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Bodhi Institute Sweden (Lund)

Address: Bildstensvägen 6 F   Lund 22654
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma
Phone: 070-2835876
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Main Contact: Junhua Dang  Email  (Phone: 070-2835876)
Notes and Events:

Bodhi Institute Sweden (BIS) is a non-profit association (Non-profit Organization Number: SE-802489 6055) based in Sweden, officially formed in May 2014. BIS is the Swedish branch of The Bodhi Buddhist College, which is under the spiritual guidance of Khenpo Sodargye Rinpoche, seated at Larung Gar Five Sciences Buddhist Academy (also known as Serthar Monastery) in Tibet.

We seek to make the teachings of the Buddha available to as many people as possible in Sweden and to offer those following these teachings a complete path of study and practice, along with the environment needed to explore the teachings to their fullest. Our main emphasis lies on facilitating the study of the preparatory and the advanced Buddhadharma programs on both the Sutrayana and Mantrayana as instructed by Khenpo Sodargye Rinpoche. 

We are also devoted to organizing and facilitating activities which promote peaceful and harmonious living in forms of common book reading, meditations and so on. Moreover, we arrange and provide for or join in arranging and providing for the holding of Buddhist teaching events, seminars and other academic exchanges etc.

Bodhi Institute Sweden (Stockholm)

Address: Hälsingegatan 3, LGH 1302   Stockholm 11323
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma
Phone: 070-9900156
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Spiritual Director: Khenpo Sodargye Rinpoche  
Main Contact: Bingxing Yao  Email  (Phone: 070-9900156)
Notes and Events:

Bodhi Institute Sweden (BIS) is a non-profit association (Non-profit Organization Number: SE-802489 6055) based in Sweden, officially formed in May 2014. BIS is the Swedish branch of The Bodhi Buddhist College, which is under the spiritual guidance of Khenpo Sodargye Rinpoche, seated at Larung Gar Five Sciences Buddhist Academy (also known as Serthar Monastery) in Tibet.

We seek to make the teachings of the Buddha available to as many people as possible in Sweden and to offer those following these teachings a complete path of study and practice, along with the environment needed to explore the teachings to their fullest. Our main emphasis lies on facilitating the study of the preparatory and the advanced Buddhadharma programs on both the Sutrayana and Mantrayana as instructed by Khenpo Sodargye Rinpoche. 

We are also devoted to organizing and facilitating activities which promote peaceful and harmonious living in forms of common book reading, meditations and so on. Moreover, we arrange and provide for or join in arranging and providing for the holding of Buddhist teaching events, seminars and other academic exchanges etc.

Bodhi Light International (BLI) - Lu Mountain Temple

Address: 7509 Mooney Drive   Rosemead CA 91770
Tradition: Mahayana, Chan and Pure Land
Phone: 626-280-8801
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Master Yong Hua  Email  (Phone: 626-280-8801)
Notes and Events:

  • Vajra Sutra Lecture on every Sunday
  • Meditation training center
  • Buddhist chanting
  • Fo Qi and Chan Qi Assemblies are hosted twice per year
  • Publications: The Bequeathed Teachings Sutra, The Sutra in 42 Sections, Medicine Master Sutra, Earth Store Sutra, Small Amitabha Sutra, Pure Land Handbook

    Free publications are available in printed books and online PDF files.  All publications are available in English, Vietnamese, and Chinese.

    Currently seeking for publication sponsorship and volunteering for Sutra translations.

    Bodhi Meditation Center of Missouri

    Address: Missouri  Hazelwood MO 63042
    Tradition: Theravada
    Phone: 727-656-2243/
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    Spiritual Director: Tawalama Bodhseehs Thero  Email  (Phone: 727-656-2243)

    Bodhi Meditation Centre

    Address: 04 Thong Soon GreenStation is accessible‎ 104 Thong Soon Green Singapore 787404  
    Tradition: Theravada
    Phone: 65 6454 9268
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    Spiritual Director: Venerable Chuan Ren (Pannavudha)  
    Notes and Events:



    Bodhi Meditation Centre is an urban meditation centre with the intention of preserving the original teachings of the Buddha as presented in the Vipassana (Insight) and Metta (Loving-kindness) Meditations.

    BMC offers weekly meditation sessions, Dhamma talks and monthly retreats.





    Our Resident Teacher

    Venerable Chuan Ren (Pannavudha) was born in Singapore. He was ordained as a novice monk at Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery and subsequently, a bhikkhu in the Mahayana and Theravada traditions in Taiwan and Myanmar respectively.

    Besides practising meditation in Singapore, Venerable has also learnt and practised meditation under different teachers in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Taiwan and Myanmar for many years.

    Venerable Chuan Ren, effectively bilingual in Chinese and English, frequently conducts meditation lessons
    and retreats in different countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia.



    What is Vipassana Meditation?

    Vipassana (Insight) Meditation is the heart of the Buddha’s Teachings –– a practice of awareness that leads us beyond the confines of our ordinary psychology to the freedom and clarity of our essential nature. There is no element of religion in this practice. It is a scientific investigation and examination of ourselves.

    © Copyright reserved

    Bodhi Path Bregenz

    Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu Linie
    Main Contact: Claudia  Email  (Phone: Vögel)
    Notes and Events:

    Seit Dezember 2005 gibt es die Bodhi Path Meditationsgruppe in Bregenz, die unter der Leitung vom 14. Künsig Shamar Rinpotsche steht. Bodhi Path Bregenz gehört zur internationalen Bodhi Path Organisation, der Buddhistische Zentren der Karma Kagyü Linie.

    Rinpoche und andere hochqualifizierte Lehrer unterrichten buddhistische Meditation und Philosophie und weisen den Weg, das große Mitgefühl des Mahayana/Vajrayana Buddhismus zu lernen und zu praktizieren. Shamar Rinpotsche hat dafür einen zielführenden Lehrplan zusammengestellt.

    Bodhi Path Bregenz bietet folgende Aktivitäten an:

    - Gemeinsame Meditation in der Gruppe

    - Vertiefung der buddhistischen Lehre

    - Organisation von buddhistischen Veranstaltungen, wie Vorträgen und Kursen

    Alle sind recht herzlich eingeladen, zu kommen! Es sind keine Voraussetzungen notwendig.

    Bodhi Path Buddhist Center of Washington, DC Area

    Address: 12540 Falls Road   Potomac MD 20850
    Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Karma Kagyu Lineage
    Phone: 240-453-9200
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    Teachers: Lama Tsonyi, Lama Rinchen, Lama Yeshe, Lama Dawa, Lama Tenpa  
    Main Contact: Paul Triolo  Email  (Phone: 240-453-9200)
    Spiritual Director: H.H. Shamarpa Rinpoche  
    Notes and Events:

    Bodhi Path is an international organization of Karma Kagyü Buddhism

    Center Programs


    10:00 - 11:00am

    Calm Abiding Meditation

    11:00am - 12:00pm

    Reading or Audio Teachings & Discussion

    Buddhist Philosophy and Practice


    Calm Abiding Meditation

    7:30 – 8:30 pm


    8:30 – 9:30pm

    Readings from Buddhist Literature


    Introduction to Calm Abiding Meditation

    Basic instruction with short periods of sitting.
    7:30 - 8:30pm

    Bodhi Path Kosice - Karma Kagyu Buddhist Center

    Address: Lofflerova 2,  Kosice 040 01
    Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu
    Affiliation: Bodhipath Karma Kagyu Centers
    Phone: +421905 511 100, +421907 932 303
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    Teacher: Dodzong Shabdrung Rinpoche, Lama Yeshe Drolma, Lama Chopel Namgyal, Lama Dondrub Rabten  
    Spiritual Director: HH. Kunzig Shamarpa  
    Notes and Events:

    In the BODHI PATH KOŠICE center, we meditate and study on the basis of instructions of Mahamudra curriculum which was compiled by HH. Kunzig Shamar rinpoche. These instructions are aimed at systematic training in and practice of mahamudra - a recognition of minds nature. 

    Our regular practices are:

    Sutra of 35 Buddhas - also known as Triskandhasutra 

    Sadhana of Great Compassionate one (Avalokiteshvara) by Thangtong Gyalpo

    and meditation on calm state of mind - shamatha

    For a collective practice meet every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 7pm. 

    We also invite qualified Lamas to give us precious instructions and advice on regular basis.

    Bodhi Path Praha

    Address: Liborova 14   Prague Praha (Prague) 16900
    Tradition: Vajrayana
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    Teacher: Shamar Rinpoche  
    Spiritual Director: Shamar Rinpoche  
    Notes and Events:

    Bodhi Path Praha is a part of the international nonprofit organization of Buddhist centers founded by Shamar Rinpoche. Rinpoche and many other teachers provide meditation and philosophy instruction and guidance to learn and practice Buddhism according to the Bodhi Path curriculum for study and practice.

    More information on the current meditation and teaching schedule can be found on and


    Bodhi Praha

    Address: Slezska 140, Vinohrady   Prague Praha (Prague) 130 00
    Tradition: Theravada
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    Main Contact: Ondrej Skala  
    Notes and Events:

    The civic association “Bodhi Praha” unites people on the basis of their common interest in the theory and practice of the Buddha’s teaching - the Dhamma. By holding regular sessions and meditation retreats, we want to enable the interested people to meet the teachings of Theravada Buddhism as well as to develop their meditation practice and noble friendships. We also organize lectures on the Dhamma and support the publishing of various books about Buddhism. Furthermore, we provide support to Buddhist monks and nuns. A number of our members have attended intensive meditation retreats in Asia, experienced monastic trainings in Sri Lanka or completed Buddhist psychotherapeutic trainings.

    Many of us can speak English and we would like to invite you to come to our regular meetings on Wednesday evening (7:15 PM) in the Prague Buddhist Center Lotus, Dlouhá Street 2, Prague 1.

    Bodhi Tree Brighton

    Address: Anahata, 119-120 Edward Street   Brighton Sussex BN2 0JL
    Tradition: Non-Sectarian
    Phone: 01273 248753
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    Notes and Events:

    We are a new Buddhist umbrella organisation which has 3 regular meditation groups within it, the Open Meditation sessions on Tuesdays 8-930, Forest Sangha group Wed 730-930 and LGBT group Thursdays 530-7.

     We are also planning weekend and day retreats starting on June 18th with Ajahn Amaro of Amaravati monastery.

     We are also hosting evenings of Dharma Inspirations - opportunities for more creative approaches to practice - and Buddhist Devotional singing.

    Bodhi Vihara Buddhist Library

    Address: Fischergasse 11   Freising - München Munchen Munich 85354
    Tradition: Theravada
    Phone: +49-8161-8628310
    Fax: +49-8161-8627312
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    Notes and Events:

    Bibbliothek des Buddhistischen Klosters Bodhi Vihara



    Über die Bibliothek:

    Die Bibliothek ist die sangha-eigene (ordenseigene) Bibliothek des Buddhistischen Klosters Bodhi Vihara. Ihre Gründung erfolgte am 22.6.2009 durch die Fertigstellung des ersten Bücherkataloges, welcher seither beständig an Umfang zunimmt. Bis Februar 2013 befand sie sich die Bibliothek auf dem Freisinger Domberg in unmittelbarer Nähe zur Dombibliothek. Seit März 2013 wurde ein Bibliotheksraum und ein Lese- und Arbeitsraum in der Fischergasse am Fuße des Dombergs eingerichtet.

    Adresse: Bibliothek des Buddhistischen Klosters Bodhi Vihara, Fischergasse 11, 85354 Freising

    Öffnungszeiten: gegenwärtig wegen digitaler Neukatalogisierung nur nach Vereinbarung


    – Kanonische Schriften des Buddhismus

    Pali-Tipitaka in verschiedenen Ausgaben (Thailand, Burma, Sri Lanka)

    Chinesischer Tripitaka (Qianlong, Taisho)

    Übersetzungen in westliche und asiatische Sprachen (Deutsch, Englisch, Thai, Burmesisch, Chinesisch, Japanisch, Vietnamesisch etc.)

    – Klassische Kommentarliteratur in Pali und Klassischem Chinesisch

    – Buddhistische Literatur der Gegenwart (in westlichen und asiatischen Sprachen)

    – Spezialsammlung zur „Deutschen Schule“: Nyanatiloka, Nyanaponika, K.E. Neumann, Paul Debes, Fritz Schäfer, Hellmuth Hecker u.w.

    – Buddhistische Lehr- und Kinderbücher, Hörbücher und Audiodateien

    – Werke zur Buddhismus- und Asienkunde sowie Religionswissenschaft

    – Hilfsmittel für das Erlernen und für die Übersetzungsarbeit von alten und modernen Sprachen mit Bezug zum Buddhismus (Indische Sprachen, Thai, Burmesisch, Sinhala, Chinesisch, Japanisch, Koreanisch)

    – Werke der östlichen Philosophien, Kunst und Kultur

    Weitere Angaben: 

    Normierte Kurzbezeichnung: Freising Buddh.Kloster

    Typ der Einrichtung: Wissenschaftliche Spezialbibliothek

    Unterhaltsträger: BGdL e.V.

    Bestandsgröße: ca. 3000 Werke

    Sammelschwerpunkt(e): Buddhismus, Asien

    Verbundsystem(e): BVB – Bibliotheksverbund Bayern

    Bibliothekssigel: 1943

    ZDB-Bibliotheks-ID (BIK): 808023-9

    Leihverkehrsregion: [BAY] Leihverkehrsregion Bayern

    Fernleihe möglich?: ja, nur Ausleihe, keine Kopien.

    Bodhi Vihara Buddhist Monastery

    Address: Domberg 10   Freising - München Munchen Munich Bayern 85354
    Tradition: Theravada
    Phone: +49-8161-8627310
    Fax: +49-8161-8627312
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    Spiritual Director: Bhikku Thitadhammo  
    Notes and Events:

    Buddhistischs Kloster Bodhi Vihara
    วัดโพธิวิหาร เมืองไฟรซิ่งค์

    Bodhi Zendo

    Address: Perumalmalai Kodaikanal 624104 India  
    Tradition: Japanese Soto/Rinzai ; Lineage: Sanbo Kyodan
    Phone: (+91) 4542 30345
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    Teacher: Fr. Ama Samy S.J.  
    Notes and Events:

    Offers a daily schedule of meditation (Zazen).

    Bodhi Zendo Sydney Group

    Tradition: Mahayana, Zen
    Affiliation: Bodhi Zendo, Perumalmalai,Tamil Nadu, Southern India
    Phone: Aileen (02) 9314 7831
    Teacher: Ama Samy  
    Notes and Events:

    Please emai: beforehand.

    The web site for Bodhi Zendo in India can be found at:

    Bodhicharya Buddhist Group Bosham

    Address: Hamblin Hall, Bosham House Main Road, Bosham, Nr Chichester, PO18 8PJ   Chichester West Sussex PO18 8PJ
    Tradition: Vajrayana
    Affiliation: Bodhicharya Groups
    Phone: 07565 414 331
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    Steering Committee Member: Pema Chalmers  Email  (Phone: 07824533093)
    Main Contact: Elisie Green  Email  (Phone: 07565 414 331)
    Spiritual Director: Ringu Tulku Rinpoche  
    Teacher: Ringu Tulku Rinpoche  
    Notes and Events:

    We are a group of Dharma students who aim to provide a safe place and mutual support for investigating the Buddhist teachings, primarily but not exclusively, Tibetan Buddhism. We aim to encourage in ourselves and others the practice of meditation. Our group comes under the guidance of our Lama, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, who visits us each year in the Spring or Summer.

    We meet every Thursday evening at Hamblin Hall in Bosham, West Sussex, UK. We welcome all to share with us this beautiful quiet space if you wish to meditate, learn, question, reflect, and debate the Buddhist teachings. There is no membership, no sign up. Take what you find useful and leave the rest.

    Bodhicharya Buddhist Group, West Sussex

    Address: The Hamblin Hall, Bosham House   Bosham West Sussex PO18 8PH
    Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan
    Affiliation: Bodhicharya International
    Phone: 07811 956016
    Website: http://www.bbgbosham
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    Spiritual Director: Ringu Tulku Rinpoche  
    Notes and Events:

    Buddhist group meeting each Thursday 7.30 pm for meditation and teachings.        

    Meetings are friendly and informal and open to all, donations welcomed on the door.

    Frequent visiting teachers including Ringu Tulku Rinpoche.

    Bodhicharya e.V. - Buddhist Center for Peace and Understanding

    Address: Kinzigstr. 25-29   Berlin Berlin 10247
    Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu
    Affiliation: DBU
    Phone: +49 30 29 00 97 39
    Fax: +49 30-29 00 97 41
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    Teacher: Ringu Tulku Rinpoche  
    Spiritual Director: Ringu Tulku Rinpoche  Email  
    Main Contact: Brigitte Huzly  Email  
    Notes and Events:

    Daily meditation and study courses:

    Mo - 5.30pm: Shine and Qi Gong, 7.30pm: Buddhism for beginners

    Tue - 6.30pm: Shamata

    Thurs - 6pm: Tai Chi; 7.30pm: Avalokiteshvara-Meditation

    Sun - Green Tara Sadhana (each first sunday the month)

    Sun - 6pm: Lodjong - Buddhist Mind Training 

    Nearly each weekend various buddhist teachers visit our center to give precious teachings and we practice different sadhanas regulary.

    We also have a hospice project (training for volunteer hospice-helpers), social work as buddhist introdutions with prisonors in Berlin and Brandenburg.

    Bodhicharya France

    Address: 1, La bouille   Lusse Vosges
    Tradition: Vajrayana
    Affiliation: Bodhicharya
    Phone: 03 29 51 21 93
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    Main Contact: Bodhichary France secretary  Email  (Phone: 03 29 51 21 93)
    Teacher: Lama Tsultrim Guelek  
    Spiritual Director: Ringu Tulku Rinpoche  
    Notes and Events:

    L’association cultuelle bouddhiste Bodhicharya-France placée sous l’autorité spirituelle du Vénérable Ringou Tulkou Rinpoché a pour objectif d’associer l’enseignement du Dharma et la pratique du bouddhisme selon la tradition tibétaine de la lignée Kagyupa.

    Depuis 2002, Ringou Rinpoché nous honore de sa présence régulière, plusieurs fois par an, permettant à chaque pratiquant d’avoir une guidance spirituelle et un suivi dans sa pratique. Depuis 2006, un séminaire international d’enseignement et de méditation est organisé en Alsace chaque été en présence de Rinpoché.
    En 2007, un comité de traduction a été mis en place afin de traduire en français les nombreux enseignements donnés par Rinpoché.

    Le centre accueille également régulièrement de grands Maîtres, tels Mogchok Rinpoche et propose des retraites collectives ou individuelles.

    Lama Tsultrim dispence également des enseignements dans les différents Tchöling : Strasbourg, Colmar, Mulhouse, Meudon, Nancy,Montbéliard et Pont-à-Mousson de Septembre à Juin.

    Bien à vous dans le Dharma ...

    Bodhicharya Kent

    Address: Quaker Meeting House, Northgate, Rochester, Kent, ME1 1LS   Rochester Kent ME11LS
    Tradition: Vajrayana, Non-Sectarian, Karma Kagyu - Rime.
    Affiliation: Bodhicharya International
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    Spiritual Director: Ringu Tulku Rinpoche  
    Notes and Events:

    Bodhicharya Kent is a Buddhist group based in the Medway Town of Rochester under the guidance of Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, a Tibetan Kagyu Lama, and is based around meditation practice, discussion and study.

    We run meditation evenings every Tuesday evening, usually 8pm to 9:30pm, except for the last Tuesday of the month. When possible we also invite visiting teachers from the Bodhicharya community who are experienced in meditation.

    The evening is open to everyone including Buddhists of all traditions, those of other faiths and those with none. Perhaps you have an interest in Buddhism and want to find out more or perhaps you are mainly looking to learn some meditation methods to apply in your daily life. Whatever your motivation, an open, curious and sceptical mind will be useful. People new to meditation as well as experienced practitioners are welcome.

    The evening usually consists of meditation sessions, with guidance and instruction, that are comfortably split in to 10 minute sessions with time for a good stretch in between (more experienced meditators can sit through the stretch break).

    A related topic is also introduced and discussed. The group is made up of the participants so active engagement, questions, reflections and discussion are welcome, however, if you prefer to just sit back, listen, reflect and take it in that is also very good. There are comfortable chairs and cushions available, but there are no meditation specific cushions so if you have your own and would prefer to sit on it then please bring it along.  There will be tea, coffee and biscuits to enjoy together at the end of the evening.

    As of September 2014 we continue on with calm abiding meditation instruction and practice for all those who would like to learn or deepen a meditation practice and bring its many benefits into daily life. 

    We will also be reading through a book by Ringu Tulku on Mind Training (known as Lojong in Tibetan) to provide some structure, continuity and perspective to the meditation evenings:

    »Lojong is not simply a mental exercise or a new intellectual approach, it is a profound education. It creates a radical change in our usual pattern of thinking. The meditation instructions and advice are plain and straightforward. This is a practice for ordinary life. There is no complexity or formality involved. No special ability is needed. Anyone can train their mind. The wisdom of these slogans is not exclusive to Buddhism. It is universal and goes beyond any particular religion.« – Ringu Tulku.

    For those who would like a copy of the book it can be purchased here.

    All are welcome :-)

    Bodhicitta Dakini Monastery

    Address: Golden Valley,Near Launceston   TAS 7304
    Tradition: Mahayana, Vajrayana, Tibetan Buddhist/Forest tradition
    Affiliation: Bodhicitta Foundation NGO / Kalyanamitra Foundation
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    Teacher: Venerable Ayya Yeshe  
    Notes and Events:

    We are a socially engaged Centre of contemplation that is slowly forming with the aim of providing training, shelter, emotional and spiritual support to Western nuns, monks and the lay community based around the traditional model of the four fold Sangha of nuns, monks lay women and laymen (and non binary people) founded by the Buddha.

     We will emphasise gender equality and nun driven leadership, because currently women are left out of most positions of power in Tibetan Buddhism and have historically received less support and education.

    We invite you to be a part of this exciting project to offer teachings and establish the Dharma in the West to create a more compassionate, peaceful and sane world.

    Our aim is to create a monastery and retreat Centre where monastics in the Tibetan tradition, who currently have to pay money to pay in lay Centres can live in the Vinaya, do deep practice and study as well as social service and gain the insights necessary to preserve the vast and profound Teachings of non sectarian Tibetan Buddhism.

    We will also draw inspiration and influences from other traditions such as the Thai Forest tradition (such as using alms bowls, doing the Kathina cloth, alms round, tudong pilgrimage, living in simplicity in nature with a monastic routine), as well as the Plum Village Thich Nhat Hanh tradition, (beginning anew, non violent communication, communal harmony, mindful eating and living).

    Bodhicitta Dakini Monastery is a non sectarian Mahayana monastery that welcomes people to stay and meditate and support our resident monastics. We welcome all people, but are a female led temple with a focus on contemplation and social justice work occasionally outside the monastery.

    Golden Valley is a rural locality in the local government area of Meander Valley in the Launceston region of Tasmania. It is located about 59 kilometres south-west of the town of Launceston


    Bodhicitta Sangha

    Address: 706 North 1st Street, Suite 112   Minneapolis, MN 55401
    Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism
    Phone: 612-568-7880
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    Spiritual Director: Khenpo Sherab Sangpo  
    Notes and Events:

    Please visit to learn more about our teacher, Khenpo Sherab Sangpo, to learn more about our meditation centers in Minneapolis, Duluth, Ely and Hibbing, Minnesota, and to view our teaching schedule of meditation classes and retreats.

    Bodhiheart Sangha

    Address:   Seattle WA 98102
    Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Vajyayana and Burmese Vipassana
    Affiliation: Tradition of the Dalai Lama
    Phone: 206-383-4959
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    Main Contact: Ven. Dhammadinna  
    Teacher: Ven. Dhammadinna,  
    Spiritual Director: Dalai Lama  
    Notes and Events:

    Bodhiheart Sangha is led by two western students of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Ven. Dhammadinna ordained as a Buddhist nun in 1983 and practiced extensively in the Theravada tradition before becoming a disciple of H.H. Dalai Lama. Tenzin Jesse has studied deeply in the Tibetan tradition completing the 6 year Lama Tsongkhapa study program modeled on the traditional geshe curriculum. The teachings focus on the graduated topics for spiritual formation (lam rim) and vipassana meditation. Workshop topics include Medicine Buddha, applying Dharma to relationships, and studying classical Tibetan language for reading scriptures.

    Bodhikusuma - Buddhist & Meditation Centre

    Address: Lvl 2, 203 - 209 Thomas Street,Haymarket, NSW 2000 Mailing: PO BOX 258, Strawberry Hills, NSW 2012  NSW
    Tradition: Theravada, Thai
    Phone: (61 2) 9211-1188
    Fax: (61 2) 9281-1128
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    Notes and Events:

    Bodhikusuma Buddhist & Meditation Centre started in 2002. It is a functioning Theravada Buddhist centre which provides facilities to learn and practice the teachings of the Buddha through classes, meditation, workshops and talks. Since 2007, Bodhikusuma has moved to a much larger and more central location in Chinatown, Sydney.


    Address: P.O. Box 261037   Lakewood CO 80226
    Tradition: Non-Sectarian
    Affiliation: Prajnopaya Institute
    Phone: 303-482-1496
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    Teacher: The Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi  
    Spiritual Director: The Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi  (Phone: 303-482-1496)
    Notes and Events:

    Bodhimarga (Sanskrit. Path to Enlightenment) is a non-sectarian (rimed) and non-denominational community dedicated to the study of Buddhadharma. Students are encouraged to engage in the study of Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana (Triyana) schools. Bodhimarga emphasizes critical study combined with serious practice.  

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