practice in order to apply in daily life and enhancement of spiritual journey.
The guiding principles of the Centre’s activities are primarily based on the teachings of the Buddha within the Theravada tradition of Buddhism. The centre also offers secular Mindfulness based courses to help you to build foundation for better understanding of personal life, relationships and professional work.
Vatta Buddhacatuparisa Jayanti 2600 Mahavihara Bhikkhuni
Address: 101 Jamiesons Road Margate TAS 7054
Tradition: Theravada, Thai
Affiliation: Buddha Catu Parisa Foundation International Incorporated
Phone: (03) 6267 7154
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Notes and Events:
Founded on 10 May 2017
Veheragal Sirisangabo Rajamaha Viharaya
Address: Veheragala Siri Sangabo Rajamaha Viharaya,
Ranpathwila, Kahatagasdigiliya Kahatagasdigiliya North Central AD 50320
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +94 - 253778806, +94 - 716631516
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Main Contact: Rev. Neethiyagama Chandima Thero Email (Phone: +94 - 716631516)
Notes and Events:
Veheragal Sirisangabo Rajamaha Viharaya is the place where the Bodhisathwa Avalokitheshwara statue was found. This place happen to be a most important historical place. To find out more please wisit our website:
Veneto International Buddhist Meditation Centre
Address: Via Aquileia 21, Verona verona Veneto 37135
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 0039 0452587886
Fax: 0039 0452587886
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Treasurer: Ms Renata Pasi. (Phone: 0039 3394850164)
secretary: Mr.Lesli Asoka Vedamuhandiram (Phone: 0039 3287665276)
Main Contact: Mr Ivano Galeotti Email (Phone: 0039 3929635700)
Teacher: Rev Franz Zampiero
Spiritual Director: Rev Gammedagama Piyadassi Thero Email (Phone: 0039 3277786511)
Vietnamese Buddhist Association of Savannah, Georgia Inc.
Address: Cat-Tuong Temple 2619 US Highway 80, Garden City, GA 31408 Garden City GA 31408
Tradition: Mahayana, Vietnamese
Phone: (912) 965-1876
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Main Contact: An Van Nguyen Email (Phone: 912-927-4148)
Notes and Events:
The Vietnamese Buddhist Association of Savannah, Georgia Inc. (Chua Cat Tuong) is domestic non-profit organization whose charitable purposes are educational, religious, literary and scientific. Our organization was formed on April 2, 1997 under the guidance of spiritual leader Thượng Tọa Thích Trí Chơn.
Our first resident nun was Thích Nữ Huệ Hạnh. Our current resident monk is Đại đức Thích Hải Quang.
We moved to our present location on January 15, 2000 and celebrated the ribbon cutting of our new temple on August 19, 2012.
Vihara Buddha Gotama
Address: c/o 121 Jalan Besar Temoh, Perak 35350 Perak
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +60-12-469 7483
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Spiritual Director: Venerable Dhammavuddho Thero
Notes and Events:
Vihara Buddha Gotama is a 15-acres forest monastery founded in 1998 mainly for the study and practice of the Buddha's discourses (suttas), monastic discipline (vinaya), and meditation, according to the original teachings of the Buddha. It is open to monks and nuns (maechees or anagarinis), and also laymen and laywomen.
This Vihara caters mainly to the residential community of monks and nuns, and those training to be monks and nuns. Thus, the daily schedule includes about 4 hours of group meditation, 2 hours of work, and 1 hour of Dhamma-Vinaya study and discussion.
Vihara Dhammacakkhu
Address: jl. Dahlia II No. 17
Perumahan Pakuan Bogor
Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: (021) 328719
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Main Contact: Mr. Hendra Ashadi or Mr. Doddy Herwidanto
Notes and Events:
Regular Program:
Every Sunday Morning at 9.00 am: Buddhist Sunday Puja
Dhamma Class: every Saturday 14.00 - 15.30 pm and 16.00 - 17.30 pm
Vihara Dhammãsoka
Address: Jln. Kapten Piere Tendean
Gg.Vihara No.37 Rt: 41/13
Banjarmasin 70112
Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia.
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: (0511) 251497
Fax: (0511) 251497
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Notes and Events:
Regular Programme:
Sunday School: 7:30 - 9:00 am
Teenagers: 9:00 - 11:00 am
Adults: 4:30 - 6:30 pm
Vihara Dharmabhakti
Address: Jl. P. Tubagus Angke, Taman Duta Mas Blk D9A No. 5F Jakarta Barat Jakarta 14660
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: SAGIN
Phone: +62215676455
Fax: +62215676455
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Saddhanyano Email (Phone: +62215676455)
Main Contact: O Kiem Email (Phone: +628129968695)
Notes and Events:
Meditation class : Monday and Thursday, 19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Religious service :
Sunday service: Children, 08.00 - 10.00 WIB, Theravada
Youth, 10.00 - 12.00 WIB, Theravada
General, 14.00 - 16.30 WIB, Mahayana
Dhamma class, 09.00 - 10.00 WIB
Friday service : General, 19.30 - 22.00 WIB, Mahayana
Social service : every 3 months
Vihara Giri Manggala
Address: Jl. Pulau Irian, Banjar Dinas Alasangker, Desa Alasangker, Buleleng, Bali Singaraja Bali 81119
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Sangha Theravada Indonesia
Phone: +62812-3989-3980
Fax: +62878-5462-6768
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Ketua Yayasan: Gede Sukada (Phone: +62819-1664-5777)
Main Contact: Aji Nugroho, S.Ag. Email (Phone: +62812-3989-3980)
Ketua Dayaka Sabha: Ketut Widiasa (Phone: +62852-3746-6551)
Notes and Events:
Vihara Mahavira Graha Pusat, Jakarta
Address: Jl. Lodan No. 6-B, Jakarta 14430 Indonesia
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 690 92 83/4
Fax: 691 57 29 and 690 92 82
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Contact: Bhiksu Kusala Phassa
Main Contact: Bhiksu Seck Hui Siong (Venerable Prajnavira Mahasthavira)
Notes and Events:
1. Dharma Assemblies
Schedule: 1. Regular
- Chanting of \'The Universal Door\' of the Lotus Sutra and Repentance Ceremony : Every Uposatha day (1st and 15th day of the lunar month) at 5.30 pm
- The Great Compassion Repentance Ceremony : The 16th day of the lunar month at 10.30 am
- Amitabha Sutra chanting, every Saturday at 5.30 pm
2. Others: There will be a series of Dharma Assemblies and Ceremony on special occassion to celebrate birthdays of Buddhas and Bodhisatvas (please call to check on schedule)
2. Sunday Dharma Class for Children at 9 am
3. Young Buddhist Generation - meets every Sunday for Dharma Assemblies and Dharma Class/talks from 9 to 11 am.
4. Buddhist Cultural Center - We offer programs on Buddhist Choir, Buddhist Dances, Barongsai Dances etc.
5. Dharma Classes: are offered regularly by resident monks and visiting monks or teachers from overseas.
6. Buddhist Library: opens every Sunday from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm - We offer devotees a very good collection of Dharma books, Mahayana Sutras and explanation, VCD, CD and cassettes on Dharma Classes and Dharma talks.
7. Indonesian Buddhist Magazine (Majalah Buddhis Indonesia) monthly published in Indonesian Language. The magazine was established since 1991 with the objective of providing Dharma teahings and news on Buddhist activities in Indonesia and around the world. Also to promote Buddhist Culture and Buddhist Way of Life.
8. Free Dharma books and Sutras: are published regularly for public free of charge.
9. Regular meditation class (on a weekly basis).
10. Regular Atthasila Program under strict supervision of resident monks. (2 days and 1 night stay at the temple).
11. Every Friday free chanting/praying for cancer patients at the Cancer Hospital in Jakarta.
12. Free chanting/praying/blessings at request for wedding couples, suffering patients at various hospitals, funerals, etc.
13. Regular charity and social welfare activities, such as:
- donation to charity institutions, homeless kids, old folks.
- providing homeless children school fees, school books, school stationery (currently, 150 children enjoy this program from our temple).
14. Translation of Buddhist Books from foreign languages into Indonesian or Mandarin.
All regular Dharma Assemblies are conducted in Mandarin Language.
Dharma Assemblies held on Sundays and Sunday Dharma Classes are conducted in Sanskrit language and Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language).
Vihara Tanah Putih
Address: Jl dr.Wahidin no 12 Semarang Central Java 50000
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Sangha Theravada Indonesia
Phone: +62 24 8315169
Fax: +62 24 8503650
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Teacher: Ven Cattamano Thera
Spiritual Director: Ven Jotidhammo Maha Thera
Notes and Events:
Tanah Putih Temple is the beginning of Sangha Theravada Indonesia. This temple currently function as administrative and transit for Indonesian buddhist monks.
Vihara Vimala Dharma
Address: Jln. Ir.H.Juanda, Bandung
West Java, Indonesia.
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Notes and Events:
Vihara Vimala Dharma is a Buddhayana temple. It holds Puja every Sunday morning at 8 a.m. The Puja is in Pali, with Indonesian translation. Afterwards members of the Buddhist Youth generation meet to discuss the Dharma. Many of them are quite fluent in English, and would welcome any English speaking visitors. They can also introduce you to English-speaking monks, based both here in Bandung and in other parts of Java.
Vimala Sangha
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen, in the tradition of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi
Phone: 415.381.3015
Teacher: Lewis Richmond
Notes and Events:
The Vimala Sangha (Vimala Zen Center) is a Buddhist group based in Mill Valley, California, under the spiritual guidance of Buddhist teacher Lew Richmond. It takes its name from Vimalakirti, the householder whose wisdom was said to surpass that of all the Buddha's other great disciples.
Vimala Sangha's forms of practice and methods of inquiry are illuminated by the American experience, and respectful of all the teachings and schools of Buddhism.
Our schedule of events is available at
Lewis Richmond's music CDs and music teaching DVD are availabel at
Vimutti Buddhist Forest Monastery
Address: 750 Paparata Road
Bombay 2343 Auckland
Tradition: Theravada, Ajahn Chah Thai Forest Tradition
Affiliation: Auckland Theravada Buddhist Association
Phone: (09) 236 6816
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Spiritual Director: Ajahn Chandako Email (Phone: (09) 236 6816)
Notes and Events:
Vimutti Buddhist Monastery offers the opportunity for people to partake in the daily life of a forest monastery. Vimutti is located in the beautiful countryside south of Auckland, New Zealand. Visitors are welcome to stay for varying lengths of time.
Vipassana Buddhist Church / Center for Buddhist Development
Address: 203 East Dunklin Street Jefferson City MO 65101
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, (Pali based teachings)
Affiliation: Centers for Buddhist Development
Phone: (573) 635-9544
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Contact: Rev. Dhammasiri (Rev. Michael Stephens) Email (Phone: (573) 635-9544)
Teachers: Rev. Dhammasiri (Rev. Michael Stephens) Email (Phone: (573) 635-9544)
Spiritual Director: Rev. Dhammaruchi (Rev. William Edwards) Email (Phone: (573) 635-9544)
Teacher: Rev. Dhammaruchi
Main Contact: Rev. Dhammaruchi Email (Phone: (573) 635-9544)
Notes and Events:
Sundays: 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM - Meditation and chanting service; 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM Dharma Discussion.
Wednesday & Thursday Nights: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM - Meditation Class.
Contact us for more information
Vipassana Buddhist Meditation Association of Wat Sereychum Inc.
Address: 4 Filbert Court Cranbourne North Vic 3977
Tradition: Theravada, Kampuchea Krom (South Viet Nam)
Phone: 0359960592
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Spiritual Director: Mr. Kimben Lim
Main Contact: Spiritual Director: Mr. Kimben Lim Email (Phone: 0359960592 )
Teacher: Abbot Venerable Rakkhitakosalo Kim Minh Lam.
Notes and Events:
The Venerable Master Rakkhitakosalo Kim Minh Lam Completed BA and MA in Buddhism from Thailand, he has 20 years experience in Meditation in south Vietnam, Myanmar, India and Thailand, and also teaches Cambodian culture.
The Venerable speaks four languages Khmer, Vietnamese, Thai, and English.
Vipassana Buddhist Monastery
Address: 139 Shaws Rd, Werribee Vic 3030
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan
Phone: 0456 747 524
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Teacher: Rev Illukwaththe Dhammarathana Thero
Notes and Events:
Vipassana Buddhist Monastery (VBM) founded in 2018 to facilitate and guide who wish to practice meditation and understand Buddhist philosophy. Also not jut bounded to day to day Buddhist practices, VBM focused inner peace, managing stress, work and life balance etc. Moreover, VBM conducting Dhamma discussion, Dhamma talk, observing Sil and Meditation practices from the beginners to in depth and target various age groups.
VBM only operate by funding from members and Sponsorships of generous business.
Vipassana Centre Queensland (Dhamma Rasmi)
Address: PO Box 119, Rules Road Pomona Qld 4568 Qld
Tradition: Theravada, vipassana
Phone: (07) 5485 2452
Fax: 5485 2907
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Notes and Events:
Dhamma Rasmi ("Rasmi" means ray of light or sunshine) is in a beautiful sub-tropical area known as the Sunshine Coast, 140 km north of Brisbane.Forty acres were purchased in 1989 and another twenty acres in 1993. The land is gently sloping and partly timbered, with a small tree-lined creek. Facilities include a high-ceilinged octagonal hall for 200 students, dormitories for 30, a kitchen/dining building, and a reception/administration area with servers rooms. The next phase of accommodation includes six 2-bed cottages and shady tent sites.
A minimum of two courses are held at the centre each month. A growing number of meditators have settled in the area to help the management, and gain benefit by visiting for group meditation. Other frequent visitors are a family of kangaroos and smaller marsupials, who live in the eucalypt forest nearby.
These courses are conducted by Assistant Teachers to S.N.Goenka of the Vipassana International Academy, India.Vipassana Dhura Meditation Society
Address: 12118 E. Amherst Circle
Aurora CO 80014
Tradition: Theravada, Mahasi Sayadaw
Phone: (303) 861-5051
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Main Contact: Cynthia Thatcher (Phone: (303) 861-5051)
Spiritual Director: Achan Sobin Namto
Notes and Events:
Offering detailed, authentic teachings in moment-to-moment mindfulness from the Thai-Mahasi tradition. Learn sitting/walking meditation, the Sixteen Stages of Insight, and mindful eating. Free correspondence program.
Vipassana Haarlem
Address: Nieuwe Gracht 86zw, Haarlem Haarlem Noord-Holland 2011 NK
Tradition: Theravada, Mahasi Sayadaw
Phone: +31 23 202 67 69
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Notes and Events:
Vipassana Haarlem offers beginner courses as well as meditation groups and days for more experienced meditators.
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