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Jangchub Gepel Ling

Address: 6834 E Culver Street   Mesa AZ 85207
Tradition: Vajrayana, Drikung Kagyu
Affiliation: Drikung Kagyu
Phone: 480-212-6747
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Spiritual Director: drupon Rinchen dorje  Email  (Phone: 480-212-6747)
Notes and Events:

Jangchub Gepel Ling  Retreat Center is a non profit Buddhist Center 501(c)3 based in Concho, AZ under the spiritual guidance of Venerable Drupon Rinchen Dorjee.

Our monthly Buddhist teachings are held in East  Mesa, AZ

Contact Info

Drikung Kagyu Jangchub Gepel Ling of Mesa, AZ

6834 E Culver Street

Mesa, AZ 85207


Jayasumanarama Maha Viharaya

Address:   Hakmana Southern 81300
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lanka Ramagngna Maha Nikaya
Affiliation: Dahamdeepa Foundation
Phone: +94 41 2286959
E-mail: /
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Spiritual Adviser : Bhante Upali  Email  (Phone: +94 41 2286959)
Spiritual Director: Rev Kotawaye Suseela  Email  (Phone: +9441 2286959)
Notes and Events:

We practice original teachings of the Lord Buddha which was taught 2600 years ago. We conduct meditations sessions, spiritual services, counselling, Sunday Dhamma school for kids, Adults' Dhamma school, all Buddhist customs including funeral rights. Also, we organize social events such as housing projects, charity services, scholarships etc. All are welcome.

Je Tsongkhapa Kadampa Buddhistsenter

Address: Kongens gate 2, 6th floor.   Oslo 0158
Tradition: Vajrayana, Kadampa Lineage
Affiliation: New Kadampa Tradition - International Kadampa Buddhist Union
Phone: (+47) 45 05 19 28
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Teacher: Kelsang Tubchen  
Main Contact: Kelsang Jangdom  
Spiritual Director: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
Notes and Events:

Je Tsongkhapa Kadampa Buddhistsenter offers weekly evening courses, study programs, chanted prayers, day courses, and retreats in meditation and Buddhist philosophy in Oslo. The classes are open to everyone, and no previous experience or knowledge is necessary. Activities take place throughout the year.

For further information, please visit our main website:

Jefferson Tibetan Society

Address: P.O. Box 874 118 Olinda Dr.  Charlottesville VI 22902
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan
Affiliation: Drepung Loseling Monastery
Phone: 434-980-1752
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Teacher: Geshe Jampel Thardo  
Spiritual Director: Geshe Jampel Thardo  
Notes and Events:

Geshe Jampel Thardo is a distinguished Lharampa Geshe (the highest level of learning in Buddhism) from Drepung Loseling Monastery.  Geshe-la, originally from Lhasa, Tibet, traveled to the United States in 1972 at the request of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to teach Buddhism.  He has been the resident Lama of the Jefferson Tibetan Society since 1983.  He has taught numerous Americans the precious Buddhist teachings of compassion, love and wisdom. He has also taught in New York, New Jersey, California and Hawaii among other locations.

Geshe-la exemplifies the ideal H.H. Dalai Lama emphasizes of living a life as a simple Buddhist monk.  His dedication to this ideal and profound pursuit of daily spiritual practice is a great inspiration to his students.  Geshe-la teaches each Wednesday evening, 7:30 to 9:00 pm a the Jefferson Tibetan Society Temple in Charlottesville.

Jeta Grove Meditation Community

Address: 317 Reisterstown Road   Reisterstown MD MD 21136
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Order of Interbeing Thich Nhat Hanh
Phone: 410 429-4041
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Teacher: Michael Goodman  
Main Contact: Michael Goodman  Email  (Phone: 410 429-4041)
Spiritual Director: Thich Nhat Hanh  
Notes and Events:

Michael is a Buddhist Chaplin, instructor, student and fellow traveller on the Path. 

For 30 years Michael has practiced, studied and gave instruction on a variety of meditation techniques.  Michael does not receive nor does he accept any financial compensation to share his practice.  Michael provides instruction freely, simply to help all beings to be free of suffering and at peace.

Jetavana Meditation Center

Address: Seocho-Gu, Bangbae-Dong 882-33 Saeil Building, 3Fl Seoul Korea  137-060
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: (+82) 02-595-5115
Fax: (+82) 02-595-7474
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Notes and Events:

Jetavana Meditation Center started in February 2009 to practice Theravada teachings in the tradition of Pa Auk Sayadaw.

The center is open every day with meditation all day.  There is formal sitting on Saturdays with instruction/interviews, and English dhamma group on Sundays.

Jewel Heart Nebraska

Address: 3100 South 72 Street   Lincoln NE 68506
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa
Affiliation: Jewel Heart (Headquarters, Ann Arbor, MI)
Phone: (402) 467-2719
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Contact: Kent Porter  
Spiritual Director: Gelek Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Concentrated and Analytic Meditation Teachings and Practice according to Buddhist Mahayana and Vajrayana Vehicles.   

Jewel Heart New York

Address: 260 West Broadway #1G New York, New York 10013 (Closest subways are the 1/9 to Franklin and A, C and E to Canal Street) (for information or to be added to our e mail list)   NY
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa
Affiliation: Jewel Heart
Phone: (212) 966-2807 for event details and schedules
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Spiritual Director: Kyabje Gelek Rimpoche  
Notes and Events:

 DEEPENING AWARENESS - The Practice of Mindfulness Meditation

Becoming more aware of our thoughts, feelings and sensations through meditation opens the door to understanding the nature of our mind and how it creates our experience. This course is open to all, but is recommended to follow Creating Space: Clarity and Insight through Meditation. This course will be facilitated by Joan Hurley and Dimitri Ehrlich.

Jhāna retreat_Originary Theravada Buddhism

Address: via poggiaccio 19   dozza Emilia-Romagna 40060
Tradition: Theravada, Pa Auk Sayadaw
Phone: 3339971990
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Teacher: Pa Auk Saydaw  
Main Contact: Andrea Serafino  Email  (Phone: 3339971990)
Spiritual Director: Tina Rasmussen & Stephen Snyder  
Notes and Events:

We follow the original teachings of the Buddha spread by Tina Rasmussen and Stephen Snyder according to Pa Auk Sayadaw tradition; we maintain a scientific, empiric, non ritualistic or sectarian view.

Jhana Grove Meditation Centre

Address: 217 Kingsbury Drive   Serpentine WA 6125
Tradition: Theravada, Ajahn Chah tradition, Thai, Western
Affiliation: Buddhist Society of Western Australia
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Notes and Events:

Jhana Grove Meditation Retreat Centre opened by Geoff Gallop, the former premier of Western Australia on Good Friday 10 April 2009.

Meditation Retreats are held at Jhana Grove. For more info see:

Located 1km from Bodhinyana Buddhist Monastery

Jhana Manggala Meditation Society

Address: Kampung Cikatapis Setu RT 07/ RW 05, Desa Cipayung, Kecamatan Mega Mendung  Bogor Jawa Barat
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: (62-21)6518505
Fax: (62-21)6518506
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Main Contact: Andy S. Wongso  Email  (Phone: (62-81)6780090)
Notes and Events:

With blessing and grant of LORD BUDDHA, since the 1st March 2000, JHANA MANGGALA Meditation Society has built as a non profitable organization who provide the place for the intensive practice of meditation which is completed with facilities and accomodation for universal meditation based on “BUDDHA-TEACHING” without making any difference of sects, ideology or any groups, where Sangha, Buddhist Meditation\\\'s teacher, and Dharma Preacher are kindly invited to use all facilities for :

  1. Meditation and Practice.
  2. Discussion and fully comprehension of Buddha-Teaching.
  3. Ritual and Spiritual activities to practice and develop self-quality.
  4. Buddhist Spiritual Energy Therapy.

Jigme Lingpa Center

Address: PO Box 33231   San Diego CA 92103
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Nyingma, Longchen Nyingthig, Dzogchen
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Notes and Events:

Jigme Lingpa Center is a nonprofit organization led by Lama Lhanang Rinpoche. Our goal is to generate benefit to all sentient beings through the dissemination of the Buddha’s teachings of wisdom and compassion, in order to achieve a sustainable future of peace and harmony for all.

For this, we offer classes, courses, practices and conferences for general public as well as for Tibetan Buddhist practitioners.

Our activities include meditation classes, Anu Yoga, public talks and courses on the various teachings of the Buddha.

Jigme Lingpa Center is Non Profit Religious Corporation, 501 (c) (3).

Jigme Lingpa Center

Address: PO Box 33231   San Diego CA 92103
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Nyingma, Longchen Nyingthig, Dzogchen
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Notes and Events:

Jigme Lingpa Center is a nonprofit organization led by Lama Lhanang Rinpoche. Our goal is to generate benefit to all sentient beings through the dissemination of the Buddha’s teachings of wisdom and compassion, in order to achieve a sustainable future of peace and harmony for all.

For this, we offer classes, courses, practices and conferences for general public as well as for Tibetan Buddhist practitioners.
Our activities include meditation classes, Anu Yoga, public talks and courses on the various teachings of the Buddha.

Jigme Lingpa Center is Non Profit Religious Corporation, 501 (c) (3).

Jigme Lingpa Center Mexico

Address: Obsidiana #20   Tijuana Baja California
Tradition: Vajrayana, Longchen Nyintik
Phone: (664) 6348665
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Main Contact: Maricruz Gomez  Email  (Phone: (664)1979991)
Teacher: Jose Alberto Garcia Butron  
Spiritual Director: Lama Lhanang RInpoche  Email  
Notes and Events:

Weekly Shamata Meditation

Ngondro practice

Chod Practice

Tsok feast for Dakas and Dakinis day

Monthly Powa and Mandarava practice

Study group

Please confirm date and hour

Jikishoan Zen Buddhist Community

Address: PO Box 105, Jamison Centre,   Jamison ACT 2614
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto School - Eihei Dogen Zenji
Affiliation: Jikishoan Zen Buddhist Community Melbourne
Phone: 0427 319378
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Kanji ( Secretary): Vaughan Behncke  Email  (Phone: 0427 319378)
Main Contact: Vaughan Behncke  Email  (Phone: 0427 319378)
Teacher: Ekai Korematsu  
Spiritual Director: Ekai Korematsu  
Notes and Events:

Jikishoan Zen Buddhist Community Canberra is a Bun-in ( sub-temple) of Jikishoan Zen Buddhist Community, Melbourne

Jikishoan Canberra meets every Sunday evening, between 5.15 and 7.30pm for public meditation practice which includes zazen (sitting meditation), kinhin(walking meditation) and bowing practice. Newcomers are always welcome.

The venue for Sunday Sanzenkai (meditation) is the Function Hall, Corroboree Park Community Centre, Paterson Street, Ainslie. ACT.

Jikishoan Canberra also conducts an ongoing series of One Day Meditation Workshops throughout the year. Details of these are posted at the Canberra Group pages of

Jikoji,Centrum voor Shin-Boeddhisme

Address: Pretoriastraat 68  Antwerpen Antwerpen B-2600
Tradition: Mahayana, Pure Land, Jodo Shinshu
Affiliation: Shinran Shonin, Nishi Hongwanji
Phone: +32(0)475 62 78 36
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Teacher: Fons Martens  
Spiritual Director: Fons Martens  
Notes and Events:

Weekly Services Tuesdays 1930h


Quarterly EKO

Jin Shan Temple 高雄金山寺

Address: No 16, Ding Jin 1st Lane, San Ming District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan R.O.C.   Kaohsiung City 807`
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Pure Land
Phone: 0973207598
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Teacher: Shi Yuan Chen  
Spiritual Director: Grand Master Hui Jing  
Main Contact: Shi Tian Song  (Phone: 0973207598)
Notes and Events:

We teach Buddhism, Ayurveda and Yoga

Jizô Zendo

Address: Av. Tarquino Cordero y Cornelio Crespo. Sector Misicata   Cuenca
Tradition: Mahayana, Sanbo Kyodan Zen - Yamada Koun lineage
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Main Contact: Ivan Arizaga  Email  (Phone: 593-7-4075539)
Zen Master: Berta Meneses Cho Sui An  
Notes and Events:

We practice zazen weekly every Wednesday at 7:30 PM until 8:30 PM.  Monthly Zazenkai every third saturday of the month.  Yearly Sesshin every summer around the second or third weekend of July.

Zazen for begginers every month.

Jizoan Zen Centre

Address: Perth   Fremantle WA
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen (Rinzai)
Phone: enquiries by email only
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Notes and Events:

Jizoan Zen Centre a Rinzai Zen Buddhist temple located in Perth Western Australiain the citys South West near the area of Fremantle. Jizoan Zendo is the first full time Rinzai centre in Australia . The centre was established in 1998. Most attendees are Australian with some Japanese also attending, anyone is welcome.

Since 2004 the Centre sponsored a Zazenkai for office workers in the Central Business District in conjunction with the Hyogo Prefectural Centre who provided the location. As of early 2008 this meditation group has been suspended until a new city location is found.
A residential Zen training program is hoped by 2010.

Based in the teachings of Hakuin, Zen practice at Jizoan follows Rinzai tradition of zazen meditation, open daily to public participation.

Daily Zazen periods at Jizoan last 90 minutes followed by tea ceremony known as sarei and a light talk on practice. As with most Zen temples there is no need to enroll in a class.


  • Full day of Zazen meditation and a chance experience rounded healthy life at Zen. temple.
  • During other times of the month other Cultural activities related to Zen such as Flower arranging Ikebana, and Traditional Japanese Martial arts Koryu bujutsu are also held using traditional style rooms at the Centre.
Facility Information
  • Hours of Operation

    Daily Zazen: 7:00pm to 9:00pm
    Sunday  5:00am to 9:00pm
    Open throughout the year.
    Please make an appointment for your  first attendance by telephone or email. Japanese speakers may be available to assist.

    By Bus from Perth Esplanade Busport 940 route, or from Fremantle Train Station 144 route

Jnanasen Buddhist Bhikkhu-Sraman Training & Meditation Centre.(JBC)

Address: Village: Shailerdeva P.O.+P.S.+Sub.Dist.:Ukhiya. Dist:Cox\\\'sBazar. Bangladesh.   Coxs Bazar 4750
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +880342756058/+66875131290
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Main Contact: Ven. Jyoti Sri Bhikkhu  Email  (Phone: +66875131290)
Spiritual Director: Most Venerable Kushalayan Mahathero  Email  (Phone: +880342756058)
Notes and Events:

Jnanasen Buddhist Bhikkhu-Sraman Training & Meditation Center is an ideal national and non-profit Buddhist educational institution in Bangladesh. This Buddhist education center was established by Ven. Kushalayan Thero on 7th January, 2000 A.D. For the development, brightness and protect the Buddhist teaching specially by providing training to the Buddhist monks and novices. In brief, dedicated to preach, protect the Dhamma (Doctrine of Buddha) as well as to educate and help the distress students with Religious and General Education.

Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism

Address: 45 Kyunji-dong Chongno-ku Seoul Korea 110-170  Seoul Seoul 110-170
Tradition: Mahayana, Jogye Order
Phone: 82-2-2011-1833
Fax: 82-2-735-0614
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President: The Most Venerable Ji Kwan  
Spiritual Director: Most Ven. Beop Jeon  
Notes and Events:

Chogye order is the biggest order of Korean Buddhism lasting more than 1,600 years in Korea. I hope many Dharma Friends all over the world will visit our home page on the Internet to find the hidden jewels of Buddhism in the Far-East region.

Hong, Min-suk

Section Chief of International Mission

Team of International Affairs
Dept. of Social Affairs
Korean Buddhist Chogye Order

Jonang Foundation

Address: 182 Howard Street #206   San Francisco CA 94105
Tradition: Vajrayana, Jonang Tibetan Buddhist
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Executive Director: Michael R. Sheehy, Ph.D.  Email  
Notes and Events:

Jonang Foundation is a non-profit organization and online educational resource that supports and promotes understanding of the Jonang Tibetan Buddhist tradition.

We host educational and cultural preservation projects in Tibet, and work with the living Jonang tradition around the world in order to facilitate greater conservation, translation, transmission, and revivification of this little-known lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. Please visit our website ( for the latest updates on our projects and programs, and for information about the Jonang, zhentong, and the Kalachakra.

Jorhat Bauddha Vihar Society

Address: Tocklai, P.O. Rajabari Jarhat (Assam)   Jorhat Assam 785 014
Tradition: Theravada, Magh (Barua) Buddhist
Affiliation: All Assam Buddhists Association
Phone: +91-94350 50261 / +91-8638047282
E-mail: baruah,
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Working President: Mr. Anjan Kumar Baruah  Email  (Phone: +91-94350 50261)
Hon. President : Mr. Jetabon Baruah  (Phone: +91-6000304077)
Main Contact: Mr. Anjan Kumar Baruah  Email  (Phone: +91-94350 50261)
Spiritual Director: Ven Bimaltissa Bhikkhu  (Phone: +91-9101495231)
Notes and Events:

The Objects of the Society are:-

     (i)    To promote, propagate and diffuse the Teachings of Lord Buddha.

     (ii)   To establish, manage & organize educational and social intuition for promotions of useful knowledge, diffusion of comparative socio-religious consciousness and for other allied charitable purposes in service of humanity.

(iii) To collect funds, preserve and administer the Buddha Bihar at Jorhat and the properties-movable immovable that have been or may hereafter be dedicated to or that may have been or may be acquired for or presented to the Buddha Bihar and to deal with and apply the same for furtherance of the objects contained here to.

(iv)  To establish and maintain Libraries, and reading rooms, Dharmashalas, Dispensaries and other Charitable institutions with facilities to general public having faith in or sympathetic towards theTeachings of Lord Buddha.

 (v)  To do the above and all such other things as incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.

(vi)  General Management of the Society shall vest in an Executive Committee elected in conformity with rules framed hereunder.

Jorhat Bauddha Yuva Sangha

Address: Vill: Tocklai buddhist temple, Gar Ali P.O. Rajabari, Dist. Jorhat -785014, Assam   Jorhat Assam 785014
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Sister concern of Jorhat Baudha Bihar Society
Phone: 9613851070
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Baruah: Sumon  Email  (Phone: 919706262271)
Baruah: Binoy  (Phone: 917086011712)
Main Contact: Titon Baruah  Email  (Phone: 9613851070)
Notes and Events:

The name of the Association shall be "Jorhat Bauddha Yuva Sangha" hereinafter referred to as " Sangha" and shall be a sister association of Jorhat Bauddha Bihar Society., the parent organization . it was established in 1986 and registered in dated 18.06.1995 under society Registration Act. XXI of 1860. Its Registered Office at Jorhat Buddhist Temple, Gar Ali, P.O. Rajabari, Jorhat

Jorhat Bauddha Yuva Sangha

Address: Vill: Tocklai buddhist temple, Gar Ali P.O. Rajabari, Dist. Jorhat -785014, Assam   Jorhat Assam 785014
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Sister concern of Jorhat Baudha Bihar Society
Phone: 9613851070
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Main Contact: Titon Baruah  Email  (Phone: 9613851070)
Baruah: Binoy  (Phone: 917086011712)
Baruah: Sumon  Email  (Phone: 919706262271)
Notes and Events:

The name of the Association shall be "Jorhat Bauddha Yuva Sangha" hereinafter referred to as " Sangha" and shall be a sister association of Jorhat Bauddha Bihar Society., the parent organization . it was established in 1986 and registered in dated 18.06.1995 under society Registration Act. XXI of 1860. Its Registered Office at Jorhat Buddhist Temple, Gar Ali, P.O. Rajabari, Jorhat.

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