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Kota Administratif Tarakan

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Kotamadya Ambon

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Kotamadya Banjarmasin

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Kotamadya Jakarta Timur

Kotamadya Jakarta Utara

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Kotamadya Palu

Kotamadya Pontianak

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Young Buddhist Association of Dumpani

Address: Dhammankur Buddha Vihar,Dumpani   Diyun,Dist.Changlang Arunachal Pradesh 792103
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: World Chakma Buddhist Association
Phone: 9711973804
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Main Contact: Ven.Mangal Jyoti  (Phone: +91-09711973804)
Spiritual Director: Ven.Mangal Jyoti  Email  (Phone: +91-09711973804)
Teacher: Mangal Talukdar  
Notes and Events:

Young Buddhist Association of Dumpani, is a non-profit organization, engaged in various socio-religious activities.


Address: 79A Herbert St,   Dandenong Vic 3175
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan ( everyone welcome)
Phone: +61 401 670 585
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Notes and Events:

We are a Sri Lankan Theravāda Buddhist community. Our temple, Cultural centre & Library located in Dandedong Melbourne Australia. We conduct meditation, chanting, worship and offering services and educational programmes for the community. You are welcome to join and share our rich traditions.

Young Generation Buddhist Indonesia

Address: PO Box 5245 JKTF 11052 Jalan Songsi No. 20 RT.014 RW.05 Jakarta 11210n Jakarta, Indonesia 
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 62-021-6599481 or 6599482
Fax: 6599480
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Main Contact: Budiman  

Young Men Buddhist Association (India)

Address: D-7, Hauz Khas, New Delhi  Delhi Uttar Pradesh 110016
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: Ravi Bhardwaj Ph. 09811475382
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Mr.: Satish Kumar  Email  (Phone: 9818696894)
Main Contact: Mr. Ravi Bhardwaj  Email  (Phone: 9811475382)
Notes and Events:

      The Young Men Buddhist Association (India) New Delhi established in 1980 was founded by Late Dr. V. E. Moray former Deputy Educatio Adviser to Govt. of India and S. P. Senadhira from Sri Lanka. The Annual Buddh Purnima celebration at the National Museum, Janpath, New Delhi are the most appreciated work of the Association.

     YMBA(I) endeavour is to bring together like mind and broad minded, forward looking younger generation of Buddhists, both men and women to propagate the message and teaching of Lord Buddha and to carry forward the work of Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar.

Younge Drodul Ling Ohio

Address:   Cleveland OH 44111
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma/Kagyu
Affiliation: Younge Drodul Ling
Phone: 216-282-4210
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Teacher: Jon Dilley  
Spiritual Director: Younge Khachab Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Younge Drodul Ling - Ohio is a non-sectarian and non-political center of traditional Vajrayana Buddhism under the guidance of Younge Khachab Rinpoche

We teach classes for all levels of students on the topics & methods of the Vajrayana, including Lojong, ngondro & the three inner tantras. Our mission is to inspire practitioners to not only learn about the Buddhadharma, but to make the practices their own and embrace the "Dharma way of thinking."

Younge Drodul Ling Vermont

Address: Burlington   Burlington VT 05401
Tradition: Vajrayana, Dzogchen
Phone: (802) 488-5011
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Teacher: Dekyong Lhamo: (Sarah Snow)  
Main Contact: Dekyong Lhamo: (Sarah Snow)  Email  (Phone: (802)488-5011)
Spiritual Director: Younge Khachab Rinpoche VII  
Notes and Events:

Younge Drodul Ling
PO Box 5113 Burlington, VT 05402

Youth Buddhist Society (YBS )

Address: Suresh Chandra Bauddha Vivek Vihar Colony  Mainpuri Uttar Pradesh 205262
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Also Leading Buddhist School for Children in same campus in Sankissa
Phone: +91-9937393526, 9418334686
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School Head: Mr. Rakesh Chadra Bauddha  (Phone: +91- 9359848526)
Centre Head : Mr. Amit Kumar Bauddha  Email  (Phone: +91-9997340919)
Teacher: Ven. Upanand  
Main Contact: Mr. Kailash Chandra Bauddha  (Phone: +91-9418334686)
Spiritual Director: Ven. Samdong Rimpoche  
Notes and Events:

  • The only Centre in Shakya Community in Sankissa after King Ashoka Period.
  • The Centre exist very near Sankissa holy place.
  • Generally people knows this Centre by the Name of "PARTY PARK INDIA SCHOOL"
  • Daily classes is running for spiritual and text studies (School Base) for  children.

Yukon Theravāda

Address: Yukon Canada   Yukon
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Wilderness Meditation
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Notes and Events:

Theravāda Buddhist Wilderness practice throughout Yukon, as well as Alaska and Northwest Territories. Please contact for exact location.

Yun Yang Temple

Address: 6-10 Reservoir Road, Narre Warren North Vic 3805   Vic
Tradition: Mahayana, Ch\'an, Chinese
Phone: 03 9796 8079
Fax: 03) 9796 9969
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Teacher: Abbot: Venerable Ru Sun  
Notes and Events:

Notes and Events:

Regular Program:

* Every Sunday
9:00 to 10:30 am Amitabha Buddha Name Recitation
11:00 to 12:00 noon Offerring to Buddha

* Every month
First Saturday of the month - 1-day Meditation Retreat
Second Saturday of the month - 1-day Amitabha Buddha Name Recitation Retreat
Third Thursday to Saturday - 3-day Meditation Retreat
Fourth Thurday to Saturday - 3-day Amitabha Buddha Name Recitation Retreat

* Every Full moon and New Moon Day
9:30 to 10:30 amLotus Sutra (Full moon day) and Diamond Sutra (New Moon day) chanting
11:00 to 12:00 noon Offering to Buddha.

Zazenkai de Coimbra

Address: C. C. Avenida Rua Antero de Quental 265, sala 901   Coimbra 3004-544
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto and Rinzai Zen
Affiliation: Wild Flower Zen Sangha
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Spiritual Director: Amy Hollowell Sensei  Email  
Notes and Events:

Activities: Practice of Zen Meditation / Atividade: Prática de Meditação Zen
Thursdays: 19:30-20:30 / 5as-feiras: 19:30-20:30
Note: Please confirm the schedules and activities at the webpage and contact us by e-mail. / Nota: Por favor confine o horário e as atividades na página web e contacts-nos por e-mail.

Zen Sangha

Address: Elyzeese Velden 10 B   Gent Oost-Vlaanderen 9000
Tradition: Mahayana, Taizan Maezumi Roshi, Dennis Genpo Merzel Roshi, Catherine Genno Pagès Roshi
Affiliation: White Plum Asanga
Phone: +32 (0)9 324 63 95
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Spiritual Director: Frank De Waele Sensei  
Teacher: Frank De Waele Sensei  
Notes and Events:

Daily schedule of Zen meditation, study, artwork, etc. Regular workshops and retreats.

Affiliated Zen Sangha groups in Antwerpen and Brugge. 

Zen Affiliate of Christchurch, Zenz Garden City

Address: The Opawa Zendo 4 Kennedy Place Hillsborough Christchurch   Hillsborough Christchurch 8022
Tradition: Mahayana, ZEN, Mountains & Rivers Order
Affiliation: Mountains and Rivers Order of Zen Buddhism
Phone: (03) 981-9171
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Contact: Steve Ingram  Email  (Phone: (03) 981-9171)
Spiritual Director: Abbot Geoffrey Shugen Arnold, Sensei  
Notes and Events:

Garden City Zenz is based at the Opawa Zendo, a purpose-built facility. There are three regular meditation (zazen) sessions each week.

Tuesday: 7.30-8.45pm (beginners start at 6.45pm and should phone in advance)
Friday: 6.00-7.10am
Sunday: 7.00-9.15pm

We also hold regular half-day and full-day sits (zazenkai), as well as monthly question-and-answer sessions with the Zen teachers and seniors of the Mountains and Rivers Order (MRO).

In January each year one of the MRO teachers leads a set of public talks, workshops and retreats held in the Christchurch area. A further week-long meditation intense (sesshin) led by an MRO senior monastic is offered in the Nelson region in July. Information on these events can be obtained by contacting any of the regional sitting groups

Zen Affiliate of Wellington (Zenz Wellington), MRO

Address: Kaizen Academy (Seido Karate Wellington) 223 Thorndon Quay (above Resene Paints)   Thorndon Wellington
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen, Soto and Rinzai, Mountains and Rivers Order of Zen Buddhism.
Affiliation: Society of Mountains and Rivers, Mountains and Rivers Order of Zen Buddhism
Phone: (04) 977 6460
E-mail: (see associated website)
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Sensei: Geoffrey Shugen Arnold  
Sensei: Konrad Ryushin Marchaj  
Main Contact: Rachel Stockwell  (Phone: (04) 977-6460)
Spiritual Director: John Daido Loori, Roshi  Email  
Notes and Events:

We meet every Tuesday night at 8 pm for zazen.  Beginners are welcome - instruction given.  Please telephone for further information on the Tuesday evening schedule and other group activities.

Zen Buddhism Ireland

Address: 65 Highfield Park, Dundrum   Dublin
Tradition: Mahayana, Nishijima Roshi Lineage
Affiliation: Soto Zen
Phone: 353868059878
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Spiritual Director: Rev Myozan Kodo  Email  (Phone: 0868059878)
Notes and Events:

Zen Buddhism Ireland is an Irish-based Buddhist sangha in the Soto Zen tradition. We belong to the lineage of Nishijima Roshi.

Zen Buddhism Ireland practices Soto Zen Buddhism with an emphasis on Shikantaza, ‘just sitting’ meditation. However, we also honour the traditional ritual forms of Zen practice, especially with a devotion to sewing the Okesa, the Buddha’s robe, the robe of Zazen. The guiding teacher is Myozan Kodo, a Dharma heir of Taigu Turlur and a member of the Soto Zen Buddhist Association of recognised Western Zen teachers.

Zen Buddhism Meditation India Program

Address: JP Road, Andheri West  Mumbai Maharashtra 4000053
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 9820496752
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Notes and Events:

The Zen India Meditation Program

A Program for for obtaining, maintaining or restoring  Physical & Mental Rejuvenation; Spiritual Awakening & Good Health. Designed scientifically on basis of training principles of the Shaolin Temple.

Conducted by a Team of Doctors, Philosophers & Execise Therapists.  If you are looking for a program that will build Energy, increase Vitality, improve Concentration, relieve Stress, rejuvenate.

Includes :

Indian Buddhism, Japanese Zen, Meditation & Concentration Skills Chinese Taoism & Shaolin Monastery Mental Techniques Yoga Physical & Breathing Techniques, Tai Chi & Qi Gong Arts and Physiotherapy & Diet Therapy.

Zen Buddhist Sangha of Washington, DC — Ka Shin Zendo

Address:   Takoma Park, MD MD
Tradition: Mahayana, Rinzai Zen
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Notes and Events:

Zazen twice weekly

Mondays: 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. (3 periods)

Saturdays: 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. (2 periods, followed by tea/discussion)

Orientation for newcomers (by appointment) on the first Saturday and Monday of each month.

Zen Buddhist Temple of Chicago

Address: 608 Dempster Street,   Evanston IL 60202
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Phone: (847) 272-2070
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Spiritual Director: Rev. Kongo Langlois Roshi  
Notes and Events:

The Zen Buddhist Temple of Chicago is one of the oldest practicing Zen centers in the United States and the oldest continually-operating Chicago area Zen center. The Temple was founded in 1949 by Zengaku Soyu Matsuoka Roshi, whose family in Japan has a history of Zen priests dating back six hundred years.

Daikaku Kongo Roshi (Richard Langlois), Matsuoka Roshi’s disciple and dharma successor, became the Abbot and served in that post for 28 years. Kongo Roshi vigorously carried on the Zen traditions and teachings emphasizing the pure zazen (meditation) practice of shikantaza (just sitting) until his death in 1999.

The Zen Buddhist Temple of Chicago, inspired by our history, continues on in our tradition of promoting and supporting strong Zen practice.

Zen Buddhist Temple Toronto

Address: 86 Vaughan Road   Toronto Ontario M6C 2M2
Tradition: Mahayana, Korean Chogye Zen
Affiliation: Buddhist Society of Compassionate Wisdom
Phone: (416) 658-0137
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Sanha Park  
Notes and Events:

Zen Buddhist Temple-Toronto is the first temple founded by the Venerable Samu Sunim. The temple offers meditation services and meditation instruction for urbanites leading a hectic life. It serves as a spiritual community for friendship and support as well as a monastery for cultivation and training. Every Sunday we offer public services at 10 am and 4 pm ($5 suggested donation). We have daily, weekly practice schedules for members. Children's Service takes place last Sunday each month (10:30 to 11:30 am). We also offer introductory meditation courses and retreats throughout the year. Rev. Sanha is the current Temple Director and resident teacher.

Temple Residency is available for people who want to spend some time (one week minimum) living in the temple to cultivate their practice. The residents participate in temple programs in the mornings and/or evenings while maintaining their job or studies.

Zen Center for Oriental Spirituality in the Philippines

Address: 31 St. Claire conrer St. Catherine St., Provident Village, Marikina City   1803
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Sanbo Kyodan
Phone: 02-9331063
Find on:
Sensei: Rosario Battung  Email  
Sensei: Rollie Del Rosario  Email  
Teacher: Elda Perez (JIKÔ-AN)  
Main Contact: Zen Center Office  (Phone: 02-9331063)
Notes and Events:

All emotionally mature and stable persons can practice zen. One must be able to keep physically still for a certain period of time.

We welcome all sincere seekers, regardless of their religious affiliation. As our center is in the Philippines, those who wish to practice with us should be able to communicate in Pilipino or English.

Since zen is a way of life, the only way to learn it is through practice. We have introductory activities such as A Glimpse into Zen and the Orientation Workshop for those who want to learn.

Zen Center of Georgia

Address: 974 Holly Hedge Road, Stone Mountain, Ga 30083   GA
Tradition: Mahayana, Rinzai Zen
Phone: (404) 216-5293
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Contact: Glenn Murray  Email  
Teacher: So’zan Daitetsu (Miller) Roshi(Abbot, Daiyuzen-ji, Chicago)  
Notes and Events:

Providing Meditation and Zen training in the Rinzai tradition.

Zen Center of New York City

Address: 500 State Street   Brooklyn NY 11217
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: City branch of Zen Mountain Monastery
Phone: (718) 875-8229
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Teacher: Geoffrey Shugen Arnold, Sensei  
Spiritual Director: Geoffrey Shugen Arnold, Sensei  Email  (Phone: 718-875-8229)
Main Contact: ZCNYC Staff  Email  (Phone: 718-875-8229)
Notes and Events:

The Zen Center of New York City: Fire Lotus Temple is the city branch of Zen Mountain Monastery, the main house of the Mountains and Rivers Order. Supporting home practitioners in the metropolitan area, ZCNYC offers varied practice opportunities within the Eight Gates training matrix. Newcomers are invited to attend the beginning instruction in zazen that follows the Sunday morning service each week.

Zen Center of Portland

Address: 2520 NW Upshur  Portland 97213
Tradition: Mahayana, Ordinary Mind Zen School founded by Charlotte Joko Beck
Affiliation: Ordinary Mind Zen School
Phone: 503 319 8548
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Main Contact: Mike Papas  Email  (Phone: 503 319 8548)
Teacher: Larry Christensen  
Notes and Events:

please see our website : 

Zen Center of Portland

Address: 2520 NW Upshur St  Portland OR 97210
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen
Affiliation: Ordinary Mind, White Plum Asanga
Phone: 503-319-8548
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Teacher: Larry Christensen  
Notes and Events:

Part of Ordinary Mind Zen School (Joko Beck founder).
Daily meditation.  Five (3-5 day) retreats a year.

Zen Centrum Amsterdam

Address: Zen Centrum Amsterdam Onder Leiding Van Niko Tydeman Sensei, Binnenkant 39, 1011 BM Amsterdam  Noord-Holland
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto en Rinzai - Zen
Phone: 06 29 12 89 89
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Founder/Director: Genpo Merzel Roshi  
Notes and Events:

Zen Centrum Amsterdam offers a place to meditate each morning, seven days a week, throughout the year, and on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings. On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings there is zen meditation with dharmatalk (teaching) and on Tuesday Buddhist service in Dutch. On both evenings you have the opportunity of a formal, individual interview (daisan) with a zen teacher (in English, if you like).

More information about the programme:

Zen Community Chennai

Address: JVL Towers, 117, Nelson Manickam Road   Chennai Tamil Nadu 600029
Tradition: Mahayana
Find on:
Spiritual Director: Ven.Khangsar Rinpoche  Email  (Phone: 9980491971)
Main Contact: K.Chandrasekaran  Email  (Phone: 9444902803)
Teacher: K.Chandrasekaran  
Notes and Events:

We the Buddhists and a few non-Buddhist meet periodically to explore the principles and practices of Zen, practice Meditation and teach new comers; in an auditorium well equipped with audio and video facilities. We invite scholars and Venerable learned Monks to deliver talks on topics related to Zen.

Buddhist literature available to the participants. 

Film Shows. We exhibit Buddhist films and conduct Film Shows.

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