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City of Peace Sangha
Address: 2230 S. Patterson Blvd. #11 Kettering OH 45409
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hahn
Affiliation: Community of Mindful Living
Phone: 9374795598
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Contact in Salem: Cathy Hale Email (Phone: 3303321727)
Notes and Events:
Group has meetings in Dayton and Salem, Ohio (both "City of Peace") - Salem area group (Northern branch) still meets weekly on Sunday evenings @6 pm.
Clear Light Buddhist Center
Address: 614 E. Townley Avenue Phoenix AZ 85020
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: New Kadampa Tradition
Phone: 602-243-5220
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Teacher: Kadam Michelle Gauthier
Notes and Events:
Clear Light Buddhist Center offers weekly class, study programs, retreats as well as workshops on Buddhism and meditation. All classes are aimed at helping to achieve inner peace for the benefit of others. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Clear Sky Meditation & Study Center
Address: Fort Steele BC V0B 1N0
Tradition: Vajrayana, Universalist/Namgyal Lineage
Affiliation: Universalist/Namgyal Lineage
Phone: (250) 429-3929
Fax: (250) 429-3951
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Teacher: Achariya Doug Duncan Sensei
Spiritual Director: Achariya Doug Duncan Sensei
Teacher: Catherine Pawasarat
Notes and Events:
Clear Water Zen Center
Address: 2476 Nursery Road
Clearwater FL 33764
Tradition: Mahayana, Philip Kapleau
Affiliation: Windhorse Zen Community
Phone: 727-391-5735
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Main Contact: Ken Rosen Email (Phone: 727-391-5735)
Spiritual Director: Ken Rosen Email (Phone: 727-391-5735)
Teacher: Lawson Sachter
Notes and Events:
The Clear Water Zen Center meets every Sunday morning at 8:30. The first Sunday of each month includes two rounds of zazen and a chanting service. The second Sunday of each month includes two rounds of zazen and a Dharma talk by Ken Rosen, senior student of Roshi Philip Kapleau, deceased, and Sensei Lawson Sachter. The third Sunday of each month is for beginning meditation and includes several short rounds of meditation with question and answer periods between the sittings. The fourth Sunday of each month includes three rounds of sitting with daisan offered by Ken Rosen. The fifth Sunday, if any, includes three rounds of meditation. Sensei Lawson Sachter leads multiple day meditation retreats three or four times per year and has been doing so since 1999. The Center participates in annual Buddhist activities such as Vesak and Change Your Mind Day. Many members of the Center are also members of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship.
Clifton Hill Zendo
Address: 17 Clive Street, Alphington Vic 3078 Vic
Tradition: Mahayana, Western
Phone: (03) 9499 2671 or 0424 047 442
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Main Contact: Contact: Paul Boston (Phone: (03) 9499 2671)
Notes and Events:
The Clifton Hill Zendo has a schedule of sitting meditation on three days of the week. The basic idea is to provide a place where people can come together to support each others practice. Only minimal instruction is given.
Zazen (meditation) times:
• Tuesdays 8.30am -10.30am
• Fridays 8.30am -10.30 am
• Sundays 4.30pm-7.30pm
These sittings are held at the Clifton Hill Yoga Studio 127 Queens Pde Clifton Hill.
Cloud Water Zen Centre
Address: Fifth Floor
82, Mitchell Street Glasgow G1 3NA
Tradition: Mahayana, Rochester Zen Center / Philip Kapleau
Affiliation: Zen Buddhism
Phone: 07432 014620
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Spiritual Director: Karl Kaliski Email (Phone: 07432 014620)
Notes and Events:
Cloud Water Zen Group
Tradition: Mahayana, We are affiliated to the Zen Buddhist Society of Sweden, which is part of the tradition brought to the West by Roshi Philip Kapleau and Rochester Zen Center.
Affiliation: Roshi Phjilip Kapleau / Rochester Zen Center
Phone: 0141 423 0045
Sensei: Sante Poromaa
Sensei: Kanja Odland
Main Contact: Karl Kaliski Email (Phone: 0141 423 0045)
Notes and Events:
We offer a space on the south side of Glasgow for people to practice Zen Buddhism and have a regular weekly schedule of meditation and also offer longer weekend events on a regular basis.
Coast and City Sangha
Address: Adelaide and Middleton SA
Tradition: Theravada, secular
Phone: (08) 8555-2588
E-mail: or
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Notes and Events:
The groups that make up the Coast and City Sangha ( Goolwa Dharma Group and Ashtree Sangha follow a broad, secular approach.
This approach values what it is that people actually experience, both in meditation and in daily life. Within the framework of the teachings of the Buddha, this approach gives us a way to explore, and come to understand more about, these experiences and our inner worlds.
We encourage you to approach meditation with gentleness and curiosity, allowing your own unique experience to unfold naturally; being open to, and cultivating awareness of, the rich variety of experiences that make up our inner lives, and coming to appreciate in a new way even those aspects we may usually view as unacceptable or mundane
Ashtree Sangha meets on the second Sunday of every month from February to December, upstairs at the Hatha Yoga Shala, 172 Hutt Street, Adelaide. Sangha meetings run from 3 to 5pm.
The Goolwa Dharma Group is based at the Middleton Pioneer Hall, Walker Place, Middleton or see map below. We meet fortnightly on a Monday 10.00 to 12.00 noon.
For more information, contact Anna ( Ashtree Sangha ) or Barb ( Goolwa Dharma Group )
Coeur d 'Alene Dharma Friends
Address: 1319 N Government Way Coeur d\'Alene ID 83814
Tradition: Mahayana, Tibetan
Affiliation: Sravasti Abbey
Phone: (208) 667-3813
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Lead Student:: Susan Mitchell
Spiritual Director: Vennerable Thubten Chodron Email (Phone: (509) 447-5549)
Notes and Events:
We meet every Thursday 5:30 PM to 7PM PM (for the foreseeable future, except on holidays). The aim of Coeur d’Alene Dharma Friends is to expand our understanding of the Buddha’s teachings on suffering, love and compassion. Our weekly group is student-led and includes meditation, book study, and discussion.
Venerable Thubten Chodron, is our spiritual advisor and abbess of Sravasti Abbey in Newport, WA.
We study in the Tibetan tradition of Buddhism and periodically organize public teachings with Venerable Chodron and other Tibetan Buddhist teachers. From time to time we also listen to teleteachings by Venerable Chodron from Sravasti Abbey and other Buddhist teachers. See or for more information on Venerable Chodron's teaching schedule.
The fourth Thursday of each month we shift our focus to study Compassionate Communication (or non-violent Communication) based on the work of Marshall Rosenberg If this does not interest you just skip the fourth Thursday of the month.
There is no fee to attend, but offerings are appreciated. Everyone is welcome.
Columbus Zen Center
Address: 2504 14th St, Columbus, NE 68601 Columbus 68601
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hahn
Affiliation: Community of Mindful Living
Phone: (402)996-1170
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Main Contact: Josh Bates (Phone: (402)996-1170)
Notes and Events:
Meditation, Dharma talk, sitting/Walking Meditation, Dharma Sharing - Saturday's 2-3:30pm.
2504 14th St, Columbus, NE 68601
Upstairs auditorium
(No mail to above address)
Community of Interbeing (Glasgow)
Address: Glasgow Scotland
Tradition: Mahayana, Vietnamese Zen
Affiliation: Community of Interbeing
Phone: Anna on 0141 942 3993 or Colin on 01236 825168
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Spiritual Director: Thich Nhat Hanh
Notes and Events:
Part of the world-wide Community of Interbeing founded by Vietnamses Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh. Please telephone Anna or Colin (numbers above) for information about gatherings. Also, for more information about the wider Sangha in the UK, visit:
Community of Interbeing - Redditch
Address: Cookhill Village Hall,
Evesham Road, Cookhill, Alcester, Worcestershire B49 5LJ
Tradition: Mahayana, Linji School of Dhyana Buddhism
Affiliation: Vietnamese Zen - Thich Nhat Hanh
Phone: 01527 857679
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Main Contact: Heath Thompson Email (Phone: 01527 857679)
Notes and Events:
We meet monthly - generally every third Sunday for a half or full day of mindfulness.
We follow the teachings of Vietnamese Zen Master, the Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh but also look to other schools and teachings to deepen our practice. This particular group is interested in the Absolute Truth/Zen/Suchness and working towards realising this through experience.
The grounds of the village hall are lovely. There are fields with horses, a nice flower garden and lawned area with trees. If the weather is nice we often meditate and/or practise QiGong outside. On Days of Mindfulness we walk in noble silence around the fields and woodland that surrounds the hall.
Community of Interbeing Keighley Sangha - West Yorkshire
Address: Quaker Meeting House
Skipton Road Keighley Yorkshire
Tradition: Mahayana, Liu Quan School (Thich Nhat Hnah)
Affiliation: Community Of Interbeing
Phone: 07900 045920 or 0844 5734 902
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Main Contact: RIchard Dillon Email (Phone: 07900045920)
Notes and Events:
Meet Thursday evenings from 7.30 to 9.30 for sitting and walking meditation
Community of Interbeing, York Sangha
Address: Central York York YO24 1AQ
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen
Affiliation: Thich Nhat Hanh
Phone: 07826198656
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Notes and Events:
Practising in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh in the UK. We meet every Monday evening 7-9pm for meditation and dharma sharing.
Community of Peace and Spirituality
Address: 5 West 86th Street #14C New York NY 10024
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 212 787-7272
Fax: 212 877-4655
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Main Contact: Allan Lokos Email
Teacher: Allan Lokos
Spiritual Director: Rev. Susanna Weiss Email
Notes and Events:
Meditation and teaching most Sunday mornings from 10 AM to Noon. Place: 593 Columbus Ave. (88th St.) New York City. Check web site for details and exact schedule: or cal 212 787-7272.
Compassion Buddhist Meditation Society
Address: 49 Jalan Chengai, Melodies Garden Johor Bahru Johor 80250
Tradition: Mahayana, The New Kadampa Tradition
Affiliation: NKT - IKBU
Phone: 607 334 1106
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Teacher: Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab
Contact: Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab
Spiritual Director: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
Compassion Kadampa Buddhist Centre is founded by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso founder of The New Kadampa Tradition – International Kadampa Buddhist Union (NKT-IKBU), an international association of Mahayana Buddhist study and meditation centres. Weekly drop-in meditation classes take place most weeks; meditation classes for everybody.
We are located ten minutes north of Johor Bahru city centre. We are a non-profit organisation. Our aim is to help anyone experience practical solutions to the problems of daily life through Buddhist meditations and ideas.
Everybody is welcome!
Compassion Centre
Address: str. Fortaretei 4.
Cluj-Napoca (Romania) 400091
Tradition: Vajrayana, New Kadampa Tradition
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Spiritual Director: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Email
Notes and Events:
Every sunday from 1O:3O Lamrim meditations.
Compassionate Service Society East (CSS East)
Address: 5006 Roslyn Road
Annandale VA 22003 Annandale VI 22003
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Compassionate Service Society (CSS)
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Treasurer: Chinhtin Bui Email
Spiritual Director: Hang Truong Email
Main Contact: Dyung Le Email
Notes and Events:
The Compassionate Service Society is a non-profit 501(c)3 Organization based in Southern California, USA. CSS was founded by Master CE Hang Truong in 2002.
Born in Vietnam, Venerable Hang Truong grew up during the war, and was educated in United States,. He was ordained under Chinese tradition and educated in the Dharma under the direct tutelage of Master Hsuan Hua, the founder of the City of Ten Thousand Buddha Chinese Zen lineage. Master Hang Truong has worked and served multiethnic communities across Asia, America and Europe.
The Master embodies, teaches, and lives by multicultural, multi-disciplined, global centric values. He is very well known for his holistic, integral approach to modernize and integrate Buddhism into the fast changing world.
Though founded on Buddhist principles, CSS takes an ecumenical and all-inclusive approach that transcends religious and cultural boundaries. By integrating the ancient teachings of Buddhism with the best of 21st century thought, practices, philosophies, and knowledge, CSS seeks to bring unity and healing to the body, mind and spirit.CSS’ Services Group consists of volunteers who dedicate their time, energy and care towards giving service to the community. CSS volunteers have taught Integral Tai Chi and Yoga classes, sponsored humanitarian relief and charity projects, led family summer camp, and organized many meditation and spiritual retreats.
Compassionate Way Sangha
Address: 21 maple Street
(Boston Theosophical Society)
Arlington MA 02476
Tradition: Mahayana, Non Denominational Zen
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: 617-460-6156
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Dharman Stortz Email (Phone: 6174606156)
Notes and Events:
The Compassionate Way Sangha (Csangha) of Massachusetts is a Buddhist community that currently meets in Arlington, MA. Members range from beginners to practitioners with over 40 years of meditation experience and include a senior Buddhist monk. Although a majority of participants come from a Zen background the community has no formal sectarian affiliation and practitioners from all traditions are welcome to participate in sangha events which include weekly meditation meetings, monthly retreats, and the celebration of special events such as the Buddha's Enlightenment and New Year's Eve. For those interested we also have an egroup, that provides teachings and updated information on sangha events. For more information please visit us at
Compassionate Way Sangha
Address: 21 Maple Street.
Arlington MA 02476
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Dharman Stortz Email (Phone: 617-460-6156)
Notes and Events:
The Compassionate Way Sangha is a Massachusetts Buddhist community based in Arlington, MA. Members range from beginners to those with over 40 years of experience in Buddhist practice. Although a majority of our members come from a zen background we have no formal affiliation with any zen sect and practitioners from all Buddhist traditions are welcome to participate in our meditation periods, retreats, and ceremonies. For more information please visit us at
Comunidad Budista Dag Shang Kagyu
Address: Calle Templo Budista s/n Panillo 22438
Tradition: Vajrayana, Shangpa Kagyu
Phone: +34974347009
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Spiritual Director: Lama Drubgyu Tenpa Email
Main Contact: Secretar Email
Notes and Events:
Dag Shang Kagyu es una comunidad vinculada a los linajes Dagpo y Shangpa Kagyü del budismo Vajrayana. Fué fundada originalmente en 1984 por S.E. Kyabdje Kalu Rinpoché y se estableció definitivamente como centro dedicado al estudio y a la práctica del budismo en el año 1985.
En la actualidad se imparten enseñanzas y se realizan retiros, gracias a la actividad incansable de los lamas residentes y a las visitas de distintos maestros y Rinpoches.
Comunidad Soto Zen de Colombia
Address: Carrera 22 # 87 - 25
Bogota, Colombia Barrio el Polo
Tradition: Mahayana, Uchiyama Roshi, Okumura Roshi
Affiliation: Japanese Soto School
Phone: (571) 5301016
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Main Contact: Rev. Dairen Jacome Email
Teacher: Rev. Densho Quintero Sensei
Spiritual Director: Rev. Densho Quintero Sensei Email
Notes and Events:
The Soto Zen Community of Colombia is a non profit religious organization devoted to the study, practice and promotion of Soto Zen, according with the teachings and lineage of Dogen Zenji and Keizan Zenji, founders of Soto School in Japan.
Comunidade Guhya Mantrika
Address: Estrada Nacional 253, Centro de Retiros, Santa Susana, Alcácer do Sal Santa Susana 7580-706
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyigma - Dzogchen Longchen Nyingthig
Affiliation: Ngedon Shedrup Phuntsog Ling Monastery -
Phone: +351 265 102 162 / +351 912 139 353
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Notes and Events:
Guhya Mantrika Community: The Community of Practitioners of the Secret Mantra
Guhya Mantrika Community: A Comunidade de Praticantes do Mantra Secreto
Who we are or what is the Guhya Mantrika Community?
Quem somos ou o que é a Comunidade Guhya Mantrika?
Secret Mantra, Sang Ngak in Tibetan or Guhya Mantra in Sanskrit, is a synonym of Vajrayana or Tantric Teachings.
Mantra Secreto, em Tibetano Sang Ngak ou em Sânscrito Guhya Mantra, é um sinónimo de Vajrayana ou Ensinamentos Tântricos.
And the Community, or Sangha, refers to the set of practitioners of the Secret Mantra, or Mantrikas, also known in Tibetan as Ngakpas, those who use the mantra and belong to the non-monastic Lineage tradition of Tantric Buddhism.
E a Comunidade, ou Sangha, reporta-se ao conjunto de praticantes do Mantra Secreto, ou Mantrikas, também conhecidos em tibetano como Ngakpas, aqueles que usam o mantra, os quais são os praticantes da Linhagem não monástica da Tradição Tântrica Budista.
These Teachings and approach to practice are particularly significant for people looking to integrate Vajrayana Buddhism with a "normal" family life in the modern world.
Estes Ensinamentos e abordagem à prática são particularmente significativos para pessoas que procuram integrar o Budismo Vajrayana com uma vida familiar "normal" no mundo moderno.
The Ngakpa Tradition although not very known in the West has within it some of the greatest and well-known Masters of Tibetan Buddhism including Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Kyabje Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche and His Holiness Orgyen Kusum Lingpa.
A Tradição Ngakpa apesar de não ser muito conhecida no Ocidente tem no seu seio alguns dos Mestres maiores do Budismo Tibetano e conhecidos, incluindo Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Kyabje Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche e Sua Santidade Orgyen Kusum Lingpa.
Thus, the Guhya Mantrika Community is an international community of Tibetan Buddhist practitioners of the Old Nyingma and Kagyu Schools, founded by Lama Urgyen Chökyi Dorje and Lama Gyurme.
Assim, a Guhya Mantrika Community é uma comunidade internacional de praticantes do Budismo Tibetano das Antigas Escolas Nyingma e Kagyu, fundada pelo Lama Urgyen Chökyi Dorje e o Lama Gyurme.
Comunidade Zen Budista de Ribeirão Preto
Address: Av. Prof. Mário Autuori, 494
City Ribeirão Ribeirão Preto Sao Paulo 14021-310
Tradition: Zen Soto Shu
Phone: (16)3329-7059
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Teacher: Monge Kōjun
Spiritual Director: Monge Kōjun (Phone: (16)3329-7059)
Main Contact: Honin
Notes and Events:
Somos uma Comunidade de praticantes do Zen Budismo e temos como principal intuito difundir o Zen Budismo e o Dharma de Buddha para todos os interessados, procurando seguir os preceitos budistas, servir a todos e buscando desenvolver o autoconhecimento.
Nosso objetivo é difundir os ensinamentos transmitidos por Shakyamuni Buddha segundo as tradições do Zen Budismo, acreditando em um mundo iluminado, no qual todo o sofrimento pode ser transcendido e todos os seres podem conviver em plena harmonia, desenvolvendo a profunda sabedoria e a compaixão a todos indistintamente.
Seguimos a linhagem Sōtō Zen e somos filiados à Comunidade Zen Budista Zendo Brasil - Templo Taikozan Tenzuizenji ( sob orientação da Monja Shingetsu Coen Roshi (
Esperamos que esta página possa favorecer a divulgação de nossas práticas, visando incentivar o maior número possível de pessoas a conhecer esses ensinamentos.
Convidamos a todos os interessados a participar de nossas atividades!
Estejam todos e todas à vontade para entrar em contato para obter maiores informações ou para virem conhecer-nos.
Que os méritos de nossa prática se estendam a todos os seres!
Monge Kōjun
Concord Tibetan Buddhist Sangha
Address: c/o First Parish in Concord 20 Lexington Road, Concord MA 01742 Concord MA MA
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa
Phone: (978) 505-5369
E-mail: bill.seaver
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Teacher: Lobsang Phuntsok
Notes and Events:
Explore Tibetan Buddhism
First Parish in Concord, 20 Lexington Road offers Buddhist teachings Wednesdays from 9:30-11 a.m. and Thursdays from 7:30-9 p.m.
These sessions are open to all regardless of previous experience with Buddhism. For more information: 978-505-5369
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