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Kabupaten Tanah Laut.

Kabupaten Tangerang

Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

Kabupaten Tegal

Kabupaten Temanggung

Kabupaten Wonogiri

Kabupaten Wonosobo

Kota Administratif Tarakan

Kota Administratip Singkawang

Kotamadya Ambon

Kotamadya Balikpapan

Kotamadya Banjarmasin

Kotamadya Jakarta Barat

Kotamadya Jakarta Pusat

Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan

Kotamadya Jakarta Timur

Kotamadya Jakarta Utara

Kotamadya Manado

Kotamadya Palu

Kotamadya Pontianak

Kotamadya Samarinda

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Nusa Tenggara Barat



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Songtsen Gampo Buddhist Center of Cleveland

Address: 3546 W. 98th Street   Cleveland OH 44102
Tradition: Vajrayana, Jigme Khentse Rinpoche
Affiliation: Songtsen Gampo
Phone: 216-320-9589
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Spiritual Director: Ani Palmo Rybicki  Email  (Phone: 216-320-9589)
Notes and Events:

Songtsen Gampo Buddhist Center of Cleveland was established as a nonprofit organization in 2008 under our Spiritual Directors Tulku Pema Wangyal Rinpoche and Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche.

Buddhist nun Ani Palmo, our Resident Teacher and Director of Songtsen Gampo Buddhist Center, is a native Clevelander who has been teaching courses in Buddhism and Meditation in the Greater Cleveland area since 2003.

We provide instruction in Buddhist meditation and philosophy in a way that is applicable to both non-Buddhists and Buddhists alike. The Center also serves as the focal point for forming a true spiritual community where we support one another in our practice and benefit the larger community as well.

Songtsen Gampo Buddhist Center of Cleveland

Address: 14023 Madison Ave.   Lakewood 44107
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma
Phone: 216-471-8840
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Teacher: Ani Palmo Rybicki  
Notes and Events:

Songtsen Gampo Buddhist Center aims to create a more peaceful, loving, and kind world through providing opportunities for people of all faiths to access the Buddha's teachings. It is essential to understand one’s own mind in order to have peace within and without. This begins with simple things like meditation and studying the teachings on the nature of reality.  We offer instruction in meditation and philosophy, Lama visits, workshops, retreats, Buddhist practice, and programs for all ages.  We are passionate about providing the opportunity for all—Buddhist and non-Buddhist alike—to discover the importance of wisdom and compassion in their own lives.

We are the most active Buddhist group in the Greater Cleveland area, and the only one offering regular programs for children and families. In addition, our resident teacher, Buddhist nun Ani Palmo Rybicki, is one of the most highly trained Buddhist teachers in the country, having completed over seven years in retreat and studied Buddhism for more than 30 years. She is careful to present authentic teachings and does so with clarity and humour. The Dalai Lama often says, “My religion is kindness,” and our deepest wish is to bring this kindness into the world and to help others do the same.

Sonoma Shambhala Center

Address: 455 West Napa Street Suite G   Sonoma CA 95476
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Shambhala-Buddhist, Kagyü and Nyingma lineages
Affiliation: Shambhala International
Phone: 707-935-6333
Fax: 415-276-3267
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Found: Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche  
Lineage Holder: Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche  
Main Contact: Dan Benson  Email  
Teacher: Alan Schwartz  
Spiritual Director: Sheila Cataford  Email  
Notes and Events:

The Sonoma Shambhala Meditation Center is part of an international community of urban meditation and rural retreat centers founded by the late Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.

In addition to free meditation instruction, offered at each of our public sitting pratices three times each week, our center offers frequent public meditation, a core curriculum of Buddhist and Shambhala teachings, as well as training in advanced contemplative practices.

We welcome all to explore our diverse programs designed to help people of all traditions discover their inherent sanity, gentleness and humor.

Soshanvumi Meditation Practicing Center

Address: KARAIYA NAGOR   Chittagong 4397
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +8801911748491,+8801678715492
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Co-director: Saibal Barua  (Phone: +8801923265808)
Main Contact: Uzzal Barua  Email  (Phone: +8801911748491)
Teacher: Ven.Prajnaindria Bhikku  
Spiritual Director: Ven.Prajnaindria Bhikku  
Notes and Events:

This is a meditation practicing center. Buddhist monks always stay & practice meditation here, they support their life by begging alms food. However in various occasion Meditation Practicing Course is arranged for the layman. Anyone can come here for practicing meditation. We never take any fee for doing this. So everybody is welcomed.

Soto Zen Riga

Address: Tomsona Iela 30-8   Riga LV1013
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Affiliation: Order of Buddhist Contemplatives
Phone: +37125956340
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Main Contact: Rev. Bridin Rusins  Email  (Phone: +37125956340)
Teacher: Rev. Bridin Rusins  
Spiritual Director: Rev. Bridin Rusins  Email  (Phone: +37125956340)
Notes and Events:

Teaching Center offering meditation and Buddhist teaching.

South Australian Zhu-Lin Buddhist Association

Address: 151-155 May Terrace, Ottoway SA 5013   SA
Tradition: Mahayana, Pure Land, Chinese
Phone: 08) 8447 4022
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Contact: Ms Caren Wong  (Phone: 0401 011 931)
Teacher: Ven. Master Shi Jiewen  
Notes and Events:

  • Mandarin language classes for children aged 7-10, Sun 9am - 12 noon
  • Practice Buddhism in the Chinese tradition. Phone temple for yearly activities program
  • Tai Chi classes Sat am all ages
  • For general inquiries, please call us at 08 84474022 during the Temple's Opening Times, or send a fax to 08 83411435.

    If you are interested in the organised Temple Tours for School children or other community groups, please contact Samantha Chua at 08 84684144 or 0430382407, or email

  • South Carolina Dharma Group

    Address: 3003 Columbia Ave.   Columbia SC 29201
    Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan Buddhism, Gelugpa
    Affiliation: Charleston Tibetan Siciety
    Phone: (803) 467-7759
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    Main Contact: Nancy Kreml  Email  (Phone: (803) 4677-759)
    Spiritual Director: Geshe Dakpa Topgyal  
    Notes and Events:

    The South Carolina Dharma Group follows the teachings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, in the Gelugpa tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. SCDG offers weekly meditations (Sundays, 10 AM) followed by book discussions and Tibetan language classes.

    With our sister group, the Charleston Tibetan Society, we have several retreats each year at the Radiant Mind Retreat Center in St. George, SC. We often have visiting teachers. Please let us know if you'd like to be added to our email list for details by emailing

    Please join us for meditation. The center is located behind the house at 3003 Columbia Ave., Columbia, SC 29201, and mostly easily entered from Florence Avenue.


    South Dakota Buddhist Vihara

    Tradition: Theravada
    Affiliation: Minnesota Buddhist Vihara
    Phone: (612) 522 1811
    Spiritual Director: Witiyala Seewalie Thera  Email  (Phone: (612) 522 1811)
    Notes and Events:

    The mission of the South Dakota Buddhist Vihara is to share the Buddhas message of Peace and Happiness and help create peace and harmony within and ourselves and in the surrounding world.

    South Florida Insight Collective

    Address: 4901 NE 12th Avenue   Oakland Park 33334
    Tradition: Theravada, Insight Meditation, Vipassana, Early Buddhism
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    Teacher: Chaim Bryski  
    Notes and Events:

    South Florida Insight Collective is a Buddhist meditation group dedicated to training the heart and mind to respond to life with mindfulness, wisdom, and compassion.

    Come connect in community as we meditate together and explore ways to incorporate Buddhist principles and practices into our daily lives, and collectively seek ways to alleviate the suffering in our lives and in our world.

    The evening features a guided meditation, a Dharma talk on Buddhist teachings and practices, and group discussion.

    All are welcome. No prior meditation experience necessary.
    In keeping with Buddhist tradition, our teachings and events are always offered entirely free of charge. Voluntary donations to help sustain the group are welcomed and appreciated.

    South Florida Zen Group

    Address: 7110 SW 182nd Way   Southwest Ranches FL 33331
    Tradition: Mahayana, Korean Zen
    Affiliation: Kwan Um School of Zen
    Phone: 954-263-4653
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    Main Contact: Carlos Montero  Email  (Phone: 954-263-4653)
    Notes and Events:

    The South Florida Zen Group is a non-profit organization dedicated to the practice of Zen Buddhism in the area of Fort Lauderdale, Miami, and West Palm Beach. The group offers meditation instruction and holds weekly practice sessions. The activities of the group are FREE and open to everyone regardless of religious background.

    The group meets at Bo Hyun Sa, a korean Buddhist temple located in Davie.
    The SFZG is affiliated with the Kwan Um School of Zen and practices in accordance to the teachings of Zen Master Seung Sahn.

    Meditation practice is the heart of Zen Buddhism. We invite you to come and practice with us.

    South London Zen Group

    Address: South London Zen Group 4a Park Street (across from Borough Market)   Southwark London
    Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
    Affiliation: International Zen Association (IZA)
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    Main Contact: Alex le Fevre  (Phone: 020 7582 0794)
    Notes and Events:

    The South London Zen Group meets each Monday night near London Bridge Station for Zazen meditation in the Soto Zen tradition.  Affiliated to the International Zen Association, founded by Master Taisen Deshimaru, Our spiritual guidance is provided by Senior Dharma teachers of the International Zen Association ( 

    Everybody is welcome to attend and beginners are invited to come to a short introduction to our practice each Monday at 19.00.  Zazen begins at 19.30 sharp - more information can be found on our website at or on the IZAUK website at

    South Yorkshire Zen Group

    Address: Quaker Meeting House 10 St James Street   Sheffield Yorkshire S1 2EW
    Tradition: Mahayana, Taizan Maezumi Roshi - Soto and Rinzai
    Affiliation: Dana Sangha
    Phone: 07789501928
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    Main Contact: Scott Williams  Email  (Phone: 07789 501928)
    Notes and Events:

    We meet each Tuesday at the the Quaker Meeting House in the centre of Sheffield. Like our Facebook page to stay up to date with meeting schedules. Each week there are two periods of sitting meditation with walking meditation in-between. There is full instruction available for beginners.

    Southend Buddhist Group

    Address: The Friends Meeting House 18 Dundonald Drive Leigh on Sea   Southend Essex SS9 1NB
    Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Triratna
    Affiliation: Triratna Buddhist Community
    Phone: 01702 601 360
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    Teacher: Dharmachari Aryacitta  
    Notes and Events:

    Beginners Courses twice a year or more

    Meditation meetings in Leigh last Saturday of the month from March to November

    Regular weekly meetings on a Thursday round people's houses to meditate and discuss Buddhism.

    Southern Insight Meditation

    Address: 16 Ward Street   Christchurch 8013
    Tradition: Theravada
    Affiliation: Spirit Rock; Gaia House; Insight Meditation Society
    Phone: 0064 3 3387070
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    Main Contact: Julie Downard  Email  (Phone: 0064 21 1897 262)
    Notes and Events:

    Southern Insight Meditation was founded in 1998 and offers weekly meditation groups, and retreats from one to 9 days duration in the Christchurch area of New Zealand.  Teachers are authorised insight meditation teachers.  The two founders, Julie Downard and Di Robertson, are resident in Christchurch and offer one on one guidance and mentoring, and are available to lead retreats in other parts of New Zealand.

    Southern Palm Zen Group

    Address: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton 2601 St. Andrews Blvd   Boca Raton FL 33434
    Tradition: Mahayana, White Plum Asangha
    Phone: 561-289-3595
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    Notes and Events:

    The Southern Palm Zen Group is comprised of people who have come together to build personal and community wisdom through Zen practice. We do so through Zazen (meditation), traditional Zen services, retreats, study groups, social gatherings, and service to others.

    Our primary practice form is taken from the Zen tradition but we draw on the insights of other disciplines. The intention is to use the form, like the banks of a river, to direct or awaken the flow of ancient and contemporary wisdom for ourselves and the world we are part of.

    Space Coast Mindfulness Practice Community

    Address: 3115 Friendship Place   Rockledge 32955
    Tradition: Mahayana, Thich Nhat Hanh
    Affiliation: Plum Village Mindfulness Practice Center
    Phone: 3213014203
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    Notes and Events:

    SCMPC is a group of friends of diverse spiritual backgrounds with the common interest in the practice of mindfulness in daily living. Our practice is inspired by the teachings on engaged Buddhism by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Membership is free and open to all regardless of spiritual background or level of experience in meditation practice.

    We meet for sitting and walking meditation,  Dharma discussions and tea every Sunday from 4:30 to 6:30 pm at the home of Friendship Fellowship at Pineda, 3115 Friendship Place, Rockledge, Florida 32955

    Spartanburg Buddhist Center (Wat Preah Ang Thom)

    Address: 770 Bryant Road   Spartanburg SC 29303
    Tradition: Theravada
    Affiliation: Independent Cambodian Theravada
    Phone: (864) 327-8726
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    Spiritual Director: Ven. Ork Ron (Viragatthero Bhikkhu)  
    Notes and Events:

    Daily chanting and meditation at 5AM and 8PM.

    Every Thursday at 6PM Meditation Group Meets:basic meditation instruction and group discussion.

    Springfield Zen Center

    Address: Springfield, OH 45505   Springfield OH 45505
    Tradition: Mahayana
    Affiliation: Awakening Compassion Zen
    Phone: 9378282129
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    Notes and Events:

    Springfield Zen Center is a Zen practice group in Springfield, Ohio. We are a Zen Center in Awakening Compassion Zen Order and are under the spiritual direction of our Guiding Teacher, Haeja Sunim. Currently we have group practice on Mondays at 7:00 pm.

    Springwater Center

    Address: 7179 Mill Street Ext., Springwater NY 14560   NY
    Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Zen
    Phone: 585-669-2141
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    Contact: Wayne Coger  Email  
    Teachers: Wayne Coger, Sandra Gonzalez, Richard Witteman, Bob Dattola & others  
    Notes and Events:

    Silent meditation retreats and guest/volunteer programs. Awareness and inquiry without rituals or assigned practices.

    Sri Dewananda Dharmayathanaya

    Address: Sri Isipathanaramaya  Uda Karawita Sabaragamuwa Ratnapura
    Tradition: Theravada
    Affiliation: Sri Isipathanaramaya
    Phone: +9445-2279335
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    Teacher: Mr. Darmasiri  
    Main Contact: Mr. Darmasiri  (Phone: +94 718 150869)
    Spiritual Director: Rev. Hangarangala Sumedha Thero  (Phone: +94 777 034105)
    Notes and Events:

    Sri Dewananda Dharmayathana Library is not only a library. It has a Library, an Auditorium and much more.

    We have not finished this project yet. Only started it. Visit our Gallery to see what we done so far.

    Sri Gnanalankara Dhamma School

    Address: Sri Subodharama Maha Viharaya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.   Peradeniya Central 20400
    Tradition: Theravada
    Phone: +94 81 238 80 80
    Fax: +94 81 238 75 68
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    Spiritual Director: Most Venerable Wattegama Dhammawasa Nayaka Thero  Email  (Phone: +94 81 238 80 80)
    Notes and Events:

    Sri Gnanalankara (English Medium) Dhamma School is one of the prestigious Dhamma schools in the central hills of Sri Lanka. The Dhamma School is an organized effort to provide an opportunity for children in their search for the "right way" of living.  This Dhamma School which holds a history of 10 Years has been successful in enhancing the knowledge of nearly 500 students throughout these years while giving the students a solid basis for life while shaping up their thinking abilities to develop wholesome thoughts and personalities to withstand the ripples of evil.

    Sri Lanka Buddhist Vihara

    Address: 78, Austin Avenue, Kenwick, WA 6107   WA
    Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan
    Affiliation: Sri Lanka Buddhist Vihara - Canberra
    Phone: (08) 9493 0040
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    Teacher: Resident monk: Ven. Beruwala Siri Sobhitha Thero  
    Notes and Events:

    Perth Sri Lanka Buddhist Vihara was established as an incorporated Body in 1998. It is situated at 78, Austin Avenue, Kenwick, about 17 km south of Perth. It is easily accessed via Albany Highway by car and the closest train station is Kenwick station.

    The Temple serves the needs of the Sri Lankan Buddhist Community and is also open to anyone interested in the study of Lord Buddha's Teachings and Meditation, including Meditation techniques.

    The Temple conducts a Dhamma School for children between the ages of 4 and 15 on Sundays. The premises are also used on Sunday afternoons by Perth Sinhala School to conduct the Sinhala Language classes.

    A number of programs are run at our temple; and currently the premises have developed into a cultural centre for the Sri Lankan Sinhalese community of WA. The Venerable Resident Monks also make themselves available for counselling, Bodhi puja, and Bana and Dana at residences on invitation. They also visit the sick and provide blessings Blessing (seth pirith) at special occasions.

    Main objectives of the Temple:

    * To facilitate the Buddhist way of life, as practiced in Sri Lanka

    * To facilitate the teaching of Dhamma for the betterment of all

    * To conduct guided Meditation classes and teach meditation techniques

    * To conduct a school for moral education for children based on Buddhist Philosophy

    Sri Lanka Buddhist Vihara

    Address: 30 Jenke Circuit   Kambah (Canberra) ACT 2902
    Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan
    Affiliation: Australia Sri Lanka Buddhist Association of Canberra
    Phone: +61 2 6296 2503
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    President: Mr. Jayantha Kottege  
    Secretary: Dr. Tala Talgaswatta  
    Notes and Events:

    A regular mediation class (Vipassana Mediation) is conducted in English at the Temple on every Wednessday at 7.30 pm. The class is conducted by Dr Lalith Ranatunga and supported by resident Bhanthe. All are welcome.

    Sri Lanka Dhamma Vihara Association of Canberra

    Address: 379 Gundaroo Drive   Gunghalin ACT 2912
    Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan
    Phone: (02) 6166 2604
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    Notes and Events:

    Sri Lanka Dhamma Vihara of Canberra (SLDVAC) is a Buddhist Association. Established in 2007, it provides services to its community through promotion of Buddhist philosophy and Buddhist way of life. It also offers Weekend Daham School too. Dhamma Vihara welcomes Buddhists and all well-wishers.

    Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy

    Address: Pallekele, Kundasale 20168, Sri Lanka   Kandy 2000
    Tradition: Theravada
    Affiliation: Sri Dalada Maligawa
    Phone: 94812421693
    Fax: 9482421692
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    Teacher: Dr. Iromi Ariyaratne  
    Prof Sarath Chandrasekara: Sarath Chandrasekara  Email  (Phone: 0094722953032)
    Spiritual Director: Dr Upali M Sedere  Email  (Phone: 94715335062)
    Main Contact: Ms Naomi Subasinghe  Email  (Phone: 0094812423975)
    Notes and Events:

    Meditation Programs are arrange at request for foreigners.  Local Sri Lankans joins the regular monthly program.

    The Faculty of Buddhist Studies offers Meditation Program for all undergraduate and Post graduate students on regular basis once a month.

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