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Estudio y Meditacion Budista

Tradition: Mahayana, Vajrayana, Guelug-Segyupa
Phone: 54 11 45444351 -
Main Contact: Paola (choepel palmo)  
Teacher: Ven. Segyu Choepel Rinpoche  
Spiritual Director: Venerable Segyu Choepel Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Actividades Regulares 

Estudio de Filosofía Budista
Estos cursos tienen una duración de dos horas por reunión, una vez por semana, y su duración es de un año. Aquí se estudia el Lamrim Extenso, "El Camino Graduado Hacia la Iluminación", escrito por el Gran Tsongkhapa y sus tópicos en gran detalle y profundidad.
Días de Práctica- Sábados 11 hs
Durante estas sesiones formales de meditación se realizan las prácticas de "Shine", la calma mental, recitación de mantras y prácticas de sadhanas específicas tales como las de Tara Verde, plegarias para la liberación rápida del sufrimiento; el Buddha de la Medicina, con práctica de auto-sanación pránica, La Purificación de Vajrasattva, la poderosa práctica de purificación de karma negativo y la Práctica de Chenrezig, Buddha que representa el Gran Amor y Verdadera Compasión de todos los Buddhas.
Prácticas específicas según el calendario budista.
Retiros y pequeños seminarios de fin de semana.
Seminarios cortos
"El Sendero Hacia la Felicidad"
Estos cursos tienen una duración máxima de dos horas por reunión y constan de seis reuniones, una vez a la semana. Se estudian los diferentes tópicos del "Camino Graduado Hacia la Iluminación" dónde se incluyen todas las enseñanzas de Buddha Skakyamuni.
Son cursos para aquellos que desean introducirse a la filosofía budista e inclusive también para aquellos que ya han transitado este sendero anteriormente.
Cada participante obtiene un cuaderno del curso completo para el estudio, contemplación y meditación del mismo.
Día de Shi-ne - Calma Mental
Una actividad mayormente en silencio, con una duración de una hora y media para aquellos interesados en ahondar sus prácticas de introspección, concentración y contemplación.

Eureka Mindfulness

Address: PO Box 6865   Eureka CA 95502
Tradition: Theravada, Vipassana
Phone: 707-269-7044
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Main Contact: Cindee  (Phone: 707-269-7044)
Notes and Events:

 Mail to : PO Box 6865, Eureka, CA 95502      

"Eureka Mindfulness" vipassana meditation and discussion group, second and fourth Weds. 7:15pm, First Christian Church 730 K St., Eureka, CA. Wheelchair accessible, fragrance free, beginners welcome. Info: 707-269-7044.

European Bodhicitta Society Sweden

Address:   Jönköping 55322
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingmapa
Phone: 0703680549
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Main Contact: Xiaoli Nordenankar  (Phone: 0703680549)
Teacher: Yuan Ya  
Spiritual Director: Khenpo So Dargye Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Our study approaches

Based on Khenpo SoDargye\\\'s requirements, the European Bodhicitta Society has set up three study groups, namely: Preliminary practice of Great Perfection (Dzogchen) Study Group, Study Group B, which mainly study Shantideva\\\'s Bodhisattva way of life (Bodhicaryavatara) and a new class introduced in 2012. Beside this, each year, the European Bodhicitta Society will commence new study groups, these include the Preliminary practice of Great Perfection, Pure Land class, and Bodhicaryavatara study group. We also aim to initiate a study group focusing on Vajrayana practice such as Dzogchen, and other classes such as Madhyamika (Middleway) and Pramana (Buddhist Logic).

Our main study approach is by mean of online discussions, which takes place every week. In addition, occasionally, our UK Bodhicitta Socieity also holds some seminars physically. All our studies are managed by Serthar Buddhist Institute. Serthar Buddhist Institute provides learning materials, records our study performance and statistics, arranges lesson plans, organises exams and awards, evaluates the teaching achievements after the end of each semester and issues related certificates and prizes. Moreover, the European Bodhicitta Society is supervised by a specially appointed monastic from the Institute.

European Institute of Applied Buddhism

Address: Foam Burgweg 3 Foam Burgweg 3 D-51545 Waldbröl,   Nordrhein-Westfalen
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +49 (0) 2291 907 1373
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Spiritual Director: Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh  
Notes and Events:

The EIAB offers a complete program of training in concrete methods for using the wealth of the Buddha\'s teachings to relieve suffering and promote happiness and peace in ourselves, our families, our communities and in the world. The EIAB offers a complete program of training in concrete methods for using the wealth of the Buddha\'s teachings to relieve suffering and promote happiness and peace in ourselves, our families, our communities and in the world. The training fully integrates the study of Buddhist texts with concrete applications at all levels of daily life. The training fully integrates the study of Buddhist texts with concrete applications at all levels of daily life.

Under the aegis of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, the world-renowned meditation teacher, scholar and writer, together with senior Dharma teachers in the Plum Village tradition, students of EIAB gain not only a firm grounding in essential Buddhist teachings, but a mastery of their own mind, body, speech and actions through cultivating the art of mindful living. Under the aegis of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, the world-renowned meditation teacher, scholar and writer, together with senior dharma teachers in the Plum Village tradition, not only students of EIAB gain a firm grounding in essential Buddhist teachings, but a mastery of their own mind, body, speech and actions through cultivating the art of mindful living. Specifically, EIAB trains students to apply Buddhist teachings in such a way as to release tensions of the body, reduce bodily stress and pains, and in many cases alleviate not only symptoms but also underlying causes of illness; to look deeply to understand whatever suffering may be in them or around them; to recognize and transform painful feelings and emotions through insight; to use compassionate listening and skillful words to create bridges of real understanding between individuals and also between groups in conflict. Specifically, EIAB trains students to apply Buddhist teachings in such a way as to release tensions of the body, reduce bodily stress and pains, and in many cases alleviate not only symptoms but so underlying causes of illness, to look deeply to understand whatever suffering may conflict to use compassionate listening and skillful words to create real bridges of understanding between individuals and groups so in between; be in them or around them, to recognize and transform painful feelings and emotions through insight.

Evergreen Buddhist Culture Service Pte Ltd

Address: Block 333 Kreta Ayer Road #02-24 Singapore 080333  
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 6220 6360
Fax: 62219284
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Notes and Events:

Evergreen Buddhist Culture Service Pte Ltd is founded in 1979 by a group of Buddhists who are enthusiastic in propagating the teachings of the Buddha. Our aim is to introduce and propagate the dharma teachings through our products and services.
We have the best collection of Chinese and English Buddhist books in Singapore.
Besides books, we provide a wide range of other products which includes CDs, cassettes, Buddha statues, Buddhist pendants, incense, candles, chanting beads,instruments, rosaries, Buddhist monks' robes, bags, shoes and other Buddhist accessories.
To propagate Dharma, we also print & publish selected Chinese/English Buddhist books and sutras for free distributions.
We aim to provide our best products and services to our customers at the most competitive rates. Our net proceeds, after meeting all operating and development expenses, are used to fund Buddhism and charitable activities.
We would like to thank all Buddhist organizations, Venerable and all brothers and sisters in the Dharma for the kind assistance and support rendered to us.
Please browse at your leisure and should you have any enquiries. Please feel free to contact us at tel: (65) 6220 6360
May All Beings Be Well and Happy!

Ewam Sang-ngag Ling

Address: 34574 White Coyote Road PO Box 330  Arlee 59821
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tsasum Lingpa and Namchak, Tibetan
Phone: 406-726-0217
Fax: 406-726-0217
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Main Contact: Devi Zdziebko  Email  (Phone: 406-726-0217)
Spiritual Director: Gochen Tulku Sang-ngang Rinpoche  (Phone: 406-726-0217)
Notes and Events:

We have weekly Tuesday night practice in Arlee at 7 pm.  We hold retreats during the summer and fall months each year.  Please call the center for information on upcoming retreats as the schedule is subject to impermanence. 

We also have a Festival of Peace every September to celebrate and bring awareness to the Magadha Garden of 1,000 Buddhas that Gochen Tulku Rinpoche is building on the land in Arlee.   The 2008 dates is September 7th. 

Fa Yun Chan Temple

Address: 439 8th St.  Oakland CA 94607
Tradition: Mahayana, Chan
Phone: 510-452-8982
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Main Contact: Ven. Xin Xin  Email  (Phone: 510-452-8982)
Teacher: Ven. Xin Xin  
Notes and Events:

Wednesdays, 1-4pm: Chanting the Sutra of Amitabha and recitation of the name of Amitabha Buddha  

Saturdays & Sundays, 2-4 pm: Chanting the Lotus Sutra 

Welcome to join us for our Dharma activities.

Free DVD/VCD's and CD's of Dharma teachings in Chinese and Cantanese to take.

Free books of Buddhist teachings in Chinese and English to take.

Falling Leaf Sangha

Address: 3 Greene Street Alfred, NY 14802   Alfred NY NY 14802
Tradition: Mahayana, Rinzai Zen, Hakuin/Torei lineage
Phone: (607) 587-8152
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Main Contact: Shiju Ben Howard  Email  (Phone: 607-587-8152)
Notes and Events:

Founded in 1998, the Falling Leaf Sangha is a Zen practice group in Alfred, New York. We hold weekly sittings on Sundays from 7:30-8:45 pm in room 301 of the Miller Performing Arts Center on the Alfred University campus.

Our activities include tea meditation, chanting, seated and walking meditation, and recitation. Newcomers are welcome. If you plan to attend, please watch the instructional video at For further information, see

Farmington Valley Insight Meditation & Study Group

Address:   West Simsbury CN 06019
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 860 651-7728
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Main Contact: Kathy Simpson  Email  (Phone: 860 651-7728)
Notes and Events:

We meet biweekly on Thursday evenings for meditation and discussion on the Buddhas teaching.

Fifth Bridge Spiritual Community

Address: Hereford, PA   PA
Tradition: Vajrayana
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Notes and Events:

Red Tara and Chenrezig practice groups. Study & meditation on Heart Sutra.

Firefly Sangha

Address: St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church 3545 Cahaba Valley Road   Indian Springs AL 35124
Tradition: Mahayana, Thich Nhat Hanh
Affiliation: Mindfulness Tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh
Phone: 205-401-7541
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Main Contact: Sharron Mendel  Email  (Phone: 205-401-7541)
Notes and Events:

Sitting, walking, and discussions in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh.

Monday evenings, 7-8:30 p.m.

Visit,,, or for resources, including dharma podcasts and more.

First Zen Institute of America

Address: 113 E. 30th Street  New York NY 10016
Tradition: Mahayana, Rinzai Zen
Phone: (212) 686-2520
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Main Contact: Michael Hotz  
Teacher: from the tradition of Sokei-an Sasaki Zen  
Spiritual Director: Senior Members  
Notes and Events:

First Zen Institute of America founded in 1937
Zazen Meditation and Instruction
Every Wednesday evening from 7:30-9:00 p.m.
Second Saturday monthly All Day Sitting.
Call 212-686-2520 for information

Five World Buddhas Temple

Address: 262 East Main Street   Amsterdam NY 12010
Tradition: Mahayana,
Affiliation: Guang Huan Mi Zong
Phone: 5188531873
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Spiritual Director: Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi  
Main Contact: Elise Miao  Email  
Notes and Events:

Guang Huan Mi Zong Buddhism, founded by Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi, contains the essence of all Buddhist teachings. Its Great Perfection Dharma is the direct lineage of the teaching of Shakyamuni Buddha and is the supreme level of the nine vehicles of Buddhism. With over 2,500 years’ history of exploration and development, it was transmitted through the centuries from master to disciple. Holy Master has simplified the different methods of spiritual practice perfected by the Buddha into one system of cultivation with nine levels culminating in enlightenment, and liberation from suffering.

Guang Huan Mi Zong Health Dharma focuses on establishing increasing levels of mental, physical, and spiritual health, energy, and vitality.

The higher levels of practice involve attaining increasingly deeper levels of mastery in order to benefit others and live a life rooted in the personal realization of Supreme Truth. Holy Ziguang Shang Shi teaches different cultivation methods according to different affinities, root capacity and karma.

Five World Buddhas Temple

The majestic Five World Buddhas Temple was established by Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi in the year 2010 in the city of Amsterdam, New York.

The Temple serves today as the site for Guang Huan Mi Zong Health Dharma classes that have made the timeless message of the Buddha and the profound healing effects of his Secret Dharma openly available for the first time in the West, and the venue for many important Buddhist ceremonies which lead to cultural exchanges between the East and West.

Flinders University Buddhist Chaplaincy

Address: Oasis Multi-Faith Chaplaincy, Flinders University, Sturt Road   Bedford Park SA 5042
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Non-Sectarian
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Main Contact: Reverend George Gatenby  Email  (Phone: 0403 335 721)
Notes and Events:

Notes and Events:

Meditation Tuesdays at 1.30 during term time (including mid-semester break)

You do not have to be an experienced to participate in meditation as instruction is available to new people.

Floating Leaves Lay Sangha

Address: 715 E Sprague Ave Suite 201/202  Spokane WA 99202
Tradition: Mahayana
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Main Contact: Jenny Harrington  Email  
Notes and Events:

Weekly Zazen Sessions:

Tuesday 6:00 pm

 Saturdays 2:00 pm

Practice sessions consist of two 20 minute periods of zazen wdivided by one 10 minute kinhin period.

 Various study groups are scheduled throughout the year.

Flor de Nopal Sangha

Address: 1401 S. Nebraska Avenue  San Juan TX 78589
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: (956) 467-0649
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Web Organizer: Erik Toren  Email  (Phone: (956) 467-0649)
Notes and Events:

We are Buddhists living in Hidalgo County {Rio Grande Valley region), Texas. Hidalgo County emcompasses the principal cities of Mission, McAllen, Edinburg, Pharr, San Juan, Alamo, Donna, Mercedes,Edcouch-Elsa, and Weslaco. Our practice at our meditation meeting is respectful of our different meditational traditions in Buddhism. It is a practice open to Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike and to use this space to reap the benefits from it. It is also a space to talk about our interests and experiences.

Florida Community of Mindfulness

Address: 6501 N. Nebraska Avenue   Tampa 33604
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen
Phone: 813.237.0746
Fax: 813.237.0746
Website: http://www.floridamindfulness.ort
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Spiritual Director: Fred Eppsteiner  Email  (Phone: 813.237.0746)
Main Contact: Angie Parrish  Email  (Phone: 813.237.0747)
Teacher: Fred Eppsteiner  
Notes and Events:

The Florida Community of Mindfulness provides a "home" where people can come to learn and practice the art of meditation and mindful living. As a nurturing and supportive practice community in the Zen Buddhist tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, FCM offers a variety of practice opportunities to support students in their aspiration to cultivate mindfulness and compassion and lead awakened lives. 

Our community was founded by our teacher, Fred Eppsteiner, who received Dharma Transmission (authorization to teach in an authentic lineage descended from the Buddha) from Thich Nhat Hanh after more than four decades of deep study and practice with Buddhist masters in multiple lineages.

FCMs activities include the teaching and practice of mindfulness, meditation and the Dharma (teachings of the Buddha) through weekly group meditation sessions (“sanghas”) and Dharma talks, classes on mind-body awareness and relaxation, monthly days of mindfulness, multi-day retreats; home-study intensives lasting three to six months, workshops offered by FCM’s Mindfulness Institute on the application of mindfulness principles to our everyday lives, and a variety of indoor and outdoor social events for the FCM community. In all of our gatherings and activities, we practice deep listening and loving, mindful speech. Information about all of our programs can be found on our website,

Florida Drikung Dzogchen Community

Address:   Tallahassee FL 32301
Tradition: Vajrayana, Drikung Kagyu linage of Tibetan Buddhism
Affiliation: Lho Ontul Rinpoche
Phone: 850-445-0387
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Main Contact: Ron Erichson  Email  (Phone: 850-445-0387)
Teacher: Lho Ontul Rinpoche  
Spiritual Director: Lho Ontul Rinpoche  Email  
Notes and Events:

Lho Ontul Rinpoche founded the Florida Drikung Dzogchen Community in 2001 to support his transmission of a ten-year program of Drikung Dzogchen teachings.  We meet weekly and on special practice days, and host various teachers throughout the year.

The Florida Drikung Dzogchen Community no longer meets at the Tallahassee Buddhist Community. We now meet for regular meditation practice on Sunday in the lower level of United Church in Tallahassee (UCT). This practice is open to everyone. UCT is located at:

1834 Mahan Drive, Tallahassee FL

FLowering Lotus Meditation & Study Group

Address:   New Orleans LA 70117
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Flowering Lotus Meditation & Retreat Center
Phone: 504-905-4090
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Teacher: Dolores Watson  
Notes and Events:

The Flowering Lotus Meditation & Study Group will begin to meet once a month at Dolores' house in Algiers beginning in the Fall of 2017. Sign up for our email list to receive updates about our monthly sitting group:

We teach and practice vipassana (insight) meditation and study books from prominent Buddhist writers. All are welcomed who wish to learn/practice meditation (walking and sitting).  We also offer monthly retreats at our retreat center in Magnolia, MS, just 1-1/2 hours from New Orleans, Baton Rouge and Jackson, MS.  Donations appreciated.

Flowering Lotus Meditation and Retreat Center

Address: 204 South Clark Street  Magnolia MS 39652
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 504-905-4090
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Main Contact: Dolores Watson  
Spiritual Director: Bhante Buddharakkhita, Spiritual Advisor  
Notes and Events:

Flowering Lotus Meditation and Retreat Center was founded to provide an environment and a variety of opportunities for meditation, spiritual practice, and fellowship in order to nurture peace, healing, diversity, understanding and connection for individuals, their families and the greater society. Our practice follows the teachings of the historical Buddha including the insight that all beings have the potential for awakening. We welcome people of all backgrounds and spiritual paths to practice with us in the pursuit of peace and healing. Our teachers are recognized worldwide for their knowledge of Buddhist teachings and meditation techniques. Meditation, practiced on a regular basis, has been proven to be beneficial physically, psychologically and spiritually. We offer 3-10 day retreats. Retreats are donation-based. We welcome you to come participate in a retreat with us. We offer wholesome, delicious vegetarian meals. Flowering Lotus is available for rental by groups offering healing modalities.

Flowing Rivers Buddhist Practice Group

Address: Room 212 211 Bronson Ave.   Ottawa Ontario
Tradition: Mahayana, Tendai
Affiliation: Tendai Buddhist Institute and Tendai Canada
Phone: 613-836-4063
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Main Contact: Kanzan Don Purchase  Email  (Phone: 613-836-4073)
Teacher: Innen Ray Parchelo  
Spiritual Director: Abbott Monshin Paul Naamon  Email  (Phone: 518-392-7963)
Notes and Events:

Flowing Rivers is an Ottawa area practice group committed to presenting and supporting authentic, skilful and socially responsible Buddhist practice in the Tendai style.

Beginning Sept. 14th 2011 we will be offering a year-round bi-weekly practice space for anyone, regardless of their faith orientation.  We welcome those who wish to learn about and practice in a traditional Dharma environment.

Monthly sessions are alternately lead by Innen Ray Parchelo and Kanzan Don Purchase. Kanzan facilitates practice, while Innen gives Dharma talks and question / answer sessions. Those attending Flowing Rivers are invited to join the Mahasangha sessions at Red Maple

These combine a formal Tendai service, Dharma talk and meditation with a vegetarian brunch.  Usually held on the 3rd Saturday monthly in Renfrew.

Fo Guang Buddhist Temple Boston

Address: 711 Concord Ave, Cambridge, MA 02138   Cambridge MA 02138
Tradition: Mahayana, Humanistic Buddhism
Affiliation: Fo Guang Shan Temple
Phone: (617) 547-6670,
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Jue Qian Shi  Email  
Teacher: Venerable Master Hsing Yun  
Notes and Events:

Fo Guang Buddhist Temple of Boston (FGBTB) is the first temple that Fo Guang Shan Temple established in Massachusetts.  

In 1997, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of FGBT Boston gave a public talk in Billerica with more than 300 people attended and from there they established the Buddha’s Light International Association Boston sub-chapter. 

In 1998 Fo Guang Shan Temple purchased a restaurant located on Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, in between Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to propagate Dharma in Boston. This place was name as the Fo Guang Shan Triple Buddha’s Center (also known as Greater Boston Buddhist Cultural Center (International Buddhist Progress Society)) which in Chinese means the “Harvard, Fo Guang Shan and Buddha’s Light Center” and the opening ceremony was held on January 3, 1999. 

The center was operated as a teahouse and a bookstore; however, the center also includes all kind of interest classes including reading group, English meditation class, Children meditation class, and Dharma with Dinner session etc.  The center services all range of local communities, especially the professors and students from Harvard University and MIT. 

The center also had many interactions with the local Buddhist communities and religious groups.  Due to the growth of the members and also the limitation of the venue, in 2014 Fo Guang Buddhist Temple of Boston has shifted to 711 Concord Ave, Cambridge, MA 01238 to provide a bigger space for propagating Buddhism.

Fo Guang Shan Er-You Temple

Address: 42 Rutland Road, Box Hill, VIC 3128   Vic
Tradition: Mahayana, Humanistic Buddhism pureland Chinese
Affiliation: Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order
Phone: 039590 3996
Fax: 03 98905831
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Teacher: Ven. Miao Yung  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Master Hsing Yun  
Notes and Events:

Open to the Public Tuesday-Sunday from 10am-5pm

The centre consists a Buddha Hall, Exhibition Room, Reading Room & Classroom for Buddhist, education, charity & caltural activities

Weekly Dharma function will be held on every Saturday morning from 10.00am to 12.30pm.

Fo Guang Shan Temple

Address: 280, Guildford Road WA   Maylands, WA 6051
Tradition: Mahayana, Chinese
Affiliation: International Buddhist Association of Western Australia (IBAWA)
Phone: (08) 9371-0048
Fax: (08) 9371-0047
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Teacher: Abbess Venerable Yi Lai  
Spiritual Director: Master Hsing Yun  
Main Contact: Rev. Chu, Natasha Tang  
Notes and Events:

Venue: 280, Guildford Road, Maylands, WA 6051       
   Tuesday to Sunday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
   The centre runs several classes. Please call for specific times.

Fo Guang Shang Buddhist Temple

Address: 2 Harakeke St, Riccarton, Chistchurch 8011 New Zealand Tel: +64 3 341 6276   Christchurch 8011
Tradition: Mahayana, Non-Sectarian
Phone: 03 341 6276
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Spiritual Director: Venerable Master Hsing Yun  
Notes and Events:

Fo Guang Shan Christchurch, is a Buddhist temple conveniently located in Riccarton. Our aim is to promote Humanistic Buddhism to the local community and further afield. Everyone is welcome to come and tour our facility anytime, whether you are Buddhist or not, we are sure you will enjoy your time with us.

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