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Tian Rien Lodge
Address: 504,Block E9 Section 2 Wangsa Maju 53300 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: (603) 4127973
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Teacher: Rev. Bhikkhu DhammasatI Shih Yin How (Chinese and English Speaking Monk).
Notes and Events:
Vipassana (Insight) in the Ven.Ledi Sayadaw, Saya Thetgyi, Ven. Webu Sayadaw, Sayagyi U Ba Khin, S.N.Goenka tradition.
Tibet Lama Dawa
Address: 9452 Dewey Dr., Garden Grove Garden Grove 92841
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan Karma Kagyu
Phone: 714 369 0702
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Teacher: Lama Dawa
Main Contact: Victoria Email (Phone: 714 369 0702)
Spiritual Director: Lama Dawa Email (Phone: 510 604 9177)
Notes and Events:
We need to develop Compassion and Wisdom to get the enlightenment. Lama Dawa performs Buddha Dharma Teaching in English, Tibetan, and Vietnamese, every Saturday & Sunday: 1 PM - 3 PM
Address: Light of Buddha Temple: 9452 Dewey Dr., Garden Grove, USACA 92841, USA. (Please park on Gilbert Street)
Subject: Blessing Ceremony and Initiation, Dharma teaching and Practice praying Medicine , Buddha, Green Tara, Chenrezig, SakyaMuni Buddha, Yellow Zambala, Amitaba Buddha
Loppon Lama Dawa is a Karma Kagyu Lineage holder born in Kham, eastern Tibet. His root guru is Vajradhara Tai Situpa Rinpoche. Tai Situpa Rinpoche is one of the highest ranking Lama of the Karma Kagyu Lineages of tulkus (reincarnated Lamas) in the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism and was instrumental in recognizing Ogyen Trinley Dorje (H.H. Karmapa 17th). As a youth, Lama Dawa lived at the first Kalu Rinpoche's monastery. He then lived at Tai Situpa Rinpoche's monastery, Palpang Sherab Ling, for 22 years. During this time he studied Buddhadharma for 22 years, and completed his three-year retreat. In 1998, Lama was asked to come to the Bodhisattva Institute, one of Kalu Rinpoche's dharma centers, in Tucson, Arizona. A few years later, Lama opened a meditation center called Chokor Ling on the outskirts of Tucson. Currently, Lama is the Director of The Nimbus Compassion Foundation based in Orange County, California. Lama speaks fluent Tibetan, Chinese and English and has regular dharma activities in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Tibet as well as in Los Angeles county and Orange County, California . Lama Dawa earned the Khenpo title equivalent of a PhD in Buddhism. He is qualified to teach Phowa to help people to go to the Pure Land fast in one life. He is available to give prayers and Empowerment blessings to individuals and families, Lama Dawa can be reached at 510.604.9177
or call Victoria: (714) 369 0702 Moi Thuyet Giang Phat Pháp
Hien cu ngu tai Hoa Ky tu năm 1998, Tien Si Phat hoc Lama Dawa đen Little Saigon đe ban pháp cho Phat tu nguoi Viet dành cho cong đong. Đai Su Lama DAWA thuc ve dòng Truyen thua KARMA KAGYU là mot trong nhung dòng truyen thua chính cua nhánh Kagyu. Ngài Karmapa đoi thu 17 hien nay là Pháp Vuong dòng truyen thua Karma Kagyu.
Kagyu là dòng Khau Truyen (hoc có khi còn đuoc gio là Nhĩ Truyen),
Kính moi phat tu đen tham du buoi giang Phat pháp hàng tuan Đai Su Lama Dawa voi phan thông dich tieng Vite chùa Phat Quang. Có Sách Kinh tieng Anh & Viet.
Thoi gian: Moi Thu 7 và chu nhat: 1 PM - 3 PM
Đia điem: Chùa Phat Quang 9452 Dewey Dr., Garden Grove, CA 92841, USA
Lama Dawa giang day, tung kinh, Thuyet giang ve:
* Đuc Phat Duoc Su Luu Ly,
* Đuc Luc Đo Mau đe tránh nan và gap may man
· Đuc Than Tài Yellow Zambala
* Đuc Bach Đo Mau Truong Tho,
* Đuc Quan The Âm Bo Tát,
* Đuc Kim Cang Tát Đóa, Sám Hoi Kim Cang Tát Đoa và Thanh Tinh Hóa Nghiep,
* Hành trì quán tuong Kim Cang Tát Đoa,
* Đuc Pho Hien Bo Tát,
* Đuc Thích Ca Mâu Ni Phat,
* Thuyet giang ve Đuc Phat A Di Đà.
* Thuc tap quán tuong Đuc Phat A Di Đà,
* Gioi Thieu ve pháp tu siêu viet Phowa (Phowa giúp di chuyen than thuc đuoc chuyen vào cõi Tây Phuong Cuc Lac khi chet, vào lúc Lâm Chung)
* và ban Le Quán Đnh , ban phep lanh, may man, giai tru nghiep chuong theo su thinh cau ca Phat Tu.
Thoi gian: Moi Thu 7 và chu nhat: 1 PM - 3 PM -
Điađiem: Chùa Phat Quang 9452 Dewey Dr., Garden Grove, CA 92841, USA
Lien Lac: Tinh Dung (714) 369 0702
Tibetan Aid Project
Address: 2210 Harold Way Berkeley CA 94704
Tradition: Vajrayana
Phone: 510.848.4238 or 800.338.4238
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Main Contact: Rosalyn White, Executive Director Email (Phone: 510-848-4238)
Notes and Events:
Tibetan Aid Project rebuilds, preserves, strengthens, and perpetuates Tibet’s cultural and spiritual heritage for the benefit of the Tibetan people and all humanity.
Our primary program:
Other program activities:
Tibetan Buddhist Healing Practices
Address: Atkinson House, 1st Floor, 145 Stanley Street Townsville Qld 4810
Tradition: Gelugpa
Affiliation: Australian Institute of Tibetan Healing Practices, Sydney
Phone: 0423075575
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Teacher: Gen-la Chris Yangchen
Notes and Events:
Overcoming Problems – 2017 course enrolment now open
Overcome Stress, Anxiety, Anger, Transform Adversity; relevant – practical – life changing
Overcoming Problems was formally recognised in 2008 as a new form of Buddhism for Westerners to overcome problems.
The course founder, Gen Chris Yangchen, is a Tibetan Buddhist nun and has been teaching for 26 years.
These innovative classes:
v Have an openness that allows you to explore for yourself
v Take a holistic approach to overcoming stress & negative habits
v Include meditation and mindfulness
v are multidimensional and down to earth
v are remarkably insightful and resonate on a personal level
v improve relationships with others
v are user friendly for those who want to change
v demystify mind, western culture and conditioning
v are taught with humour, understanding and compassion
Course starts Wednesday 23rd of August 2017 at 6:50pm (late enrolments close 20th September 2017)
Level 1, 145 Stanley Street, Townsville City
0423 075 575
Patron: H.H. Khalkha Rinpoche, Head of the Jonang Tradition & Buddhism in Mongolia
Spiritual Director: His Eminence Khejok Rinpoche
Tibetan Buddhist Institute Inc Thekchen Shedrub Choeling)
Address: 8 Ross Avenue
Flinders Park SA 5025
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gelukpa
Phone: 08 8351 8788
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Geshe: Jampa Gyaltsen
Main Contact: Nawang Thubten (Phone: 08 8351 8788)
Teacher: Ven Khensur Kangurwa Rinpohce
Spiritual Director: Nawang Thubten (Tenzin Dhargye) Email (Phone: 0418 847 016)
Ven: Jampa Tenzin
Notes and Events:
Teachings at our centre are traditional and authentic, by one of the original Lamas who escaped from Tibet with His Holiness Dalai Lama, Ven Khensur Rinpoche. He is very ably assisted by Geshe Jampa Gyaltsen, who was carefully chosen by Rinpoche, because of his extremely high academic and philosphical achievements, coupled with his great reverence for the teachings, his spontaneous and accurate insights and soft demeanour. His Holiness has described him as being "ïn the inner circle of my friends.
We usually hold an annual 11 day retreat in October, and many weekend teaching workshops throughout the year. Ven Rinpoche gives initiations into Highest Yoya Tantra Deities, and various other teaching events.
We also have other classes, run by our Sangha and advanced students: Learn to Meditate, Introduction to Buddhism, Compassion and Medicine Buddha Meditation Days, Healing Meditation Days, Practice Days, Vajrayogini, Yamantaka, Green Tara, Chenrezig, Medicine Buddha Practices, Guru Pujas.
Tibetan Buddhist Rime Institute
Address: 1584 Burwood Hwy, Belgrave Vic 3160
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Jonang
Phone: (03) 9754 6212
Fax: (03) 9754 6214
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Teacher: Khentrul Jamphel Lodro Rinpoche
Spiritual Director: Khentrul Jamphel Lodro Rinpoche Email (Phone: (03) 9754 6212)
Notes and Events:
The Tibetan Buddhist Rime Institute was founded in 2006 under the direction of Tibetan Lama Khentrul Rinpoche in Melbourne, Australia. It teaches the Ri-me view of harmony within all Buddhist traditions and respect for all spiritual traditions. In addition, it is introducing the extremely precious, rare and unique Jonang Kalachakra lineage teachings in the western world, with the hope that these will flourish.
The Ri-me view means to understand the uniqueness of the teachings of all different traditions and be able to view these in a non-contradictory way, so they can benefit everyone.
In the western world we already have a very extensive education system which gives us a good understanding of the external world. However, there is very limited opportunity to learn how to control our thoughts and emotions and master the inner world. If we engage in this type of training, it can give us powerful inner strength and a deep level of happiness, which is independent of outside circumstances. Learning this wisdom in a Ri-me way is a most rare and precious opportunity, which can bring harmony, unity, appreciation and genuine love to the members of groups, communities and families, and within any relationship. The teachings give us practical and profound wisdom in a simple way for the benefit of everyone, regardless of one\\\'s beliefs or background, and can help us achieve a meaningful life.
For those who already have a solid foundation in Buddhism, the institute provides authentic Mahayana and Vajrayana teachings and opportunities for retreat. Our main goal is to propagate on the Kalachackra Tantra, which we are very privileged to be able to share, as it is a powerful practice for individual and world peace.
The Institute also undertakes many projects, one example being the fascinating annual tour of Tibet, with the goal of experiencing and learning about a different way of viewing life, along with a different culture, lifestyle and authentic spirituality. Through this we can develop an enriched attitude, wisdom and inner capacity, helping us discover true happiness within ourselves. Also we have the opportunity to spend money in a most beneficial way, supporting people with extremely poor healthcare and in need of basic education.
Activities at the Institute include:
Meditation for beginners: Tuesdays 7.30pm - 9.00pm, Wednesdays 1.00pm - 2.30pm and Sundays 10.00am - 11.30am
Introduction to Buddhist philosophy for beginners: Wednesdays 7.30pm - 9.00pm
Advanced Buddhist philosophy: Thursdays 7.30pm - 9.00pm.
Tibetan Buddhist Society
Address: 274 Campersic Road, Herne Hill, WA 6056 WA
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa
Phone: (08) 9296 0086
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Teacher: Les Sheehy
Spiritual Director: Ven. Geshe Thubten Loden
Notes and Events:
Venue: 274 Campersic Road, Herne Hill, WA, 6056
Tuesdays: General class 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Sundays - Introduction courses: once a term for 5 weeks.
Tibetan Buddhist Society (Sydney)
Address: now online Sydney NSW
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa
Phone: (02) 9969 6235, or 0419 227 535 or (02) 9362 9327
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Teacher: Ven. Chris Wilkins
Notes and Events:
SYDNEY: For information, please phone 0411473584
MELBOURNE: 20 Cookes Road, Yuroke, VIC., 3163 / p: 03 93331770
PERTH: 274 Campersic Road, Herne Hill, W.A., 6056 / p: 08 92960086
TIbetan Buddhist Studies Society
Address: No 2 Lorong 13 Geylang Road Singapore 388640
Tradition: Vajrayana, Payul Nyingma
Phone: :(+65) 67424438
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Spiritual Director: Lhatse tulku rinpoche
Notes and Events:
The main objective of this society is to propagate the Vajrayana Buddhism with main emphasis on the practice according to the Nyingma Palyul Lhastse lineage, as well as study all the four major Tibetan Buddhist traditions, namely, Nyingmapa, Gelugpa, Kagyudpa, and Sakyapa, and the sutrayana path of Mahayana and Theravada.
The centre was officially opened at end of October 1999 by His Eminence Lhatse Tulku Rinpoche, the Centres Spiritual Advisor. Soon after that, His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, the Supreme Head of Nyingmapa Tradition, visited and blessed the centre.
Regular weekly activities include Dharma Teaching on every Thursday and Saturday evening, as well as Shakyamuni Buddha Puja on every Tuesday evening, and Green Tara Puja on every Sunday morning.
In addition to the regular weekly programme, the centre also conduct Medicine Buddha Puja on the 1st day of each Tibetan calendar month and the Tsog Offerings on 10th and 25th of each Tibetan Calendar month.
The centre has also conducted the Black Zambhala Puja on Chinese New Years Eve and Nyung-Nie (1,000 Arm Avalokiteshvara) Retreat on Vesak Day. His Eminence Lhatse Tulku Rinpoche, the Spiritual Advisor of the Centre, has also granted Highest Yoga Tantra Empowerments of Kurukulle and 4-Arm Avalokiteshvara and shall grant the 2-day Great Empowerment of the Unsurpassed Most Secret Vajrakilaya at mid-October.
Rinpoche has also given teaching on Chod Practice, Green Tara Puja Commentary, 4 Foundations Practice, Stages of Vajrayana according to Commentary of Lama Tsong Kharpas Great Exposition of Secret Mantra, 37 Practices of the Bodhisattva, and Powa Teaching.
Basically, Rinpoche has catered his teachings for both beginners and senior practitioners. His teaching range from clear explanation of the practice of Vajrayana Buddhism for beginners to Highest Yoga Tantra teaching for senior practitioners.The centre also plan to involve in charity Project.
Tibetan Gelug Society Of Denver
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gelugpa, Non-NKT
Main Contact: Sempa Dachen Email
Spiritual Director: H.H. 14th Dalai Lama
Teacher: Tenzin Senge
Notes and Events:
Daily meditation 4:00am to 6:00am
5:00pm to 7:15pm
This is a grass root sangha in the heart of Denver, CO. Consisting of two monks from the lineage of H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama. We are a non-NKT sangha. As a quiet sangha we have only basic needs. Please feel free to contact us via email until we become established. Our website will be up soon.
Tenzin Senge -email
Tibetan Language Institute
Address: P.O. Box 2037 Hamilton MT 59840
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: 406/ 961-5131
Fax: 406/ 961-0031
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Teacher: Lama David Curtis
Spiritual Director: Lama David Curtis Email (Phone: 406/ 961-5131)
Notes and Events:
Learning materials and instruction for Tibetan language and Tibetan Buddhism
Tibetan Yoga Center
Address: Bangor, Gwynedd Wales LL57
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma
Phone: +44-7527-908332
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Dr.: Dusana Dorjee
Teacher: Khenchen Lama Rinpoche
Spiritual Director: Khenchen Lama Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
Tibetan Yoga Centre provides a comprehensive program of study and practice focusing on core aspects of Tibetan yoga of body, speech and mind in order to realize the ultimate wisdom and compassion mind of Buddha. The program combines practices involving visualizations, yoga of channels, winds and drops, with contemplations and insight into the nature of the mind (rigpa) for efficient progress on the spiritual path. The core teachings of Tibetan Yoga Centre are The yogas of the six bardosof the Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, presented in the form of eight courses, including yoga of dreams and yoga of dying. To help bring these teachings closer to the background of Western practitioners, the courses of Tibetan Yoga Centre also include information on Western neuroscientific research into changes in mind and brain resulting from meditation. Building on the tradition of enlightened householder yogis in Tibet, the program of the centre was developed for yogis of the current era - practitioners leading busy lives with work and family commitments who want to bring their spiritual practice to swift fruition to fully benefit sentient beings. Courses and retreats of Tibetan Yoga Centre are taught by Khenchen Lama Rinpoche and Dr. Dusana Dorjee.
Tibetisches Zentrum
Address: Schillerstraße 3
D-77933 Lahr Lahr Baden-Wuerttemberg 77933
Tradition: Mahayana, Vajrayana, Nyingma-Tradition
Phone: +49 (0) 78 21 92 05 557
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Main Contact: Bran O. Hodapp - Lama Rangdrol Tobkyi Dorje Email (Phone: +49 (0) 78 21 92 05 557)
Teacher: Seine Heiligkeit Sakya Trizin, S.E. Khondung Gyana Vajra Sakya , S.E. Chökling Jigme Palden Rinpoche, Lopon Ogyan Tanzin Rinpoche ,Pema Dorje Rinpoche
Spiritual Director: Bran O. Hodapp - Lama Rangdrol Tobkyi Dorje Email (Phone: +49 (0) 78 21 92 05 557)
Notes and Events:
12.11.2010 - 12.11.2010 | Tibetische Heilzeremonie | Lahr / Schwarzwald | Öffentliche Heilzeremonie |
13.11.2010 - 19.11.2010 | Vajrasattva - Retreat mit Lama Rangdrol Tobkyi Dorje - Bran O. Hodapp | Lahr / Schwarzwald | Einweihungen und Dharma Belehrungen |
26.11.2010 - 28.11.2010 | Vajrakilaya Seminar mit Lama Vajranatha | Lahr / Schwarzwald | Einweihungen und Dharma Belehrungen |
26.11.2010 - 26.11.2010 | Vajrakilaya Vortrag mit Lama Vajranatha | Lahr / Schwarzwald | Einweihungen und Dharma Belehrungen |
04.12.2010 - 05.12.2010 | Ur-Licht-Technik Tei I | Lahr / Schwarzwald | Heilerausbildung nach den Richtlinien des DGH e.V. |
15.01.2011 - 16.01.2011 | Seminar: Ur-Licht-Technik Tei II | Lahr / Schwarzwald | Heilerausbildung nach den Richtlinien des DGH e.V. |
20.01.2011 - 23.01.2011 | Mantra-Heilen II - Dorje Gotrab Retreat | Lahr / Schwarzwald | Heilerausbildung nach den Richtlinien des DGH e.V. |
Tig-Le House - Margaret River
Address: 11 Tingle Avenue Margaret River WA 6285
Tradition: Mahayana, Vajrayana, Non-Sectarian, Ven. Namgyal Rinpoche, Lama Karma Chime Shore, Burmese Theravadin, Karma Kagyu (Tibetan),
Phone: 0408952151
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Main Contact: Office manager Email
Teacher: Ian Hackett
Notes and Events:
Tig-Le House is an independent community-based dharma teaching house located in Wardandi - Pibelmum Boodja in the Margaret River Region, Southwest, Western Australia.
We hold regular secular-sacred traditional and contemporary mindfulness and meditation teaching, training and practice sessions, Buddhist studies, Ecodharma retreats, Puja and ceremonies. All are welcome.
A cross-cultural universal dharma tradition stemming from the Lineage of the late Ven. Karma Tenzin Dorje Namgyal Rinpoche, Ananda Bodhi, Leslie George Dawson 1931 – 2003. Training and study based in the Mon. Burmese Theravadin and Karma Kagyu traditions. This lineage tradition passed on to us through Lama Karma Chime Shore.
You can find out more about Tig-Le House here Mindfulness and meditation, Dharma Centre, Buddhist studies, Retreats, (
Tig-Le House - Ian Hackett
11 Tingle Avenue,
Margaret River, W.A., 6285.
Tilogaard Meditation School
Address: Bulbrovej 28
Horslunde dk4913
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu
Affiliation: 14th Shamar Rinpoche Mipham Chogyi Lodroe
Phone: +(45) 45831949
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Teacher: Lama Tendar Olaf Hoeyer
Spiritual Director: 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje
Notes and Events:
Tilogaard Meditation School is at present simply the residents of Lama Tendar Olaf Hoeyer with just a few guestrooms. Teachings and Pujas are performed for the selected few after appointment, because there is very little space for any lager events. Larger events normally takes place in Copenhagen in hired locations or at other locations organised by other individuals or organisations. For more information, please see: www.tilogaard.
After the demise of Shamar Rinpoche, the new spiritual director is H. H. the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje. Also, Tilogaard Meditation School is no longer an official Bodhi Path centre, but is still an affiliated centre of Bodhi Path International. This means that Lama Tendar Olaf Hoeyer still teach the Bodhi Path Curriculum, but is no longer involved in the organisational structure of the Bodhi Path centres, nor in their particular internal guidelines nor policies derived from such. Tilogaard is now an independent institution under the spiritual guidance of Karmapa Thaye Dorje on behalf of the next 15th Shamarpa.
Tim Kreatif Sriwijaya (TKS)
Address: Kampus Sekolah Tinggi Agama Buddha Negeri Sriwijaya
Jl. Engineering Pagarhaur Serpong Tangerang Jakarta 15000
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Departemen Agama Republik Indonesia
Phone: +6281383343680
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Main Contact: Aji Nugroho Email (Phone: +6281383343680)
Teacher: Setia Dharma
Spiritual Director: Monks
Notes and Events:
Tim Kreatif Sriwijaya (TKS) is intern organization in State-owned Buddhism High School of Sriwijaya Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia. Our activities is Publisher, Dhammaclass, Sunday School, Dhamma Camp, and more about Buddhist events.
Tim Pembina Kerohanian Buddha Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Address: Kampus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya East Java
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Vihara Buddha Kirti
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Notes and Events:
We are a community of Buddhist student in Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology.
Timpanogos Mountain Buddhist Hermitage
Address: 9091 Mill Creek Cove Cedar Hills UT 84062
Tradition: Theravada, Following the lineage of Forest Monk tradition spearheaded by the late Phra Ajhan Chah of Wat PaPhong, Ubon, Thailand.
Affiliation: Monastere Bodhinyanarama, Tournon sur Rhones, France
Phone: (801) 785-5757
Fax: (801) 785-5757
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Main Contact: Dr. Thuan Tran, JD, PharmD Email (Phone: (801)785-5757)
Teacher: Phra Ajhan Bodhinyanadharo Maha Thera
Notes and Events:
During the Sangkhakam period (July thru October) the resident head master will conduct meditation session, an all-night meditation practice on half-moon and full moon days. Students are required to take the eight precepts on the practice days and stay overnight at the hermitage.
Tinh Tam Buddhist Meditation Temple
Address: 1602 Lane Street. Kannapolis NC
Tradition: Mahayana, Vietnamese, but all are welcome!
Phone: 203-524-5527
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Teacher: Abbot, Bhikku Thich Tam Khanh.
Notes and Events:
The temple holds services every Sunday, from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Services include Sutra chanting and meditation, as well as a message from the abbot.
To meditate is to try to understand the nature of the mind and to use it effectively in daily lives,” Thi Thi says. “The mind is the key to happiness and also the key to suffering.”
Tisarana Vihara
Address: 173 Albert Road, Middle Swan WA 6056
Tradition: Theravada, Burmese
Affiliation: Tisarana Buddhist Association of Australia Inc.
Phone: (08) 64654714 or (08) 94781481 or 04 2119 8557
E-mail: ;
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Main Contact: Mr U Tunhla-President Email
Spiritual Director: Venerable U Sujana
Teacher: Abbot: Ven. U Vamsapala
Toronto Mahamevnawa Bhavana Asapuwa
Address: 11175 Kennedy Road Markham Ontario L6C 1P2
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Mahamevna Bhavana Asapuwa
Phone: (905) 927-7117
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thera
Notes and Events:
Mahamevnawa is an organization of monasteries established for the sake of spiritual development of human beings through the teachings of the Sakyamuni Buddha. The organization was established by Most Venerable Kiribathgoda Gnananada Thero on 1999 and within less then 7 years it grew up to more 30 monasteries more then 300 monks and unprecedented number of lay devotees. The Toronto center is the First Mahamevna center outside Sri Lanka established on 9th of July 2006 by Most Venerable Kiribathgoda Gnananada Thero.
Services: We provide Dhamma Talks in Sinhala and English (English on Fridays) and two Monthly Uposotha Day Eight Precept program. We provide special programs for Children and Youth, and also special Dhamma talks and visiting Dhamma talks. Feel free to call us for more info. All activities are free.
Toronto Shambhala Meditation Centre
Address: 670 Bloor Street West, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON M6G 1L2 Ontario
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Kagyü lineage
Affiliation: Shambhala International
Phone: (416) 588-6465
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Founder: Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
The Shambhala Meditation Centre of Toronto provides meditation instruction, courses on Buddhism, Shambhala teachings, and the contemplative arts.
Tortoise Mountain Sangha
Address: F13/1-15 Barr St Balmain NSW 2041
Tradition: Theravada, Teacher also has Zen & Dzogchen experience
Phone: 02 47875662 (Wed-Sat) 0421 346 919
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Spiritual Director: Christopher McLean
Main Contact: Christopher McLean Email (Phone: 02 4787 5662)
Notes and Events:
We meet on Monday night at Barr St, Balmain. It is good to let us know that you are coming, because the building is a security building.
We sit for 45 minutes, and then we train for the next hour or so in the practice of mindfulness while speaking.
Totnes Meditation Group
Address: 44 High Street Totnes Devon TQ9 5SQ
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Gaia House
Phone: 01803 520798
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Notes and Events:
We are a friendly independent Buddhist meditation group meeting weekly on Thursday nights at 7:30pm in Birdwood House, Totnes.
Touching Earth Sangha- Gathering Clouds Temple
Address: 6126 NE 12th Ave Portland OR 97211
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Notes and Events:
We offer a full daily schedule of meditation, chanting, and work practice based in the zen tradition, with other innovations and influences. In addition we have several talks weekly, instruction in Tai Chi and Indian raga, and one, three, and seven day silent retreats. All our offerings are free, on a purely donation basis. We emphasize ecological and social responsibility in the spirit of the traditional yogic lifestyle. Please see our website for further info.
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