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Wat Monirangsi

Address: 105 Taylors Rd   Skye Vic 3977
Tradition: Theravada, Cambodian
Affiliation: institute of Buddhism Education and Development
Phone: 0470 190 846 (03) 9776 6341
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Notes and Events:

The institute of Buddhism Education and Development is Wat Monirangsi
We are providing education about Buddhism and meditation and development.

Wat Pa (Thai-Bharat Society)

Address: (Buddhagaya Vanaram Temple) Bodhgaya, Bihar, India 
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 631-400528
Fax: 91-631-400845
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Notes and Events:

Location: In Bihar Sate. Bodhgaya is 13km. from Gaya and auto-rickshaws shuttle back and forth. They start from the Kacheri in the city centre at Gaya. Buses depart less frequently.

There are Thai monks staying at the temple. From time to time, meditation retreats are held at the temple. The Thai temple is built as a typical Wat with a terracotta roof of overlapping eaves. It is in a decorative garden at the end of a short road

Two ten-day courses in the Vipassana Theravadin tradition, run by Christopher Titmus, a western Buddhist, are held every January at the Thai temple; the price (US$70) includes food and lodging - ask at the Burmese Vihara or Thomas Jost at the Burmese Vihara ; information can also be obtained in advance from Gaia House, West Ogwell, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 6EN, UK. Telephone: (+ 44) (0) 1626 333613

Wat Pa Loengjitviwaik

Address: Ban Pou Din Tambon Samyeak Amphur Loeng Nok Tha  Yasothon Yasothon 35120
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +66 (0)862631055 +66 (0)801664580
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Spiritual Director: Pra Bandit Agatamo  Email  (Phone: +66 (0)862631055)
Notes and Events:

A traditional Thai Buddhist Temple celebrating all the local festivals and customs. The spiritual mandate of the temple is to immerse the body and soul in the healing waters of Dhamma. Visitors are welcome.

Wat Pa Luangta Maha Bua Yannasampanno

Address: 10 Earhard Court, Marrara, NT 0812 PO Box 349 SANDERSON NT 0813   NT
Tradition: Theravada, Thai
Affiliation: Thai Theravada Association of the NT Inc
Phone: 08 8988 2771 0426 139 918
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Main Contact: PRESIDENT: Ms Somsong Alberto  
Notes and Events:

The Thai Theravada Association of the NT is a non-profi t organisation carrying out religious, cultural, educational and social welfare activities. One of the main objectives is to promote social and cultural harmony and mutual understanding amongst people of all faiths without discrimination and in accordance with the Buddhist teaching.

Location: North of Darwin Airport,   

Earhart Court is off Batten Road, Marrara. Batten Road is off Amy Johnson Ave. Once you turn into Batten Road, Earhart Court is the first turn on your left.

Wat Pa Sukawadee (Pureland Retreat Center)

Address: 75 Moo, 6 Tambon. Samoeng-Nue. Samoeng, Chiangmai. Thailand   Samoeng-Nue Chiang Mai 50250
Tradition: Mahayana, Vietnamese Pureland tradition
Phone: 66-875763463
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Rev: Thich Van Tri  Email  (Phone: 66-881838340)
Spiritual Director: Ven. Thich Hanh Nguyen  Email  (Phone: 66-875763463)
Notes and Events:

Welcome to the new Vietnamese Mahayana Buddhist Temple in Chiangmai, Thailand.

The newly open Temple for everyone.

Name: Wat Pa Sukawadee (Thai).  Pureland Retreat Center (English)

We are proudly present the first Vietnam temple recently built in Chiangmai, Thailand. About 30km to the North form the city center, Wat Pa Sukawadee has a spectacular natural landscape, tumor status with old trees, high horns, the forests; a lotus pond reflects the beauty of the temple with streams and waterfalls. Wat Pa Sukawadee is a ideal place for those who want to retreat and meditate. Our main goal is becoming an international Buddhist learning, researching center and practicing either short term or long term retreats. We provides all needed facilities for anyone who sincerely wish to study and follow Buddha path. 

Construct: Since 2005

Area: 40,000m2

Located: North of Samoeng Village. in the midt of forest, Olong tea plantation and stream.

Welcome all Buddhist Sangha and laymen come to visit and stay (free of charge)

Namo Amitabha Buddha.

Wat Pa Tam Wua Forest Monastery International Buddhist Practice Centre

Address: Ban Mae Suya, Tambon Huay Pha, Amphur Mueang   Mae Hong Son 58000
Tradition: Theravada, Thai and Western
Phone: Mobile: +66 (0) 81-031-3326 (English) +66 (0) 81 031 3326
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Notes and Events:

Practitioners from beginners to advance are allowed flexible meditation methods, however, Vipassana or Mindfulness on Breathing is the mainstream of practice here. Proper meditation instructions, as well as appropriate views on natural laws and phenomena are provided to the lay communities by Thai-English speaking monks. Two vegetarian meals will be served per day .

All participants are asked to observe the Buddhist 5 precepts throughout their daily activities :-refraining from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, false speech, drug abuse and no smoking

Wat Pa Tam Wua is on the 1095 road between Mae Hong Son and Pai. It’s about 2 hours from Pai and 1 hour from Amphur Mueang.

Located 37 kilometres from the city of Mae Hong Son, Tam Wua is home to one of most tranquil monastic heavens of Thailand. A place of meditation, refuge and self-discovery. Tam Wua Forest Monastery is a place where mediators world-wide have come to call “A home away from home”.

Wat Padhammaratana (Buddhist Meditation Center of Pittsburgh)

Address: 2618 Monroeville Blvd.   Monroeville PA 15146
Tradition: Theravada, Thai Buddhism
Phone: 412.229.8128, 412.326.7373
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Venerable: Sian Thathong  (Phone: 4123267373)
Main Contact: Ven.Sayan Lasanam  
Teacher: Ven.Sayan Lasanam  
Spiritual Director: Ven.Phravidesratanaphorn  Email  (Phone: 4120326.7373)
Notes and Events:


1. Chanting & Meditation Daily Morning and Evening
05.30 - 06.30 a.m.
05.30 - 06.30 p.m.
2. Dhamma Talk  Daily Morning
10.45 - 11.15 a.m.
3.Buddhist Study(Thai) Every Sunday
01.00 - 03.00 p.m.
4. Meditation(English) Every Wednesday
05.00 - 08.00 p.m.

Wat Pah Ban Thad

Address: c/o Songserm Service 89 Phosi Road. Udon Thani 41000.   Udon Thani 41000
Tradition: Thai Forest Tradition
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Spiritual Director: The Late Ajahn Maha Bua  
Notes and Events:

Located 564 km northeast of Bangkok and 16 km southwest of Udon Thani. Take a local bus, or taxi from Udon Thani south 8 km to Ban Gum Kling, then turn southwest 7 km to Ban Thad and continue one km to the Wat. Some buses go direct to Ban Thad from Udon and may even drop you off at the Wats entrance. Samlor drivers in Udon usually know where the local bus departs from.

Wat Pah Nanachat (International Forest Monastery)

Address: Bahn Bung Wai Amper Warin Ubon   Ubon Ratchathani 34310
Tradition: Theravada, Thai Forest Tradition
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Notes and Events:

Ban Bung Wai, Amper Warin, Ubon Ratchathani 34310

DIRECTIONS: Located outside the city of Ubon Ratchathani, about 60 km northeast of Bangkok. From Ubon, go southwest 12 km to Ban Bung Wai on the highway to Si Saket, then follow signs west one km through rice fields to the forest and wat.

You can take a Si Saket bus from Ubon and ask to be let off at Wat Pah Nanachat or you can take a city bus 2 km south across the Mun River to Warin and get a songtaew from the market area. Trains arrive in Warin; walk 20 minutes east into town to catch a songtaew.

Easiest of all is just to take a tuk-tuk or taxi at the train or bus stations or airport. Several fast trains provide daily service from Bangkok, including an overnight express, which offers comfortable 2nd class sleepers. Many air-conditioned buses with reclining seats depart Bangkoks Northern (Moh Chit) Bus Terminal for the day or overnight journey.

Wat Phra Dhammakaya and Thai Buddhist Student Association of Australia

Address: Lot 3 Inspiration Place   Berrilee NSW 2159
Tradition: Theravada, Phramonkonthepmuni Sod Chandasaro
Affiliation: Dhammakaya Foundation
Phone: 612-96551128
Fax: 612-96551129
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Phra: Kaset Yannavijjo  Email  (Phone: 612-11628677)
Phra: Satit Thitadhammo  Email  (Phone: 612-11453946)
Spiritual Director: Venerable Sudhammo Bhikkhu  
Notes and Events:

60th Dhammachai Education Foundation

for details see website

Thai Buddhist Student Association of Australia


Ms: Natpiya Saradam  EMail  (Phone: 614-30227366)
Main Contact: Mr Atorn Ninlapong  EMail  (Phone: 614-33785767)

Wat Phra Dhammakaya Manchester

Address: Edgeley Road, Edgeley, Stockport, SK3 0TL Manchester M6 6WY   Manchester
Tradition: Theravada, Thai
Affiliation: Dhammakaya Foundation
Phone: .+(44)-161-477-4947 0798 915 8874, 0754 018 5853,
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Teacher: Phra Wud Suvuddhiko Phra Surin Mahavayamo Phra Nicholas Thanissaro  
Spiritual Director: Phra Wud Suvuddhiko  
Contact: Phra Nicholas Thanissaro  
Notes and Events:

How to get here?

By car: from M60 exit at junction 2 about 2 minutes

By train: from Manchester Piccadilly leave at Stockport

By bus: bus number 11, X69, 368, 369, 371, 383

Wat Phra Singh UK

Address: 88 High Street, Runcorn WA7 1JH   Cheshire
Tradition: Theravada, Thai
Affiliation: Wat Phra Singh, Chiang Mai Thailand
Phone: 01928 575444 (Temple) 01928 723422 (Home) 0151 420 9515 (Office)
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Main Contact: Tony Collacott Trustee of Wat Phra Singh UK  Email  (Phone: 0777 601 1975)
Spiritual Director: Luang Por Sopano.  
Notes and Events:

We are very pleased to announce that we exchanged contracts to purchase The Waterloo Hotel, 88 High Street, Runcorn WA7 1JH on Friday 21 December 2012 and completion is set for 18 January 2013. That is when the hard work really starts !! Keep checking our website or our Facebook pages for news ....


Wat Phradhatu Doi Suthep Rajavoravihara (International Buddhism Center) aka Wat Doi Suthep

Address: Tambon Suthep, Amper Muang, Chiang Mai 50200  
Tradition: Theravada, Satipatthana Vipassana in Mahasi Sayadaw Tradition
Phone: 053-295-012
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Contact: Phra Boonkong or Mr. David  
Teacher: Phra Noah Yuttadhammo (English or Thai, some French)  
Spiritual Director: Taan Ajaan Tong Sirimangalo (Phra Rajapromajaan)  
Notes and Events:

Located above Chaing Mai City. The easiest way to Doi Suthep is to rent a Red Truck taxi for 150-300 baht. The cheaper way is to take a taxi to the Chiang Mai Zoo (Thai: Suan Satt) and wait for a shared taxi there to go up the mountain (only during daytime hours

Wat Phradhatu Sri Chomtong Voravihara - Chom Tong Insight Meditation Center

Address: Tambon Ban Luang Amphur Chom Tong, Chiang Mai 50160   Chiang Mai
Tradition: Theravada, Satipatthana Vipassana
Affiliation: Mahasi Sayadaw Lineage
Phone: 0-5334-2184 (English) 0-53826-869 (Thai)
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Spiritual Director: Ajarn Tong Sirimangalo (Phra Rajaprommajarn)  
International Teachers: Thanat, Kate, Edward, Jodi  
Contact Person: Phra Noah, Khun Thanat Teacher: Venerable Phra Ajahn Tong Sirimangalo, who teaches S: Location is a two hour bus-drive from Chiang Mai (buses leave at Chiang Mai gate). Chom Thong is the heart of the small village, where there are many hill-tribe people who know the way if asked.  (Phone: Location is a two hour bus-drive from Chiang Mai (buses leave at Chiang Mai gate). Chom Thong is the)
Notes and Events:

Located about one hour west of Chinag Mai is Chom Tong, a small rural village hosting a beautiful Wat (temple) with Buddha relics, a meditation master and retreat facilities for Thai and international meditators as well as monks and nuns. Beginners courses last 21 days, after which you may take courses ranging from 12 to 14 days. Courses are ongoing throughout the year, just contact the center beforehand to check if they have room and to let them know you are coming.

Wat Phrayortkeo Dhammayanaram

Address: 711-715 Smithfield Road, Edensor Park, NSW 2176   NSW
Tradition: Theravada, Laotian
Affiliation: Lao Buddhist Society of NSW
Phone: (02) 9823 7338 Mobile: 0466 629 378
E-mail: (Temple) (admin)
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Main Contact: Nith Chittasy  Email  (Phone: 02 9908 1278)
Teacher: [Venerable] Ajahn Thongsavanh Chanthathirath  
Notes and Events:

Public transport: Bus Route 825 from Fairfield Railway Station
The Wat Phrayortkeo Temple enters the stream of practice in the Theravada tradition. Wat Phrayortkeo (Lao Buddhist Society of NSW Inc) is a Buddhist centre offering a peaceful refuge and environment for self-awareness. This temple was set up by the Lao community who came to Australia as refugees in early 1976 after the Communists took over Laos. The Lao Community Advancement Co-op and the lay people set up a centre where they can have a temple, a kuti (residence for the monks) and a multi-purpose hall for the community. Once every month, especially during the full moon day, there is a Buddhist ceremony of Alms-giving. It is a time when all Buddhists and non-Buddhists are welcome to take part. If you want a glimpse of our Lao culture, art, customs and traditions, visit our website for all the festivals, Buddhist ceremonies, Lao New Year celebration and food festivals.

Wat Phu Thok

Address:   Nong Khai
Tradition: Theravada
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Notes and Events:

Phu Thok
Location: Amphoe Bung Kan
Phu Thok means an isolated mountain in Isan dialect. Located in Ban Na Kham Khaen, Tambon Na Sabaeng, this sandstone range stands out and can be seen from a distance. It consists of two hills: Phu Thok Yai and Phu Thok Noi. Previously, this area was dense woods with many wild animals. Because of its tranquility, Phra Achan Chuan Kunlachettho, a meditation master, initially established a meditation place here for Buddhists to practise the Buddha’s teachings.

Phu Thok Noi is where Wat Chetiya Khiri Wihan (Wat Phu Thok) is situated. This temple is the starting point of a walk up to the top of Phu Thok, via a wooden bridge winding around the steep mountain. The bridge was built with faith from monks, novices and villagers. The construction began in 1969 and took five years to complete. This bridge is compared to a path of virtue that leads a righteous man to leave a world and enter into emancipation by their own efforts and determination. Phu Thok is still a meditation practice centre and a place for the community’s religious affairs. Visitors shall be calm in manner and pay respect to the place. The bridge’s stairs to the mountain top are divided into seven sections.

How to get there:
To get there Phu Thok is around 185 km. from the town of Nong Khai. Take Highway 212, past Pho Chai, Pak Khat and Bueng Kan districts. Then, turn left to take Highway 222 and head for Si Wilai district. From Si Wilai, take a left turn and go on for another 30 km., past Ban Na Sing, Ban Sai Ngam, to Ban Na Kham Khaen and Phu Thok.

Wat Pichaiyat Vipassana Centre

Address: Tn. Somdet Chao Phraya Klong San, Thonburi, Bangkok.  
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +66 (0)1 777 9346
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Spiritual Director: Abbot: Phra Phrommoli  
Notes and Events:

Vipassana Meditation in the late Mahasi Sayadaw tradition is taught here.

Wat Prachum Raingsey Buddhist Association

Address: 14334 Yelm Hwy SE   Yelm WA 98697
Tradition: Theravada, Cambodian
Phone: 360-458-9762
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Main Contact: Kosal Suon  
Notes and Events:

Services are 10 a.m. Saturdays and Sundays.

Wat Prodketchettharam of America

Address: 2660 Bedell Road   Grand Island, New York 14072
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 716-775-5446
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Spiritual Director: Ven.Piya Jundadal  (Phone: 716-775-5446)
Notes and Events:

Wat Prodketchettharam of America is Buddhist meditation center aims to be the center of spiritual learning for those who want to learn meditation and Buddhism.

Wat Prodketchettharam of America, Inc.

Address: 2630,2660 Bedell Road   Grand Island, New York 14072
Tradition: Theravada, Thai Buddhist
Phone: 7167755446
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Main Contact: Ven.Piya Uttamapanyo  Email  (Phone: 7165453930)
Teacher: Ven.Piya Uttamapanyo  
Spiritual Director: Ven.Phrakhruvisitthammaros  
Notes and Events:

 Wat Prodketchettharam of America or Niagara Falls Buddhist Meditation Center aims to be a spiritual and mind training center for all walks of life.

To be a center of Buddhism transmission in the United States 
To be a center of Samatha and Vipassana meditation in the United States 

To be a center of Buddhist cultural transmission among Buddhism and other religions .

Wat Prodketchettharam of America, Niagara Falls Buddhist Meditation Center of New York

Address: 2660 Bedell Road   Grand island 14072
Tradition: Theravada, Thai Temple
Phone: 7167755446
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Teacher: Ven.Piya Uttamapanyo  
Main Contact: Wat Prodketchettharam of America  Email  (Phone: 7167755446)
Notes and Events:

Wat Prodketchettharam of America or Niagara Falls Buddhist Meditation Center of New York aims to be the spiritual center for all who are interesting to learn meditation and Buddha's teachings.

Wat Puthic Khmer Krom

Address: 141, Symes Road, Waterloo Corner, SA 5110   SA
Tradition: Theravada, Khmer ( Cambodian)
Affiliation: Khmer Kampuchea-Krom Association of South Australia Inc.
Phone: 0402 620 441
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Notes and Events:

Khmer Krom Buddhist Monastery of South Australia Inc was first established in 2005. The first temple was located a rented rurual home in Waterloo Corner, South Australia, with one monk in residence.

Through contributions from Khmer Krom individuals and friends, the temple is able to aquire a section of the old Adelaide Equestrian centre at Lot 96, Symes Road, Waterloo Corner.

Although the building and facilities are run down, Khmer Krom people have joined hands to rennovate and build this place to become a place of worship, centre for education and a place where Khmer Krom can celebrate our culture festivals and ceremonies.

The temple now has two permanent resident Monks. We also have monks from Cambodia, Melbourne and other states to come for visit and stay for a period of time.

Wat Rattanarangsiyaram

Address: Argentina, Posadas, Misiones   Posadas, Misiones
Tradition: Theravada
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Notes and Events:

Wat Rattanarangsiyaram, was founded in 1997 by Lao community

For more information contact this person

 or this group:

Wat Rattanavanaram

Address: 2275 Thomas Sumter Highway  Sumter SC 29153
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 803-469-2494
Fax: 803-469-2494
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Main Contact: Chinnaphat Khotwong  (Phone: 803-469-2494)
Spiritual Director: Chinnaphat Khotwong  Email  (Phone: 910-723-0149)
Teacher: Chinnaphat Khotwong  
Notes and Events:

Wat Rattanavanaram, domestically incorporated in the State of South Carolina on February 15, 2001, is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit religious organization whose excluvesive purpose is to promote Buddhism, especially the practice of Theravada Sect.

The organization forms the Buddhist Temple in Sumter, South Carolina, providing religious services to Buddhist community free of charge. The Temple is open 7 days a week from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

However, major religious services are held on Sunday, on Buddhist holidays, and Thai festivals.

You are welcome to visit our office or join our services at your own convenience. Please call 803-469-2494 to make an appointment.

Wat Samphanthawong Geelong

Address: 85 Tillys Rd   Lara Vic 3212
Tradition: Theravada, Thai- open to all
Phone: (03) 5275 5095 0405 901 290
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Teacher: Abbot : Luang Por Chao Khun Keng Khemako  
Notes and Events:

A Buddhist Monastery in Thai Forest Tradition of Ajahn Mun

We open to public 09:00-21:30 Monastery has multicultural communities; Thai, Lao, Cambodian, Burmese, Sri Lankan, Malaysia, Singaporean, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Chinese and Australian. We are open and inclusive welcoming all.

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