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Mahabodhi Vihar

Address: PAGOLU ROAD, CHALLAPALLI,KRISHNA DIST.  Challapalli Andhra Pradesh 521 126
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 0091-9866249972
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MR: MEKA SIVAYYA  (Phone: 0091-8671-222927)
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Mahakankala Buddhist Center

Address: 508 Brinkerhoff Ave.   Santa Barbara CA 93101
Tradition: Vajrayana, New Kadampa Tradition
Affiliation: NKT-IKBU
Phone: 805-563-6000
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Teacher: Kelsang Wangpo  
Spiritual Director: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
Notes and Events:

MBC is a spiritual community dedicated to helping people develop inner peace, a happy mind, and a meaningful life through the practice of meditation.

We have a full range of Buddhist activities, including meditation classes, in-depth study programs, retreats, and empowerments.

Mahakankala Buddhist Center was founded in 1995  by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso while Geshe-la was spending time doing a writing retreat in Santa Barbara.

Mahakaruna Buddhist Center

Address: 304 Petaluma Blvd. N  Petaluma CA 94952
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan
Affiliation: New Kadampa Tradition
Phone: (707) 766-7720
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Teacher: Ace Remas  
Spiritual Director: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
Notes and Events:

Mahakaruna Buddhist Center offers instruction and opportunities to practice Kadampa Buddhism. Kadampa Buddhism is a time-honored tradition that for centuries has made Buddha\'s teachings and meditation practices available to people throughout the world. Kadampa Buddhism is a Mahayana tradition, meaning that our primary meditation is to benefit all living beings.

We offer introductory meditation classes in cities throughout northern California and in Reno, Nevada. We also offer in depth study programs for students committed to studying Dharma. Please see our Locations/Contact page to find class locations. Please see our Calendar to see days and times of classes.

Thank you for your interest in Mahakaruna Buddhist Center. Please contact us if there\'s any way we can assist you in your study of Dharma.

Mahakaruna Kadampa Buddhist Center

Address: 9591 Main Street   Penngrove CA 94951
Tradition: Vajrayana, Mahamudra
Affiliation: New Kadampa Tradition
Phone: 707.766.7720
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Main Contact: Chris Taylor  Email  
Teacher: Kelsang Chogyop  
Spiritual Director: Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
Notes and Events:

We are a Kadampa Buddhist meditation center, located in Penngrove, at 9591 Main St. Penngrove,  Sonoma County, California.  We offer evening,afternoon and Sunday morning meditation classes, weekend courses, meditation retreats, study programs and regular chanted prayers

Mahamevnawa Bhavana Monastery of New Jersey

Address: 513 Elizabeth Ave.   Somerset NJ 08873
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan
Affiliation: Mahamevnawa Budddhist Monastery in Sri Lanka
Phone: +1 484 682 5897
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Spiritual Director: Most Ven.Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thero.  
Notes and Events:

Mahamevnawa is an organization of monasteries established for the sake of spiritual development of human beings through the teachings of the Sakyamuni Buddha who was born in 500 B.C. Our only wish is to give you spiritual help in order to make your mind pure which is useful for the realization of Nibbana: the unbounded liberation. Now we have already established over 34 branch monasteries to give you a more space to practice spiritual life. In this purpose, there are thousands of people who have joined with us to practice this joyful spiritual life together. Now, we have spent 8 years with you, with our pure service. Dear friends, we invite you to taste a drop of our service with us happily. 

Mahamevnawa Buddhist Meditation Centre,

Address: 7 Born Rd   Casuarina WA 6167
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan
Phone: +61 401 805 637 +61 448 468 700
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Mahamevnawa Buddhist Meditation Monastery of Perth (Sri Lankan Buddhist Temple in PertMahamevnawa Buddhist Meditation Monastery of Perth (Sri Lankan Buddhist Temple in Perth) with the sole intention of benefiting Sri Lankans as well as everyone else. Our monthly Sil programs, pirith chantings, Bodhi vandana, Dhatu vandana, for Sri Lankan children, as well as social activities for the betterment of our motherland; are held for Sri Lankan devotees residing in this country. Amongst these services, providing religious advice and guidance for your day-to-day problems is a priority. Through all these means, an invaluable service is provided to residents of Perth.

Mahamevnawa Meditation Monastery of Florida

Address: 11727 N Ola Ave   Tampa 33612
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Mahamevnawa Budddhist Monastery of Sri Lanka
Phone: 8139615296
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thero  
Notes and Events:

The Sunshine Meditation Center (Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery Florida) is a place for everyone, regardless of background or experience, to learn and practice the ancient teachings of the Buddha. You will discover a like-minded community of people who are interested in finding happiness that is not based on endless consuming and accumulating of more and more things. By learning and practicing the teachings of the Buddha, you will gain a peace and happiness that is not tied to the ups and downs of ordinary life.

Here in Florida, the Center is led by monks ordained and trained in the oldest tradition of Buddhism, Theravada. Through their guidance we are able to provide many opportunities for you to learn all of the Buddha’s teachings of mindfulness, meditation, morality, and generosity. We have several meditation activities as well as other chances to learn the teachings.

Mahamevnawa Monastery

Address: Waduwawa, Yatigal-oluwa, Polgahawela, Sri Lanka   Polgahawela North Western
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 0094372244602
Fax: 0094372244602
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Teacher: Bhikkhu Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Maha Thera  
Main Contact: Bhikkhu Mirigama Indawansa  Email  
Spiritual Director: Bhikkhu Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Maha Thera  
Notes and Events:

Mahamevnawa is an organization of monasteries established for the sake of spiritual development of human beings through the teachings of the Sakyamuni Buddha who was born in 500 B.C. Our only wish is to give you spiritual help in order to make your mind pure which is useful for the realization of Nibbana: the unbounded liberation. Now we have already established over 40 branch monasteries to give you a more space to practice spiritual life. In this purpose, there are thousands of people who have joined with us to practice this joyful spiritual life together. Now, we have spent 11 years with you, with our pure service.

Mahamuni Buddhist Society of Cairns

Address: 30 Beatrice Street   Mooroobool Qld 4870
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 0470312141
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Main Contact: Aye Tun Maung  Email  (Phone: )
Notes and Events:


This Mahamuni Buddhist Society of Cairns is a new Theravada monastery. This society is formed by the intention of the distribution of Dhamma. Now, we are accepting the donation to promote the Dhamma.

 We do a lighting festival, and other programs are being planned

Your generosity is warmly appreciated. Thank you. 

Mahamuni Temple

Address: 48, Buddhist Temple Road Nandan Kanan, Chittagong.   Raozan, Chittagong Code 4348
Tradition: Theravada, A great historical Buddhist Temple in Bangladesh.
Affiliation: Theravada Temple
Phone: 639094, 710549 Cell: 0171 65 94 59, 017111 76 09 44
Fax: 880-31-71 14 74
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Spiritual Director: Rev. Avayananda Mahathero  
Notes and Events:

Pertinently, we would like to mention here that in this village, known earlier as Kadalpur, more than about two hundred years ago Venerable Chainga Thakore established an image of Lord Buddha, which resembled famous Mahamuni of Arakan (Akyab) province in neighboring country Burma which is now known as Myanmar. With the establishment of this Buddha image named Mahamuni, the name of the village Kadalpur was renamed Mahamuni and then Mahamuni Pahartali, and thus the history of Mahamuni village started.

Mahapajapati Monastery

Address: 3368 Chapparrosa Road.   Pioneertown CA 92268
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 760-369-0460
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Spiritual Director: Ayya Gunasari  Email  (Phone: 760-369-0460)
Notes and Events:

Mail to : P.O. Box 587, Pioneertown CA 92268 

We have public programs including a morning silent meditation period at 7:30-8:30 AM and an evening program of chanting at 6 PM followed by silent meditation.

Mahapali Vijjalaya - Pali Language Institute of Thailand

Address: Wat Moli Lokayaram   Bangkok Bangkok 10600
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 66992468986
Fax: 6624085749
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MR.: Dhrinyadecha Libha  Email  (Phone: 66992468986)
Notes and Events:

Mahapali Vijjalaya was founded on April 4, 2012 to organize Pali study for lay people. The aim was to make Pali study a tradition for Thai people from all walks of life who may pursue the study at their convenience.

Objectives of the Institute

1. To investigate, design and develop Pali curricula for lay people.
2. To organize Pali study for lay people.
3. To develop a Pali test center with international standard.
4. To develop various information technologies that promote Pali study.

Mahapanya Vidayalai College

Address: 635/1 Thammanoonviti Road   Hat Yai Songkhla 90110
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Mahachulalongkornrajavidayalai University
Phone: 66-74-243558
Fax: 66-74-235307
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Main Contact: Ven. Gyanandra Dewan  Email  (Phone: 0891845462)
Notes and Events:

Mahapanya Vidayalai University (MPV) is a affiliated institute under Mahachulalongkornrajavidayalai University and was founded by the chief patriarch of Anamnikaya, in Collabration with both Mahayana and Theravada Schools of Buddhism in international language for all the students from all over the world those who are interested in studying Buddhism.

Mahasiddha Buddhist Center

Address: 3144 SE Franklin  Portland OR
Tradition: Vajrayana, New Kadampa Tradition Tibetan
Phone: (503) 233.6747
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Teacher: Kadam Heather  
Spiritual Director: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
Notes and Events:

Everybody is welcome at this meditation center, which has classes for all ages. Come learn to meditate during the General Program classes. More experienced meditators can deepen their practice of Dharma on either the Foundation Program or the Teachers\' Training Program. Feel connected to practioners around the world as Mahasiddha Center takes part in regional and international activities with over 1000 NKT centers world-wide who are also part of the International Kadampa Buddhist Union.

Mahasiddha Kadampa Buddhist Centre

Address: 2 Hollings Road Malvern  Durban KwaZulu-Natal 4093
Tradition: Vajrayana, Kadampa
Affiliation: New Kadampa Tradition
Phone: +27 (0)31 4640984
Fax: +27 (0)86 5133476
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Main Contact: Stuart Hepburn  Email  (Phone: +27 (0)31 4640984)
Spiritual Director: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  Email  (Phone: +44 (0)1229 588533)
Teacher: Gen Kelsang Sangdak  
Notes and Events:

The Centres function is to help people solve their daily problems and find inner peace and well-being through meditation practice and Buddhist studies. Here we can listen to, contemplate, and meditate on the teachings of Buddha, showing us how to control our own mind and thus progressively transform our life for the better.

Meditation practice enables us to cultivate a special experience of lasting inner peace which causes harmony, happiness, and creates a feeling of deep well-being.

Kadampa Buddhism is a time-honored tradition that for centuries has made Buddha\\\\\\\'s teachings and meditation practices available to people throughout the world.

Mahasiddha Kadampa Buddhist Centre is based in the beautiful and picturesque suburb of Malvern, close to the city centre of Durban. It is set in an area of outstanding natural beauty and tranquil surroundings.

Mahasiddha Kadampa Meditation Centre

Address: 693 - 695 South Dowling Street  Surry Hills NSW 2010
Tradition: Vajrayana, New Kadampa
Affiliation: Dharmapala Centre, Perth W.A., Kadampa Meditation Centre Australia, Melbourne VIC , Ganden Kadampa Buddhist Centre, Gold Coast, QLD, Losang Dragpa Kadampa Buddhist Centre, Newcastle, NSW
Phone: (02) 9699 9902
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Spiritual Director: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
Teacher: Gen Kelsang Dao  
Notes and Events:

We offer a full program suitable for everyone – whatever their level of interest, from 
those who seek simple relaxation through meditation to those who wish to find lasting
inner peace and contentment through following the Buddhist path.

Mahasthvir Chandramani Buddhist Vihar

Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +91- 9975002491
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Main Contact: PRASHANT JADHAV  Email  (Phone: +91-9975002491)
Notes and Events:

Mahasthvir Chandramani Buddhist Vihar is a registered, non-profit, public charitable trust working towards its objective of Helping People Help Themselves by making the disadvantaged self-reliant and thereby enabling them to lead a life of dignity.

We are a charitable Organization established in 1965 (Regi No: BPT AE/832) with the main objective of reviving the compassionate teachings of the Buddha in the land of its origin, India and to put into practice the precious teachings of the Buddha through selfless service programs.

Our Trust is dedicated for the welfare and happiness of people irrespective of religion, race, colour or sex. Since its very inception the Society has been actively engaged in rendering various spiritual and humanitarian services.

The thought process behind our Buddhist Vihar is that quality education is the only medium that can improve the living standards of the poor people. It is the most powerful tool, which can equip them to make informed and intelligent choices about their lives and in future our Vihar believes that education is the only weapon to fight poverty and truly empower the children who tomorrow will be the face of India.

Mahayana Sutra and Tantra Center, Washington, DC

Address: 5116 Pommeroy Drive  Fairfax VI 22032
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gelugpa Tibetan
Affiliation: Tibetan
Phone: (703)503-5487
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Main Contact: Wilson Hurley  Email  (Phone: (703)503-5487)
Notes and Events:

The Mahayana Sutra and Tantra Center (MSTC) was established in 1975 by the late Hlaramapa Geshe, Khensur Lobsang Tharchin Rinpoche. It was incorporated as a non-profit religious organization dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of Buddhist knowledge (according to the Gelukpa Tibetan Buddhist tradition) in 1980.

MSTC, DC is affiliated with MSTC of Howell, New Jersey. The center’s teaching program includes classes on Buddhist philosophy, mental training (Lojong), Lam Rim, debate, logic, Abhidharma, Madyamaka philosophy, and meditation practices from both Sutra and Tantra traditions. Tibetan language instruction is also available. Weekend retreats are sometimes held.

All of our classes are offered free of charge. The Washington DC center participates in the audio-taping and transcribing of teachings for eventual publication by the Mahayana Sutra and Tantra Press. It also helps in the sponsorship of scholars and orphaned monks of Sermey Monastic University in India.

Mahayana Wish

Tradition: Mahayana, Rime
Affiliation: Rime, Tibetan Buddhist Tradition
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Main Contact: Tenzin Saldron  
Notes and Events:

Mahayana Wish is a daily inspiration for the sake of all sentient beings.

Given as a free-access offering to all people in all places having computer access via the internet.

Created and maintained by a Tibetan Buddhist nun, ordained by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in 2002, daily postings combine original art photography, sentiments, writings and scriptural quotes to benefit, inspire and share.

This effort helps to maintain the daily needs of a practicing nun and others in the Tibetan community throughout India who find themselves in great need of medicine and medical procedures.

Mahindarama Buddhist Temple

Address: 2, Kampar Road, 10460  Pulau Penang, Malaysia.  Pulau Pinang
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan
Phone: (604) 282 5944
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Notes and Events:

Regular Programme: 

• Every Sunday - 9.30am Morning Service, 10am to 12noon Buddha-Dhamma Classes conducted by Mahindarama Pali School, 12.30 Chanting in Pali, 7.30pm Metta Bhavana (Meditation Class)

• Every 1st and 5th Days of Chinese Moon - 7am Observance of Precepts, 11 to 11.30 am Offerings to the Buddha and Sangha, 2 pm Dhamma Sermon, 7.45 pm Bodhi Puja, 8 pm Buddha Puja, 8.30 pm Blessing Service, 8.30 pm Chanting of Parittas.

• Every 8th and 23rd Days of Chinese Moon - 7.30 am Observance of Precepts, 11am Offering to the Buddha, 11.30 am Offering to the Sangha, 2.30 pm Lecture on Buddhism.

• AMATA - free medical and Diabetic Centre. This medical centre is opened to all on Sundays from 10.30 am till 12.30 pm. There are six doctors and eleven pharmacists/nurses serving the centre voluntarily.

Mainstream Mindfulness

Address: 4612 S Schafer Br Road   Spokane 99206
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 509-928-3863
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Teacher: Dori Langevin  
Notes and Events:

Meditations for Heart and Mind
Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm
Meditation, Dharma talk, Q&A.

Daylong and weekend retreats occur through the year.
See website for details

MAITREYA Buddhist Centre

Address: 13 Sea Road, Bexhill East sussex  East Sussex
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan
Affiliation: New Kadampa
Phone: 01424 733761
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Spiritual Director: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
Notes and Events:

  • The centre exists to provide courses in meditation and buddhism to the general public throughout East Sussex.
  • The centres premises in Sea Road, Bexhill are open Monday - Saturday 11.30am-5pm. Meditation classses available in Bexhill, St Leonards, Rye and Hastings. Weekend courses throughout the year. When centre is open, its shop and meditation room is also open.

  • Maitreya Instituut Amsterdam

    Address: Brouwergracht 157-159   Amsterdam Noord-Holland 1015 GG
    Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa
    Affiliation: FPMT
    Phone: +(0031) (0)20 - 4280842
    Fax: +(0031) (0)20 - 4282788
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    Notes and Events:

    Everyone who has an interest in Tibetan Buddhism, who likes to know something about meditation or who is simply curious about our center is more then welcome to drop in. Maitreya Amsterdam mainly focuses on people who know little or nothing about Buddhism, but we also provide more extensive study programs.

    Venerable Kaye Miner is a Buddhist nun and the resident teacher. She teaches during weekends and in the evenings of weekdays on Buddhist philosophy within the FPMT study programs Discovering Buddhism and the Basic Program. One evening per week Venerable Kaye guides a meditation session. All teachings and the Monday night meditations are given in easy to understand English.

    Often a learned Tibetan teacher (a geshe) comes to give teachings and for beginners there is the course Buddhism in a Nutshell or Meditation 1.0.

    Maitreya Amsterdam regularly organises short guided retreats, pujas (Buddhist offering ceremonies) and recitations.

    Also other Tibetan lamas and western teachers regularly teach or guide meditations for beginning as well as advanced students.

    Besides the Buddhist program, other courses such as thangka painting and Tibetan language are organised regularly.

    Our center in Emst with overnight accommodation focusses more on extensive weekend study programs and longer retreats.

    Maitreya Instituut Emst

    Address: Heemhoeveweg 2   Emst Gelderland 8166 HA
    Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa
    Affiliation: FPMT
    Phone: +(31) (0)578 - 661450
    Fax: +(31) (0)578 - 661851
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    Teacher: Geshe Sonam Gyaltsen and Geshe Ngawang Zopa  
    Notes and Events:

    In the middle of the forests of the Veluwe, it is possible to join our study programs in Emst, which usually spread over a series of weekends. Of course, following a separate weekend is always possible.
    The FPMT courses are mainly given by our two fully qualified Tibetan teachers. Besides introductory lectures, Geshe Sonam Gyaltsen teaches the Abridged Masters Program, and Geshe Ngawang Zopa leads the study Basic Program. Both Geshes teach in Tibetan, which is translated into Dutch.
    Senior students teach the Discovering Buddhism course and other introductory courses.
    Furthermore, there are retreats (usually in the summer period) and other activities such as courses in thangka painting

    During courses and retreats, we offer accommodation and vegetarian meals prepared by our professional cook.

    We also have a center in Amsterdam, and regular teachings are organised in Breda, Groningen and Deventer.

    Maitreya Kadampa Buddhist Center

    Address: 85 Sailfish Drive   Atlantic Beach FL 32233
    Tradition: Mahayana
    Affiliation: New Kadampa Tradition
    Phone: 904-222-8531
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    Teacher: Carol Lutker  
    Spiritual Director: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
    Notes and Events:

    Offering weekly meditation classes with teaching and discussion in Jacksonville and St Augustine. Pujas, retreats, workshops. Everyone welcome.

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