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Government Services Buddhist Association

Address: 9/2, Sri Siddhartha Passage, Kirillapone Avenue, Colombo 5 Kirulapona Sri Lanka   Colombo
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 0112512667
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Notes and Events:


In relation to Buddhists presently employed in or who were previously employed in the public service:

  • to take action to fulfill the religious, social,cultural and educational needs
  • to establish and develop mutual cooperation
  • to cultivate and foster spiritual development
  • to inculcate and promote the values such as

honesty,efficiency, impartiality and good public relations

To take appropriate action as far as possible in respect of matters affecting those of the Buddhist faith in society.

To work in collaboration with other organisations having objects similar to those of the Association.

To take action for the welfare of the Buddhists in general.

Grafton Peace Pagoda

Address: 87 Crandall Road  Petersburgh NY 12138
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Nipponzan-Myōhōji
Phone: +1 (518) 658-9301. (Please call between 7:00 and 9:00pm)
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Spiritual Director: Jun Yasuda  
Notes and Events:

All are welcome to attend morning and evening meditation/chanting sessions held at the recently completed Japanese style temple on the Pagoda grounds.

Spring & Summer Schedule:

  • 5:00 AM - 6:30 AM
  • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
(During the winter, the morning session begins one hour earlier and the evening session begins one hour later.)

Grand Rapids Buddhist Temple

Address: 156 E Fulton   Grand Rapids MI
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Taego Order
Phone: 616-822-2465
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Main Contact: Deok Wun Sunim  Email  (Phone: 616-822-2465)
Teacher: Deok Wun Sunim  
Spiritual Director: Deok Wun Sunim  Email  (Phone: 616-822-2465)
Notes and Events:

Sunday 10:00am Sunday Service Monday  6:30pm Buddhist-based Addiction Recovery Tuesday & Thursday (45 min) 12:00pm Chanting & meditation 5:30pm Chanting & meditation, except Thursday, which is a public teaching and discussion 3rd Saturday, (Jan – April) 8:00am  Morning of Mindfulness Full Moon Each Month 5:30pm Mantra Chanting Meditation.

Granite Forest Sangha

Address: 501 Constitution Avenue   Perkasie PA 18944
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hahn
Phone: 215-453-9983
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Teacher: Bruce Costa  
Primary Children's Instructor: Barbara Conroy  Email  (Phone: 215-453-9983)
Notes and Events:

Our Sangha is especially supportive of new practitioners, so if you've never even tried meditation before, ours is the place for you. Bringing a pillow, blankets, and/or bolster may make sitting on the floor more comfortable. We have chairs if you prefer to use them. Please arrive a few minutes early, enjoy the bench we made for you to remove your shoes, and enter the practice floor silently, so as to support our friends in their mindfulness efforts.

We meet on the first Monday of each month at 8:30 p.m. You are welcome to contact us via our website or, preferably and if you are a member, through

Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society

Address: P.O. Box 430 Montague Prince Edward Island C0A 1R0   Prince Edward Island
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: +1(902)969-2328
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Notes and Events:

Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society (GEBIS) is a Canadian registered charitable organization which was incorporated in British Columbia, Canada in 2006, and registered in Prince Edward Island in 2008 and in Ontario in 2013.

After a long and wide search for a location in different continents, GEBIS finally arrived at Prince Edward Island, Canada and set up a global platform for advanced Buddhist education. As of the end of year 2013, more than 800 monastics and 3,000 lay practitioners had attended our meditation programs. These practitioners come from all over the world

The mission of GEBIS is to nurture monks and nuns, religious education workers, spiritual counselors, ministers, and preachers of the Buddhist faith for the twenty-first century. We will accomplish this mission through the development of an officially registered educational institute, Moonlight International Academy, offering advanced education guided by the principles of Buddhist teaching.

Great Mountain Zen Center

Address: 2532 County Road 15 South   Berthoud CO 80513
Tradition: Mahayana, White Plum Asangha, Zen Peacemakers
Affiliation: Zen
Phone: 720-971-7553
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Main Contact: Gerry Shishin Wick  Email  
Teacher: Ilia Shinko Perez  
Notes and Events:

Traditional Zen practice daily, with weekend or weeklong retreats every month. In addition, Great Heart practice extends traditional Zen to bring non-judgemental awareness to resolve shadow images, fixed beliefs and negative karma. All sincere seekers are welcome to join.

Great River Tendai Sangha

Address: 4444 Arlington Blvd  Arlington 22204
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Tendai Buddhist Institute (
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Teacher: Rev. Junsen Nettles  
Notes and Events:

Sunday services are at 2402 Mount Vernon Ave (Upstairs) in Alexandria, Virginia. We also meet for meditation at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington in the downstairs chapel on Tuesdays at 7:30 pm.  Teachings and contemplations are also presented on our blog. 

Great River Zendo

Address: 156 Sabino Road   West Bath ME 04530
Tradition: Mahayana, Shunryu Suzuki Soto Zen lineage
Affiliation: San Francisco Zen Center
Phone: (207) 443-4745
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Spiritual Director: Zenshin Tim Buckley  Email  (Phone: (207) 443-4745)
Teacher: Yozen Peter Schneider  
Guest Teacher: Kotatsu John Bailes  Email  
Main Contact: Zenshin  
Notes and Events:

Daily zazen and services, Saturday (West Bath) and Thursday (Portland) talks.

Great Stupa of Universal Compassion

Address: 25 Sandhurst Town Road   Myers Flat Vic 3556
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan Gelugpa
Affiliation: FPMT
Phone: + 61 3 5446 7568
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Main Contact: Ian Green Director  
Spiritual Director: Lama Zopa Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Post: Po Box 869, Maiden Gully, Vic, 3551

 Jade Buddha Website:

Great Vow Zen Monastery

Address: 79640 Quincy Mayger Rd   Clatskanie OR 97016
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen-White Plum (Maezumi Roshi)
Affiliation: Zen Community of Oregon
Phone: 5037280654
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Teachers: Chozen and Hogen Bays  
Main Contact: Kisei Costenbader  Email  
Notes and Events:

Full-time residential Zen practice with a wide range of weekend retreat and workshop offerings. Monthly sesshin. Sunday Public Program 10am

Mail to : P.O. Box 188, Clatskanie 97016 OR

Great Wave Zen Sangha

Address: 608 E. Ludington Avenue   Ludington MI 49431
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen, White Plum line
Phone: 231-843-7116
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Main Contact:  Email  (Phone: 231-843-7116)
Spiritual Director: John Gendo Wolff, Sensei  
Notes and Events:

Located near the shore of Lake Michigan in the city of Ludington, Great Wave is a small Sangha affiliated with the White Plum Asanga, established by Taizan Maezumi Roshi

Orientations to the zendo generally take place 6:00 – 7:20 PM on the last Sunday of each month.  Regular Meditation meetings take place each Thursday and Sunday evening, 7:30-8:30 PM.  Occasional Dharma talks are also offered by resident teacher Gendo Sensei.  Gendo Sensei is also available for speaking engagements and to perform marriages, funerals, and blessings.  Please use the contact form on our website for further information or to make inquiries.

Retreat and other event information is provided on the website at

Great Wisdom Meditation Center

Address: 4303 Division Street  Wayland MI 49348
Tradition: Mahayana, Resident Head Monk: Thai Tue, student of Tich Thanh Tu; Vietnamese Zen
Phone: 616-877-4075
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Thai Tue  
Notes and Events:

Using a unique blend of Vipassana and Zen teachings, Thai Tue helps students understand the true nature of our lives and our suffering.

Teachings in Vietnamese are 11am-1pm Sundays

Teachings in English are 7pm-9pm Sundays.

Green Island Sangha/Community of Mindfulness Long Island

Address: of the Community of Mindfulness/New York Metro 28 Brentwood Road, Bayshore NY 11706   NY
Tradition: Mahayana, The Community of Mindfulness/NY Metro [CMNY]
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Contact: Karen or Jeanne  Email  
Spiritual Director: Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh  
Notes and Events:

The Green Island Sangha is inspired by the teachings and practice of Vietnamese Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh; we belong to the international Sangha which he founded: the Order of Interbeing, a "fourfold community" of lay women and men, nuns and monks. We are a grassroots Sangha, beginners and more experienced practitioners learning from and supporting one other on the path of awakening. We are also a part of The Community of Mindfulness New York Metro.

Our aspiration is to bring mindfulness, concentration, and insight to daily living. During our sessions, we apply the practice of conscious breathing to sitting and walking, as well as communicating with compassionate listening and loving speech. Our gatherings also reflect the values of openness. For example, many members continue to participate within other religious or ethical traditions. We are a Sangha of practitioners from the entire length and breath of Long Island and consider ourselves to be part of a world wide Sangha. Beginners are welcome.

Green Mountain Zen Center

Address: 5014 Sunset Bluff Drive, Huntsville, AL 35803-1941   Huntsville AL 35803-1941
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Zen Master Bomun, Single Flower Sangha
Phone: (256) 426-3344
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Teacher: Bodhin Gary Beard  Email  (Phone: 256 655-9017)
Main Contact: Jim Gordon  Email  (Phone: 256 426-3344)
Teacher: Shogen Jim Gordon  
Spiritual Director: Bomun George Bowman  
Notes and Events:

A Zen group meeting twice weekly, and practicing an ecumenical form of Zen, affiliated with Zen Master Bomun George Bowman and his Single Flower Sangha.  We hold four weekend Sesshin (Zen meditation retreats) per year, with two led by Zen Master Bomun.

Web site:

Groupe de méditation Shambhala de Lyon

Address: Espace Benoist Mary 25, rue des Fossés de Trion   LYON Rhône 69005
Tradition: Vajrayana, Kagyü and Nyingma Lineage
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Founder: Vidyadhara Chogyam Trungpa Rinpotche  
Main Contact: Colette LENOIR  Email  (Phone: 04 78 25 18 67 )
Spiritual Director: Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Le Groupe Shambhala de Lyon propose une soirée hebdomadaire de pratique et d\\\'enseignements, ainsi qu\\\'une journée de pratique (nyinthün) une fois par mois. L\\\'ensemble de ces activités sont ouvertes à tous, débutants y compris.

Groupe de Méditation Zen De Marseille

Address: Résidence Château Sec. Club la Passerelle -10 Traverse de La Gaye - 13009   MARSEILLE 13009
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Zen Sôtô Uchiyama Lineage
Phone: 336 71 74 91 86
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Notes and Events:

Schedule : Every Monday : 6:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

spirit of the teaching :

Zen Meditation or Zazen consists in the practice of a quiet sitting. Thanks to an every-moment-let-go, the mental images which veil the true nature of ones inner being, fade and make way for the very essence of Reality. Stemming from Chinese, then Japanese Buddhism, Zazen does not purport to a philosophical, religious, mystical or ethical system. It is a path for awakening oneself to ones core-reality. The method transmitted here belongs to the Sôtô, which is one of the two main branches of Zen, as taught by Master Kôsho Uchiyama who wanted to cleanse the practice from all ritualistic or religious superfluity. He emphasised the fundamental importance and correctness of the meditative posture.

Grupo Budista de Benito Juarez

Tradition: Mahayana, Budismo Shin de las Americas
Affiliation: North American Shin Association (NASBA)
Main Contact: Sebastián Calo  
Notes and Events:

Nos dedicamos a las enseñanzas del Buda histórico y del reformador religioso del siglo 13, Shinran Shonin, el fundador de budismo Shin o Jodo Shinshu. Además, la tradición iconoclasta y meditativa de Soto Zen nos inspiramos, como un medio eficaz de cultivar mejor un corazón tranquilo y lúcido para oír la luz espiritual dentro de nosotros. También estamos abiertos a todas las tradiciones budistas y a la totalidad de la espiritualidad y de la sabiduría del mundo.

Grupo Budista de Cordoba

Address: Gral. Paz 120 P.10 H Informes: Tienda Esotérica Verde Mente Galería Rex – Loc. 15   Cordoba
Tradition: Mahayana, Shin Buddhism
Affiliation: North American Shin Association (NASBA)
Phone: 0351 – 4113452
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Main Contact: Rodrigo Pedraza Cécere  
Notes and Events:

Esperamos que usted se sienta en casa cuando practicamos juntos. Nuestra comunidad espiritual le ofrece la amistad, aprendizaje, enriquecimiento, servicio y práctica.

Grupo Budista Shin de Sevilla

Tradition: Mahayana, Budismo Shin
Affiliation: North American Shin Association (NASBA)
Phone: 693461730
Main Contact: Victor G.  
Notes and Events:

Nos dedicamos a las enseñanzas del Buda histórico y del reformador religioso del siglo 13, Shinran Shonin, el fundador de budismo Shin o Jodo Shinshu. Además, la tradición iconoclasta y meditativa de Soto Zen nos inspiramos, como un medio eficaz de cultivar mejor un corazón tranquilo y lúcido para oír la luz espiritual dentro de nosotros. También estamos abiertos a todas las tradiciones budistas y a la totalidad de la espiritualidad y de la sabiduría del mundo.

Grupo Vipassana

Address: La Peña / Los Majales   Tarifa Cádiz 11380
Tradition: Theravada, Thai Forest, Goenka, Joseph Goldstein
Phone: +34625662375
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Main Contact: José Manuel Pérez  Email  (Phone: +34625662375)
Notes and Events:

Somos un grupo muy reciente de meditación Vipassana. Nos encontramos todos los jueves a las 20:00 horas en una casa particular a unos 8 kms de Tarifa, para practicar Metta, meditación Vipassana y escuchar charlas mp3 de diferentes profesores/maestros/lamas budistas.

Grupul Budist Calea de Diamant București

Address: Str. Dinicu Golescu 17 bl. F   Bucharest
Tradition: Vajrayana, 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje
Affiliation: Diamond Way Buddhism
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Spiritual Director: Lama Ole Nydahl  
Notes and Events:

Organize weekly (Thursday at 19.00 hour) guided group meditation open to anyone who is genuinely interested in Buddhist meditation. 

Guang Jue Temple

Address: Zaoxi Town, Tian Mu Shan, Zhejiang.  
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 86 57163891830
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Main Contact: Zhi Sheng Shifu  Email  (Phone: 15057128334)
Spiritual Director: Venerable Zheng Rong  (Phone: 86 57163891830)
Notes and Events:

Guang Jue Temple is a temple in the Chinese Pure Land Tradition and is situated in the tranquil mountain surrounds of Tian Mu Shan under the direction of the Venerable Zheng Rong.

Regular retreats are held in English in Meditation, Mindfulness Skills, Naikan and Pure Land Chanting.

Short Course Buddhist Learning Program.

Personal Healing Retreats.

Guests are welcome to stay short or longer term.  There are no fees and only a donation from your heart.

Our full course and retreat program are available at

Inquiries are welcome to the Retreat and Education Director

Guhyasamaja Buddhist Center

Address: 10875 Main St. Unit 108 Fairfax, VA 22030   Centreville, VA VI 20122
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa (FPMT)
Affiliation: FPMT
Phone: 703-774-9692
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Main Contact: Lorne Ladner  Email  (Phone: 703-774-9692)
Teacher: Gyumed Khensur Rinpoche Losang Jampa  
Spiritual Director: Gabe Mata  Email  (Phone: 703-774-9692)
Notes and Events:

The Guhyasamaja Center for Tibetan Buddhist meditation is a community of spiritual friends in the Washington DC area dedicated to the practice of Mahayana Buddhism. Our resident teacher, Gyumed Khensur Rinpoche Lobsang Jampa (Geshe Thinley Topgyal), is a retired abbot of Gyumed Tantric College. We follow the Gelugpa tradition, the same lineage as His Holiness The Dalai Lama. Visiting teachers who have graced the Center in the past include Ven. Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Ven. Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche, and Yangsi Rinpoche.

Our Spiritual Director, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, founded the center in 1994 as part of the worldwide Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition. FPMT is an international family of city and retreat centers, monasteries, publishing houses, hospices, and healing centers established by Lama Yeshe.

Guhyasamaja Buddhist Center

Address: 10875 Main Street. Unit. #108   Fairfax VI 22030
Tradition: Mahayana, Gelug
Affiliation: Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition
Phone: (703) 774-9692
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Spiritual Director: Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

The Guhyasamaja Center is committed to helping all beings fulfill their highest potential — boundless wisdom and compassion inspired by an attitude of universal responsibility. Our primary focus is the exploration of the mind — how to understand and work with our mind to overcome inner causes of suffering and dissatisfaction (such as hatred, greed, and ignorance) while cultivating inner causes of happiness (such as love, compassion, patience, and wisdom).

Whether you are new to Buddhism or a long-time practitioner, the center provides classes from FPMT's carefully designed curriculum and other opportunities to learn and practice, suitable for all levels of interest and experience. Please visit our Classes & Events page for details.

Gulf Coast Dharma

Address:   Pensacola 32504
Tradition: Theravada, Justin Otto
Affiliation: Insight/Vipassana
Phone: 5046717735
Fax: Justin Otto
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Main Contact: Justin Otto  Email  (Phone: 5046717735)
Notes and Events:

Our Sangha meets in person every Monday at 7pm Central time.  Information can be found on our website.

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