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Buddha House
Address: 496 Magill Road Magill SA 5072
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gelugpa Tibetan
Affiliation: FPMT
Phone: (08) 8333 2824
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Main Contact: Office Email (Phone: (08) 8333 2824)
Teacher: Thubten Dondrub
Notes and Events:
We have a wide-ranging program of Buddhist activities including Learn to Meditate classes for beginners, ranging through to advanced classes on Buddhist philosophy and practice with our resident monk, Geshe Konchog Kyab.
There are scheduled events almost every day at Buddha House. The busy program of Teachings and practice includes:
Buddha Mandala Monastery and Retreat Centre
Address: 8 Lewis Road Chittering WA 6084
Tradition: Mahayana, Vajrayana, integrated Chan (Zen) and Tibetan Esoteric teachings
Affiliation: Buddha Dharma Sangha Association and Nalanda Society
Phone: 61-8-95718286
Fax: 61-8-95718286
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Spiritual Director: Ven Yuan Fan
Notes and Events:
other email contact :
Opening Times:
Buddha Mangala
Address: Churáňovská 5 Praha Praha (Prague) 150 00
Tradition: Theravada
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Teacher: Ajan Chandasiri
Notes and Events:
The goal of our group is to create conditions and an environment for the study and practice of Buddha´s teaching.
Buddha Meditation Centre Winnipeg
Address: 1707 Chancellor Drive Winnipeg R3T 4B8
Tradition: Theravada, Mahamevnawa
Affiliation: Mahamevnawa
Phone: 204-881-5094
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Spiritual Director: Bhante Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thera
Notes and Events:
Join us for a variety of activities to learn and practice the teachings of the Buddha. We put an emphasis on teaching directly from the Suttas in a way that helps to apply them to daily life. The centre is lead by monks trained in the Theravada tradition.
Buddha Nature Club
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Pan-Buddhist Club at George Washington University open to all people
Phone: (858) 336-5749
Main Contact: Daniel James Perez Email (Phone: 858-336-5749)
Teacher: Professor Hebbar
Notes and Events:
Meetings are held every Thursday of the semester at GW Hillel, 23rd & H St. NW
Buddha of Medicine Welfare Society
Address: No 11 lor 25 Geylang
Singapore 388293
Tradition: Mahayana, Chinese
Phone: 67419969
Fax: 67419939
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To render community services financially, morally, spiritually and otherwise through the practices of Buddhist education, culture, counselling and religious activities.
Buddha Parivar
Address: Plot No. 1330 AB, T.V.kendra Road, Buddha Mandir, Bhavnagar Bhavnagar 364001
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: All Buddhist organization in Gujarat
Phone: 0278 2202051
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Spiritual Director: Chimanbhai Kantariya Email (Phone: 9426901431)
Main Contact: Chimanbhai Kantariya Email (Phone: 9426901431)
Notes and Events:
We are working to spread Buddhism in Gujarat State India. We have organize about 200 prgramme of speech containing Buddhas teaching. We also print a book Name Pchhat Samajno Itihas, Buddha and his Manav Dhamm. We distribute freely to listner in our programme. We also distribute Buddhas picture free.
We started a Buddha Mandir and a permenant office
Buddha Sevalayam
INDIA.PIN.637013 Namakkal Taluk Tamil Nadu 637013
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: International Brotherhood Mission
Phone: 091 04286 645080 mobile.09344737683
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Main Contact: A. Masilamani Email (Phone: 09344737683)
Notes and Events:
Our Buddha sevalayam is a registered Buddhist and charitable organization affiliated by INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD MISSION. We are poor Dalit people in Tamil Nadu. We are the Buddhist contact for development and propagation of Buddhism in our area.
Buddha Shop Australia
Address: 12 High Street Yackandandah Vic 3749
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 0427 271 114 Text Please Phone (orders): 0427 271 114 Text Please
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Follow us on Facebook
Hi. I'm Gary Hayward, and I've been operating the Buddha Shop since 2003 (Originally with my partner Andy who has since passed away). During this time I have been supplying many of my items to Buddhist and Hindu Centres and Temples, as well as satisfying the personal needs of many individuals.
Buddha Soto Zen
Address: 6550 W 22nd Ct Hialeah FL
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Affiliation: Hablamos Espanol
Phone: 415.557.5919
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Spiritual Director: Shotai de la Rosa Sensei
Notes and Events:
We are an organization dedicated to Dharma teaching, the practice of zazen (sitting meditation), kinhin (walking meditation) and the translation of Zen Buddhist literature into Spanish.
Somos una organización dedicado a la instruccion en la Dharma, la práctica de zazen (meditación sentada), kinhin (meditación caminando), y la traducción de textos Zén Buddhist al Espanol.
Introduction to Zazen/Introducción a Zazén
7:00-7:45 PM
Please arrive 5 minutes before. For your comfort, please wear dark and loose long pants (no shorts, please) and dark t-shirt with short sleeves.
Por favor venga 5 minutos antes. Para su comodidad, por favor use pantalones largos, anchos (no cortos ni apretados) oscuros y una camiseta oscura de manga corta.
Daily Schedule/Programa Diario
5:10- 5:50 Zazen
5:50-6:00 Kinhin*
6:00-6:40 Zazen
6:40 Short service/Corto servicio
7:00-8:30 Zazen-kinhin-zazen
7:00-7:40 Zazen
7:40-7:50 Kinhin*
7:50-8:30 Zazen
8:30-8:45 Chanting/Recitación
8:45-9:00 Soji
9:10-10:10 Dharma talk/Plática del Dharma
10:20 Tea/Té
Buddha Temple
Address: Jae Bori #542, Sang Bi Lyung Mean,
San Chong Gun, Kyung Nam 666-970
South Korea
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 596-973-7119
Fax: 596-973-0242
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Main Contact: Venerable Maitreya Email
Notes and Events:
Located about 40 minutes from Chin Ju City. In a quite low mountain area.Buddha Temple is a practicing Zen monastery for monks and nuns, lay persons and is open to the international community for individual or group practices.
Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum
Address: 288, South Bridge Road. Singapore 058840
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Golden Pagoda Buddhist Temple
Phone: 65 6220 0220
Fax: 65 6220 1261
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Spiritual Director: Ven Fa Zhao
Notes and Events:
Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum The Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum (BTRTM) was founded in 2002 by Venerable Shi Fazhao. It was registered by the Registrar of Societies in 20th February 2003, and as a charity under the Charities Act in 8th January 2004. The Temple is dedicated to the Maitreya Buddha, which means ‘The Compassionate One’, and also called ‘The Future Buddha’. Vision In accordance with The Great Compassionate Vows of The Maitreya Buddha, Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum (BTRTM) seeks to be the best Buddhist cultural complex in the region. Mission To promote and impart the Teachings of Lord Buddha Objectives To develop a new Chinese Buddhist cultural complex to vererate the Sacred Buddha Tooth and Relics; To promote and showcase Buddhist, Chinese, Chinatown and Singapore culture; To provide Buddhist Education and Research; To support other Voluntary Welfare Organisations; and To provide welfare services to the sick, poor and needy, regardless of race or religion. - See more at:
Buddha Triratna Mission
Address: B-129, Chittaranjan Park New Delhi NDelhi 110019
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 9968218648
Fax: 27666445
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Spiritual Director: Bhikshu Satyapala Email (Phone: 9968218648)
Notes and Events:
Buddha Way Cultivation Centre
Address: 9 Rimington Court Hampton Park Vic 3976
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, LinJi
Affiliation: Buddhist non-sectarian
Phone: (03) 8768 7152
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Main Contact: Renyi Shih Email (Phone: (03) 8768 7152)
Spiritual Director: Renyi Shih Email (Phone: (03) 8768 7152)
Notes and Events:
Wednesday 7:00 – 8:30pm
Sunday 7:00 – 8:30pm
The Buddhaway is an online and in-person space for following and practicing the Buddha Way. Members meet in Hampton Park, Victoria, Australia at the Teacher’s residence for instruction, as well as online.We are dedicated to the practice of the Buddha Way for the benefit of self and others.
Buddha-Haus Meditationsgruppe - Langenselbold
Address: Klosterbergstr. 7, 63505 Langenselbold
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: German Buddhist Union - DBU
Phone: 06184/62 377
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Contact: Karen Kold-Wagner
Founder: Ayya Khema
Main Contact: Karen Wagner Kold
Notes and Events:
We meditate every Monday evening 20.00 -21.30 clock in Langenselbold
UND jeden Mittwoch 17.00 -18.00 Uhr in Frankfurt , Wiesenhüttenstr. AND every Wednesday 17.00 -18.00 clock in Frankfurt, Wiesenhüttenstr. 17,(Klingel Yogasaram) 17 (bell Yogasaram)
In den hessischen Schul-Ferien finden die Veranstaltungen nicht statt. In the Hessian school holiday events will not take place.
Die Abende wird von Karen Kold Wagenr (Langenselbold) und Joachim Schumann (Frankfurt) geleitet. The evenings will be led by Karen Kold Wagenr (Langenselbold) and Joachim Schumann (Frankfurt).
Inhalte der Abend sind einen Kurzvortrag, Ruhemeditation oder Vipassana und Liebende Güte Meditation. Contents of the evening are a short lecture, tranquility meditation or Vipassana and loving kindness meditation.
Buddha-Heart Fellowship of Tasmania
Address: Ulverstone TAS 7315
Tradition: Mahayana, Chan and Pure Land
Affiliation: CloudWater Zendo, the Zen Centre of Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
Phone: +61 417 595 600 +61 3 6437 2645
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Teacher: Venerable Shih Jingang
Main Contact: Venerable Shih Jingang Email (Phone: 0417 595 600)
Notes and Events:
FACEBOOK: Buddhaheart Fellowship.
We are dedicated to Nien-Fo Ch’an (the unified practice of Ch’an “Zen” and Pure Land Buddhism), and the ideals of community service, and non-sectarianism
Please check our website for regular activities and special events.
Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives (Suan Mokkh Bangkok)
Address: Vachirabenjatas Park (Rot Fai Park)
Chatuchak Bangkok Bangkok 10900
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +66 2936 2800
Fax: +66 2936 2900
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Notes and Events:
Established in 2010, the Buddhadāsa Indapañño Archives collect, maintain, and present the original works of Buddhadāsa Bhikkhu. Also known as Suan Mokkh Bangkok, it is an innovative place for fostering mutual understanding between traditions, studying and practicing Dhamma.
BuddhaDhamma Viharaya Piemonte - Centro Buddhista e Meditazione a Torino
Address: via Chambery 119 Torino Piemonte 10142
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Anandaramaya Viharaya Sri Lanka - Centro Buddhista Theravada Messina e Verona
Phone: +393477384565
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Main Contact: Lilliana Email (Phone: +39)
Spiritual Director: Bhante Upali Email (Phone: +393477384565)
Notes and Events:
La Meditazione sarà la base principale dei nostri insegnamenti.
Il Buddha ha usato frequentemente un metodo di insegnamento graduale per guidare i nuovi discepoli, dai principi base, attraverso insegnamenti sempre più avanzati, fino al raggiungimento delle Quattro Nobili Verità e alla piena realizzazione del Nirvana.
L insegnamento inizia con la pratica della generosità, che aiuta a cominciare il lungo processo di indebolimento delle tendenze abituali del neofita, fatte di attaccamento alle opinioni, ai desideri ed a modi di pensare.
La pace mentale che sorge da questo livello di auto-stima, fornisce le fondamenta per gli ulteriori progressi lungo il Sentiero.
Vengono proposte attività quali la meditazione sia guidata sia di Vipassana, come quella sull attenzione della respirazione ed altre. Lo scopo principale è abbassare le tensioni mentali ed emotive, e creare nuove energie fresce e rilassanti a beneficio di un maggiore benessere mente e corpo.
b)- Insegnamenti di altre discipline
Nella coerenza di contribuire allo studio, ricerca e sviluppo del Benessere mente&corpo, verranno effettuati seminari ed incontri di varie discipline complementari al sentiero spirituale del Centro.
Address: Buddhadhamma-foreningen
Sandviksveien 84 A
1363 Høvik Oslo
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Theravada Buddhism
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Buddhadharma International Foundation Inc.
Address: P.O. Box 8975, EPC-735 Kathmandu, Nepal Thaina Tole - 189, Lalitpur - 12 Patan, Nepal
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 977-1-546705
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Main Contact: Resident monk: Bhikkhu Dhammapiyo Email
Address: 1184 Zen Forest Road
Turners Stations, Kentucky 40075 CARROL 40075
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 5026482050
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Spiritual Director: Nam Do Email (Phone: 5026482050)
Notes and Events:
The BuddhaLand offers free land with the gravel road access, city water and electric to American – Individual, groups or families – to build their own cabin, cottage or building to stay for their retirement or a short period of time with the purpose of practicing Meditations such as: Mindfulness Meditation, Zen Meditation, Vipassana meditation…to release the stresses of their daily living life or to enhance the quality of their spiritual mind.
The 200 acre land offers isolated, peaceful and quiet environment and has several rolling hills (with up to 900 feet elevation). You will find several clear water lakes, green pastures, mature trees and wild animals such as deer and wild turkey.
See more on our website:
Buddhaloka - Thames Buddhist Center
Address: Above the Post Office
Pollen Street Thames Coromandel 3500
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Main Contact: Guy Parsens
Notes and Events:
Buddhaloka has an open meditation or Sangha night
Mondays 7 - 9pm
We also host regular yoga, pilates, and meditation courses
Please email us for details or to be listed on our data base for further information.
Buddhapia (Korean Buddhism)
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Notes and Events:
Hyundae Bulgyo Buddhist Newspaper (weekly) is the representative Buddhist medium in Korea with the highest circulation rate. It also operate a comprehensive information centre called Buddhapia\' as a homepage on the Internet. Buddhapia is a comprehensive site on Korean Buddhism: Dharma Talks of Korean Zen (Seon) Masters; Books on Korean Buddhism; Korean Buddhism Terminology with English Translation and "Dharma Times" - an online magazine of Buddhist news from Korea.
Buddharatana Monastery of Australia
Address: 12 Menindee Avenue Leumeah NSW 2560
Tradition: Theravada, Thai Dhammayut tradition
Affiliation: The Chinese Theravada Buddhist Alliance, Kuala Kangsar Guan Yin Temple in Malaysia
Phone: 0466096466
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Teacher: Bhikkhu Dhammavaro
Spiritual Director: Bhikkhu Dhammavaro Email (Phone: 0466096466)
Notes and Events:
In 2016 at the request of his Chinese students in Sydney, Bhante Dhammavaro decided to move to Sydney, so the property in 572, Beaury Creek Road, Urbenville, NSW 2475 is sold and a house in 12, Menindee Avenue, Leumeah, is bought as the new site of the Buddharatana Monastery of Australia Inc. to serve the need of the Chinese Theravada buddhists in NSW.
Long live the Buddha Sasana.
Address: 501-10838 Pape Ave Toronto M4K 3W2
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Contemporary
Phone: +1 (647) 520 5534
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Main Contact: Eddie T Email (Phone: +1 (647) 520 5534)
Spiritual Director: Anna G Email (Phone: +1 (647) 520 5534)
Notes and Events: provides Buddhist & Spiritual News, Blogs, Tweets, Video updated on 24/7/365 basis, as well as other media including Pics, Music, Chanting and applicable programs for Spirituality, Wellness and Divination etc.
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