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Asociación Zen de Medellín

Address: Edificio El Rectángulo Calle 49b No. 64b-112 Oficina 501 piso 5 Medellín, Colombia   Medellín
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Phone: +57 (4) 230 0971
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Spiritual Director: André Reitai Lemort  
Notes and Events:

Asociación dedicada a la difusión de la práctica de zazén, desde la visión del maestro André Reitai Lemort, discípulo de Taisen Deshimaru.

Asoka Mission Vihar

Address: Mehrauli New Delhi-110030 India 
Phone: +91-11-6644470, 4620968, 4624628
Fax: +91-114624628
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Monk-in-Charge: Ven. Sumedho  
Abbot: Ven Lama Lobzang  
Notes and Events:

Main activities: Daily chanting, Short-term Meditation Courses, Buddhist Cultural Activties for Children; Full Moonday Puja.

Location: It is situated on 12 acre garden around three furlongs from world historical monument Qutab Minar in South Delhi. It consists of a main shrine, a Seema, a Bodhi tree, it has a stupa of its founder Most Ven.Vira Bellong Dharmwar Mahathera, and a Youth Hostel.

Asoka Vihara Buddhist Monastery

Address: 38 Valencia Cres, Toongabbie NSW 2146   Toongabbie NSW 2146
Tradition: Theravada, Burmese
Phone: +61 (02) 9636 8392
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Notes and Events:

Asoka Vihara is a traditional Burmese Buddhist Monastery established in Sydney that promotes Dhamma and teachings of Buddha in Australia. Regularly conducting Dhamma sermons in Burmese and English fulfilling religious requirements of the Buddhist community.

Association bouddhiste zen soto de Montpellier

Address: 14 Allée Pierre Carabasse  Montpellier Hérault 34080
Tradition: Mahayana, Deshimaru, Yuno Rech
Affiliation: AZI, ABZE
Phone: 033+(0)4 67 87 38 30
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Spiritual Director: Kyosei Reynaud  Email  
Notes and Events:

Dojo zen soto de la ville de Montpellier. Pratique de la méditation et enseignement, organisation de matinées et journées de zazen.

Le dojo zen de Montpellier est affilié à l\'AZI et à l\'ABZE, il protége et transmet la pratique et l\'enseignement du Zen Soto dans l\'esprit des différents Maîtres qui se sont succédés depuis Bouddha jusqu\'à Maître Deshimaru et Maître Yuno Rech.

Sur le site du dojo zen de Montpellier vous pouvez prendre connaissance de nos activités et horaires de pratique ainsi que vous inscrire en ligne aux matinées et journées de zazen.

Association of Engaged Buddhists

Address: Sangha Lodge" 20 Victoria Street Lewisham NSW 2049  NSW
Tradition: Theravada, Western
Phone: Ph/Fax: (02) 9590 3617
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Teacher: Ven. Tejadhammo  
Notes and Events:


Monday evening at 7.30 pm Silent Sitting Meditation

Wednesday Evening at 7.30 pm Dhamma Talk and Meditation/Discussion/ Cup of Tea + a visiting teacher once per month.

1st Sunday of the Month Dana Day begins at 10.30 am with Chanting, Dhamma Talk and meditation then offering of food to Sangha and shared lunch together. Followed by an open committee meeting at 1 pm.

3rd Sunday of the month a One Day Retreat 9.30 am to 4pm (bring your own lunch)

Teaching programme varies throughout the year but usually in 6 week blocks on a Thursday evening at 7 pm (telephone first to be sure)

Every second month a long weekend retreat for those who are seriously ill (residential available)

Weekend Workshops throughout the year (Telephone to enquire)

From June 2005 Tuesday Mornings from 10 am to Noon - Meditation practice for those dealing with illness.

Astopaputra Dharma Fellowship Society

Tradition: Vajrayana, Kargyud
Phone: 67479518
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Trungram Gyaltrul Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

About UTBF - Our Missions

The United Trungram Buddhist Fellowship was founded on the belief that the traditional teachings of the Buddha can bring genuine awareness, happiness and benefit to our modern day lives. The Fellowship offers Buddhist teachings and practices preserved under the Trungram tradition through discourses, meditation and community services. UTBF is committed to creating harmonious environments and helping all beings develop their full potential of boundless wisdom and compassion.

Inspired by an attitude of universal responsibility, the Fellowship offers integrated education and spiritual guidance through which peoples minds can be transformed to their highest potential for the benefit of others.

UTBF is based on the tradition of Milarepa who is considered to be Tibets greatest poet saint and one of its most beloved yogis. Milarepas biography and spiritual songs are some of the most loved works in Tibetan Buddhist traditions.

Athens Rinzai Zen

Address: Aristotelous 68   Athens 10432
Tradition: Mahayana, Yamada Mumon
Phone: 6932921606
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Teacher: Mario Nan mon Fatibene  
Spiritual Director: Engaku Taino  
Notes and Events:

This group is open to anybody who wishes to learn more about Zen and is interested in meditation (zazen) . For this reason we organize sesshins (periods of intensive training and meditation) as well as meditation evenings in the Rinzai tradition . There are no requirements to attending a sesshin or a meditation evening.

In the same sense there are no levels of achievement or obligations arising from participation at any time.

We are part of the Linci School of Scaramuccia founded and directed by Engaku Taino.More information about the Linci School of Scaramucchia can be obtained on the following address:

Sesshins are led by Mario Nan mon Fatibene , a disciple of the Zen teacher Engaku Taino.

Nan mon, a monk and a teacher of Dharma has been running a center in Turin since 1989.Further information about the activities of the center can be found at the following address

Athens Theravada Meditation Center

Address: 5 Apostolou Pavlou str, Ag. Paraskevi   ATHENS 15342
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +30 213 088 9977
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Spiritual Director: Bhante Eluwapola Pagnarathana  
Notes and Events:

The Buddhist Theravada Centre in Greece was created through the collaboration of Elder Buddhist monks from Sri Lanka, the Cultural Union of Sri Lanka in Greece and the Centre of Eastern Philosophy Studies, Civic Non-Profit Organisation. Its goal is to provide meditation and Buddhist Philosophy courses, translate Pali Canon texts in Greek, teach the Pali language (the ancient written language of the Buddha’s teachings) and publish books on these subjects. The vision of our Centre is to help anyone who is interested in knowing the authentic Teachings of the Historical Buddha and practise their ethics and meditation.

Athens Zen Group

Address: Workshop Athens 160 Winston Dr #9   Athens GA 30607
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
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Notes and Events:

Zazen/kinhin every Sunday 8:30-10:00, followed by peer-led dharma talk.

Atlanta Buddhist Group

Address:   GA 30096
Tradition: Mahayana, Nichiren
Affiliation: Nichiren
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Main Contact: Momo Tada  Email  
Notes and Events:

Those interested in learning about the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin

Shodai (chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, and sutra recitation) held twice per week.

Atlantic Soto Zen Center

Address: 3584 Prospect Road   White\\\'s Lake Nova Scotia B3T 1Z3
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen, Soyu Matsuoka Lineage
Affiliation: Soto Zen
Phone: 902 852 4323
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Main Contact: Rev. Tesshin James Smith  
Teacher: Rev. Tesshin James Smith  
Spiritual Director: Abbot Taiun Michael Elliston  
Notes and Events:

The Atlantic Soto Zen Center offers a traditional Soto Zen service including instruction and practice in Zazen meditation, Kinhin, walking meditation, Dharma study and lectures by the Abbot, chanting, one to one interview, Zazen kai and Sesshin, extended meditation retreats periodically throughout the year. Details are available at

Auckland Centre for Buddhist Learning

Address: 64 Banks Road, Mt. Wellington   Auckland Auckland
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan
Phone: 0064 9 579 1574
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Teacher: Ven Amandoluwe Dhammaratana Thero  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Elle Chandawimala Thera, the Viharadhipathi of the Welikala Bodhirathanaramaya, Pokuniwita  
Notes and Events:

more info link

The Auckland Centre for Buddhist Learning (ACBL) provides facilities for learning, practising, studying and researching Theravada Buddhism in New Zealand and abroad.

The objectives of the ACBL are:

  • Provide opportunities and a conducive environment for the practice of Lord Buddha’s teachings of Moral Conduct (Sila), Mental Discipline (Samadhi) and Wisdom (Panna);
  • Provide facilities for the study, research and learning of Lord Buddha’s teachings – the Dhamma through a Centre for Buddhist Learning equipped with appropriate teaching methods;
  • Provide and manage places of Buddhist worship to pay homage to Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha – the Buddhist priesthood;
  • Promote and facilitate propagation of Buddhist practices of higher moral conduct through observance of “Seela”, Dhamma discourses, discussions and seminars.
  • Promote and facilitate the development of mental discipline and concentration through Buddhist Meditation
  • Publish books, magazines and other writings and disseminate information about Buddhist philosophy, Buddhist teachings and the Buddhist way of life.
  • Provide guidance and counselling services based on Buddhist principles relating to individual and community welfare to improve quality of life, especially in times of difficulties, grief and crisis.
  • Provide assistance by engaging in charitable activities in response to human disasters and community needs.

Auckland Centre for Buddhist Learning

Address: 43A, Fairfax Avenue   Penrose Auckland 1061
Tradition: Theravada
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Notes and Events:

Auckland Centre for Buddhist Learning is a learning/teaching centre for any interested person to study Buddhism. We aim at helping individuals develop their character, morality and mental development through realisation of the Buddhism. Also, we help the people who need our services in religious activities and perform counselling.

Auckland Insight Meditation

Address: Meeting Venue 9 Kotare Avenue, Westmere, Auckland   Auckland 1022
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Insight Meditation
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Main Contact: Secretary  Email  
Teacher: Jill Shepherd  
Notes and Events:

Auckland Insight Meditation is a community dedicated to the study and practice of Insight Meditation, also known as Vipassana. Grounded in the teachings of the Buddha, Insight Meditation uses mindfulness to develop awareness and understanding, so we can live with more ease, kindness and freedom.

Auckland Sphere Group

Address: Tirotai Crescent   Westmere Auckland 1022
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: Wangapeka Study and Retreat Centre, The Queenstown Dharma House,
Phone: +64 21 548 781
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Lama: Tarchin Hearn  Email  
Lama: Mark Webber  Email  
Main Contact: Mira Riddiford  Email  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Namgyal Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

The Auckland Sphere Group was established in the 1980 to organise retreats and classes in Auckland for teachings by the Ven. Namgyal Rinpoche, and Teachers who teach within the tradition of Ven. Namgyal Rinpoche. 

Come and learn meditation practices from these highly skilled Teachers who are dedicated to awakening Wisdom, Compassion and Non-Clinging Awareness. 

We have Metta Meditation sits every Wednesday night, at 7.30pm.

Auckland Zen Centre

Address: 52 Princes Street   Onehunga Auckland 1061
Tradition: Mahayana, Integral Zen (Soto-Rinzai, Kapleau Lineage)
Affiliation: Independent Member of Cloud-Water Sangha
Phone: (09) 550 4383
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Teacher: Ven. Amala Wrightson, Sensei  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Amala Wrightson, Sensei  Email  
Notes and Events:

The purpose of the Auckland Zen Centre is to foster authentic Zen Buddhist practice, and a vibrant Sangha of committed practitioners, by means of regular formal sittings, live Dharma talks and teishos, dokusan, a full range of ceremonies to mark important days on the Buddhist calendar, community service, social events, activities for families, sesshin and training.

AuGuang Maitreya Vihara

Address: 1120 Anzac Parade   Maroubra NSW 2035
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Australian chapter of Indonesian Maitreya Buddhist Assembly,
Phone: 61-2 9661-8922
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Main Contact: Armina  Email  
Notes and Events:

Non-religious Conscience Wisdom Learning and Dharma Talk to foster our Spiritual Growth and optimise the well-being of our healthy mind, body and soul.

Austin Buddhist Center

Address: 5816 Ross Road  Del Valle TX 78617
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: International Buddhist Center, Maryland
Phone: 512-247-7490
Fax: 512-247-7490
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Main Contact: Venerable Wilattawa Sumedha Thera  (Phone: 512-247-7490)
Teacher: Katugastota Uparatana Mahathera  
Spiritual Director: Venerable Katugastota Uparatana Mahathera  (Phone: 301-946-9437)
Notes and Events:

Founded by a a couple of Buddhist philanthropists, Dilum Chandrasoma and Surangi Chandrasoma of Austin, Texas, together with Most Venerable Katugastota Uparatana Mahathera, the Austin Buddhist Center (ABC) runs programs for both local Americans and those of Sri Lankan and other ethnic origins. Located in a serene, calm and quite neighborhood, the ABC attracts people from all backgrounds and all walks of life, as it provides them with the true teachings of Buddha in a universal way. The regular programs include meditation sittings, teaching and dialogs on Dhamma, and community outreach programs as part of catering to the spiritual needs of the public.

Austin Dae Do Sah Zen Sangha

Address: S. 1st & Oltorf   Austin 78704
Tradition: Mahayana, Korean Zen, another branch of lineage established by Zen Master Seung Sahn
Affiliation: Furnace Mountain Zen Retreat Center
Phone: 512-350-4872
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Main Contact: BJ Soto  Email  (Phone: 512-350-4872)
Spiritual Director: Zen Master Dae Gak  
Notes and Events:

Weekly Meditations Thursdays 6:30-8

 Korean chanting followed by seated and walking meditation and discussion.

Australia Buddhist Bliss Culture Mission

Address: 21 Woodthorpe Drive, Willetton WA 6155  WA
Tradition: Mahayana, Chinese
Affiliation: Buddhahood Sect World Jen Chen Buddhism
Phone: (08) 9354 1245
Fax: 08) 9354 4475
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Main Contact: Ven. Jue Ru Shih  
Teacher: Venerable Jue Ru Shih  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Master Shen Kai  
Notes and Events:

Notes and Events:

Opening hours for consultation: Tuesdays - Sundays 9:00 am - 12:30 pm and 2.30 pm - 6.00 pm

Meditation & Buddhism classes (Tuesdays & Fridays 7.30pm, in English)

Dharma talks, meditation & chanted prayers (Sundays 9.30am, in Chinese)

Buddhist ceremonial events: Lamp-lighting Blessing Ceremony, Bathing the Buddha Celebration, Guan-Yin Bodhisattva Blessing Ceremony, Ullambana Dharma Practice, etc...


Meditation retreats

Young Buddhist Class (teenagers & children)

Vegetarian cooking classes

Australian Institute of Tibetan Healing Practices

Address: Level 4, 12 Thomas Street   Chatswood NSW 2067
Tradition: Vajrayana
Phone: 02 8011 3956
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Teacher: Ven. Chris Roberts (Ani La Yangchen)  
Spiritual Director: H.E. Khejok Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Course on Overcoming Problems Through Tibetan Buddhism and meditation with Ani-la Chris Roberts. 

Overcome stress, anxiety, anger, jealousy. This unique course is designed for those who want to change within themselves, and is accessible and user-friendly. It is recognised, practical and western. Ani-la Chris does not just tell you to change, she shows you how. 

The course runs each Sunday at 4pm starting 28 October 2012.

For course closing date & more information please visit our website

Awaaz India TV Channel ( Voice of Buddha )

Address: 16, Dwarkanath Apartment, West High Court Road, Shankar Nagar, Nagpur-10   Nagpur 440010
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 07126649944
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Main Contact: Rajiv Zodape  Email  (Phone: 9822572715)
Teacher: Dheeraj Bhagat  
Spiritual Director: Aman Kamble  Email  (Phone: 9930360568)
Notes and Events:

We the Leading channel of Central India, spreading the Philosophy of Buddha...we are the channel with social Unity, Harmony, Nationality & integrity. we are the channel with social awakening. Very soon we are expanding our base through out India.

Awaken Portland

Address: 13420 SW 2nd St  Beaverton OR 97005
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 503-334-8087
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Spiritual Director: Adhisila  Email  (Phone: 503-334-8087)
Notes and Events:

Providing meditation space and instruction during regular hours. Please check the website for specific details and schedule. May you have happiness, health, and peace.

Awakened Heart Meditation Group Manchester

Address: Friends Meeting House 13 The Polygon Eccles   Manchester M30 0DS
Tradition: Vajrayana, Kagyu / Nyingma
Affiliation: Awakened Heart Sangha
Phone: 07847 451 425
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Genyen: Jayasiddhi  Email  (Phone: 07847 451 425)
Spiritual Director: Lama Shenpen Hookham  Email  (Phone: 01766 530 839)
Notes and Events:

Weekly Buddhist meditation classes in Eccles, Manchester. Full meditation instruction given. Beginners always welcome.

Our main meditation practice is formless Meditation rooted in the Dzogchen and Mahamudra meditation traditions of Tibetan Buddhism.

Part of the Awakened Heart Sangha, and international community of meditation students following the teachings of Lama Shenpen Hookham.

We meet at the Quaker Meeting House in central Eccles, Manchester. All welcome. No charge, donations towards expenses gratefully received.

Awakened Life

Address:   Santa Fe NM 87504
Tradition: Mahayana, Rinzai, Koan
Affiliation: Open Source & Pacific Zen Institute
Phone: 505-983-4505
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Main Contact: Margo Conover  Email  (Phone: 505-983-4505)
Spiritual Director: Joan Sutherland, Roshi  
Notes and Events:

Contact:P.O. Box 2368  Santa Fe  NM 87504
Awakened Life is a re-imagining of the Zen koan tradition that is rooted in its original values: life as a process of awakening; meditation, inquiry, imagination, and relationship as ways to discover and deepen that awakening; and creativity and caring for our world as the natural expression of awakening. We believe that buddha nature is everywhere, and so we value the art and the metaphors, the myths and the landscapes of this time and place. Awakened Life is a constantly evolving field of practice, shaped by the experiences of people right here and now. Enlightenment as a conspiracy of friends.
The Awakened Life programs and community are in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where founding teacher Joan Sutherland lives. Awakened Life forms the center of The Open Source, a network of practice communities and individuals in the western United States committed to co-creation, life in this world, and awakening together.

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