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Ananda-Veda Quiet Retreat House
Address: 309/21 George E De Silva Mawatta, Kandy, Sri Lanka Kandy 20000
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Non-sectarian Buddhist retreat house.
Phone: 0094 812216101
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Director: Jo Nash Email (Phone: 0094770413806)
Notes and Events:
Ananda-veda quiet retreat house offers budget non-sectarian Buddhist accommodation with meditation, shrine and yoga areas for those wanting a medium to long stay option in a place they can conduct personal retreat. Contact the Director for rates and details.
Ancient Buddhist Monastery
Address: Ancient Buddhist Monastery Deogarah, Lalitpur India 284403 Lalitpur 284403
Tradition: Theravada, Maha Bodhi Society of India
Affiliation: All India Bhikhu Sangha
Phone: +919415945895
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Spiritual Director: Ven Dr Sumedh Thero Email (Phone: +919415945895)
Notes and Events:
10th International conference and dhamma yatra April 8 to 9, 2023 Lalitpur & Devgarah, India
Lockdown, Post Covid-19 & Buddhism
Dear Dhamma Sisters & Brothers
Namo Buddhay - Jai Bhim
We, invite you to take part in the 9th International conference and dhamma yatra
Historical background of Buddhism as tool for Teerthatan (Dhammayatra)
Cultural and traditional History of Bundelkhand Buddhist
Philosophical Buddhism and contemporary socio-cultural practices
Buddhism and Environmental Degradation
Meditation methods and development of a person’s
Impact of Lockdown in our daily life.
Long term effect of Corona(Covid-19) in Indian life
The conference will include panel discussions on topics: “Monks, yogis, lay practitioners (transformation of cultural and social status)”, Submit your text to be publish in Vol 10 of Ancient Buddhism ISSN 2395-471X by March 5, 2023 on A 4 size paper up to 3 pages i.e. < 1500 words in 14 font Time New Roman. Also contribute publication cost Rs 700/page.
We are unable to provide any kind of financial support. The whole programme will be based on the donation that contribute by individuals. Thus contribute one part of income and ensure goodwill (punyaparmi).
Ancient Dragon Zen Gate
Address: 1922 W. Irving Park Rd. Chicago IL 60613
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen, Shunryu Suzuki Lineage
Affiliation: San Francisco Zen Center, Mountain Source Sangha
Phone: (773) 899-3841
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Spiritual Director: Rev. Taigen Dan Leighton
Notes and Events:
A schedule of events is available on our website at
Dharma talks, including MP3s is also availble on our site at
Ancient Dragon Zen Gate
Address: 1922 W Irving Park Road Chicago IL IL
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen, Shunryu Suzuki lineage
Affiliation: San Francisco Zen Center
Phone: 773-899-3841
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Main Contact: Rev. Eishin Nancy Easton Email (Phone: 773-899-3841)
Teacher: Rev. Taigen Dan Leighton
Notes and Events:
We are a sangha dedicated to practice and teaching in the Soto Zen Buddhist tradition of Eihei Dogen Zenji and Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. We are led by Taigen Dan Leighton, Dharma teacher in the San Francisco Zen Center lineage, as well as Zen scholar and translator. Together we are building a space to offer traditional practice and teaching translated for the challenges of practitioners in contemporary Chicago. All are welcome. We offer a variety of meditation and practice opportunities throughout the year including evening, morning, half day, one day, and three day meditations as well as seminars and classes.
Anexo de Round free Insight Practice Institute
Address: Centro Vipassana Camino Medio Guadalajara Jalisco
Tradition: Theravada, Buddhism. Vipassana Insight Practice as taught by the late Achan Naeb
Affiliation: Round free Insight Practice Institute, Thailand
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Contact: Rodrigo Aldana Email
Teacher: Achan Prani Samreungrat
Spiritual Director: Achan Naeb Mahaniranonda
Notes and Events:
Round free Insight Practice Institute is a Solitary Retreat center in Thailand for the practice of the Foundations of Mindfulness (Satipatthāna) by the contemplation of material phenomena (rūpa) according to the four main bodily postures (iriyā-patha): walking-rūpa, sitting-rūpa, lying-rūpa and standing-rūpa; this is mindfulness regarding the body (kāyanupassanā-satipatthāna).
Please contact only by e-mail.
Angulimala Buddhist Chaplaincy
Address: 18925 52nd Ave W
Lynnwood WA 98036
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Open Gate Zendo
Phone: 206-856-0531
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Main Contact: David Chuanlu Beavers Email (Phone: 206-856-0531)
Notes and Events:
Angulimala Buddhist Chaplaincy serves those not served elsewise; primarily veterans, prisoners, ex-convicts, homeless. I am the volunteer Buddhist chaplain for the Seattle VA Hospital, and a student of Koro Kaisan Roshi. If you have not been able to find a Sangha home or are unable to get to one, please call or email.
Ann Arbor Buddhist Society
Address: 2648 Prairie Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 MI
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: (734) 665-1002
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Notes and Events:
Please park at the Clague Middle School Parking Lot
Saturdays :
09:30 AM - 11:30 AM (please be on time)
Group Meditation (Introduction to Chinese Ch\\\'an (Zen) Meditation)
Fridays :
07:30 PM - 08:00 PM Group Meditation
08:10 PM - 09:30 PM Group Dharma Study
Address: Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Tradition: Theravada
E-mail: e.appamada [at]
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Budismo Theravāda & Meditación. [f][t] /appamadanet.
Address: 913 East 38th Street Austin TX 78705
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen meditation in the tradition of Joko Beck
Affiliation: Joko Beck
Phone: (512) 689.5301
Fax: 512.689.5301
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Resident teacher: Flint Sparks Email (Phone: 512.458.2900)
Main Contact: Peg Syverson Email (Phone: 512.689.5301)
Spiritual Director: Peg Syverson Email (Phone: 512.689.5301)
Notes and Events:
Daily morning zazen: 6:30-7:30 AM
Tuesday inquiry group: 12:30-1:30 PM
Wednesday evening zazen: 7:30-8:45 PM, informal tea follows
Sunday morning program: 8:00-10:45, informal brunch follows
Appamada Alpine
Address: 1607 N 7th Street Alpine TX 79830
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Affiliation: Appamada Austin
Phone: 432-294-1892
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Main Contact: Vaughn Grisham Email (Phone: 432-294-1892)
Teacher: Peg Syverson
Notes and Events:
Appamada Alpine is a place for meditation and Dharma discussion located in Alpine, Texas. We are an affiliate of Appamada, a center for Zen practice and inquiry in Austin. Our teachers are Appamada's Peg Syverson and Flint Sparks.
Please see our website for more information and to view our meditation schedule and events calendar.
Aranya Giman Hala Charitable Trust
Phone: 0773146243
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Main Contact: Kumar Punchihewa Email (Phone: +94 0773146243)
TRUSTEE: Ms. Gayani A. Gardiye-Punchihewa Email (Phone: 0773146243)
Notes and Events:
EXCLUSIVELY FOR MAHA SANGHA - Especially from Forest Monasteries Worldwide!
Overnight Transt Accommodation, IN COLOMBO -For Maha Sangha In Transit OR Convalescing/Receiving Treatment for Geriatric Care or Illness.
ADVANCE RESERVATION /PRIOR NOTIFICATION ESSENTIAL - especially to avoid mix-up of accommodation to Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis.
* TRANSIT ABODE FOR BHIKKHUS OR BHIKKHUNIS * Demeure de transit pour les moines ou nonnes bouddhiste * Durchreiseunterkunft fur buddhistische monche oder nonnen * Abitazione di transito per monacibuddisti o monache * Morada de transito para monjes o monjas budistas * Transit bolig for buddhistiske munke eller nonner * Transit tehuis voor boeddhistische monniken en nonnen
Arbeit und Meditation in Gemeinschaft (working and meditating in community)
Address: Berlin Berlin 12355
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Plum Village /Thich Nhat Hanh
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Main Contact: Thich Nhat Hanh
Notes and Events:
Die Gemeinschaft kann als Pro-Gemeinschaft oder als zölibatäre Bruderschaft gegründet werden. Die Gemeinschaftsmitglieder schulen sich in den "Vier Grundlagen der Achtsamkeit". Mitglieder der Pro-Gemeinschaft verwenden dazu einen Teil ihrer Freizeit und gehen ansonsten ihrer normalen Berufstätigkeit nach. Weitere Informationen siehe unter
Ariya Magga Buddhist Missionary Society
Address: Ariya Magga Vihara
4565 Woodland Ave
West Des Moines, Iowa 50266 USA
Wat Phothisomphan
2562 SE 14th Street West Des Moines IA 50266
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Ariya Magga Nikaya
Phone: 712 281-3787
E-mail: ambms.sasana&
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Spiritual Director: Dhammapala Bhikkhu Email (Phone: 712 281-3787)
Notes and Events:
The Ariya Magga Buddhist Missionary Society (AMBMS) is organized and incorporated under the laws of the state of Iowa as a non-profit religious organization. We operate the Airya Magga Vihara – in English, “Noble Path House” – for the practice of the Noble Eightfold Path – a centuries old program which, if followed, will markedly improve the quality of your life. AMBMS programs include talks, daily meditation (sittings), courses and workshops on integrating practice into daily life, and the occasional meditation “intensive” – a one, two or several day facilitated opportunity for more intensive practice.
Ariyagiri Piyadassi Vipassana Meditation Centre
Address: Ariyagiri Hill Arjogiri Sugh, Demagiri Mizoram 796751
Tradition: Theravada, Forest Monastic Centre to learn and practice Dhamma and Mahasi Tradition Vipassana Meditation training and learning Centre
Phone: 9485304310
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Main Contact: Email (Phone: Ven. Suman Jyoty Thera)
Notes and Events:
This monastery is under construction, But this year 2019 of January we had built one small meditation hall, so now about 20 people can sit in meditation. From this meditation centre, we are trying to extend for 1000 meditators, by building one large pagoda about 120ft high with dom meditation hall. which is supported by Mizoram Bhikkhu Sangha of India. Ven Suman Jyoty Thera Bhante was so eager that people get a chance to feel the peace of Nibbanic so he comes to this hill and named it Ariyagiri Hill. which is donated by Mr Suddha Dhan Chakma, and Mr Proful Chondra Chakma of 11helo village.
This Meditation Centre is located at Arjogiri Sugh, Of Demagiri, Mizoram India. This year first we had planned to sculpture one 85ft high Buddha statue in Arjogiri Sugh.
Ariyagiri Piyadassi Vipassana Meditation Centre
Address: Arjogiri Sugh (Ariyagiri Hill) Mizoram, India Arjogiri Sugh, Demagiri Mizoram 796751
Tradition: Theravada, Learning And Training Centre Of Theoritical And Practical Dhamma Of Buddha.
Affiliation: Ariyagiri Piyadassi Vipassana Meditation Centre
Phone: 9485304310
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Main Contact: Ven. Suman Jyoty Thera Email (Phone: +918974181432)
Teacher: Vipassanacariya Tejabangsha Mahathera
Notes and Events:
Ariyagiri Piyadassi Vipassana Meditation Centre আর্য্যগিরী প্রীয়দর্শী বিদর্শন ভাবনা কেন্দ্র is a learning and training centre, which associated with Mizoram Bhikkhu Sangha. When we MBS were searching for land for this centre, the village people asked us to accept their land. Which we named it Ariyagiri Hill আর্য্যগিরী সুগ, it's a large place about 16 acres of land.
Actually here in Mizoram have another Meditation Centre which follows Sayagi U Ba Kin technique. Also, we thought we should try the Mahasi Sayadaw Technique as well. So we are making this centre for those who want to try the Mahasi Sayadaw method. Finally thanks for visiting our page, and we welcome all to this Centre.
Ariyagiri Vipassana Meditation Center
Address: Arjogiri Sugh Demagiri 796751
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +918974181432
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Main Contact: -do-
Teacher: -do-
Notes and Events:
I am Suman Jyoty Bhante, a 32 year old Buddhist monk from Mizoram, a small state in northeast India. I come from the Chakma community.
After becoming a monk in 2006 I stayed in a meditation center at Bangladesh learning Vipassana meditation under the tutelage of the renowned meditation teacher Ven. Tejabangsha Mahathera .
In 2008 I returned to Mizoram to stay in a monastery in the town of Demagiri. I travelled offering discourses and continued my personal practise of meditation during the next few years.
It was during this time that I began to form some of the observations that would shape my present plans. The Chakma ethnic group form a Buddhist community in Mizoram, and though many nurture great faith and devotion towards Buddhism, very few have had the opportunity to learn and practise meditation.
I noticed the acute suffering, materially and physiologically of ordinary people with whom I came to contact and I witnessed that there is an immense need or necessity for people to have the chance to make real and lasting contact with living dhamma and to learn how to apply it in their daily lives.
My Discourses managed to arose interest and enthusiasm in the hearers, but I felt sincerely that this was not enough. People require much more substantial knowledge and experience of Vipassana meditation, in order that their lives maybe truly transformed.
With all of this in mind, I began searching around Mizoram for a suitable place where it might be possible to found a meditation center wherein anybody would be welcome to come and learn Vipassana.
Finally I found a wonderful place about 18 km far from Demagiri, Which I named Arjogiri Sugh. It comprises 16 acres of land spread across lush jungle. It offers panoramic views of the beautiful surrounding mountainous terrain, and it's high altitude means that the climate remains always pleasant and cool; a perfect environment for meditation.
After this land was donated to me I moved here in 2017 and have remained here since that time, living in a small Kuti (hut) where I practise Vipassana in solitude.
My dream and mission remains to found a meditation center that maybe available for the use of both the nearby community and indeed anyone else from far or wide who might desire to come and learn the dhamma.
Unfortunately though the local population graciously donated this land to me they are largely unable to contribute financially.
I feel more strongly than ever that the practical application of the Buddha's teaching, provides the best means of improving and uplifting the lives of individuals and the wider society life is often a struggle for many of the people of Mizoram, and we are afflicted by many difficulties and social problems particular to a poor, impoverished and predominantly uneducated locality.
Taking all of this into consideration I would like to make a heartfelt appeal for any monetary donation large or small which may go towards the founding and construction of a meditation center. Please if it's possible for you, help me to help these people.
Donations can be made to the following bank account.
Kiran Baran Chakma
Ac/Number: 30926766458
Demagiri 796751 India.
And From Abroad
Kiran Baran Chakma
A/C Number 30926766458
Swift Code: SBININBB477
Demagiri 796751
With Metta and Goodwill to all living beings.
Arizona International Buddhist Meditation Center
Address: 432 South Temple Street MESA AZ 85204
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan
Phone: 480-626-4153
Fax: 480-464-7687
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Main Contact: Ananda siyabalagoda Email (Phone: 480626-4153)
Spiritual Director: Ananda Siyabalagoda Email (Phone: 360-556-1328)
Notes and Events:
The mission of the Arizona International Buddhist Meditation Center is to teach the practical benefits of Buddhist meditation and the Dhamma. The Center is open to people of all races, nationalities, ethnicities, and religions.
Armadale Meditation Group
Address: 18-20 Nanson Way Nollamara WA 6061
Tradition: Theravada, Thai, Forest Tradition, Western
Affiliation: Buddhist Society of Western Australia
Phone: (08) 9390 1188
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Teacher: Ajahn Brahmavamso and senior monks from Bodhinyana monastery
Main Contact: Mrs Rachel Green Email (Phone: 08 9390 1188 )
Notes and Events:
This group gives people the opportunity to learn meditation and to hear a Dhamma talk, from the senior monks, during the week and in a location south of the river. The group was first started by the Society in 1987 in Gosnells.
It has continued weekly since then and now meets in Armadale, (about 35 minutes drive south from Perth City centre.
at Community Health Building,
Armadale Health Campus (formerly Armadale-Kelmscott Hospital),
Albany Highway,
Armidale Community Buddhist Centre
Address: 211 Beardy Street PO Box 25 Armidale NSW 2350 NSW NSW
Tradition: Vajrayana, various Tibetan teachers of different traditions
Phone: 02 67713016 or 0478 008 840
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Main Contact: Pedro Sousa Email (Phone: (Phone: 02 67713016) )
Notes and Events:
Mondays 6-7pm - Beginners Meditation classes
Tuesdays 7-8.30pm Union of Sutra and Tantra Course
Wednesdays -Zen Meditation - 5.30 - 6.30pm and Intro to Buddhism - 7- 8pm
LOCATION: (white door above the Mandarin Chinese Restaurant)
Aro Ling Bristol
Address: Bristol BS7 8NN
Tradition: Vajrayana, Aro gT
Phone: 07505 569680
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Teacher: Ja'gy Email (Phone: 07505 569680)
Main Contact: M Email (Phone: 07505 569680)
Teacher: M
Spiritual Director: M Email (Phone: 07505 569680)
Notes and Events:
Aro Ling Bristol is a city centre home of the Aro gTér – a Vajrayana Buddhist lineage whose unusual characteristics make it singularly appropriate for many Westerners.
The teachings of the Aro gTér descend from a lineage of enlightened women, beginning with Yeshé Tsogyel. She was the female Tantric Buddha, who, together with Padmasambhava, founded the Nyingma tradition of Buddhism.
We run regular classes, you can view our timetable here.
Aro Ling Bristol is the sister centre of our rural retreat centre Drala Jong.
Aro Ling Cardiff - Buddhist Centre
Address: 35 Merthyr Road
CF14 1DB Cardiff Wales CF14 1DB
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Nyingmapa, Aro Ter Lineage
Affiliation: Aro Ter Lineage, Sang-ngak-chö-dzong
Phone: 44 (0) 7092 010756
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Teacher: Ngakma Nor dzin Pamo
Teacher: Ngakpa o-Dzin Tridral
Main Contact: Ngakma Nor dzin Pamo
Teacher: Ngakma Nor dzin Pamo
Spiritual Director: Ngak chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen
Notes and Events:
Aro is a Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhist tradition concerned with transforming our experience of everyday being. We aim to engender cheerful courage, perceptive consideration, graciousness, sincere determination, creativity, natural gallantry, and spaciousness.Our teachers are not monks or nuns, but rather ordained Tantrikas who live quite ordinary lives. Aro teachings come to us from a lineage ofenlightened women, including a female Tantric Buddha, Yeshé Tsogyel, and the visionary Lama, Aro Lingma.The Vajrayana path is suited to those who use their everyday circumstances as the path to realisation and who appreciate humour.We offer meditation, relaxation, evening courses, therapy and occasional weekend events.
Aro Vajrayana Practice Group
Address: 10 St George's Road Hayle Cornwall
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Nyingmapa, Aro Ter Lineage
Affiliation: Sang-ngak-cho-Dzong
Phone: 07870 780 522
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Main Contact: Ke-drag Pawo Email (Phone: 07980 486245)
Spiritual Director: Ngak'Chang Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
See our FB page for details
All Welcome, no charge.
No previous experience necessary.
See for details of all events in UK, continental Europe and the USA including meditation groups, retreats and short courses.
See for details of the lineage and tradition.
Address: 113 Hangingwater Road Sheffield, S.Yorkshire Yorkshire S11 7ER
Tradition: Mahayana, Open Way Zen
Affiliation: Open Way Australia/UK, Bukkoku-ji, Obama, Japan
Phone: 0114-263-0177
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Contact: Shindo Gensho (Richard Jones)
Spiritual Director: Daido Hogen (Yamahata)/ Daisetsu Tangen (Harada)
Notes and Events:
ArrivingHome is a small voluntary organisation, which aims to make Zen (Concentrative-Meditation), Yoga and other relaxing exercise practices, available in the Sheffield area. Regular daily Zen and Yoga practices are held at ArrivingHome. Elsewhere, the Zen, Yoga and exercise practices are tailored to suit individual situations. Group or individual instruction can be requested. It is not our intention to push unwanted religious practices, or make pretence towards enlightened teaching, wishing only to help our fellow beings. To visit us, please contact in advance by e-mail, or phone (see below). Talks may be similarly arranged within reasonable travelling distances. With the exception of Yoga classes, ArrivingHome depends entirely upon donations from users.
Asheville Insight Meditation
Address: 29 Ravenscroft Drive
Suite 200 Asheville NC 28801
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 828-808-4444
Website: http://www.asheville
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Teacher: Ronya Banks
Notes and Events:
Wednesdays 7 - 8pm
Sundays 10am - 11:30am
Asociación Zen de Medellín
Address: Edificio El Rectángulo Calle 49b No. 64b-112 Oficina 501 piso 5 Medellín, Colombia Medellín
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Phone: +57 (4) 230 0971
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Spiritual Director: André Reitai Lemort
Notes and Events:
Asociación dedicada a la difusión de la práctica de zazén, desde la visión del maestro André Reitai Lemort, discípulo de Taisen Deshimaru.
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