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Buddhas Practice Inc.
Address: 110/12 Salonika Street Parap NT 0820
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 0406003709
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Notes and Events:
As a Not-for-Profit charity, we Undertake activities that are consistent with promoting and practising the Buddhist religion in the name of BPI’s Constitution, taking into account all the precepts, all the Meditations and all the Wisdoms
Monday to Sunday
8:00am - 5:00pm
Buddhayana Forest Retreat Centre
Address: RR# 1 Scotsburn Nova Scotia B0K 1R0
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Notes and Events:
Buddhayana Forest Retreat is a Buddhist meditation retreat center. situated in a
beautiful mixed hardwood forest of Nova Scotias Cobequid Highlands.
Buddhayana Forest Retreat is to offer temporary, monastic style meditation retreats,
in the Buddhist ascetic forest tradition of Shakyamuni Buddha; Thai forest monks;
Tibetan mountain yogis; Zen and Taoist hermits; and others who have retreated to the
quiet and solace of the nature, to engage in a sincere and disciplined practice of
meditation.Buddhayana Forest Retreat is currently in its final phase of construction.
To date, we have raised sixteen retreat cabins and a meditation hall.
Please join us for the 2nd Annual Buddhayana Painters Meditation Retreat.
From Aug. 11 - Aug 19th, 2012. Contact
Buddha´s Amigo Chihuahua/ Casa del Dharma Chihuahua
Address: Calle septima numero 2027 colonia Centro Chihuahua Chih Chihuahua Chihuahua 31160
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 614 4107438
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Main Contact: Guadalupe Alvarez Email (Phone: 614 4107438)
Notes and Events:
Somos un grupo de amigos que nos apoyamos en nuestros estudios y prácticas. Además de compartir ideas y proyectos para poder beneficiar a los demás. Nos reunimos semanalmente a estudiar y practicar el Budadharma – las enseñanzas del Buda. !Puedes integrarte si lo deseas! También ofrecemos material para profundizar en tu práctica, consejos y proyectos en los que puedes ayudar directa o indirectamente.
Seguimos la guía y ejemplo de SS. El XIV Dalai Lama y de Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rimpoché, quienes se han caracterizado por una visión no sectaria dentro del budismo tibetano, también conocida como “Rimé”, que no nada más incluye el respeto y aprecio por todas las órdenes del budismo tibetano, sino también por las demás escuelas budistas no-tibetanas.
Buddhism & Australia
Address: 645 Wambyn Road Inkpen WA 6302
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma
Affiliation: Buddhism & Australia Inc
Phone: 0405549923
E-mail: :
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Spiritual Director: Vello Vaartnou
Main Contact: Marju Broder Email
Notes and Events:
Buddhism and Australia is a non-for-profit organisation, whose main
activities are annual international academic conferences on Buddhism.
Since 2012, international conferences Buddhism and Australia bring
together scholars and Buddhists all over the world to reveal their
latest research about Buddhism. The idea of international conference
Buddhism and Australia originates from Buddhist scholar-monk Vello
Vaartnou, the author and organiser of similar conferences Buddhism and
Nordland in Europe. Papers from both conferences are available on the
websites for free to everybody.
Buddhism For Development
Address: Wat Anlongvil
Sangker District Battambang
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Notes and Events:
Buddhism For Development is a national Cambodian NGO since 1 May 1990. Founded at Site 2 Refugee Camp, Cambodian - Thai border by Indapañño Bhikkhu and a group of monks who see the value of Buddhism as a tool for : Peace restoration and national reintegration Economic development Social development Mental development Wisdom development Sustaining the balance of individual, society, and the nature
Buddhism in Mongolia Programme Tibet Foundation
Address: Programme Manager Buddhism in Mongolia Programme Tibet Foundation 1 St James Market, London, SW1Y 4SB UK Please note addresses and telephone numbers change.
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: Tibet Foundation ( London)
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Main Contact: Sue Byrne Programme Manager
Notes and Events:
Tibet Foundations Buddhism in Mongolia programme was established in 1993 with the aim to assist Mongolians in their revival of Buddhism.
The Buddhism in Mongolia programme is currently managing a host of educational and publishing projects that attempt to address some of these issues. Projects are implemented to reflect conditions across the spectrum of the Buddhist and lay community in Mongolia. Our operating principal is to respond to requests from Mongolian Buddhists both monastic and lay rather than impose projects on them. We work with the main monastic and academic institutions in Mongolia to develop and then to implement projects. The programme reflects the Foundation aim to further the understanding of Tibetan Buddhism and culture and to work towards their continuity and preservation.
Buddhism Port Elizabeth
Address: Port Elizabeth 6070
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 27781677271
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Main Contact: Neil Smith Email (Phone: 27781677271)
Teacher: ven. Nima Taylor
Notes and Events:
1st Sunday of each month
9am local time (07:00 GMT)
These are non-sectarian meetings which include meditations, possible scripture readings and discussions. The purpose is to provide a Sangha for Buddhists in Port Elizabeth, a town that currently has no temples.
Buddhism Theravada în limba română
Address: Romania
Tradition: Theravada
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Contact: Dan Ignat
Notes and Events:
Theravada Buddhism in Romanian language: Buddhist courses, various translated texts, Dhammapada translations, Pali courses, Tipitaka translations.
BuddhismInfo (A.M.M., Theravada)
Address: Kantatgatan 54 Malmoe 215 10
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: A.M.M.-Arya Maitreya Mandala Germany
Phone: +46 (0)40-220967
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Spiritual Director: Dietmar Dh. Kröhnert Email (Phone: +46 (0)40-220967)
Teacher: Dietmar Dh. Kröhnert
Notes and Events:
Dietmar (Karunavajra, Dhammamitra) Kröhnert has his 12 year long training from the Vayrajna tradition (AMM).
However since 2005 Dietmar is a passive member of the AMM organisation and is currently holding classes in Theravada-Buddhism for the study organisation SENSUS. For the last five years Dietmars teacher has been Rev. DhammaThero in the temple Wat Pan On in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
For more information on Buddhist meditation sessions go to
Buddhismo Ariya
Address: Calle Honduras 358
Colonia 5 de Diciembre
Puerto Vallarta Jalisco 48350
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Early / Orthodox
Phone: +52 1 322 2004465
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Main Contact: Tomas Morales Email (Phone: +52 1 3222004465)
Notes and Events:
Buddhismo Ariya se basa en la estudio, práctica, verificación y aplicación ortodoxa del Dhamma del Buddha, expuesto en los Agamas y Nikayas, siendo éste el vehículo para la Iluminación siendo este su único objetivo. Se trata de agrupar a seguidores-por-la-verdad para que intercambien experiencias y se apoyen en el Noble Camino. Sólo se admite al Buddha como maestro.
Ariya Buddhism is based on the study, practice, verification and orthodox application of the Buddha Dhamma, exposed in the Agamas and Nikayas, being the vehicle for enlightenment and this is their only goal. This is to group followers-by-the-truth to exchange experiences and support in the Noble Way. Only the Buddha is admitted as a teacher.
Buddhist Books at The Inner Bookshop
Address: 111 Magdalen Road Oxford OX4 1RQ
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: independent
Phone: +44 (0)1865 245301
Fax: +44 (0)1865 245521
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Main Contact: Ruth Ashcroft Email (Phone: 01865 245301)
Notes and Events:
Over 2,500 titles on Buddhism available online. Including secondhand book and hard to get titles from India. Worldwide mail order and secure onlinee orderring facilities. Sub categories include General Buddhism, Dhammapada, Tibetan, Shin or Pure Land and other Buddhist traditions.
Buddhist Center - Rissho Kosei-kai International of North America
Address: 4522 Campus Dr, Suite A245 Irvine CA 92612
Tradition: Mahayana,
Affiliation: Rissho Kosei-kai
Phone: 949-336-4430
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Spiritual Director: Shoko Mizutani Email (Phone: 949-336-4430)
Notes and Events:
Our Buddhist Center - RKINA in Irvine, Orange County is the Rissho Kosei-kais regional center for North America, established for sharing the Buddha Dharma with a special focus on the Lotus Sutra (Ekayana Buddhism) for all practitioners living in the United States and Canada.
We offer a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere with a library of books from all Buddhist traditions that are available for check-out. We also offer Dharma study session on every Tuesday evening and Dharma service on every Sunday morning.
Buddhist Center Bern
Address: Gerberngasse 14 Bern Bern CH-3007
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu
Phone: +41 31 311 14 51
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Spiritual Director: H.H. Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje
Teacher: Lama Ole Nydahl
Notes and Events:
Regular events:
- every Friday, 8pm: Lecture and Meditation on the 16th Karmapa (guided in German)
- every Tuesday, 6.30pm: Meditation on the 16th Karmapa.
Buddhist Center Innsbruck
Address: Neurauthgasse 10 Innsbruck Tirol 6020
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Karma Kagyu, Diamond Way
Affiliation: Diamondway Buddhism, Karma Kagyu, Lama Ole Nydahl
Phone: +43 681 - 10769362
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Teacher: Lama Ole Nydahl y you you
Spiritual Director: 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje
Notes and Events:
Buddhist Center Linz
Address: Hauptplatz 15/15 A-4020 Linz Oberoesterreich
Tradition: Vajrayana
Phone: (732) 680831, (732) 602182
Fax: (732) 676534
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Spiritual Director: 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje
Notes and Events:
Über uns
Das Linzer Zentrum wurde im Mai 1985 in der Linzer Altstadt am Graben 9 eröffnet.
Im Dezember 1983 war Lama Ole Nydahl in Linz und hielt einen Dharmavortrag im Bahnhof-Festsaal.
Das war der Anstoß für die weitere Entwicklung.
Der Sommerkurs in Füssen 1985 brachte uns auch mit den tibetischen Lamas unserer Übertragungslinie in Verbindung, die daraufhin bald nach Linz kamen. Im November 1991 übersiedelten wir in ein neues und größeres Zentrum in der Reuchlinstraße 53.
Nach einer kurzen Zeit in Linz Leonding ist unser Zentrum seit April 2003 nun in den repräsentativen Räumlichkeiten am Linzer Hauptplatz Nr. 15 untergebracht.
Ein weiteres Angebot unseres Zentrums ist das in gemeinsamer Aktivität entstandene Holzblock-Retreathaus, das wir - vom Fällen der Bäume bis zur Fertigstellung - selbst errichtet haben.
Inspiriert durch die Ratschläge unserer Lehrer, haben wir eine optimale und ruhige Stelle bei Freunden im Mühlviertel gefunden. Das Retreathaus bietet Platz für ein bis zwei Personen (Kontakt: Hans Pölzl 07267-8692).
Buddhist Center New York
Address: 114 East 28th Street
Suite 1
New York NY 10016
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Karma Kagyu, Diamond Way
Phone: 212-214-0755
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Teacher: Lama Ole Nydahl
Spiritual Director: the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje
Notes and Events:
Diamond Way Buddhist Center New York is part of an international network of over 600 meditation centers in the Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. The centers were started due to the unique inspiration of Lama Ole Nydahl according to the wishes of H.H. 16th Karmapa. They are now under the spiritual guidance of H.H. 17th Gyalwa KarmapaTrinley Thaye Dorje.
Our centers consist of people and families working full-time jobs, and incorporating Diamond Way teachings and meditations into their daily lives. Members share responsibility for guiding meditations, answering questions, and giving explanations about Buddhism; their work is unpaid, and based on idealism and friendship.
For more information please see our monthly calendar, sign up for our newsletter, or feel free to contact us anytime.
Buddhist Center of Chicago
Address: 4722 N. Malden Chicago IL 60640
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism
Affiliation: Diamond Way Buddhism
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Teacher: Lama Ole Nydahl
Spiritual Director: H.H. 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, Trinley Thaye Dorje
Notes and Events:
The main practice in all our centers is the Guru Yoga meditation on the 16th Karmapa. This meditation is guided in English and lasts around 30 minutes. There is a relaxed social atmosphere in the centers, refreshments are provided, and questions are encouraged. Our weekly meditation evenings are open to the public and are free of charge.
Public Meditations
Mondays and Fridays 8:00pm – Ten-minute talk, followed by - 8:15pm – Public Meditation
Wednesdays 8:00pm – Public Meditation
The program begins with a short introduction on a Buddhist topic, followed by a guided meditation. The regular meditation is the Guru Yoga meditation on the 16th Karmapa and is guided in English. It generally lasts around 30 minutes.
Buddhist Center of Dallas
Address: 555 Amesbury Drive
Apt.2-608 (Building 6) Dallas TX 75206
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism
Affiliation: Diamond Way Buddhism
Phone: 2245785140
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Teacher: Lama Ole Nydahl
Spiritual Director: H.H. 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, Trinley Thaye Dorje
Notes and Events:
Diamond Way Buddhist Center of Dallas is part of an international network of over 500 meditation centers in the Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. The centers were founded and are directed by Lama Ole Nydahl according to the wishes of H.H. 16th Karmapa. They are now under the spiritual guidance of H.H. 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, Trinley Thaye Dorje.
The main practice in all our centers is the Guru Yoga meditation on the 16th Karmapa. This meditation is guided in English and lasts around 30 minutes. There is a relaxed social atmosphere in the centers, refreshments are provided, and questions are encouraged. Our weekly meditation evenings are open to the public and are free of charge.
Public Meditations
Wednesdays 8:00pm – Ten-minute talk, followed by - 8:15pm – Public Meditation
The program begins with a short introduction on a Buddhist topic, followed by a guided meditation. The regular meditation is the Guru Yoga meditation on the 16th Karmapa and is guided in English. It generally lasts around 30 minutes.
Buddhist Center Palma de Mallorca
Address: Calle Can Danus 1 entreplanta derecha (Plaza del Mercat) Palma de Mallorca 07001
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: Tibetan, Karma Kagyu, Diamond Way
Phone: 649612992 +34 (971) 273772
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Spiritual Director: 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje
Teacher: Lama Ole Nydahl
Notes and Events:
While there are many Buddhist traditions active in the West, this center represents the more than 591 lay Diamond Way Buddhist centers of the Karma Kagyu school founded and directed by Lama Ole Nydahl. They are under the spiritual guidance of H.H. the 17th Karmapa Trinlay Thaye Dorje. Diamond Way Buddhist centers have a democratic structure and function through unpaid, voluntary work on the basis of friendship and idealism. The members share the responsibility for guiding meditations, answering questions, and giving teachings.
Buddhist Center Salzburg
Address: Linzer Gasse 27 A-5020 Salzburg Salzburg
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Karma Kagyu, Diamond Way
Phone: +43 (0) 650 / 8950113
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Spiritual Director: 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje
Teacher: Lama Ole Nydahl
Notes and Events:
Über uns
Die Salzburger Gruppe der Karma Kagyü Linie entstand 1990.
2002 wurde ein neues Zentrum in der Linzergasse gefunden, das am 23. September 2003 von Lama Ole Nydahl im Rahmen eines Vortrages besucht und eingeweiht wurde.
Inzwischen kommen ca. 15 - 30 Leute zu den regelmäßigen Meditationsterminen im
buddhistischen Zentrum Salzburg.
Der gemeinnützige Verein bietet buddhistische Kurse, Meditationen und Vorträge, die direkt im Leben anwendbar sind.
Buddhist Center Santiago de Chile
Address: Montenegro 2242, Depto 102. Ñuñoa, Santiago. Santiago
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu
Affiliation: Diamond Way
Phone: +56989021185
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Spiritual Director: The 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje
Teacher: Lama Ole Nydahl
Main Contact: Sandino Martinez Email (Phone: +56989021185 )
Notes and Events:
Every Monday, Tuesday and Saturday Meditation of XVI Karmapa (free entrance)
Buddhist Center Villach
Address: Peraustr. 15 Villach Kaernten A-9500
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Karma Kagyu, Diamond Way
Phone: +43 664 410 6670
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Spiritual Director: 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje
Notes and Events:
Regular introduction and teaching: Tuesday 19:00 hours
Regular Meditation: Tuesdey 20:00 16° Karmapa
Sunday 18:00 Diamond Mind.
Buddhist Centre Exeter
Address: 13 Toronto Road, Exeter, Devon EX4 6LE Exeter Devon EX4 6LE
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Karma Kagyu, Diamond Way
Phone: (1392) 427601
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Teacher: Lama Ole Nydahl
Spiritual Director: the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje
Notes and Events:
If you are interested in finding out more about Buddhism and its meditation practices then thursday is our introductory evening with guided meditation and short introductory talk.
Buddhist Centre of Regina
Address: 1401 Robinson Street. Regina S4T2N7
Tradition: Theravada, Loumpoo Chah
Affiliation: Forest Dhamma
Phone: 306-201-9223
Fax: 306-559-5670
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Dr.: K. Govender Email (Phone: 1-306-559-5686)
Teacher: Ven. Uttam Barua
Main Contact: Ven. Uttam Barua Email (Phone: 1-306-201-9223)
Mr.: Nya Arakan Email (Phone: 1-306-559-5686)
Notes and Events:
Reverend Uttam Barua was born in Chittagon, Bangladesh. He joined the Monastic order as a Buddhist monk at the age of 12. After completing high school and serving the community, he was forced to flee to India due to unfortunate circumstances and ill treatment of his life. In 1994, he received a royal scholarship which is arranged by Ajahn Sumedo for higher Buddhist Studies that took him to Thailand. Upon his graduation, Reverend Uttam Barua moved back to India where he worked in the rural development project in Northeast India and Bangladesh. Access to education women’s health, and HIV was his main focus.
In 2006, he was invited by the Ambedkar Mission in Toronto, where he would begin working with the Canadian Societies and ethnic groups. He also established a community center in the greater Toronto area.
In 2012, Reverend Uttam Barua was invited to Regina and chose to remain here until today. He saw that Regina was a place where he could help people who come from North and South Asia, and in the surrounding area of Saskatchewan.
Since his stay in Regina, he immediately engaged himself with the multi-faith and local communities. He works tirelessly with eight ethnic Buddhist groups, who are enriching theirs spiritual, needs for happiness.
He is the founder of the Buddhist Center of Regina, and has been on several occasions, invited to teach Buddhism in the Catholic School system and Luther College at the University of Regina.
Reverend Uttam Barua also established a Buddhist Sunday school for the young, as well as leading a meditation class for adults and seniors every Thursday evening. His main achievement is to help every citizen, regardless of race, sex color, or creed, promote the noble teachings of Buddhism, including moral education, encouraging the understanding of each other’s faith, and to build bridges and concrete relationship in Saskatchewan and all over the country.
Buddhist Circle
Address: 31 Lonemeadow, Bryntirrold Drive, Lonehill Lonehill Gauteng 2062
Tradition: Non-Sectarian,
Phone: 00 27 11 82 330 5355
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Spiritual Director: Geshe Michael
Teacher: Mark Joseph
Main Contact: Mark Joseph (Phone: 00 27 82 330 5355)
Notes and Events:
Meetings on a weekly basis. Free material for study and supervision. Courses can be done online or in person. All Welcome!
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