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Mountain Hermitage

Address:   Ranchos de Taos NM 87557
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Theravada Buddhist
Phone: 575-758-0633
Fax: 575-758-0633
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Main Contact: Cathy Viele-office manager  Email  (Phone: 575-758-0633)
Teacher: Marcia Rose  
Spiritual Director: Marcia Rose  Email  (Phone: 575-758-0633)
Notes and Events:

The Mountain Hermitage is Theravada Buddhist retreat center located in Taos, New Mexico.

We offer residential Vipassana/Insight, Brahama Vihara (Metta/LovingKindness, Compassion, Appreciative Joy, & Equanimity), Creative Process, and Study retreats rooted in the Theravada tradition. The length of our retreats range from one-week to one-month.

The shorter retreats are open to both  beginning and experienced students. The longer retreats are for experienced Dharma students and emphasize a more self-disciplined, independent approach to practice with guidance from the teacher(s) of the retreat.

The Mountain Hermitage is committed to providing scholarship funding for those who would not otherwise be able to attend a TMH retreat, as well as offering Buddhist monastics Mountain Hermitage retreats at no cost. Applications are necessary.

Marcia Rose is The Mountain Hermitage founding and guiding teacher. The Hermitage also brings in various visiting Buddhist teachers to lead retreats.

For more extensive information about The Mountain Hermitage retreat schedule and teachers, please visit our website:   Our e-mail address is:  Our phone number is: 575-758-0633.

Mountain Mindfulness Sangha

Address: c/o Urban Dharma, 29 Page Ave.   Asheville NC 28801
Tradition: Mahayana, Thich Nhat Hanh
Phone: (828) 691-8545 or (828) 768-1143
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We are a community in Asheville North Carolina who support one another through practicing engaged Buddhism in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. We meet weekly on Monday evenings, 7-8:30.  Everyone is welcome!

Mountain Mindfulness Society / Satigiri Sangha

Address: Dallas Smith Road   Crossville TE 38555
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Embracing Simplicity Contemplative Order
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Notes and Events:

Offering support and guidance for those who wish to explore, establish, or deepen the practices of mindfulness and meditation with either a secular or Buddhist approach. In person individual or group sessions (with proper COVID precautions) can be scheduled in Crossville or Knoxville TN & Hendersonville NC. Zoom sessions also offered.
Abhaya (Dustin Davis) is ordained as a Dharmacharya in the Embracing Simplicity Order under Venerables Pannavati and Pannadipa. His primary practices of Satipaṭṭhāna (4 Establishments of Mindfulness) in the style offered by Bhikkhu Anālayo, Ānāpānasati (Breath Based Mindfulness), and the Brahma Vihāras (Heavenly Abidings) spring from an affinity for the approaches offered in Early Buddhism. He also has an appreciation for the later traditions, having undertaken retreats in the Vajrayāna and Zen traditions including formally receiving the 5 Mindfulness Trainings from Thích Nhất Hạnh in 2013.
Having worked over 25 years in the hospital critical care setting, he brings his intimacy with the illness, death, and dying processes to bear in Dharma sharing. He is also passionate about Dharma as a central support for dealing with addictions of all kinds.

Mountain Moon Zen Society (Mountain Moon Sangha)

Address: PO Box 76 Coorparoo, QLD 4151 (Meetings are currently held in Cannon Hill)   Qld
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Western
Phone: 07 3822 7792 040 2098 288
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Contact: Liyea Bretz: (07) 3822 7792  
Spiritual Director: Sei’un An Roselyn Stone  
Notes and Events:

The Mountain Moon Sangha is a group of Zen practitioners practicing at their zendo in Oliver Plunkett Catholic Parish Hall, Beauvardia Street, Cannon Hill.

There are four authorised Zen teachers presiding within the Sangha - Liyea Bretz, Matthew Love, Garry Cam and Jean Wilson.

These teachers were appointed by Sei-un An, Roselyn Roshi (founder of the Mountain Moon Sangha) in the Sanbo Kyodan lineage of Kamakura, Japan.

Mountain Shadow Zendo

Address: at Redlands Aikikai, 721 S. Nevada St., #306  Redlands CA 92373
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen (Maezumi Roshi)
Affiliation: Hazy Moon Zen Center, Los Angeles
Phone: 909-862-3174
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Main Contact: Rev. Shelley Kuge Pope  Email  (Phone: 909-862-3174)
Notes and Events:

Weekly Zen chanting service and Zazen meditation, every Sunday morning.

Mountain Source Sangha - Bolinas

Address: St. Aidans Episcopal Church 30 Brighton Ave   Bolinas CA 94924
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Affiliation: San Francisco Zen Center
Phone: 415.302.5448
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President: Dan Gudgel  Email  (Phone: 415.302.5448)
Spiritual Director: Shinko Rick Slone  Email  
Notes and Events:

Monthly half-day sittings.
Everyone is welcome. The morning retreat includes two periods of sitting meditation, walking meditation, a Dharma talk, discussion, and chanting.

When: 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. on the first Saturday of the month.

Mountain Source Sangha - San Rafael

Address: 1123 Court Street   San Rafael CA 94901
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Affiliation: San Francisco Zen Center
Phone: 415.302.5448
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President: Dan Gudgel  Email  (Phone: 415.302.5448)
Spiritual Director: Shinko Rick Slone  Email  
Notes and Events:

Everyone is welcome. We join for sitting (zazen), followed by chanting and Dharma talk & discussion.

When: Thursday Mornings, 7-8:30 a.m (Come ten minutes early for meditation instruction.)

Where: Saint Pauls Episcopal Church, 1123 Court Street between 5th & Mission, downtown San Rafael, near Hwy. 101. Enter the parish office main door to the right of the church building, upstairs and to the end of the hall.

Even if only one person sits for a short time, because this zazen is one with all existence and completely permeates all time, it performs everlasting Buddha guidance.

Mountain Spring Monastery

Address: 2657 Bells Line of Road   Bilpin NSW 2758
Tradition: Mahayana, Thich Nhat Hanh, Zen
Affiliation: Plum villiage, France
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Notes and Events:

Cradled in the stunning Blue Mountains outside of Sydney, Australia, Mountain Spring Monastery the newest Plum Village monastic practice center, was founded in March 2020.

The 15 acre monastery, which is connected to thousands of acres of national park, houses a monastic community of monks and nuns, and hosts weekly days of mindfulness, local meditation classes, and online practice activities. A large organic farm is a central feature of this beautiful forested oasis.

The monastery also hosts online meditation classes, sanghas and activities on a daily basis, and warmly welcomes visitors of all backgrounds and faith traditions to come and join in the daily practice activities and retreats.

Mountain Zendo and Healing Center

Address: 186D Northampton St. (Rte 10)  Easthampton MA 01027
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 413-531-6677
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Main Contact: Susan Downing  Email  (Phone: 413-531-6677)
Spiritual Director: Susan Downing  Email  (Phone: 413-531-6677)
Notes and Events:

Mountain Zendo And Healing Center offers drop-in and group meditation times every day.  The Thursday evening sit is followed by a brief dharma talk.  We work within the Mahayana tradition, but we encourage people of all Buddhist lineages and any other spiritual tradition to make use of our Zendo for meditation, contemplation or reflection.  The schedule of drop-in hours and group sitting times is available on our website,

Mountains & Rivers Order of Zen Buddhism, Auckland Sangha

Address: 717 New North Road Mt Albert   Auckland Auckland 1022
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen, Mountains & Rivers Order
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Spiritual Director: Geoffrey Shugen Arnold Roshi  
Notes and Events:

Monday meditation nights, 7.30-9.00pm, Ponsonby.

Beginner instruction in zazen meditation is offered.

The group also holds regular Sunday morning meditation sessions and weekend retreats and national weeklong sesshin retreats.

For inquiries about sitting with the group, email above.

Mountains and Rivers Order Sitting Group

Address:   Palmerston North Manawatu-Wanganui
Tradition: Mahayana, Mountains and Rivers Order founded by John Daido Loori
Affiliation: Zen in the tradition of John Daido Loori
Phone: (06) 356 8811
E-mail: Peter.Jolly@vets
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Dr: Peter Jolly, MRO  Email  (Phone: (06) 356 8811 )
Spiritual Director: Jeffrey Shugen Arnold Sensei  Email  (Phone: +001 845-688-2228)
Notes and Events:

The Zen Institute of New Zealand (ZENZ) is a national, non-residential Zen Buddhist training organization of the Mountains and Rivers Order (MRO) that provides training and guidance to those interested in practicing Zen Buddhism. Members meet regularly for zazen, intensive retreats (sesshin), and other activities throughout the country. Sitting groups are located in Auckland, Christchurch, Nelson, Wellington, and Manawatu.

The MRO was founder by one of the most influential American Zen Masters, John Daido Loori (1931-2009), and is an organization of associated temples, practice centers and sitting groups in the United States and abroad. The MRO was founded by Daido Roshi in 1980, and is inspired by the teachings of Zen Master Dogen as presented in his "Mountains and Rivers Sutra."

For more information, see

For information about local groups in New Zealand and the group in Palmerston North, Manawatu, see

Mountains and Rivers Order Zen - Nelson

Address: P.O. Box 1086, Nelson NZ   Nelson Nelson
Tradition: Mahayana, ZEN, Mountains & Rivers Order
Affiliation: Soto/Rinzai Zen
Phone: (03) 548-4619
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Spiritual Director: Abbot Geoffrey Shugen Arnold, Sensei  
Notes and Events:

 Daily zazen 6:30 am - 7:30 am
Zazen and Beginning Instruction: Monday evenings, 7:30 - 8:30 pm followed by discussion. Sunday half-day sit on the last Sunday of every month (except December) 5:30 am - 12 pm.

Mountains and Rivers Zen Sangha

Address: 2nd Floor, 71-73 Liverpool Street, Hobart, Tasmania 7000   Hobart TAS 7000
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen, Diamond Sangha lineage
Affiliation: Zen tradition, Diamond Sangha lineage
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Main Contact: Sangha Attendant  Email  
Teacher: Roshi Susan Murphy  
Notes and Events:

Sitting Schedule, either face-to-face or online via zoom or both face-to-face & zoom (hybrid)

Place: City dojo - above Gould’s Naturopathica, 2nd Floor, 71-73 Liverpool St, Hobart.

Wednesdays 12.30 - 1.00pm, face-to face at city dojo

Sundays 09.00am - 11.00am, face-to-face & zoom (hybrid) - formal Zen service on the 1st and 3rd Sundays every month, except on Christmas Day or New Years Day when a sitting day falls on those dates.

(includes, bowing, chanting of Zen verses, zazen (sitting), kinhin (walking) and tea served in the dojo with conversation at 1030am.)

Thursday 6.30 - 7.30pm Zoom only, online at-home.

We do conduct zoom meetings from time to time (5 in 2022) with our three teachers, Roshi Susan Murphy, Sensei Kirk Fisher and Sensei Kynan Sutherland where the teacher gives a teisho (dharma talk) followed by dharma inquiry. We intend to resume a teacher visit(s) to Hobart for 2023. 

Contact us at for further information.

Movement of Buddhist Trust

Address: 53-A, Gandhi Road, Griblespet, Arakkonam-631002   Arakkonam Tamil Nadu 631002
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Dr.Ambedkarism
Phone: +91 9488533660, +91 9443520787
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Spiritual Director: Rev.Bikku Mouriya Methapal  Email  (Phone: 09444510345)
Teacher: K.R.Baskaran  
Main Contact: G.Parthiban  Email  (Phone: 09488533660)
Notes and Events:

The Movement of Buddhist Trust registered on 19-04-2004 is functioning at No : 53-A, Gandhi Road, Griblespet, Arakkonam, Vellore District, Tamilnadu

For the welfare of the poor Free General Medical Camps, Free Optholomology Camps, Awareness Camps for Diabeticians, Free Medical Camps for Testing Blood and Urine to find out Diabetic Complaints etc., are conducted by Movement of Buddhist Trust aforesaid at villages adjoining to this town for permanent solutions to diabeticians, they are trained yogasanas, they are advised to avoid or abstain from tobacco, liquor and intoxicants. Free meals are arranged for poor of the villagers. During natural  calamities such as cyclone, heavy shower of rains, Earthquakes and Ebbing tidal damages of ocean, the affected people are helped.
We have conducted Medical Camp and Free meals distribution on Every Buddha Poornima day at Bagwan Buddha Vihar, Pallur Village near Arakkonam. Every camp Five  Doctors from C.S.I. Hospital, Kanchipuram did voluntary service. Lab Testing facility was also provided. Above 3000 persons attended the camp and benefited. Medicines including vitamin tablets, tonics were distributed, other Medicines were sponsored by C.S.I. Hospital, Kanchipuram. Nearly 500 persons for selected for Eye Cataract surgery and were operated later. The operations and food were provided at free of cost by C.S.I. Hospital and our trust.
We also conduct similar Camps in Kattuppakkam Village, Kilkuppam Village,  Parameswaramangalam village, Takkolam Village, Nemili town near Arakkonam, Ganapathipuram Village & Padappai Village near Kanchipuram etc., here also nearly 8000 persons were attended and benefited.
Our Trust conducted a Diabetic Awareness Camp in Illuppaithandalam village near Arakkonam. In this camp We teach alternate medicine for diabetic ie : Yoga, Meditation & Naturopathy way of treatment to diabetic patients.

We jointly conducted Anti Tobacco Awareness Camp on every World Anti Tobacco Day in Arakkonam, In this Camp create awareness about Mouth cancer occurred due to consumption of drugs and tobaccos. 

As there is no owned place, Free Yoga and Meditation (Dhyana) Classes are conducted at Ponmani Thirumana Mandapam, Arakkonam for the past three years at 05-30 hrs. daily by the Movement of Buddhist Trust, Arakkonam.

Muncie Meditation & Dharma

Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Notes and Events:

Muncie Meditation & Dharma meets every Sunday from 7 pm to 8:30 pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Muncie.

Muni Arana Monastery

Address: Talagala, Horana, Sri Lanka   Horana
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lanka Ramanna Chapter
Affiliation: Jayasumanarama Maha Viharaya Hakmana
Phone: +94-702-498484
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Spiritual Director: Bhante Kotawaye Suseela  (Phone: 070-249-8484)
Notes and Events:

This is a place for meditators. 

Muni Vihara

Address: Inacho Tole, Ward No. 6,On the way to Hanuman Ghat  Bhaktapur Municipality, Bhaktapur District, Bagmati 10200
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: All Nepal Bhikkhu Association
Phone: 977-6616 464
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Bhikkhu : Padam Bahadur (Aloka)  Email  (Phone: 977-1-6616-464)
Bhikkhu: Ghanashyam Gautam (Ananda)  Email  (Phone: 977-1-6616-464)
Main Contact: Bhikkhu Vipassi Thero  Email  (Phone: 977-1-6616-464)
Teacher: Deputy Sanghanayaka Ven. Bhikkhu Aswoghosh Mahathera  
Spiritual Director: Patron His Holiness Somdet Phra Nyanasamvara, Supreme Patriarch of Thailand  Email  (Phone: 66-087-0187-160)
Notes and Events:

5.30-21.00 hrs Various activities -chanting, group meditaion, walk for collecting alms, study, blessings to laymen, preachings etc. those  suitable for a Theravada monks and novices, nuns. Those passed from this training course go to thailand for further training in monk-hood.


Musang Am - Comunità Bodhidharma

Address: Monti San Lorenzo 26   Lerici Liguria 19032
Tradition: Mahayana, Non-Sectarian, Korean Zen (Seon)
Phone: 00393397262753
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Spiritual Director: Tae Hye sunim  Email  (Phone: 00393397262753)
Notes and Events:

The Zen practice of Musang am

Living our daily life in mindfulness, practicing meditation with the community and working cultivating peace in our mind. This is, very shortly, the Zen practice of Musang am.

In harmony with the deep truth according to which there is nothing to attain, the practitioners are trained to live in the present moment without attachment (Dhyana), to realize the pure mind stillness (Samadhi) and to grow their Bodhichitta (compassionate mind of enlightenment).

Practicing like that, we live in simplicity each day of our life.

Muttodaya - Forest Monastery

Address: Kloster Muttodaya Herrnschrot 50 95236 Stammbach Germany  
Tradition: Theravada, western monks Forest tradition of S.E.Asia
Phone: +49 (0)9256 960435 between 7.15 - 7.45 a.m.
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Teacher: Ajahn Cattamalo Bhikkhu  
Notes and Events:

Stammbach is a municipality in the district of Hof in Bavaria in Germany.

The forest monastery is a dwelling place for monks, novices and ordinands. Guests who want to participate in the monastic life and are willing to adapt to the routine and discipline are welcome as the monastic community sees fit.

The monastery is not some kind of spiritual hostel or guesthouse, nor a retreat centre, a seminar centre or a temple serving a particular cultural purpose.

The name “Muttodaya” means Liberated Heart in Pali, the language of early Buddhism. It is a poetic expression of our goal that we are trying to reach. The monks follow the standards of the forest tradition as we can still find it in the Theravada countries (Sri Lanka, Thailand, Burma, Laos, Cambodia). It is not fixed on a specific lineage or a particular master. It should give an opportunity for those who are seriously interested in practising on the basis of the Dhamma-Vinaya.

Myanmar Buddhist Association of Tennessee

Address: 2725 Whites Creek Pike   Nashville TE 37207
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 615-727-9166
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Spiritual Director: Ashin Kavinda  Email  (Phone: 615-727-9166)
Notes and Events:

The Myanmar Buddhist Association of Tennessee (MBAT) is a Theravada Buddhist association and temple that was founded in 2014 as a Tennessee nonprofit corporation. It is now led by the Ven. Ashin Kavinda (Ph.D).

The MBAT is dedicated to promoting mindfulness and understanding within the Buddhist community in Tennessee (both Burmese- and English-speaking) and the larger community of people who share an interest in Buddhism and mindfulness, regardless of faith.

As a charitable organization, the MBAT abides by the rules of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code, and it does not engage in political activities or the promotion of political leaders.

Meeting Times for (English-language) Meditation Practice and Dhamma Talks

 Wednesday (Evening): 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM

 Sunday (Morning): 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM.

Myoko-in Temple

Address: 64535 Columbia River Highway   Deer Island OR 97054
Tradition: Mahayana, Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha (Japanese Pure Land Tradition)
Affiliation: Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha (Nishi Hngwanji)
Phone: 503-880-1498
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Spiritual Director: Rev. Diane Jishin Dunn  Email  (Phone: 503-880-1498)
Notes and Events:

A Japanese Pure Land tradition.  Focusing on Amida Buddha and living a life of gratitude.

Wednesday evening meditation and evening vespers 7:30-8:30pm

Services are held the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month from 2-3:30pm.

Nagarjuna Gumba in Seoul Korea

Address: 483-020 Jung Ang Plaza No.823 721-3  Dongducheon Seoul 483-020
Tradition: Vajrayana
Phone: 82-31-863-2204
Fax: 82-31-862-4226
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Spiritual Director: Urgen Lama  (Phone: 82-31-863-2204)
Notes and Events:

The Tibetan Dharma Center in Korea. Providing Dharma teachings, praying and helping for Migrant workers from Nepal.

Nagloka Foundation of India

Address: A45/2, Airport Authority colony, Sahar road, Andheri(East), Mumbai-99  Mumbai Maharashtra 400 099
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Pureland and Zen
Affiliation: Global Buddhism.
Phone: 09969580687
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Main Contact: Hemant (Nirvan) Shinde  Email  (Phone: 09969580687)
Secretary: Pratham Gaikwad  (Phone: 9920565889)
Vice President: Kapil Pathare  (Phone: 09819180341)
Notes and Events:

Our Youth Organizations Works and Serve in Triple gems, Implementing many dhamma activity Projects especially for young generation. Our aim is to gather youth under the shelter of Dhamma, so that they may learn and practice dhamma for their own betterment and social progress.We try to Propagate all schools of Buddhism. without differentiating. But Our main school of practice is Pureland and Zen.

Nainiwa ZEN Dojo

Address: Asociacion Zen de Zaragoza Cuarte, 83-bajo Zaragoza  Cuarte Zaragoza E50007
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
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Spiritual Director: Dokushô Villalba Roshi  
Notes and Events:

Somos una asociacion sin animo de lucro, que tiene como fines fundacionales la difusion de la practica del budismo zen, tal y como ha sido transmitida por el maestro Dokushô Villalba, promover una cultura de paz y no violencia y el desarrollo integral del ser humano.

Nalanda Institute, Malaysia

Address: 3357, Jalan 18/31, Taman Sri Serdang   Seri Kembangan Selangor 43300
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Nalanda Buddhist Society
Phone: +603-8938-1500, 603-8938-1501, 603-8948-8055
Fax: +603-8938-1502
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Spiritual Director: Dr. Tan Ho Soon  Email  (Phone: +603-8938-1500/1501)
Main Contact: Santi Cheang  Email  (Phone: +603-8938-1500/1501)
Notes and Events:

Nalanda Institute was conceptualised in January 2006 in response to the needs of the Buddhist community to have an institution for proper, systematic and holistic learning of the Buddha-Dhamma in Malaysia. The then Spiritual Advisor to Nalanda Buddhist Society, Venerable Dr K Sri Dhammananda Nayaka Thera gave his unequivocal support to the idea.

The Nalanda Institute was formally established in July 2007. Dr. Tan Ho Soon was appointed the Institute’s Founding Director by Nalanda Buddhist Society. Under its patronage, the Institute provides systematic Buddhist education and serves as a resource centre to the Buddhist community in Malaysia. Its primary focus is on Pāli and Buddhist Studies, Leadership & Management Training, Conferences, Learning Resource Centre and Buddhist Publications.

The Institute offers various courses in Buddhist and Pāli Studies leading to Certificate and Diploma levels, as well as short training courses to enhance leadership and management skills for Buddhist volunteers. All courses are freely available to the public in line with the Institute’s charitable objectives.

Besides its Centre in Selangor, the Institute’s courses have also been held in Kedah, Kelantan, Kuala Lumpur, Sabah and Terengganu, in collaboration with local Buddhist organizations. To date, more than 6,000 participants have benefited from the Institute’s courses, study tours and conferences.

§ Department of Buddhist and Pali Studies
§ Department of Leadership and Management Studies
§ Publications Department
§ Pustaka Nalanda (library)
§ Annual Buddhist Conference (WACANA)
§ Nalanda Awards

§ Study and Educational Tours.

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