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Khyenkong Tharjay New Zealand

Address: 48 Makene Rd RD2 Okaihau   Okaihau, New Zealand 0476
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Kama Kagyu , Rime
Affiliation: Khyenkong Tharjay
Phone: 0210335227
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Teacher: Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche  
Main Contact: terran  Email  (Phone: 0210335227)
Spiritual Director: His Eminence Beru Khyentse Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

 the Khyenkong Tharjay centre was established. His Eminence Beru Khyentse Rinpoche and Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche gave an official name to the centre, taking it under their auspices. The name “Khyenkong” is a combination of two elements: ”Khyen” for “Khyentse”, and “Kong” for “Kongtrul”.  Our mission is to propagate the authentic teachings of the Karma Kagyu Lineage, as well as to work for the Dharma, acting in the power field of His Holiness 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje. With blessing of our noble mentors, we are creating a place for meeting, meditating and discussing with lamas, Rinpoches and khenpos who share their knowledge and experience with us.

Khyoung Dzong

Address: 37 boulevard du 1er mai  Massy Essonne 91300
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingmapa
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Main Contact: Buliard Tashi Pelkyi  Email  
Spiritual Director: Shiva Lodrö Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Khyoung Dzong association organizes the teachings of Chogtrul Shiva Lodrö Rinpoche and gathers his Dharma students, offering supports to the members for their spiritual practice such as texts, translations, cd-roms. Khyoung Dzong proposes also monthly sessions of study and practice of the Nyingmapa lineage of Namkha Khyung Dzong. 

Kidlington Zendo

Address: 23 Osborne Close   Kidlington Oxfordshire OX5 1TU
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 01865 371109
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Main Contact: Michael Pockley  Email  (Phone: 01865 371109)
Teacher: Michael Pockley  
Notes and Events:

This group has migrated to Oxford, although may sometimes meet in Kidlington, particularly next year.

For details, please go to

Kim Cang Tu Vien

Address: 100A Heatherton Road   Narre Warren North Vic 3804
Tradition: Mahayana, Vietnamese
Affiliation: The United Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation in Australia-New Zealand
Phone: 03 87123595 0423.555558
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Teacher: abbot, Venerable Thich Nhuan Chon  
Notes and Events:

Kim Cang Temple was established by the temple’s current abbot, Venerable Thich Nhuan Chon, when his students and supporters purchased the land in 2011. It began to operate as a temple in 2012 after the initial renovations were completed. The local council approved the temple's building permit application in August 2014.

Regular activities at the temple include chanting and meditation sessions on Tuesday and Friday evenings as well as on Sunday mornings, Q&A sessions in Vietnamese on Sundays, an English-language Dharma class on the Six Paramitas on Saturday afternoons, and bi-monthly repentance ceremonies. 

Kim Quang Buddhist Temple

Address: 3119 Alta Arden Expy Sacramento, CA 95825   Sacramento 95825
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: (916) 481-8781
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Notes and Events:

Meditation and Dharma Sharing for English speakers every Friday from 7 - 9 PM.

Kings banner Aci buddhist study group

Address: Morgantown wv area virtual   Morgantown 26505
Tradition: Vajrayana, Aci Buddhism
Affiliation: Aci Buddhism
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Main Contact: Lobsang Dharma Dewa  Email  
Teacher: Sarahni stumpf  
Spiritual Director: Micheal roach  
Notes and Events:

Study group for geshe program. Layship program only those who wish to practice. I am a student as such I completed the geshe program, but I am just a study teacher new to it. So bare with me. I have a minimal practice due to disability. I am mr clean and sweep in life and karma

Kinithulagala Forest Monastery

Address: Bothale Ihalagama   Ambepussa
Tradition: Theravada, Rāma
Affiliation: Śrī Kaḷyāṇī Yogāśrama Saṃsthā
Phone: +94332210141
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Teacher: Ven. Thalgamuwe Sudhirananda Thero  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Thalgamuwe Sudhirananda Thero  
Notes and Events:

A forest monastery and retreat center where Classical Theravada Tipitaka is being taught both for monks and laity. One-day meditation retreats are also held by the monastery mainly in Sinhala medium.


Address:   Bad Gams Steiermark 8524
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Sakyapa
Phone: 0043-3463-22137
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Main Contact: Sungrab Woeser  Email  (Phone: 0043-3463-22137)
Notes and Events:

Vorträge, Studium, Meditation, Veranstaltungen, Beratung, Sterbebegleitung, Trauerbegleitung, Meditatives Bogenschiessen, Termine vor Ort, für Erwachsenen und Kinder, auch für Nicht Buddhisten.

KMC Washington - Anchorage Branch

Address: Visit  Anchorage AK
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan
Affiliation: New Kadampa Tradition
Phone: (907) 250-9454
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Main Contact: Rick Zilinsky  
Teacher: Gen Kelsang Khedrub  
Spiritual Director: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
Notes and Events:

Weekly teachings throughout the year.  Special teaching visits by Gen Khedrub, the Resident Teacher at Kadampa Meditation Center Washington.  Gen Khedrub was ordained in 1995, and explains Buddhas teachings in a simple and practical manner.

Koickalethu Buddhist Temple

Address: Koickalethu, Vetticode(PO) Pallickal, Kattanam Kayamkulam   Alappuzha Kerala 690503
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Notes and Events:


Koickalethu Buddhist Temple is situating at Vetticode in Alappuzha District

Nearest Airport
Kochi (Cochin) 130 Kms
Trivandrum - 125 Kms

Railway Station (Kayamkulam) - 12Kms

Konchok Buddhist Centre

Address: 30 Victoria Road   Narre Warren Vic
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa tradition
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Main Contact: Gloria  (Phone: 0416 444 585)
Spiritual Director: Geshe Konchok Tsering  
Notes and Events:

Founded in 2014 by Geshe Konchok Tsering, Konchok Buddhist Centre provides free teachings on the entire Buddhist Canon following the Gelug Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. The focus of the teachings stem from the Nalanda Buddhist University of ancient India and place the emphasis squarely on the use of logic and reason in developing our Buddhist practice.

The Centre is open to any people who are interested in hearing about Buddhism as well as to those who are already practising.

Konchok Buddhist Centre also aims to engage in charitable activities and support others in any way possible.

Kootenay Shambhala Meditation Centre

Address: 3rd Floor - 444 Baker Street, PO Box 136  Nelson BC V1L 5P7
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan (Kagyü and Nyingma) and Shambhala
Affiliation: Shambhala
Phone: 250-352-5560
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Present leader: Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche  
Founder: Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

The Kootenay Shambhala Meditation Centre is part of an international community of meditation centres founded by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and now led by his son and lineage holder Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche.

Our Centre offers free meditation instruction, a core path of Shambhala Buddhist practice and study, a range of community activities and more—all meant to help people of all kinds awaken their innate wisdom, compassion and sense of delight.

We invite you to join us in celebrating this journey of discovery.

For the latest and most complete informtation about our Centre, please visit:

Korean Buddhist Wonkaksa

Address: 260 Clove Road   Salisbury Mills 12577
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism
Phone: 845-497-2229
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Teacher: Vev. Gikwang  
Notes and Events:

Korean Buddhist Wonkaksa established in 1974 is a first Buddhist temple of Korean Buddhism in east coast of America. It offers meditation classes, traditional Korean chantings and Dharma talks. The temple is located on the beautiful mountains of catskill region of New York State.

Koyasan Buddhist Temple

Address: 342 East 1st Street   Los Angeles CA 90012
Tradition: Mahayana, Shingon Buddhism
Affiliation: Koyasan Shingon-shu, Japan
Phone: (213) 624-1267
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Main Contact: Rev. Keishin Kako, Rev. Koo Kanai, Rev. Ryuzen Hayashi  
Spiritual Director: Bishop Emeritus Taisen Miyata  
Notes and Events:

The Koyasan Buddhist Temple, officially known as "Koyasan Beikoku Betsuin" of Los Angeles, is located in Little Tokyo area near the Civic Center. The Temple belongs to the Koyasan Shingon Mission founded by Kobo-Daishi (774-835 A.D.) and refers to one of the Mahayana Buddhist Schools. The Temple serves as the Koyasan Shingon Mission headquarters for the mainland United States.

Our temple follows Shingon Buddhism, a Vajrayana Buddhist sect that was established by Kobo Daishi (Kukai) at the beginning of the Heian period (9th century) in Japan. This form of Buddhism is also known in Japanese as "mikkyo" (secret teaching) and is one of several streams of practice within the Mahayana Buddhist tradition The word \\\'shingon\\\' means "true words". According to the teachings, enlightenment is not a distant reality that takes eternity to approach but a real possibility within this very life, based on the spiritual potential of every living being.

Koyasan Seizanji Temple

Address: 301 Eastern Valley Way, Middle Cove, NSW 2068   NSW
Tradition: Vajrayana, Koyasan Shingonshu Koyasan Shingonshu(one word) (Japanese Tantric Esoteric Buddism)
Affiliation: Koyasan Shingon Mission of Australia - Seizanji Temple
Phone: (02) 9417 6555
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Founder: Kobo Daishi Kukai  
Spiritual Head: Rev. Washo Saito  
Main Contact: Rev. William Washo Saito  Email  
Spiritual Director: Rev. Washo Saito  
Notes and Events:

Shingon Mikkyo 
Shingon (Mantra), Mikkyo(Esoteric) is a form of Tantric Buddhism introduced to Japan 1300 years ago Kobo Daishi Kukai, who was the only student to acquire all of the teachings of his master Hui Kuo. Since then it has remained an unbroken lineage of teacher and student relationships. Its goal is lo realize enlightenment in this lifetime and lead a productive and benevolent life. Shingon Mikkyo is also known for its healing tradition called Kaji, which is the transference of the Buddha’s grace instilling a sacred peace of mind and increasing ones life force.

Washo Saito is the only Shingon Buddhist Abbot living in Australia and has been teaching Shingon Meditation (Ajikan and Gachirinkan) for a number of years.

Ajikan Meditation
Ajikan is a meditation focusing on the Sanskrit "A" syllable and Gachirinkan a meditation that focuses on the moon. Its benefits include relief from stress and anxiety and attainment of a peaceful mind. This practice is not difficult and requires around 15 minutes a day for beginners. Rev. Washo Saito’s teacher, Rev. Keisho Nagao, before retiring was second in charge of Koyasan Shingon headquarters in Japan.

Meditation Sessions
Sessions are held each Saturday at 11:15am-12:15 pm at The Buddhist Council of NSW headquarters, Level 1, 441 Pacific Highway Crows Nest, ph: (02) 99668893

Practitioners are required to bring a cash donation of their own choosing for the Buddhist Council.

Ksitigarbha Tibetan Buddhist Center

Address: 118 Este Es, Taos   NM
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gelupa lineage of His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Affiliation: FPMT
Phone: (575) 751 1007
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Spiritual Director: Lama Zopa Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Location: Suite f, in Diamond Plaza (across from George\\\'s woodworks)
Taos, New Mexico

We offer regular meditations Tuesday evenings, 6:00-7:00 PM, and teachings Thursday evenings, 6:00-8:00 PM, in addition to other events. Our doors are open to everyone regardless of level of experience with Buddhism. There is no charge to participate.

Kuan Yin Buddhist Temple / Buddha Heart Meditation Center

Address: 465 Jaboneros Street   Binondo Manila 1006
Tradition: Theravada, Mahayana, Vajrayana, Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Dharma Wheel Buddhist Learning Center
Phone: 09267232550
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Main Contact: Rev.Master Co  Email  (Phone: 09267232550)
Teacher: Rev. Master Co  
Spiritual Director: H.E Ven.Master Hsien Tiak  Email  
Notes and Events:

Welcome to Philippine Kuan Yin Buddhist Temple

We offer free Buddhist chanting and meditation class , vegetarian cooking lesson , Buddhist ritual and healing lesson free of charged.

We also offer prayer and blessing for departed one. 

Please do fell free to visit or contact us at :

Kuan Yin Tong / Lotus Charity Center

Address: 150 N. Domingo St., Cubao, Quezon City   1111
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: +632-7267696
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Spiritual Director: Bikshuni Shi Heng Ji  (Phone: +632-7267696)
Notes and Events:

This is a monastic residence for Bhikshunis/Nuns and not generally open to the public except on Sundays for free clinic and dispensary, and the 1st & 15th of the lunar month Dharma assemblies in Hokkien. Please call ahead of time if one wants to visit on other days. 

Kundrolling--The Dzogchen Community in New York

Address: 151 West 30th Street, 4th Fl. New York, NY 10001  Midtown Manhattan NY 10001
Tradition: Vajrayana, Dzogchen, atiyoga. Tibetan
Affiliation: Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche
Phone: (212) 564-1024
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Notes and Events:

We are the students of Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche. He is one of the greatest living teachers of the pinnacle of Tibetan Buddhist Vajrayana teachings, Dzogchen.

We have a rich and varied schedule of events, including group practices, authentic Tibetan Buddhist Yantra Yoga, and weekend practice retreats with qualified teachers in the Dzogchen Community. 

In addition, one can attend the teachings and transmission of Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche at our center via live video webcast. For schedules and more information, please visit and please visit the website of the main North American center in our community,

Kunsang Yeshe Retreat Centre

Address: Escarpments Estate, 33   Katoomba NSW 2780
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa
Affiliation: FPMT
Phone: 02 4782 9308
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Main Contact: Venerable Tencho  
Spiritual Director: Lama Zopa Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

For inquiries about classes or events, contact the Spiritual Program Co-ordinator
email:    Mobile: 0400 711 983

Starting on Wednesday the 22nd of November the weekly meditation class and weekly dharma classes will no longer be run at 137 Narrowneck Road, Katoomba – we will be running all weekly meditation and dharma classes at ‘Escarpments Estate

’Just a 2 minute drive from the Centre in Narrowneck road. We look forward to seeing you! 

Kwan Siang Tng Buddhist Temple VIPASSANA KUSALA ARAMA

Address: 70 Lowland Rd Singapore 547460  
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 62821051
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Spiritual Director: late upasaka pu rem  
Notes and Events:

Chinese Mahayana chantings free funeral chantings and regular chinese chantings with charity to old folks and other dharma temple has statues of Lord Sakyamuni BUddha and Chunti Bodhisattva and Sudhana.Sangha monks and nuns gives dharma talks Wesak day celebrations and management committee celebrates chunti bodhisattva birthdays.

Kwan Um Zen School

Address: Cogels Osylei 20  Berchem Antwerpen 2600
Tradition: Mahayana, Bon-Yo Do-An
Affiliation: Kwan Um School of Zen
Phone: 0496 38 14 13
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Notes and Events:

The Kwan Um School of Zen is an international organization of more than a hundred centers and groups founded by Zen Master Seung Sahn, the first Korean Zen Master to live and teach in the West.  The Schools purpose is to make this practice of Zen Buddhism available to an increasing number of students throughout the world.

The heart of the Kwan Um School of Zen is the daily practice that goes on in its Zen centers and groups, which are spread throughout Europe, North and South America, and Asia.  Students and visitors eat together, work together and meditate together, gradually attaining a clear compassionate mind which moment to moment is able to help all beings.

We offer training in Zen meditation through practical instruction, daily morning and evening practice, public talks, teaching interviews, sittings, retreats and workshops.  Our programs are open to anyone regardless of previous experience and are often offered at no cost.

The founding teacher of our School was Zen Master Seung Sahn, the 78th Patriarch in his line of transmission in the Chogye order of Korean Buddhism.  In 1972 he came to the USA and started the Providence Zen Center, the first in what is now the Kwan Um School of Zen.  He and his students have founded over a hundred temples, centers and groups around the world.

Zen Master Seung Sahn gave transmission to Zen Masters and inka (teaching authority) to senior students called Ji Do Poep Sa Nims or Dharma Masters.  He died on 30th November 2004.

Kwan Yin Chan Lin

Address: 21 lor 25 Geylang Singapore 388299  
Tradition: Mahayana, Chan/Zen
Phone: 63920265
Fax: 63924256
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Spiritual Director: Ven Chi Boon  
Notes and Events:

KYCL Story

Kwan Yin Chan Lin Zen Centre (KYCL) was founded by Venerable Chi Boon in 1991. Its objective is to spread the Buddha’s true teaching so that we may attain our true selves and help all sentient beings to relieve from suffering. By practicing the correct meditation, we can find the correct direction of our lives and attain our true nature. We can also clearly perceive our correct situation, relationship and function at every moment, live in wisdom and compassion, to help our families, our friends, our country and this whole world to gain peace and happiness.

The name of our Zen Centre, “Kwan Yin Chan Lin”, carries a deep meaning. “Kwan” means to perceive and “Yin” means the sound of the world. “Kwan Yin” (in Korean, “Kwan Um”) means to perceive the sound within us, to remove our ignorance, attachment and incorrect mindset, and to practice the correct path. In addition, we should also perceive the sound of all sentient beings and help them to relieve from suffering and gain happiness. “Chan”, which is the Chinese word for Zen, represents simple and pure life. At present days, our lives are becoming more and more complicated, and many sufferings are made as a consequence. Zen practice can help us return to simple life and let our minds return to peace, tranquility, holiness and freedom. “Lin” means many tree. The many trees that make up a forest give it strength, and cannot be blown away by strong wind. “Chan Lin” represents many people practicing together so we can help each other and give each other strength to fulfil the great Buddhist vow.

L.A. Dzogchen Community

Address: Glendale Civic Auditorium 1401 N. Verdugo Road   Glendale CA 91208
Tradition: Dzogchen
Affiliation: Dzogchen Community West Coast
Phone: (323) 696-0108
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Spiritual Director: Chogyal Namkhai Norbu  
Notes and Events:

Ten-zhi Lus-kyi Geg-sel 
(Tib. rten-gzhi-lus-kyi gegs-sel)
For Freeing Illnesses of the Body
From the Dzogchen Upadesha Nyingthig Yazhi Vol 2062:

La Sangha Meditation Retreat House

Address: Loma de la Purisima  San Miguel de Allende Guanajuato 37700
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Mixed, Vipassana, Zen
Fax: 52 415 1559284
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Main Contact: Heidi Testa  Email  (Phone: 52 415 1559291)

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