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United Hokkien Cemeteries
Address: 161, Batu Gantong Road Penang 10450
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Chinese Cemetery Buddhist
Phone: +6-04-8261967
Fax: +6-04-8262239
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Notes and Events:
Ancestors of commemorative frames are allowed to be placed inside the temple with many Buddhist figures. Free incenses are available for pious visitors with donation boxes that collect funds for various Buddhist-related festivals mixed with Chinese tradition. [Note : Swinburne University Buddhist Society (SBS) Australia presented voluntary directory input for selected Buddhist organization– from Kang Chuen Tat ]
University Buddhist Association at UCLA
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Staff Member: Eric Email
Main Contact: Eric Email
Teacher: Venerable Kusala
Notes and Events:
Bringing the Sangha to the University
In order for students to meet and learn about a variety of Buddhist traditions, the UBA sponsors guest speakers from many of the local temples in Southern California to come and speak at UCLA.
For more information, please visit:
University of Birmingham Buddhist Meditation group
Address: University of Birmingham, Edgbaston Park Road Birmingham B15 2TU
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Sessions are led by experienced Buddhists practising within the Triratna Buddhist Community
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Notes and Events:
We meet every Wednesday 3-5pm - check our facebook page or email us for rooms.
University of Queensland Buddhist Society
Address: Level 4, Building 21 UQ Union Building, University of Queensland St. Lucia Qld 4072
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Notes and Events:
Please check the website for current events. We hold regular meditation and Dhamma talks, as well as social events and temple visits.
University of Sunderland Samatha Group
Address: Postal contact:Kath Jones
15, North Terrace
Co. Durham DH9 7LD, UK Sunderland Tyne & Wear
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Samatha Trust, UK National Organisation
Phone: 01207 283361
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Notes and Events:
For details, see:
University of Toronto Buddhism & Psychology Student Union
Address: 105 George Street, Toronto, ON Toronto Ontario M5A 2N4
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Buddhism, Psychology, and Mental Health program
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Notes and Events:
The Buddhism and Psychology Student Union (BPSU) is a child of the ongoing dialogue between Buddhism and the mind sciences. Our main aim is to offer a forum for University of Toronto students to openly investigate and uncover whatever implications this dialogue may bring.
Additionally, we hope to provide opportunities for our members to integrate the Dharma into their other academic and personal pursuits. Although BPSU represents students in the Buddhism, Psychology, & Mental Health (BPMH) program, everyone is welcome to attend our academic and social events. More importantly, everyone is encouraged to participate in what we feel is an expansion of what it means to study the body-mind complex.
University Prince Edward Island - Meditation Group
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Notes and Events:
Meditation at 7.00 pm on Thursday evenings Chaplaincy Centre\'s meditation room on the campus of the UPEI
Contacts: John DeGrace at UPEI (566-0439) or Cop Macdonald (894-5236)
UNSW Buddhist Society (UNIBUDS)
Address: The Religious Center, Room 311, 3rd floor Squarehouse University of New South Wales, Kensington, NSW 2052 NSW
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, student society
Phone: (02) 9385 6082
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Contact: the president changes annually (please check website for update)
Notes and Events:
Basically, we have Buddhism talks in Chinese and English by Venerables and Buddhist teachers, lunch time meditation session, etc. Check out our website for more details.
Upakara Kalyana Mitta Buddhist Association (UKMBA)
Address: Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia Selangor
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Notes and Events:
UKMBA was established to provide spiritual support, information and contacts for Buddhist graduates from the National University of Malaysia.
Areas of Focus:
1) Spiritual Support and Personal Development
2) Leadership Training and Organisational Support
Upali Rajgrah Buddha Vihar
Address: Upali Rajgrah Buddha Vihar Alhaghat Lahargird, Sipri Jhansi 284003 UP, India Jhansi 284003
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Maha Bodhi Society of India
Phone: 09415945895
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Spiritual Director: Ven Dr Sumedh Thero Email (Phone: +919415945895)
Main Contact: Ven Dhamma pal Thero
Teacher: Ven Upali Thero
Notes and Events:
We organise 12 Purnima i.e. full moon day and New moon day Amavasya in year. All events in relation to Buddhism and Bodhisatva Bharat Ratan BabaSahab Dr B R Ambedkar
History of Asian civilizations and religion.
Historical background of Buddhism as tool for Teerthatan (Dhammayatra)
Meditation methods and impact on society / a person’s
Philosophical Buddhism and contemporary socio-cultural practices
Online Buddhism in the age of Internet
Cultural and traditional History of Bundelkhand Buddhist
The conference will include panel discussions on topics: “Monks and lay practitioners (transformation of cultural and social status)”, Thus Submit your text to be publish in Upali Sandesh by September 10, 2023 on A 4 size paper up to 3 pages i.e. < 1500 words in 14 font Time New Roman. Also contribute publication cost Rs 700/page. We are unable to provide any kind of financial support. The whole programme will be based on the donation that contribute by individuals. Thus contribute one part of your income and ensure goodwill (punyaparmi).
Upaya Zen Center
Address: 1404 Cerro Gordo Road Santa Fe NM 87501
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen Lineage, White Plum Asanga, Thich Nhat Hanh, Roshi Bernie Glassman.
Affiliation: Zen Buddhism
Phone: (505) 986-8518
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Spiritual Director: Roshi Joan Halifax - Abbot and Founder
Teacher: Roshi Joan Halifax, Ph.D.
Notes and Events:
Upaya is a Zen Buddhist residential, practice, and educational center dedicated to the development of the relationship between traditional Buddhism and compassionate engagement with our world.
Upaya Zen is a model of socially engaged Buddhism. It brings together many projects focused on social transformation, including work in prisons, end-of-life care, serving the homeless, training chaplains in socially engaged practice, peace and non-violence work, training of clinicians in compassionate care, and delivering healthcare in remote regions of the Himalayas.
Upaya is a global community for those working to create racial, economic, and environmental justice, compassionate care for the most vulnerable, and a place of committed, daily contemplative practice and learning through its retreats, trainings, and programs, free Dharma podcasts, and community services.
Upeksa Meditation Village (Thien Tu Hy Xa)
Address: 441 Womma Road Penfield SA 5121
Tradition: Mahayana, VietnamThien Truc Lam traditionese Zen -
Phone: 08 8284 7344
Fax: 08 8282 7344
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Main Contact: Ven.Thich Thong Chieu Email
Teacher: Ven. Thich Thong Chieu
Notes and Events:
Upeksa Mediation Village is a Vietnamese Thien Meditation Centre in Adelaide, South Australia.
We have an English speaking meditation group running and new members are always welcome. The group meets at 2 pm every 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. See website for more details.
Urban Dharma
Address: 29 Page Avenue, Asheville NC
Tradition: Vajrayana, Drikung Kagyü, Tibetan
Affiliation: Venerable Wei Wu, Abbot & Founder of Than Hsiang Temple, Malaysia
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Main Contact: Dr. Hun Lye, UDNC Founder & President
Spiritual Director: Venerable Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche,
Notes and Events:
We are at 29 Page Avenue - across from historic Grove Arcade in downtown Asheville. Urban Dharma is a temple with meditation and teaching space, a Tibetan art/ritual gallery, a Buddhist library and a tea-corner for relaxation.
UD Temple Hours (Gallery closed)
Tuesday 12 noon - 5 pm
Wednesday 12 noon - 5 pm
UD Temple & Gallery Hours
Thursday 12 noon - 8 pm
Friday 12 noon - 8 pm
Saturday 12 noon - 8 pm
Sunday 12 noon - 5 pm
We encourage walk-ins, whether motivated by simple curiosity or existential crisis, drop-ins for tea and relaxation or sit-ins - sit and be.
Uttamayanmuni Buddhist Temple
Address: 32B Hong San Terrace 688785
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 67691751
Fax: 67691751
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Spiritual Director: Phra Phian Saccavro (Abbot) Email (Phone: 67691751)
Notes and Events:
Regular Night Chanting, Weeking Sunday Morning Service - Puja, Dhamma Talk, Transfering of merits, Taking of 5 precepts and Monthly Meditation session by Thailand Forest Monks.
UU Meditation (Zen)
Address: 5090 Center Street NE
Salem OR 97317
Tradition: Mahayana, Maria Kannon Zen Center
Phone: (503) 949-3188
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Teacher: Lee Ann Nail
Notes and Events:
Vajra Dakini Nunnery
Address: Bristol Bristol VT 05443
Tradition: Vajrayana, Drikung Kagyu, Tibetan Buddhist
Affiliation: Drikung Kagyu
Phone: 802 453 6867
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Teacher: Khenmo Drolma
Spiritual Director: HH Chetsang Rinpoche; Ven. Dhyani Ywahoo
Main Contact: Khenmo Drolma Email
Notes and Events:
Mail to PO Box 382 Bristol VT 05443
Vajra Dakini Nunnery is a contemplative nuns community in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. With the blessing and patronage of H.H. Chetsang Rinpoche, founded by Ven Dhyani Ywahoo and directed by Abesss Khenmo Drolma, it is dedicated to prayers for welfare of all sentient beings. It is open to ordained and lay Sangha through programs and retreats.
Vajra Light Buddhist Center
Address: 234 North Central Avenue Hartsdale NY 10530
Tradition: Mahayana, New Kadampa Tradition
Phone: (914) 607-3583
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Main Contact: Daniel Morris, AD Email (Phone: 914-275-2877)
Teacher: Kadam Morten Clausen
Spiritual Director: Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
Notes and Events:
Vajra Light Buddhist Center is a Buddhist meditation center in Hartsdale, NY, in Westchester County. We offer instruction in meditation and Buddhist spiritual practice through meditation classes, retreats and special events. Taugh by qualified Western teachers, Vajra Light\\\'s meditation classes are very easy to understand and apply to our daily lives. The classes are suitable fo both beginners and more advanced practitioners.
Vajra North, Rigdrol Dechen Ling
Address: P.O. Box 31840
Whitehorse Yukon Territory Y1A 6L3
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma Tibetan
Affiliation: Chagdud Gonpa Foundation
Phone: (867) 667-6951
Fax: (867) 668-5610
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Main Contact: Cheryl Buchan Email (Phone: (867) 667-6951)
Teacher: Lama Drimed Norbu
Spiritual Director: H.E. Chagdud Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
Weekly practice of Red Tara (English concise version) on 403 Lowes St. Whitehorse
Extended practices held according to lunar calendar found on
four retreats held per year with empowerments and teachings in Red Tara, Chenrezig, Ngondro and others with Chagdud Gonpa Lamas and Rinpoches.
Vajra Vidya Down East
Address: 161 State Street
Ellsworth ME 04605
Tradition: Vajrayana, Kagyu Tibetan
Affiliation: Vajra Vidya
Phone: (207) 422-3412
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Main Contact: Bill Lawless Email (Phone: (207) 422-3412)
Teacher: Bill Lawless
Spiritual Director: Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
The center follows the Tibetan tradition of Buddhism under the guidence of the Venerable KhenchenThrangu Rinpoche. Meditation and classes meet twice weekly throughout the year.
Vajra Vidya Retreat Center
Address: 3203 Camino Baca Grande Crestone 81131
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu/Mahamudra
Phone: 719-256-5539
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Spiritual Director: Khenpo Jigme
Main Contact: Ani Lodro Email (Phone: 719-256-5539)
Khenchen: Thrangu Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
Following Karma Kagyu lineage and offering group daily meditation, special teachings and retreat lodging.
Vajradhara Meditation Center
Address: 235 St. Marks Avenue Brooklyn NY 11215
Tradition: Mahayana, New Kadampa Tradition - International Kadampa Buddhist Union
Affiliation: New Kadampa Tradition - International Kadampa Buddhist Union
Phone: 347-715-6999
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Main Contact: Matthew Riechers Email (Phone: 347-715-6999)
Teacher: Matthew Riechers
Spiritual Director: Matthew Riechers Email (Phone: 347-715-6999)
Notes and Events:
Vajradhara Meditation Center was established to provide people in Brooklyn with the opportunity to learn about Meditation and the practice Buddhist teachings. To fulfill this aim we have a space in Prospect Heights, located at 235 St. Marks Ave (just off Vanderbilt Ave). We also offer branch classes held at various other locations throughout Brooklyn.
The Center is run by volunteers who themselves are dedicated practitioners, and we have a warm and welcoming community.
Please feel free to drop in for a visit. Before and after classes, there is always someone at hand who can answer your questions. In addition to the beautiful meditation room, you can also check out our bookstore and gift shop, or just spend time in our comfortable lounge.
If you wish to participate in the activities at the center, we recommend that you begin with one of our General Program classes.
Vajradhara Meditation Center is a member of the New Kadampa Tradition (NKT). The NKT is an International Union of Kadampa Buddhist Centers. There are currently over 1,000 centers worldwide. In the area, we have centers in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island, and other locations throughout New York and New Jersey. From time to time we gather as a family at the Kadampa Meditation Center, home of our national Temple, for festivals, special courses, and retreats.
If you have any questions, check out our resource pages or feel free to contact us.
How to Get Started
Our weekly classes are a great place to start. A typical class will include teachings, two guided meditations and a question & answer session.
Taught by qualified Western teachers, the meditation classes are very easy to understand and apply to our daily lives. The classes are suitable for both beginners and more advanced meditation practitioners, and emphasize how to meditate and practice in our NY urban environment.
Meditation is a simple yet profound method to improve the quality of our lives and develop inner peace. Through following very simple, practical instructions we can learn to let go of the causes of our pain and dissatisfaction and to gain the inner peace and clarity we seek. We offer a wide range of classes from basic introductions to Buddhist meditation, applying Buddha’s teachings to daily life issues such as anger and improving relationships, to comprehensive study programs of Buddhist view, meditation and action. Everyone is welcome.
Vajramudra Dharma Center
Address: 154 Granite St. Rockport MA 01966
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan
Affiliation: Asian Classics Institute
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Main Contact: Phil Salzman Email
Spiritual Director: Lama Sumati Marut
Notes and Events:
ACI–Cape Ann, Inc. is dedicated to providing for the serious study and personal practice of the authentic teachings of Mahayana Buddhism, in a western context and in ways that enhance and deepen intellectual, cultural and spiritual understanding. Our Spiritual Director is Venerable Sumati Marut. We offer a comprehensive series of courses that provide an authentic, thorough, and accurate Mahayana Buddhist education. All our classes and events are open to the public and include weekly meditation meetings, formal Asian Classics Institute Courses, monthly Dharma Days, classes and workshops offered by guest teachers, and extended teaching visits from our spiritual head, Lama Marut.
Our Vajramudra Dharma Center is located at 154 Granite Street in Rockport, MA. USA.
Please check out our Google Calendar for our current schedule.
Vajrapani Buddhist Center
Address: 55 West Colonial Drive Orlando FL 32801
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, New Kadampa
Phone: (407) 245-7574
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Main Contact: Karen Velez, Education Program Coordinator
Teacher: Ricc Bishop
Spiritual Director: Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
Notes and Events:
General & Introductory Meditation Classes
Thursdays 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Saturdays 10:00am - 11:30am
Foundation Program (Advanced Study)
Mondays 7:15pm - 9:15pm
We also offer many scheduled pujas (chanted meditaitons) and special classes & events on a monthly basis. See our online calendar at
Vajrapani Kadampa Buddhist Centre
Address: 345 Jan Smuts Avenue, The Colony Shopping Centre. Craighall Park, Gauteng 2194
Tradition: Vajrayana, New Kadampa Tradition
Affiliation: New Kadampa Tradition - IKBU
Phone: 011 447 2746, 083 678 5956
Fax: +27 11 447 2746
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Teacher: Gen Kelsang Mila
Main Contact: Gen Kelsang Mila Email (Phone: +27 11 447 2746)
Notes and Events:
The Vajrapani Buddhist Centre offers weekly meditation classes in Craighall Park, as well as classes and half-day courses on Sundays. The latter covers meditation as well as Buddhist principles. Please see for updated information.
General Information -
Admin Director -
Education Programme Co-ordinator -
Valdarno International Meditation Group
Address: Piazza G. Pascoli 1 Cancelli Toscana 50066
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Samadhe Viharaya Firenze
Phone: +39 338 3429115
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Teacher: Upasaka Stefano
Notes and Events:
Siamo un gruppo di meditazione e studio del Dhamma. Pratichiamo la meditazione Samatha Vipassana Yuganaddha. Spediamo libri di molte tradizioni Buddhiste in molte lingue gratuitamente previa Dana per coprire le spese di spedizione dei libri e aiutare nel nostro progetto.
Offriamo corsi di meditazione per la tranquillità interiore (Samatha Bhavana) nella vostra associazione o palestra. Per meditare non devi aderire a una specifica tradizione o religione. Solo nelle zone di Firenze/Reggello/Pontassieve.
Il nostro progetto è quello di creare un centro residenziale di studio e meditazione non settario nell'alto Valdarno Toscano. Per coloro che fossero interessati al nostro progetto ci possono contattare per ulteriori informazioni.
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